Adult Swim Museum

Everyone's favorite [as] character
Alfred Alfer

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Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 months ago

    They really need to give Maxwell Atoms that Grim Adventures revival he wanted

    • 2 months ago

      Is Maxwell still a solid writer?

      • 2 months ago

        Dunno about that, but he did try to pitch a sequel to Grim Adventures multiple times and CN rejected it since they said that brand had no market value and that no one knew who these characters were

        • 2 months ago

          Nowadays if he did it again he could remind them how they thought Steven Universe: Future would be a massive hit and revive its franchise

        • 2 months ago

          Oh damn I didn't know about this
          I figured you were talking about the Underfist movie

    • 2 months ago

      >making a CN cartoon into an adult cartoon
      This ALWAYS goes badly. Kids cartoons thrive by forcing its creators to make content with a strict rule structure rather than just blasting out curse words and sex jokes

      Plus, have we forgotten how terrible B&M was in its later seasons?

      I wouldn't even put mr pickles on a top 30 spot for [as] shows yet they seem to always shill it like its beloved

      I notice that too, they always have Mr Pickles front and center. Which is strange since they completely deleted the character from the show

      • 2 months ago

        I don't recall him ever saying it was going to be "adult", just a musical that took place in the future.

        • 2 months ago

          Oh I thought you were suggesting doing it NOW since B&M is considered a AS show now

    • 2 months ago

      They should let Danny Antonucci do something, like literally anything.

      • 2 months ago

        He doesn’t want to do anything unless he has 100% creative control over everything

    • 2 months ago

      They should greenlight that puppet show Maxwell tried to create several years back

  2. 2 months ago

    >Reminding people of the shitty FLCL sequels/prequels

    • 2 months ago

      I never bothered watching those.
      How bad are we talking about here?

      • 2 months ago

        One of them is worse than fanfiction tier. The other 3 are bad, but their biggest offense is the writing staff clearly was doing “HEY REMEMBER THING????” the entire show rather than coming up with any original ideas. For example, “never knows best” a phrase that the original staff admits is total nonsense they thought sounded cool, is shoehorned into the other seasons as if it’s some deep and meaningful quote.

        Another big issue they all have is the original implied everything, you had to come to the conclusions on your own. The new seasons understand people are all moronic now and plainly spell all the themes out

      • 2 months ago

        Pretty bad, desperately trying to ape the themes of the original without actually understanding any of them. Tries to bring logic into some of the memorable parts of the original that just wasn’t meant to make sense
        Most people agree this season could have been ok if it wasn’t tied to the FLCL name. It’s more of a SoL series for 4 teen girls on the verge of big life changes. Haruko’s presence is limited, and really nothing is lost without her

        These two seasons were the standard FLCL length of 6 22 minute episodes

        Some of the worst CGI you have ever seen in the past decade. It is so visually offensive to watch I can barely tell you what it’s about. The “plot” is small enough to fit into one episode, but is repeated from different perspectives for every episode, and it’s just not engaging enough for that
        A sequel to Alternative, really doesn’t do all that much. It seems better because if you watched them live, this aired right after Grunge. Kinda just makes you feel bad for the Alternative MC who never really learned or changed

        These two seasons were only 3 episodes, a fact that was hidden until they actually aired

        Thankfully, they have confirmed they will never again make more FLCL

  3. 2 months ago

    >No Gaz
    They did Ballmastrz dirty

    • 2 months ago

      Peak bodytype, her skin could be darker tho
      a shame this only lasted 2 seasons and the "movie" finale was shit and had a different art style
      Most Adult Swim shows are very short lived nowadays which is odd since all of them are pretty low budget

      • 2 months ago

        She cute

      • 2 months ago

        That show was alright

  4. 2 months ago

    I wouldn't even put mr pickles on a top 30 spot for [as] shows yet they seem to always shill it like its beloved

    • 2 months ago

      They shill it on the merch too

      • 2 months ago

        That Zorak has seen some shit

        >making a CN cartoon into an adult cartoon
        This ALWAYS goes badly. Kids cartoons thrive by forcing its creators to make content with a strict rule structure rather than just blasting out curse words and sex jokes

        Plus, have we forgotten how terrible B&M was in its later seasons?

        I notice that too, they always have Mr Pickles front and center. Which is strange since they completely deleted the character from the show

        >his ALWAYS goes badly. Kids cartoons thrive by forcing its creators to make content with a strict rule structure rather than just blasting out curse words and sex jokes
        Fionna & Cake didn't had all that many sex jokes and they renewed it for a secon season

        • 2 months ago

          They didn’t renew shit. They ordered one season, chopped it in half, and do a “second season” to give the illusion of success. Damn near every show tries this trick these days. Call me when it gets a S3

      • 2 months ago


      • 2 months ago

        Jfc i want that meatwad fig.
        >captcha: WWWW2

      • 2 months ago
      • 2 months ago

        Jfc i want that meatwad fig.
        >captcha: WWWW2

        Funny how SGC2C is the second longest running Adult Swim show after ATHF, they always kill their shows when they reach 2 or 3 seasons now for the most part

    • 2 months ago

      It's easily in the top 5, the only people who don't like Mr. Pickles are the ones who haven't watched it (or don't understand satire).

      • 2 months ago

        satire of what

        • 2 months ago

          depends on the episode but like all adult show it's mostly society

        • 2 months ago

          The anon you're speaking to is moronic. Mr. Pickles has a satirical element but mostly derives its humor by being a throwback to the kinds of slasher horror films where you rooted for the villain. Cheese Man, typically considered one of the best episodes, is basically designed as an acknowledgement of this.
          The whole idea is the town is full of bad people and idiotic people and Mr. Pickles is both the most evil thing ever and a necessary evil to deal with the villain of the week.

    • 2 months ago

      >making a CN cartoon into an adult cartoon
      This ALWAYS goes badly. Kids cartoons thrive by forcing its creators to make content with a strict rule structure rather than just blasting out curse words and sex jokes

      Plus, have we forgotten how terrible B&M was in its later seasons?

      I notice that too, they always have Mr Pickles front and center. Which is strange since they completely deleted the character from the show

      I can explain. Mr. Pickles was extremely popular among college kids and stoners which is for all intents and purposes, AS's target demographic. When they switched to Momma Named Me Sheriff, everyone quickly found themselves bored to death by the lack of Pickles, but if you know Mr. Pickles, there was always the lingering possibility he survived his on-screen death and it basically just became a game to someone mock the audience with his absence while acknowledging he could have survived and how the show or setting doesn't really work as well without him because it was largely designed to be full of unabashed buttholes so that you could cheer when he killed them akin to a schlocky slasher-horror flick.

      • 2 months ago

        The anon you're speaking to is moronic. Mr. Pickles has a satirical element but mostly derives its humor by being a throwback to the kinds of slasher horror films where you rooted for the villain. Cheese Man, typically considered one of the best episodes, is basically designed as an acknowledgement of this.
        The whole idea is the town is full of bad people and idiotic people and Mr. Pickles is both the most evil thing ever and a necessary evil to deal with the villain of the week.

        The problem is this premise only works if you can keep the audience thinking "I hate this character" instead of "I hate this show"

        • 2 months ago

          It really does just work episode to episode. Like the "cheese man" episode was good because it had the full horror movie set up and got some good twists in there
          The typical "pure virgin final girl" is just as terrible as the rest of them and is really just an unhinged femcel who was trying to act above it all to cope with her sexual frustration, dropping the facade the second she gets the chance and tries to rape the stoner.
          That kind of stuff is when the show was at it's best. The one off cast who were there to be killed gave a lot of room for the comedic potential, gave a lot of room to parody old schlock horror films, and gave you a sense of why it was totally okay for the murder dog to be running around.

    • 2 months ago

      Meh, I don't mind. I watched the series when I was 16? It was perfect for me because my mind was young enough to still like cute things (I thought Mr pickles was cute) but I started to get into gore. I would have preferred a different artstyle, but eh.

      I can explain. Mr. Pickles was extremely popular among college kids and stoners which is for all intents and purposes, AS's target demographic. When they switched to Momma Named Me Sheriff, everyone quickly found themselves bored to death by the lack of Pickles, but if you know Mr. Pickles, there was always the lingering possibility he survived his on-screen death and it basically just became a game to someone mock the audience with his absence while acknowledging he could have survived and how the show or setting doesn't really work as well without him because it was largely designed to be full of unabashed buttholes so that you could cheer when he killed them akin to a schlocky slasher-horror flick.

      Yeah, it's almost like the premise of "satanic dog who secretly runs a cult unbeknownst to humanity who's primary goal is to judge humanity and protect his child owner while being rivals with the boy's grandpa" is a much more unique premise than "fat dumb idiot adult is stupid, laugh."

      I don't know why executives have such a hardon for the premise of "adult male character is fat and stupid".

      • 2 months ago

        I mean, it was also, Sheriff was definitely one of the more breakout characters in Mr.Pickles but he had a defined role as a support character who made for good B-plots. A good hearted idiot who can't catch on to whatever insane shit is happening which lets us see the incompetent investigation into the stuff Pickles and our villain of the week are doing. He wasn't designed to carry a series

    • 2 months ago

      this board hates mr pickles because they think they're above it when it's really not that bad

  5. 2 months ago

    >CN staple shows are completely embraced by AS now
    Checkered Past must be a major success
    >Trophy, UWE cast and Theo from Taint in the lineup
    Absolutely unearned placements
    >completely snubbed their anime hits except FLCL

    • 2 months ago

      These are only characters from shows they have made themselves. They sharted all over FLCL’s legacy with 4 revival seasons so I guess Haruko counts as one of their owned characters now

  6. 2 months ago

    I love Alfred and I don't think he's like Mr Pickles at all. I think that was just Emily having a schizo meltdown.

  7. 2 months ago

    >Adult swim museum
    >half the characters shown were never on adult swim
    >centering on Mr Pickles of all fricking things

    God damn AS just keeps proving they have the worst fricking taste in television history.

    • 2 months ago

      Literally every character shown has been on AS, what the frick are you talking about? Most of them shown are currently on AS

    • 2 months ago

      >centering on Mr Pickles of all fricking things

  8. 2 months ago

    Good thing they made a museum, it's not going to be around much longer.

    • 2 months ago

      AS is the 5th highest rated network on cable currently

  9. 2 months ago

    well, that was fricking lame.
    >Captcha: M2MX2X

  10. 2 months ago

    I give this bump Zero Stars for not acknowledging golden age bumps like 'cuz anime is t he suck' and 'DVD prostituteS'

  11. 2 months ago

    >No Superjail
    >No Ball Masterz

    But fricking Mr Pickles front and center?

  12. 2 months ago

    Why not make an American Adult Swim channel at this point?
    they straight up said CN doesn't get good ratings at all in America but Adult Swim does and that's why Adult Swim goes from 5pm to 7am now and they even play commercials aimed at adults during that time like a fricking preservative ad at 5pm
    Canada and Latam already ahve Adult Swim channels even if the Canada one sucks

    • 2 months ago
      • 2 months ago

        I have literally never seen a single person discuss Royal Crackers

        • 2 months ago

          I forgot it was even a thing until I found that article, not many anons talk about Unicorn Warriors either

          • 2 months ago

            Well Unicorn Warriors is done. It got plenty of discussion when it was live. Royal Crackers is live NOW and I have never seen a thread about it

    • 2 months ago

      Found this too:
      >The push into 5 p.m. for Adult Swim comes after the first two weeks of its new 7 p.m. hour lifted tune-in among viewers 18 to 49 by 24%, with a 38% upswing in the 18-to-34 demo, compared with the previous Cartoon Network-branded schedule. Increases in the 18-to-49 bracket reached a peak of 66% on Mondays and 87% on Tuesdays, and the overall gains at 7 p.m. have carried over into the 8 p.m. hour. The network has risen to sixth place among ad-supported networks in prime-time compared with 12th in the weeks leading up to the expansion.
      AS is basically carrying CN's corpse

  13. 2 months ago

    I never watched Mr Pickles, but I used it as background noise

  14. 2 months ago

    The Adult Swim lineup was ATHF, Space Ghost Coast To Coast, Home Movies, Harvey Birdman, Sealab 2020, The Brak Show and Cowboy Bebop
    they added Baby Blues and The Ripping Friends the second year

    • 2 months ago

      The Brak show was the first original AS series they even cancelled, what an honor

      • 2 months ago

        Brak's VA is bitter over that to this day still

        • 2 months ago

          >show is dogshit
          >only fondly remembered because it was in the launch roster
          >people thought it was shit back then
          >being shocked and upset it was canned
          Don’t know what the guy expected.

  15. 2 months ago

    Wasn’t there some moronic legal issue with Mr Pickles which forced them to change it to Momma Named me Sheriff? Hulu or something had some exclusive deal with the character or something. I don’t think AS ever reruns Mr Pickles either

    • 2 months ago

      That was a short lived spin off:

    • 2 months ago

      I don't know but momma named me sheriff is a different show, grandpa kills mr pickles in the first episode and he's replaced with his daughter. Pretty much all of Tommy's family is made into background characters except for the dad who is friends with the sheriff

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