Why was the greatest show to ever exist cancelled?

Why was the greatest show to ever exist cancelled?

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  1. 10 months ago

    It got too real for adult swim.

  2. 10 months ago

    Nobody watched it. Even a few years ago when I tried to start discussions about it on Cinemaphile barely anyone replied. Only very recently did the YouTube algorithm bless it and give it some attention.

    • 10 months ago

      You're very wrong. I only discovered this show like 15 years ago on this board. Quit projecting your own algorithm onto us

    • 10 months ago

      People don't talk about it because it's good. That's the problem with Cinemaphile. Discussions only last if we hate it.

    • 10 months ago

      Nice zoomer history revisionism. Next you're going to say no one on Cinemaphile knew who Emily Youcis was until tiktok's algorithm randomly started getting kids into alfred alfer

  3. 10 months ago

    It's weird people act like this show was a goddamn masterpiece when it has some of the most goofy and blatantly lame anti- religion storylines with no subtlety or nuance. You all seem to forget episodes where Morel literally impregnates the entire town so he didn't waste his seed. A couple good episodes way too late to make a difference does not a masterpiece make.

    • 10 months ago

      >the most devout and good Christian gets the best ending
      It was not a criticism of faith, it was a criticism of fundamentalism and misuse and abuse of the power religion can have.

      • 10 months ago

        way to completely miss the fricking point, dipshit.
        Do you also think Dungeons & Dragons is satanic?

        It had a really slow start. The first several episodes were kind of a facile 1950's leave it to beaver meets the real world which was funny for the commercials this concept came from, but wore itself out pretty quickly in the context of a show.
        It did eventually get real and was able to strike a really delicate balance between absurd humor, socio-political critique, and real-ass dramatic/heartwarming moments, but by that point I think a lot of people had already mentally compartmentalized the show as being what it started out as and they just weren't watching.

        Aside from that, there was a lot of pressure from religious morons like who see facets of religious people being portrayed in non-positive contexts, and they freak out because they're too stupid to understand the nuance of the message. At it's heart, Morel Orel wasn't a critique on religion at all, but commentary on how facets of religion are used by manipulative and often flawed people to advance a personal non-religious agenda. A more receptive mind might see that the message of the show is that God is everywhere (including the seedy places that are often shunned by hypocritical dogmatic morons).

        Morel Orel was a slow burn, but it had to be that way. Had they jumped into the real shit right away it would have felt preachy. This goes to show that sometimes shows really *need* time to set up back story, history, and expectations, so all of that can be manipulated later on. Unfortunately in the age where things need to be pulling in spongebob numbers from go or they will get cancelled and vaulted forever, this sort of patient storytelling is an underappreciated art.

        >Hur dur you're just an offended Christian.
        Wow homosexuals way to not read my entire post I honestly considered leaving the "anti-christian" portion out of my statement because morons like you would think I'm some hardcore Christian for merely calling out the lack of nuance. The point is that Morel Orel was a stupid shitty comedy with Mr Pickles level writing and edginess and only became something good in the last season when it decided to actually do something worthwhile with a more dramatic and serious tone. Its why no one discusses the First Season because it is absolute Trash. You can't just disregard that season either as it completely hinders the later seasons impact because of how over the top and silly it is by comparison. Morel Orel is literally two completely different shows stitched together and it shows. It's not a masterpiece in anyway. It is a very flawed show that would have benefitted from just taking the serious tone immediately and not masquerading as a parody of Davy and Goliath for edgelords.

        • 10 months ago

          ok. Go back to church, christ-tard

    • 10 months ago

      way to completely miss the fricking point, dipshit.
      Do you also think Dungeons & Dragons is satanic?

    • 10 months ago

      this, when I watched the show in full it became very obvious that it was the third season that left the strongest impression on people. It worked great as something holding a mirror up to the show’s status quo, but it also meant the those first two seasons had to be weaker quality-wise for the third to have worked so well.

    • 10 months ago

      It had a really slow start. The first several episodes were kind of a facile 1950's leave it to beaver meets the real world which was funny for the commercials this concept came from, but wore itself out pretty quickly in the context of a show.
      It did eventually get real and was able to strike a really delicate balance between absurd humor, socio-political critique, and real-ass dramatic/heartwarming moments, but by that point I think a lot of people had already mentally compartmentalized the show as being what it started out as and they just weren't watching.

      Aside from that, there was a lot of pressure from religious morons like who see facets of religious people being portrayed in non-positive contexts, and they freak out because they're too stupid to understand the nuance of the message. At it's heart, Morel Orel wasn't a critique on religion at all, but commentary on how facets of religion are used by manipulative and often flawed people to advance a personal non-religious agenda. A more receptive mind might see that the message of the show is that God is everywhere (including the seedy places that are often shunned by hypocritical dogmatic morons).

      Morel Orel was a slow burn, but it had to be that way. Had they jumped into the real shit right away it would have felt preachy. This goes to show that sometimes shows really *need* time to set up back story, history, and expectations, so all of that can be manipulated later on. Unfortunately in the age where things need to be pulling in spongebob numbers from go or they will get cancelled and vaulted forever, this sort of patient storytelling is an underappreciated art.

      • 10 months ago

        >At it's heart, Morel Orel wasn't a critique on religion at all, but commentary on how facets of religion are used by manipulative and often flawed people to advance a personal non-religious agenda.
        Christoids arent able to understand this and will take anything that has christian symbols and doesn't portray them in a 100% positive light as satanism and an attack on their belief
        I really don't know why they have this weird persecution fetish

        • 10 months ago

          Theyvliterally were doing it since they were all israelites, while romans persecute them they will persecute gnosticists

        • 10 months ago

          >I really don't know why they have this weird persecution fetish
          I'm starting to realize that's not unique to any one group. These days it feels like everyone wants to be a victim and look to cartoons, jokes and satire for proof of their oppression, even including people who rail against that very mentality.

          • 10 months ago

            It's half "People who were oppressed have improved their lot by agitating over it, so if I decide I'm being oppressed I can improve my social standing too!" and half "These formerly-oppressed frickers are cutting themselves a bigger piece of the pie leaving fewer perks for me, help I'm being oppressed!", with people leaning one way or the other depending on their favourite flavour of sociopolitical ice cream.

        • 10 months ago

          A lot of Christian religion is based on suffering through adversity. Christians pretend to be prosecute because their faith says that's how they get closer to christ. Mother Teresa was objectively a horrible person who would go out of her way to cause her patients to suffer because she believed it was how they got closer to god.

        • 10 months ago

          >claims Christians have a persecution fetish
          >First word typed is an insult against Christians
          The ironing is delicious.

          • 10 months ago

            Persecution is not the same as someone calling you a mean word on the playground

            • 10 months ago

              Shut up homosexual. You've already exposed yourself as a moron. Nobody cares about what you want to spew from your cum filled mouth.

              • 10 months ago

                OKAY fine you can have a turn on the teeter totter

      • 10 months ago

        Not only this, but [as] screwed it over from day one by airing the Christmas special first and fricking up the entire flow and tone the series wanted to build towards. And them being unwilling to commit to drama.

        • 10 months ago

          >And them being unwilling to commit to drama.
          This strikes at the heart of the problem with animation for adults. We're stuck with "le edgy rape joke" or "haha, muh dick", but there are so many more facets to adult entertainment that are being untapped. Why can't we get mind-fricky sci-fi, or drama, or psychological thrillers. We're stuck with either stoner humor or the sitcom format.

          • 10 months ago

            South Park and its consequences, etc. Not only that, but when someone just hears the word 'animation', they either think of baby shit or just South Park. Hell, maybe Rick and Morty instead. Emotional nuance is only allowed for live-action television and films, and it's bullshit.

            Point is, Moral Orel deserved better, and could've set a high standard and precedent for animation going forward. Maybe, who knows.

            • 10 months ago

              Blame shitty executives who don't want to take any risks

    • 10 months ago

      >You all seem to forget episodes where Morel literally impregnates the entire town so he didn't waste his seed.
      you're saying this like it isn't funny as frick

      Why would I ever give up episodes like turn the other cheek and the figurelli episode? The show was a good comedy that became a better drama

    • 10 months ago

      >You all seem to forget episodes where Morel literally impregnates the entire town so he didn't waste his seed
      That's what makes it good. It can combine the most absurd situations and the most real ones seamlessly. I've never seen anything else like it.

  4. 10 months ago

    Because all shows get cancelled.

    • 10 months ago

      based on what?

      • 10 months ago


  5. 10 months ago

    They got told to make it darker, they made it pitch black, then they cancelled it.

  6. 10 months ago

    Why didn't she tell her half-brother that his mom was alive? She even lied to Bendy when she called asking where her babydaddy/pedo rapist was, taking away her chance to watch the play and son in person.

    • 10 months ago

      Bendy was literally moronic. I don't think it was excusable, but it's easy to see why she cut her out

    • 10 months ago

      distance her half-brother from the shame and pain of his the events which lead to his birth and maybe help him towards a better life

      >the legitimately autistic town cum-dumpster and implicated to be molested nurse is your mom
      >your dad at best took advantage of her while in his old age
      >your sister was maybe in her early teens during time period of your conception

      Not really an untempered reaction on her part, If I was the sister, I would have grabbed the kid and left, Moralton is a cesspool

    • 10 months ago

      Bendy does get closer to her son and his life more as revealed in the script for one of the unmade episodes.
      She talks about it to Reverend Putty in the Repression booth. Then they end up having sex and the episode is about Putty pining for a relationship and being lifted from material hedonism by his faith.

  7. 10 months ago

    idk you'd have to ask lazzo why he canceled frisky dingo

  8. 10 months ago

    because Adult Swim wanted a shitty "Lol Christians are so stupid" show and when they got something with nuance, depth, and hope their irony poisoned chodes retreated into their bodies

    • 10 months ago

      >Lol Christians are so stupid
      That's a problem cause?

      • 10 months ago

        I never said that was a problem, just that Moral Orel isn't one.

  9. 10 months ago

    Have you guys grew up like Moral?

  10. 10 months ago

    Because Mike Lazzo is a b***h-ass pussy.

  11. 10 months ago

    Out of all the shitty shows being rebooted just to gain a few bucks by palpitating people’s nostalgia receptors, this show really does deserve to be picked up again. It was actually going somewhere, it had plans for expansion and its characters, a new fourth season would help bring that into fruition. But of course, it never will be. Because doing so wouldn’t be guaranteed to reap nostalgiabucks. Game over.

    • 10 months ago

      Dino even said he doesn't want to do it anymore, which is depressing.

      • 10 months ago


        • 10 months ago

          Because getting punished for doing your job kills your enthusiasm for it?

        • 10 months ago

          Because getting punished for doing your job kills your enthusiasm for it?

          He says the show "speaks for itself".

    • 10 months ago

      We already know how it ends, I don't care that much about Orel's goth face or Clay's affair with Censordoll

    • 10 months ago

      I like the way it wrapped up personally. I don't think we need more. I would have enjoyed more if it existed already, but it doesn't feel necessary to make anything beyond the finale we got.

      • 10 months ago

        More essentially did exist already. There are multiple planned plot points that were never allowed to come to fruition. There’s a full unanimated script and an extra episode made with little budget clay models of the characters

  12. 10 months ago

    first season was ass, second season was pretty good, and season 3 was a masterpiece.

  13. 10 months ago

    Because AS told them to make the show darker and they made the show darker.

  14. 10 months ago

    Because a show that attempts to delve into the complexity's of a women who was raped and her conflicting feelings on the matter is too mature for todays televisions viewers, let alone those of the 2000s

  15. 10 months ago

    Wow so revolutionary! I wonder when there will be a show about the bad in Judaism and Islam. Can’t wait!

    • 10 months ago

      Very surface level take on the theme of the show

      • 10 months ago

        Oh please, atheist. Of course this show is an automatic 10/10 for you. It doesnt matter how simple the message is as long as it denounces Christians and Christianity.

        • 10 months ago

          When does it do that? There is one episode that is actually just LOL CHRISTIANS but I know you don't know which it is.

          • 10 months ago

            The Christmas episode.

            >christians are the sweeping majority of religious people in the west
            >(You) watch media made in the west
            it's a fricking mystery

            Doesn’t matter. Other religions exist and yet you atheists are silent about them and yet revel in hating Christianity because your family sent you to Sunday school.

            You're assuming a lot of things from a 7 word post

            Don’t try and lie about your religion, atheist. And if you’re aren’t atheist, you’re one of the other two Abrahamic religions. Less likely to be an actual Buddhist or Hindu

            • 10 months ago

              The correct answer is the episode with the missing link

        • 10 months ago

          You're assuming a lot of things from a 7 word post

          • 10 months ago

            I think he's starting a fight for fun

        • 10 months ago

          The final episode of the show depicts the main character growing up with a happy family and remaining a Christian.

        • 10 months ago

          >le… CHRISTIANITY BAD
          Wow so revolutionary! I wonder when there will be a show about the bad in Judaism and Islam. Can’t wait!

          You aren't even a Christian you're a homosexual contrarian who only got into it because you hate trannies.

        • 10 months ago

          chanology is on the phone & they're asking for you

    • 10 months ago

      >christians are the sweeping majority of religious people in the west
      >(You) watch media made in the west
      it's a fricking mystery

      • 10 months ago

        It is given the push for diversity and inclusion conveniently leaves them out

        • 10 months ago

          we know by "diversity" they mean "freak show". muslims and israelites are enough of an oddity that they can serve as the posterchildren for The Other, meanwhile most people have first-hand experience with christians and so have a much harder time idealizing them the way that they idealize foreigners

          • 10 months ago

            I thought it was all part of our israeli-led conspiracy to double-tap jesus by outbreeding you, did I miss a memo?

  16. 10 months ago

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