Why was Korra such a jobber?

Why was Korra such a jobber?

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  1. 2 years ago

    They wanted to avoid making her a Mary Sue, which is stupid, the lores already established, it's ok for the fricking avatar to kick ass, or since they hadn't properly planned out the seasons, they forgot to give her some cool wins.

    • 2 years ago

      They gave her a shitload of out of nowhere and asspull wins to compensate her very few losses.

      Hey remember when she suddenly got airbending after having her bending removed completely and literally not having been able to do airbending period as of 3 minutes before it happened? That was neat.
      Say, remember that time she touched a tree and suddenly became a kaiju even though she had explicitly lost the Avatar powers and NOBODY ELSE did it even though they were all there and apparently that giant glowing center is unrelated to the Avatar State? That was something.
      Then there was the literal god from above coming down to hand her the W against a big dark kaiju just so she didn't have to work too hard at it, she'd had a big day.
      Hey remember when they planned to make her go into the Avatar state to kill her but apparently weren't aware chains couldn't hold her? That was something.

      Every time she loses one thing the universe apparently feels so bad it defies reality to fix it and make sure she wins no matter how little she actually puts towards it. This would be like if instead of a rock helping fix a broken chi point, Aang literally just started bending as strong as the Avatar State out of fricking nowhere. Who cares if you contradicted that the entire season, time to fricking win! Don't worry a ghost will fix you, or you yell at a ghost until you're fixed, either or!

      • 2 years ago

        >hey remember
        >say remember

        Yeah I’m not reading that.

        • 2 years ago

          It takes alot of work to explain why you're very stupid.

          • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago


  2. 2 years ago

    Worf Syndrome.

    • 2 years ago
  3. 2 years ago

    It's funny to me people complaining about her being a mary sue when she constantly got beat and made things worse. I guess she does usually get an eleventh hour win but it's almost like they were very conscious of writing her as a mary sue so they swing in the opposite direction and made her suck shit in every opportunity then win when it really matters.

    • 2 years ago

      >. I guess she does usually get an eleventh hour win
      Yeah and it never makes any sense, so it makes her seem like even more of a Mary Sue because she never even earns it, the universe just breaks its own rules to hand herself a W. We spend an entire season showing why she can't use Airbending, then she just does when she shouldn't have any bending period. We spend a whole season talking about the connection between Avatar and the blue kite, and then she just gets a fricking giant form from a tree- oh and that entire thing is a massive plothole because the entire human population of the Avatar universe at that point lived on turtles and almost never came down but then either a bunch of monks did and then wrote it down and nothing else, or a bunch of monks meditated in the spirit realm where a massive angry ass evil kite was and nobody thought to mention said massive fricking evil kite. They were even in the room the damn Kite was being kept in!
      Oh and then she gets poisoned but its okay she gets out and just does regular Avatar State stuff anyway, no need for tension!
      And finally just beating the leader means a fricking army goes "Whelp, time to go home everyone!" Mid invasion, twice!

      Maybe instead of some barebones losses in the middle like any protagonist goes through, ask how many times Luffy lost to Kaido in this one arc, they should focus more on not pulling out of nowhere a new powerup so she can win like Luffy against Kaido-waitshitfrick

    • 2 years ago

      She’s a Mary Sue in that she gets everything handed to her but also a jobber at the same time which makes her insufferable

  4. 2 years ago

    Water tribe was made to job

    • 2 years ago

      the biggest jobber in the series isnt water tribe

      • 2 years ago

        Pic unrelated.

  5. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago


  6. 2 years ago

    It still baffles me that some random earthbender and dude that recently unlocked airbending gave Korra more troubles than a fricking Satan himself

    • 2 years ago

      >Zaheer is higher than Zuko

      • 2 years ago

        But he is.

        • 2 years ago

          Zaheer was kind of a moron and was shitting the bed against Tenzin until Ming-Hua? Or whatever name that water tribe b***h had scoped him out of nowhere
          Why's there not that bloodbender Aang had to beat or Boiling Rock Warden on that list btw? I mean, last one is jobber but a minor antagonist I guess and the first one didnt need a gay comet to fight the Avatar.

      • 2 years ago

        I think this is a villain tier list, not a general character thread.

        • 2 years ago

          Then Zaheer should be at the bottom

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah. They should've thought about a season 3 earlier instead of making it an afterthought.

    • 2 years ago

      I was always bummed that the lieutenant got no development considering the sendoff he got.
      If he lived he could have been primed to walk in and take over the equalizers but the showrunners were done with the idea so no one was allowed to think about it anymore

  7. 2 years ago

    She's actually kinda stupid.

  8. 2 years ago

    By that point, there was very little fight left in her.

  9. 2 years ago

    Korra never actually wins any fights in this stupid show.
    One of the worst cartoon protags ever.

  10. 2 years ago

    She lost the combined powers of all previous avatars and now gets her powers from a deflated kite

  11. 2 years ago

    I think they made her too strong and capable in concept so they keep having get her ass beat and humiliated and traumatized to compensate for a boring and overpowered character.

    • 2 years ago

      Counterpoint if korra was overpowered it would make sense lore wise coming off of the strongest avatar aang.
      She learned all the elements at a very young age except for air because plot reasons.
      To hell with that, if they had korra know air and be a master bender in all styles at season one it could've created a very interesting story because the villans would all need to be on par with her to compensate.
      Thus creating an entertaining scenario for hour heros to interact with every episode.

      • 2 years ago

        I always thought that Korra should be practically invincible in combat, but impulsive and vulnerable to being outmaneuvered or tricked. That would set up a clear path for character development and would allow some badass action scenes.

        • 2 years ago

          >Spend an entire season learning airbending forms
          >Make a whole point about instinctively doing the forms in pro-bending once
          >Proceeds to just punch the air like a fricktarded firebender
          >It actually fricking works

          I'll never forgive how they downplayed the importance of the martial art element of bending.

          • 2 years ago

            Remember how the Avatar State in TLA was this absurdly powerful force of nature in human form and Aang couldn't control it after going on an elaborate vision quest because he would have to give up all earthly attachements? Then Korra supposedly got complete control of it for free and used it for a little boost in wind ball racing with the kids.

            • 2 years ago

              They wrote themselves into a corner at the end of S1 with de-bending and energy bending and shit. Linking energy bending and the avatar state was a mistake. Clearly they didn't think ahead and just wanted to end on her finally getting her glowy eyes. They should've then downplayed her control over the avatar state in S2, but instead they doubled down on it for some reason. At times I wonder if there was a gas leak in the studio during the production of S2.

            • 2 years ago

              I always liked to think Korra has an immense amount of talent but is too stupid to utilize it. You know, like a martial art autist. She’s great at inventing new techniques but can’t for the life of her win a fight. Too good natured. An Avatar like her should’ve just rested in the temple and never gotten involved, but the fact that Aang ended a hundred year war put a lot of pressure on her to take action. Her heart was never in any of those fight and it definitely shows by the third season.

              • 2 years ago

                Water Avatars are so fricking lazy.

              • 2 years ago

                I like to think they’re misunderstood.

              • 2 years ago

                Korra is more of a fire Avatar. She doesn't have any of the chill of her people and is quick to use fire at any opprotunity

              • 2 years ago

                I feel like there was some idea in the writer's room about giving characters personalities that oppose their element, but then they never really went anywhere with it.

                >Korra is (naturally) a waterbender, but is short-tempered and brash like a firebender
                >Mako is a firebender, but is cool-headed and adaptable like a waterbender
                >Bolin is an earthbender, but is whimsical and mercurial like an airbender
                >Tenzin is an airbender, but is stern and grounded like an earthbender

              • 2 years ago

                They have the personality of who they frick. Salami's from the Fire Nation right? I don't really remember.

  12. 2 years ago

    Lack of creativity at causing dramatic tension.

  13. 2 years ago

    Because Korra doing a job is the fastest, laziest way to establish a villain's threat level. And they did it every season.

  14. 2 years ago

    Honestly, I blame it on Korra's conception as a character being that she's mastered all the elements at 17 but one as the initial hook. Even ignoring how TLOK buffed bending, that alone is absolutely insane for a main character in the Avatar setting. It took a lifetime to master the elements fully for all Avatars minus Aang (who had destiny on his side), and a master of more than one element is something that basically steamrolls any tension, especially with a character at such a young age.

    So, my guess is that Bryke felt like they had to make her lose to compensate. Unfortunately, it's ruined by the fact that every time it happens, Korra is rendered helpless and submissive (which goes against her character as someone who doesn't fold), which just makes the entire thing feel incredibly rape-y, robs Korra of agency on a structural level/turns her into a plot device, makes Korra look downright pathetic and weak compared to the cast of ATLA or even her own cast, and is used as a surrogate for actual development. It also doesn't help that TLOK went forward with the idea of the Avatar being obsolete in the face of a changing world, which effectively made Korra even more useless.

    • 2 years ago

      My suggestion is that they should have made it so Korra was a lot more spoiled and impacted by her upbringing - Korra doesn't start off as a baby thinking I'M THE AVATAR AND YOU GOTTA DEAL WITH IT, she's inadvertently groomed to believe she's the queen of shit mountain, but unlike canon, she tends to succeed in her efforts and thinks she's better than she actually is. Nevertheless, her stubborn charisma, her willingness to try what seems interesting to her, and her refusal to give up even in the face of doom carries her as a character. Despite that, she can be incredibly narrow minded and rude.

      like Joseph joestar..

  15. 2 years ago

    They wanted korra to suck

    • 2 years ago

      So do I.

  16. 2 years ago

    The other problem is that they didn't really think of Korra as much of a character beyond her initial conception. This is a similar problem she and Aang share as despite the Avatar concept being criminally suited for an effective and meaningful character arc, they get shunted to being static/flat arcs and relatively passive or ineffective in terms of motivation or goals, usually used for set pieces or as plot devices the story reacts to.

  17. 2 years ago

    Her character arc was supposed to be about learning humility and achieving inner balance. The problem is that they decided to teach her humility by kicking her to the curb. Except she would just b***h or cry about it for a little bit and then drag herself back up to her feet right in time to get her ass kicked again. The lesson didn't stick until season 4, so most of the show is spent watching Korra failing to meaningfully progress.
    It's just tiresome to watch.

  18. 2 years ago

    Imagine how good it must have felt to suck the Raava juice out of your jobber niece

  19. 2 years ago

    They wanted LOK to be a more adult show and part of that meant Korra couldn't always win just because she was the protagonist, but they went way too hard with that angle. Pretty much all of her antagonists were put a step above her while she had one kicked out from underneath her.
    >be a martial arts and bending prodigy but be so isolated from the rest of the world you're incapable of dealing with a specific type of fighting style, also the guy you're trying to fight basically has psychic powers and can control your body
    >be immediately hit with the character regression button at the start of book 2 and this time you're up against satan
    >finally get to go batshit avatar state on the third guy but oopsie he poisoned you so you run out of steam before you can give him a beatdown, also he can FLY
    >first fight against your last opponent happens after you've spent three years barely training after experiencing heavy trauma so of course you lose
    >final fight of the series involves a stupid giant robot
    For all the shit Cinemaphile gives her I almost get the impression Bryke on some level never liked her either. I will say Korra vs Tarrlok was an amazing fight and a good example of what Korra CAN do without just giving her an "I win because I'm the protagonist" card.

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