You've already read the capeshit you wish Marvel and DC would publish.

I recently turned 30 and realized that most of my shelf is Humanoids/Fantagraphics type shit and Omnibuses of older big two material. Wokeness isn't to blame. They got our money and time already. The stuff we loved growing up will always be there and maybe we should just be satisfied with the memory of it.

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  1. 2 years ago

    >Wokeness isn't to blame
    It's time to accept that all these characters just so happened to stop having good comics at the same time was just a coincidence.

    • 2 years ago

      >It's time to accept that all these characters just so happened to stop having good comics at the same time was just a coincidence.

      They followed the trends. Don't you think there were Byrne/Claremont era X-Men fans lamenting the state of the comics in Morrison's time?

      Wokeness is "in" now like being edgy was "in" during the 2000s. When it's not, the comics will change to accommodate the future version of the culture, whatever that is. It's the same as the stock or housing markets.

      But the specific things that grabbed you at a certain age, that made you a fan because they spoke to you at that moment and time and stage in your life--that can never be replicated.

      • 2 years ago

        I thought this at first (back in the early 2010s) but there is a clear decline in storytelling capability over time. People complaining only about wokeness only see a symptom but not the whole picture of the problem, though. Even if you mandated getting rid of wokeness ten years ago, I believe 2010s-era Bendis comics would still be just as bad.

      • 2 years ago

        >Wokeness is "in" now like being edgy was "in" during the 2000s.
        Yes and no. It's "in" with people on social media who are influencing what corporations do, and dictating what creative industries can and can't do, but it's not "in" with the paying, invested audiences in the same way that 2000s edgy was. Most of the actual cape comic audience hoped and expected it to be a short-lived fad that wouldn't still be a thing ten years later. By now it's becoming apparent it's never going to end and even when they get what they said they wanted it won't be enough for them.

      • 2 years ago

        I really dislike Morrison's run so yeah id say so.

        Wokeness isnt an issue, but the market is far smaller just in general.

        • 2 years ago

          comics today are fighting for attention with shit that the 90s era would have never imagined.

          a huge lose in revenue has little to do with wokeness

    • 2 years ago

      They were in decline long before SJW trends. Did you think Onslaught Saga or civil war were good shit?

    • 2 years ago

      >just so happened to stop having good comics at the same time
      They stopped having good comics like 10-15 years before that,

  2. 2 years ago

    men can get pregnant, deal with it.

    • 2 years ago

      >men can get pregnant, deal with it.
      Let's not go that far, anon.

      I wasn't advocating for the direction the industry is going. I've come to the conclusion that being perpetually angry about it gives a bunch of fat sloppy coastal elites the ability to live rent free in my head.

      Imagine if you never were aware enough of Slott's Spider-Man run or Gabby Rivera's America or Jason Aaron's She-Hulk to get mad at it. Would you be any worse off?

    • 2 years ago

      I knew that the hambeasts on this board wish they were male, but this is ridiculous.

    • 2 years ago

      >men can get pregnant, deal with it.
      Anon, that was just a big poo. It wasn't your baby.

  3. 2 years ago

    A very mature response anon, I'm thinking that way myself more often than not.

  4. 2 years ago

    There will always be the odd gem, like the current Moon Knight, but the vast majority of stuff I buy is old. I went to Marvel Cosmic during the Bendising of mainline Marvel and stopped entirely when he came to cosmic. Right now I’m into indies and 90’s Superman.
    Real talk: I never got mad, I just bailed.

  5. 2 years ago

    Maybe OP. Sort of helps me cope knowing that the publishers dont give a shit about readers, they just want to brainwash new readers with bizarre shit like sharing wifes. I disagree and think wokeness is to blame.

    • 2 years ago

      >I disagree and think wokeness is to blame.

      I think there are enough sane people left in our culture to not let these people completely take over, tbh.

      Human nature isn't going to change any time soon.

      • 2 years ago

        Good point.

        bizarre fricking fetish shit is completely on brand for X-Men.

        Ehh... probably not. You like swapping cum with another man? You like sharing your wife? You like owning nothing and being nothing?

        Sorry but I dont relate with that. And no one with any dignity does.

        • 2 years ago

          >Ehh... probably not. You like swapping cum with another man? You like sharing your wife? You like owning nothing and being nothing?

          >Sorry but I dont relate with that. And no one with any dignity does.

          i think the problem might be with you

          i mean talking about another person as something you own alone

          • 2 years ago

            Yes, there is a problem with me because someone said I should be into letting other dudes bang my wife but I wasnt cool with it.

            • 2 years ago

              Nobody wants you to give them dutch rudder.

        • 2 years ago

          Probably not what?
          Are you drunk?

    • 2 years ago

      bizarre fricking fetish shit is completely on brand for X-Men.

  6. 2 years ago

    I enjoy all of it. Golden Age, Silver Age, Bronze Age, the 90s even when Marvel literally went broke, the 2000s, the 2010s, the 2020s. There have always been and always will be good comics. Artists should be able to reinvent and experiment with these characters. It is, in fact, necessary when the characters are literally eternal. Except Spider-Man, they fricked him up beyond repair.

    • 2 years ago

      Anon how could you not like Gwen Stacy cheating on Peter with Green Goblin and making Peter be a cuck and raise the kids?

      I recently turned 30 and realized that most of my shelf is Humanoids/Fantagraphics type shit and Omnibuses of older big two material. Wokeness isn't to blame. They got our money and time already. The stuff we loved growing up will always be there and maybe we should just be satisfied with the memory of it.

      No I don't like the woke shit, there's no excuse for it sadly...

      • 2 years ago

        >Gwen is dead already and she's not coming back
        >It makes Norman even more based than ever
        >Norman raises his own kids, doesn't get Peter to do it for him
        >Peter ends up with MJ and is happily married until Quesada ruins everything
        You seriously have to be about 80 to actually be that invested in who Gwen Stacy was having sex with enough to get angry about this. Spider-Man comics have much bigger problems to deal with.

        • 2 years ago

          >You seriously have to be about 80
          Every spoderman fan knows who gwen stacy is you genius. Yes there are other issues, but this one was really moronic.

          • 2 years ago

            There's a huge difference between "knows who she is" and "cares who she had sex with". She's been dead for a long time before most readers would have been born, anyone getting seriously offended by it who wasn't even around while she was alive is just an idiot.

            • 2 years ago

              >anyone getting seriously offended by it who wasn't even around while she was alive is just an idiot.
              >t. person who read one spider man comic

              frick this site you guys are morons, gwen stacy is a cornerstone in the spider man story.

              • 2 years ago

                Her cornerstone role is to die. That's all. Anyone who's that attached to a character who died before they were born is an idiot.

            • 2 years ago

              >anyone getting seriously offended by it who wasn't even around while she was alive is just an idiot.
              >t. person who read one spider man comic

              frick this site you guys are morons, gwen stacy is a cornerstone in the spider man story.


  7. 2 years ago

    Yes and no,

    Portacio, Lee, Stroman, X comics are peak X.

    We shouldn't forget those comics and let the former interns destroy modern comics. We should, loudly, depart from opinion and state facts constantly on social media until we get an F•A•C•T•O•R movie that blends photorealistic CGI and impressionionistic animation style like Into The Spider-Verse.

    No one is going to literally spank these groomers if they ruin the flow with MCU and Xmen, Harvey's in jail, there's no point to them instigating the nerdcore with on purpose sabatoged sub-par films.

    And we need to mobilize by the time time Quantumania is in theaters.

  8. 2 years ago

    I am illiterate.

  9. 2 years ago

    Blade is the furthest out MCU property I can remember that has been announced besides the recentlu announced West Coast Avengers style Wonder Man series. Everyone on youtube is talking about Secret Wars but I hope that is pushed back and that we have plenty of time to digest Armor Wars and whatever relationship Iron Heart has to Black Panther's side of the MCU. Since Kit Harrington and The Black Knight is already tied to Blade I wonder if Marvel Disney is going to keep Black Marvel exotic and international to avoid american urban stereotypes becoming boredom and or offensive. That's cool because I prefer my fantasy black characters to be entertaining and not tiresome or predictable.

    But just as it is often said comically The Weak should Fear the Strong, so to should anyorking in comics today have p respect for the best of the best 90s comics. Even the most cookie cutter run of the mill Guardians of The Galaxy or The New Warriors comics are head and shoulders meatier and more nutritious than anything I can find photoshoped and glossy printed recently.

  10. 2 years ago

    If I buy a Cinemaphile pass does every other post stop being pussy pussy ass heartbreak betrayeal poopy poopy butt?

  11. 2 years ago

    I realized that this is what most seasoned read complain about a long time ago and that everything else is just plz make my head cannon reality shit.

    For all the shit Dan Didio got, he understood the second one very well.

    He even predicted the issue with legacy characters that we have today. And that diversity needs to be natural and well plotted out rather than ham fisted.

    I kind of miss the guy in comics. He was smart enough to operate off of intuition and experience rather than letting the twitter mob take hold

    • 2 years ago

      I still don't understand the Didio hate
      Johns wrote that edgy shit and (You) bought it
      No one supported his non-edgy stuff (remember nu52 OMAC?)

  12. 2 years ago

    Not a bad attitude to have. I have been way happier reading backlog stuff that is mostly from when I was a kid before I was into comics and stuff that came out before I was born and I am having a way better time than when I briefly tried to follow ongoing stuff. I don't even mind the progressive politics so much as the utter lack of subtlety and inability to tell a decent story.

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