why does every movie in the franchise after this one try (and fail) to capture the feel of the first one, why isnt there more action oriented alien fi...

why does every movie in the franchise after this one try (and fail) to capture the feel of the first one, why isnt there more action oriented alien films where the FRICK are the colonial marines?

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  1. 2 years ago

    I liked the setting an actually the xeno in Alien 3.

  2. 2 years ago


  3. 2 years ago

    I have no idea. Most of the games, especially AVP type games, were geared toward the colonial marines. Neil Blomkamp's movie was gonna bring the marines back. I would prefer they make Neil's movie but also a movie out of Alien Isolation. Neither needs Sigourney really and hits the best of the Alien franchise. Instead they're making some strange tv show that's likely going to bomb.

  4. 2 years ago

    It's the Terminator curse of twos

  5. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      This. That's all there is.

    • 2 years ago

      Get rid of Aliens and it's perfect

  6. 2 years ago

    i only keep and rewatch the first one. still waiting for a sequel to be on par or exceed the first one

  7. 2 years ago

    alien 3 directors cut is norf kino

  8. 2 years ago

    Because the original Alien has aged poorly and is kind of cheesy.

  9. 2 years ago

    Some of the nineties comic books can scratch that itch, they're all set in the Aliens period with colonial marines. The later comics incorporate stuff from Prometheus and Covenant, so I didn't bother reading them.

    • 2 years ago

      Yep, exactly. Prometheus is fine and could have been its own thing. But I hate Ridley for connecting it to Alien since it taints everything going forward. It's not anywhere near as interesting. Older Alien stories were way more fun.

  10. 2 years ago

    >It was a bad call, Ripley. A bad call.

    • 2 years ago

      I remember seeing a cut of the film that showed Ripley burst fire the queen in the chest with the pulserifle near the end. Anyone else see that?

    • 2 years ago

      >I thought you were smarter than that, Ripley.

      Now check these fricking company eggdubs...

      • 2 years ago

        >it even has an infrared 3D holographic watermark

    • 2 years ago

      Explain this clip. NoW!

      • 2 years ago

        When Burke was taken, he was cocooned and facehugged. Ripley runs across him, he awakens and begs her to help him. She gives him a grenade.

  11. 2 years ago

    You might be misremembering. Ripley frantically shoots seven or eight aliens trying to attack her during the escape and fires grenades at the queen's eggsack.

    • 2 years ago

      I remember she fired at it and it showed a closeup of the bullets impacting the queen but didn't kill it, so she threatened the eggs instead.

  12. 2 years ago

    >it’s 1991
    >cbs is showing this on a random summer night
    >watching it on the 7” kitchen tv because the one you use for the NES isn’t on the antenna
    >it doesn’t get much better than this
    One of the best nights of my childhood

    • 2 years ago

      I remember my parents made me go to bed and I thought the movie was over because they escaped lv426 with the explosion...

  13. 2 years ago

    It's pretty astounding how badly they frick up the easiest concept

  14. 2 years ago

    Because it would have become a dumb action franchise instead of horror.

  15. 2 years ago

    Alien vs Predator 2 killed the AvP series after the first film was quite successful. Then Ridley Scott basically got control of Alien and he doesn't like Aliens or any of the Alien movies he didn't make, wheras James Cameron thinks AvP is the the third best Alien film. With Scott in control, the Alien films have fixed on philosophy over action, and he can and will block the production of Alien movies that aren't like his ones.

    • 2 years ago

      Ridley Scott is going senile. Prometheus and Covenant are evidence of this. Dude took great canon and destroyed it

      • 2 years ago

        In his defense, Aliens was James Cameron taking Alien and retrofitting Starship Troopers ideas into it. The whole "Bug Hunt" thing is from ST. Cameron reworked Alien's lore to work with this new direction. So Scott was taking Alien back to its roots.

        The problem I have with this is that what Scott ended up doing was making a worse version of AvP. Prometheus borders on and AvP remake, but it has none of the FUN of AvP. It's a joyless, pretentious bore full of characters doing the most moronic shit possible.

        Back in the day, I remember people praising Scott for ignoring AvP. AvP's Weyland was played by Lance Henriksen from Aliens and Alien 3 and Aliens v Predator 2010 (videogame) as well as Aliens Colonial Marines.

        Prometheus cast Guy Pearce instead. This reeked of Ridley Scott 'reclaiming' Alien. One can nitpick Aliens for what it did, but it was absolutely a crowd pleasing move, and moviemaking is at its heart about hitting the balance between pleasing yourself and pleasing the crowd.

    • 2 years ago

      >after the first film was quite successful.
      They're both to blame. People didn't go to see the second one cos the first one was shite. Its a pg13 predator/alien film it should not exist and people felt rightly like they had been tricked so didn't go back to get fricked over again.

      • 2 years ago

        >People didn't go to see the second one cos the first one was shite.
        AvP had a B CinemaScore, which is lower than Aliens, which got an A, but pretty decent for a horror movie. Alien 3 got a C. Alien vs Predator 2 also got a C, indicating significant word of mouth issues.
        >Its a pg13 predator/alien film
        You say that like it's some kind of huge problem. It's not. The uncut version of the movie is absolutely better, but you don't go to see an Alien or a Predator movie for mindless gore. AvP2 was all about that shit, and that's partially why it was an ugly, cruel, mean-spirited movie that nobody likes.

      • 2 years ago

        Absolutely right.

      • 2 years ago

        Why do people seethe so much about movies not being R rated? (A rating that is only relevant in the US because movies just end up rated M everywhere else.) I love Terminator 3, and that film was R rated, and you still had people complain that it wasn't violent enough or something. It feels like a neurosis. I totally get that PG-13 restrictions are limiting, but the original Alien didn't do anything you can't do with a PG-13.

        • 2 years ago

          >the original Alien didn't do anything you can't do with a PG-13
          So, is the original Alien PG-13 or not?

          I think the problem is that you can just feel it, if there's an age restriction in a movie. It's dumbed down, not genuine. Movies should be made for adults in mind, not children. When I was a child in the 80s and 90s, we LOVED violent movies like Robocop and what have you. And no one would want to watch a PG-13 Robocop.

          • 2 years ago

            >So, is the original Alien PG-13 or not?
            PG-13 didn't exist when Alien was made. If they really wanted Alien and Aliens to be PG-13, they just have to be really persuasive. It helps that Xenos aren't human, helps that androids getting ripped apart aren't people and have white blood, and things like that.
            >I think the problem is that you can just feel it
            Terminator 3 is an R and people complain it's not violent enough even though it's absolutely R rated because of things like having human blood spraying all over the walls, which is considered a no-no for PG-13. Terminator 2 doesn't actually do anything that would violate a PG-13 if you really pushed for it. But companies chose not to push for PG-13 because branding the film as R worked better.
            >And no one would want to watch a PG-13 Robocop.
            To be fair, RoboCop was censored significantly to get an R rating. https://www.movie-censorship.com/report.php?ID=3609994
            People still liked RoboCop. I absolutely get what you're saying, but the MPAA are inconsistent as frick. Getting a movie down from R to PG-13 is often a combination of arguing context and maybe cleaning a bit of blood off the walls. Chest bursters are considered fine with a PG-13. What has really happened, though is that modern movies want to be more visceral than 80s movies were while still being PG-13 for the US market, so they have this new kind of violence where it's super brutal and people are being slammed through concrete, but there's no blood, no gore, nothing.

            The Resident Evil movies are all R rated. But they're not particularly gory. And the reason for this is that the production company is German, and they didn't want the films to be banned in Germany. So this is why, for example, the iconic elevator scene in the first RE movie doesn't show a woman losing her head. It's a cut to black. Even the NC-17 cut that was shown to some test audiences didn't have lots of gore.

        • 2 years ago

          >the original Alien didn't do anything you can't do with a PG-13
          So, is the original Alien PG-13 or not?

          I think the problem is that you can just feel it, if there's an age restriction in a movie. It's dumbed down, not genuine. Movies should be made for adults in mind, not children. When I was a child in the 80s and 90s, we LOVED violent movies like Robocop and what have you. And no one would want to watch a PG-13 Robocop.

          >So, is the original Alien PG-13 or not?
          PG-13 didn't exist when Alien was made. If they really wanted Alien and Aliens to be PG-13, they just have to be really persuasive. It helps that Xenos aren't human, helps that androids getting ripped apart aren't people and have white blood, and things like that.
          >I think the problem is that you can just feel it
          Terminator 3 is an R and people complain it's not violent enough even though it's absolutely R rated because of things like having human blood spraying all over the walls, which is considered a no-no for PG-13. Terminator 2 doesn't actually do anything that would violate a PG-13 if you really pushed for it. But companies chose not to push for PG-13 because branding the film as R worked better.
          >And no one would want to watch a PG-13 Robocop.
          To be fair, RoboCop was censored significantly to get an R rating. https://www.movie-censorship.com/report.php?ID=3609994
          People still liked RoboCop. I absolutely get what you're saying, but the MPAA are inconsistent as frick. Getting a movie down from R to PG-13 is often a combination of arguing context and maybe cleaning a bit of blood off the walls. Chest bursters are considered fine with a PG-13. What has really happened, though is that modern movies want to be more visceral than 80s movies were while still being PG-13 for the US market, so they have this new kind of violence where it's super brutal and people are being slammed through concrete, but there's no blood, no gore, nothing.

          The Resident Evil movies are all R rated. But they're not particularly gory. And the reason for this is that the production company is German, and they didn't want the films to be banned in Germany. So this is why, for example, the iconic elevator scene in the first RE movie doesn't show a woman losing her head. It's a cut to black. Even the NC-17 cut that was shown to some test audiences didn't have lots of gore.

          The big problem is that everyone panders to the US market. It's not like they make the movie, and then they make a slightly touched up version to pass US restrictions like how they sometimes digitally remove a little blood to get a lower rating in the UK. No, the US version becomes the baseline version for all regions. A lot of R rated movies get a soft M here in Australia. Not even an MA. But those movies are hand-tuned to the oddities of US ratings systems. Something as simple as whether you can show a man thrusting during a sex scene will take you from PG-13 to R. And I believe it was Roger Ebert who said that the MPAA had hypocritically bowed to pressure because the second to last Twilight movie absolutely broke the rules. The sex scene with Edward and Bella had him thrusting more than the PG-13 rating should have allowed, but the MPAA quietly let it through. Rules for me, not for thee.

  16. 2 years ago

    Alien > Alien 3 Assembly Cut > Aliens

  17. 2 years ago

    If that's what you want, you have Resurrection, the AvP movies, and Covenant.

    Alien 3 tried hard to be more like the first one, but it still had a lot of elements of Aliens left in it. Prometheus is just plain terrible no matter what you are looking for.

  18. 2 years ago

    Rate my Headcanon
    >Predator 2
    >Alien 3

    • 2 years ago

      Just listing existing movies? That's not how "headcanon" works, anon...

  19. 2 years ago

    I don't think they will let this franchise rest long enough where they could do another film in a similar vein as the first film. Everyone knows the beats for the alien, it's boring shit right now. Making a better version of Aliens is entirely possible, but Scott is too up his own dick hole about creating lore rather than atmosphere to make it work.

  20. 2 years ago
    scp foundation- mr. bruh (state: euclid, a bit drunk)

    I guess because, part of the magic of the first movie was not knowing the shape of the Alien. But after the first one that couldn't be. So it's a saga doomed to not shine anymore.

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