>A police captain close to spider-man must die

>A police captain close to spider-man must die
>Gwen's dad quits the force so he's out of danger because he isn't a Captain any more

So Miles can just call himself Arachnoguy instead and save his dad? I mean he isn't Spider-Man any more so the captain thing doesn't need to happen, right? Seems like this entire 2 movie setup is pointless.

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  1. 10 months ago

    Anon, the fact that Miguel's concept of canon events is a fricking stupid idea to build an epic two-part movie around doesn't mean making it even dumber isn't noticeable.
    Gwen's dad is no longer a cop. "Arachnoguy" would still be a superhero; at least propose the notion of Miles dropping the mantle altogether, though I doubt that would work because dropping the mantle and being guilted into taking it back is probably a canon even in this clusterfrick.

    • 10 months ago

      >Anon, the fact that the writers' and directors' concept of canon events is a fricking stupid idea to build an epic two-part movie around doesn't mean making it even dumber isn't noticeable.
      Fixed that for you.

    • 10 months ago

      >dropping the mantle and being guilted into taking it back is probably a canon event
      Yeah, Spider-Man no more is shown

  2. 10 months ago

    Yea pretty much, and Miles comes off as incredibly entitled and sociopathic for insisting he is Spider-Man even when he's told the prize for that is his dad dying

  3. 10 months ago

    The twist is 2099 Spiderman’s gotten turned into one of those vampires and he’s just buttering up enough universes to be exact spider totems with exact circumstances, so they taste delicious to the vampires or something.

    • 10 months ago

      please god no

    • 10 months ago

      That would be a shit reveal. Spidey2099 always had fangs they're a result of his genetic splicing with a spider.

    • 10 months ago

      Nah, the "twist" probably involves one or more of the following:
      >Miguel and/or his Universe have more to do with The Spot and his powers than he lets on. To begin with, they share the "construction lines" art style.
      >Miguel didn't simply find a universe in which a Miguel with the life he wanted had just conveniently died. He was more "proactive" about it, and the anomalies stemmed from that.
      >Miguel is super salty about a "fake Spider-Man" like Miles because he himself is the fakest of all Spider-Men (according to his comic-book origins) and has the least Spider-Man-like powers of all the Society, including the lack of a Spidey-sense. Nothing about him trying to reproduce the powers of Spider-Man on himself is mentioned during the movie; in this version, his attempt may have involved the Alchemax collider experiments rather than genetic shenanigans, and may intimately involve the previous point. Tons of super suspicious throwaway actions are featured in the movie, such as him crushing the console's scanner when it was looking at him.
      >Considering the character actions, intentions and approach, a very extreme scenario may even involve him representing an alternate Kingpin rather than an alternate Spider-Man (OBVIOUSLY in terms of his role, not of his very nature: a really desperate and ruthless guy fricking up the Multiverse because he wanted to reproduce the life he hadn't).

      • 10 months ago

        I don't have a problem with Miguel being the very thing he accuses Miles of being, if they try to pin everything on him though I will be very disappointed.

  4. 10 months ago

    How did Miles even get his powers. I have never read any of Bendis schlock. Was he bit by a radioactive spider? I feel like that would have to be a cannon event.

    • 10 months ago

      >Was he bit by a radioactive spider?
      Miles was bit by a dying radioactive Peter. Who then came back to life a year or two later when Miles' book wasn't selling. But for some reason when Peter came back he was an butthole and you were expecting him to be a clone or badguy or something to explain the behavior but no, peter was just an butthole.

      Then the ultimate universe collapsed and miles came to 616 because he gave the molecule man a sandwich before he restarted the universe that Doom fricked up after becoming a god and accidentally collapsing the multiverse.

      Only one thing in my explanation was false. Miles' origin is moronic.

      • 10 months ago

        a hamburger he was literally keeping in his ass

      • 10 months ago

        >But for some reason when Peter came back he was an butthole and you were expecting him to be a clone or badguy or something to explain the behavior but no, peter was just an butthole.

        To be fair, Ultimate Peter did have a bit of an attitude compared to most contemporary adaptations. Also if the OZ formula in Peter’s bloodstream can bring him back, does that means his clones are alive somewhere?

  5. 10 months ago

    Being an anomoly there's no reason to assume any of the rules apply to him
    But all you need for the action to happen is to accept Miguel believes it's in their best interests to prevent him trying to stop the progress of the canon events
    Miles isn't trying to stop his dad dying because canon event or trying to find a neat technicality, he's assuming that if he doesn't act his father will die so moving to prevent it

  6. 10 months ago

    The logic of the movie is not an internal logic, but a meta-logic that Miguel can observe, but cannot understand, because it is driven by a force outside his comprehension: the invisible hand of comic creators and the audience. It's like Cabin in the Woods. These canon events happen because the audience needs them to happen. If they don't, we don't accept the character as a Spider-man.
    Miles is not fighting Miguel, or the Society of Spider-men. He's fighting our expectations. He wins when he convinces us he can be a true Spider-man without losing his dad.

    • 10 months ago

      thats dumb. not the theory you have, that makes sense, whats dumb is the idea people are pissed about miles calling himself spiderman becuase his uncle doesn't die or whatever. the real issue is how they try to diminish or erase peter in order to give miles the title. its like less of a torch passing and more of a picking the torch up from parker's disfigured corpse. the whole idea that people think spiderman is entirely just some dude who lost a parental figure is such a reductive concept and how stupid the plot is definitely seems to be what they actually think the character is, for whatever reason

      • 10 months ago

        >whats dumb is the idea people are pissed about miles calling himself spiderman becuase his uncle doesn't die or whatever.
        I didn't say that. It's about expectations placed on him by existing comics and various other media. It's either his dad or his mom who dies, because the comics feel this is integral to the character of Spider-men. So the movie is posing the question of whether it can break that formula.

        • 10 months ago

          Which is ironic given that Miles is the most blatant and shameless Peter copycat out of any alt Spider-Man including Peter's literal clones.

          And the "muh fan expectations for what is a Spider-Man" is a ridiculous strawman since Spider-Man media was never widely criticized for anything the way e.g. Star Wars prequels were, fans loved Spidey media that bucked trends like Miggy being Spider-Man in name only, Spectacular not bridging Gwen, RYW letting Peter have a happy marriage and kids, Adventures having Chat as the romance interest etc. If anything Miles was criticized for not being different enough to Peter, and the most derided stories are the ones about resetting everything to the status quo.

          • 10 months ago

            Again, I don't think it's necessarily a swipe at people who don't like Miles Morales or the first Spiderverse movie. It's about the comics. It's about the beats that every iteration of Spider-man seems to have.

            • 10 months ago

              >It's about the beats that every iteration of Spider-man seems to have.
              They don't, that's the point, every Spider-Man even including alt Peters is pretty unique, save for Miles who just keeps cribbing from Peter

            • 10 months ago

              That’s wrong though. They literally changed everyone’s backstory to fit this shitty narrative in the movie

            • 10 months ago

              Look man, I get your argument, it's sound, you haven't resorted to any shit flinging or name calling, but you're wasting your time, you're basically arguing with someone who has made up their mind about how they feel about Miles, you're not going to change their mind.

              • 10 months ago

                Are your opinions about Miles free game and open to changing based on sound argumentation?

      • 10 months ago

        I think you have it right, anon. The ultimate problem with Spider-verse is that it tries to divest Spider-man from Peter Parker. These other Spider-people just don't have the same value or narrative strength.

    • 10 months ago

      >He wins when he convinces us he can be a true Spider-man without losing his dad.
      He already did that when he lost his Uncle Be-Aaron.

      • 10 months ago

        I'm just going by osmosis, but in the various comics either his father or his mother dies, right? So one of those has to happen.
        Plus, Uncle Ben isn't the only pivotal death in Spider-Man. It's also Gwen Stacy, where he's forced to make a choice. So he's going to be confronted with that at some point too.

    • 10 months ago

      These are not always universals to all Spider-man characters though, even the uncle Ben moments are dramatically different from one another and not equivalent. Like Uncle Aaron's death is totally different in it's circumstance and moral compared to Ben and that's not even getting into Gwen's Peter death. I don't think Miguel had anything like an Uncle Ben in the comics nor even a equivalent Captain Stacy moment. The whole thing is a made of meta plot that doesn't reflect the real life comics it's referencing.

  7. 10 months ago

    I mean, he doesn't need to call himself anything, because his universe already had a spider-man, so if he's not "the" spider-man then the canon doesn't/shouldn't apply
    not like any of this makes much sense considering both pavitr and miles' "canon events" were directly correlated to spot, who's the source of all these anomalies

  8. 10 months ago

    >I don’t understand this children’s movie, so its poorly written!
    The movie literally states that Miguel doesn’t actually know what would happen if a “canon event” is ignored, yknow- when Gwen points it out right before she gets sent back home? The only concrete thing the spider society knows about how the multiverse operates is that anomalies cause whatever universe theyre in to implode. Theres tons of varied spiders in the society and not all of them even share the same “canon events”. Miguel only assumes that a universe will implode if a canon event is ignored, he doesn’t actually know, and is too blinded by guilt from being THE original anomaly and destroying a universe trying to steal an alternate miguel’s life after that miguel died to take any chances. He knows he should’ve accepted his fate, refused, and wound up destroying an earth for it, and continues to project that guilt and destruction onto miles. This is why he is so strict about the “canon”. He broke his own where he’s destined to die a lonely bastard, and projects.
    I know Cinemaphile is moronic but the sheer collective inability to understand this movie is just willful ignorance.
    t. literally watched both spiderverses back to back yesterday

    • 10 months ago

      >Miguel doesn’t actually know what would happen if a “canon event” is ignored
      And everyone going along with it despite that is shit writing

      • 10 months ago

        Miguel is shown from his first introduction to miles to be intimidating and willing to bully anybody that doesn’t toe his line into submission. When Gwen shows she is unwilling to be blindly committed footsoldier, he immediately sends her home. Its not shit writing if you’re just not using your brain and ignore how such a dictatorial setup works.

        >He knows he should’ve accepted his fate, refused, and wound up destroying an earth for it, and continues to project that guilt and destruction onto miles. This is why he is so strict about the “canon”. He broke his own where he’s destined to die a lonely bastard, and projects.
        The alt Miguel whose life he took over wasn't even a Spider-Man and thus had no canon events, and if Miguel had a "dying" canon event then so would every other Spider-Man but they don't, did you even watch the movie

        Did you? there’s tons of variations amongst the stories of the spiders. Miguel assuming that “canon events” is what holds the multiverse together is merely his own assumption with zero evidence to back it up other than his unwillingness to break canon again. If adherence to canon is what makes or breaks a universe, why hasn’t miles’ universe imploded?
        Why was hobo pete able to not only mend his relationship with MJ but also have a child? Frick’s sake they slap you with this with mayday- she’s not fricking canon and yet she and her universe still exists.
        I don’t care much for multiversal writing at all but this board collectively turns its brain off when analyzing these movies because youre fricking morons triggered by the spiderBlack person first and foremost.

        >Miguel only assumes that a universe will implode if a canon event is ignored, he doesn’t actually know

        Isn't that what was happening when India spider-man's canon got disrupted? And the dialogue seems to imply they've seen it happen elsewhere aside from the one Miguel personally fricked up.
        See, I think the problem here is that we're given a big long exposition dump from Miguel that's meant to lay down the stakes and explain the central conflict, but there's still a lot of ambiguities and also the audience has to assume Miguel is wrong about something or another. The result is that the conflict hazy and it makes everyone involved look like a jackass.

        Spider Pajeet Spider Pajeet, when he swings he shits in the street has his universe imploding because of Spot powering up with the collider and ripping a giant hole in the fabric of reality. You can see the dark matter eating away at the alchemax building, which is why it collapsed. again- Miguel is the only one that assumes and insists that “canon events” hold the universe together, due to guilt from ignoring his own personal canon. He implies that this has happened before, yes, but Miguel is foreshadowed to not be completely on the level with the rest of the spider society from scene 1 when he’s shown about to kill da vinci vulture until the police chopper shows up. Why would he spring to kill him and only renege when theres witnesses when their schtick is “catch and release back home”?

        • 10 months ago

          >Miguel is shown from his first introduction to miles to be intimidating and willing to bully anybody that doesn’t toe his line into submission
          The fact that this is his characterization and that every Spider-Man goes along with this including existing fan favorites is shit writing

          • 10 months ago

            I feel like we're just wrapping back around to the problem of "So then why do all these countless variations of Spider-man listen to Miguel?"

            All the spiderman listening to miguel and following along is the most egregious part of all this, especially considering how many of the spidermen have been previously characterized to not stand for letting people die of they can do something to stop it. I have a bad feeling that part 2 will continue to shit on all the other spider people to make miles seems like the one who did the right thing

            • 10 months ago

              This is the fundamental problem. There's basically no way to slice "Miguel is wrong" and "Everyone just goes along with him" that doesn't end up with either Miles or everyone else being moronic.

              • 10 months ago

                Miguel’s shown to handpick whomever he feels to be on the spider society. you dont think he’s gonna pick the ones that would follow him unquestioningly and again, eject anybody that disagrees?
                plus (this gets into the bigger problem of midwit writers trying to create “genius” characters) mechanical know-how doesn’t equate to an overall high intellect. the spiders sure can invent all the goobers and other macguffins they need on the fly but they otherwise act like the average joe. frick’s sake I study mechanical engineering for my gunsmithing hobby but I’m never going to claim to be einstein just because I can calculate casehead pressures for rechamberings.

              • 10 months ago

                Miles is framed as the non-genius Spider-Man and he still has no issues grasping multiverse mechanics at 15 years old

              • 10 months ago

                >Miles is framed as the non-genius Spider-Man
                bruh, he is depicted as going to a highschool for the gifted and across the spiderverse establishes he’s trying to get an internship at a particle accelerator lab.

              • 10 months ago

                >bruh, he is depicted as going to a highschool for the gifted
                That he got in through a lottery
                >and across the spiderverse establishes he’s trying to get an internship at a particle accelerator lab.
                Yes that is what I just said, if he can grasp that shit easily at 15 the rest of the older ones should have no issues either

              • 10 months ago

                So Peni, Peter B, spider-byte, et al are just idiot stooges?

              • 10 months ago

                YES. PRECISELY. They don’t fricking know any better and aren’t given any reason to find out any different. The only other spider thats shown to go against miguel’s direct wishes that isnt part of the main cast is spiderbyte and she only does it when miguel is directly trying to tear miles in half as he’s being sent back to earth 42.

              • 10 months ago

                So we really are just wrapping back around to "all these spider-men are moronic". And you believe this is good writing?

              • 10 months ago

                Its less “theyre moronic” and more “theyve been brow beaten into blind submission if they even bother to ask questions”.
                but nah, frick this. This board is too dumb to understand this stupid movie and I’m tired of trying to break it down for you room temperature IQ dipshits.
                Have fun regurgitating the same shitposts pretending its “critique”. I’ll be laughing when part 2 blows you morons the frick out.

              • 10 months ago

                See you later, dumbass

              • 10 months ago

                >theyve been brow beaten into blind submission if they even bother to ask questions
                Boy that sure does sound like Spider-Man to me. That's just like my other favourite story where Spider-Man is trapped under some rubble and he just dies because it's too hard to move so he gives up. Such an iconic moment

              • 10 months ago

                Are you trying to say that Spider-Man only has mechanical know-how and doesn't grasp simple scientific concepts? Have you read Spider-Man before? Did you even watch the first movie?

              • 10 months ago

                Not all spidermen are geniuses. It doesn't matter how many of them can make their own web gadgets or well versed in science, it's more of a matter of character and most spidermen who choose to be heroes on principle wouldnt just let people die if they could prevent it just because some dude said so.

                >Miles is framed as the non-genius Spider-Man
                bruh, he is depicted as going to a highschool for the gifted and across the spiderverse establishes he’s trying to get an internship at a particle accelerator lab.

                Other anon said it but miles is only in a good school because of the shit school lottery system that it's based off of IRL. And he's "interested"(because he want to travel dimensions and see his friends) he's not in it yet.

              • 10 months ago

                Something I dont like that is narratively manipulative is that they made miguel have an antagonistic personality to beat the audience over the head that he's the bad guy and probably doing the wrong thing. Frick even current shit MCU can do characterization better with charactes being reluctant for the greater good like when dr.strange willing to sacrifice people for the multiverse but not being an butthole about it. Miguel acting like a savage pretty much made some of the spider people rebel against him to begin with so it all feels contrived

        • 10 months ago

          I feel like we're just wrapping back around to the problem of "So then why do all these countless variations of Spider-man listen to Miguel?"

          • 10 months ago

            Multiversal writing is inherently dogshit and this movie is a direct tongue in cheek nod to that fact.

            >Miguel is shown from his first introduction to miles to be intimidating and willing to bully anybody that doesn’t toe his line into submission
            The fact that this is his characterization and that every Spider-Man goes along with this including existing fan favorites is shit writing

            wow, its almost like you’re juuuuuust on the cusp of understanding why Miguel is a fricking moron and why he’s been set up as the antagonist to miles.

            • 10 months ago

              wow, its almost like you’re juuuuuust on the cusp of understanding why this movie is terribly written and why so many people take offense to its banal moronic writing

          • 10 months ago

            Not that anon, but I detected a faint thread of anti-vax sentiment in the movie. Since Miguel was the dimension-hopper with all the futuristic tech, the other Spider-persons just trusted the science.

        • 10 months ago

          >Did you?
          I did

          >there’s tons of variations amongst the stories of the spiders.
          Nope, the movie is very explicit that every Spider-Man goes through the same ASM-inspired events, starting with an equivalent to an uncle Ben death, then a George Stacy death, Gwen Stacy death, if this be my destiny, Spider-Man no more, marrying the romantic interest, bursting out of a grave, having a symbiote etc, it's implied they either all went through this or are going to go through this even though basically none of them actually did (except Miles) and characters like e.g. Hobie and Jessica who never had any of it nod along as if that really happened to them

          >Miguel assuming that “canon events” is what holds the multiverse together is merely his own assumption with zero evidence to back it up other than his unwillingness to break canon again. If adherence to canon is what makes or breaks a universe, why hasn’t miles’ universe imploded?
          That's one of many plot hole questions people keep asking, if a casual watching audience with no personal investment can pick up on these inconsistencies, why wouldn't an army of genius Spider-Men whose goal would be protecting as many people as possible

          >Why was hobo pete able to not only mend his relationship with MJ but also have a child? Frick’s sake they slap you with this with mayday- she’s not fricking canon and yet she and her universe still exists.
          Same as above, why would Peter believe Miguel if he personally lived through something that should be canon breaking, and the answer is always the same, terrible writing

          • 10 months ago

            >Nope, the movie is very explicit that every Spider-Man goes through the same ASM-inspired events
            The movie is very explicit that this is what Miguel assumes to be true. Nowhere is it confirmed to be true outside of Miguel saying “it just be how it do”.
            >even though basically none of them actually did (except Miles) and characters like e.g. Hobie and Jessica who never had any of it nod along as if that really happened to them
            Gasp, could that possibly be some form of foreshadowing? no, just “inconsistent writing”? okay moron.
            >That's one of many plot hole questions people keep asking
            Just because morons like you can’t follow the movie doesn’t mean its a plot hole. Again, it couldnt POSSIBLY be foreshadowing that will be resolved in the second half of a two-part film? nahhhhhhhh, its just “shit writing”.
            >why wouldn't an army of genius Spider-Men whose goal would be protecting as many people as possible
            Could it be because Miguel is shown to be violent with anybody that disagrees with him and will cut them off from ever touching the spider society again? no, just “shit writing”? okay moron.
            >Same as above, why would Peter believe Miguel if he personally lived through something that should be canon breaking
            Because hobo pete is too busy being a loving father to fricking care? Peter literally states Miguel “loses him” when he starts talking about boring multiverse concepts but no, “shit writing” again, gotcha.

            • 10 months ago

              >The movie is very explicit that this is what Miguel assumes to be true. Nowhere is it confirmed to be true outside of Miguel saying “it just be how it do”.
              The movie literally shows a hologram of every Spider-Man holding a dying uncle Ben figure some of which they never had and montages framed as comic book panels of them all experiencing various canon events that they never experienced and they never dispute them as false, implying they actually happened to them and they have reason to believe they're a universal constant

              >Gasp, could that possibly be some form of foreshadowing? no, just “inconsistent writing”? okay moron.
              >Just because morons like you can’t follow the movie doesn’t mean its a plot hole. Again, it couldnt POSSIBLY be foreshadowing that will be resolved in the second half of a two-part film?
              Foreshadowing for what? How is every genius Spider-Man falling for a flimsy inconsistent story foreshadowing for anything? Why the frick would they believe such a stupid concept in the first place and what could possibly be the "foreshadowing" outcome of that, were they just playing a prank on Miles?

              >nahhhhhhhh, its just “shit writing”.
              Yeah this is very easy to believe given the absolute state of this movie and the writers' previous credentials

              >Could it be because Miguel is shown to be violent with anybody that disagrees with him and will cut them off from ever touching the spider society again? no, just “shit writing”? okay moron.
              He's just one guy and not even that strong, Spider-Men written well would absolutely beat some sense into this Miguel if he told them they aren't allowed to save people, they have the numbers advantage even if they don't need it, and again Miguel being written like this at all is shit writing in the first place

              >Because hobo pete is too busy being a loving father to fricking care?
              This is good writing to you? lmao

              >“shit writing” again
              Pretty much, yeah

              • 10 months ago

                >The movie literally shows a hologram of every Spider-Man
                Where’s Spider-ham or the fricking cat in that montage? Where’s spiderbyte? could it be that- *gasp* it wasnt *literally a hologram of *every* spiderman to ever exist and just cherrypicked examples by miguel? Shit, where’s MIGUEL in that lineup?
                But nah its just bad writing because you say so. okay moron.

                Youre literally too stupid to understand this flick dude. Crying “shit writing” because you lack critical thinking doesn’t make it so. We’re done here.

              • 10 months ago

                nta but do you have to post like such a homosexual? Really takes the wind out of your already shitty arguments

              • 10 months ago

                >y-youre a homosexual poopyface >:(
                Mhmm. You gonna actually combat these arguments or just go “nuh-uh, its just shit writing because I say so!”
                Concession accepted, Cinemaphile is literally too pigshit stupid to understand this basic ass film. no wonder you homosexuals have regular paw patrol and bluey threads.

              • 10 months ago

                You didn't address any of that anon's prior arguments besides brilliantly pointing out that the film didn't take the time to show literally every single spider-man in the montage.

              • 10 months ago

                I’m not wasting my time pointing out basic scene analysis on top of the details of films I watched yesterday when the little homosexual is just going to plug his ears and chant “shit writing” over and over and over again. If he can’t grasp this film he can continue to whine like the dumb b***h he’s confirmed himself to be.

              • 10 months ago

                It sounds more like you're just avoiding arguments you can't actually contend with.

              • 10 months ago

                First of all I'm not the guy you're arguing with, I'm just pointing out that you sound like a massive homosexual.
                Fact of the matter is that Spider-Man wouldn't just let people die. Even if canon events did cause universes to collapse he would never stop trying to find a way to circumvent it, he wouldn't just give up. Also doubling down on Miguel's character assassination isn't the gotcha you think it is, it just further cements this movie shitting on everyone not called Miles or Gwen

              • 10 months ago

                >it just further cements this movie shitting on everyone not called Miles or Gwen

                It shits on Gwen too, since she was happily playing along until her boy toy got in trouble. The only people who are gonna come out clean are Miles and Hobie.

              • 10 months ago

                Yeah, Gwen's pretty garbage. Ran away from home for months playing dimension cop rather than face reality, and that was before she found out he might die if she came back. And still will hopefully. If the sequel ends with a montage of all the averted canon deaths happening and then cuts to black all will be forgiven.

              • 10 months ago

                >Also doubling down on Miguel's character assassination isn't the gotcha you think it is, it just further cements this movie shitting on everyone not called Miles or Gwen
                I dont know what sort of bullshit theyll resort to put miles and co into the right but it's definitely going to be dumb af. Judging by part 1, they'll likely double down and continue to character assassinate miguel and make his theory wrong so itll be dumb as hell when everyone in the society realized that they've been letting people die for nothing

              • 10 months ago

                Miguel will be either straight up lying or horribly misinformed, will apologize and team up with Miles to stop Spot, then Miles will graciously forgive Miguel on behalf of the entire Spider-Verse. The last scene will be a speech about being beholden to expectations and how it's important to "do your own thing"

              • 10 months ago

                >speech about being beholden to expectations
                I never liked that the spiderverse series seems to beat the dead horse message of "anyone can be spiderman". It undermines every other version of peter and just says that everything special about him came from the spider bite and not his character or principles. It's just "I got spider powers now b***h, I'm stealing this mantle" it'd be like if some random dude got kryptonian powers after superman died and said that he's superman now just because he has the power

              • 10 months ago

                The point of “anybody can be spiderman” is that anybody that chooses to adopt the principles it takes to be spiderman and actually abide by them can be him. Its not “Im gonna steal this mantle”, its “with great power comes great responsibility”. expanding that from just being about some random butthole that got bit by a spider to everybody.
                I swear to god this movie just turns Cinemaphile into frothing morons merely because it stars miles and anons will actively read things in the worst light possible just so they can piss and moan about anything he’s in.

              • 10 months ago

                This is beyond being obtuse. This is full rotations of missing the point.

              • 10 months ago

                Honestly, all I have to say is that isn’t wrong at all about how the movie seems to be portraying the conflict with canon. I think it’s clear that there’s more to what’s going on, but people seem to be focusing more on the fact that so many versions of spider-man ended up siding with him. And a part of me doesn’t get that, aside from it potentially coming off as being a bit too much.

              • 10 months ago

                >Where’s Spider-ham or the fricking cat in that montage? Where’s spiderbyte? could it be that- *gasp* it wasnt *literally a hologram of *every* spiderman to ever exist and just cherrypicked examples by miguel? Shit, where’s MIGUEL in that lineup?
                It's implied all of them had the events through the long ass lineup and the barrage of the various "canon event panels" going on in the background (even if they didn't actually happen in the character's previous appearances) and the fact none of them go "hey wtf that never happened to me", they all meet up and go "yeah that's true Miguel's story checks out", did you want to add another 30 minutes to the movie showing it happen to every single Spider-Man ever? Spider-Muslim, Spider-Knight, Spider-Hockey, Spider-Cowboy, Spider-Fat are all in it so it's implied Ham, the cat, the T-Rex also had the events too.

                Peter, Jessica, Hobie, Spectacular, Peni etc all literally tell Miles it happened to them, and the holograms are able to recreate scenes that happened earlier accurately as shown in the movie itself.

                The only alternative to this (that you are arguing for) is that they all went along with it even if Miguel's narrative was even shittier and less plausible than argued so far, and none of them even lived through the canon events they are so fervently enforcing and are all just blindly trusting Miguel based on nothing.

                >Youre literally too stupid to understand this flick dude. Crying “shit writing” because you lack critical thinking doesn’t make it so. We’re done here.
                I am sorry you were duped into defending a hack story by having it masked with the work of 1000+ overworked animators.

              • 10 months ago

                > I am sorry you were duped into defending a hack story by having it masked with the work of 1000+ overworked animators.
                Wouldn’t more people be defending this movie because of the work those animators did?

              • 10 months ago

                I'm not sure if it's more sad or hilarious the great animation is the only saving grave of this series but the studio is infamous for its animator abuse and crunch. They are so cartoonishly excessive that even the movie was done they still made their animators edit that shit again for the streaming/bluray release

            • 10 months ago

              >N-n-none of it could possibly be shit writing! It will all be resolved in the sequel I'm sure!! You are dumb and I am smart!!
              Pathetic fanboy, propping up your tiny sense of self-worth by impotently calling others moronic

    • 10 months ago

      >He knows he should’ve accepted his fate, refused, and wound up destroying an earth for it, and continues to project that guilt and destruction onto miles. This is why he is so strict about the “canon”. He broke his own where he’s destined to die a lonely bastard, and projects.
      The alt Miguel whose life he took over wasn't even a Spider-Man and thus had no canon events, and if Miguel had a "dying" canon event then so would every other Spider-Man but they don't, did you even watch the movie

    • 10 months ago

      Every now and then, movies/shows will drop that remind me that the collective IQ on this board is shockingly low.

      If I'd have to guess, a lot of underage tourists and stunted manchildren/legbeards.

      • 10 months ago

        >I don't have an argument to defend this movie's shitty writing by the guy who wrote Wonder Woman 1984 so I'll just insult everyone while pretending to be superior instead
        Interesting strategy

        • 10 months ago

          >the guy who wrote Wonder Woman 1984
          It all makes sense now. Now I'm genuinely curious how much dumber part2 will be coming from the great mind that turned wonder woman into an actual rapist

    • 10 months ago

      >Miguel only assumes that a universe will implode if a canon event is ignored, he doesn’t actually know

      Isn't that what was happening when India spider-man's canon got disrupted? And the dialogue seems to imply they've seen it happen elsewhere aside from the one Miguel personally fricked up.
      See, I think the problem here is that we're given a big long exposition dump from Miguel that's meant to lay down the stakes and explain the central conflict, but there's still a lot of ambiguities and also the audience has to assume Miguel is wrong about something or another. The result is that the conflict hazy and it makes everyone involved look like a jackass.

      • 10 months ago

        Yeah, this is the main problem. The movie both treats miguel's belief on the canon breaking as legit and showed what could happen when they screw it but at the same time treats miles and his friends as if they are fighting for what's right even though they could unknowingly frick everything up. This is part of the problem with this movie being split into 2 parts with part1 being so vague. They had to make miguel be an butthole to make him seem wrong when he could be the one holding everything together

  9. 10 months ago

    >Gwen's dad quits the force so he's out of danger because he isn't a Captain any more

    Doesn't this just mean some other schmuck who gets the job is gonna the one who dies?

    • 10 months ago

      No, just whatever secondary father figure she has that fits the bill.

  10. 10 months ago

    It's funny that there are 2 multiversal super hero movies about a guy risking all of existence to save his parent during the same summer...and it's odd that the shit flash movie was the one where the hero came to terms that he cant save the one he loves because theyll die anyway if it means the world ending.

    It feels jarring that the 2nd part of the movie will either have all the spider people be wrong and be complicit in making the "canon" happen or have miles be wrong and be the idiot that risked the universe to save his dad

  11. 10 months ago

    >"I'm spiderman and no one can take that away from me"
    >"what do you mean being spiderman means being miserable and your loved ones dying. This is bullshit"
    Miles is the spoiled kid that wants to have his cake and eat it. If the canon events are true then miles is a piece of shit but the movie makes miguel behave like an extreme butthole hater villain to try and justify miles and co opposing him. I wonder how this wouldve rated If it werent for the animation carrying this movie.

    • 10 months ago

      >I wonder how this wouldve rated If it werent for the animation carrying this movie.
      Thankfully Flash exists to demonstrate exactly that

      • 10 months ago

        Yeah, now that I think about it, they are 1 for 1 the same movie but with spiderman beating the audience over the head about people IRL not accepting miles. It's amazing what some quality animation would do for a awful script

    • 10 months ago

      Mutant mayhem is a good example of that. Everyone praises the movie for it's animation and ignores the mediocre storytelling

  12. 10 months ago

    Okay am I moronic or is the timeline kinda fricky? The stuff that happened with the collider in Into the Spiderverse was supposed to be the start of all the anomalies and shit, right? So Miguel's whole citadel of spider-men and his inter-dimensional task force was founded after that because the whole point was to deal with the anomalies. And Miguel's second dimension collapsing also happened after that because you see Peter B there with him, wearing one of the watches.
    So... there was some point where Miguel was fricking around in his mirror universe while also doing his inter-dimensional task force thing. And somehow he's still in charge after that?

  13. 10 months ago

    but no one destroyed his universe

  14. 10 months ago

    >Gwen's dad quits the force so he's out of danger because he isn't a Captain any more
    He's still going to die. It won't be anything relatively big either. He's going to be walking down the street and see some old lady getting mugged, try to step in, and get shot by a random no-name punk.
    Quitting the force isn't going to make him suddenly not want to help people as if he were still a cop.

    • 10 months ago

      Not as a canon event which is explicitly about a police captain saving a child and being buried by falling debris

      • 10 months ago

        >sees a burning building
        >woman cries "MY BABY MY BABY"
        >he rushes through the crowd
        >someone tries to stop him
        >"It's okay, I'm an officer."
        >saves kid
        >shit happens

      • 10 months ago

        They specifically said that "police captains" will usually die but once again is so vague that it's up in the air whether he's safe because he's not a cop anymore

  15. 10 months ago

    It seems that nobody remembers that the o.g Capt Stacy was already retired when he died. so Gwen's quitting wouldn't make any diference.

    • 10 months ago

      It wouldn't be the first hilariously contrived change the movie made to make its stupid narrative "work"

  16. 10 months ago

    This movie is made by and for people that have never read Spider-Man and don't understand even the basics of the character but want to feel like they're smart.
    This and every other thread discussing the plot of the movie has only further cemented that fact

    • 10 months ago

      >It has enough cameos and references for the hardcores to see as dangling keys.
      >it has great animation to satisfy general audiences
      >new miles is essentially an "original character" but it referential just enough to be a new origin story for people that know nothing about the series
      I hate multiverse stories so much

  17. 10 months ago

    I always thought "canon event" was a weird term....

  18. 10 months ago

    polite reminder: anyone that wants to be spider-man should not be spider-man

  19. 10 months ago

    Yeah, he could rebrand as electric guy since that's what his powers are current-ly closer to anyway.
    Break off from spidergays.

  20. 10 months ago


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