Would you rather Cavill back as Superman or a new Reevesverse Superman?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Cavill with competent writers and far far away from Snyder.

    • 2 years ago

      Cavill is a good actor and Superman. He’s just stuck in the turd that is DCEU.

      These, plus if they get a new one it'll probably be some awful diversity casting

      • 2 years ago

        >plus if they get a new one it'll probably be some awful diversity casting
        Bingo was his name-O

    • 2 years ago

      Man of Steel is by far the greatest Superman movie ever made.
      Not only that its one of the top Superhero movies ever made, and thats saying a lot for a character like superman.

      There is zero complaint any of us can make in that department.
      They took Superman, who genuinely is one of the worst characters ever written due to his simplicity and lack of weaknesses, and they gave him an actual real weakness - his innocence and humanity.

      Obviously keep Cavill.
      Bring back the writers of the first movie.

      • 2 years ago

        >Man of Steel is by far the greatest Superman movie ever made.
        >Not only that its one of the top Superhero movies ever made, and thats saying a lot for a character like superman.
        Yea the same movie where Superman literally commits genocide then justifies the extermination of his own race. "Snyderchads" ladies and gentlemen.....

        • 2 years ago

          what in gods name are you talking about?

          He was faced with killing all humans on earth so new kryptonians can be born in the future

        • 2 years ago

          Krypton had its chance

        • 2 years ago

          >where Superman literally commits genocide then justifies the extermination of his own race
          literally happened in the comics
          cope and seethe

          • 2 years ago

            Honestly, most of the Superman fans have never read a comic other than the odd graphic novel.

            Superman originally was basically the Hulk. He was this average dude who whenever he saw some injustice would get mad as frick and would use his powers as Superman to put the scare of God on the bad guys.
            In the 50s there after the comics basically became a weird science type of slice of life stories where he was this bachelor guy who'd had to contend with crazy b***hes and weird scifi shit. He was also a vindictive butthole using his powers to play mind games on his friends and coworkers.
            From the 80's moving forward he basically became alien Peter Parker having tons of everyday issues and morality dilemmas while battling other world conquerors.

            The point is Superman changed a lot.

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        the snyder movies are so bad even as a braindead kid I found them extremely boring

    • 2 years ago

      what? snyder put cavills superman on the map filtered asf

  2. 2 years ago

    Has he come out yet?
    His career is pretty dead anyway

    • 2 years ago

      Pretty much alive with the The Witcher

      • 2 years ago

        That shit needs to be over already.

  3. 2 years ago

    Reeves is a hack, so Snyderverse

  4. 2 years ago

    Cavill is a good actor and Superman. He’s just stuck in the turd that is DCEU.

  5. 2 years ago

    Directed by Brad Bird
    Make it about Brainiac

  6. 2 years ago

    I swear that WB execs have to be deliberately running the studio into the ground to spite their corporate owners. They fricking laughed Chris McQuarrie- the guy who made fricking Usual Suspects and the Mission Impossible movies- and Cavill's desire to make a movie out of the office. They genuinely do not want to succeed

  7. 2 years ago

    cavill but get nolan (unironically) and make a serious superman film. Snyder is a fricking moron

    • 2 years ago

      Nolan wrote Man of Steel.

    • 2 years ago

      I don't hate Snyder...but...
      what the frick were they thinking at those pitch meetings? I am absolutely fine with New Zod & his crew...in fact, those were great casting and the story outside Pecker Spaceships was fine...

      but destroying entire towns and cities with Superman just ignoring it was...

      NOT Superman. Those movies are just one long "absolutely NOT superman" arc. There's no redeeming qualities at all with him. He's happy to let you die or be maimed/mauled and won't hesitate to destroy your house.

      • 2 years ago

        Stop crying, homosexual.

        • 2 years ago

          >you must not under any circumstance bash on a failed franchise

          ...I mean...I COULD go that way with it, anon...
          but I wanted to take the Snyder way of making a post.

      • 2 years ago

        It feels even weirder with how "seriously" Cavill plays supes, it really feels like he doesnt care about anything at all
        I know Cavill has the potential to do an okay superman, and he definitely looks a lot like him, but I dont like how hes directed in the Snyder movies, it feels exactly like what people who dislike superman say superman is

        • 2 years ago

          I don't hate Snyder...but...
          what the frick were they thinking at those pitch meetings? I am absolutely fine with New Zod & his crew...in fact, those were great casting and the story outside Pecker Spaceships was fine...

          but destroying entire towns and cities with Superman just ignoring it was...

          NOT Superman. Those movies are just one long "absolutely NOT superman" arc. There's no redeeming qualities at all with him. He's happy to let you die or be maimed/mauled and won't hesitate to destroy your house.

          Are you guys stupid?
          This is the best post in the thread

          Man of Steel is by far the greatest Superman movie ever made.
          Not only that its one of the top Superhero movies ever made, and thats saying a lot for a character like superman.

          There is zero complaint any of us can make in that department.
          They took Superman, who genuinely is one of the worst characters ever written due to his simplicity and lack of weaknesses, and they gave him an actual real weakness - his innocence and humanity.

          Obviously keep Cavill.
          Bring back the writers of the first movie.

          Do you understand that they booked him as a boy scout? He is unsure, confused, reacting on instinct and what he feels is right.
          When you're fighting for your life you have no time to think of collateral damage, you just have guilt after.
          When he was finally allowed a moment to think, he was such a good kid that he couldn't even kill the bad guy at the end.
          Thinking that MoS wasn't generally the perfect superman movie is midwit central.

          • 2 years ago

            I really wish his guilt and unsureness was actually present in the acting and dialogue then, he just looks so blank-faced all the time I assumed he knew what he was doing

        • 2 years ago

          >exactly like people who dislike superman would make superman

          ...let's revise that to "exactly the way someone who has no clue how to write or direct superman would make a video game character they were told about by their kids who smash action figures together".

          And that is Snyderverse in a nutshell.

          • 2 years ago

            >...let's revise that to "exactly the way someone who has no clue how to write or direct superman would make a video game character they were told about by their kids who smash action figures together".
            The action in Man of Steel was made by Jay Olive, the motherfricker that worked on all the DCAU cartoons and the best animated movies.

            • 2 years ago

              why does it look so boring then? My eyes cant stand this much grey in the screen, its so ugly, was it executive meddling trying to make it more "realistic" or something like that?

          • 2 years ago

            Synder's head is struck so far up his own ass.
            he wanted Wayne to frick Lois and get her pregnant.
            The only reason he hasn't been gulaged forever from Hollwyood is that the MCU has descended into utter shit, and suddenly a capeshit movie without 1001 moronic quips looks decent.
            The only thing decent I can say about him is that at least he gives the characters some respect in his won way. He, tried to tell a story with stakes that never mocked or belittled his characters. Unlike the MCU.
            He creates shit accidently, whereas Wakaheketeetee shits on the heroes and franchise intentionally.

            • 2 years ago

              >he wanted Wayne to frick Lois and get her pregnant.

            • 2 years ago

              >he wanted Wayne to frick Lois and get her pregnant.
              Wish they let him do it would've been Arthurian kino and added more drama to JL.

            • 2 years ago
            • 2 years ago

              >he wanted Wayne to frick Lois and get her pregnant.
              god forgbid he wanted to do something different

      • 2 years ago

        >not muh superman
        shut up gay

    • 2 years ago

      Nolan pitch snyder to studio you dumb c**t

  8. 2 years ago

    Cavill is a good Superman, he just needs a script not written by Snyder
    But I have a feeling he wont be recast outside of that DC universe hes in or whatever, there is no Reevesverse, its just gonna be Batman shit, like Batman 2, maybe Catwoman or Robin, stuff like that

    • 2 years ago

      >he just needs a script not written by Snyder
      Snyder didn't write any of the scripts for his DC movies. Goyer and Nolan wrote MoS, then Chris Terrio re wote Goyer's BvS script and wrote all of JL.

      • 2 years ago

        damn really? the script is easily the worst part of all of these, so I guess Ill give Snyder some slack

  9. 2 years ago

    something new. cavill sucks in the role, and you can't top reeve anyways

  10. 2 years ago

    Retire hairletman and reboot the whole thing

  11. 2 years ago

    Cavill fighting against Brandon Routh

  12. 2 years ago

    I would like to see The Cavillry make another ride around the track as Superman, sure.

    He's a great Superman...
    he's just had absolute trash writing & even worse directors. I won't blame that on him.

    Would I also like to see a Reeves Superman again? I don't think you can find an actor that could do it like Reeves, not even in that universe. Not with the current crop I have seen they keep trying to farm out as supermen.

    Crop yields = puny and low, not big screen worthy.

    It would appear Reeves & Cavill are one-off's, and we got super lucky to have them.

  13. 2 years ago

    Reeverse Superman had its day. Bury it.

  14. 2 years ago

    superheroes are for children

  15. 2 years ago


  16. 2 years ago

    a black superman has to happen tp please the hordes anons and you all know it'll happen

  17. 2 years ago

    I want to make my own Superman movie, one that isn't shitty modern stuff nor nostalgia bait. It would blow your socks off

  18. 2 years ago

    Reeves son should pick up the mantle

    • 2 years ago

      Elordi should do it

    • 2 years ago

      Hes too old

  19. 2 years ago

    Cavill. No Sneeder tho. Just Cavill.

  20. 2 years ago

    just recast already with another white actor
    I don't know why fanboys shit themself over Cavill, he wasn't even that good and especially since he's being difficult with negotiations

    • 2 years ago

      >he's being difficult with negotiations
      1. We don't know that story
      2. I don't really blame him, he's been burned a couple of times now and he's got starpower.

      From the Sneedercut/MI bullshit to The Witcher being nothing like what it should be, some guarantees are in order.

  21. 2 years ago

    I don't give a flying superfrick, capeshitter

  22. 2 years ago

    Cavill as Superman in the Reevesverse.

  23. 2 years ago
  24. 2 years ago

    option b is a win win

  25. 2 years ago

    It's too late to have him back if they want to use him for a 20 year story arc. He'd literally be in his mid 60s so the most they'll ever squeeze out of him is a decade which isn't enough to tell a decent chunk of the core superman stories and not even remotely long enough for his son to replace him as superman.
    >he'd literally be 10 years old max unless they abuse time skips which are always bad
    When I see Henry Cavill I see wasted potential. We just have to hope we can find someone who looks just as much as a believable superman and Henry Cavill who's at the very most in his mid 30s.

    The Snyderverse flopped. Whether you like it or not the DCEU is a pile of shit being reheated every few years. They should build a new DC cinematic universe with the Batman as the first film. Keep the JL disconnected for at least the first 10 films and make sure you plan ahead for legacy characters properly so that you can replace the aging DC cast in a fulfilling way instead of the shitshow marvel has going on right now. Plan it out from start to finish so that when it's finally over the story conclusively ends with the emergence of a new universe or whatever. It could be a 20, 30,50 even a 100 year plan but it has to have a definitive end.

    • 2 years ago

      The Batman did below expectations and Matt Reeves doesn't want any other heroes in his movies because he's trying to outdo Christopher Nolan.

      The idea of rebooting the DCEU is stupid. Even Disney is trying to pander to nostalgia with the MCU by teasing actors from the older Fox, Sony, and Universal movies. Rebooting the DCEU would mean losing the DCEU fans and having to win new fans with new movies which are unproven and could result in failure or backlash.

      There's also the nostalgia hype behind bringing back Henry Caviil. SDCC proves that there's a demand for Cavill in the role. The Rock was fricking booed on stage because of the Cavill rumor proving to be just that, a rumor. This was supposed to be a win for WBD and The Rock, but instead it became an embarrassment. Meanwhile Disney won the day and some of it had to do with the return of Charlie Cox as Daredevil, Cox who just played the character in some Netflix shows.

  26. 2 years ago
    scp foundation- mr. bruh (state: euclid, on maa meds.)

    I think he was pretty good as Superman, we still haven't seen his best performance as the man of steel.

  27. 2 years ago

    Christopher Reeves

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