>yet another shitty spin-off in the works. >not a single word on Winds

>yet another shitty spin-off in the works
>not a single word on Winds
Why is he like this?

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  1. 2 weeks ago

    >75 years old
    The winds of winter are howling for him.

  2. 2 weeks ago

    He's got better things to write about, like pizza

  3. 2 weeks ago

    I gave up on this shit before A Dance with Dragons came out

    • 2 weeks ago

      a dance of dragons is really shit so good job for stopping

  4. 2 weeks ago

    remember that he was a tv writer before he started writing ASOIAF
    GoT's populariy allowed him to become a cushy tv producer again, the thing he always wanted to do
    this is why there's been no progress since the show started airing
    >drance of dragons (2011)
    >game of thrones (2011)
    the show's success killed his passion for writing, or more likely that george works best when he's a starving artist - when GoT was fringe he pumped out chapters like nothing, but now that he's rich he feels more inclined to enjoy himself and be more laid back, comfortable with not finishing his magnum opus, the mortal desire for momentary pleasure is stronger than legacy, and coping with the fact that fantasy giants like tolkien never finished ther own works (silmarillion) either

    • 2 weeks ago

      Yes, but I need Winds. I need to know what happens my Boy. Think it comes out before the old guy kicks the bucket?

      • 2 weeks ago

        it's not gonna happen bro
        at best we are going to get the notes after his death

      • 2 weeks ago

        >I need to know what happens
        The show ended 5 years ago homie we already know what happens

        • 2 weeks ago

          He retconned that, though it is funny how he tried to outsource writing the ending of his series to a bunch of Hollywood hacks (who were using his notes and outlines.)

      • 2 weeks ago

        Pretty sure it's coming out this December (2014)
        [this is what I thought at the time]

    • 2 weeks ago

      The show's success didn't do that, it was the success of his first three books. He was procrastinating with Feast for effectively a decade.

    • 2 weeks ago

      The show's success didn't do that, it was the success of his first three books. He was procrastinating with Feast for effectively a decade.

      The books ran out of steam after ASoS. Book 4 and 5 are just travelogues, the plot goes nowhere. The preview chapters for the sixth book are even worse, 2 chapters of Arianne traveling, Tyrion wasting 2 chapters before the battle of Mereen starts, bunch of other shit.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >The books ran out of steam after ASoS. Book 4 and 5 are just travelogues, the plot goes nowhere.
        Because he fricked himself over by ditching the 5 year gap so he had to write in a bunch of filler. And with the earlier successes, the editors didn't have to power to tell him to cut out all the crap.

        remember that he was a tv writer before he started writing ASOIAF
        GoT's populariy allowed him to become a cushy tv producer again, the thing he always wanted to do
        this is why there's been no progress since the show started airing
        >drance of dragons (2011)
        >game of thrones (2011)
        the show's success killed his passion for writing, or more likely that george works best when he's a starving artist - when GoT was fringe he pumped out chapters like nothing, but now that he's rich he feels more inclined to enjoy himself and be more laid back, comfortable with not finishing his magnum opus, the mortal desire for momentary pleasure is stronger than legacy, and coping with the fact that fantasy giants like tolkien never finished ther own works (silmarillion) either

        It's funny hearing people say now how the show made him unproductive considering the "Finish the book George" memes that were around before the show even started airing. There were blogs and entire forums dedicated purely to shitting on him for being lazy.

        • 2 weeks ago

          This new argument that George lost the will to write due to the show is entirely ignorant of history. This article is from right before the first season, 13 fricking years ago. Feast still hadn't been released. little did they know it was going to get so much worse:
          First time I ever heard of GRRM was about how he was a lazy fat frick lol. He gets some credit for the first three books which really are amazing but i guess we'll never know the payoff if any from 4-5. And as weak as those two books are they're still miles better than the shit from the show. American Tolkien my foot

          • 2 weeks ago

            Oh man people are so cruel to poor old George, actually expecting him to finish a book in 20 years.

            • 2 weeks ago


          • 2 weeks ago

            >Contrary to what his more extravagant critics allege, Martin insists that he has been working continuously on “A Dance with Dragons.” “They have all these insane theories that the book has been finished for years, but I’m sitting on it until the HBO series comes out so I’ll make more money”
            >“What if I frick it up at the end? What if I do a ‘Lost’? Then they’ll come after me with pitchforks and torches.” Martin hopes that, after he surmounts the particularly thorny problems of “A Dance with Dragons,” the final two books will come much faster.
            It's kinda incredible how we've been having the same discussions and copes for more than a decade

            • 2 weeks ago

              hardcore asoiaf fans are are so sub-humanly stupid they still haven't gotten the hint a decade later

            • 2 weeks ago

              Its weird to see people constantly claim the show killed asoiaf when grrm has a blog that is still openly accessible. Years before the show was even in pre production he was constantly blogging about how he wasnt writing and he cared more about going to conventions, editing the Wildcards books or just being a fatass and watching New York Jets football.

              • 2 weeks ago

                bookcuks will fail to notice this obvious fact, while calling you a moron for not caring about the dumb politics between irrelevant nobodies in the later books

              • 2 weeks ago

                You nailed it brodie. Anime secondaries love filler arcs.

              • 2 weeks ago

                When will people realize GRRM is the Chris Chan of the literary world?

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Fire and Blood (2018)

      • 2 weeks ago

        Those two assistants of his wrote Fire and Blood. This fat frick has not written a page since he inked the deal with HBO to adapt Game of Thrones.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >starving artist
      I'm sure hes never been starving, by the looks of him

    • 2 weeks ago

      He fricked up with the cut of the originally planned timeskip between books 3-4. So the root problem started over 10 years before GOT

      Not only he was thus forced to add fricktons of characters to do what oter characters couldnt because without TS they were still too young (Ned Dayne -> Darkstar): he was also forced to make hundreds of chapters of pointless traveling to move any character from point A from point B where the plot needed him: all of this could had been avoided with a timeskip

    • 2 weeks ago

      If that's the case why doesn't he hand a ghost writer some liner notes and have them finish?

      • 2 weeks ago

        Because he has no idea how to finish it. He just threw a bunch of ideas at the wall to see what stuck, and had a misplaced confidence in his skill as a writer to make it work

    • 2 weeks ago

      Eh, writing is hard and life is good. Why bother continuing if you don't feel it? He should just pass his notes onto his estate after he's gone.

  5. 2 weeks ago

    He threw in a mention of winds a few weeks ago in a blog about the dunk show at the very end. have hope. or don't

    >The show will make its debut next year… and if it does well, THE SWORN SWORD and THE MYSTERY KNIGHT will follow. By which time I hope to have finished some more Dunk & Egg stories (yes, after I finish THE WINDS OF WINTER).

    Looking forward to dunk and egg kino tbh

    • 2 weeks ago

      >By which time I hope to have finished some more Dunk & Egg stories
      It's good to have hopes

    • 2 weeks ago

      I can't understand people who enjoy prequels/prequel spinoffs. How do you get invested into characters like Egg when you know what happens with Targeryians.

  6. 2 weeks ago

    He explained it in a post at the beginning of the year, drumpf is making it impossible for him to write more

  7. 2 weeks ago

    He's an unironic dunce

    • 2 weeks ago

      he is literally reaffirming his previous statement.
      The people stealing other's work will brush it off claiming they do something different, but they ride the fame of the source material and sooner or later appropriate the IP entirely, as it happened with Harry Potter for example. Or James Bond, where the movies have absolutely nothing in common with the books, two entirely different characters and different settings and yet they take the names and if they are criticised they just say "Oh well, book is book, film is film"
      George always said that the show and book are different, but he meant it.

      • 2 weeks ago

        I personaly call this parasitism, because it is. The kinds of people who run adaptations, remakes, etc, are parasites that will happily kill that IP in order to survive.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Like Tomb Raider.
          Fine, they want to do a first person adventure shooter with breasts, but why do they need to use that character and title when they don't even make her look like it or her personality in any way?
          Angelina Jolie was at least an interesting attempt of making it into a movie and did a good job in certain aspects of lore and her mansion and lifestyle, but everything that happened after Anniversary was just trash with the trademark slapped onto it

          • 2 weeks ago

            Respectful adaptations, like that Jolie tomb raider movie, are more symbiotic in nature. They aren't trying to destroy the existing product and replace it, but rather piggyback off its success while simultaneously promoting it.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Respectful adaptations, like that Jolie tomb raider movie, are more symbiotic in nature. They aren't trying to destroy the existing product and replace it, but rather piggyback off its success while simultaneously promoting it.

            the books do not deserve a "respectful adaption" because the author failed to tell the story he set out to tell

            • 2 weeks ago

              Sure but I'm talking about adaptations of finished works

    • 2 weeks ago

      all blame goes to audiences though
      they want the latest franchiseslop instead of OC

    • 2 weeks ago

      He is literally just doing damage control for S8 (which was rumored to be a trial run for the actual ending he was going for since he is all about shitting on Tolkien and subverting your expectations.)

    • 2 weeks ago

      Alright Preston, take your meds and go back to working on your fanfic

  8. 2 weeks ago

    That’s based anon. I genuinely want him to die without completing it just to see Reddit lose their minds.

  9. 2 weeks ago

    >be "discovery writer"
    >start 2 plotlines per chapter because they sound good, and you "discovered" your character starting them
    >works for 5 books, but now you'd need 5 more books to wrap it all up
    Seriously, Daenerys is over there in Bangladesh and 10 different people are currently visiting her in Bangladesh, so you couldn't even time jump her to Westeros

  10. 2 weeks ago

    We've had several words on Winds. We have several sample chapters from Winds. He claims to have written 1100 pages of Winds. His most recent "specific" update was a week or two ago when he talked about Mad Max and the difficulties of constraints in prior installments preventing you from doing things in future installments and indicated something similar was happening in his current writing process. He's also talked about how he's been distracted by writing a few hundred pages of Blood and Fire (the second part of his prequel series to ASOIAF in the style of a history book) and some more of the Dunk and Egg novellas (another prequel series covering the same period but in a ground-level style)

    In short it seems like he's made real progress and he hasn't checked out for TV completely yet but he's still quite distracted. If Kissinger made it to 100 then anything's possible.

    • 2 weeks ago

      shitskin cope

    • 2 weeks ago

      >We've had several words on Winds. We have several sample chapters from Winds.
      Yeah. Because the first third of Winds is cut directly from Dance because that book was too long.

    • 2 weeks ago


    • 2 weeks ago

      Pop his balloon.

    • 2 weeks ago

      kiss is a blood sucking israelite who feasts on virgins. Martins a goyim. wont be so lucky.

  11. 2 weeks ago

    he has more to lose than win with releasing another book. at this point he can't match the hype.

  12. 2 weeks ago

    The more he ate the more he shat, and the more he shat the more he ate.
    It had been a glorious meal, The beer was brown, the bread black, the stew a creamy white. Shae served it in a trencher hollowed out of a stale loaf. It was thick with leeks, carrots, barley, and turnips white and yellow, along with clams and chunks of cod and crabmeat, swimming in a stock of heavy cream and butter. It was the sort of stew that warmed a man right down to his bones, just the thing for a wet, cold night. George spooned it up greedily, imagining the great greasy sharts he would force his child slaves to lick up from his bedspread later.
    He ate and shat and ate and shat until the tension in his stomach caused his fat pink mast to raise the sails to hereforto unseen levels.

    • 2 weeks ago

      GRRM should write a cookbook.

    • 2 weeks ago

      GRRM should write a cookbook.


    • 2 weeks ago

      >stock of heavy cream and butter
      homie this stew has 4,000 calories

  13. 2 weeks ago

    He only has a few years left at best being an obese old man. Would you spend it writing nerd books or would you spend it enjoying your newfound fortune?

    • 2 weeks ago

      I have a comfortable job. where I make quite a lot and don't have to work long. I will never be one tenth as rich as George, but I make enough that I never worry about being able to afford anything in my hobbies. I feel intense anxiety and am incapable of relaxing when I have something I need to do whether it is in work or a personal goal I have set but have not completed. I set a goal of completing a 6 minute mile and wasn't able to relax for months because I remained lazy. I think this is true for most people. Any time you know you have to do something but put it off, it eats away at you. I would be surprised if George were not the same.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Ian Fleming wrote to his death while having endless sex and BDSM parties on Jamaica
      what's stopping GRRM?

      • 2 weeks ago

        Not enough sex. Sex more than anything keeps you looking young, it's why zoomers look so much older despite staying inside more than any generation before them.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >Sex more than anything keeps you looking young
          Nah, that's moronic, sex ages you like all vices. Zoomers look old because they are incredibly stressed and miserable while also being pumped full of shitty chemicals and SSRIs.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >Nah, that's moronic, sex ages you like all vices

            Nope, all the cummies bring your youthful vigor into full swing

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Would you spend it writing nerd books or would you spend it enjoying your newfound fortune?
      I would spend it by moving to Ethiopia and impregnating as many ebony honeys as I can.

      • 2 weeks ago

        This. He seems to do well with black women. He should use his money to have a shitton of bastard kids who can all fight over his fortune after he dies.

  14. 2 weeks ago

    Yes yes, very good, OP. But which character from the books has the bushiest c**t? And which one has, surprisingly, a neat, clean bald puss?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Cersei in both cases. Her golden shrub was gorgeous and then she got shaven but "hair grows back" as she said

      • 2 weeks ago

        Indeed, no Myrish swamp can compete against her golden shrub.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Daenerys lost all their hair when she was burned in the pyre, I assume pubic hair as well

  15. 2 weeks ago

    Just accept the fact that he's never finishing the story. The show is the closest we'll ever get to an actual conclusion. The real story that will be remembered is about a successful man who became complacent and ended up disappointing everyone.

    • 2 weeks ago

      December 7th 2024

      • 2 weeks ago

        A day that will live in infamy

    • 2 weeks ago

      Right now my hope is we get some news at worldcon and all these spin off shows gets George in the asoiaf writing mood again. But even if we get Winds soon, then Dream is unimaginably far away. George just needs to get a ghostwriter or a collaborator. It’s preferable to the series never being finished or finished posthumously

      • 2 weeks ago

        >George just needs to get a ghostwriter or a collaborator.
        this is the only way
        he needs someone else to help him

        • 2 weeks ago

          Go back to fricking your old wife, Elio. No one wants your headcanons

        • 2 weeks ago

          When GRRM dies his books should remain unfinished as a monument to his failure

          • 2 weeks ago

            His wife will sell everything JJ Abrams. He will finish on all of us.

          • 2 weeks ago

            The rights to the books will pass on to his children who will protect and honour their father's legacy :^)

            • 2 weeks ago

              his legacy of failure

  16. 2 weeks ago

    You now remember that Jon Snow went down on a filthy savage from beyond the wall. And that Daenarys did anal with a mercenary (''every way a man can have a woman'') and then sucked his shit covered dick. WHAT THE FRICK, GEORGE?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Don’t forget that Ramsay makes FakeArya frick dogs.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Pic rel warged into female wolves when the males mounted them.

    • 2 weeks ago

      bro but that's like really grim and dark but also fantasy and stuff.. it's for adults, like me!

      • 2 weeks ago

        his idea of mature comes off like the gross-out fantasies of repressed middle school boys

      • 2 weeks ago

        his idea of mature comes off like the gross-out fantasies of repressed middle school boys

        This common critique is such a superficial view of ASOIAF. If you pay any attention you will see that George is a romantic at heart and his plot structure doesn't deviate that much from traditional literary tropes. His edgyness is borderline tame by today's standards, and is mainly used as a tool to give greater contrast to the traditionally heroic and moral actions of his characters...

        • 2 weeks ago

          Everyone knows that he just hates Tolkien and was trying to carve his own path by shitting all over muh heroism and similar tropes. I do think he is a pervert who enjoys writing underage sex scenes though. Also by constantly negating the impact and/or importance of heroism he did end up writing himself into a pretty shitty corner, from which he cannot get out without ironically introducing heroism. Makes sense that a draft dodger cannot comprehend a man of strength doing something to further his volk at the possible expense of his own life. I have thoroughly enjoyed watching him creatively deteriorate as the years have progressed. It's like he wants to write about heroes because of muh Trump/media/whatever other boomer shit he is depressed about but he cannot force himself to do so.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >Seven, Brienne thought again, despairing. She had no chance against seven, she knew. No chance, and no choice. She stepped out into the rain, Oathkeeper in hand.

            I'm sorry, but I don't buy into the idea of George being a cynic. A cynic would not be capable of writing stuff like that. Characters like Brienne and Davos (and in a more conflicted way Stannis) are fan favorites BECAUSE they display integrity, strenght, self-sacrifice and a devotion to a cause larger than themselves. We must do our duty, no? Great or small, we must do our duty.

            • 2 weeks ago

              A true cynic absolutely would be able to write shit like that, especially one like GRRM. A true cynic is an idealist who got cucked by reality, which is why happened to many leftard boomers when Vietnam came around. Suddenly it wasn't just the working class kids getting thrown into the meat grinder, thus the loss of innocence.

              • 2 weeks ago

                If that's true, I can only see two options, either:

                a) he writes about heroic characters as a coping mechanism to get closure on his own lack of courage in his life
                b) his heroic characters are all going to get ''cucked by reality''

                I can't see him going all in on the b option. I think its more likely that he gives bittersweet endings to most of those characters, framing his actions are heroic sacrifices for a greater cause (Brienne, Jon, Davos, maybe Dany if she sacrifices herself and her dragons to stop the long night).

            • 2 weeks ago

              Thats absolutely not true
              Both Brienne and Davos continually display the qualities of a hero and yet fail everytime
              Its the word of a cynic who never amounted to anything pointing and laughing at those who are trying

              • 2 weeks ago

                >lol watch these characters try and fail to be virtuous while the low life schemers succeed! Isn't morality and life meaningless?
                >Later on, in his blog: "Mood: Deperessed. Guys why is everything so bad now? "

              • 2 weeks ago

                You're insane if you think those characters are not getting the moral W, with their actions not only being framed in a romantic way but changing their world for the better. How is that not clear already? Take the case of Virtuous Ned vs. Machiavellian Tywin for instance. You may think Ned was being cucked by reality for having a moral compass and Tywin was being rewarded for being an immoral schemer. If that is the case, then why is Tywin's legacy crumbling at a rapid pace while Ned's legacy remains strong? There is a fricking NORTHERN CONSPIRACY to avenge him and put a Stark back at Winterfell because the guy was so beloved and respected by everyone. Yes, he died, but who had a more dignified death, Ned sacrificing himself and his perceived ''honor'' to save her daughters or Tywin dying while shitting after ruining everything for the legacy and memory of his own house? If you still think George is a cynic, you haven't been paying attention...

              • 2 weeks ago

                What a fricking low iq take. I thought you gays loved got because of the politics. The northern traitors only pay lip service to that idiot Ned Stark because they pressured his equally imbecilic son to proclaim an independent north and now that the three strongest houses of the north are in shambles they can upjump their own stations and try to take the north for themselves.

              • 2 weeks ago

                ...except that's not what happening in ADWD. At all. The Manderlys, the Umbers and most major northen houses are trying to get Rickon back to rule the North, while they avenge the Starks by way of fricking up the Freys and Boltons. You people are getting filtered by ASOIAF of all things, and calling people low IQ, the irony...its delicious.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >uhh yeah the ruling house and kingdom seat is in tatters but us northern houses that still have strong standing will risk it all to graciously place an ignorant boy king on the throne
                >We are totally not trying to usurp his idiotic fathers legitimacy and appoint one of our fair an unbiased relatives as his regent until such a time that we can guarantee he marries one of our daughters
                Go be a ignorant Black person somewhere else.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Except the text makes it painfully clear that the Umbers want to repay a personal debt to the Starks, you imbecile.

                >b-but actually its all schemes within schemes and, and...

                Shut the frick up, moron. The tone and message of the writer went completely over your head because you fell for the meme that ASOIAF is all about Machiavellian cynism. Fricking brainlet.

              • 2 weeks ago

                As soi af is a midwit series written by a midwit for midwits

              • 2 weeks ago

                >doge poster
                My bad. I didnt realize you were gay AND moronic. Happy pride you kid touching b***h.

                Great argument. You really changed my views on the entire series with that. Enjoy being a double digit IQ monkey that gets filtered by fantasy books

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Great argument. You really changed my views on the entire series with that.
                Dumb Black person ape, what views? You dont even have two brain cells to rub together. Its a miracle you got your tard wrangler to solve captchas for you.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >what views?

                You're not very bright, are you?

              • 2 weeks ago

                He’s right, you have no views of your own, you just download them off shitty YouTube contentslop

              • 2 weeks ago

                Either that or I was capable of keeping up with a simple fantasy book series. It's not even that deep, I'm sorry you lack basic reading comprehension skills.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >you lack basic reading comprehension skills.
                What makes you say that anon? What have I failed to comprehend exactly

              • 2 weeks ago

                >I like X thing
                >X thing is SLOP! For midwits!
                >no u, filtered
                >u copy from youtube
                >copy what?
                >no, u youtube copy!
                >u Black person
                >no u, Black person dumb!
                Idk how either of you clowns can argue like this and think you’re saying anything. It’s just repeating opinions back and forth with more seethe. Give some reasoning. Make an analysis of what makes the series bad. What opinions are being copied from youtube? Give us something beyond the screeching.

              • 2 weeks ago

                I believe I made my point very clear: that the myth of ASOIAF being a cynical, edgy, nihilistic work that only tries to shock and subvert expectations is a very immature and surface level read, and that its painfully obvious that the author is way more of a traditional fantasy writer than most people would like to admit.

                As an example I brought up the Start and Lannister legacy here:

                You're insane if you think those characters are not getting the moral W, with their actions not only being framed in a romantic way but changing their world for the better. How is that not clear already? Take the case of Virtuous Ned vs. Machiavellian Tywin for instance. You may think Ned was being cucked by reality for having a moral compass and Tywin was being rewarded for being an immoral schemer. If that is the case, then why is Tywin's legacy crumbling at a rapid pace while Ned's legacy remains strong? There is a fricking NORTHERN CONSPIRACY to avenge him and put a Stark back at Winterfell because the guy was so beloved and respected by everyone. Yes, he died, but who had a more dignified death, Ned sacrificing himself and his perceived ''honor'' to save her daughters or Tywin dying while shitting after ruining everything for the legacy and memory of his own house? If you still think George is a cynic, you haven't been paying attention...

                But the same is pretty much embedded everywhere in the text. It's not that deep, and its not even close to a hot take, its pretty much consensus among book readers. The response from anons that clearly didn't read the books were:

                >you're just copying someone else opinion
                >no, its all about Machiavellian cynism because...IT JUST IS OKAY???

                But I've wasted enough time playing with brainlets for today. Have fun.

              • 2 weeks ago

                I have no idea how someone can read the Brienne chapters in AFFC, specially the Septain Meribald chapters, and come to this conclusion:

                >yeap, this series is all about might makes right, machiavellian cynism. Nailed it.

              • 2 weeks ago

                I have no idea how someone can read the Brienne chapters in AFFC, specially the Septain Meribald chapters, and come to this conclusion:

                >yeap, this series is all about might makes right, machiavellian cynism. Nailed it.

                >a bunch of filler chapters everyone memes on are actually making le deep and clever statement about morality

              • 2 weeks ago

                Who thinks asoiaf is an edgy nihilistic work? Seems like you’re boxing shadows

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Make an analysis of what makes the series bad
                To put it succinctly, a confusing complexity with depth, and mindless cynicism with nuanced morality
                What opinions are being copied from youtube?

                ...except that's not what happening in ADWD. At all. The Manderlys, the Umbers and most major northen houses are trying to get Rickon back to rule the North, while they avenge the Starks by way of fricking up the Freys and Boltons. You people are getting filtered by ASOIAF of all things, and calling people low IQ, the irony...its delicious.

                Book fans have a habit of watching videos of crackpot theories and headcanon, then acting as if they are very clever takes that they worked out for themselves

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Book fans have a habit of watching videos of crackpot theories and headcanon, then acting as if they are very clever takes that they worked out for themselves

                Have you read the books? The Manderlys and Umbers having a deep sense of loyalty to the Starks is not a ''crackpot theory''.

              • 2 weeks ago

                The “grand northern conspiracy” isn’t subtle at all homie. The books beat you over the head with it. Most every book reader I know noticed it immediately… because you’re SUPPOSED to notice it on the first read. These “theory” videos are mostly for show watchers who haven’t read anything, and yes, some extremely low IQ book readers. George has a habit of foreshadowing over and over, odds are even an idiot is going to catch most of it.

              • 2 weeks ago

                ok YouTubelet

              • 2 weeks ago

                No one gives about your views, which you just copied off Reddit and YouTube videos

              • 2 weeks ago

                >doge poster
                My bad. I didnt realize you were gay AND moronic. Happy pride you kid touching b***h.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Show ending is the real ending, your YouTube fan fiction is lower-grade slop than D&D at their worst

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Northern Conspiracy is fanfiction

                Did you people even read the books? kek

              • 2 weeks ago

                can i get some info on that JAV instead of this gay book shit

          • 2 weeks ago

            his idea of mature comes off like the gross-out fantasies of repressed middle school boys

            Over time people mistake memes they found on the internet for reality and then use those memes to [ill-]inform further opinions.

            The novels aren't that edgy, and the first three are very well written. They're just good reads.

            • 2 weeks ago

              >The novels aren't that edgy,

              > describing shitting in detail ("the more she shat" meme )
              > Jeyne Polle dogfricking bestiality

              Anon, name me one fantasy book that is edgier then GRRM's torture porn.

              • 2 weeks ago

                moorwiener's books are filled with that stuff and they're written for 14 year olds.

                well, minus the scat, that's genuinely edgy and bold

              • 2 weeks ago

                >well, minus the scat, that's genuinely edgy and bold

                They should have filmed that Daenerys shitting scene with Emilia Clarke in season 5. It would have saved the series.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >describing shitting in detail
                it isn't in detail.
                >Jeyne Polle dogfricking bestiality
                it is only implied through an off hand comment of her telling Ramsay that she will do it with whomever he wants. Ramsay might only be threatening her that he will have her frick dogs and didn't actually fo anything for all we know.

              • 2 weeks ago

                shitting in detail
                >it isn't in detail.

                "Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up she was shitting brown water."

                Anon, if that isn't a detailed description of shitting for you and doesn't make you sick to the stomach I don't know what to tell you. George is one broken, sick motherfricker.

              • 2 weeks ago

                i concede.
                i have forgotten the quote.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >If you pay any attention you will see that George is a romantic at heart
          He's a typical incel at heart you mean.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >If you pay any attention you will see that George is a romantic at heart

          >Yenisei (or whatever some female name in his books) is being railed by both a proverbial hog and a stag.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >. If you pay any attention you will see that George is a romantic at heart

          A tear ran down her cheek. 'Tell him, you tell him, I'll do what he wants...or whatever he wants...with him...or...or with the dog or...please...

        • 2 weeks ago

          >He kissed her again, kissed her silent, kissed her until she moaned. Then he knocked the candles aside and lifted her up onto the Mother’s altar, pushing up her skirts and the silken shift beneath. She pounded on his chest with feeble fists, murmuring about the risk, the danger, about their father, about the septons, about the wrath of gods. He never heard her. He undid his breeches and climbed up and pushed her bare white legs apart. One hand slid up her thigh and underneath her smallclothes. When he tore them away, he saw that her moon’s blood was on her, but it made no difference.
          >He could feel Cersei’s heart beating in time with his own, and the wetness of blood and seed where they were joined.

        • 2 weeks ago

          That's the beauty of the world George R. R. R. R. R. Martin created. There's no truly good or evil, black or white. All the characters are various shades of gray. Some characters for example have committed rape and torture, others have poisoned and tortured, yet others have killed and raped people. Then you have characters like Ramsey who killed, raped AND tortured people, or characters like Euron who raped tortured then killed people. Or someone like Littlefinger who had people killed imprisoned and tortured, or grey eminence people like Tywin who killed or had people killed and raped. People miss these subtle nuances that make Martin's world feel lived in and his characters fleshed out and realistic. All of that built on a meaningful system of tax rebates to boot

    • 2 weeks ago

      jerked my fat pink mast to both. thank you george.

  17. 2 weeks ago

    did i miss the thread or is no one talking about this

    • 2 weeks ago

      What do you think “another shitty spin-off in the works” means

    • 2 weeks ago

      >about Nymeria and the Rhoynar.
      About who and fricking who? I now hate that fricker.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >but how does the Rhoynar migration affects you PERSONALLY?

  18. 2 weeks ago

    cuz hes a big fat lazy leftwing turd.

  19. 2 weeks ago

    not finishing Winds is a part of the faustian bargain he made to be a big shot TV producer again

  20. 2 weeks ago

    >He wrote himself into a corner
    >Saw everyone hated his stupid ending and now doesn't know what to do
    >Senile and can barely remember his own characters
    >Everyone Dies and Everything Is Shit Forever as the perpetual theme to subvert everyone's expectations is now cringe and gay and he's buttblasted about it because that's all his series ever was
    >Too busy crying on his blog about BLUMPFT and Jan 6th and whatever else the media tells him to be angry about occupies his spare time

    He's just stalling until he dies and he doesn't ever have to finish the books. He lost interest, it is very clear to everyone. And even if you went full Misery on him and broke his legs and forced him to finish, it would be shit because he doesn't care about the story anymore, so who cares? He's fat and old and there's no hope he'd ever finish Spring, let alone Winter

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Everyone Dies and Everything Is Shit Forever as the perpetual theme to subvert everyone's expectations is now cringe and gay and he's buttblasted about it because that's all his series ever was
      I really do wonder what he thinks about Rian Johnson aping his whole schtick.

  21. 2 weeks ago
  22. 2 weeks ago

    >no children
    What a failure, he will leave behind no legacy

    • 2 weeks ago

      Good. Imagine his nepo kids trying to explain to the other nepo kids how their dad made their fortune. Embarrassing. Would just have to live as a recluse in their gated compound with memorabilia nobody bought.

  23. 2 weeks ago
  24. 2 weeks ago

    He fricked up by putting himself in the same league as Tolkino and then couldn't even finish his own story. Imagine if the LOTR ended after Two Towers.

  25. 2 weeks ago

    Here’s what happened between the last time I finished ADOD in middle school and now
    >graduated uni
    >got engaged
    >finished a four year tour in the marines
    >started a new job
    >started an MBA
    >took out a mortgage
    And still no book. I remember staying up all night reading his books to pieces and playing CK2 AGOT for hours. It’s a fricking shame that his legacy will mean nothing. He has no excuse or right to let down all of his fans like this. He can go frick himself for all I care, his trope of subverting expectations and letting the bad guys win was getting tiresome anyways

    • 2 weeks ago

      >his trope of subverting expectations and letting the bad guys win was getting tiresome anyways
      I always assumed this is why he gave up. That and the failure of S8, which people claim was based on the outline of his planned ending for the franchise.

      • 2 weeks ago

        If that’s the case then he’s a bigger moron than I previously thought. All of this can be solved if he just got off his high horse and wrote the book to fit certain fantasy tropes. It’s not boring to read about heroism and the triumph of the human spirit. It’s more boring to read about edgy Mary sues like Darkstar and Ramsay getting real sick of this shit or the next Quentyn Martell getting roasted

    • 2 weeks ago

      >playing CK2 AGOT for hours
      literally me

    • 2 weeks ago

      >got engaged
      no follow up? So you are as much as a failure and procrastinator as GRRM.
      you risked your life for no family. only a state and some ingrates in shitholes

      • 2 weeks ago

        She got deported back to the Philippines and then disappeared you butthole.

        • 2 weeks ago

          lol my CO had a wife from the Philippines she’s real happy with that citizenship now, seems batshit insane though

        • 2 weeks ago

          so the entire thing was made up. checks out.
          enjoy the loneliness

          • 2 weeks ago

            That wasn’t me moron chill out

        • 2 weeks ago

          Going for Philippino women means you are trash tier

      • 2 weeks ago

        Wdym no follow up? We’re planning and saving up for a wedding since they’re expensive.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >got engaged
      >finished a four year tour in the marines

      • 2 weeks ago

        It’s not in chronological order

  26. 2 weeks ago

    the more he ate, the more he shat

    • 2 weeks ago

      It would be funny if the last we ever read about Danny is her shitting her guts out forever and ever

    • 2 weeks ago

      the more he shat, the more he ate

  27. 2 weeks ago

    Bro he said he was 3/4 done with it a couple years ago. Expect it to come out in 2030 after the fat frick is dead.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >write 3/4 of the rest of the your series
      >TV adaptation is released, everyone despises it
      >have to scrap all of your hard work and rewrite everything to avoid looking like a hack
      >readers now know all of your tricks/twists
      Must feel bad to be him right now.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >>have to scrap all of your hard work and rewrite everything to avoid looking like a hack

        ANON, YOU ARE COPING OUT OF YOUR MIND. GRRM WROTE ITSELF INTO A CORNER EVEN IN 2000, when he abandoned the five year gap. AFFC and ADWD took 11 years to write and they were badly written filler that didn't move the story forward. GRRM just doesn't know how to continue his story anymore.

        Dance with Dragons was released in 2011, season 8 in 2019. YOU DON'T NEED 8 YEARS TO WRITE ONE (1) BOOK. And now it's 2024- 13 fricking years for one book ! Tolkien only needed 12 years to write the whole LOTR SAGA while working full-time and fat frick GRRM can't write his torture porn in 13 years of his free time ?!!!!

        GRRM is a lazy butthole.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Did he go sober or something? What's wrong with him?

          • 2 weeks ago

            >What's wrong with him?

            It's pretty simple actually. GRRM is fat, lazy and always wanted to be a Tv writer/producer not a fantasy writer. Now he gets to consult HBO shows based on his works, which isn't hard work by any means, especially compared to writing a book

            He also wrote himself into a corner and the ASOIAF story became too complex for any writer to wrangle, let alone a 76 years lazy old obese man.

        • 2 weeks ago

          The 5 year gap was a bad idea that was rightly dropped. All/most the same plot points that happened in feast and dance would’ve happened even with the time skip.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >there is point in cutting the bloat because it would have just bloated anyway
            Anon you are more right than you realise

  28. 2 weeks ago

    He’s too fat to reach the type writer now

  29. 2 weeks ago

    ASoIF lost all traction and cultural significance with the shitshow that was the show

    • 2 weeks ago

      What about House of Dragon and the Dunk n Egg spin off that got greenlit? Normies love this shit

      • 2 weeks ago

        A fraction of what was
        0 memes bleeding into the normie sphere
        GoT was on par with Breaking Bad before its ending and yet now nothing.
        No one fricking cares while people still rewatch and reference Breaking Bad.

  30. 2 weeks ago

    >Why is he like this?
    Because all the endings you saw in GoT were his ideas, so he is too butthurt to continue, and the more he did, the more he had to face realisation that Tolkien was right and his ebin subversions are shit.

    Martin is Rian Johnson of fantasy literature, but the only thing he subverted is his own shit and now he is sad, childless and incomplete.

    Also someone else will finish his books and that keeps his awake at night.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Because all the endings you saw in GoT were his ideas
      This is such a stupid meme and you’ve clearly never read the books.

      • 2 weeks ago

        It would explain why he has spent so long on the last 1/3rd of the latest book.

      • 2 weeks ago

        I red tge books, several times, and if you think Bran the Broken or the end of Stannis was anyone else's ideas, you are huffing federal reserves of copium.
        He knows how to write, but you read enough of his stuff, you can absolutely see a patern in his conclusions and in the way he finishes his books.

        • 2 weeks ago

          We know three things from the show that are confirmed to happen in the books: Bran the Broken, Stannis burning Shireen, and Hold-the-Door.
          Stannis’ end as shown was obviously not George’s idea because Shireen is at the wall when Stannis marches to Winterfell.
          Either Stannis wins at Winterfell and burns Shireen to hold off the Others or is rejected entry into Winterfell by the Lords after winning the battle and burns Shireen out of desperation at the wall.

  31. 2 weeks ago

    He got rich and therefore lazy.

  32. 2 weeks ago

    Because 75 years of bitter "rivalry" with Tolkien he realised that not only that the man was right but he was also on a completely different level

    • 2 weeks ago

      He never considered himself a rival, though it was weird how he took a shot at Tolkien that one time back when he felt invincible, even though his point was banal as hell (also he rarely delves into tax policy beyond the most basic and historically inaccurate descriptions of something that resembles feudal taxation in his own writings.)

      • 2 weeks ago

        >answers one (1) question about Tolkien, not even criticising him but explaining how their approaches are different
        >Tolkiengays are so affronted that they act as if he called him a fraud, contrive his apathy and laziness as him losing a moral battle against Tolkien from the grave

        • 2 weeks ago

          GRRM didn't have to pretend to be better Tolkien , let alone imply that he had any sort of expertise on matters of feudal tax policy other than bullshit he pulled from fricking Disney's furry Robin Hood movie from the 70s.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >answers one (1) question about Tolkien
          moron. fatso can barely go an interview without comparing himself to Tolkien in a weird way

          • 2 weeks ago

            "and you 've got an incomplete world"

            LMAO. Who has an incomplete world now, Georgie.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >"Why didn't Tolkien share my fetish for nipples and shoehorn it in whenever possible? It is this issue I do quibble with."

            Fat-ass better give me a really nice selection of Cersei x Taena sex scenes in Winter, with pages upon pages of nipple play, otherwise he better not release it at all, if he even manages to finish it

          • 2 weeks ago

            Haha yeah dude, could you imagine having sex with this? Who could do such a thing? Definitely not me.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >He talked about a moot point and made a baseless assumption, thinking he was better because he did follow the same way of writing discrediting heroes and saying everyone sucks to the point only a heroic figure can save his works right now
        Oh the delicious irony

  33. 2 weeks ago

    Guess it’s a better time than ever for it to be a comfy /got/ thread. Bros who’s your favorite character in ASOIAF and why? For me it’s Androw Farman bc he’s literally me
    >plays crusader kings
    >gets by off gibs me dats as a lord
    >potent incel rage

    • 2 weeks ago

      >my wife isn’t the only one who can fly
      Based chudrow, he got revenge on that dyke b***h and went out with style. For me it’s Bobby B for ending the gayaryen dynasty

      • 2 weeks ago

        total Targaryen twink death basado

      • 2 weeks ago

        Thanks doc

      • 2 weeks ago

        Bobby B was cousin to Targs btw, but yeah once Targs lost their Dragons they should've been killed

      • 2 weeks ago

        Thank you maester

    • 2 weeks ago

      How I imagine myself if I existed in Westeros
      >Robb Stark

    • 2 weeks ago

      you think George had the average reader in mind when he made that character?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Raymun Fossaway

    • 2 weeks ago

      >married to a sexo dyke dragoness
      i cannot self insert as him.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Damn all the replies you got are naming minor characters. My favorite is Jaime.

  34. 2 weeks ago

    Is George OK? I read his blog posts and he seems really sad and doing that boomer thing where he reads mass media and starts feeling hopeless.

  35. 2 weeks ago

    I think the fact is that he's as demoralized by Season 8 as anyone else.

    • 2 weeks ago

      If his writting wasnt dogshit he wouldnt be

    • 2 weeks ago

      no because he just let them do the same fricking thing with blood and cheese and sunfyre in HotD
      this fat frick doesn't care

    • 2 weeks ago

      This is where that whole "S8 was based on his original ideas for the ending" comes from. If he hated S8 so much that should have motivated him to produce a book that restored everyone's faith in the franchise. Instead he been moping around and doing nothing ever since.

    • 2 weeks ago

      George best year for writing was a year after the show ended. This narrative that the show ending killed his writing pace makes no sense with what he’s said since it ended

      • 2 weeks ago

        >George best year for writing was a year after the show ended.
        There is no proof of this other than his own claims, which are specious at best.

        • 2 weeks ago

          There’s no proof that he was demoralized by season 8 other than the claims of random people on Cinemaphile and reddit, which are completely baseless.

          • 2 weeks ago

            he hasnt written a book in more than 10 years, you stupid frick

            • 2 weeks ago

              And in the 8 years the show was playing and was the biggest thing since sliced bread. There still was no book written. So it’s something else entirely that kept him from writing, not being demoralized by the show

      • 2 weeks ago

        >uh, yeah, I've totally been writing a morbillion pages a day, pinky promise

      • 2 weeks ago

        Absolutely not.
        He's not writing at all.
        People have been waiting for over a decade for gurm's and rothfuss's next books. Meanwhile Brandon Sanderson writes 500k words in two years and stays perfectly on schedule. At some point you have to accept that these people don't want their books out. When Robert Jordan died, people brought up gurm to finish WoT, but gurm was supposed to be writing Dance. 17 fricking years later he's still "writing" the successor novel to Dance.

        >write 3/4 of the rest of the your series
        >TV adaptation is released, everyone despises it
        >have to scrap all of your hard work and rewrite everything to avoid looking like a hack
        >readers now know all of your tricks/twists
        Must feel bad to be him right now.

        Its not 3/4 of the rest of the series, it's only winds, so 3/8 max, maybe less.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >This narrative that the show ending killed his writing pace makes no sense with what he’s said since it ended

        I agree with you that S8 didn't kill his writing pace. He didn't write between 2011-2019 and he isn't writing now.

        • 2 weeks ago

          He only wrote sporadically in the 00's so he could keep getting invites to Cons and interview. He is a world-class cynical attention prostitute, and it's pathetic that there are so many people who still shill for the guy and parrot everything he says as if its gospel.

      • 2 weeks ago

        he was already dead inside as a writer when the show hit like season 3. theres no way to motivate yourself to unmuck your story up when you have so much money.

        • 2 weeks ago

          He stopped writing the books regularly as soon as they got big, after ASOS in 2000. Everything after that was just cashing in

          • 2 weeks ago

            Correct really yeah. Hes given up and just on cruise now. He will never finish it or any large book for that matter. he can only muster up enough energy for short story stuff now.

  36. 2 weeks ago

    if he finishes the books, people will read them and move on. if he dies without finishing the books, people will argue for years and years what they think would have happened etc.

  37. 2 weeks ago

    The only GRRM project I'm interested in is In the Lost Lands, because it's the only GRRM project that won't be murky, underlit garbage.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Expecting anything good from him anymore is foolish. Until he okays The Red Wedding On Ice, it's the most over it could ever be.

  38. 2 weeks ago

    frick ASOIAF, where my dunk and egg tales at bros...

    • 2 weeks ago

      In production...

      • 2 weeks ago

        frick you b***h I meant the books, not the eternally-on-stanby hbo production that will make dunk a black lesbian trans moron on a wheelchair

        • 2 weeks ago

          It's already been cast. You'll get more HBOslop and nothing else. Maybe you can have Fire & Blood Volume 7 if lucky.

  39. 2 weeks ago

    Tales of Dunk and Egg should be kino (assuming they don't cast any brown people) so I will let the fat man off this time.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >assuming they don't cast any brown people
      A very bold assumption

  40. 2 weeks ago

    >Easy money vs harder work
    Tale as old as time

  41. 2 weeks ago

    I think that the geriatric computer he used finally died, took his book with it, and he hasn't got the heart to start it again.

  42. 2 weeks ago

    Since the show came out, which i refused to watch because the books weren't done yet, I've already accepted that fat man will never finish his books. It's not happening. I won't read an unfinished series again.

  43. 2 weeks ago

    myrish swamp

  44. 2 weeks ago

    Why do you ask questions you already know the answer to? He was already having trouble tying up the storylines and when he saw the reaction to GoT's ending- which in all likelyhood is mostly the same as the book's planned ending- he lost all motivation. WoW and AdoS are never being finished.

  45. 2 weeks ago

    He wrote himself into a corner and knows he can't pull off a satisfying ending so rather than ruin the setting he leaves it all on a cliffhanger

    • 2 weeks ago

      This. The structure and pacing of AFFC & ADWD were key signals that he had fricked up but even the first three books have structural/pacing issues that have stalled the series later on. A lot of characters are already at the end of their plot while others have barely even begun theirs so he has no idea how to progress and then combine them. He should have stuck with the five year gap idea after ASOS despite the awkwardness it would cause with some characters to give him the progression for key characters he obviously needed.

  46. 2 weeks ago

    Sunset found her squatting

  47. 2 weeks ago

    >publishes books
    >hack challenges him
    >does nothing (dead)

    • 2 weeks ago

      soilennials can only take one of these paths: they either defend tolkien as a god (closeted rightwingers) or they defend martin (le subverted expectations)

      • 2 weeks ago

        I'm not closeted bro.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >defend tolkien as a god (closeted rightwingers)
          nothing closeted about it anon

          soilennials detected

          • 2 weeks ago

            I'm actually a zoomer

      • 2 weeks ago

        >defend tolkien as a god (closeted rightwingers)
        nothing closeted about it anon

      • 2 weeks ago

        I chose a different path. I chose the impossible. I chose... to pretend I understand Gene Wolfe

        • 2 weeks ago

          >Writes all of his novels at the same time
          Pretty based

          • 2 weeks ago

            >invents Pringles in your path

      • 2 weeks ago


      • 2 weeks ago

        >I am the products I consooom
        Or just enjoy things for what they are, and not tie your identity to a corporate franchise. I’ve been saying for a long time it’s pathetic how people enjoy a work.. and then feel required to absorb the brand aspect of it into their personhood. It’s why people seethe when a bad product comes out under a franchise name, they feel personally attacked because the franchise that’s part of their identity has been besmirched. Millennials seem to do this unknowingly, while the zoom zooms do it fully aware and intentionally. It’s not a matter of choosing the correct brand to defend, it’s a matter of not engaging with that pathetic form of consooomerism at all

    • 2 weeks ago

      >is a more prolific author dead than fatman is alive

  48. 2 weeks ago

    Trust the plan. Announcement at the end of hotd2

  49. 2 weeks ago

    The immense amount of copium GoT fans must huff to still have any hope in this fat old homosexual frick writing the last book is insane. Never happening. He'll die long before he pumps out his last bit of slop and that's a good thing.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >He'll die long before he pumps out his last bit of slop and that's a good thing.
      t. angry got fan trying to cope

      • 2 weeks ago

        Never read any of them and never seen any of the shows. GoT never interested in me. The author seems like an insufferable frick though so I'm glad his story will be unfinished and the only ending people will have is the one from the show that sucked shit.

  50. 2 weeks ago

    >Whoa, shitty books about magic playing cards are what I should spend my rapidly depleting time writing! Maybe in my next interview they will ask me a question about this crap that was gleaned from skimming a wikipedia article!

  51. 2 weeks ago

    We'll probably get Winds in the next 5 years but 0% chance for Dream. The story will remain unfinished forever

    • 2 weeks ago

      I remember saying "in 5 years" over 10 years ago.

  52. 2 weeks ago

    At this point I'd take Fire & Blood 2 or more Dunk & Egg

  53. 2 weeks ago

    So what happens when this fatso dies?
    Does he have children who will grift his unpublished works for several decades?

    • 2 weeks ago

      He's asked that all his writing be destroyed once he dies and doesn't want anyone else to finish the series.
      I respect the level of spite in that, but nobody has to listen to him once he's dead.

      • 2 weeks ago

        and some people still give him their money. his fans deserve him

      • 2 weeks ago

        >He's asked that all his writing be destroyed once he dies
        He’s never said that.

        • 2 weeks ago

          cope and seethe moron

          • 2 weeks ago

            Nothing about him ordering his works destroyed, just him talking about not wanting the series to be fodder for shitty cash in stories in the future. You should actually read the articles you find before you post them moron.

            • 2 weeks ago

              The point is he is not publishing anything after his death, because he does not think you deserve it
              And he is right. You are subhumanly stupid c**ts, put on this earth to mindlessly consoom gurm's slop and nothing more

              • 2 weeks ago

                >you don’t deserve my nihilistic misery porn chud!!!
                How will humanity go on….

              • 2 weeks ago

                apologies, I wasn't clear that this is not a choice on gurm's part, but a product of his mediocre literary skills

      • 2 weeks ago

        Won’t happen. There’s too much money at stake. It’s just a matter of time before someone sells the rights (and to who)

  54. 2 weeks ago

    I'm glad I never started reading the series. The fricker will die long before he gets to the final book.

  55. 2 weeks ago

    We are still in a pandemic, he still has plenty of reason to finish it while tons of people are sheltering in place

    • 2 weeks ago
  56. 2 weeks ago

    Damn literally no one asked for a show about Dorne.

  57. 2 weeks ago

    >Why is he like this?
    diminishing marginal returns

  58. 2 weeks ago

    He's gonna pull a Jordan

  59. 2 weeks ago

    Wait if he’s so rich and lazy why can’t he just get a ghostwriter to finish the books for him? His prose is easy to imitate

    • 2 weeks ago

      because he hates his fans and they deserve it

  60. 2 weeks ago

    Even if he somehow lived another 20 years his mind won't remain sharp enough to handle all the plot threads he created.

  61. 2 weeks ago

    >Ygritte looked plump as she crouched there, but most of that was layers of fur and wool and leather. Underneath all that she could be as skinny as Arya.
    >Yrgitte wasn't wed and her weapon of choice was a short curved bow of horn and weirwood, but "spearwife" fit her all the same. She reminded him a little of his sister Arya, though Arya was younger and probably skinnier. It was hard to tell how plump or thin Ygritte might be, with all the furs and skins she wore.
    >Her legs were skinny but well muscled, the hair at the juncture of her thighs a brighter red than that on her head. Does that make it even luckier? He pulled her close.
    >"If you kill a man, and never mean t', he's just as dead," Ygritte said stubbornly. Jon had never met anyone so stubborn, except maybe for his little sister Arya. Is she still my sister? he wondered. Was she ever?
    >She punched him. "That's vile. Would you bed your sister?" "Longspear's not your brother."


    • 2 weeks ago

      >"That's vile. Would you bed your sister?"

      Number of incest cases in books

      1) Jaime and Cersei
      2) Craster and his 20 daughters
      3) Jon and Arya (in the original outline Jon and Arya would fall in love)
      4) Tywin ad Joanna (cousins)
      5) Theon and Yara
      6) Too many to list. Targaryens married their sisters often

      Now I am not claiming that incest never happened in human history. It is a curious thing to be interested in and write about it, but I guess it can serve the story. However George has written an insane amount about it. He is a very weird, creepy man.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >3) Jon and Arya (in the original outline Jon and Arya would fall in love)

        the funniest bit about that outline is that it suggests that R+L=J just exists so Jon and Arya won't feel guilty about banging each other

      • 2 weeks ago

        >5) Theon and Yara
        they never actually frick, right?

        • 2 weeks ago

          She squeezes his boner while they're riding a horse while knowing full well he's her brother, that's it.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >im an old-school romantic

  62. 2 weeks ago

    We might get Winter, but we will never see Spring.

  63. 2 weeks ago

    This guy thinks its possible that its coming soon

    • 2 weeks ago

      He’s wrong

  64. 2 weeks ago

    He scrapped the planned 5 year time skip between ASOS and AFFC (which was ADWD at the time) and then realized that he couldn't reconcile things

  65. 2 weeks ago

    There is a phenomenon in creative writing where once everything is all mapped out and you know exactly all the big moments and exactly how you want it to end, you lose motivation to write it because in your brain the story is over and its time to move on to something else.

  66. 2 weeks ago

    This is all because you guys didn’t like dark star. He was so exited about that character and you laughed at him like he was a joke. Absolutely crushed poor George, he’s a sensitive soul

    • 2 weeks ago

      How can you blame the fans. Did george really make an edgy Donut steel frickboy character named Dorkstar and expect anyone to take it seriously?

    • 2 weeks ago

      And bookcucks try to pretend like the show ruined Dorne lol

      • 2 weeks ago

        >And bookcucks try to pretend like the show ruined Dorne
        We could've had Arianne Martell's huge dark nipples and Areo Hotah cleaving kingsguards in half, but instead we got teleporting Sand Snakes and "weak men will never rule Dorne again".

    • 2 weeks ago

      I like Darkstar.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I named my Elden Ring character after him George. I don't think any guy who summoned me/invader got the reference, they must have thought I was an unironic edgelord.

    • 2 weeks ago

      He was weened in venom. And man who makes fun of him will rue it.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I don't even remember him.

  67. 2 weeks ago

    >TWOW will come out before he dies!
    You're getting Sanderson's Winds and you're going to like it.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I unironically would like that. Let’s face it, we’re getting Winds MAYBE before George dies. The rest will be ghostwritten, and honestly be better for it. George started as a tabletop guy. He likes making characters and sending them on adventures, he’s not interested in the technical work of crafting a satisfying story-arc, which is what’s required for a series ending

  68. 2 weeks ago

    Have you seen these men?!

    • 2 weeks ago

      somewhere there is the ultimate procrastination D&D game happening

  69. 2 weeks ago

    When I finished ASOS I got busy around that time and told myself I would start AFFC when he finished Winds. That was 12 years ago….

    Still haven’t read AFFC, and haven’t watched any GOT content since that awful finale.

  70. 2 weeks ago

    >Why is he like this?

    Gurm has come to the realization that even if he got off his fat ass and finished ASOIAF, it would never live up to the expectations of bookgays who have been endlessly debating and discussing his story on-line for almost _30 years_ now, thus it is in his best interest to NEVER finish the books and when he kicks the bucket, fans will continue to debate/discuss this story and speculate on how it would have ended and his reputation will remain intact.

  71. 2 weeks ago

    I can see so much of myself as a procrastinating college student in his bullshit, As you long as you have your parents (HBO) paying your shit your thesis can take years.

  72. 2 weeks ago

    GOOD NEWS EVERYONE. Frank Herbert was just hired to finish the books!

  73. 2 weeks ago

    >joke from a 7 year old movie is still accurate

  74. 2 weeks ago

    Are there any delusional people left that defend this fat frick?

    I should be clear now that he will never finish Winds and plans to die as soon as possible

    • 2 weeks ago

      >plans to die as soon as possible
      if only, he will go on for another decade teasing his subhuman fanbase and they will lap it up and continue polluting the internet with their slavish stupidity

  75. 2 weeks ago

    WORLDCON 2024




  76. 2 weeks ago

    inb4 all the books are already finished but he's so terrified of what people will think of them after the hyping up that he's waiting to die and have them discovered

  77. 2 weeks ago
    • 2 weeks ago

      >Wah wah wah “the entire human race may be forgotten”

      homie shut the frick up and quit writing this crap, and finish the damn books

    • 2 weeks ago

      >noooo I can't finish cos of trump and cancel culture and stuff

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Worried that he hasn't influenced his audience or the world at large to think the way he wants them to think
      >Probably could have achieved a semblance of this goal if he actually finished the books and stuck the landing

      • 2 weeks ago

        He's a hack.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >doomposting like terminally online woman
      It's ogre.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Has anything I have ever written here ever changed a single mind, a single vote?
      That's not your frickin job, moron. Be a political analyst or a campaign stooge if you want to change minds and votes.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >gurm designs a political ad for the Democrats
        >ends up writing Trump as a "morally grey" character who is super cool
        >can't be bothered to write the 'vote democrat' part because that's what people expect

    • 2 weeks ago

      >I had no appetite
      Not written by him. Question is, who's running the blog now?

  78. 2 weeks ago

    Say what you will about Abercrombie but at least he stuck to his guns and finished his first trilogy with an ending that George probably pined for.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >with an ending that George probably pined for
      I don't get it. Who is George's Bayaz? Bloodraven in Bran's body?

      • 2 weeks ago

        Euron if he wasn't the third act evil character to take over once Ramsay dies.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Euron is nothing like Bayaz tho

          • 2 weeks ago

            Then George doesn't have the gumption to make his final boss a god-complex magi who controls the world's banks.

            • 2 weeks ago

              >a god-complex magi who controls the world's banks
              So, a super israelite?

              • 2 weeks ago

                >“Your Majesty, we are not here to set right all the world’s wrongs.”
                >Orso stared back at him. “What are we here for, then?”
                >Bayaz neither smiled nor frowned. “To ensure that we benefit from them.”

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Jezal is Ryan Gosling
      My fricking sides

  79. 2 weeks ago

    It’s almost like fat people have bad impulse control, a general inclination to laziness, and poor discipline.

  80. 2 weeks ago

    tWoW won't come out as long as GRRM is alive for the same reason HL3 is never coming out, it's just too overhyped to the point it's impossible to be released in a satisfying manner. I bet it's even finished and locked in a safe somewhere, it's the only reason the publisher who already threw bags of money at this GRRM isn't suing his fat ass right now to get it back

    • 2 weeks ago

      It won't come out because he can't be bothered to work on it, because he has contempt for his book fans. And rightly so

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