>A special effect is a tool, a means of telling a story.

>A special effect is a tool, a means of telling a story. A special effect without a story is a pretty boring thing.

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  1. 2 years ago

    90% of directors now don't get this

    • 2 years ago

      George Lucas stopped getting it during the prequels.

  2. 2 years ago

    Yet this moron was too stupid to hire people who could actually write dialogue or had interesting story ideas.

    • 2 years ago

      George is the Auteur

      • 2 years ago

        Without a doubt. Doesn't mean he was good at it.
        I guess some blame goes to the hundreds of homosexuals surrounding him who never once said "no" or told him his autis- I mean Auteursmanship was of poor quality.

        • 2 years ago

          That's what his first wife was doing. She was his defacto editor, helping him streamline the good and rework the too silly.

          • 2 years ago

            she got a divorce as her reward lmao

            • 2 years ago

              she was better editing films than sucking dick

      • 2 years ago

        To be fair literally every single concept in Star Wars, George stole. From the laser swords to the jedi to the sassy robots to the furry child critters. Star Wars is literally just an amalgam of a stack of books George grew up with, coupled with some cinema adventure serials, most of which were obscure enough that he was lucky enough not to be called out on ripping them off.

        • 2 years ago

          Star wars was the phenomenon it was because it had the best effects, in the era where effects mattered. George is actually kind of trying to cover that up in OP quote.

          • 2 years ago

            Kinda strange. Thing gets popular to the point of lunacy for its effects, but as time passes is remembered and discussed for its story, as simplistic and unoriginal as it is.
            Maybe George is a secret genius.

            • 2 years ago

              I wonder if James Cameron had simply called Jake Sully "Piff Jutiperlancer" instead, it could have reoccurred with Avatar

              • 2 years ago

                >Piff Jutiperlancer
                That's what you come up with while Geroge comes up with kino soulful character names like Darth Vader, obi-wan, Luke Skywalker, that will be remembered forever. Wow yeah it's so easy anon, your shitty OC name is so bad it gave me newfound appreciation for George Lucas
                >It's so easy what a hack
                >btw here's my best attempt recreating him and I suck huge wiener and chode.
                Stick with your day job kid, if making a story and film was as easy as you all say why isn't everybody multi billionaires then?

              • 2 years ago

                the thing about star wars names eg skywalker is the first time you hear them in your life you think "what the frick that's so stupid. that's ridiculous" but then you see the movie's effects and you forget how its names are cringe

              • 2 years ago

                Not really

              • 2 years ago

                Oh it'll happen

          • 2 years ago

            This. I saw Episode IV as a 9 year old, it was an unbelievable paradigm shift in special effects. Like Avatar's 3D, people flocked to see it because they'd seen nothing like it before.

            George is a hack at writing stories, but he lucked into an SS-tier team of technical (and musical) accomplices.

            • 2 years ago

              >I saw Episode IV as a 9 year old
              When was this? Nobody born before the 80s would call it "Episode IV"

        • 2 years ago

          Goes for 99% of fantasy/sci-fi so that's not exactly a big observation.
          It's not about who steals from who, it's about who does it the best.

        • 2 years ago

          >no you ca't just be inspired and the make something completely different ad unique NOOOOOOO
          >you have to make art in a vacuum
          flash gordon isn't star wars, kurosawa isn't star wars.
          Star wars is star wars, no auteur existin a vacuum. Definitely ot all the disney hacks who can't stop themselves from butchering georges Magnum opus
          >it's so easy to just steal ideas and make a story lol and get rich!!!
          Then why don't you do that. Also you are being completely unfair. George poured his soul into star wars.
          to be completely clueless about films and story and tone, themes, et cetera. To just think star wars is a flash Gordon ripoff, they are nothing a like except being in space. You think Kurosawa just got up one day ad decided he wanted to make films without being inspired by anything too? God you midwit Geroge haters know nothing about film making or story crafting. No wonder you all revere the guy who couldn't get the plot to phantom menace within 20 minutes.

          • 2 years ago

            >giant wall of seething autism
            Didn't read. I'm sorry you literally piss and shit yourself when this bargain bin hack gets justly criticized.

        • 2 years ago

          There is a good Arthur C Clarke quote about this. Where he essentially says that people should stop worrying about being pursuing originality, not because it's impossible to achieve it but just because it's not that important, you put your own spin, your own ideas into an already existing one, and it's good enough.
          Things being similar doesn't mean something is derivative. There are many reasons to critique George but this isn't one of them

        • 2 years ago

          That’s all fiction, all art really, great artists steal etc.

    • 2 years ago

      prequels have an amazing story though.
      >no who is the protagonisterino, what is qui gons character!, I know it's spelt out for me but what is the plot and who is the phantom menace? YODA SHOULDN'T DO A BACKFLIP
      filtered hard. I would say the story is the strongest part of the prequels. People like you just hate on it because you had your own separate head canon ready to go in 1999 (it would have been a terrible movie, your headcanon that is accept it).
      >amazing visuals
      >amazing story
      >groudbreaking effects for the time
      Oh yeah also this happened on two separate occasions, for all the morons who shit on George and call him talentless.

      >hiring somebody else to write star wars.
      Then you get stuck with blind fanboys who think star wars is about the space ship and special effects, like the disney wars trilogy. With no iota of a soul. Since it was made by a committee to get as many profits from people like you. Not tell a unique auteurs vision.
      George spent 5 years working on the star wars screenplay. JJ Abrams made his in a few weeks on a rushed deadline. Oh and it shows, it shows.
      Everything you like about star wars is 100% George. Maybe stop shitting on him you fake fan? He basically created a story that will be studied for hundreds of years and anons here think they guy who made space cop is a bigger authority no film making ad writing.

      • 2 years ago

        >George spent 5 years working on the star wars screenplay
        Because the first couple of drafts were literal dogshit that got turned down by every studio he attempted to sell it to, too bad when it came to the prequels there was no one with any authority to tell him "this is garbage George, go home and polish it up some more".

        • 2 years ago

          He still wrote the final script :^). Let me explain it to you: a person can make something you enjoy and then make something you don't. You don't have to apply these ridiculous standards of authorship to George so you can reconcile his work you like with his work that you don't.

      • 2 years ago

        You're talking to Rian Johnson fanboys

      • 2 years ago

        >an amazing story
        I sincerely wish my standards were as low as yours. Literally everything must seem like kino to you. You're one lucky homosexual, Anon.

      • 2 years ago

        >prequels have an amazing story though

      • 2 years ago

        > your own separate head canon ready to go in 1999 (it would have been a terrible movie, your headcanon that is accept it).
        I’m not the dude you are responding to but a lot of this “head canon” people developed was literally shit obiwan said in the OT, it’s not really “head canon”, we don’t really see anakin and obiwan as good friends at all. Obiwan starts by calling Anakin “another pathetic life form”, he then takes sides with the council arguing against qui gon, arguing that Anakin should NOT be trained. He constantly is up Anakin ass complaining about him the whole AOTC movie, he literally cuts Anakin in half and leaves him to burn to death in ROTS. The “good friendship” isn’t really shown, they seem more like begrudging work buddies forced to be around one another but not really ever having any kind of a true friendship. Additionally, we barely see this “best star pilot in the galaxy” stuff, ozone scenes in the beginning of ROTS is all we get. Everyone brags about how powerful Anakin was in the OT, Obiwan, Yoda, yet other than defeating Count Dooku (again, just one scene), Anakin doesn’t seem particularly powerful in the PT. Additionally the chemistry between him and padme makes no sense. She’s constantly being a b***h to him at first, then she randomly falls in love with him after he tells he he killed sand people and wants to build a fascist empire. It’s moronic and makes no sense. This isn’t a deviation from “head canon” it’s a departure from the OT and from common sense regarding human relationships. And although his “head canon” might not be good, we KNOW what Lucas produced was shit. So maybe the “head canon” would have been better.

        • 2 years ago

          >Obiwan starts by calling Anakin “another pathetic life form”, he then takes sides with the council arguing against qui gon, arguing that Anakin should NOT be trained.
          This is all before he really even met him.
          >He constantly is up Anakin ass complaining about him the whole AOTC movie
          He's his mentor and the closest thing to his father. That's what they do, specially with youths like Anakin.
          > he literally cuts Anakin in half and leaves him to burn to death in ROTS.
          He had become evil
          >The “good friendship” isn’t really shown, they seem more like begrudging work buddies forced to be around one another but not really ever having any kind of a true friendship
          There's enough subtext to infer their relationship isn't exclusively professional and that they hold each other in high esteem. Star Wars storytelling style doesn't really lend itself to scenes that aren't moving the plot forwards.
          >we barely see this “best star pilot in the galaxy” stuff, ozone scenes in the beginning of ROTS is all we get
          He destroyed the Droid Control Ship in TPM.
          >Everyone brags about how powerful Anakin was in the OT, Obiwan, Yoda, yet other than defeating Count Dooku (again, just one scene), Anakin doesn’t seem particularly powerful in the PT.
          He's one of the only two Jedi to have killed a Sith in 1000 years.
          > Additionally the chemistry between him and padme makes no sense. She’s constantly being a b***h to him at first, then she randomly falls in love with him after he tells he he killed sand people and wants to build a fascist empire.
          They have decent chemistry from the moment they reunite and already liked each other in TPM. Their romance isn't much less feasible than Han and Leia's. She already loved him before he killed the Tusken Raiders.

  3. 2 years ago

    name a single special effect in his movies that didnt tell a story

    • 2 years ago

      that weird little israelite sucking on Jabba's breasts, unless it was a metaphor or something

    • 2 years ago

      The Max Rebo band in the special editions

    • 2 years ago

      Dexter Jetsters 50s diner
      star wars doesn't take place in the future. But a long time ago in a galaxy far away

    • 2 years ago

      Obi-Wan on a giant CGI lizard chasing a CGI lizard droid with asthma in a hamster wheel

      • 2 years ago

        >Obi-Wan on a giant lizard chasing a lizard droid with asthma in a hamster wheel
        There you go. That's the story. You not enjoying that sequence opens a different debate.

    • 2 years ago

      Disney's Star Wars.

  4. 2 years ago

    You said it, brother. Wait, YOU said that!?

  5. 2 years ago

    A practical effect is a tool, a means of telling a joke. A practical effect without a joke is a pretty embarrassing thing.

  6. 2 years ago

    >Dexter Jettster has a moustache

  7. 2 years ago

    It's funny how George haters don't even know Star wars isn't his first flick
    >use your American Graffiti money to self fund ILM from the ground up
    >UMMM UMMMMMMM STAR WARS WAS ONLY SAVED BECAUSE OF TALENTED PEOPLE (that George all planned to hire, even fired the first editor cause he didn't make it how George wanted)

    Dude spent 5 years writing his script, directed himself, helped edit, founded the effects company directed the effects company, told the artists how to make it look and sound. Basically more involved in production than 99% of directors. Then midwits who don't know anything about film production call him a talentless hack. Many such a case. Maybe stick to your friend simulators if learning about the actual story about how star wars was made is too spicy for you.

    • 2 years ago

      Dedication and talent are different things. His talent's are debatable but George's dedication to make this stupid ass movie about wizards in space has always been kind of inspiring

    • 2 years ago

      this homosexual still seething over RLM after all these years lmao

      • 2 years ago

        >heh talks about movies he likes on the movie forum

        • 2 years ago

          >absolutely seething

    • 2 years ago

      They never apply their ridiculous standards to other celebrated directors. It's insanity.

  8. 2 years ago

    Why did you use unrelated pic for this statement?

  9. 2 years ago

    What's the story behind this?

    • 2 years ago

      >Originally, the role of the eopie was to be filled by the kaadu of Naboo. However, due to the evolving story of Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, which called for the Gungans to be beast-riding soldiers, the kaadu was transported to Naboo, leading to the creation of the eopie.
      They're Tatooine camels. What's hard to get?

  10. 2 years ago

    I don't see how anyone could think what the problem with the prequels was that it had a lack of a story, if anything its the opposite, it became too much story for 3 movies and Lucas had to expand into a bunch of cartoons and comics and videogames to tell it all.

  11. 2 years ago

    >it's a i post old quotes of george and pretend he has ever betrayed what he said because someone told me so episode

  12. 2 years ago

    Hypocritical autist.

    • 2 years ago

      Give me one example of Lucas betraying anything he has gone on record about.

      • 2 years ago

        George Lucas Speaks Out Against Altering Films in 1988
        >In the 1980s, a controversy swirled in Hollywood when there was a notion to colorize black and white films. The issue made it all the way in front of Congress due in large part to the passionate backing of several important filmmakers. Eventually, their efforts helped to establish the National Film Registry which, to this day, takes historically significant films and preserves them in their natural state forever. On March 3, 1988, George Lucas was one of those filmmakers who spoke in front of Congress. The same George Lucas who, in the two decades since, has continually tinkered with his signature Star Wars films from the Special Editions through the prequels and right up to the Blu-rays, which caused massive mainstream controversy this week due to new changes including a digital Yoda [1] and Darth Vader's new dialogue [2]. But on that day, 23 years ago, Lucas delivered a rousing speech that condemned exactly what he'd end up doing himself.

        • 2 years ago

          Based anon bringing the rain. Frick

          Give me one example of Lucas betraying anything he has gone on record about.

          YOU, simp.

        • 2 years ago

          Based anon bringing the rain. Frick [...] YOU, simp.

          >People who alter or destroy works of art and our cultural heritage for profit or as an exercise of power are barbarians, and if the laws of the United States continue to condone this behavior, history will surely classify us as a barbaric society.
          >The destruction of our film heritage, which is the focus of concern today, is only the tip of the iceberg. American law does not protect our painters, sculptors, recording artists, authors, or filmmakers from having their lifework distorted, and their reputation ruined.
          >If something is not done now to clearly state the moral rights of artists, current and future technologies will alter, mutilate, and destroy for future generations the subtle human truths and highest human feeling that talented individuals within our society have created.
          Lucas was testifying to congress about corporations colorizing movies in their back catalog after the original filmmakers have died and can no longer give consent. What he was saying is that artists should have the final say over how their work is preserved, not audiences or the corporations that own the work.

          • 2 years ago

            Instead he altered and defaced his own work, correct.
            Ironic that he talks about the preservation of art when he refused to provide a copy of the theatrical release of Star Wars to the Library of Congress

            • 2 years ago

              >Instead he altered and "defaced" his own work, correct.
              The artist has the right to alter his own work even after it's been released. Other directors do it all the time (nobody cries there); painters too.
              >Ironic that he talks about the preservation of art when he refused to provide a copy of the theatrical release of Star Wars to the Library of Congress
              That's not the version he, the artist, wants preserved.

              Regardless of your appreciation of his edits, he never contradicted himself.

          • 2 years ago

            > after the original filmmakers have died and can no longer give consent
            Yes, and? Is that supposed to be a gotcha?

            Based anon bringing the rain. Frick [...] YOU, simp.

            Not the guy you replied to but this isn't an "own" at any level.

            • 2 years ago

              Apparently to some people it is.

            • 2 years ago

              Let me put it in caveman: Lucas never said "artist change art bad"; he said "corporation change art bad".

              • 2 years ago

                Yes, that's my point. But I probably shouldn't have replied to you but the other guy.

          • 2 years ago

            >Instead he altered and "defaced" his own work, correct.
            The artist has the right to alter his own work even after it's been released. Other directors do it all the time (nobody cries there); painters too.
            >Ironic that he talks about the preservation of art when he refused to provide a copy of the theatrical release of Star Wars to the Library of Congress
            That's not the version he, the artist, wants preserved.

            Regardless of your appreciation of his edits, he never contradicted himself.

            You ignored this other quote from him.
            >In the future it will become even easier for old negatives to become lost and be "replaced" by new altered negatives. This would be a great loss to our society. Our cultural history must not be allowed to be rewritten.

            • 2 years ago

              He said it in the context of corporations colorizing movies.

              >new negative made by corporation
              >old negative by artist lost
              >cultural history rewritten (artist's vision lost)

              >new negative made by artist
              >old negative by artist lost
              >cultural history is preserved (artist's vision intact)

              • 2 years ago

                >cultural history is preserved (artist's vision intact)
                Not when that artist's vision changes the film entirely, and it reaches a point where that original art is altered to be unrecognizable by those who experienced it.

  13. 2 years ago

    He’s right but that doesn’t make the prequels bad. The prequels are still very interesting movies even though the dialogue is dogshit.

  14. 2 years ago

    >Star Wars was SAVED in the edit
    Can someone tell me why midwits love this meme so much? Do they not realize you can't edit scenes out of thin air? They actually have to be filmed first.

    • 2 years ago

      It's the only way they can reconcile their love of Star Wars and resentment of George Lucas. It's easier for them to discredit him entirely than admit that he made some things they like and some things they don't like. They also vastly underestimate George's role in Empire, too.

      • 2 years ago

        I used to feel pity for the situation but now I just find it funny. George is a gift that keeps on giving for many reasons.

  15. 2 years ago

    Hes right amd followed that. The prequels have enough lore in them full a wikia

  16. 2 years ago

    How is the man who said that the same man who made the prequels?

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