2017 Ducktales is a really interesting case of a show that was genuinely so "mediocre" that no one cared about it in the end.

2017 Ducktales is a really interesting case of a show that was genuinely so "mediocre" that no one cared about it in the end. It had its ups and downs, starting off pretty strong but kinda falling short by the end. However, it didn't really do anything wrong. Yeah, the creators were annoying on Twitter, but so are most show writers.

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  1. 8 months ago


  2. 8 months ago

    I think the show is just bad to be honest. The whole production felt amateur-ish, from the animation to the writing to the voices.

    • 8 months ago

      It felt like fanfiction, especially the scenes with Della Duck. It didn't feel real; rather, it felt like a fanfiction character somehow interacting with a cartoon.

      • 8 months ago

        >it felt like fanfiction

        A perfect way to put it. Actually, it felt like an IDW comic (which, feels like bad fanfiction).

      • 8 months ago

        It turned that way when most of the cast were replaced with OCs. Donald, Scrooge, and just about every classic character were hardly seen but we instead got Mark Beaks, Della, Violet, Lena, and Boyd.

    • 8 months ago

      how was the animation amateurish

  3. 8 months ago

    They tended to undermine a serious moment either by being meta about it or a misplaced joke.

  4. 8 months ago

    I always felt that Disney just wanted another Gravity Falls and landed on Ducktales as a property they already own, with some name recognition that has adventure kids fighting monsters and ghosts every week. The show was probably more mandated by the suits than something anyone involved wanted to make.

    • 8 months ago

      This with a bullet. Having to fit into the popular trend of lore and mystery boxes killed Ducktales, because that show is about adventures over any continuity. It was ironic that the showrunner wanted desperately to do Darkwing Duck because that show was even worse. It had minimal continuity with Ducktales even though it had Gizmoduck and Launchpad and it couldn't even keep continuity with itself with itself with Negaduck being the prime example. Stop letting these jabronis revive properties that they don't understand how and why they were written like they were, to be watched almost entirely out of order in syndication

      • 8 months ago

        >t had minimal continuity with Ducktales even though it had Gizmoduck and Launchpad and it couldn't even keep continuity with itself with itself with Negaduck being the prime example.
        never watched Darkwing duck, what do you mean by that?

        • 8 months ago

          Here's a good example of both how little they cared and how little it matters: Launchpad is ostensibly the same Launchpad as Ducktales, save that he's a great pilot instead of constantly crashing. However, Ducktales Launchpad comes from a family of pilots and built his first plane as a young man, impressing Scrooge so much that he made him his personal pilot who he could also, of course, pay basically peanuts to. But in Darkwing we learn that Launchpad was actually deathly afraid of flying when he was young and overcame his fear because of an alien (who wiped his memories and came back to marry him in the present day)

          Now you can try and jump through hoops to make that work or you can accept that these are a series of episodes meant to be viewed individually and not some grand tapestry in the Duckberg Cartoon Universe

          • 8 months ago

            Or that both shows are in separate universes as has been confirmed
            In fact this show is pretty much the first time they try to say DT Launchpad and Darkwing Launchpad are the same

          • 8 months ago

            What about Negaduck?

            • 8 months ago

              Oh Negaduck is easy, he's created by science in his first appearance and is a weird electricity guy and in his second appearance he's from an alternate universe and has his more commonly known reverse Darkwing outfit. No acknowledgement is given that this is supposed to be a different Negaduck or that this is the first time they've fought on either side because the viewer is supposed to just roll with this as much as they roll with F.O.W.L. or anything else

              • 8 months ago

                okay, that's really inconsistent, even for an episodic show.

              • 8 months ago

                That was weird, Negaduck never had an introduction episode at all and was around for several episodes before they bothered with the alternate universe thing. And even then everyone in the show just assumed he was some evil guy and never knew about the alternate universe stuff. He was introduced as having always been a villain of Darkwing's and this was his latest scheme.

              • 8 months ago

                I have no doubt in my mind that the negative energy Negaduck is just supposed to be the same Negaduck and it didn't matter to them.

                I'm sure there's some comic somewhere that explains it but I've come to find that indicative of the larger problem at hand with Ducktales 2017, wanting to ascribe some sort of hard serialization to what should first and foremost be cartoon duck adventures

          • 8 months ago

            Or that both shows are in separate universes as has been confirmed
            In fact this show is pretty much the first time they try to say DT Launchpad and Darkwing Launchpad are the same

            Darkwing was way more wacky than ducktales ever attempted to be. Darkwing was constantly getting into Looney Tunes situations of having safes fall on his head, falling down bottomless pits, and being blown up by cartoon bombs. Ducktales was nothing like that at all and took threats seriously and either no one got hurt or they were actually hurt and placed in a hospital. But no one ever had a piano fall on them and they accordion around spitting out teeth like in Darkwing.

            Darkwing is probably where that changed in disney afternoon shows. Ducktales, Tailspin and Rescue Rangers did not really do the toon violence humor at all. While Darkwing, Bonkers, Quack Pack, and Goof Troop relied completely on it.

      • 8 months ago

        >Having to fit into the popular trend of lore and mystery boxes killed Ducktales, because that show is about adventures over any continuity
        Honestly a solid point not brought up much, mystery sounds like it will always go hand and hand with adventure but it doesn't. It CAN, mind you, but they are different things entirely, one engages the other in most cases.
        But in Ducktales case mystery took over adventure when it was always meant as an adventure franchise, regardless if in comics or animation. That's also what people want to watch when watching a show called Ducktales. And that was put aside for mystery lore that could never truly be solved entirely

        • 8 months ago

          Mfw they literally live in a mansion in a series with a mystery main theme but never do a parody of Cluedo or released a Ducktales themed Cluedo tabletop

      • 8 months ago

        The damn show was too many episodes of bait and switch. It talked a huge game about how it was about this amazing adventuring family that traveled around the globe and went into ancient tombs and fought monsters.

        But almost every single episode was mundane, normal shit around the mansion or around town. What made it even worse was how half the episode started out with the family just getting back from some amazing adventure in a jungle or temple, only to have wacky hijinks in the mansion. Or they baited going to a temple, and they instead spent the entire time in the mansion or in the plane, not going on any adventure at all. Two episodes had the temple raiding happen entirely off camera while a few characters did Duckberg stuff.

        The Darkwing episode was even worse, it was hanging around the lair the whole time and ant going out to fight villains was again off camera. Then back to the lair where Darkwing and Gosalyn would banter back and forth. The whole show was basically sitcom banter with cartoon ducks.

    • 8 months ago

      This with a bullet. Having to fit into the popular trend of lore and mystery boxes killed Ducktales, because that show is about adventures over any continuity. It was ironic that the showrunner wanted desperately to do Darkwing Duck because that show was even worse. It had minimal continuity with Ducktales even though it had Gizmoduck and Launchpad and it couldn't even keep continuity with itself with itself with Negaduck being the prime example. Stop letting these jabronis revive properties that they don't understand how and why they were written like they were, to be watched almost entirely out of order in syndication

      The entire late 2010s and early 2020s in animated television can be characterized by studios attempting to recreate the success of Adventure Time and Gravity Falls.

    • 8 months ago

      The creators said they loved the original show

  5. 8 months ago

    god i LOVED this show during season 1, then my interested started to wane late season 2 & 3 and then the finale just completely shattered all hope i had for the show. i had such high hopes for this show. bought the deluxe art book and everything, talked about it enthusiastically to my other Cinemaphile friends at the time. can’t think about it without getting mad about the lost potential.

    • 8 months ago

      After watching 3 Caballeros (did I spell it right) I lost interest in it.

    • 8 months ago

      I actually thought it was only good in season 2. It was at least funny with the dream episode, Glomtales, and the one where Scrooge fakes his death were great.

  6. 8 months ago

    I was hyped for the show. The writers promised it would be closer to the comics, which I have always loved… then they proceeded to make it even less based on the comics than the original 80’s show.
    It wasn’t a bad show, but it didn’t really have anything drawing me in to watch it

  7. 8 months ago

    I lost hope when they race swapped a duck of all things. It's a fricking animal, it doesn't have a race.

  8. 8 months ago

    If Legend of the Three Caballeros never exist Cinemaphile wouldn't have turned on this show outside the finale
    It wasn't bad

    • 8 months ago

      Nah, the show was starting to drag in Season 2. By Season 3, Cinemaphile would have hated it regardless.

    • 8 months ago

      The joke's on you, I hated nuTales before it was cool.

  9. 8 months ago

    My friends and I really enjoyed it.

  10. 8 months ago

    >bad day
    >pointless nutales thread pops up in familiar consistency
    >day is a little bit less bad

    • 8 months ago

      i remember being excited for these little shorts they were so cute
      happier days

  11. 8 months ago

    >Millennials can't write more than one season of one-off adventures without turning every thing into lore-heavy narrative arcs.
    Why is this?

    • 8 months ago

      In theory there's nothing WRONG with doing lore in Ducktales. Scrooge's life and the aftereffects of all his adventures, not to mention Donald's own adventures, are plenty of fodder for lore.

      To me the lore itself and the narrative arcs weren't the problem, the problem was just that it sucked. Nu-Ducktales didn't fail in its ideas, it failed in its execution. The dialogue was bad and the way they handled the actual lore was boring.

    • 8 months ago

      Because anime Influence

  12. 8 months ago

    I was on board 100% first season
    little iffy in second but loved the finale
    first episode of 3rd made me drop it like it was hot
    That hummingbird was someones OC and she was worse that scrappy doo

  13. 8 months ago

    *ruins your show*

    • 8 months ago

      Webby beat her to it.

      • 8 months ago

        This also HDL because either of the four had to be center in every episode even if they didn't fit in because the execs demanded it
        Somehow the one Della episode got away with it

        • 8 months ago

          HDL are just Ducktales mainstays, there's nothing wrong with requiring them to be in every episode. The problem was they just didn't do a good job.

          It's exactly like

          In theory there's nothing WRONG with doing lore in Ducktales. Scrooge's life and the aftereffects of all his adventures, not to mention Donald's own adventures, are plenty of fodder for lore.

          To me the lore itself and the narrative arcs weren't the problem, the problem was just that it sucked. Nu-Ducktales didn't fail in its ideas, it failed in its execution. The dialogue was bad and the way they handled the actual lore was boring.

          said up there. The problem wasn't the ideas. The problem was the execution. There was nothing in the bones of Nu-Ducktales that HAD to be bad, or even mediocre. It could have been great. It just wasn't, because they fumbled the execution.

          • 8 months ago

            Scrooge wasn't part of this requirement and wasn't in every episode (or even a long string of episodes) despite being the supposed main character

      • 8 months ago

        webby had some charm when she didn't take over don't talk about the finalle

      • 8 months ago

        i know i know this is just me piling on dana but her whole thing with being so proud of killing off webby’s doll or whatever was so dumb and performative and annoying. and webby instead ended up being this overly-competent cool girl, almost mary sue-ish character to overcompensate for her lack of personality in the OG series. so lame.

    • 8 months ago

      Back off my wife??

      • 8 months ago


        • 8 months ago

          Hummingbird often generates wings an issue duck never has.

          • 8 months ago

            Which AI and prompts? I'm curious about how ducks look in direct comparison

            • 8 months ago

              >A tall female purple hummingbird with curly black hair in a bun, wearing a green t-shirt and black shorts, sitting, while reading, next to a box marked "weapons" in a mansion
              The bing one people have been raving over.

    • 8 months ago

      Nah, that would be Della. They already had a rounded cast in Season 1, but once they had to kick out Donald in Season 2 so Della could come in, the show fell apart. With the exception of Dewey, she didn’t really have chemistry with anyone - she felt more like an obligation that other characters had to deal with.

  14. 8 months ago

    Only watched S1, but I felt the same way.

    The perfect example of a 5/10 show in the sense that it JUST met all the bare minimum requirements to feel like I wasn't completely wasting my time by watching it and felt that I may as well continue (mostly because of the mildly interesting overarching plot with Della and Lena and all that), but not a single epsisode would ever, EVER be worth a rewatch.

  15. 8 months ago

    The best part and lasting legacy of this show is the characters are attractive
    Mostly the adult men but also some of the adult females as well

    • 8 months ago

      nah its that greentext of fenton getting pegged

      • 8 months ago

        VN wasn't a good writer.

        • 8 months ago

          does anyone have the link to the booru?
          If I remember there was a random anons greentext and then someone else re-wrote it

          • 8 months ago

            >does anyone have the link to the booru?

            • 8 months ago

              thank man

              The humorous one

              Fenton is cute and part of that
              >That greentext
              Kek thanks for reminding me
              There was two fanfics

              the serious one

              • 8 months ago

                The humorous one

                I like the green text one a bit more but I'm not into bondage... or birds

              • 8 months ago

                Surprised you found your way here then

      • 8 months ago

        Fenton is cute and part of that
        >That greentext
        Kek thanks for reminding me

        VN wasn't a good writer.

        There was two fanfics

        • 8 months ago

          does anyone have the link to the booru?
          If I remember there was a random anons greentext and then someone else re-wrote it

          one was just humor, the other was trying to be hot

        • 8 months ago

          does anyone have the link to the booru?
          If I remember there was a random anons greentext and then someone else re-wrote it

          VN wasn't a good writer.

          The humorous one

    • 8 months ago

      This show wasn't afraid to draw attractive women characters. Too bad the fandom is comprised almost entirely of fujos and people focused on the kids.

      • 8 months ago

        magica for me

      • 8 months ago

        >This show wasn't afraid to draw attractive women characters
        But nobody mention Legend of the 3 Caballeros

        • 8 months ago

          Mexican wonderwoman voiced by frankie foster is an unsung waifu but a great one

        • 8 months ago

          Because that show managed to have one of the biggest fujo fandoms possible

      • 8 months ago

        You don't get too many girl options if you aren't a pedo
        Della, Daisy, Goldie, Magica, Gandra and that's about it
        That's probably why you have so little female posting

        • 8 months ago

          You're thinking like one of them. I'm not gonna grab the wiki list of every female character in the show, but spare a thought for what counts as obscure for the show's fandom, meaning all else besides those.

    • 8 months ago

      There's also the fact that it continued the time-honored tradition of Launchpad being the best part of every piece of Disney media he shows up in.

      It's a little thing, but I like how it never fails.

      • 8 months ago

        not this time
        Donald was the creme de-la-creme of Nutales hands down

  16. 8 months ago

    The biggest issue I had with the show was that it wasn't pulpy like the cartoons or comics before it. Pulp is in the very DNA of Ducktales to the point that it inspired fricking Indiana Jones!

    Pulp is defined by quick pacing, lean stories, and out of this world adventures. Thrills and chills! It can delve into deep and complex ideas (and for common pulps, the themes are subtle), but for the most part the overall goal is to have FUN.

    Ducktales 2017 feels like it was being made to copy Gravity Falls...which isn't really a bad thing EXCEPT that it forgot that the X-Files and David Lynch was a big inspiration on GF, so it only copied the superficial aspects of it.

    The final product is a mystery show that doesn't do a good job at unraveling a mystery and a lack of adventures in favor of trying to be more psychological/interpersonal but can't do that very well.

  17. 8 months ago

    I genuinely enjoyed the pilot, the first episode with Gladstone, and a few others. But throughout most of it things seemed like they wanted to counter the '87 version's penchant for emotional moments by being too ironic to make anything feel genuine and/or adventurous, and when you're afraid to make it seem like you want the people watching to care, then it shouldn't come as a shock when they don't.

  18. 8 months ago

    The damn show was too many episodes of bait and switch. It talked a huge game about how it was about this amazing adventuring family that traveled around the globe and went into ancient tombs and fought monsters.

    But almost every single episode was mundane, normal shit around the mansion or around town. What made it even worse was how half the episode started out with the family just getting back from some amazing adventure in a jungle or temple, only to have wacky hijinks in the mansion. Or they baited going to a temple, and they instead spent the entire time in the mansion or in the plane, not going on any adventure at all. Two episodes had the temple raiding happen entirely off camera while a few characters did Duckberg stuff.

  19. 8 months ago

    the shows real problem was not enough donald
    He was used sparingly enough that he was a treat when he was on though.

    Like if you switched 1/2 the webby plots for donald ones
    Or just all of the hummingbird plots for donald ones the show would have been 10x better

  20. 8 months ago

    The show spent more time trying to crama in as many disney afternoon references to build a mythology and trying to update shit that didn't need to be fixed. It was both so burdened and disgusted with it's own nostalgia that it had no distinct personality at all.

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