Admit it, this is the best Fantastic 4 movie. The MCU will never top it.

Admit it, this is the best Fantastic 4 movie. The MCU will never top it.

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Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 5 months ago

    Release the Corman cut.

  2. 5 months ago

    2005 is the best and ONLY good one we will ever get.

    • 5 months ago

      I've actually sort of come around on the 2000s movies. Not to say they're flawless by any stretch (pun semi intended) but compared to how the MCU spiraled out of control and how bloated these things all got there's actually something refreshing about going back to a super hero movie that wasn't meant to be a massive franchise back when super hero movies were still sort of novel that they even existed.

    • 5 months ago

      that had more soul than the mcu

    • 5 months ago

      I always thought if you could fix Doom in these movies they would work pretty well

    • 5 months ago

      This but for the 2005 videogame. All the constraints of a 2000s movie tie-in aside, it's the best FF experience outside of the comics.

      • 5 months ago

        I remember someone saying the Silver Surfer game was surprisingly not shit.

        • 5 months ago

          I may actually run it on an emulator someday.
          The problem with movie tie-in games is that they're all treated as complete shit, so you have to see for yourself which are actually irredeemably bad and which are actually kinda enjoyable but got treated too harshly because of that movie tie-in stigma.

        • 5 months ago

          I may actually run it on an emulator someday.
          The problem with movie tie-in games is that they're all treated as complete shit, so you have to see for yourself which are actually irredeemably bad and which are actually kinda enjoyable but got treated too harshly because of that movie tie-in stigma.

          I played it not that long ago. It's not bad, liked the dialogue. They include a bunch of villains like the Super Skrull, Terrax and I think Ronan, too.

          • 5 months ago

            so both FF movie tie in games are good?

            • 5 months ago

              I don't think I played the first one yet, but if it's generally alike, I guess it is.

              Forgot to mention, I think you start with the movie costumes, but eventually you can unlock a bunch of alts. I played most of it with Byrne's or the 90s costumes, I think.

              • 5 months ago

                Never played the second one, but the first one is like mini-X-Men Legends/Marvel Ultimate Alliance type deal, except with (obviously) a much smaller roster. No extra costumes, though, unless you count a couple of unlockable levels in Latveria, and IIRC there was one unlockable hell level where you fight a minotaur, where your characters wear their Ultimate outfits (Ultimate was hot at the time, I guess). Strangely Doom, for what little he appears, actually wears his classic costume. I guess reading few first issues of Ultimate FF in shit quality kind of makes up for that.
                I actually like how it utilizes the teamwork and how each character deals with problems his or her own way. Plus it was cool to see guys like Diablo, Blastaar and Annihilus.
                It's not mind-blowing, but it's fine for what it is.

              • 5 months ago

                Second one had the Ultimate costumes, too. If I used them at all, they might have been the best costumes unlocked at the time.

                >Plus it was cool to see guys like Diablo, Blastaar and Annihilus.
                Well now I have to play it, don't recall them in the second one and Blastaar and Annihilus are some I definitely want to see.

          • 5 months ago

            I may actually run it on an emulator someday.
            The problem with movie tie-in games is that they're all treated as complete shit, so you have to see for yourself which are actually irredeemably bad and which are actually kinda enjoyable but got treated too harshly because of that movie tie-in stigma.

            Well that's neat. And yeah I agree, It sort of feels like a lot of movie gets shit on almost on some principle. The Captain America PS3 game was honestly fairly solid too. There's a lot of times when reviewers just want an easy target to shit on.

  3. 5 months ago

    This wound up being a lot better than I was expecting. Not too bad for a Roger Corman flick

  4. 5 months ago

    I saw the really old Dr Strange movie with Peter Hooten as Strange. Never actually seen this one though. Is it streaming anywhere?

    • 5 months ago

      It's on youtube. It's very... it's sincere.

    • 5 months ago

      It’s not and never will be, technically it’s illegal for it to still exist. The documentary about it is worth watching.

      • 5 months ago

        You'd think maybe in that congress library where they archive most anything they might have a copy to share...

        I saw the really old Dr Strange movie with Peter Hooten as Strange. Never actually seen this one though. Is it streaming anywhere?

        How's the Dr. Strange movie? I have it here but haven't gotten around to watch it.

        Well that's neat. And yeah I agree, It sort of feels like a lot of movie gets shit on almost on some principle. The Captain America PS3 game was honestly fairly solid too. There's a lot of times when reviewers just want an easy target to shit on.

        There seems to be a lot of cool superhero games for PS2. Ghost Rider has some annoying parts, but overall is kinda cool, and you can replay it as Blade. Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction is just plain amazing, despite the kind of bad writing (Bruce at some point asks Doc Samson to explain him some sciency thing). I wish we could have gotten a Cosmic Marvel game on the Hulk engine.

        Iron Man though, just plain sucks, I don't think I could get past the first stage.

        • 5 months ago

          Is PS2 Iron Man hard?
          I know the PC version is different, and you literally have to try very hard to die in the PC version because even if your health gets zeroed, you just play a rather easy QTE with relaunching your system and it's back to business.
          And you literally can't die in the first mission, at least I got bored of just standing and taking fire from to see if I die.

          • 5 months ago

            *from Ten Rings terrorists with AK47s

          • 5 months ago

            It's been a while, but I remember the controls working really weird, and it was kinda hard to find where I was supposed to even go out through.

            Also it was in black-and-white, though the first screens were in color, but I think that might be Pal-M/NTSC frickery, I don't know which version it was.

          • 5 months ago

            I kind of find it funny how Hulk felt weak as frick in his MCU game compared to unstoppable force of nature-tier Iron Man of the PC game. I remember how I kept having to use the healing factor ability because Hulk's health kept getting depleted very fast. And then came the Hulkbusters and other "you have to charge your punches to hurt them" enemies. And sometimes it turns out it wasn't enough charge so the attack did zero damage. And charging a punch takes time while your enemies are not above using quick but very painful (because "Hulk is weak as frick") strikes. Naturally my index finger felt numb by the end of a boss fight sometimes.

            • 5 months ago

              Just consider it an early comics Hulk. For movie tie-ins, most of those games took a lot from comics.

            • 5 months ago

              I'm surprised it took them as long as it did to release an avengers game. Even if it was... awful.

        • 5 months ago

          The problem with game reviews, and it's kind of always been the case, is that no reviewer has a good sense of middle ground mid budget expectations. A game either has to either be the most defining piece of entertainment of it's generation or it's garbage. I can think of a lot of games that I got after the fact on the cheap that reviewed poorly that I ended up having a blast with. Maybe it's fair to say they weren't worth the new game cost but all the same to outright deny their existence was just as bad.

          • 5 months ago

            Eh I haven't followed game reviews since 16-bit games in videogame magazines in the 90s, I go by word of mouth or what looks cool. Nowadays any shill can lie through their teeth about how amazing every piece of crap is.

            Though to be fair, I just get pirated games for PSX or PS2, so

  5. 5 months ago

    Unironically more soul than the MCU.

  6. 5 months ago

    It is the best FF movie, absolutely.

    The MCU could top it. It's in the realm of possibility.

    • 5 months ago

      I feel like the chances of the MCU doing it right have long since passed. Back during Phase 1 they seemed more respectful of the material but by phase ..whatever we're well in the realm of writers wanting to subvert or change things. They really can't just do a normal super hero movie anymore.

      • 5 months ago

        Ok I admit it

        It's been a while since they started focusing on script writers who don't like comics

        I always thought if you could fix Doom in these movies they would work pretty well


        Anyone other than Reed being the main character is the right call, you can't sell Reed's endearing autism if he's in the driver seat.

        Reed isn't just some absent-minded crazy scientist. He's a war veteran and judo champion. Dude's way deeper than you think.

  7. 5 months ago

    Fan4stick still sucked pretty hard though

  8. 5 months ago

    So how do we feel about the MCU FF?


    >Film takes place in another universe where the FF are the only heroes and are celebrities
    >The setting is a retro-futuristic New York in the 60's
    >The team has years of experience already, Franklin and Valeria are rumored to appear
    >Galactus and heralds rumored to be the villains
    >Sue is the lead character
    >The film is a cosmic adventure with heavy ties to the multiverse storyline, supposedly sets up Secret Wars

    • 5 months ago

      I don't care for multiverse stuff. Especially not after the way the rest of the MCU set it up. Galactus and the Heralds are fine, if predictable. Frank and Val are cool. Sue is a fine lead on paper but we'll see how marvel manages to mess it up. Frick the 60s and frick any moron who pushes it because they say The Incredibles and think that's the FF.

      • 5 months ago

        The FF isn't the Incredibles. But the FF are a template for the level of HEART that a FF movie needs to have.

        • 5 months ago

          Sure, but you don't have to do a faux 60s motif for them either. I don't know why so many people insist on thinking the team can't be modern.

    • 5 months ago

      Anyone other than Reed being the main character is the right call, you can't sell Reed's endearing autism if he's in the driver seat.

      • 5 months ago

        That's bologna. Reed being a tunnel visioned autist is something that's memed to high heavens. He's fundamentally a very human and emotionally driven character. Him getting lost in his work is a result of that and a good balanced character flaw for trying to stretch himself too far.

    • 5 months ago

      I'm really not hopeful for it. Every rumour/leak and all the casting business makes me feel like it's just gonna be another shit Fantastic Four adaptation
      >multiverse stuff is really boring, if they're actually tying it into the Multiverse Saga beyond just setting up the FF for Secret Wars
      >Galactus and the heralds would be blowing their load too early
      >Galactus, multiple heralds, AND multiverse bullshit would make for a really crowded film
      >making Sue explicitly the main character could easily come at the expense of the rest of the team, and will likely just open up the film to culture war bullshit
      >Pedro Pascal, if they're actually going for him, is completely wrong for Reed
      >Jon Watts having originally been slated to direct didn't fill me with any confidence (though Matt Shakman is at least better)
      >the constant hubbub about the casting in general and the fact that Marvel still hasn't formally announced anyone suggests that no actors really want to get attached to the film, which is a bad sign
      >the MCU as a whole is already going down the drain
      Frankly, it just seems like a whole series of increasingly revoltin' developments.
      They need to sell the Fantastic Four to the general audience here, really sell them in a way that none of the past three films have, but from everything that's been rumoured there's no indication that Marvel is actually trying to do this.

      • 5 months ago

        >the constant hubbub about the casting in general and the fact that Marvel still hasn't formally announced anyone suggests that no actors really want to get attached to the film, which is a bad sign

        Only if you pay attention to internet grifters.

        • 5 months ago

          It's not even that. Feige announced the MCU FF back in 2019 and, even when accounting for Covid and the strikes, the fact that they've still not formally cast anyone isn't a great sign. If you take the rumours into account, it gets even worse because they say that a whole bunch of notable actors have passed on Reed and Sue

  9. 5 months ago

    Oh it was so schmaltzy, I love it.

  10. 5 months ago

    oh no no look at the top of his head

    • 5 months ago

      Look great.

  11. 5 months ago

    >Admit it, this is the best Fantastic 4 movie. The MCU will never top it.
    Of the available FF movies, it's easily the best. That doesn't make it GOOD, but it's earnest, corny, and fun. Which is pretty much what FF at their best are.

    • 5 months ago

      >Of the available FF movies, it's easily the best.
      Really makes you think about the absolute state of the FF outside the comics

  12. 5 months ago

    The original Iron Man is better than anything from the MCU that came after

    • 5 months ago

      The Incredible Hulk is literally the best MCU film.

  13. 5 months ago

    I just wanna see more of her in that catsuit. It’s the best 4 movie for that reason.

  14. 5 months ago

    The older fantastic fours are the only good ones, I am wondering how they will handle Echo, but outside of that I don't have any faith they can do fantastic four well with how bad Dr.Strange 2 was with mr fantastic

    • 5 months ago

      >"Reed Richards, the smartest man alive"
      >he's actually an idiot

      • 5 months ago

        Worse is, now they have the excuse "The comics did it!" because the comics have been stupid for a couple decades.

        • 5 months ago

          This is something I hate right down to the very core of my soul.
          I've seen normies suggest mutant war crimes Kissinger-Beast should be done in the MCU, just because "it happened in the comics." And there's dozens of other dumb things that movie and game adaptations have done that get defended because they were taken from shitty modern comics and normies feel nerdy because they read the wikipedia page for it or watched a summary video.

          • 5 months ago

            It doesn't even take that much. I've lost the count of the times I've heard about the same panel where "Hulk rips Wolverine in half in World War Hulk" and was something from Ultimate, to begin with.

          • 5 months ago

            Frick this.
            I've seen morons claiming that the problem with Wandavision and MoM is not that they are adapted from garbage, but that "they're trying to redeem Scarlet Witch instead of making her a full-on villain"
            Modern comics are a mistake.
            >inb4 b***hing about "Wandagays hijacking the thread"

  15. 5 months ago

    no susan will be hotter than jessica alba

  16. 5 months ago

    To live-like-the Cor-man.

  17. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      You've never even seen the movie.

  18. 5 months ago

    It was filled with strangely endearing "we have no budget but by GOD we'll try to make a movie anyway" energy.

    • 5 months ago

      The soundtrack made me smile. It was just pure fluff. The guy they got to do Reed had serious TV dad energy too.

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