Adventure Time

>Literally the only good romance for finn (except for pillow girl)
>PB and Marceline were used goods
>Huntress Wizard is autistic
There was no reason for them to break up and them breaking up was one of the reasons why the shows popularity died.

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  1. 8 months ago

    Wizard is autistic
    That makes her perfect you tasteless homosexual.
    And FP got ugly bastard'd

    • 8 months ago

      Autistic people are too much, anon

    • 8 months ago
  2. 8 months ago

    Funny how they only ackowledged the fricked up nature of pb’s relationship with finn once and that was when fp and finn were together and the moment they broke up, they never mentioned this again. Hell, they still use fp as a way to show how fricked up pb is in the cooler yet neither of these ever amount to anything

    • 8 months ago

      Both are shit characters anyway, watching the Cooler to see who's the worse character in the show was the equivalent of watching 2 disabled people fighting lol

  3. 8 months ago

    "Boo hoo my heckin children's cartoon ship didn't end the way I wanted"
    Grow the frick up homosexual

    • 8 months ago

      You're on the same board, homosexual. You've got no high horse to sit on.

    • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago


  4. 8 months ago

    >no reason to break up
    Did you not see the wet dream episode? Finn broke her heart. Also as for that homosexual pretentious hobo huntress wizard, her being autistic isn't the reason why she sucks. She sucks because she sucks, and she's bad for Finn because Finn always acts like a completely different person when she's around because he's that desperate for pussy and at the time she was the only hot humanoid girl into him. Blame Jake, he's sleeping on the job and should slap the hell out of Finn. It doesn't matter that Finn didn't ask for advice, he clearly needs Jake.
    >pb and marceline were used goods
    Pb was perfect for Finn you moron. He's the hero and she's the princess. do you not know how shit works? As for Marceline that was never a thing anyway.

    • 8 months ago

      Funny how the show made a big deal about Finn using fp while pb's manipulation goes way beyond what Finn did and for much longer, yet it's swept under the rug. Come on, at least Finn had the excuse of being a teenage moron; pb is an intelligent immortal completely devoid of any ethical explanation.

      • 8 months ago

        Everything pb does almost always gets swept under the rug

      • 8 months ago

        What are you talking about now? Pb didn't do anything. If you're going to accuse her at least say what you're accusing her of.

        • 8 months ago

          >monitors her kingdom big brother style
          >murdered a bunch of gumball machine robots
          >attempted to murder the fire kingdom
          >groomed finn
          >brought things to life only to do horrible experiments on them

          • 8 months ago

            None of this is true and this meme is getting really old. Except the gumball machine one. Kys.

            • 8 months ago

              Literally all of it is true, bonnie

              • 8 months ago

                >everyone who watched adventure time is pb
                Post the episode titles or clips or something. You won't because you can't because it never happened.

              • 8 months ago

                Watch Goliad, dipshit.

        • 8 months ago

          God PB simps are so pathetic

          • 8 months ago

            Not everyone is a cooming simp you moron. Stop thinking everyone on Cinemaphile is like you. Also you're pathetic for not even trying to name one thing she did. kys.

            >monitors her kingdom big brother style
            >murdered a bunch of gumball machine robots
            >attempted to murder the fire kingdom
            >groomed finn
            >brought things to life only to do horrible experiments on them

            >monitor bad
            Why? She's pb. A loving mother and a hero. You think she is going to do something bad with the information she gets?
            >murdered gumball robots
            Hundreds of years ago you homosexual and she'll never do anything like that again. Kys right now and let it go. gay.
            >tried to kill fire kingdom
            This is a lie. Straight up.
            >groomed Finn
            When did she clean his ass? Either way he needed it. He's dirty.
            >brought things to life and did horribly experiments on them
            This is also a lie. Stop making stuff up NOW.

            • 8 months ago

              >Why? She's pb. A loving mother and a hero. You think she is going to do something bad with the information she gets?
              It’s kind of creepy and has made her people all soft and dumb with them never having the freedom or knowledge to grow.
              >Hundreds of years ago you homosexual and she'll never do anything like that again. Kys right now and let it go. gay.
              What makes you say she won’t do it again?
              >When did she clean his ass? Either way he needed it. He's dirty.
              Sure, let’s just ignore how she clearly kept indulging his crush on her at a young age, making sure his infatuation with her would keep him doing whatever she wanted.
              >This is a lie. Straight up.
              Then what was the cooler?
              >This is also a lie. Stop making stuff up NOW.
              We saw this happen in the season 4 finale.

              • 8 months ago

                >it's hekkin kind of cweepy!
                Excellent argument anon.
                >made them all soft and dumb
                Yeah she made them happy. Maybe watch the show.
                >never having freedom
                They can do whatever they want besides hurting themselves.
                >to grow
                So what? They were never made to grow you moron.
                >what makes you say she won't do it again.
                She didn't kill all of the door lords or the fire kingdom. She never even tried to kill Ice King.
                >kept indulging his crush
                What, by existing? Kys right now.
                >making sure his infatuation would keep him doing what she wanted
                That's a lie and you didn't even try to post evidence. Pb doesn't need to "make sure" Finn obeys her, he already does because she's his boss. Watch the damn television program.
                >the cooler
                That episode where she took away the super doomsday weapons from the kingdom where every single person in it is evil? She never tried to kill anybody in that episode, are you nuts? She stopped them from killing everybody else.
                >we saw this in s4 finale
                Liar, we did not. We did see her doing some kind of experiments on some very happy smiling thingies. They were not "horrible". You're one of those same homosexuals who says "murio 64 gave me hekkin CJILDHOOD TWAUMA!!!!! I'm so quirky cut off you dick kids." so kys. Also we don't even know the context so you can't even say for sure they were alive, so that's another reason why you're wrong but regardless.

              • 8 months ago

                Not gonna lie, bonnie, it’s really hard arguing with you since you kind of just say “nuh uh” to everything. It gets tiring.

              • 8 months ago

                >didn't try to respond to all my proof
                Wow I totally didn't expect this reply. You lost, die now.

              • 8 months ago

                Keep coping, bonnie. I’m just fricking tired of having to refute every single thing you say. You damn well know she kept flirting with finn for years. Also, when the only thing you can say to refute why a socialist dystopia is alright is that they’re happy, I don’t think you really get the problem. Also, while her cutting up those little guys isn’t traumatic, it still seems pretty fricked up since she’s just mutilating them.

              • 8 months ago

                >tired of refuting everACK
                You did not do it even one time, and you can't fool anyone because the proof is like two posts above.
                >she kept flirting with finn for years
                She did not. Post even one proof. Just post ONE(1)!
                >socailist dystopia
                How do either of those words describe the Candy Kingdom? At this point you are just saying the most random shit. The least you can do is a give a reason! But there are none are there?
                >i don't think you get the problem
                No shit. I don't think there is one.
                >it still SEEMS pretty messed up
                Then you have no brain and can't think about the situation, or the fact that we know not the context of the experiment but we DO know Pb and how she loves every candy citizen.
                >JUST mutilating them
                Even this is untrue. She also put their limbs on other ones.

              • 8 months ago

                >kind of just say nuh uh
                You mean I won't let you say lies and for each and every single one I give reasons why they're lies? You are a homosexual and you will die eternally.

                Did you seriously reply to me twice? Are you that fricking insecure about your evil waifu being called evil?

              • 8 months ago

                I had two different things to say. So what?

                Oh shit it's the Bonnie dindu schizo again.
                Ayo, have a nice day m8!

                >if I give him a name it means I win even though he proves, literally PROVES me wrong with every single post.
                Also samegay.

              • 8 months ago

                >can’t accept that more than one person agrees with the idea that pb is horrible
                >proceeds to call both anons a samegay right after admitting to samegayging themselves
                You can’t make this shit up

              • 8 months ago

                Samegayging is when you try to make it look like there are more than you. I was never hiding that both of those posts were me.
                >more than one person agrees
                Not possible since nobody does. It's just a meme. And even if you somehow didn't watch the show I gave proof every time. I PROVED that she never did anything wrong except that one time hundreds of years ago and you keep spitting out new(old) lies!

              • 8 months ago

                you're moronic.

              • 8 months ago

                >kind of just say nuh uh
                You mean I won't let you say lies and for each and every single one I give reasons why they're lies? You are a homosexual and you will die eternally.

              • 8 months ago

                Oh shit it's the Bonnie dindu schizo again.
                Ayo, have a nice day m8!

              • 8 months ago

                Had a feeling this guy was a reoccurring schizo in these threads. I wonder what drives him to defend such a putrid vile b***h.

              • 8 months ago

                Kys right now samegay schizo. Every single time you say lies and every time I prove you wrong. You know this and so does everyone else here. You really think they're on your side? Until you give even one (1) reason why "Pb bad", you will always be worthless.

              • 8 months ago

                I honestly can’t tell at this point if you’re baiting or not. Either way, you’re definitely making a name for yourself in these threads.

              • 8 months ago

                Really? And how many people know about me? This is another lie you're just making up for no reason. Unless you can give any evidence or proof.

              • 8 months ago

                I see I'm not the only one noticing it, it's funny how he has become pretty recognizable by the way he types, lol

              • 8 months ago

                I honestly can’t tell at this point if you’re baiting or not. Either way, you’re definitely making a name for yourself in these threads.

                These posts are lies btw, and I'm also trans.

    • 8 months ago

      >Pb was perfect for Finn you moron. He's the hero and she's the princess. do you not know how shit works?

      PB is a lesbian. Cope

      • 8 months ago

        Didn’t the first episode give her a dead boyfriend? And don’t give me that “comp-het” shit.

        • 8 months ago

          Yeah that's why she was cool with dating that cookie guy, and Finn for a bit, and she was willing to kiss whichever wizard won the thingy even though most of them were dudes.

          After a female character gets into a relationship with another girl, we all know
          she's a lesbian forever since she'll never date a guy again

          Keep up that cope

          • 8 months ago

            >reedit spacing
            Stop it.
            >dyke forever
            That isn't how it works. She still dates guys to this day. I'm assuming.

            • 8 months ago

              >She still dates guys to this day. I'm assuming.

              Haha nice cope. She's still munching on Marceline's maggot filled, undead vampire crotch to this day

        • 8 months ago

          her uncle created him specifically to be her boyfriend, and she doesn't even like him that much anyway

      • 8 months ago

        Yeah that's why she was cool with dating that cookie guy, and Finn for a bit, and she was willing to kiss whichever wizard won the thingy even though most of them were dudes.

    • 8 months ago

      >Did you not see the wet dream episode? Finn broke her heart
      You can't call that no reason but it's still a dumb forced ooc reason to have them split up, it's no good reason. I like fubblegum too but you need to chill.

      • 8 months ago

        Give reason
        Give reason
        Really really give reason because I disagree with you on all of these.

        • 8 months ago

          Randomly getting off to seeing your girlfriend fight ice king because of a dream is just stupid. That Finn actually set it up irl is stupid. I remember an episode finn messes around with smaller versions of the characters but they weren't even the actual characters. That it's so stupid and unlike finn makes it seem forced.

        • 8 months ago

          He gets his girlfriend hurt and almost gets ice king murdered for his own amusement. I don't know why this needs further explaining for why it's dumb or ooc.

          • 8 months ago

            >for his own amusement
            Finn had never really experienced anything sexual before. The wet dream was a new thing for him and he made a mistake because of it. It's a dumb thing to do but I thought you meant it was dumb writing.
            How? Finn makes mistakes. He's always a moron specifically when it comes to girls.

          • 8 months ago

            >for his own amusement
            Finn had never really experienced anything sexual before. The wet dream was a new thing for him and he made a mistake because of it. It's a dumb thing to do but I thought you meant it was dumb writing.
            How? Finn makes mistakes. He's always a moron specifically when it comes to girls.

            >almost gets ice king murdered
            This is a lie. Ice King is immortal. Wasn't Finn around for that one time when Ricardio ripped out all of IK's muscles and bones and shit, leaving just a sack of skin and his head? And IK was still talking and perfectly fine? He was never going to die to Flame Princess.

            • 8 months ago

              When ice king loses his heart you can literally see him decaying in his appearance and he can't use his powers or move normally despite still having the crown on. He outright says ricardo left him for dead. Finn has to save ice king from his burning kingdom because he's completely worn out and trapped under a piece of ice while flame princess is still ready and looking for him. Farmworld ice king dies. Flame princess absolutely could have and would have roasted his ass, again all because finn thought it was just so sexy to see his girl fight ice king for no reason. Finn is supposed to be a hero but here he's more twisted and perverted than even ice king at his worst. This has to be the most blatantly forced way to do a break up for characters.

              • 8 months ago

                >ricardio episode 1
                I was thinking about the second one. IK must have been faking in the first one because like I said, Ricardio took out ALL of his muscles, bones and organs. Including himself.
                >farmworld ice king dies
                The world where Finn wished the lich never even ever existed? Ice King didn't exist in that world. It was still just Simon but with powers.
                >FP would have roasted him
                Yeah but she would have been unable to kill him, that's all I'm saying. He's unkillable.
                >finn thought it was sexy to see fp fight ik
                Yeah it is weird but you don't have to judge him. Man finn didn't even know what he was feeling, just that it felt good.
                >Finn is supposed to be a hero.
                And he still is. Even heroes go through low points. Watch Billy's bucket list.
                >here he's more twisted and perverted than IK at his worst
                No way. First of all it was ONE mistake and it makes perfect sense so I wouldn't say it's out of character. And second of all finn doesn't even come close to that twisted and perverted. IK is miles ahead.
                >most blatantly forced
                What does this mean? That they wrote the breakup? They wrote everything dude.

              • 8 months ago

                You can make mistakes but still be judged for them. Especially when it's something like manipulating your deadly girlfriend into fighting just to get off. Even if the ice king could live through the damage and didn't get his crown knocked off at any point (which is easy to do) it's still wrong for finn to have him be tormented over lies and his dick. That IS twisted villain like behavior from a character that wasn't shown to be that way at all. Again that's why I consider it forced.

    • 8 months ago

      >Pb was perfect for Finn you moron.
      I mean, from what I remember, the show went out of its way to show that Finn and PB couldn't be together.

      • 8 months ago

        Didn’t the season 2 finale imply they were getting together?

        • 8 months ago

          That was ages ago but they do have this moment in pajama wars and she kisses him on the cheek on the last episode I think. At least a three way wouldn't be completely impossible.

          • 8 months ago

            >what is friendship

            • 8 months ago

              It was probably just supposed to be friendship but it was strange how they showed them having puppy dog eyes at each other, not really something you’d expect from just friends.

          • 8 months ago

            True, I was just saying that it was only like around season 3 when they started showing tjat

          • 8 months ago

            Wasn't Pajama Wars specifically to show that they're fine as platonic friends?

            • 8 months ago

              All that was shown is them enjoying each other's company. I didn't really see a message about them having to stay only friends. You can easily hang out like this with someone you're dating.

              • 8 months ago

                Well yeah, but I saw it as a contrast to how early on Finn was very much attracted to PB, and his crush on her was very obvious, this changed later in the series, partly because Finn grew up, and partly because PB got with Marcy.

            • 8 months ago

              That's how I saw it. Things were weird between them for a long time, and this was a nice moment where they got back to being chill.

              • 8 months ago

                Things were weird between her and marceline early on too

              • 8 months ago

                Sure. There's an easy parallel to Sky Witch. I think the show made it pretty clear it wasn't gonna evolve beyond friendship, but that didn't stop the hopium.

        • 8 months ago

          It ended with young PB hugging Finn, it didn't have them officially become boyfriend and girlfriend, but if the show ended right there and then, then yeah, it would've ended with the implication that they got together.
          But that obviously didn't happen and in PB's very next appearance they shot that down, PB went back to her usual older self and the Finn x PB ship was pretty much dead for good.

          • 8 months ago

            Funny how season 3 was the first season with a notable shift in tone

    • 8 months ago

      Ignoring the thing about PB, nobody's saying that Finn and FP should've stayed together after that episode, because that would be kinda dumb. Finn broke the poor girl's heart.

      The problem here is the fact that the episode and that the whole bullshit breakup plotline was even a thing. It had Finn act weirdly out of character for some weirdly inappropriate wet dream analogy. Having a ship broken up, not because of any developmental issues later on in their relationship, but because Finn spontaneously had a wet dream that made him act stupid, is so fricking moronic like why would anyone write that?

      Hell, it being an analogy was so fricking stupid. It would be stupid enough if it was depicted straightly as a wet dream, but it instead being depicted as a dream where FP is weirdly standing over him blowing Finn's loins with fire, is even more ridiculous. This is an important plot point. You can't make an important plot point some wishy-washy analogy, because that's fricking stupid. This whole thing is so bafflingly moronic. It's so bizarre to me that a whole team of writers and directors really just sat down and made this episode while thinking, "Yep, no problems here. Breaking up our very popular ship over some weird sex analogy is great storytelling.". The gall to also put together a big pretentious promo image to portray this as some mega serious episode that you're supposed to take seriously is the icing on the cake here.

      • 8 months ago

        >weirdly ooc
        You're a moron who doesn't understand anything, or you're trolling.
        >the problem is... that it's an episode?
        >wet dream made finn act stupid
        Finn acted stupid because he is stupid. What is so hard about that?
        >analogy bad
        not always probably. And this wasn't an anology. It was literally a wet dream.
        >Shooting fire at his loins is bad because dreams are always straight to the point.
        Dreams always do shit like that dude.
        >over some sex analogy
        It was over what finn did to get his dick hard. The dick hard part wasn't why fp broke up with him.
        >you're not supposed to take it seriously
        Yes you are. Anon I'm going to be real here. I don't understand you or what you're thinking.

        • 8 months ago

          First off, use greentext to properly quote people directly instead of putting words in their mouths.

          Second, what I'm saying with the problem that the episode exists is obvious. I'm saying that the whole premise is bad. It's shit, garbo, slop, etcetera. It should've been scrapped and taken at a new angle if they really wanted to break them up so badly.

          Third, it definitely was an analogy. They clearly wanted Finn to have a pubertal growth arc where he makes mistakes in his developing sexuality, with him having things go too far with FP than she was comfortable with, taking advantage of her trust and whatnot. If it weren't for obvious restrictions, they probably would've conveyed the dreams more differently, or maybe not even involve dreams or the inclusion of Ice King at all.

          Fourth, I never said analogies in of themselves were bad. The problem here is that it was a wishy-washy analogy. It was an uncomfortable sexual topic they (for whatever reason) wanted to convey in an important plot point in a kid's cartoon. However, the amount of restrictions that obviously needed to be applied here made it vague and weird, thus ruining the impact with what they were going for. They should've just tried something else instead of trying to write something they know couldn't be done in an ideal manner.

          Fifth, I never said the writers never wrote it for people to take seriously. I'm saying that this is such a ridiculous way of conveying for a serious break-up, that it's hard to take seriously, hence why the promo image looks rather pretentious to me in this context.

          • 8 months ago

            >first off, do this
            No. And I'm not putting words in your mouth. Die.
            >the whole premise bad
            It's not though lol.
            >If they wanted to break them up s badly
            What makes you think they did? Because you're insane and can't see things for the way they are. You just decided on some shit in your head before looking at reality and when you're confronted by something different you act like it's unreasonable. There are many such cases on Cinemaphile.
            >it clearly was an analogy
            No, it was literal. That's fact. Irrefutable.
            >they were having Finn going too far sexually than fp wanted
            That never happened. Learn to watch the show. If you think Finn's actions are a metaphor for him trying to suck her boobs when she doesn't wanna or some shit you're nuts and can see above. Accept reality. Stop deciding what it is for yourself before being confronted by it.
            >taking advantage of her trust
            How does that fit in with your supposed "too far sexually" analogy? You think it's like a metaphor for him telling her that if he sucks her boobs it will like cure all her illnesses and save the world or some shit?
            >restrictions made them include dreams
            I don't believe this but I also don't see why it matters.
            >I never said analogies were bad
            Sure you did.
            >wishy washy
            Nobody knows what this means.
            No it wasn't also
            >Oh no! How could they? Don't they know we're not allowed to feel ANYTHING????
            Kys, you have no soul if you're scared of this.
            >in a kid's cartoon
            It is relatable to kids.
            >ruining the impact with what they were going for
            Translation: What you decided they were going for. For no reason, right after you watched the episode. And then anytime you thought about the episode after that you took it as fact and never even considered the alternative, which is the truth.
            >It's hard to take seriously
            Only for you, because you're nuts. Those of us who actually accept reality can take it seriously because the reasons that (you) can't are not real.

      • 8 months ago

        Between the wet dream episode and breezy, I do wonder if someone on the team realized that they can’t write relationship drama involving finn and somehow made it so when hw and finn got together, they’d never write anything with them for more than just like a minute. Maybe the lack of finn x hw stuff in the show is a blessing in disguise.

      • 8 months ago

        Don't forget that the Comic Owl dreams are meant to be important, so it makes sense for Finn to try to figure out what this dream is meant to mean.

        • 8 months ago

          Yeah, but that mf only appeared in the second dream, after Finn already tricked FP to fight Ice King again.

    • 8 months ago

      The wet dream episode was completely out of character

      • 8 months ago

        Why are there so many morons who can't understand anything?

        • 8 months ago

          Maybe because you're actually the moron here?

          • 8 months ago

            We're on Cinemaphile. You're the majority. That means you're the moron. Every single time.

            • 8 months ago

              Not always. While it is true that the majority opinion on Cinemaphile isn't always the correct one, there is also the moronic schizo rule, that states that for every show or comic there is bound to be at least one moron and/or schizo who believes something so bafflingly stupid about it that everyone can agree how wrong they are. And an opinion like "Frost and Fire was good, actually" is most definitely a moron/schizo guy moment.

              • 8 months ago

                That's not a thing. You just made it up right now, on the spot, to cope. Sure (you) always end up calling people schizos as a cope, but the whole thread doesn't agree with you. Most people in the thread say nothing, but sometimes people take "the schizo"'s side.

              • 8 months ago

                >Knows there isn't anyone better than Pb
                >says there is anyway just to piss me specifically off
                >That's schizo!
                No it's not. Anon read the thread. Just because you didn't doesn't mean no one does.

              • 8 months ago

                I meant to respond to

                I really am not into Finn x PB. It never felt like that good of a relationship and I don't get why people cling onto it so much. Finn could do a whole lot better than PB for starters.

              • 8 months ago

                That was my first comment on the whole PB debate, and it really isn't to piss you off I honestly don't get why people are still clinging to that relationship after all these years when it was never that good in the first place. The crush was one sided and PB is annoyingly condescending towards Finn because he's a kid. It doesn't make for a good relationship no matter how much people try to emphasise the knight/princess dynamic. The time when their relationship was at its best was in the pajama war episode, when ironically neither of them were romantically interested in each other because they actually felt like equals, that PB actually respected Finn.

              • 8 months ago

                >PB is annoyingly condescending towards Finn because he's a kid
                That feels like something she should have grown past and fixed about herself rather than have validated.

              • 8 months ago

                Dude you actually trying to argue that frost and fire was a good episode, despite the fact the whole rest of the fandom disagrees. I am not just talking about this site. That episode was shit. Finn was made unlikable, and any attempt to argue "well it's supposed to be a realistic depiction of a dumb teen showing Finn has flaws" is broken by the very fact the fricking cosmic owl appeared in the dream meaning Finn had no control over the outcome anyway. The episode does nothing to make Finn a more interesting character, it breaks up a popular relationship in the worst possible way and it completely messes up its analogy by including stupid cosmic fate rendering the choices of the characters to be pointless. Even if you think that the general idea of Finn ruining his relationship by being a stupid kid acting on wet dreams is good (it's not) frost and fire completely failed in telling that kind of story as well.

              • 8 months ago

                >you actually trying to argue that frost and fire was a good episode
                I technically never said that, but yeah it's acceptable.
                >the whole rest of the ACK-dumb disagrees
                I don't even believe you but regardless this isn't an argument.
                >I am not just talking about this site
                That's what we WERE talking about. Idk why you're changing it.
                >That episode was shit
                No it wasn't.
                >Finn was made unlikable
                I still liked him just as much as I did before. Him making a mistake doesn't change that. Go and dial late.
                >The cosmic owl appears so this means episode bad... somehow?
                How is the cosmic owl relevant to you? And how does it make Finn not have flaws when Finn chose to do that stuff? And it's not even like the cosmic owl was there when he wasn't supposed to either, like the time he was lured into Pb's nightmare. Finn DID have as much control over the outcome as anybody. Finn chose to do something bad. He doesn't get out of it because of destiny or whatever. Everybody is destined to make the mistakes they do. And Finn knows what he did was wrong. He doesn't try to make excuses. He accepts that he was a little shit.
                >"cosmic" fate ruins "analogy"
                Again how is it relevant? I don't see how the two things are in any way affecting each other.
                >Finn being a stupid kid isn't good
                Finn has always been a stupid kid. what show have you been watching?
                >frost and fire failed in tACK
                No it didn't(literally that is exactly the story it told evidenced by us talking about that story) and stop writing "muh hekkin vidya essays!!!". Nobody likes "people" who do that.

              • 8 months ago

                Finn was unlikeable in that episode, and following episodes like The red throne. Proof of this? The fact most people dislike him in these episodes. And yes, that's how real life works. What determines if someone is unlikeable is how many people dislike them. Just because you are the exception doesn't make your opinion the rule. People don't enjoy watching their protagonist use personal secrets to dig into his girlfriend's insecurities and make her fight a senile old man so he can get sexual gratification out of it. I don't see how you can't comprehend that this goes beyond "flawed and interesting" into "unlikeable and unwatchable". Sure, Finn was better in later episodes but that's because he wasn't being written as he was in Frost and Fire. That's what people mean when they say he was written out of character, because normally Finn could be written in episodes before and after this as a flawed but likeable protagonist, and this episode is a glaring exception.
                >How is the cosmic owl relevant to you?
                The cosmic owl appearing in a dream means that the dream is a matter of fate. It no longer just becomes an analogy for him being a teen who can make the right choice, no the universe itself has interfered in his decision making and told him what he's doing to Flame Princess is important. Jake's reaction makes this very clear, as soon as he hears that the cosmic owl was in the dream, he immediately pressures Finn into keep using Flame Princess to get the dreams. Cosmic fate and realistic struggles with puberty are two concepts that just don't work together. Cosmic fate takes away from a character's agency, and agency is needed to tell these kinds of stories for them to feel like its actually genuine character development for him. So the episode not only fails at making Finn seem likeable, it also fails at trying to be a realistic depiction of relationship troubles.

              • 8 months ago

                >most people disliked Finn
                No they didn't. It never happened, not much else to say about that. Only thing people didn't like was the things that he was doing recently.
                >you are the exception
                I'm not actually. No one stopped liking Finn. People were at most disappointed with him. I guess you can't tell the difference because you threw away your soul when you threw away your dick.
                >people don't enjoy when somebody makes a mistake
                I liked the episode, but either way it doesn't matter if people didn't enjoy seeing that. You weren't supposed to be happy about what Finn did.
                I watched it. A lot of people did. It's in no way unwatchable just because it makes you feel something you soulless gay! Get killed, you're going to hell anyway.
                >finn wasn't being written as he was in the past
                Yeah dude grew up. That's what time does to an mf. What's your point?
                >this episode was an exception
                Not even close. He was still the same exact guy. You just can't handle anything different and get so scared that you stop looking, and then assume it's Finn who is different not the circumstances. But it is.
                >means that the dream is a matter of fate
                So what?
                >The universe interfered
                It did not! Didn't you see the episode? Finn made the choice himself, nothing else decided for him! You're moronic!
                >told him what he's doing is important
                >Jake's reaction
                Finn knows already for a fact that jake is a gay for the cosmic owl and overreacts to this shit specifically and not to listen to him about it. Watch the damn show!!!!!!! Finn chose to do it anyway, using jake's "advice" as a very thin excuse just to get him through it, and then abandoning that excuse and accepting that he messed up after it happened.
                >tue conceppts that donut work together!!! Subscribe for more animated atross-cities
                Kys. Just do it. Because they weren't working together and they were never supposed to. The cosmic owl did not affect anything else in the episode except the(too much words will cont.)

              • 8 months ago

                >No they didn't.
                They did. Everywhere I look in the Adventure Time fandom people point out how unlikable Finn was in this episode. Just because people liked him after this episode doesn't disprove this, because people point out the reason he was so unlikeable compared to his normal self was because he was written out of character. There is a difference between just being a young dumb kid who makes mistakes and what they did with Frost and Fire, and the reception to that episode makes that clear.
                >Finn knows already for a fact that jake is a gay for the cosmic owl and overreacts to this shit specifically and not to listen to him about it.
                No, because the cosmic owl is fricking real and simply appearing in Gunter's dream in hoots because he wanted to get his cloaca wet was enough to nearly allow Orgalorg to become super powerful. The cosmic owl dreams are to be taken seriously.
                >I guess you can't tell the difference because you threw away your soul when you threw away your dick.
                >because it makes you feel something you soulless gay! Get killed, you're going to hell anyway.
                You're clearly some kind of mentally deranged lunatic if you can't see just how unstable and unhinged you are right now. It's really not worth it attempting to drill the same points into your head because you just ignore them to make more obsessive troony jokes. I'm not gonna reply to you anymore, but you can keep yelling into the void about how fricking frost and fire is the hill you're gonna die on.

              • 8 months ago

                Finn was unlikeable in that episode, and following episodes like The red throne. Proof of this? The fact most people dislike him in these episodes. And yes, that's how real life works. What determines if someone is unlikeable is how many people dislike them. Just because you are the exception doesn't make your opinion the rule. People don't enjoy watching their protagonist use personal secrets to dig into his girlfriend's insecurities and make her fight a senile old man so he can get sexual gratification out of it. I don't see how you can't comprehend that this goes beyond "flawed and interesting" into "unlikeable and unwatchable". Sure, Finn was better in later episodes but that's because he wasn't being written as he was in Frost and Fire. That's what people mean when they say he was written out of character, because normally Finn could be written in episodes before and after this as a flawed but likeable protagonist, and this episode is a glaring exception.
                >How is the cosmic owl relevant to you?
                The cosmic owl appearing in a dream means that the dream is a matter of fate. It no longer just becomes an analogy for him being a teen who can make the right choice, no the universe itself has interfered in his decision making and told him what he's doing to Flame Princess is important. Jake's reaction makes this very clear, as soon as he hears that the cosmic owl was in the dream, he immediately pressures Finn into keep using Flame Princess to get the dreams. Cosmic fate and realistic struggles with puberty are two concepts that just don't work together. Cosmic fate takes away from a character's agency, and agency is needed to tell these kinds of stories for them to feel like its actually genuine character development for him. So the episode not only fails at making Finn seem likeable, it also fails at trying to be a realistic depiction of relationship troubles.

                (cont.)The cosmic owl didn't affect anything in the episode except the part to give finn a little excuse to use which he needed for the plot, which could have been anything but Jake being gay for the cosmic owl was a convenient thing to take advantage of, especially in a story that already includes dreams. "Fate" is irrelevant, as it always is. It wasn't a part of this episode, you only think it was because of the cosmic owl's powers. You're focusing on the wrong thing, because it doesn't really come into play until pb loses her kingdom. That's the only time in the series that his power matters because it's the only time HE caused something.
                >"cosmic" fate takes away agency
                Oh really? Then why was Finn the one who chose to hurt fp? It wasn't the cosmic owl you moron. Finn had just as much agency as always. You're not saying how he affects this episode because he doesn't. You're just plain being autistic.
                >for it to feel like genuine charcter development
                His development happened later anyway, but like I said you're wrong regardless. All development is fated to happen, doesn't change a damn thing.
                >Fails at making Finn likable
                We already know finn from multiple entire previous seasons. It doesn't need to establish the mf. We already have reason to like him.
                >It also fails at trying to be realistic
                It never tried to be realistic even once. It's adventure Time. It's a fantasy show and it's nuts. You should try watching it sometime because it's really fun.

    • 8 months ago

      >Pb was perfect for Finn you moron. He's the hero and she's the princess. do you not know how shit works?
      "NOOOO everything needs to be as cliche as possible! There can't be anything new! It always has to be the predictable! The good guy always ends up with the princess, that's how it works!"

      • 8 months ago

        To be honest, with how much people try and deconstruct classic cliches in the most painfully boring ways, I’d rather just see a classic cliche played straight for once, it’d feel more original at this point.

        • 8 months ago

          Part of why Adventure Time was popular is because it was so weird and it subverted expectations to the usual adventure stories, if it played everything 100% straight, it wouldn't be Adventure Time.

          • 8 months ago

            I know and I agree that for it’s time, it was great but I don’t know, feels like we have to see the exact same “old twists on old tropes, which themselves have now become tropes” these days.

            • 8 months ago

              Well yeah, but like you said, it made sense for the time.

              Part of it subverting expectations was by actually having finn be with pb and having good classic values. Don't pretend like you expected that you liar.

              I did think at some point that Finn and PB would end up together, particularly after she became younger, but then they subverted my expectations.

          • 8 months ago

            Part of it subverting expectations was by actually having finn be with pb and having good classic values. Don't pretend like you expected that you liar.

    • 8 months ago

      Holy autism

      • 8 months ago

        >can't read three lines
        You should be scared.

  5. 8 months ago

    Agreed, FP is best girl

  6. 8 months ago

    The whole thing with huntress wizard is they will never settle but their lives will always intersect with each other

  7. 8 months ago

    Finn's relationship with FP was immature and cringe, which was the whole point, right from the start. Finn x FP shippers are so dumb lol.

    • 8 months ago

      Bubbline is even more immature and cringe yet it’s held to a much higher regard.

      • 8 months ago

        I wish the series ended with pb trying to patch things up with marcy, only to get rejected, leading to pb becoming the endgame villain out of pure rage.

        • 8 months ago

          She should've been the endgame villain because she was unironically a dictator.

  8. 8 months ago

    >Huntress Wizard is autistic
    That's a bonus

    • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        A Wizard and a Hero, living in a tree.

  9. 8 months ago

    >Le love at le first sight.
    FP was always garbage even if Finn "had to" imprint himself on this artificially created pyromaniac like some baby duckling.

    • 8 months ago

      >>Le love at le first sight.
      Kek anon, you forget that she doesn't even get to claim THAT.
      Young PB was Finn's first love, not FP. This is why even if she somehow would've been ENDGAME, her ship would've been still seen as COPE from the writers

  10. 8 months ago

    She's fat though.

  11. 8 months ago

    >muh shipping

  12. 8 months ago

    Was the pillow episode just them ripping off Star Trek? Or did it end up being relevant in the story?

    • 8 months ago

      wasn't golb in it?

  13. 8 months ago

    still stupid as frick that they have easily accessible heat shield spells but apparently these two couldn't kiss because uhh....reasons.

    • 8 months ago

      >didn't watch
      The reason is because she would get SO HOT that the world would end.

  14. 8 months ago

    FP a CUTE

    • 8 months ago

      Is this from a ds game or something?

      Randomly getting off to seeing your girlfriend fight ice king because of a dream is just stupid. That Finn actually set it up irl is stupid. I remember an episode finn messes around with smaller versions of the characters but they weren't even the actual characters. That it's so stupid and unlike finn makes it seem forced.

      People have wet dreams. It's weird but you don't have to judge him for it.
      >it's stupid
      Finn is stupid
      >and unlike Finn
      I disagree. It's not unlike Finn to be moronic and make mistakes. Sure this is his biggest one, but one of them has to be. I just don't see what the problem is.

      >She still dates guys to this day. I'm assuming.

      Haha nice cope. She's still munching on Marceline's maggot filled, undead vampire crotch to this day

      Hey, I doubt it. In fact she never was. Twiter posts and shit like that don't count you moron.

      • 8 months ago

        >Hey, I doubt it. In fact she never was. Twiter posts and shit like that don't count you moron.

        See these Lesbians? You Finncels will never have this

        • 8 months ago

          >Marcleine kissed pb once
          >This means that they FRICK and pb and her do DEGENERACY and SODOMY and pb EATS her FRICKING PUZZY and it's full of maggots and shit.
          You're insane.

          • 8 months ago

            Oh Finncels never change

            • 8 months ago

              Not him but we didn't lose much anyway because FP is shit, I remind you that this bipolar b***h took over an entire kingdom in a tantrum and forced everyone there into a dumb honesty policy and yet you're supposed to sympathize with her only because Finn was an butthole that revealed dumb secrets once and PB decided to disarm her evil warmonger kingdom lol, b***h isn't even allowed be shown in a bad light by the show what a mary sue, Cosmic owl was doing Finn a favor by throwing their relationship under the bus.

              • 8 months ago

                Oops wrong quote, meant for

                People don't manipulate their girlfriends into beating up old men over wet dreams. It just doesn't happen. It's not just stupid but more like what a villain would do.

              • 8 months ago

                Cosmic Owl didn't do that. Finn chose to do that even though he knew it was wrong. Anyway why can't you just like all the characters? they're all good. Except BMO.

                People don't manipulate their girlfriends into beating up old men over wet dreams. It just doesn't happen. It's not just stupid but more like what a villain would do.

                Finn is a moron and basically a caveman in some respects. He's not a regular person. It makes sense for him to make certain mistakes like this one one time. Especially because sex. Man Finn probably doesn't even know what sex even is!

              • 8 months ago

                Why should I like everyone?
                Not all of them are good, FP for example like I've said earlier is an unlikable mary sue.

              • 8 months ago

                >Fp is unlikeable mary sue
                No she isn't. You're homo.

                >Pb was perfect for Finn you moron.
                I mean, from what I remember, the show went out of its way to show that Finn and PB couldn't be together.

                You mean after the breakup with fp and finn was depressed as hell, and pathetic and desperate because Jake never slapped some sense into him? Yeah that was a bad time. Finn was at his lowest and wasn't even close to worthy. But it didn't last forever.

                you're moronic.

                If I was moronic then I would have expected a real response. But I didn't so it is you who is moronic.

              • 8 months ago

                PB is a groomer
                I bet she groomed Marcy too

              • 8 months ago

                >PB cleans and cuts the hair of dirt people like Finn the Caveboy and Marceline the Filthy Pits
                Nothing wrong with that.

              • 8 months ago

                >You mean after the breakup with fp
                No, I mean PB, the show killed the Finn and PB ship relatively early, and it was obvious Finn wasn't going to try again with PB after breaking FP's heart like that.

              • 8 months ago

                >it was obvious Finn wasn't going to try again with pb
                Just watch the show. That's exactly what he did.

                You can make mistakes but still be judged for them. Especially when it's something like manipulating your deadly girlfriend into fighting just to get off. Even if the ice king could live through the damage and didn't get his crown knocked off at any point (which is easy to do) it's still wrong for finn to have him be tormented over lies and his dick. That IS twisted villain like behavior from a character that wasn't shown to be that way at all. Again that's why I consider it forced.

                >you can make mistakes and be judged by them
                Yeah. But it wasn't out of character.
                >just to get off
                Again, Finn really didn't know what was going on. He didn't see it as "just" getting off. He saw it as this new wonderful and magical experience that was the best feeling he ever felt in his life. He didn't even know the word for it. Dude might have thought he was the only one to ever feel it.
                >didn't get his crown knocked off
                Wouldn't have mattered. He's still Ice King without it, he just can't shoot ice.
                >it's still wrong
                I agree. But I don't think it's out of character.
                >that IS twisted villain like behaviour
                No it's not. name one villain who ever did anything like that. It's the behavior of a moronic caveman boy who only just discovered sex for the first time and has no idea what the hell is happening. Sure he knew what he did was wrong but him making that mistake is totally believable to me.
                >wasn't shown to be that way at all
                I disagree. Finn has always been completely clueless about anything that has to do with girls. Man is just lost anytime somebody pretty is around.

              • 8 months ago

                >Just watch the show. That's exactly what he did.
                It's been actual years, please refresh my memory about the specific episodes.

              • 8 months ago

                It was that one time when lemongrab 1 ate his brother and turned into the north korea guy Kim Jung Un, and Pb went over there to try to sort things out. Finn went along too. It was probably the most pathetic Finn ever was. They were there trying to free the lemons from the evil rule of lemongrab and all of the suffering causing, and Finn thought he was gonna use this oppurtunity to try to look like a lost puppy in front of pb and hope she takes him back. Man it makes me mad just thinking about it. I'm so glad Finn was able to grow up and also become the hero he once was again. But it took a little bit.

              • 8 months ago

                Alright, I vaguely remember that yeah, it was Too Old, I mainly remembered the Lemon part, rather than the Finn and PB part.
                But yeah, what I meant to say was that the Finn x PB ship was pretty much dead by then, and Finn trying to relive the Too Young episode only cemented it, basically telling Finn to simply give up on PB already.

              • 8 months ago

                >she's not
                Except she is, name at least one instance where she portrayed in the wrong in the entire show because so far in this show
                >it's always conveniently PB, Finn or Flame King hurting her and she being the victim of the situation
                >anything that she wants to do she does so perfectly like for example running a chaotic kingdom full of evil people with not issues at all despite spending most of her life inside a fricking lamp lol or being a rapper, that no ones actually finds funny or good but the show pretends she's.
                >conveniently has the MC of the show fall for her despite she trying to burn his house down along with his friend in first time they ever meet, I'd argue this was even more contrived and OoC for Finn than him being a horny teenager chasing dreams.
                >main issues are just related to her being a hothead, relationships issues, and not being able to explore the outside world (maybe she shouldn't have went back to FK idiot) very SHALLOW.
                She reads as one of those Deviantart's Sonic OC donut steel, no wonder why the writing crew has completely ignored her so far I don't blame them

              • 8 months ago

                >name one instance where fp is potrayed in the wrong
                Never happened. Why?
                >It's always pb
                Pb never really hurt her.
                >finn or flame king hurting her
                So what? She's unlucky. But not so much that you can't like her.
                >Anything she wants to do she does perfectly
                I just don't see why you care. She's fun to watch anyway. Did you even see the show?
                >Finn has a crush on her
                How is this a problem? You would too if you were a normal 13 boy in Ooo and just met her.
                >ooc for finn
                That was never a thing, unless you're talking about the two newer series that I never watched which you're not.
                >trying to burn down his home
                She didn't. Sure there was a little fire when she was there but that's because she is made of fire.
                >first time they ever meet
                She was hot as hell the first time they ever meet. If you were a kid(and normal) you would have had a crush on her too.
                >her main issues are these things
                Is she? Also so? Anon I just don't get it. You guys keep saying things and I don't understand why you're saying them. Alot of it seems so irrelevant.

              • 8 months ago

                >Never happened. Why?
                That's the point, she's never portrayed in the wrong and narrative warps around her to show her as victim.
                >Pb never really hurt her
                She did in the Cooler, and people to this day still shit on her for that
                >So what? She's unlucky. But not so much that you can't like her.
                That's the point, she's never portrayed in the wrong and narrative warps around her to show her as victim.(again)
                >I just don't see why you care. She's fun to watch anyway. Did you even see the show?
                I care because I care about consistency, I'm supposed to eat up that this brat that didn't got out of the lamp too long ago knows how to run a kingdom let alone an evil one? And not her raps aren't fun, her raps are so bad that they're cringeworthy and even her short time as Finn's gf she wasn't particularly funny.
                >How is this a problem? You would too if you were a normal 13 boy in Ooo and just met her.
                Because them meeting up was contrived and forced, Finn being that desperate was very odd for him to begin with when it was shown he had other princesses flirting after him before that which makes us wonder if he wanted another princesses other than PB he could've choose one of them, and this is something that the series conveniently ignores with breezy being the only exception just for the sake making room for FP into the show.
                >She didn't try burn his house
                She did, don't to downplay it and this is an obvious red flag that anyone should be able to see even Finn, she later even goes to burn a village.
                >Also so?
                That's part of being Mary sue did you get lost in whole point of my post or something.
                >Alot of it seems so irrelevant.
                Because my original point was that she was an unlikable Mary Sue, and none of your replies disprove this instead you move the goalpost to wondering why I care how about how FP is Mary sue and going in tangents.
                And don't even (you) me If you gonna do the same again.

              • 8 months ago

                >pb hurt fp in cooler
                I don't remember fp getting wounded in that episode. And nobody mentions that, even the memers. Either way pb never did anything wrong, I would remember if she did.
                >never portrayed as wrong
                Yeah but why is that bad to you?
                >I care about consistency
                But you're complaining abut her consistently getting things right.
                >fp brat
                >didn't get out da lamp till recently
                >her wraps make me CWINGE! WAAAHHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!!1
                Oh noes not cwinge! I'm so sorry that you had to feel ANYTHING! Kys soulless freak.
                >wasn't funny as finn's gf
                She wasn't unfunny either. She was cute. Not everything in Adventure Time is a joke.
                >them meeting up was (vidya essay buzzwords I was told to repeat)
                No it wasn't. Finn being that desperate was normal as hell for anyone in that particular situation. 13 boy crushed on her for about a thousand years and every single move is another mistake. Never getting closer. Most kids would feel just like how he did.
                >he had other princesses flirting with him
                He was only in love with pb at the time dude. Stop pretending to be stupider than you are.
                >the series ignored
                What did it ignore? Nothing! You're insane anon. How would the other princesses get in the way of him and fp?
                >she did try to burn his house
                I don't remember that and I don't believe you.
                >later burns a village
                Did you watch the episode? It's pretty easily explained what is going on. There's no way you watched it and were wondering why Finn didn't slay her like she was a monster. And it wouldn't be a red flag to anyone. You're just nuts, literally. You're out here saying how she never makes any mistakes or does anything wrong, and you claim to hate her for it, but now you're saying she's a "hekkin psycho arsonist!"? No, you're full of shit. You know this doesn't count because of CIRCUMSTANCES. Otherwise, why say she never does anything wrong?
                >Being shallow is part of being a mary sue
                I did not know this actually. (wiil cont.)

              • 8 months ago

                >mary sue thing
                I'll be real, mary sue isn't even a real thing. Stop saying "words" that mean nothing.
                >did you get lost or something?
                It seems like you did. You won't say anything that makes her unlikable. How are ANY of the things you mentioned supposed to prevent ANYONE from liking her?
                >move the goalpost
                Because I asked other questions? Just answer all of them. Not a big deal.
                >none of my answers disprove anything
                Well there wasn't anything to disprove yet. Like I said, you never said anything that could prevent someone from liking her.
                >don't even (you) me
                Too late should have put that at the start. Jk I would have responded anyway. Honestly I don't know what you're accusing me of. Sounds like you're mad about something. What is it?
                >wondering why I care how about how fp is mary sue
                This sentence confuses me. Are you talking about when I asked why you cared about her being a mary sue? Yeah I would like an answer to that too. That was one of two accusations you levelled against her. The other being the supposed "unlikable" thing.

        • 8 months ago

          Finncels never learn. They're praying that HW will be with Finn in the Fionna & Cake finale lmaooo. Maybe you'll get to see them standing next to each other if you're lucky

          • 8 months ago

            Finn TANKED that, btw.

          • 8 months ago

            You're insane too. You see them everywhere don't you?
            >he wants finn to be with hw
            No I don't I hate them being together. Read the thread or something.

            Oh Finncels never change

            >some "fan" "art" of the kiss scene means that pb and marceline FRICK and SODOMISE one another and also that marceline's pussy is full of MAGGOTS
            >also everyone is this thing I made up called a finncell, even though nobody here actually fits the definition

            • 8 months ago


              • 8 months ago

                >posts "fan" porn "animation"
                >Tells me to seethe like he's the lich or something.
                You have nothing. You're nuts. You're crazy. You're a bad boy.

            • 8 months ago

              >also everyone is this thing I made up called a finncell, even though nobody here actually fits the definition
              it's that one homosexual who got too emotionally invested about a cartoon character. as for me i'd just like to get closure about ice king

        • 8 months ago

          Oh Finncels never change


          Finn's the only thing keeping these b***hes together
          I give em 3 months tops after the boy croaks

          • 8 months ago

            You know the writers wouldn’t let that happen, right?

        • 8 months ago
      • 8 months ago

        People don't manipulate their girlfriends into beating up old men over wet dreams. It just doesn't happen. It's not just stupid but more like what a villain would do.

  15. 8 months ago

    True un-changable facts right here
    >pb and marcy are together
    >finn and hw are together
    >pb is a heartless monster

    • 8 months ago

      These are all lies. Every single one of them. Stop trolling. Watch the television program Adventure Time.

  16. 8 months ago

    Don't worry, all those girls you posted die and get replaced by au clones. The original finn scored and had lots of kids with huntress! All courtesy of the lich.

  17. 8 months ago

    Finn had a varied taste in girls, I'll give him that.

    • 8 months ago

      Why would a plant person stand next to someone made out of fire? Is she stupid?

      • 8 months ago

        She likes living on the edge.

      • 8 months ago

        FP can control her fire by that point

      • 8 months ago

        Fern and flame princess gets together in the Fionna and cake universe

        • 8 months ago

          >Be Finn
          >Your gf dumps you
          >It takes a while but you eventually get over her
          >She starts fricking your clone
          >Be Finn
          >Your gf dumps you
          >Become a sword
          >Become a grass
          >Become evil
          >Stop being evil
          >Frick your ex-gf
          I don't know which is weirder

          • 8 months ago


            • 8 months ago


              • 8 months ago
            • 8 months ago

              Fern would transform into an IRL soijak version of Finn just to make fun of him

            • 8 months ago

              Enjoy the sloppy seconds!

        • 8 months ago

          I'm glad at least one Fern (Fernna? Florra?) gets a happy ending.

          • 8 months ago

            Holy shit those designs are abysmal.

            • 8 months ago

              What's that mean?

              • 8 months ago

                It means bad. It means it's such a low point it would form an abyss in a line graph.

              • 8 months ago

                >asking to be spoon fed the definition of a word while activity browsing the web

                It means bad. It means it's such a low point it would form an abyss in a line graph.

                >actually choosing to spoon feed them
                even more embarrassing

        • 8 months ago

          I'm glad at least one Fern (Fernna? Florra?) gets a happy ending.

          >make it clear that romances are multiversal
          >fern is dead in the main timeline
          Does this mean mainline fp is just forever alone unless fern can somehow come back to life?

          • 8 months ago

            I'm sure romances aren't multiversal, they just tend to be the same in most universes, I like to think Mainline FP has Cinnamon Bun, even if the writers won't admit it.

            • 8 months ago

              I will never consider them a thing just because I find it too disturbing

    • 8 months ago

      And technically speaking all 3 of them are red heads. Finn has a preference

      • 8 months ago

        You're fricking insane and a coomer who thinks that Finn is him. Kys. Finn isn't you, he never will be you, and you will never see heaven, or the light f day probably. Fricking coombrain tards man... How the hell are pink and green red to you???????????????????????????????

        • 8 months ago

          >How the hell are pink and green red to you???????????????????????????????
          Not him, but pink is kinda sorta red, and I think we've seen that multiverse versions of HW are red heads.

          • 8 months ago

            Never happened. Unless you're talking about distant lands or fionna and cake, which you shouldn't be because that's not adventure time.

            Nta but Huntress Wizard has been shown to be a redhead in her non-tree forms, her human genderbent form in Fionna and Cake's world and human Huntress in the vampire world. This implies that her natural hair colour if she wasn't a magical tree wizard would be red.
            As for Bubblegum, I guess it's because Pink is closest to red in terms of natural hair colours.

            >Her hair would be red if it was
            >Pink is closest to red
            No it isn't kys. Pink is pink. It's not even close to the same thing and it's way WAY better.

            • 8 months ago

              You sound like you actually enjoy being mad about things. That's a sad existence.

        • 8 months ago

          Nta but Huntress Wizard has been shown to be a redhead in her non-tree forms, her human genderbent form in Fionna and Cake's world and human Huntress in the vampire world. This implies that her natural hair colour if she wasn't a magical tree wizard would be red.
          As for Bubblegum, I guess it's because Pink is closest to red in terms of natural hair colours.

    • 8 months ago
  18. 8 months ago

    >Huntress Wizard is autistic
    You say that like it's a bad thing.

  19. 8 months ago

    we all forgot Finn's true love...

    • 8 months ago

      why didnt we see her again

  20. 8 months ago

    Will there be a Season 2 of Fionna & Cake?

    • 8 months ago


  21. 8 months ago

    Do you think Bonnie remembers her mom? I get the impression that she died soon after Bonnie was born, so she doesn't remember her. I want her to meet Prime HW, it would be cute

  22. 8 months ago

    I Will be forever butthurt by the red throne

    • 8 months ago

      It's so fricking funny this came out like a month before Frost and Fire.

      • 8 months ago

        I read the novel like a week before watching Fire/Ice, I would have straight up floated if You threw me with weights into a lake due the amounts of salt I was having

        • 8 months ago

          were you on that copium that they would get back together?

          • 8 months ago

            I wish they did, if pb and marcy can, why not her and finn?

            • 8 months ago

              Bubbline was under much more pressure from the fanbase to get together than Flinn. It’s an unspoken rule that lesbian ships in modern cartoons cannot end badly.

              • 8 months ago

                Kind of sad since it means we can never have anything other than a dream scenario involving lesbians.

            • 8 months ago

              I don't think Finn ever really loved FP. She was just the first princess he saw his age since young PB, and he became instantly infatuated. Maybe it could work but their relationship felt shallow to me. The initial tension of not being able to touch the person you were attracted to was cool, I'll give the ship that.

        • 8 months ago

          What was the point of this? Did the author consult with the showrunners at all?

        • 8 months ago


          • 8 months ago

            A graphic novel that was tragically released just a few months before Frost & Fire aired.

            • 8 months ago


            • 8 months ago

              Any link?

              • 8 months ago


              • 8 months ago

                Uhh, which folder?

              • 8 months ago

                Trades & OGNs.

              • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      Anything else you got butthurt about?

  23. 8 months ago

    What ever happened to that Mona Lisa guy? He was pretty frequent in AT threads for a while. Did he die or something?

    • 8 months ago

      He got a special ban from the mods for a year
      He then stopped posting

      • 8 months ago

        What did they do so bad to get banned for a year?

        • 8 months ago

          They considered his posts to be spam
          To be fair he did post the same picture over 500 times over the course of a year but it was only in adventure time or crack ship threads

  24. 8 months ago

    lol just remember that finn looking at fp and saying dude i think im in love with that big doughy shit art potato face wasthe beginning of adventure time not being about silly bros and being about that amy schumer esque b***h ruining things

  25. 8 months ago

    Its funny how FP didn't show up a SINGLE TIME in either Distant Lands or Fionna and Cake. They really had absolutely no idea what to do with her after she dumped Finn, lmao
    They should've had an arc about her waging war against the Candy Kingdom, that would be actually interesting

    • 8 months ago

      >They really had absolutely no idea what to do with her after she dumped Finn
      I mean, she did some stuff in the actual show like hang out with Cinnamon Bun, some random politics, she became a rapper, and an elemental, and showed up for the final war, she definitely did some stuff, but yeah, when it comes to post-show content, she's got pretty much nothing.

      • 8 months ago

        jesus christ, short messy hair casual clothes PB is so fricking hot

    • 8 months ago

      >They really had absolutely no idea what to do with her after she dumped Finn
      I mean, she did some stuff in the actual show like hang out with Cinnamon Bun, some random politics, she became a rapper, and an elemental, and showed up for the final war, she definitely did some stuff, but yeah, when it comes to post-show content, she's got pretty much nothing.

      The big problem is that Finn was the main character she was connected to the overall plot of the show with. When they broke up they didn't even at least remain friends (until later) because it was a bad breakup. With no longer being connected to the protagonist there was little reason to visit the fire kingdom. Even the one non fire kingdom character she bonded with, Cinnamon Bun, joined her in the fire kingdom meaning he couldn't really act as a bridge for her to interact with other characters either. The breakup was pretty much the worst thing that could have happened for her character's relevance. Maybe if the circumstances of their breaking up wasn't so bad you could at least tease the idea of them getting back together (Bubbline broke up but got back together again after all) but no Frost and Fire followed up by Red Throne pretty much killed the ship and danced on its grave.

      • 8 months ago

        Cinnamon bun joining the fire kingdom and becoming competent was still one of the dumbest choices on the writers’ part, only second behind the entirety of breezy, who wanted to watch finn go on a kissing bender and then get raped.

        • 8 months ago

          >Cinnamon bun joining the fire kingdom and becoming competent was still one of the dumbest choices on the writers’ part
          Nah, it was kino, you guys are just mean.

          • 8 months ago

            and it makes sense too, since he was "under-baked" going to the fire kingdom literally cured his down syndrome

          • 8 months ago

            Felt like they only did it to make finn seem worse by having the mongoloid become more competent than him, especially since I only really remember having an active role in like two episodes after earth and water, with one of them being where he makes finn look like a dumbass. There was also no real build up for it, it’s kind of like he became competent randomly off screen.

            • 8 months ago

              Not everything is a direct attack on Finn my dude.

              • 8 months ago

                True but then why did they never do anything with him that didn’t involve finn’s relationship with fp in some way after he joined the fire kingdom. The only real exception to this is bun bun and even that episode has a sub plot showing finn and fp’s current platonic relationship. He kind of just became fp’s assistant after earth and water and got rid of any elements of his old original personality.

  26. 8 months ago

    Seasons 1-2
    >Finn is probably gonna get with pb
    Late season 3-mid season 5
    >Finn is with fp
    Late season 5-most of season 7
    >Lmao, finn deserves no one
    Season 7-now
    >I don’t know, finn might be with this background character, we’ll never really show them together, though, have some bubbline instead
    Feels like there was a gradual shift away from finn’s relationships to pb and marcy’s

    • 8 months ago

      >Feels like there was a gradual shift away from finn’s relationships to pb and marcy’s
      Probably because of all the backlash over how they handled both his previous relationships and how people complained that it bogged down the show they decided to never really focus that hard on his love life again and just treat it casually.

  27. 8 months ago

    Looking back, pb immediately going back to her normal age in too young feels like a cop out

    • 8 months ago

      They shouldn't have reduced her age in the first place. It was ultimately pointless, and if that was the end of the show it would have been a stupid way of making the ship work.

  28. 8 months ago

    >Huntress Wizard is autistic
    >There was no reason for them to break up and them breaking up was one of the reasons why the shows popularity died.
    Even the actors were pissed off about it. Literally every single person involved except the hack writers

  29. 8 months ago

    Cosmic owl made finn do it. No owl = no dream = no breakup.

    • 8 months ago

      So what you’re saying is king dedede could’ve prevented this

      • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      I mean yeah, the inclusion of the cosmic owl basically takes away any chance of this being a "realistic" take on Finn messing up a relationship which is usually what defenders of the episode try to argue. This episode plus Hoots makes the cosmic owl an incredibly unlikable character.

  30. 8 months ago

    >wasn't going to watch the Fiona and cake
    >wife has it on
    >Finn gets to do Finn things
    Holy shit it felt nice just seeing Finn do his thing

    • 8 months ago

      Does he help people? Does he even save people? If not then no, Finn isn't doing Finn things, homosexual.

      • 8 months ago

        Yeah prime Finn was trying to help Simon feel better and Farmworld Finn was trying to save his family from the destiny gang.

        • 8 months ago

          Oh that's cool I guess. I mean, you'd think Finn would help people in a more Finn way. I mean since when does Finn know anything about making people feel better?

          • 8 months ago

            He doesn't, that's why it doesn't work lol

          • 8 months ago

            He makes him feel better by going on an adventure. He kills a bear with his bare hands

          • 8 months ago

            Well yeah, like other anon said. Simon was sad that his life was so mundane and he wasn't fitting into current Ooo, so Finn's solution to helping Simon out was taking him on an adventure. It didn't really help Simon but Finn was doing the best he could.

          • 8 months ago

            >I mean since when does Finn know anything about making people feel better?
            I really, really resent when people say this. I see this notion so much, that Finn was always some thoughtless child who screamed and punch things. But actual early AT Finn wasn't like that at all. He was very compassionate, emotionally vulnerable, and considerate of others. This is why he was such a likable protagonist, and also why the revision of his character was so awful.

            • 8 months ago

              >I see this notion so much, that Finn was always some thoughtless child who screamed and punch things. But actual early AT Finn wasn't like that at all. He was very compassionate, emotionally vulnerable, and considerate of others. This is why he was such a likable protagonist, and also why the revision of his character was so awful.
              None of that means he knows how to make people feel better. Also you're just wrong dude. You're thinking of someone else.

      • 8 months ago

        Oh that's cool I guess. I mean, you'd think Finn would help people in a more Finn way. I mean since when does Finn know anything about making people feel better?

        Our Finn tries to help out Simon by taking him on a camping trip, and kills a bear with his bare hands
        Farmworld Finn fights a cosmic entity to save 3 randos he just met, and is a father of 5
        Despite what people in these threads would like you to believe, Finn is portrayed as both masculine and positive in the new series.

        • 8 months ago

          Was it an evil bear?

          • 8 months ago

            Yeah, a giant evil magic bear that could grow extra limbs and attacked him and Simon. He tried to encourage Simon to kill the bear as apart of the adventure but as soon as it became apparent Simon couldn't do it he quickly jumped up and snapped the giant bear's neck.

            • 8 months ago

              That's fricking sick!

              • 8 months ago

                He also kills a giant mudskipper with the intention of eating it and thanks it for it's sacrifice

  31. 8 months ago

    >simon has an alter to golb
    Aaaaaaand dropped.

    • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        Wait, nevermind, now I know what you meant, I just thought the last episodes of fionna and cake came out and that the golb we would end up seeing was an alternate golb that fused with simon instead of betty. That’s what I thought tou meant by simon has an alter of golb before realizing you meant the alter from episode 2

        • 8 months ago

          Yeah that. I can smell mutos bullshit from here

          • 8 months ago

            What, you mean how simon has an alter of golb or how my misconceptions may have predicted the last two episodes

            • 8 months ago

              Former. Your misunderstanding is understandable and it happens and these hacks are incredibly transparent.

  32. 8 months ago

    I really am not into Finn x PB. It never felt like that good of a relationship and I don't get why people cling onto it so much. Finn could do a whole lot better than PB for starters.

  33. 8 months ago

    >Pb makes Finn risk his life and limb fighting everyone and anyone who opposes her knowing she can goad him along because he’s in love with her and she’ll heartlessly take advantage of that without ever recirprocating, and rejecting him if he ever tries to express it, then right back to leading him on
    Yaaaaaaaaas slay #queen you deserve a real man like marceline
    >Finn makes Fp fight Ice King instead of him because he gets turned on by it
    wtf Finn you are the most irredeemable evil manipulative toxic absuive chuddy to ever exist imma go get ugly bastarded cinnamon bun now

    • 8 months ago

      I think it was specifically the dumb letter he wrote with personal information about FB that really made her break up with him, not entirely that he was tricking her into fighting Ice King. It was still a shitty episode though.

    • 8 months ago

      you seriously can't believe pb having finn help her out in defending the kingdom is the same as finn manipulating fp into beating up an old man

      • 8 months ago

        I cannot count how many times Pb manipulated Finn into beating up that exact same old man because he annoyed her
        She tried to make Finn torture him so she can harvest his cries of pain because she felt too awkward asking him herself because he would hit on her

        • 8 months ago

          Bro I hate Frost and Fire and I still think you're being moronic
          Ice King would literally kidnap people and keep them in a cage for weeks
          Finn enjoyed fighting Ice King, and he enjoyed saving people
          >because she felt too awkward asking him herself because he would hit on her
          Why do you make things up? Is it for fun? Or are you just delusional?

          • 8 months ago

            It’s literally the plot of the episode. Pb asks for Ice King to help her but because he flirts with her she refuses to do that and instead manipulates Finn to kidnap him and torture him, even though Finn clearly does not want to do that and takes immediate moral opposition to it the second Pb tells him what she was making him do (after the fact) yet “m-m-manipulates!” him to do it anyway. I’m sorry you’re so butthurt by reality that your only rebuttal to people pointing out shit she does is
            >n-n-no! You’re just making all this up!

            • 8 months ago

              Do not engage the Bonnie schizo.

              • 8 months ago

                Why not senpai?

              • 8 months ago

                Might as well talk to a badly programmed bot.

      • 8 months ago

        Doesn’t seem like all she did was have him help out her kingdom

    • 8 months ago

      This shit isn't accurate.

      That was my first comment on the whole PB debate, and it really isn't to piss you off I honestly don't get why people are still clinging to that relationship after all these years when it was never that good in the first place. The crush was one sided and PB is annoyingly condescending towards Finn because he's a kid. It doesn't make for a good relationship no matter how much people try to emphasise the knight/princess dynamic. The time when their relationship was at its best was in the pajama war episode, when ironically neither of them were romantically interested in each other because they actually felt like equals, that PB actually respected Finn.

      >that was my first comment
      Doesn't mean you didn't read mine.
      >why are people still clinging to nice things? Traditional things? Also perfect, sweet, loving princess bad because rich.
      You're they.
      >condescending towards Finn because he's a kid
      Never happened. Post proof of when you think this happened.
      >pb didn't respect finn until pajamas
      Bullshit. She always did only now Finn had earned more respect. He's not an equal to her, but he's more mature and they can have a different kind of friendship than before. Kys they.

      • 8 months ago

        >>why are people still clinging to nice things? Traditional things? Also perfect, sweet, loving princess bad because rich.
        I never said any of that, she's bad because she's condescending. Her "sweetness" doesn't feel genuine. It has nothing do with with being "traditional" or her being rich. These seem like specific hang ups you have.

        • 8 months ago

          Liar. Post one time.
          >sweetness feels fake
          No it doesn't. It feels real as all hell and you have no soul. You re repeating what they told you to say. DIE!!!!!!!1
          >it's in your imagination kek
          You're frickin nuts. Everyone knows it's real. Everyone knows what (you) do.

          • 8 months ago

            Okay, I can tell you aren't the kind of person who wants to understand other people's points of view, you are just the kind of person who enjoys being an angry victim. This will be my last intentional reply to you.

  34. 8 months ago

    It's a shame about Flame Princess. Burning Low was amazing.
    Also Huntress Wizard was all but confirmed. I'm not sure why she wasn't formally crowned as the winner of the Finnbowl.

    • 8 months ago

      Something something Finn is still too young and inexperienced and immature for commitment because he’s only 25
      Something something he still needs to experiment even if they like eachother they need to see other people so they’re not toxic

      • 8 months ago

        It's more to do with Muto not wanting to detail exactly how Finn's life turned out. Leave room for the viewer to imagine for themselves.

      • 8 months ago

        >Something something Finn is still too young and inexperienced and immature for commitment because he’s only 25
        Farmworld Finn is 29 and his oldest child is about 10-13 years old. That means he had a son some time between the age of 16 to 19. So I doubt it.

        • 8 months ago

          Better question is who is the mom?

          • 8 months ago

            Prime NTR material

            • 8 months ago

              >one of his kids has red hair
              Don't you homosexuals dare. Let my man have one

          • 8 months ago

            >one of his kids has red hair
            Don't you homosexuals dare. Let my man have one

            Red haired kid has the same hair, skin, and eye color as the human version Huntress Wizard, who Finn's been dating for 20 years now in the main timeline. Clearly its her.

            • 8 months ago

              I don't know how I keep forgetting her hair is red. Yeah it is clearly human huntress wizard

            • 8 months ago

              i don't get why HW wasn't a wizard in this episode. if magic still exists in this world, why is she just a regular human?

              • 8 months ago

                I guess it implies that her magic is somehow related to either Simon becoming the Ice King or the Vampires being dead
                Maybe VK blotting out the sun => no trees or forest magic => HW is just a normal human

              • 8 months ago

                ahh ok that actually makes sense

              • 8 months ago

                The mutagenic bomb "reintroduced magic into the world", like a massive zit being popped. If Vampire King got the crown and stopped the mutagenic bomb, everything might be a lot more normal. Like how you could say the same thing about Farmworld, right?

    • 8 months ago

      >never watched adventure time
      >jerk offd to it instead
      You don't know anything about the show so stop talking about it in this thread. If you did you would know that Finn does not belong with her. He s pathetically pretending to be someone else around her all for pussy. That shit didn't last. At some point after the show ended Finn got better. Get a soul, coomer.

      • 8 months ago


        • 8 months ago

          Amasing post anon. I'm jk btw. You know I'm right, and you for some reason don't even know how to cope.

  35. 8 months ago

    >Frost and Fire discussion comes up
    >That one moron who obsessively defends the episode rears his ugly head again
    Every time, the same old tired shit.

    • 8 months ago

      Wait have I been here before? I'm pretty sure it was someone else before. Also
      But you don't want me to discuss it because I like it? Then what would your "discussion" consist of? You guys just saying how you hate it back and forth? I started this discussion and it couldn't exist without me because then there would only be one side. And you guys are wrong frankly. It's not "tired old shit" for people to like something. Stop getting mad because you can't ruin every good thing. You get paid anyway, for trying.

  36. 8 months ago

    Finn only lost PB because his little fincel dick was too small. She just needed something a little meatier.

  37. 8 months ago

    Why didn't PB just make a bubblegum gf for Finn?

  38. 8 months ago

    Just watched the BMO. Some things feel too good to exist, like I don't deserve them.

  39. 8 months ago

    >Hanako=Flame Princess
    >Lilly=Huntress Wizard

  40. 8 months ago

    Finn ends up with a harem of 4 girls btw.

    • 8 months ago

      I think harems suck

  41. 8 months ago

    Finn's ideal girl.

    • 8 months ago

      Shut the frick up.

      • 8 months ago


  42. 8 months ago

    When did you realise that it was Jake's fault that Finn screwed up with FP?

    • 8 months ago

      It's not. But all of the pathetic shit Finn did after that was Jake's fault for not spanking Finn. Finn needed his bro to tell him he was being a soggy poop, and Jake just never did.

      • 8 months ago

        Jake is a moron what could he have even done?

        • 8 months ago

          But he's not a moron. He could have told Finn he was being a loser and to straighten up.

    • 8 months ago

      How was it Jake's fault?

      • 8 months ago

        didn't teach him how to be sexy and attractive to PB

        • 8 months ago

          He specifically told him to no pursue PB gain after his breakup with FP.

        • 8 months ago

          But Finn already was.

    • 8 months ago

      What the hell is it with Tumblr and red noses? It's like calling card of every gay tumblr artist.

  43. 8 months ago

    Will he

  44. 8 months ago

    We do some adventuring here?

    • 8 months ago

      After fionna and cake’s season finale, not really, no

  45. 8 months ago

    Finn deserves a fricking harem of like 20 princesses how come literally every other princess is on his dick literally asking to get impregnated in season 1 and nothing comes of it?
    He deserves like 30 princesses and other hotties.

    • 8 months ago

      >Nothing comes of it???????????????
      >How dare they not cater to my porn fantasies???????
      Kys. Finn's not a coomer, he was in love with 1 princess.

      • 8 months ago

        He's a human male.
        Every human male is a coomer.

        • 8 months ago

          Go away, they.

    • 8 months ago

      Notice how they only lust after him when he under the age of 15? I want to see Chris Hansen come to Ooo, there's some Epstein type princesses out there that need to be locked up. No WAY all of them were the same age as him, thats just not possible.

  46. 8 months ago

    So, what next on Adventure Time?, there's no way they wouldn't do more stuff with it.

    • 8 months ago

      The creative staff CLEARLY want to be done with it at this point, I mean Fionna and Cake was dripping with "please move on with your life" symbolism, but if the studio wants more Adventure Time content they'll pay to have it made even without the existing creative staff.

      • 8 months ago

        How certain can we be of this? It certainly seemed that was the subtext in episode 2 with Simon disowning Fionna and Cake but then it kinda got dropped. I would have more respect for them if this is the case though

        • 8 months ago

          >then it kinda got dropped.
          The entire Simon and Betty/Golb thing ended with Simon realising it's not worth embracing the madness of the Ice King and he should just "get over" Betty and grow up, move on.

          • 8 months ago

            I mean the thing about him writing the Fionna and Cake stories was clearly reflective of the showrunners’ relationship to the show, but that part of it got dropped when we learn Prismo was really the one who made them.

            • 8 months ago

              I'm saying you ~could~ interpret the Simon/Betty stuff as a continuation of that.

              • 8 months ago

                Yeah, I’m just saying at that point it’s more of a broadly thematic similarity, whereas at first it seemed like it would be a much more specific allegory.

              • 8 months ago

                If I were to guess, somebody probably pointed out how obvious it was and they either decided to make it a more overarching theme or they were directly told to knock it off by someone higher up.

              • 8 months ago

                Maybe. I find it a little difficult to parse because at the beginning we got two episodes that were very intensely focused on establishing the characters of Fionna and Simon, but then they sorta took a backseat to complicated multiverse shenanigans until the very end

  47. 8 months ago

    >simon 1000 years ago
    >fulfilled, has purpose
    >meets a lady
    >she runs off the moment hes in crisis
    >world goes to shit
    >tries to help the one person who may need him, cant
    >loses his mind
    >1000 years later
    >insane wizard everyone treats like shit because the one thing he's latched onto from his old life is deemed immoral
    >brief moment of sanity leads to his girlfriend coming back
    >again as soon as he's in crisis she bails
    >she keeps trying to find ways to mold him into her ideal, problem free partner to the point of making a deal with the devil
    >she fricks off as soon as she gets what she wants anyway
    >so utterly broken by all of this simon becomes a husk of an existence, people even tell him they liked the insane wizard better
    >lives this for a decade
    >decides to make a deal with the devil to attempt to go back to the way things were when he was happy
    >gets told hes a selfish frick and no matter what he does he cant fix shit, so suck it up and get lost
    And the strangest part of all is supposedly that actually works! Just as alone and isolated as before this time with nothing to work towards! What a happy ending!

    • 8 months ago

      >Betty fricks off and Simon decides to move on.
      >Immediatly goes for the robot milf.
      Idk anon, seems like a good ending to me.

      • 8 months ago

        >"So! You used to be a King, I bet that must've been fun."
        >"Oh well, sort of. Less of a King and more of a Mad Moron, ehhehe-he-he..."
        >Simon downs his cup and raises a finger to Finn for some more wine. Minerva is sipping down Motor Oil.

      • 8 months ago

        Formally requesting a redraw of this image with Finn and Ice King

  48. 8 months ago

    What an adventure

  49. 8 months ago

    Huntress wizard's got the best design out of all the bachelorettes.

    Visually, personality and voice.

    Her voice is hot af. Wayy better than Phobe, Bonnie. Marceline beats her though since she could sing.

    Don't know why people consider her "austistic". Shes not moronic at all, she just doesn't socialize.

  50. 8 months ago

    Huntress Wizard is the best match.
    He's an adventurer not a knight. He wouldn't have the patience for politics that marrying a princess would bring. Better to be with the autistic innawoods adventurer girl.

  51. 8 months ago

    Hopes for Season 2? If there is one
    >Fionna meets Finn
    >Jermaine referenced
    >Prime Huntress Wizard does something
    >Flame Princess does something besides be a background gag
    >Simon and Marceline actually talk to each other

    • 8 months ago

      More SoL in fionnaworld with simon dabbling along the scenes. A finn centric episode would be based as well

  52. 8 months ago

    Vampire Hunter Finn and his archrival, the Star Marceline the Vampire Princess.

    • 8 months ago

      I'm mad the writers cucked us out of Vampire Hunter Finn.

      • 8 months ago

        Aye, same, but I can always draw this tragic romance myself.

  53. 8 months ago

    so is fionna gonna raise baby finn like a single mom?

  54. 8 months ago

    a perfect tribute song for this show departure

  55. 8 months ago

    How is Finn doing?

    • 8 months ago

      decent, actually. Way better than Simon at least

      • 8 months ago


        • 8 months ago

          Yes, Simon is depressed and foreveralone and Fionna is a failed hero stuck in normieworld

      • 8 months ago

        he's actually getting some nice pussy along the way since he's basically Ooo's only trustworthy errands boy

    • 8 months ago


      Tall, buff, strong, adventuring, and happy besides Jake's death, thats a void he'll never be able to fill

  56. 8 months ago

    I just really love these boys

  57. 8 months ago

    Will things be better, Adventure Time bros?

  58. 8 months ago

    Watched Obsidian. I was hoping that episode would show just where Marcy came from. So did Hunson just rape Elise or something, or was she supposed to be an analogue to Finn with unlikely parents and all?
    Oddly, I felt more after watching BMO. Maybe I just prematurely killed my emotions before I watched this one because I knew it'd be emotional.
    Oh well.
    I wonder why Bronwyn was there with Simon and Finn.

    • 8 months ago

      she couldn't resist his demon charms

  59. 8 months ago

    I have a note here that says "Finn is not allowed to be happy"

    • 8 months ago

      That's the problem that all serialized media has with characters and love interests.
      >MC wants gf
      >love interest (LIe for short) is there from jump
      >can't make them a couple because you get dramatic irony out of MC and the LIe not knowing each other's feelings and having one reason or another to not confess
      >when they get together it creates a vacuum
      >so have it not work out and recreate the original pairing with a new LIe
      >only the stakes must stay raised so this can't work out either
      >rinse and repeat
      The only MC can get an actual partner is to start with no stakes. The perfect example is 30 Rock. MC has several possible LIes who are built up, but MC's eventual partner is someone she meets offscreen. When we first see him, the two have already been dating, and as a result there's no plot vacuum to fill.
      Adventure Time succeeds with HP because she isn't given much of an introduction. A story is not given a chance to form around her, so when it's confirmed that she won, there's no sense absent romantic tension.

  60. 8 months ago

    Honestly does anyone else think that Finn and Jake's relationship was kind of messed up?
    Finn pretty much always does whatever Jake tells him to do.
    He's a bit too dependent on Jake.
    The show would have been a lot better if Finn had to stop relying on Jake so much for support at some point.

  61. 8 months ago

    That depends on which "chapter" of adventure time was your favorite.

    The first "chapter" was finn obsessing over princess bubblegum, which ended nicely with the lich posession age regression thing, which was a great way to show that PB was just not going to work out with him because he was too much younger than her. He got a taste of it, and he got a taste of why it wouldn't work.

    The second "chapter" was him with flame princess, which went well at first, but ended with the "ice and fire" business, which really highlighted how immature Finn was because he didn't care about Flame Princess, he cared about having a cool girlfriend to smooch, and that drove her away from him.

    The third "chapter" had Finn being directionless and trying to go back to PB, but also involved PB and Marceline being cemented as a couple, and Finn realized he needed to grow as a person before he could get with anyone. This all culminated in "Hall of Egress", where he had a spiritual epiphany tied into personal growth.

    This opened the door to his final chapter of self-development when he slowly got with Huntress Wizard in the end, which was a nice way to have the path of his character arc extend out beyond the show, which made it more comfortable to say goodbye to him when the show ended.

  62. 8 months ago

    >Finn can't see green
    >Make him end up with the green girl
    What did they mean by this?

    • 8 months ago

      Holy shit, I never thought of that.

    • 8 months ago

      He thinks Green looks like Red, right? Which would mean he always thought HW was a natural red head which is like his personal fetish.

      • 8 months ago

        >Finn: You too now?! Emeralds are green, boyee.
        >Jake: This thing is green.
        >Finn: Why is everybody messin' with me? It's like a dark gray-ish red. Mostly gray. Sometimes red things are gray!
        >Jake: You're a little colorblind... and there's nothin' to be ashamed of!
        Mostly gray, apparently.

      • 8 months ago

        So basically, he always sees her in autumn form?

  63. 8 months ago

    Fionna and Cake comic is being storytimed if anyone wants to read:


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