>a bounty hunter hires another bounty hunter to put a slug in a window

>a bounty hunter hires another bounty hunter to put a slug in a window

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  1. 2 years ago

    a sith lord hires a bounty hunter who hires a bounty hunter who sends a robot to send slugs to kill a senator

    • 2 years ago

      A Sith Lowered?

    • 2 years ago


      >a bounty hunter hires another bounty hunter to put a slug in a window

      jango was middle man who is suppose to know who can do the job.

    • 2 years ago

      that wriggled and jiggled and jiggled inside her.
      he hired the bounty hunter to hire the bounty hunter to send a robot to send slugs to kill a senator, perhaps she'll die.

    • 2 years ago

      Global Economics 101

    • 2 years ago

      You forgot the Trade Federation viceroy asking the sith lord to do it.

    • 2 years ago

      Couldn't the droid shoot her in the head while asleep? It was there a while before Anakin and Obi knew about it

  2. 2 years ago

    What's the issue?

  3. 2 years ago

    >Chinese businessman Tan Youhui was looking for a hitman to take out a competitor, Wei Mou, and was willing to pay 2 million yuan (£218,000) to get the job done.
    >The hitman that Mr Youhui hired decided to offer the job to another hitman for half the original price.
    >The second hitman then subcontracted to another hitman, who then subcontracted to a fourth, who gave the job to a fifth.
    >However, hitman number five was so incensed at how much the value of the contract had fallen, that he told the target to fake his own death, which eventually led to the police finding out about the plot, Beijing News reported.

    • 2 years ago

      That sounds KINO

    • 2 years ago

      This sounds like a plot that for Coel brothers movie

  4. 2 years ago

    it's kind of astonishing how dumb the prequels were

    • 2 years ago

      Most of it is hot garbage but the finale to RotS is arguably as good if not better than the OT

      • 2 years ago

        It's not.

      • 2 years ago

        It's not.

        The last 20 minutes of ROTS is pure kino. Too bad the rest of the prequels weren't that good.

      • 2 years ago

        spics love using the words "hot garbage", im pretty sure it makes them feel like they are white

    • 2 years ago

      what, that makes perfect sense

      >get hired to kill a Senator who's friends with unbelievably lethal magic warrior monks who can deflect shots fired at them and kill you with their minds
      >subcontract that one out

      • 2 years ago

        Why didn't he just blast her windows with slave 1?

        • 2 years ago

          That sounds like the sort of thing that would be bad for your career, since then the entire government of the galaxy would be hunting you and your ship. Subcontracting it out to a mook and then having her come to a place where you could safely kill her but leave a clue for the people you're baiting seems like the quieter move

          And ROTJ is the weakest of the original trilogy. Here's the hard truth pill you prequeltards need to swallow is that George has never been an aueter film maker. He has good ideas but when he's the only man steering the ship you get fricking disastrous results. Some filmmakers need that kind of push back and extra eyes to reevaluate his work because he's not like. Kubrick or Hitchwiener who can take their grand vision and actually make it work in the film.

          >children's movies went over my head
          >that's the filmmaker's fault!


          imagine being so mad that you didn't like some kids' movies that you start denying one of the more significant auteur directors of modern film wasn't one

          • 2 years ago

            Or I just blast padme, eject from my ship, go on the holonet and scream "SOME FRICKING RODIAN STOLE IT AND CRASHED IT" and we all know that the senate and the common man would believe me. Plus sheev would be on my side too; it would be an excuse to force rodians into the arms of the CIS so we could invade later and rid the galaxy of those green little shits permanentlu

    • 2 years ago

      Its no worse than the moronic get everyone caught rescue plan in Return of the Jedi.

    • 2 years ago

      I wish I could say that it is astonishing how dumb you are.

    • 2 years ago

      and the OT was peak kino? shutup fat ass.

      • 2 years ago

        >and the OT was peak kino?

        • 2 years ago

          but i thought the reason PT was bad was because of the "moronic" writing like anon just pointed out. that is just some kino music, which PT has as well

          • 2 years ago

            >that is just some kino music
            Everything about the throne room scene was kino

      • 2 years ago

        It literally is

      • 2 years ago

        Star Wars and Empire Strikes Back are literally 2 of the greatest films ever made.

      • 2 years ago

        I wish I could say that it is astonishing how dumb you are.

        Its no worse than the moronic get everyone caught rescue plan in Return of the Jedi.

        what, that makes perfect sense

        >get hired to kill a Senator who's friends with unbelievably lethal magic warrior monks who can deflect shots fired at them and kill you with their minds
        >subcontract that one out

        get some taste, zoomers

    • 2 years ago

      actually the exact opposite, you just got filtered so hard you have no idea wtf you watched

  5. 2 years ago

    Why didn't they just shoot Padme lmao

    • 2 years ago

      Jango had a secondary job of leading the Jedi to kamino. Duh

      • 2 years ago

        Was leading Obi-Wan to Geonosis an accident? Or was it also part of Dooku's plan?

        • 2 years ago

          Sheev wanted the first battle to be on Geonosis and arranged for it to happen. Jango lead Obi-Wan there, Obi-Wan called for backup, a huge droid army was there. The Jedi went down and needed the clones to bail them out, Sheev got the war he'd been trying to start since TPM

          • 2 years ago

            >and arranged for it to happen
            By hiring a bounty hunter to kill Padame who would subcontract it out to a shapeshifter who would subcontract it out to a droid who hired to slugs knowing that the slugs would fail, that the robot would fail, and that the shapeshifter would fail and that Jango would have to use his Kamino darts which would lead Obiwan to confront Jango on Kamino where Obiwan could attach a tracking device to Jango's ship and lead him to Geonosis.
            Sheev figured all of this out in advanced.

            • 2 years ago

              Lol you got him. Prequels are trash

            • 2 years ago

              >hired Jango to kill an anti-military Senator, either neutralizing her, scaring her into supporting the military he needed to legalize, or scaring her into getting out of the of the way when a crisis he'd planned was going to force a vote
              >with the secondary objective of luring Obi-Wan, friend of that Senator to Kamino, where the droid was, and then Geonosis, where Dooku had a huge droid army waiting to provoke the crisis needed to cause the vote
              >complications ensued but the things happened

              Yes. Why else would Jango kill the other bounty hunter with a magic dart that would lead the Jedi to Kamino?

              How can someone be so dumb they can't follow the plot of a Star Wars movie?

              • 2 years ago

                How did sheev know that Kenobi had an old friend who specialized in planet specific poison darts, who he would have to use because any record of that planet had been deleted, who happened to own a 50s style diner

              • 2 years ago

                >How did sheev know that Kenobi had an old friend who specialized in planet specific poison darts, who he would have to use because any record of that planet had been deleted, who happened to own a 50s style diner

                There's about 50 different ways Kenobi could find out where that dart came from. Pop on down to the Jedi Archives!

                The more intelligent question would be "why would a bounty hunter who is a walking arsenal use an incredibly exotic and specific weapon that only comes from one single place in the entire galaxy, if not to deliberately cause the investigators to come to that single place"

              • 2 years ago

                Jango wasn't expecting Obiwan to show up and tries to kill him several times to keep it a secret

              • 2 years ago

                Dex is just a guy with his feet on the ground, while most guys are using computers and prone to bias.
                He actually lived it, everyone else is using google search and getting inconclusive results.
                The info was out there. As soon as he fired that dart, Jedi would go to kamino

            • 2 years ago

              ...did he tell that to the other bounty hunter?
              >ok so you have to use the most moronic method possible so that it doesn't work, then lead them on a chase back to a bar and then get caught in the open, so i can shoot you with a dart which can be tracked to a planet with cloning facilities on it

              Padme was meant to die, but zam wesell was also supposed to die in the chase, which happened, and caused Jedi to investigate.
              How is this hard stuff

              • 2 years ago

                But if padme dies then, sheev can't use her to turn anakin to the dark side, especially before his mother dies

              • 2 years ago

                Palpatine can roll with the punches. Anakin’s fall is secondary at this stage in the planning. It becomes a primary focus by the time of ep3.
                As you said, he hasn’t been shaken yet. He hasn’t slipped up. He’s, at this point, a better knight than obiwan

              • 2 years ago

                It is so bizarre to see adults who can't understand a simple plot in a children's movie declare that their inability to understand a children's movie plot means the plot is dumb

                Jango wasn't expecting Obiwan to show up and tries to kill him several times to keep it a secret

                Jango's job was to get Obi-Wan down to the surface of Geonosis. He made it look convincing.

                Think like the day before the opening scene. Sheev needs his army that he's had secretly built legalized, and wants to start a civil war so he can get wartime powers. Dooku is on Geonosis with the huge droid army that he has built over years, per Sheev's instructions, to provide the other side in the civil war. In order for it to work, Sheev needs the Republic to find out about the separatists, the clone army, and the droid army.

                He needs Padme out of the way, preferably in the company of Anakin Skywalker, since he foresees some excellent stuff happening if he can get them together, and he needs the Jedi on Geonosis fighting the droid army with the clone army. Everything he does is perfectly logical, and he wins in the end

              • 2 years ago

                >Jango's job was to get Obi-Wan down to the surface of Geonosis.
                Which is why he tries to kill Obiwan. He's even convinced he killed Obiwan with one of his space bombs.

              • 2 years ago

                The other guy is wrong on that one. Once they found the clone army, the job is done.
                Secession is still imminent, and it’s obvious the separatists have an (at the time) massive advantage in arms, industry, goodwill and flow. Shit is going bad for the republic. There is a malaise over coruscant, senators are being hit by terrorist attempts and faith in the institutions is worsening every day.
                There WILL be a war soon. Especially if the clone army is found. Just a matter of time.
                That it happened on geonosis is accidental but good

              • 2 years ago

                >Which is why he tries to kill Obiwan. He's even convinced he killed Obiwan with one of his space bombs.

                Crap, you might be right, haven't watched it in years. I guess the Jedi would still follow him to Geonosis, though, since that's where his hyperspace ring was left.

                I always laugh at how like, personally offended you prequel slaves are. All I pointed out was that actors and other production staff were willing to tell George that the shit he came up with was unworkable trash. You take it as a personal insult to your god and come at my post like an outraged twittergay. And by bringing up ESB and ROTJ you just prove my point further. He had already gained more saying power after establishing Star Wars and was able to have to final say in the stupidest, most outrageously bad parts of the movies.
                Your god Lucas literally did not even understand his own movies as seen in the special editions where he re-adds everything that was taken out, even where it makes no sense and/or results in duplicated dialogue. Likely out of spite to the people who told him no.

                >I've seen le plinkett man review like 10 times!
                >that guy is an expert filmmaker, as you can tell by how he shot wedding videos for a living until he had a viral video


      • 2 years ago

        ...did he tell that to the other bounty hunter?
        >ok so you have to use the most moronic method possible so that it doesn't work, then lead them on a chase back to a bar and then get caught in the open, so i can shoot you with a dart which can be tracked to a planet with cloning facilities on it

        • 2 years ago

          Why would he tell her that she was supposed to take the fall as a part of his plan? Why would she agree to a plan that involves her being killed? He tricked her, moron

          How did sheev know that Kenobi had an old friend who specialized in planet specific poison darts, who he would have to use because any record of that planet had been deleted, who happened to own a 50s style diner

          He probably didn't know details that specific, just that the jedi would investigate the weapon using their archives and therefore be led to Kamino.

        • 2 years ago

          a lot of Sheev's plans were backward and outright cruel to their participants, that's just how he rolled
          >had his robot general guy direct all his separatist leaders to a lava planet so that the young apprentice he hadn't seduced yet could get sent there on his first mission to cut them down before getting maimed and left to melt in lava so that he could be put in a leather gimp suit

        • 2 years ago

          >...did he tell that to the other bounty hunter?

          what, why would he

          >if you get made, meet me at Place X
          >Jango then stations himself comfortably on a rooftop with a perfect shot at Place X

  6. 2 years ago

    I just do not understand how some people have writing jobs in Hollywood. I guess it's nepotism. The shit writing is so rampant.

    • 2 years ago

      Nepotism is how most of the world is run.

    • 2 years ago

      Makes perfect sense in the context of Star Wars.
      The OT was a collaborative effort. George just had nobody to tell him no anymore for the prequels.


      • 2 years ago

        The OT was a Lucas production. He took personal control several times both in ESB and ROTJ because shit was not to his liking.

        What you’re doing is called “historic revisionism” to fit your agenda. It’s basically lying.

        • 2 years ago

          I always laugh at how like, personally offended you prequel slaves are. All I pointed out was that actors and other production staff were willing to tell George that the shit he came up with was unworkable trash. You take it as a personal insult to your god and come at my post like an outraged twittergay. And by bringing up ESB and ROTJ you just prove my point further. He had already gained more saying power after establishing Star Wars and was able to have to final say in the stupidest, most outrageously bad parts of the movies.
          Your god Lucas literally did not even understand his own movies as seen in the special editions where he re-adds everything that was taken out, even where it makes no sense and/or results in duplicated dialogue. Likely out of spite to the people who told him no.

          • 2 years ago

            >Your god Lucas literally did not even understand his own movies as seen in the special editions where he re-adds everything that was taken out, even where it makes no sense and/or results in duplicated dialogue. Likely out of spite to the people who told him no.
            Nonsensical. He had final say so, being primary producer who DE FACTO took control of ROTJ production when the director couldn’t hack it.

            It’s literally true that no matter the movie of the series, George has been the ultimate arbiter of the end result, the guy in charge.
            You are trying to lessen the impact he had due to your obvious bias against him. Because he is the great Satan to you, lmao
            Totally deranged

            • 2 years ago

              And ROTJ is the weakest of the original trilogy. Here's the hard truth pill you prequeltards need to swallow is that George has never been an aueter film maker. He has good ideas but when he's the only man steering the ship you get fricking disastrous results. Some filmmakers need that kind of push back and extra eyes to reevaluate his work because he's not like. Kubrick or Hitchwiener who can take their grand vision and actually make it work in the film.

              • 2 years ago

                >he's not like. Kubrick or Hitchwiener who can take their grand vision and actually make it work in the film.
                How did he create the most successful multimedia franchise of all time then?

              • 2 years ago

                Is this the bullshit card you're gonna pull, that popularity = quality. homie please.

                That sounds like the sort of thing that would be bad for your career, since then the entire government of the galaxy would be hunting you and your ship. Subcontracting it out to a mook and then having her come to a place where you could safely kill her but leave a clue for the people you're baiting seems like the quieter move

                >children's movies went over my head
                >that's the filmmaker's fault!


                imagine being so mad that you didn't like some kids' movies that you start denying one of the more significant auteur directors of modern film wasn't one

                >kids films
                You have nothing and it shows and it's embarrassing.

              • 2 years ago

                >well I didn't like the movies
                >so the guy who wrote and directed them, and oversaw every single aspect of its production, from the wardrobe to alien makeup, to the VFX and music and even the sound effects, to the creation of technology to execute what he wanted to do with the VFX (for the 5th time in a row in this franchise), like he did in every single one of his movies, was not an auteur

                lmao you delusional Black person, Lucas is the definition of an auteur director. just because you didn't like a movie an auteur made doesn't mean he's not

                Or I just blast padme, eject from my ship, go on the holonet and scream "SOME FRICKING RODIAN STOLE IT AND CRASHED IT" and we all know that the senate and the common man would believe me. Plus sheev would be on my side too; it would be an excuse to force rodians into the arms of the CIS so we could invade later and rid the galaxy of those green little shits permanentlu

                based fellow rodian hater

        • 2 years ago

          >The OT was a Lucas production.
          Sure. It was still an openly collaborative effort that was better for having been so.

  7. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      >design man sized ventilation shafts connecting to all vital portions of the ship
      >act surprised when this moronic flaw is exploited

      God I fricking hate star wars. Definition of kitsch

  8. 2 years ago

    It's called a double blind, dummy. It's a great strategy for organizing clandestine operations.
    >some double blind, he let her know who he was, and then decided to shut her up with a rare toxic dart that put a giant neon sign pointing to where he lived!
    That's not what you said in your post so shut up

    • 2 years ago

      >sheev hires dooku who gives it to boba who subcontracts morphing girl who passes it to a droid who made slugs do it
      the triple double blind
      how cunning

      • 2 years ago

        Plan A was a bomb though

    • 2 years ago

      Except that Jango apparently told the assassin to meet up with him at a bar after that assassination and she still did after she fricked up so that's why Jango was right there ready to kill her.

  9. 2 years ago

    was coruscant a mostly human planet or something? why did the bounty hunter disguise as a normal person instead of staying as an intimidating lizard

    • 2 years ago

      >decides to go for the kill on Obi-Wan
      >despite the fact she could've morphed into anyone and slipped back out and gotten away
      Oh but we gotta have that scene mirror the lightsaber amputation from a new hope

    • 2 years ago

      I think technically it's mostly human
      in EU it's also implied to be the human homeworld, which is otherwise lost knowledge

  10. 2 years ago

    I like to imagine that it went something like pic related.

  11. 2 years ago

    say what you want about how convoluted the plan was, but it would have worked if Zam had recalled the droid immediately after deploying the bugs, instead of letting it loiter and leaving to take a piss while they do their job

    • 2 years ago

      The droid is a sadistic voyeur, obviously. He wanted to see padme suffer
      That’s why he’s in this line of business.

  12. 2 years ago

    Cope and seethe nig nogs

  13. 2 years ago

    She (he)'s cute

  14. 2 years ago

    >We hired the best mercenary around
    >They constantly fail

  15. 2 years ago

    wasn't he a shape shifter too? why didn't he use to his advantage? surely there are much simpler plans than bugs through the window

    • 2 years ago

      I don't understand how people this stupid manage to survive without a caretaker

      • 2 years ago

        They're NEETs.

    • 2 years ago

      the shape shifter didn't know it, but s/he'd been mostly hired to do something that would cause the Jedi to chase her to a spot where Jango could kill him/her with a dart that would lead them to Kamino, because Palpatine needed the Republic to learn about the clone army and legalize it, so the civil war he'd been working to start for like 20 years could start, so he could take supreme power.

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