>absolutely mogs Bear Grylls. Les is based.

>absolutely mogs Bear Grylls
Les is based.

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  1. 2 years ago

    why did he do the bigfoot thing bros?

    • 2 years ago

      I think because he's a filmmaker man. People here look to much into it and think he believes that stuff. I think he just really enjoys filmmaking but most importantly spending times in nature and filming. I don't think he's really a Bigfoot believer. Personally anyways

      • 2 years ago

        He believes in bigfoot. He has heard hooting in the deep woods of northern BC which he says sounded like gorrillas or some shit. Theres no gorillas in BC

        • 2 years ago

          Alaska, too. Doesn't mean they exist...but I think the Bigfoot series was a work, between him and that fraud guide he was working with.

    • 2 years ago

      he honestly believes in bigfoot due to some of his real life encounters in the wild and because his wife is italian.

      • 2 years ago

        >his wife is Italian
        What's that got to do with it?

        • 2 years ago

          If you choose to marry an It*lian you must be insane

          • 2 years ago

            How do you mean

            • 2 years ago

              I dated an italian for a year. She was a crazy b***h and hit me a few times. I also gained like 20 pounds because of all the pasta and fried eggplant she force fed me.

              • 2 years ago

                I was with my Italian gf for 6 years and suddenly she snapped and had to “find herself.” I said “okay, leave.” I think me taking it well must have drove her insane.

              • 2 years ago

                Thats the way to do it. Let em go man. I recently held onto a girl for a couple months after she stated she wanted to end it. I pretty much begged her to stay and make it work. It didnt work and I just came out with less dignity. Shoulda just said fine, go.

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah i dont know how I had the resolve to do it honestly. It felt like life was testing me

        • 2 years ago

          >humanoid hairy beast

      • 2 years ago

        Ex-wife. They split up like 15 years ago.

        • 2 years ago

          really? i remember watching his old doc they did where they both got butt worms or something and spent their honeymoon shitting themselves

          • 2 years ago

            He doesn't talk about, really.

      • 2 years ago

        >"and because his wife is Italian"
        >refuses to elaborate


        • 2 years ago

          I think it was a joke about italian women being hairy.

    • 2 years ago

      Bigfoot is real

      • 2 years ago

        >this was real

        • 2 years ago

          I believe it.

        • 2 years ago

          Bear Grylls big foot stuff doesn't really add anything new and there's better and more interesting people talking about it.
          He also gets into really hokey stuff like it being an interdimensional magical creature in one episode and he has Todd Standing the guy who took that picture who is clearly just a grifter. That's also literally him in that picture

          • 2 years ago

            I meant Les Stroud* not Bear Grylls

    • 2 years ago

      Because he couldn't get another season out of Discovery, and he was trying to cash in on the small uptick in Bigfoot shows from Rogan having all of them on.
      I don't mind them, I've been watching all of the vids he's putting on YT for free, but the Bigfoot ones are silly. That scammer he teamed up with was setting him up so obviously.
      But I like Les and his legit shows a lot. Just watched Mexico - he didn't mention the service road that goes along the eastern side of that island, but that's a pretty remote place.

  2. 2 years ago

    fake and gay, average Cinemaphile poster would die within 6 hours

  3. 2 years ago

    Something about this guy is really likeable. Like he really did invent that whole survival genre, but he does it alone. I started watching his director commentarys on YouTube and he just drinks and talks about all the stuff behind the scenes and basically at some points, absolutely shits on Discovery Channel and Bear Grylls. It's pretty based, also I really respect that he puts up all of his content on his YouTube channel for free.

    • 2 years ago

      Survivorman was my favorite show to watch as a kid. I recently discovered he put all of the episodes on youtube so I've been enjoying the trip down memory lane. He inspired my love of nature at a young age and is a big reason that I enjoy hiking and camping so much


      You gotta watch his director commentarys stuff man, it's so good. You'll gain a whole new appreciation for the show.

      Hardcore shilling for this guy and his YT channel. I certainly hope some marketing firm paid for this and not Stroud himself.

      • 2 years ago

        >t. Bear Grylls

      • 2 years ago

        Black person, survivorman started in 2004-2005. Glad to hear he put that stuff up on YouTube. Tough to find elsewhere.

  4. 2 years ago

    les is the best. there is a new survival show called alone. every season of it is garbage except season 7 where the most based man ever to live is in it. skip all scenes where he is not featured and its an amazing experience.

    • 2 years ago

      Was that Roland? The guy who killed a musk ox with a knife?

      • 2 years ago

        yep. made a sweet rock house too

  5. 2 years ago

    Ray mears and les are the best.

  6. 2 years ago

    Survivorman was my favorite show to watch as a kid. I recently discovered he put all of the episodes on youtube so I've been enjoying the trip down memory lane. He inspired my love of nature at a young age and is a big reason that I enjoy hiking and camping so much

    • 2 years ago

      You gotta watch his director commentarys stuff man, it's so good. You'll gain a whole new appreciation for the show.

  7. 2 years ago

    i like it when he catches fish, it's very exciting

  8. 2 years ago

    It's crazy how much I can rewatch this shit and enjoy it. There's something so enthralling and comfy about it.

  9. 2 years ago

    >"the most important thing in survival is to conserve your energy"
    >spend the next 35 minutes next to a bonefire talking about how hungry he is
    >spend 5 minutes walking to his exit point
    >"after <x> grueling days, it's good to know a warm bed is waiting for me. This was the toughest thing I have ever done"

    that's why nobody watched it. frick real. Man vs wild was punching monkeys, stealing food from pride packs, making random shit out of anything and surfing down a mountain river. and the absolute best part is that it drove Les insane, literally...he went totally offgrid and starting hunting mythical creatures before fading away forever

    • 2 years ago

      >that's why nobody watched it.
      Survivorman absolutely slaughtered in the ratings and Discovery Channel (modern cable lmao) still reruns this show and shows that have blatantly copied it. Cope.

    • 2 years ago

      yeah the shows are comfy but lets be honest, going a few hundred meters from your crew and slowly starving isn't really "survival"...

      What does he even do? His shelters are gay, he barely gets any food, and basically just sits around waiting for the week to be over.

      Also it's proven he faked some scenes and locations. At one point a helicopter picked him up from a mountain because he couldn't get down (edited out), another point he was driven to a better location because he couldn't access water (edited out).

      It's really not survival in the sense of staying alive long term. he basically just takes the excess body fat he has stored from modern foods and survives by burning that for fuel. Yeah he makes shelters but you watch actual survival stories and people don't waste their time on them. They shiver under trees for the night and carry on searching for help.

      Check out the youtuber "wooded beardsman" doing survival challenges where they do 7 day challenges and try not to lose weight. As in, actually survive and not just starve to death slowly. One of the interesting parts to me was in an early season he caught enough fish to stuff himself but still lost weight and felt starving because it was all just lean protein, no fats or carbs.

      Like I say Les makes nice videos but don't go thinking this is in any way how actual people survive - either long term "wilderness" living, or survival in the sense of making it back to civilisation after an accident.

      He shits on bear grylls for not being realistic, hamming it up for tv, but what's the difference? How is having some arbitrary 7 day limit giving you ample time to frick around and do stupid shit in any way different?

      And he never really shows actual survival skills that would help anyone. For example - taking a locator beacon. telling someone where you're going. taking a map, compass, staying on trails, etc.

      one thing that I always noticed is that he rarely makes an effort to purify his water in anyway
      saw recently somewhere he does this because if he is actually going to get sick from it he says it'd be a few days and he'd be back home and capable of getting antibiotics by then

      • 2 years ago

        He purified water on at least two episodes - one is Mexico, where he built a crude still, and on one of the African ones, where he did the pee-in-a-cup thing and put it in a hole with plastic over it.
        I think he did it on the lost at sea show, too, but I haven't gotten to that one yet.

      • 2 years ago

        In one of his youtube videos he talks about how he ate an undercooked turtle and caught some parasite that is still fricking him over to this day.

    • 2 years ago

      He does occasionally do some silly stuff.
      >has a bike
      >gets to terrain slightly too rough for a bike
      >completely tears the bike apart for a single tube to use as a straw
      >uses the straw on a stream he could've easily just drank out of
      >walks one mile
      >back to bikable terrain
      >complains that he doesn't have a bike
      If he just left the bike there and maybe taken apart the front brake (where he got the straw from), he could've just walked a mile back, picked up the bike, and rolled/carried it a mile.

      • 2 years ago

        He explains why they do this stuff in a commentary

        • 2 years ago

          Why do they do that stuff?

  10. 2 years ago

    yeah the shows are comfy but lets be honest, going a few hundred meters from your crew and slowly starving isn't really "survival"...

    What does he even do? His shelters are gay, he barely gets any food, and basically just sits around waiting for the week to be over.

    Also it's proven he faked some scenes and locations. At one point a helicopter picked him up from a mountain because he couldn't get down (edited out), another point he was driven to a better location because he couldn't access water (edited out).

    It's really not survival in the sense of staying alive long term. he basically just takes the excess body fat he has stored from modern foods and survives by burning that for fuel. Yeah he makes shelters but you watch actual survival stories and people don't waste their time on them. They shiver under trees for the night and carry on searching for help.

    Check out the youtuber "wooded beardsman" doing survival challenges where they do 7 day challenges and try not to lose weight. As in, actually survive and not just starve to death slowly. One of the interesting parts to me was in an early season he caught enough fish to stuff himself but still lost weight and felt starving because it was all just lean protein, no fats or carbs.

    Like I say Les makes nice videos but don't go thinking this is in any way how actual people survive - either long term "wilderness" living, or survival in the sense of making it back to civilisation after an accident.

    He shits on bear grylls for not being realistic, hamming it up for tv, but what's the difference? How is having some arbitrary 7 day limit giving you ample time to frick around and do stupid shit in any way different?

    And he never really shows actual survival skills that would help anyone. For example - taking a locator beacon. telling someone where you're going. taking a map, compass, staying on trails, etc.

    • 2 years ago

      He actually lived out in the wilderness with his wife for a year. Check out his documentary snowshoes and solitude

  11. 2 years ago

    Regardless the dude is 100x more capable than any Cinemaphilehomosexual at surviving in the wilderness. Plus his content is just enjoyable and comfy, it has zero fluff.

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