Youre given the Friday the 13th franchise

What would you do for the next film?

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Ape Out Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    Make Jason trans

    • 2 years ago

      Jason is actually gay trans and goes after right wingers. DIGITS confirm

    • 2 years ago

      And black. And in the end they didn't know what he sacrificed for them

  2. 2 years ago

    Jason is actually gay trans and goes after right wingers. DIGITS confirm

  3. 2 years ago

    Jump scare in every scene but jason doesn't show up until the last 15 minutes

    • 2 years ago

      So an A24 film? Art house Jason might be sick

    • 2 years ago

      You're just making Godzilla at that point

      • 2 years ago

        Why not both?

    • 2 years ago

      Wasn't that Jason Goes to Hell?

      • 2 years ago

        No it wasn't since technically Jason was possessing everyone until then.

        • 2 years ago


  4. 2 years ago

    I don't know but it ends with the opening scene of Jason X

  5. 2 years ago

    I'll make a CGI animated friday the 13th movie, and because that does surprisingly well netflix and the IP holder will approach me and we'll do some rick and morty style animated friday the 13th abomination tv series that is ultra gory and full of filthy language and other reddit shit.
    they'll go nuts for it.

  6. 2 years ago

    I do Jason in space again except this time Jason's soul takes over the ship's computer system ala SHODAN and shenanigans ensue. At some point he converts the ship into the shape of a machete and directs it towards one of the more densely populated (and sexually active) parts of Earth. That last part I partially stole from an anon here.

    • 2 years ago

      5 years ago I would have said Freddy vs Jason vs Ash, but Campbell and Englund are unfortunately too old (though I guess Freddy could be CGI).


  7. 2 years ago

    A prequel focused on Pamela Voorhees's strict upbringing in the 1930s when her town was terrorized by a man who kidnapped kids and drowned them.

    • 2 years ago

      i was thinking a prequel showing jason's upbringing and "death"

  8. 2 years ago

    Jason Goes to Washington and it parallels the January 6th insurrection.

    • 2 years ago

      >Jason Takes the Capital
      Very based. How does he yeet Nancy Pelosi?

      • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Id love to see Jason murder a bunch of politicians. Would be kino

  9. 2 years ago

    I've thought about this. I would have 5 unhappy couples, who are all going through marriage counselling, go together on a mandated group trip to Crystal Lake, as a sort of bonding exercise. One of the couples is still reeling from the trauma of not being around to save their kid from drowning. The gimmick here is that Jason is attracted by people fricking, right? Well these miserable husbands and wives have no desire for sex, so they laugh at the legend and think they're safe. Except... one of the wives is having an secret affair with another's husband! So their little sexcapade summons Jason out of the lake, and the killings begin.
    Blah blah blah, the parents of the dead child are the only ones left, and they learn of a way to end the Jason curse - by heading out to the middle of the lake and save Jason's ghost from drowning. Adult Jason pursues them in the water and the husband fights him, while the wife saves kid Jason, thereby helping them both move on from the grief of their own kid.
    Movie ends with them sitting on a nearby bench overlooking the lake holding hands, reconciled. Suddenly Jason appears from behind them, dual-wielding 2 machetes, and swings them down at their wrists. Their hands, fingers still entwined, bounce across the ground while we hear their screams. The end!

    • 2 years ago

      Fricking kino anon

    • 2 years ago

      I'd fund it.
      Perfect timing for all the 90's kids settling into nightmarish relationships in their early 30's.

    • 2 years ago

      how the frick did you come up with something actually good

    • 2 years ago

      >Jason pursues them in the water

      • 2 years ago

        You're the moron, homosexual.
        >muh I watched FvsJ so I know everything about Jason

  10. 2 years ago

    Make a spinoff about Jason's father who goes on a rampage after a bunch of campers rape Mrs Voorhees, resulting in her becoming pregnant with Jason.

    Title: The Seed of Evil

  11. 2 years ago

    Jason buried at bottom of lake. Asleep. Dead.

    A group of developers fill the lake and build cheap housing. Low income apartments ( like Candyman)
    Apartments are filled by Latinos and black families

    Jason is dug up or awoken by an earthquake or something.
    Jason digs up and comes out, Jason starts to kill poor people

    People call 911 and the police, but police thinks is gang violence and doesn't answer. Jason keeps killing. But hiding in the shadows.
    It takes the people of the neighborhood to team up and fight Jason.
    Last 30 minutes of the movie is bounty hunters and gang members hunting for Jason

    • 2 years ago

      Jordan Peele’s Friday the 13th N Sheeeet

      • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      This could be a fun and profitable low budged horror show if the poorgays are likeable and realistic.

    • 2 years ago

      Actually sounds dope.

    • 2 years ago

      >The hockey mask symbolizes white supremacy
      Genius anon.

  12. 2 years ago

    I'd do a completely unrelated sequel involving Jason in a cool setting killing people. Don't need to explain where it fits into the storyline, don't need to bring back any legacy characters, just give people a good F13 movie.
    I'd also like to see a remake of the first movie with Pamela tbh.

  13. 2 years ago

    Crossover with Pumpkinhead.

  14. 2 years ago

    Time travel seems to be the logical next step.

    • 2 years ago

      >goes back to save his mom from being killed
      >mommy Voorhees and Jason travel through time together and kill camp counselors together

    • 2 years ago

      Jason and the Argonauts.

  15. 2 years ago

    a gang of counsellors are preying on kids at a special needs camp and jason fricking obliterates them, goes through them like butter, burns through them like fuel, never hurts any of the disabled kids and at one point saves one from drowning


    • 2 years ago

      I dig this. Ive always rooted for Jason anyways. Might as well make him the good guy.

  16. 2 years ago

    Jason runs for president and wins, he then proceeds to kill promiscuous officials in the Whitehouse. He has a snivelling adviser called Mr Mansly who constantly says things like "Mr president, Sir, you can't just kill promiscuous officials with a machete, Wyoming has a food shortage"

  17. 2 years ago

    Go back to the basics. Young horny teens are camp counselors, Jason stalks and kills them. You don’t need to do anything more than this. The first 3 movies got it right.

  18. 2 years ago

    Some cool TikTokers buy the rundown Camp Crystal Lake and plan to open a candle shop. Jason catches onto this and kills everyone and then we get a sequel about

  19. 2 years ago

    Jason in the Multiverse. Every jason from every movie returns.

  20. 2 years ago

    Jason get ipad

    • 2 years ago

      I can imagine jason fricking around with it for a second then a zoomer on tik tok shows up and he throws it to the side

  21. 2 years ago

    The spirit of Jason Voorhees passes on to Dr Loomis

  22. 2 years ago

    >What would you do for the next film?
    College woketards and activists murdered for 2 hours

    • 2 years ago

      The did this for leatherface and it was moronic. No one wants to see woketards, not even to watch them die.

      Captcha:vs man

  23. 2 years ago

    >Jason in mars
    >Jason fighting a demonic version of jason like the 9 part
    Freedy vs jason 2

  24. 2 years ago

    Jason in medieval times wearing a rusty suit of armour

  25. 2 years ago

    unsimulated sex scenes with the hottest b***hes but I’m the guy that is fricking them and I escape each Jason attack using my wits and just repeat me fricking hot b***hes and attacks where he kills her until it’s revealed I’m a super being that has been toying with Jason because I have the supreme power and I trap Jason in a snow globe and frick one last hot b***h in front of him

    End credits

    • 2 years ago

      holy kino

  26. 2 years ago

    Freddy vs Jason vs Alien vs Predator
    >aliens being taken by predators to ???
    >aliens get loose, cause the ship to crash on elm street in 1980
    >the fires trigger teens to dream of the fire that killed freddy and brings him back
    >freddy controls the aliens, making them massacre the neighbourhood
    >more predators arrive to chase them down
    >aliens/freddy lure them to camp crystal lake as a killing field
    >jason joins the fray
    >battle royale
    >don't know who wins but everyone gets fricked up
    >teens are mixed in the middle of this some how
    >lots of breasts
    >final scene is a chest burster popping out of jasons chest with his mask as its face
    >tease hellraiser, michael myers, nosferatu and bruce campbell appearing in a sequel
    >never make the sequel

    • 2 years ago

      >final scene is a chest burster popping out of jasons chest with his mask as its face
      That'd be kino as frick

    • 2 years ago

      scene is a chest burster popping out of jasons chest with his mask as its face
      Fricking lol. Fund it.

  27. 2 years ago

    Bring back 70s style slashers and make the victims a combination of hicks and new yorkers. Creative kills would be hard since its only base on a camp.

  28. 2 years ago

    have it follow a seemingly vanilla original formula but up the weirdness to fricking 200%. full on experimental shots, lighting, music, cinematography. a perspective into his awakening from the lake's dark heart, a visual representation of him "returning" from hell or wherever he or his spirit resides in wait between his attacks. just do weird and novel shit you don't ever see in horror movies - why not? jason is the most classic horror slasher ever, he's had like over a dozen movies. the next one should be out there. i could think of a ton of genuinely scary shit right now, and a lot of them are simply subversions of regular horror, only, using jason is even more frightening as he is ironically almost comforting in the familiarity of how he operates. so for him to suddenly act different to how you would expect him to, you become unnerved

    >some female character is sitting on a bed by a table light, reading
    >no sex, no action, nothing deserving of death
    >a noise faintly in the distance
    >she looks off, checks about, hears nothing, camera stays on her
    >looks back to book
    >hears similar noise, looks again
    >otherwise tight camera finally cuts to what she's looking at
    >no claustrophobic room or hallway, instead a vacuous, dimly lit "common" room sort of bunk area. a big stark rectangle with beds laid out on the wall and walls in the middle with an open arch that would usually have some sort of folding doors: a linear gradient of shadow extends to the opposite end, and there at that end is complete darkness
    >where could jason possibly come out? maybe the window behind her? ah a classic fist smash through the glass grabbing her hair
    >but the camera doesn't leave from that open, almost helpless feeling wide shot of the empty, dim bunk area
    >it holds for several seconds with no noise
    >it cuts to her again
    >she's breathing heavier, she's afraid but has no clue why, there's still no music
    >it cuts back to the room
    >jason's head slowly creeps from behind one of the half-walls

    • 2 years ago

      my favorite one i just cooked up but didn't write first would actually be almost comedic if written in another context
      >character getting chased by jason
      >all the average twists and turns and exasperated falls and trips a victim makes in a slasher chase scene
      >they get the classic "upper hand to run away" moment where the ostensibly foiled villain would then vanish only to reappear and surprise them
      >only this time it doesn't cut to them jogging to a tree to stop and huff, and then get jumpscared
      >it stays with jason, we watch from his perspective that same moment
      >he stares and watches
      >the camera is right up on his face, tight, unescapable
      >it handcams around him, over his shoulder
      >he breaks into a determined walk
      >where in the very distant background we see glimpses of the panicking victim accidentally double back, make the wrong turns, attempt to use locked doors - jason is fully knowledgeable of the environment, making confident beelines and turns, taking short cuts, steadily increasing in speed with his walk which all the same increases the bass of that monstrous footfall, until it's nothing but the footfall sound, like a rapidly beating heart
      >we follow jason all the way back to where that "teleport" moment would have been in a normal movie
      >he's there behind that tree

      alternatively another thing i thought would be scary is instead outright denying the teleport and do the opposite. have the victim run with jason steadily marching after them in the background - trips and stumbles and struggles to open the doors and windows and all - THE WHOLE TIME. imagine that, what a brutal fricking scene, what tension - like a spike wall infinitely pressing on toward you, always just a couple feet away from snagging you and crushing you to death

    • 2 years ago

      >bookish hot nerd girl that is safe in the cabin and not out in the woods fricking is the first to go

      Was this intentional? That part is definitely unnerving to me. Immediately taking out the characters most likely for main character status. Can you imagine a horror movie with the trope cast and the fricking BLACK GUY is the sole survivor? He should be fat as frick too just so it's even more of a surprise. And none of it should be played for laughs even in the slightest. It'd be amazing. It should be him and the stereotypical quiet girl who didn't even want to come and she should trip on something while running and accidently kill herself like Tucker and Dale vs Evil. LOL

      Captcha: SPONX. That has to mean something.

    • 2 years ago

      this one may only pay off if the rest of the movie would be as done as well as i imagine it in my head but
      >don't actually show the kills close up, up until the 60-70% mark or so, just a disconnected, further out, off-kilter angle of it. definitely hang on them in a weird, drawn out way as he hacks them up and they try uselessly defending themself - these parts even though they're short and hard to read entirely need to look suddenly a lot more real than any other kills even across the movies, actually "brutal in real life" kinda shit- but it's far away, so it's not outright fake snuff shit that's hard to watch, and it's only several seconds
      >at this 60-70% mark, jason must cross the lake to reach the final few victims/fated survivors
      >it cuts from him descending into the black water to a hard cut of the depths below, moonlight illuminating the murky waters enough for the centrally framed, mostly rotted bodies and skeletons of past victims to be seen floating as jason slowly walks along the lakebed
      >as it follows him it plays back every one of the murders in his own POV
      >get to see every kill again with more detail, including the initial "lunge" and any creative shit you missed, or whatever "finisher" he did on the more novel ones
      >cutting between his dead, emotionless face and eyes glinting in the water, and the lively, scared eyes and face of his victims
      >continues in that event horizon styled gruesome montage (much slower and more focused than how they did it in that sequence though) until the last cut of jason is with him rising out of the other side of the lake
      >he stands there, knee deep in the water, idly standing like a soldier for a moment, as if contemplating
      >the scary musical swell stops abruptly as he does this
      >peace: lake sounds, the wind, noises of nature, camp - crickets, loons, etc... and the frame of jason dead center in the lake, staring straight ahead
      >his moment of thought or enjoyment or whatever it is passes, music continues, he rushes on

      obviously with how its going the ending would have to equally run off the path of the quintessential jason movie: survivor escapes, thinks they're ok, jason pops up, jason is about to get them, movie ends - though instead i was thinking something like
      >character has only survived out of sheer luck, animal adrenaline, and cowardice
      >getting chased by jason
      >holding none of the cards
      >do something i can't recall anybody ever trying in any slasher really
      >they climb a tree
      >like a scared caveman running from some fricking up beast the sole survivor and MC just dogs themself up a tree to get away
      >now we get a survivor POV
      >can see jason through the branches up in the heights of the tree, but there is no comfort - he is looking right at the camera even from that distance, like he never DIDN'T know where ever counselor was at all times through some horrifying preternatural means
      >camera persists the entire time as jason stomps up to the tree
      >stops so close to the base of the tree he's almost touching it
      >looks straight up, but doesn't bother climbing or throwing anything or trying to cut the tree down
      >extremely uneasy string music builds, won't sit here trying to describe sound to you like a moron but something that denotes a strong sense of unsureness of what is to come next; paranoia, a quickly rising tension but not so imminent; nothing is actually happening physically but the realization is dawning on the MC and the audience that they are totally fricked up there - their face is going through a huge gamut of emotion, thought, planning - but ultimately, defeat and hopelessness
      >the music continues as the screen fades to black
      >cuts to the character sleeping with a stern look of discomfort, still atop the branches, morning sun washing their face
      >they search around, but see nothing
      >climb down
      >look off to the lake
      >distantly, jason lurks at eye level like a crocodile in the water

      >wide shot of character from behind, near ground level, lake in the background, they turn to the camera and begin to run - a look of terror on their face, but that same, strange, animalistic stoicism, as if the human element of fear and the thought of fear has worn off and they are simply operating on such a level of shock that it's more a response now to run than a process of actualization like "oh my god i'm going to die he's going to kill me i have to run" - the death of the character here is their spirit in the face of such violence and malevolence, they have been broken and all they can do now is flee the site of the massacre of all their friends
      >only shot in the whole movie with bright color: blue sky, dusty orange shore grounds, yellow grasses and green trees, a true summer day on film
      >they keep running towards the still set camera, kicking up those clouds with speed
      >they run off screen
      >jason's blurred head is still there clearly in the background, not moving
      >as it fades to black only the sound of the MC's hurried footsteps and panting continue as they escape the camp, alive, but alone and scarred forever
      >the end

      also as a final brief aside obviously none of the characters would be annoying fricking homosexual hollywood slasher tropes. they need to be real and regular and slightly idealized so that way you of course like them all or at least tolerate them, and DON'T want to fricking see them die. they need to be smart, their fear needs to make them mostly capable, and they need to be likable. all right israelites, i'm ready. scrap this text data from my post through the Cinemaphile honeypot servers and discover my innate talent for story. DELIVER ME TO THE UPPER ECHELONS

      K I N O

    • 2 years ago

      my favorite one i just cooked up but didn't write first would actually be almost comedic if written in another context
      >character getting chased by jason
      >all the average twists and turns and exasperated falls and trips a victim makes in a slasher chase scene
      >they get the classic "upper hand to run away" moment where the ostensibly foiled villain would then vanish only to reappear and surprise them
      >only this time it doesn't cut to them jogging to a tree to stop and huff, and then get jumpscared
      >it stays with jason, we watch from his perspective that same moment
      >he stares and watches
      >the camera is right up on his face, tight, unescapable
      >it handcams around him, over his shoulder
      >he breaks into a determined walk
      >where in the very distant background we see glimpses of the panicking victim accidentally double back, make the wrong turns, attempt to use locked doors - jason is fully knowledgeable of the environment, making confident beelines and turns, taking short cuts, steadily increasing in speed with his walk which all the same increases the bass of that monstrous footfall, until it's nothing but the footfall sound, like a rapidly beating heart
      >we follow jason all the way back to where that "teleport" moment would have been in a normal movie
      >he's there behind that tree

      alternatively another thing i thought would be scary is instead outright denying the teleport and do the opposite. have the victim run with jason steadily marching after them in the background - trips and stumbles and struggles to open the doors and windows and all - THE WHOLE TIME. imagine that, what a brutal fricking scene, what tension - like a spike wall infinitely pressing on toward you, always just a couple feet away from snagging you and crushing you to death

      this one may only pay off if the rest of the movie would be as done as well as i imagine it in my head but
      >don't actually show the kills close up, up until the 60-70% mark or so, just a disconnected, further out, off-kilter angle of it. definitely hang on them in a weird, drawn out way as he hacks them up and they try uselessly defending themself - these parts even though they're short and hard to read entirely need to look suddenly a lot more real than any other kills even across the movies, actually "brutal in real life" kinda shit- but it's far away, so it's not outright fake snuff shit that's hard to watch, and it's only several seconds
      >at this 60-70% mark, jason must cross the lake to reach the final few victims/fated survivors
      >it cuts from him descending into the black water to a hard cut of the depths below, moonlight illuminating the murky waters enough for the centrally framed, mostly rotted bodies and skeletons of past victims to be seen floating as jason slowly walks along the lakebed
      >as it follows him it plays back every one of the murders in his own POV
      >get to see every kill again with more detail, including the initial "lunge" and any creative shit you missed, or whatever "finisher" he did on the more novel ones
      >cutting between his dead, emotionless face and eyes glinting in the water, and the lively, scared eyes and face of his victims
      >continues in that event horizon styled gruesome montage (much slower and more focused than how they did it in that sequence though) until the last cut of jason is with him rising out of the other side of the lake
      >he stands there, knee deep in the water, idly standing like a soldier for a moment, as if contemplating
      >the scary musical swell stops abruptly as he does this
      >peace: lake sounds, the wind, noises of nature, camp - crickets, loons, etc... and the frame of jason dead center in the lake, staring straight ahead
      >his moment of thought or enjoyment or whatever it is passes, music continues, he rushes on

      obviously with how its going the ending would have to equally run off the path of the quintessential jason movie: survivor escapes, thinks they're ok, jason pops up, jason is about to get them, movie ends - though instead i was thinking something like
      >character has only survived out of sheer luck, animal adrenaline, and cowardice
      >getting chased by jason
      >holding none of the cards
      >do something i can't recall anybody ever trying in any slasher really
      >they climb a tree
      >like a scared caveman running from some fricking up beast the sole survivor and MC just dogs themself up a tree to get away
      >now we get a survivor POV
      >can see jason through the branches up in the heights of the tree, but there is no comfort - he is looking right at the camera even from that distance, like he never DIDN'T know where ever counselor was at all times through some horrifying preternatural means
      >camera persists the entire time as jason stomps up to the tree
      >stops so close to the base of the tree he's almost touching it
      >looks straight up, but doesn't bother climbing or throwing anything or trying to cut the tree down
      >extremely uneasy string music builds, won't sit here trying to describe sound to you like a moron but something that denotes a strong sense of unsureness of what is to come next; paranoia, a quickly rising tension but not so imminent; nothing is actually happening physically but the realization is dawning on the MC and the audience that they are totally fricked up there - their face is going through a huge gamut of emotion, thought, planning - but ultimately, defeat and hopelessness
      >the music continues as the screen fades to black
      >cuts to the character sleeping with a stern look of discomfort, still atop the branches, morning sun washing their face
      >they search around, but see nothing
      >climb down
      >look off to the lake
      >distantly, jason lurks at eye level like a crocodile in the water

      Kino as frick. You deserve, at the very LEAST, a small budget and a cast of aspiring unknown actors to make some fantastic indie slasher. Or rather, what I mean is, you deserve the chance to make a film. A slasher by someone who loves slashers, creative and played straight at the same time. Love it.

      >they need to be real and regular and slightly idealized so that way you of course like them all or at least tolerate them, and DON'T want to fricking see them die. they need to be smart, their fear needs to make them mostly capable, and they need to be likable.
      Makes me think of the Until Dawn characters. Some of them are b***hy or douchey but controlling those characters yourself and making conversation choices makes the player really empathize with them
      They never feel like exaggerated cartoons, just real, scared people

      I find that old slashers are a lot better at this. Later slasher flicks fall for the "self-parody" meme where they're cheesy on purpose, make the characters unlikable and irrational, make the plot's contrivances obviously impossible. I hate this. Older slashers took themselves seriously. I watched The Burning last night, for example - it was a genuine relief when a young George from Seinfeld survived the movie. All the characters were so charming and likable, and even the "jerk" archetypes didn't warrant a death penalty. While older movies tried to take themselves seriously and (sometimes) fail, newer slashers REFUSE to take themselves seriously, and always succeed. And that's a lot worse.

  29. 2 years ago

    this one may only pay off if the rest of the movie would be as done as well as i imagine it in my head but
    >don't actually show the kills close up, up until the 60-70% mark or so, just a disconnected, further out, off-kilter angle of it. definitely hang on them in a weird, drawn out way as he hacks them up and they try uselessly defending themself - these parts even though they're short and hard to read entirely need to look suddenly a lot more real than any other kills even across the movies, actually "brutal in real life" kinda shit- but it's far away, so it's not outright fake snuff shit that's hard to watch, and it's only several seconds
    >at this 60-70% mark, jason must cross the lake to reach the final few victims/fated survivors
    >it cuts from him descending into the black water to a hard cut of the depths below, moonlight illuminating the murky waters enough for the centrally framed, mostly rotted bodies and skeletons of past victims to be seen floating as jason slowly walks along the lakebed
    >as it follows him it plays back every one of the murders in his own POV
    >get to see every kill again with more detail, including the initial "lunge" and any creative shit you missed, or whatever "finisher" he did on the more novel ones
    >cutting between his dead, emotionless face and eyes glinting in the water, and the lively, scared eyes and face of his victims
    >continues in that event horizon styled gruesome montage (much slower and more focused than how they did it in that sequence though) until the last cut of jason is with him rising out of the other side of the lake
    >he stands there, knee deep in the water, idly standing like a soldier for a moment, as if contemplating
    >the scary musical swell stops abruptly as he does this
    >peace: lake sounds, the wind, noises of nature, camp - crickets, loons, etc... and the frame of jason dead center in the lake, staring straight ahead
    >his moment of thought or enjoyment or whatever it is passes, music continues, he rushes on

  30. 2 years ago

    I really enjoyed the '09 reboot, if it wasn't for the distracting casting of Jared Padalecki and the moronic tunnels, it would be perfect

  31. 2 years ago

    obviously with how its going the ending would have to equally run off the path of the quintessential jason movie: survivor escapes, thinks they're ok, jason pops up, jason is about to get them, movie ends - though instead i was thinking something like
    >character has only survived out of sheer luck, animal adrenaline, and cowardice
    >getting chased by jason
    >holding none of the cards
    >do something i can't recall anybody ever trying in any slasher really
    >they climb a tree
    >like a scared caveman running from some fricking up beast the sole survivor and MC just dogs themself up a tree to get away
    >now we get a survivor POV
    >can see jason through the branches up in the heights of the tree, but there is no comfort - he is looking right at the camera even from that distance, like he never DIDN'T know where ever counselor was at all times through some horrifying preternatural means
    >camera persists the entire time as jason stomps up to the tree
    >stops so close to the base of the tree he's almost touching it
    >looks straight up, but doesn't bother climbing or throwing anything or trying to cut the tree down
    >extremely uneasy string music builds, won't sit here trying to describe sound to you like a moron but something that denotes a strong sense of unsureness of what is to come next; paranoia, a quickly rising tension but not so imminent; nothing is actually happening physically but the realization is dawning on the MC and the audience that they are totally fricked up there - their face is going through a huge gamut of emotion, thought, planning - but ultimately, defeat and hopelessness
    >the music continues as the screen fades to black
    >cuts to the character sleeping with a stern look of discomfort, still atop the branches, morning sun washing their face
    >they search around, but see nothing
    >climb down
    >look off to the lake
    >distantly, jason lurks at eye level like a crocodile in the water

    • 2 years ago

      >wide shot of character from behind, near ground level, lake in the background, they turn to the camera and begin to run - a look of terror on their face, but that same, strange, animalistic stoicism, as if the human element of fear and the thought of fear has worn off and they are simply operating on such a level of shock that it's more a response now to run than a process of actualization like "oh my god i'm going to die he's going to kill me i have to run" - the death of the character here is their spirit in the face of such violence and malevolence, they have been broken and all they can do now is flee the site of the massacre of all their friends
      >only shot in the whole movie with bright color: blue sky, dusty orange shore grounds, yellow grasses and green trees, a true summer day on film
      >they keep running towards the still set camera, kicking up those clouds with speed
      >they run off screen
      >jason's blurred head is still there clearly in the background, not moving
      >as it fades to black only the sound of the MC's hurried footsteps and panting continue as they escape the camp, alive, but alone and scarred forever
      >the end

      also as a final brief aside obviously none of the characters would be annoying fricking homosexual hollywood slasher tropes. they need to be real and regular and slightly idealized so that way you of course like them all or at least tolerate them, and DON'T want to fricking see them die. they need to be smart, their fear needs to make them mostly capable, and they need to be likable. all right israelites, i'm ready. scrap this text data from my post through the Cinemaphile honeypot servers and discover my innate talent for story. DELIVER ME TO THE UPPER ECHELONS

      • 2 years ago

        >>only shot in the whole movie with bright color
        >darkest moment in the whole movie
        actually now that i'm thinking of it i also wanna add too that the only thing that could make this part better is if afterwards while the credits roll one half of the screen is intercut with the MC running down the road and breaking down into sobbing mania while the dead friend montage plays over again. not the same montage now - not the killing again - but now just silent handcam-like motion of them AFTER the fact, just lying dead with their eyes horribly splayed and frozen, mouths slightly agape, etc. a total decisive slasher win (like most slashers, you just don't realize because homosexual buttrock starts playing at the end and it's also story over so you're completely unimmersed and just ready to piss) just without the cheesy and bullshit jumpscare at the end

        • 2 years ago

          >wide shot of character from behind, near ground level, lake in the background, they turn to the camera and begin to run - a look of terror on their face, but that same, strange, animalistic stoicism, as if the human element of fear and the thought of fear has worn off and they are simply operating on such a level of shock that it's more a response now to run than a process of actualization like "oh my god i'm going to die he's going to kill me i have to run" - the death of the character here is their spirit in the face of such violence and malevolence, they have been broken and all they can do now is flee the site of the massacre of all their friends
          >only shot in the whole movie with bright color: blue sky, dusty orange shore grounds, yellow grasses and green trees, a true summer day on film
          >they keep running towards the still set camera, kicking up those clouds with speed
          >they run off screen
          >jason's blurred head is still there clearly in the background, not moving
          >as it fades to black only the sound of the MC's hurried footsteps and panting continue as they escape the camp, alive, but alone and scarred forever
          >the end

          also as a final brief aside obviously none of the characters would be annoying fricking homosexual hollywood slasher tropes. they need to be real and regular and slightly idealized so that way you of course like them all or at least tolerate them, and DON'T want to fricking see them die. they need to be smart, their fear needs to make them mostly capable, and they need to be likable. all right israelites, i'm ready. scrap this text data from my post through the Cinemaphile honeypot servers and discover my innate talent for story. DELIVER ME TO THE UPPER ECHELONS

          obviously with how its going the ending would have to equally run off the path of the quintessential jason movie: survivor escapes, thinks they're ok, jason pops up, jason is about to get them, movie ends - though instead i was thinking something like
          >character has only survived out of sheer luck, animal adrenaline, and cowardice
          >getting chased by jason
          >holding none of the cards
          >do something i can't recall anybody ever trying in any slasher really
          >they climb a tree
          >like a scared caveman running from some fricking up beast the sole survivor and MC just dogs themself up a tree to get away
          >now we get a survivor POV
          >can see jason through the branches up in the heights of the tree, but there is no comfort - he is looking right at the camera even from that distance, like he never DIDN'T know where ever counselor was at all times through some horrifying preternatural means
          >camera persists the entire time as jason stomps up to the tree
          >stops so close to the base of the tree he's almost touching it
          >looks straight up, but doesn't bother climbing or throwing anything or trying to cut the tree down
          >extremely uneasy string music builds, won't sit here trying to describe sound to you like a moron but something that denotes a strong sense of unsureness of what is to come next; paranoia, a quickly rising tension but not so imminent; nothing is actually happening physically but the realization is dawning on the MC and the audience that they are totally fricked up there - their face is going through a huge gamut of emotion, thought, planning - but ultimately, defeat and hopelessness
          >the music continues as the screen fades to black
          >cuts to the character sleeping with a stern look of discomfort, still atop the branches, morning sun washing their face
          >they search around, but see nothing
          >climb down
          >look off to the lake
          >distantly, jason lurks at eye level like a crocodile in the water

          this one may only pay off if the rest of the movie would be as done as well as i imagine it in my head but
          >don't actually show the kills close up, up until the 60-70% mark or so, just a disconnected, further out, off-kilter angle of it. definitely hang on them in a weird, drawn out way as he hacks them up and they try uselessly defending themself - these parts even though they're short and hard to read entirely need to look suddenly a lot more real than any other kills even across the movies, actually "brutal in real life" kinda shit- but it's far away, so it's not outright fake snuff shit that's hard to watch, and it's only several seconds
          >at this 60-70% mark, jason must cross the lake to reach the final few victims/fated survivors
          >it cuts from him descending into the black water to a hard cut of the depths below, moonlight illuminating the murky waters enough for the centrally framed, mostly rotted bodies and skeletons of past victims to be seen floating as jason slowly walks along the lakebed
          >as it follows him it plays back every one of the murders in his own POV
          >get to see every kill again with more detail, including the initial "lunge" and any creative shit you missed, or whatever "finisher" he did on the more novel ones
          >cutting between his dead, emotionless face and eyes glinting in the water, and the lively, scared eyes and face of his victims
          >continues in that event horizon styled gruesome montage (much slower and more focused than how they did it in that sequence though) until the last cut of jason is with him rising out of the other side of the lake
          >he stands there, knee deep in the water, idly standing like a soldier for a moment, as if contemplating
          >the scary musical swell stops abruptly as he does this
          >peace: lake sounds, the wind, noises of nature, camp - crickets, loons, etc... and the frame of jason dead center in the lake, staring straight ahead
          >his moment of thought or enjoyment or whatever it is passes, music continues, he rushes on

          my favorite one i just cooked up but didn't write first would actually be almost comedic if written in another context
          >character getting chased by jason
          >all the average twists and turns and exasperated falls and trips a victim makes in a slasher chase scene
          >they get the classic "upper hand to run away" moment where the ostensibly foiled villain would then vanish only to reappear and surprise them
          >only this time it doesn't cut to them jogging to a tree to stop and huff, and then get jumpscared
          >it stays with jason, we watch from his perspective that same moment
          >he stares and watches
          >the camera is right up on his face, tight, unescapable
          >it handcams around him, over his shoulder
          >he breaks into a determined walk
          >where in the very distant background we see glimpses of the panicking victim accidentally double back, make the wrong turns, attempt to use locked doors - jason is fully knowledgeable of the environment, making confident beelines and turns, taking short cuts, steadily increasing in speed with his walk which all the same increases the bass of that monstrous footfall, until it's nothing but the footfall sound, like a rapidly beating heart
          >we follow jason all the way back to where that "teleport" moment would have been in a normal movie
          >he's there behind that tree

          alternatively another thing i thought would be scary is instead outright denying the teleport and do the opposite. have the victim run with jason steadily marching after them in the background - trips and stumbles and struggles to open the doors and windows and all - THE WHOLE TIME. imagine that, what a brutal fricking scene, what tension - like a spike wall infinitely pressing on toward you, always just a couple feet away from snagging you and crushing you to death

          have it follow a seemingly vanilla original formula but up the weirdness to fricking 200%. full on experimental shots, lighting, music, cinematography. a perspective into his awakening from the lake's dark heart, a visual representation of him "returning" from hell or wherever he or his spirit resides in wait between his attacks. just do weird and novel shit you don't ever see in horror movies - why not? jason is the most classic horror slasher ever, he's had like over a dozen movies. the next one should be out there. i could think of a ton of genuinely scary shit right now, and a lot of them are simply subversions of regular horror, only, using jason is even more frightening as he is ironically almost comforting in the familiarity of how he operates. so for him to suddenly act different to how you would expect him to, you become unnerved

          >some female character is sitting on a bed by a table light, reading
          >no sex, no action, nothing deserving of death
          >a noise faintly in the distance
          >she looks off, checks about, hears nothing, camera stays on her
          >looks back to book
          >hears similar noise, looks again
          >otherwise tight camera finally cuts to what she's looking at
          >no claustrophobic room or hallway, instead a vacuous, dimly lit "common" room sort of bunk area. a big stark rectangle with beds laid out on the wall and walls in the middle with an open arch that would usually have some sort of folding doors: a linear gradient of shadow extends to the opposite end, and there at that end is complete darkness
          >where could jason possibly come out? maybe the window behind her? ah a classic fist smash through the glass grabbing her hair
          >but the camera doesn't leave from that open, almost helpless feeling wide shot of the empty, dim bunk area
          >it holds for several seconds with no noise
          >it cuts to her again
          >she's breathing heavier, she's afraid but has no clue why, there's still no music
          >it cuts back to the room
          >jason's head slowly creeps from behind one of the half-walls

          Kino levels reaching critical mass holy shit

          • 2 years ago

            If I were a woman, I'd sleep with these guys.

      • 2 years ago

        >they need to be real and regular and slightly idealized so that way you of course like them all or at least tolerate them, and DON'T want to fricking see them die. they need to be smart, their fear needs to make them mostly capable, and they need to be likable.
        Makes me think of the Until Dawn characters. Some of them are b***hy or douchey but controlling those characters yourself and making conversation choices makes the player really empathize with them
        They never feel like exaggerated cartoons, just real, scared people

  32. 2 years ago

    >set back in the '80s
    >no specific time, no specific place in the franchise timeline
    >(Jason does have mask instead of bag though)
    >~20 counselors
    >lots of kino breasts
    >lots of young lust interaction (swimming, board games, setting up camp, etc)
    >75%+ counselors quietly picked off before core group realizes something is awry
    >keeping the comfy sex romp in the woods feel as long possible before it turns to slasher survival feel
    With a fresh start id go for a sexy appeal over kill appeal to restart the series

  33. 2 years ago

    >Christmas 198something
    >Camp Crystal Lake has been closed off by the authorities after Jason's last rampage
    >a group of kids decide to spend the night on a dare
    >Jason goes into get-the-frick-off-my-lawn mode
    >brutal murders ensue
    Simple and unassuming, just like the old days. It's zombie Jason and he's got the axe wound on his hockey mask, so that might frick with the timeline a little, but idgaf because it's cool.
    >snowy setting in a canon production, finally
    >top-notch practical effects and gore by Savini and Nicotero
    >written and directed by Sam Raimi
    >production design by Henry Selick
    >score by Alice Cooper and Chris Vrenna
    >a cast of hot as frick 25-30yo nobodies (so we can keep the budget relatively low) playing teenagers because it's a moronic but fun trope and nobody gives a shit because it's Jason's movie, not theirs
    >entire cast looks like they jumped straight out of a Nazi Youth brochure with the cherry on top being the Final Girl, an extremely likeable Christian Conservative goody two shoes Reagan groupie, and Jason being played by a black bodybuilder (caked in makeup so you can't tell the race but you can't criticize us cuz that's raycis) so Ttwitter can screech their lungs out and get the movie some free publicity
    >breasts breasts breasts
    >Bruce Campbell as the useless goofball Sheriff
    >Ted Raimi as Pamela Voorhees in Jason's visions (now the troons are also up in arms and we get even more free publicity)
    >Kane Hodder as the crazy old dude who warns the kids not to go to the camp
    >end credits scene with Jason beating the shit out of a Rob Zombie look-a-like, he growls at him before he leaves and the subtitles read: "That's for Michael."
    >1.2 bil at the box office
    >slasher genre revival
    Thank me later.

    • 2 years ago

      Fund it

  34. 2 years ago

    Heavy metal band (with groupies) does to camp crystal lake to record the most brutal metal album ever because it’s edgy to make an album on a super natural murder site
    Jason shows up and kills them by bashing their heads in with a guitar as they scream for help
    This gets recorded by accident and the film ends with Jason getting a record deal because that recording became a huge number one hit

  35. 2 years ago

    Jason XI
    Damaged Cyborg Jason murdering people in the future, but this time on earth since he crash-landed there. I want hoverboards, holograms, etc. Oh and now Jason can't go into water since he's mostly a robot.

    • 2 years ago

      >Jason XI

  36. 2 years ago

    Stop motion animation horror of Jason in hell to save his mother’s soul

  37. 2 years ago

    >make Thursday, the 12th
    >it's a fun summer comedy with teenagers getting into hijinks and having sex at a summer camp
    >make Saturday the 14th
    >it's a grim detective noir about an inexplicable massacre with no suspect that took place just the night before
    >make Sunday the 15th
    It's about a sad, depressed alcoholic homicide detective's day off, pounding around his suburban prison and desperately wishing his wife would die inexplicably so he could give it all away and move to the couuntry.

  38. 2 years ago

    Just do some sort of anthology series with episodes that last about an hour each with a decent budget just putting Jason in different scenarios a la the Ernest movies.
    -Jason at the Carnival
    -Jason: Our Man in Japan
    -Jason on a Snow Day
    -Jason in a High-rise Office Building
    -Jason in Hawaii
    -Jason on the 4th of July
    -Jason vs Ernest
    -Jason in Space Again but it's different

    The ideas are limitless but each episode would be centered on Jason being in each situation unexplained as if he just teleported there and begins to do his thing. Each episode would feature a good balance of violence and humor and would play out like Jason is the escape room and everyone around trying to solve the puzzle. Some episodes could end with few deaths or end with Jason killing everyone but the main theme is putting Jason is different situations in which he can use the different environments for his benefit.

    You could make it animated like an earlier suggested to kinda push the style and violence but either way I think it would be a decent idea.

    • 2 years ago

      I'd watch it
      Jason getting turned into a giant version and fighting godzillaamd wrecking Tokyo needs to happen

  39. 2 years ago

    sequel to 2009

  40. 2 years ago

    Jason Goes to the Playboy Mansion

  41. 2 years ago

    Id make the final girl black and all unlikable characters blonde

    • 2 years ago

      Shalom to you too, anon.

  42. 2 years ago

    Jason in the snow. I don't have any ideas for it but the fans have been wanting it for years and years.

    • 2 years ago

      The Freddy Vs. Jason Vs. Ash comic took place around Christmas. It had Jason in the snow.

    • 2 years ago

      Take it, it's yours.

  43. 2 years ago

    A group buys the Crystal Lake property in hopes of renovating it and reopening it. Maybe they're excovating and accidentally disturb Pamela's grave and a very rotted Jason is awakened. Jason actually manages to kill everyone and then goes back to sleep.

  44. 2 years ago

    I hire McLoughlin again and let him go crazy.

  45. 2 years ago

    Freddy vs Jason vs Ash.

    Ash is just vibing but the book is calling him and Jason and Freddy teleports at his caravan. Freddy says something like Who the frick are you?" And attacks Ash they have an chainsaw/nail glove battle, but Jadon hears his mom and she says that he is a deader of zombies and fights them too, ash escapes and is searching for Pablo and that chick. Who are gonna help him to destroy evil for once and for all.

  46. 2 years ago

    >soft reboot
    >sleazy business man begins construction of a theme park at Crystal lake
    >college students come to do a documentary on the camp and Jason as well as to protest the development of the place
    >construction churns up Jason out of the lake
    >he begins killing construction workers and the college students
    >kills include someone getting their head lopped off when coming down the hill on the roller coaster when testing it and Jason sticking his sword up through a water slide and cutting someone in half that comes down it

  47. 2 years ago

    Jason vs Predator.

  48. 2 years ago

    I would clean up Jason's image

  49. 2 years ago

    I picture a kind of meta Friday movie

    >The movie takes place on a set where a studio is filming their in-movie version of a new Friday the 13th movie
    >At some point real Jason shows up and murders his actor equivalent and starts replacing him in all the scenes
    >Director and other actors don't notice at first, they just comment about "Wow, this guy is really commited, he never breaks character" as Jason never says anything during table reads or while in the cafeteria, or "wow, these special effects look really dynamite - I could had sworn that guys head actually came off!" and applaud Jason, unaware that he is actually the real one
    >Whenever Jason machetes someone in between filming, everybody plays it off as a joke (Haha, there goes Gregg again with his "I'm a serial killer" gag!) while Jason drags the corpse away
    >Climax is at the Oscars where the movie gets an award with Jason accepting the statue before chopping the head off of the host to a stunned audience who stares in quiet disbelief for a few seconds before erupting in thunderous applause and cheering as Jason looks around confused, statue in one hand and machete in the other

    • 2 years ago

      So he murders everyone in-between and during takes, but no one notices?

  50. 2 years ago

    Allright Cinemaphile

    Whats (you)re favorite Friday film?

    • 2 years ago

      Tie between 6 and 2009 for me

    • 2 years ago

      part 6 and 4 are my favorites
      then 2,3,7, X, FvsJ is next tier
      9 is dead last
      I only watched the remake once, I have to rewatch it. I don't remember being very impressed with it at the time.

    • 2 years ago

      Part 2.

      • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      2, 3 and 4

  51. 2 years ago

    Jason Kills a local town during winter.

  52. 2 years ago

    90 minutes of oblivious teenagers opening and closing every refrigerator door and medicine cabinet in Camp Crystal Lake while tense music plays. Nobody dies and nothing happens. It's just the same jumpscare set-up over and over with no payoff.

    • 2 years ago

      the last shot shows the date is actually Thursday the 12th

      • 2 years ago


  53. 2 years ago

    Jason Versus The Sawyer Family

    Leatherface and Co. start fricking with some kids driving across the country on a haunted places tour. Sawyers kill a few and chase them and they somehow end up in CCL. Jason is disturbed and kills a couple of the kids. The Sawyers get mad at the kill steals and fight Jason. The remaining teens watch as Jason wins the family and then they sneak away. Final scene has Leatherface crawling away, still alive, when Jason runs over him in a truck as he chases after the remaining teens.

  54. 2 years ago

    A cult of cute goth girls manage to restrain Jason and confine him to a makeshift prison cell. Their plan is to tease and titillate him until they can extract his demonic seed for nefarious purposes. Hijinks ensue once he manages to kill one of them whilst still bound and the group is forced to cover it up.

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