Why has Thor been consistently the weakest link in the MCU?

Why has Thor been consistently the weakest link in the MCU?

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  1. 2 years ago

    You've made 4 of these threads, moron.

  2. 2 years ago

    homie, he's the only one with a 4th solo movie

    i mean, dont get me wrong, thor 2 is wicked bad

    • 2 years ago

      Thor 1 and 2 are unironically better than ragnarok.

    • 2 years ago

      >homie, he's the only one with a 4th solo movie
      That's more because the other actors were done and wanted to move on. Hemsworth was practically done but enjoyed Ragnorak so came back.


      Why has Thor been consistently the weakest link in the MCU?

      >Why has Thor been consistently the weakest link in the MCU?
      Refusal to actually go in with the theme or storyline:
      >Basic story, Thor is reckless but learnts to be noble to be king.
      >Movies have avoided this and made him LESS responsible as time went on instead of more.
      >First film was shakespearean melodrama, kind of worked but didn't exactly fit the rest of Phase 1 tone.
      >Second film didn't know what tone to strike and felt messy, ala Iron Man 2.
      >Third film made it entirely a joke. But this gimmick was seemingly praised by people.
      >Wasted supporting cast (Sif, Warriors 3).
      >Odin and history of Asgard constantly watered down (only ever alluded to by Hela, but scenes like Bor killing Malekith's family were cut in Dark World).
      >No depth to any of the actions.
      >Barely ever see all the other realms.
      >Refusal to build Thor up to be King, instead Valkyrie is King.
      >No viking style adventures.
      >Basically ignoreing 90% of the stories they could have done.

      First film is kind of fine as is. Second film should really have had more depth and avoided Earth, instead having a travel via the realms. Third film should have had him finally accept the responsibility of King over his father. Then have the fourth as Ragnorak and him learning things along with it. Instead we have mid life crisis Thor.

  3. 2 years ago

    Why is ~~*RT*~~ not giving ~~*Taika Waititit*~~ better reviews than this ?

    Is it because Thor (white blonde straight male) isn't humiliated enough in the movie ?

    • 2 years ago

      Critics have generally turned on the MCU in the last 18 months, it's quite surprising honestly.

      Is capeshit falling out of fashion?

      • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        They realized that Marvel didn't have an actual plan post-Endgame. MCU now doesn't feel like an event anymore, so there's no point in cutting them as much slack.

  4. 2 years ago

    >sexy charasmatic white guy
    It sells well. And as muxh as israelites want to genocide us they want to keep the good looking ones.

  5. 2 years ago

    Iron Man 2 and 3 sucked.

    • 2 years ago

      Maybe, but RDJ sells the character. Tony is the guy you want to hang out with. Thor is a god and spent his first movies as this high fantasy character. Before they made him into a spacey dudebro.

      • 2 years ago

        Yes, Chris Hemsworth is in "autopilot" and Marvel doesn't know what to do with Thor has a character.

  6. 2 years ago

    their lead actor is a fraud

    • 2 years ago


  7. 2 years ago

    All they had to do was make this a Guardians/Thor movie no Jane, Valkyrie, Korg and a comic accurate Gorr. I mean the MCU was never good but it wasn't so shitty that even the braindead cattle got tired of it.

    • 2 years ago

      They just hate the MCU now because it's trendy to hate the MCU now, they are dumb sheep

      • 2 years ago

        More like WOMAN thor stunk

      • 2 years ago

        It’s pretty obvious a lot of the anti-MCU posts recently are just /misc/ tourists doing culture war shit because conservative talking head told them Disney is a groomer company now because they very superficially acknowledge gay people exist.

        • 2 years ago

          >e-everyone is /misc/
          Anon people have hated Whor for the better part of a decade now, you’re the tourist.

      • 2 years ago

        So you agree BvS was great and the only reason to hate it was because it was the trendy thing to do?

    • 2 years ago

      >All they had to do was make this a Guardians/Thor
      Frick no, the Guardians and Thor together is just too weird and the last thing we need is these random space pirates along with the Norse god of thunder. It should have been Thor, Sif, and the Warriors 3. I still don't get why Taika didn't use them, they were already kinda funny in Thor 1, and they're Thor's best friends. Frick Taika for killing them off, and of course Sif is nowhere to be found. Maybe they can be brought back from Valhalla in Thor 5 or something.

  8. 2 years ago

    Hes not really a superhero; hes a mythology dude and Hollywood doesnt know how to make good epic myth movies anymore, all of the recent ones like Gods of Egypt and The Great Wall have tanked.

  9. 2 years ago

    Hemsworth has hotness but no real charisma

  10. 2 years ago

    the problem is that instead of just adapting Marvel Comics and having the Taika visuals but with a more serious tone from the start, which would've made bank and endeared Thor to normies, they wanted to do a super dark LOTR type thing for Marvel's Thor in the late 00s

    but that type of movie fits mythology Thor better than Marvel Thor. Instead, they took a Shakespeare-ish route by hiring Branagh.

    The family drama stuck, people liked it, Thor was solid, but normies were not huge fans of Thor.

    For Dark World, Game of Thrones was at its height so they got Alan Taylor and tried to do a dark GOT-esque Thor film but it was boring as frick and held back by Perlmutter's Creative Committee

    Ragnarok actually adapts more of the comics than the other two Thor films, shows more love to the comics, but because of the fact that it wasn't written by Taika [he likes to blend wacky and sincere], a lot of the film is improv and it feels like an SNL skit

    it was seen as necessary to not just soft reboot Thor, but to 'toss off' what came before

    Markus/McFeely wrote Thor for the first time in Infinity War, picking up from Ragnarok. Their characters tend to act closer to their comic counterparts anyway, so Thor in that movie is perfectly balanced. He's funny and charming, but he is an ancient god and they don't forget that.

    I know people didn't like Thor being "le butt of the joke" in Endgame but I found him to be pretty in character in Endgame

    all in all it's an identity crisis with Thor caused by trying to find the correct film trend to staple onto Thor instead of just making a weird, out-there Marvel Thor film

    • 2 years ago

      >they wanted to do a super dark LOTR type thing for Marvel's Thor in the late 00s
      Are you serious? You know Thor 1 and Dark World were critiziced for having too much HUMOR, right? That's why people were furious when Taika was hired for Ragnarok, and pissed that Hemsworth said that he wanted Thor to be MORE like the Guardians instead of less

      Ragnarok is nothing like the source material. They make Thor weak and able to be captured by random aliens, have him be a jerk and moronic, and treated Surtur like a joke. Thor wasn't treated like the LOTR of Marvel, but he should have been. It should have been an epic story of exploring the 9 nine realms, building up to and hinting Ragnarok from the first movie, and having each movie be a direct sequel to the last one along with the last Avengers movie. Also, drop the alien and outer space shit, Thor was never mainly about that. He's a god from a mystical realm, not an alien from outer space, and Thor going to space should have been a big deal, fighting Ego the living planet, Galactus, Gorr, and others with the Avengers.

  11. 2 years ago

    I think Hemsworth could shirtlessly rant about Gundam continuity for 2 hours and women would still push the movie gross over a billion dollars.

  12. 2 years ago

    He's too powerful. You can't write compelling stories about him and just have to carry by secondary characters.

  13. 2 years ago

    Thor was always an afterthought to Tony and Steve who they took seriously because they had to be the leaders of the team. That's why they felt comfortable turning Thor into a clown no one will ever take seriously again.

  14. 2 years ago

    Bad direction. He has no character, they don't know what to do with him. He's been a joke his entire movie life.

    • 2 years ago

      Thor should have been the wise grandfather-type character in a young body who imparted wisdom to others in time of need, mostly humans, but still have the boastful young warrior side to him which can quip at times. Just don't have him be a literal oaf.

      • 2 years ago

        He could have been the sort of extremely powerful oaf that people love. Goofy, brash, but ultimately wise and powerful. Instead transitioned from out of water except without the charisma of captain america to dumb quipster except without the team dynamics of starlord

  15. 2 years ago

    friendly reminder that ragnarok is the worst shit ever made and if you like it, you should start taking meds

  16. 2 years ago

    How long till camrip

  17. 2 years ago

    Well at the moment it's probably because they handed Thor over to a dude that wants nothing to do with all the "god" stuff, and couldn't wait to smash Asgard, kill the Warriors Three, etc.

  18. 2 years ago

    That's not fair
    You can't just compare everything to Morbius

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