Why have Japanese productions fallen so far from the 1980s?

Why have Japanese productions fallen so far from the 1980s? Better series, actual good cinematography, idols that are way hotter than modern idols, ability to actually use lighting.
How can Japs look at their 80s shows and not realise something has gone very wrong?

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  1. 6 days ago

    Same thing that happened with regional TV the world over.

    • 6 days ago

      its so true now that i think about it. is it the globalism thing people talk about?

      • 6 days ago

        Yeah it's the literal globohomosexual aka global homogenization

  2. 6 days ago

    The Japanese economy peaked in the 80s. It's been a never ending recession ever since. The excess and indulgence of the 80s is never coming back to Japan.

  3. 6 days ago

    Japan considers 80s to be a lost decade in terms of cinema.

    • 6 days ago

      Simple; their tastes changed.

      In that case the 2010s might as well be a nonexistent decade for their cinema.

  4. 6 days ago

    You can literally blame everything on this Black person and Johnny Kitagawa.
    >Sonny Chiba (A stuntman's stuntman who would nearly get himself killed on a routine basis) retired from running the JAC(Now JAE), one of the premier stuntman guilds in Japan that he personally founded, in the 90s and left it to Osamu Kaneda (picrel) - a stuntman whose history was mostly just hopping off of trampolines and doing filler positions instead of any of his proteges, and Kaneda didn't have Chiba's vision of producing action stars, meaning he wasn't hiring stuntmen who were also skilled actors
    >This contributed to Japanese entertainment's disillusionment with actors who could do stuntwork and action in favor of more glamorous male model actors with little to no action skills
    >Any multi-threat stuntmen/actors fricked off to mainland Asia (Hong Kong, China, Korea) or the U.S. to further their careers or work in more advisory/director roles
    >After a few years, the "waifish prettyboy" archetype of actors surges in popularity as a few J-dramas have these prettyboy actors engage in homoeroticism fuel which just immediately makes money
    >Japanese productions moved from "Self-destructive action" to "Attractive people's drama between each other" which further alienated the 70s-80s Japanese star ideal of being a handsome stuntman with good acting skills, leaning in favor of more archetypically "pretty" actors with modeling and musical skills to couple with their acting instead of action, typically from male idol agencies like Johnny Kitagawa's "Johnny & Associates" or Lespros
    >Ambition and practically-filmed stylishness fall to the wayside because these things don't complement unathletic male models
    This is the reality of it. Anyone who tells you otherwise is simply ignorant or doesn't know.

    • 6 days ago

      Sad. Japan had some of the coolest and unique movies in the 60's and 70's. I've barely scratched the surface but films like Zatoichi, Lone Wolf and Cub, Female Prisoner #701, Stray cat Rock, and the myriad of Sonny Chiba movies could never and will never have an equal in today's world. I'm just glad they exist and there's a record of the amazing film making and storytelling they created.

      • 6 days ago

        Hanzo the Razor is something you might want to look into

        • 6 days ago

          Can’t deny but a character that has a hot tub full of hidden weapons in case he gets attacked by ninjas while he’s fricking his prostitutes is the most based of bases.

        • 6 days ago

          Thanks, anon. I'll check it out for sure. I love Shintaro Katsu.

    • 6 days ago

      Kitagawa was an actual glowBlack person who was also raping all the talent. He probably buttfricked Ultraman Tiga.

    • 6 days ago

      gay pedophiles ruin another industry

      • 6 days ago

        The stupid thing is that I, a European guy who liked collecting Japanese records, knew about the rapes a decade ago. I bought a record by Koji Kita back then. When I tried learning more about the man, the book he wrote in which he detailed the abuse he suffered by Johnny was one of the first things to come up. It wasn't obscure knowledge. It's insane that it took until 2023 for anything to happen to Johnny's, and only after a British television company made a documentary.

        • 6 days ago

          The Japanese would rather burn alive in a house fire than cause a fuss by ringing the fire department.

          • 6 days ago

            this sort of shit isn't exclusive to japan even in american only like one percent of hollywood perverts get outed

        • 6 days ago

          The whole Johnny thing intertwines with the Jap media as a whole which made the whole thing deeply entrenched. All those accusations over the years and it finally "allowed" to blow up just after the guy died, some Jimmy Savile shit.

          • 6 days ago

            >some Jimmy Savile shit.
            which is funny because a recent bbc documentary is what exposed it to people nhk should do one on savile and the lengths bbc went to covering it up

  5. 6 days ago

    You guys make this thread every day.
    Who the frick cared about sukeban outside of Japan in the 20th century? There's some absolute revisionism about Jap shit these days.
    People say shit like 80s/90s anime was so much better but the truth is, almost nobody cared back then.
    Japan will keep making you insecure because it just doesn't follow the west.

    • 6 days ago

      >almost nobody cared back then
      Because it was almost impossible to watch outside of Japan you absolute fricking moron Black person homosexual.

    • 6 days ago

      Holy fricking moron.

  6. 6 days ago

    I only watched the one with Aya Matsuura because I’ve been in love with her since she was a little girl.

  7. 6 days ago

    the 80's (not just in japan) were already the beginning of the end. Cultural exhaustion

    • 6 days ago

      >Cultural exhaustion
      What amazes me personally is the moronism of directors and writers, they will do the 100th remake of the same action-drama-adventures slop than check Internet, see a cool original story (not even a whole universe, just a story) and hire the dude that wrote it.

      Everytime I see a "cinema intellectual" saying Hollywood or national X cinema industry is ruining out of ideas becaus everything was already done, I can only say: Stop the cap.

      • 6 days ago

        >Hollywood or national X cinema industry is ruining out of ideas becaus everything was already done

        This is true though. You could have stopped making films 10 years ago and not much of value would have been lost. Same as music and literature.

        • 6 days ago

          You're right, but I wasn't talking about that, what I tried to say is that there are a lot of ideas and stories that could be done but aren't because "muh political correctness" or "muh quatrimestral revenues" or "muh mainstream audience dont laik".

          • 6 days ago

            there aren't a lot of ideas and stories to be done anymore because there isn't a surge to draw from
            art is like life, it comes in cycles and eras, you can make something that is good but not everlasting

            • 6 days ago

              Exactly. It's just like trying to make a western or smaurai movie now. You can do a good one but it's just not the time for it, there was a time where that was really craved and you can make it authentically with no homage or subversion.

              And the public consciousness kept evolving, sci-fi, cyberpunk, Hong Kong action films, Sandal and Sword, camp, kitsch, slice of life, Dogme 95 as a reaction to the state of cinema, Wong Kar Wai aesthetic inspired by MTV. A lot of cool artistic movement born through authentic circumstances with authentic cultural movements driving them.

              There's nothing genuine or authentic now. The chain of public conciousness/aesthetic evolution is broken, we lost that momentum and you can just spin the machine back up. Does what I am saying make sense?

              • 6 days ago

                A big war is needed for cultural renewal, both in the literal and metaphorical sense. No more big wars => cultural stagnation

              • 6 days ago

                We would just be forcing it. Humanity should just accept its death and that there's nothing to do anymore.
                Crazy that all that suffering and struggle in human history was building up to this. No great meaning whatsoever, just emptiness.

          • 6 days ago

            >ideas and stories that could be done but aren't because

            I don't know about that. We got adaptations of Dune and it barely made an impact because audiences have been saturated.
            As a general trend science fiction is saturated and people are tired of it, it's just not part of the zeitgesit anymore and the question is what came to replace it? nothing because the zeitgesit now is lame.

            You can make a good movie today but you can't make a truly great one.

      • 6 days ago

        >writers and directors have the freedom to decide what gets made and what doesn’t

        Hey moron, I can’t believe I have to spoon feed this to you but the people who decide that are studio executives and the people handling the financing. Who always want guarantees that the movie will generate profit, hence they almost always get the final word on who gets cast and what projects move forward. And something that is familiar and already proven to be successful or has brand recognition is always going to get them to say yes over something new and untested. Plus directors and especially writers need to get paid same as everyone else so often you just accept any job you get because you’re only remembered for your last movie and work quickly dries up if you make flops.

        The actual creatives are always looking to weird niche projects but it usually takes years of fighting to get anything they are interested in be made because a) only a fool invests their own money because a flop means you’re bankrupt and b) the only way any big budget projects filmed is to find yourself in the rare situation where you’re so hot at the box office that studios will happily okay whatever you want to do next.

        Martin Scorsese has had to struggle for countless years to get some of his projects made and he’s a multiple academy award nominee/winner with several genuine classics under his belt. He’s an icon. If it’s hard for him how hard do you think it is someone with less hits and prestige, dummy?

  8. 6 days ago

    Bushy Japanese 1980s Hair

    • 6 days ago

      80s Idols are so hot it's unreal. No idea why the style changed to much from this. It's the tan and more natural makeup, eyes as well.

      • 6 days ago

        thank god for the internet, these can be always kept
        if i ever make it out there, this is what kept me going

        • 6 days ago
  9. 6 days ago

    i was born in thr 80s and Im in my 40s. these idols will be in their 60s now.
    the idols that i loved in the early 2000s are 40 now too

    • 6 days ago

      Yes anon that's how time works

    • 6 days ago

      She was so fricking sexy when she was a teenager.

  10. 6 days ago

    I love Yusaku Matsuda

    • 6 days ago

      For me it's Takeshi Kitano

    • 6 days ago

      They say Spike Spiegel was based on him but I’ve never seen the series I’d imagine it’s hard to find in English subtitles?

    • 6 days ago

      The family game is my favorite of his
      there's also one wher ehe robs a bank and is a maniac with ptsd
      abosulet kino

  11. 6 days ago

    Ironically mainstream critics used to say Japanese cinema felt in a rot during the 80s and it was all unwatchable garbage.

    • 6 days ago

      Compared to the 50s-60s yeah it's commercial garbage. Same thing with American cinema when you compare 80s to 70s and before, but even old mediocre movies are good for today's standards

      • 6 days ago

        Ironically mainstream critics used to say Japanese cinema felt in a rot during the 80s and it was all unwatchable garbage.

        Looks good. Where's the issue?

        • 6 days ago

          that's really grim. it's all anime

        • 6 days ago

          Ok now do the chart for 50's or 60's and see how they compare.

          • 6 days ago

            the 80s list is better to me. Their cinema was just outpacing the ability of critics to adapt, it's not the jidaigekis and dramas they are used to. Their animation still outpaces critics. EoE should be regarded next to Orson Welles and Kubrick if critics weren't moronic.

        • 6 days ago

          >japanese film
          they mixed japanese up with israeli

          • 6 days ago

            A jap dude worked on the effects, its why it's so crazy

            • 6 days ago

              I thought he was too but apparently he's a israeli flip

    • 6 days ago

      >slight downgrade from previous decades
      >unwatchable garbage
      lmao "mainstream critics" bet they love the shit that's being churned out today

  12. 6 days ago

    It's almost as if they've been in a recession since the early 90s or something.

  13. 6 days ago

    I stand by my claim that Erika Sawajiri is peak Japanese beauty

    • 6 days ago

      >Half Algerian

    • 6 days ago

      i hate americans so fukcing much

  14. 6 days ago

    No money

  15. 6 days ago

    Plaza Accords

  16. 6 days ago

    lmao what the frick

    • 6 days ago

      holy kino

  17. 6 days ago

    What I don't get is why all the lighting is so flat and sterile in modern Japanese dramas and shows, it's like they don't want a single shadow to exist. From reading what Japanese audiences have said about it as well, they hate it and think modern shows look like ass

  18. 6 days ago

    Is there a translation for this floating around somewhere?

    • 6 days ago

      nvm, found something

  19. 6 days ago

    >from the 1980s
    80s era was considered garbage
    unless you think movies like back to the future are actual cinema

  20. 6 days ago
  21. 6 days ago

    80s anime had so much more nudity.

  22. 6 days ago
  23. 6 days ago

    Yusaku Matsuda Kino


    • 6 days ago

      For me it's Takeshi Kitano but based nontheless

      >slight downgrade from previous decades
      >unwatchable garbage
      lmao "mainstream critics" bet they love the shit that's being churned out today

      they were too spoiled back then. If anything it was too kino for them and they didn't know what to do with it. To this day critics don't what to do with animation and anime.
      Imo anime hasn't gotten its due for all the kino it produced

  24. 6 days ago

    Western Police 'Seibu Keisatsu' (TV Series)



    • 6 days ago

      Western Police 'Seibu Keisatsu' (TV Series)

  25. 6 days ago

    why is 80s Japan some of yhe best of 80s cool?

    • 6 days ago

      it's the greatest society in history

    • 6 days ago

      City pop aesthetic

    • 6 days ago

      Their economy was doing great and they were not as suicidal

  26. 6 days ago

    you are scared of watching jp tv so you don't know there are very beautiful celebrities right now

  27. 6 days ago

    Every country and every era has good and bad movies, and we tend to focus only on the bad movies and blame a particular era.

  28. 6 days ago

    I don't care what you say. This is still my favorite series.

  29. 6 days ago

    I won't hear anyone talk shit about sukeban deka

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