>A communications disruption could mean only one thing

>A communications disruption could mean only one thing

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  1. 8 months ago

    homie should’ve paid his phone bill.

  2. 8 months ago
  3. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      >the trump pose
      How did they know?

      • 8 months ago

        Trump has been around in the media for a REALLY long time.

    • 8 months ago

      he throwin dat ass back, gonna make me act up

  4. 8 months ago

    I keep on Bubble in case he betrays us

  5. 8 months ago

    >A coup! The end of the queen, and the rise of Bibble!

  6. 8 months ago

    This is why the prequels are better than the sequels. The memes are unbeatable.


    • 8 months ago

      average prequeltard

  7. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      On my last viewing it became so painfully obvious that all of Legolas’s lines are like this

      • 8 months ago

        elves are supposed to be wise but when the audience is moronic that just means he states the obvious a lot

        • 8 months ago
      • 8 months ago

        Most of the lines are intelligent or useful, but this one is just telling really dumb members of the audience what is going on. Honestly, I think Gimli should've delivered the line. It's not to say that he's stupid, but it just fits better. An elf should just be quiet already knowing wtf is up.

  8. 8 months ago

    Ok OP let’s say a hostile entity was blockading your planet and threatening invasion, and then all of a sudden your entire communications system was being disrupted for no apparent reason. What would you think is happening? Sio Bibble was 100% in the right for assuming invasion, and the fact that prequel haters mock this scene as if it makes no sense really goes to show how you guys are just grasping at straws to find flaws in these great movies. Cope, seethe, and dilate.

    • 8 months ago

      This. If he had said "maybe it's just a coincidence" the scene would also have been mocked.

      • 8 months ago

        Ya, seriously what is he supposed to say? Oh it must be nothing guys, there’s no way the hostile army blockading is threatening invasion is invading, there must be a downed power line somewhere, no need to send alerts out and mobilize the army and prepare for battle or anything! It just makes no sense to mock this scene, but when you’re a sheep who doesn’t think for himself you just go with the straws that RLM grasped at without thinking about it for yourself.

    • 8 months ago

      Maybe said hostile entity isn't even invading though, maybe they're just fricking with your communications to make your day to day life more untenable to get you to cave in to their demands.

      You know... like the main objective of a blockade is.

      • 8 months ago

        >maybe these people threatening to invade us aren’t actually invading us, ya let’s just assume they’re not invading instead of being on alert and getting ready to defend ourselves!

        • 8 months ago

          >maybe these people threatening to invade us aren’t actually invading us
          Except they weren't threatening to invade, they were BLOCKADING, hence why the invasion came as a shock to the Queen. A blockade is a passive form of warfare that involves choking off supply lines to get a populace to comply with demands; shutting off communications is obviously a step one might take in the process were one ramping up the severity of the blockade. It MIGHT mean invasion, sure, but it MIGHT also mean they're just tightening the noose on the blockade by limiting Naboo's contact with the outside world. Hence why it's shitty dialogue- there are other extremely plausible scenarios of what's going on, invasion being the worst case one is all.

          >inb4 buh they wouldn't just shut off communications for no reason!

          Correct, but the jedi showing up to try and bully them out of the blockade is an obvious motive for this though that the council are aware of. 'Oh, you buttholes want to call in Monk Super Soldiers to try and bully us? Well frick you you just lost your communications priveleges'

          • 8 months ago

            It’s not shitty dialogue, he’s just one politician of many. Different politicians have different views. It makes perfect sense that one of them would be a more paranoid war hawk type of politician who would immediately say it’s invasion which is certainly within the realm of possibilities. Such a nitpick, keep grasping at your straws Reddit.

            • 8 months ago

              >It’s not shitty dialogue, he’s just one politician of many.
              Except that one politician states his opinion on the subject and then everyone in the scene treats it like fact and discusses their options on how to handle invasion like it's already established as a thing that's happening. Really shitty dialogue, like I said.

              • 8 months ago

                Yes? Because what’s the alternative? Not taking that threat seriously and doing nothing and then getting caught with your pants down when the invasion happens. Of course you prepare for the worst case scenario. I can’t even believe I have to explain this to you, use your critical thinking skills. Do you think that if Taiwan was being blockades and threatened by China that the Taiwanese and American government/military would do nothing if their comms went down all of a sudden for no apparent reason, or do you think they’d get ready for a potential battle? Idiot.

              • 8 months ago

                >Because what’s the alternative?
                Having a scene where different characters bring up and discuss other possible motives of the Separatists blocking communications (all the while establishing their own characteristics as they express their unique viewpoints on the subject) and then resolving to take some action after this discussion concludes. Or maybe they wind up doing literally nothing like they did in the film, which would be fine as well if we at least got actual dialogue that helped us better feel out who all the characters were. As opposed to the moronic scene George gave us where literally all that happens is one giving a single expository line of 'COMMUNICATION DISRUPTION EQUALS INVASION. THAT IS BAD' and all the character monotonely nod and agree.

              • 8 months ago

                >we need a scene to explicitly state and show every little thing that is otherwise implied or obvious to my little autist brain because I am incapable of reading subtext or using critical thinking skills
                I just have no words any more man, you’ve just really shown the stupidity of prequel haters. God you’re so dumb lmao

              • 8 months ago

                >because I am incapable of reading subtext or using critical thinking skills
                No I'm capable of those things and understand what the scene's trying to do, I'm just saying the way the scene is made is lazily written, boring and paint by numbers, and forces the audience to come up with a lot of headcanon to fill in the blanks themselves. Just like the majority of this film, hence why it sucks alongside the bulk of the prequel scenes.

                Look at pic related, a scene trying to do a similar job made by a director who still cared about his work at the time that mogs Lucas's scene hard. The dialogue in this felt like actual people having a conversation while establishing the characteristics of the entire Fellowship at the same time. Pretty masterfully done. And no, Amidala's scene didn't have to be 20 minutes long like this- it could've been 4 or 5 characters expressing different opinions on the subject in a 4 or 5 minute scene while establishing their characters, then ending with Amidala giving the final word on the debate and surmounting her viewpoint and authority. Basically the exact same scene we got, except with a little more discourse that makes everyone feel like an actual person. Minor tweaking would've fixed a shitload of problems like this, hence why everyone thinks the script was just Lucas heing lazy running with the first draft he cobbled togethet.

  9. 8 months ago


  10. 8 months ago

    >No visible sign of damage to the planet or its populace whatsoever besides a couple of trees knocked over by floaty tanks
    Why was the separatist invasion bad again? Because evil sith man nobody even knew about was running it behind the scenes?

    • 8 months ago

      You try living without wifi

    • 8 months ago

      Yes, people are dying. Do you think all those droids and tanks invading the city and firing their weapons aren’t shooting at people? Are you literally moronic?

      • 8 months ago

        They just walked in like the nazis into Paris.

      • 8 months ago

        Except there's not a single scene of that happening except when they try to retake the palace (a fight the Nabooians start) & when the Jedi stop the queen from being taken to 'camp 4' (a fight the Jedi start).

        • 8 months ago

          What do you mean? You just listed 2 scenes. What? Do you think this hostile invading army isn’t killing or shooting anyone? They’re just waking around peacefully? There weren’t any other battles going on over an entire fricking planet? You’re so dumb lmao

          • 8 months ago

            >What do you mean? You just listed 2 scenes.
            Yeah, two scenes of them REACTING to what the protagonist are doing. There's no establishing scene or shot of them doing anything that has negative connotations besides loitering around the naboo palace and knocking over a few trees. No scene of them executing civilians or damaging property. No scene of them draining the gungan swamps to mine the planet for resources. No scene of people being herded into a miserable concentration camp or something (just offhand references of a camp with no actual depiction.) There's no real scene that establishes the Separatists as an actual villain that we're compelled to root against, hence why they feel like such a weird and lifelelss villain; they have almost no agency except to make the Queen sign a treaty for unclear reasons.

            >inb4 calmly holding groups of people at gunpoint establishes villainous intent
            That shit is something protagonists do on a regular basis as well.

            • 8 months ago

              >There's no real scene that establishes the Separatists as an actual villain
              Are you actually autistic? Do you really need a movie to make it even more apparent that an army blockading and invading a planet and city and going to war and shooting at people and holding them at gunpoint are bad guys? Literal autist

              • 8 months ago

                >Do you really need a movie to make it even more apparent that an army blockading and invading a planet and city
                Yeah, because all those things aren't necessarily evil- war and invasion are immoral concepts until you add agency sorting out who's who, which this film doesn't do a particularly good job at.
                >going to war and shooting at people
                They literally never shoot at anyone in any scend unless shot at first until the end scene when the gungans show up as a giant army, which has obvious connotations as a threat. Like I said, no scene depicting the Separatists as excessively cruel, greedy, violent, or any other inherently negative vice; hence why the audience is so indifferent to the film as a whole. The protagonists have the same problem as well, nobody behaves like a human being with actual flaws or characteristics- they're all just lifeless zombies reciting expository dialogue and doing whatever's written in their blocking.

              • 8 months ago

                You are literally more stupid than the children this movie is made for if you have trouble understanding who the bad guys and good guys are in this moviez

              • 8 months ago

                The Trade Federation were the good guys because they were unfairly forced to pay tariffs. It was a tax revolt. The Republic forced their hand and left them with no recourse.

              • 8 months ago

                I can tell who they are from visual context just fine, I'm saying from a story and character standpoint they're all lifeless, unmotivated husks.
                >The Separatists invading is... le bad!
                Ok why? What the frick are they doing that's bad? The film never shows them doing anything besides hanging out and talking to people escorted by guards (Inb4 shooting and killing people because I already told you they don't show that at all except as a reaction homosexual)
                >The queen is... le good!
                Ok why? What the frick do we see her do that establishes her as a good ruler or a good person? If anything the opposite is true if she fricked with the Separatists in some way to prompt this invasion?

                Nobody has any agency in this film- the Separatists don't do shit to make me root against them and the Naboo don't do shit to make me root for them. They're all immoral, gray blobs of matter, lifeless and devoid of characterization.

                Like I'll give you an example in the prequels to go by to help you understand- in 3 we KNOW Palpatine is the villain because he's running around murdering all the Jedi, seizing control of the state, ordering people to shoot children, and acting like a creepy uncle around Anakin. THAT'S a character establishing agency, I KNOW he's the bad guy because I SEE scenes of him being evil doing evil things. Nothing remotely similar happens that adds agency to either side prior to the 3rd act that makes me care about either side of the Naboo conflict.

              • 8 months ago

                > They're all immoral, gray blobs of matter, lifeless and devoid of characterization.
                I actually disagree with this, the Republic was shown as bloated and corrupt, which lends to the Separatists being justified in their behavior. They didn't even start the war. The Republic sent an invasion force to Geonosis. The Separatists were justified in executing the spies they captured. But the film doesn't fairly explore any of this via dialogue.

              • 8 months ago

                That's one interpretation of it, but the Separatists aren't really shown as justified in their actions either because the expository dialogue tells us the Separatists are bad and what they're doing is bad, even though we're never really shown why.

            • 8 months ago

              >There's no real scene that establishes the Separatists as an actual villain
              Are you actually autistic? Do you really need a movie to make it even more apparent that an army blockading and invading a planet and city and going to war and shooting at people and holding them at gunpoint are bad guys? Literal autist

              And for the record the trade federation aren’t the bad guys anyway, they’re just a puppet, as are the republic, and they’re both being played by the real bad guy, palpatine, learn to read subtext idiot.

      • 8 months ago

        They faced zero resistance.

    • 8 months ago

      Except there's not a single scene of that happening except when they try to retake the palace (a fight the Nabooians start) & when the Jedi stop the queen from being taken to 'camp 4' (a fight the Jedi start).

      It was obviously implied that Sio Bibble was forced to say all of that by the Trade Federation to convince Amidala to sign a treaty. Of course the Trade Federation took Naboo without as much as firing a shot, that was shown on-screen. But if Amidala thought thousands of innocent people were dying, that would likely convince her to capitulate. Goddamn, how dense do you autists have to be not to pick this up?

  11. 8 months ago


  12. 8 months ago

    Why does he look so smug whilst saying this? It's like he did his international relations phd thesis on communications disruption and after years of being a useless academic sitting in and offering nothing, he finally gets to say something

  13. 8 months ago

    >mfw my gf doesn't immediately respond to my sacred texts

  14. 8 months ago
  15. 8 months ago

    I love the Palpatine we got, but I thought the original design was striking and memorable, I wonder what Lucas' thought about it to make him change his mind on it.

    • 8 months ago

      Because that image was just the top half of a chimpanzee's head superimposed on a man's face. Would have been hard to emulate on an actual actor.

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