Adventure Time is a officially dead

>You were an experience
>You were... Everything
This wring is shiiiiiit
And I thought the series finale was bad
This is so out of character for Betty to say it's ridiculous
People in YouTube comments are saying how this is showing how Simon and Betty are moving on and it shows "Emotional Maturity" and all that bullshit
>Gay couple gets together but straight white couple can't
What was the point of showing all of Simon and Betty's relationship if that just results in Simon giving up
A good writer would use their relationship to reinforce their love for each other
I guess the Adventure Time writers never heard of soulmates
Nothing is earned and nothing is gained
Adventure Time is dead

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  1. 8 months ago

    Gotta go back
    Back to your general

  2. 8 months ago

    >straight white people cant
    They literally met and spiritually fricked.
    you want them to animate betty and simon having sex for 20 minutes or what?

    • 8 months ago

      >They literally met and spiritually fricked.
      never happened

      • 8 months ago

        they did.

    • 8 months ago

      I mean at least something meaningful would’ve happened and it could justify the adult rating with that.

    • 8 months ago

      That would actually justify the adult rating, swear that actually take away from the appeal of AT and one-up gore doesn't cut it anymore

  3. 8 months ago

    >Gay couple gets together but straight white couple can't
    Simon isn't white.

  4. 8 months ago

    >finncels are now projecting on Simon

    • 8 months ago

      We've come in full circle, huh?

    • 8 months ago

      Now that Finn got with HW they need an incel character to project onto.

      • 8 months ago

        He did?

        • 8 months ago

          He said he was going to hang out with Huntress Wizard the last time we saw him.

    • 8 months ago

      Now that Finn got with HW they need an incel character to project onto.

      Based Finncels

    • 8 months ago

      We've come in full circle, huh?

      Now that Finn got with HW they need an incel character to project onto.

      >Now that Finn got with HW
      Didn't happen btw. They could show a thousand variations of bubbline but not a single moment of huntress and finn together. She instead is shown dying in multiple realities which probably means the main one will die early too.

      • 8 months ago

        mindbroken that he got with her, huh

        • 8 months ago

          All they say is he visited her and we only get to see au versions of her dying early.

    • 8 months ago

      >*sees new character*
      >heh made for human wiener human wiener human wiener- ACK

  5. 8 months ago

    She's a god of chaos now anon, she's not a human anymore

    • 8 months ago

      That never stopped the Baldur's Gate 3 crowd

  6. 8 months ago

    >you were an experience
    what a lame thing to say

    • 8 months ago

      Love is not allowed in a post 2015 world. Men are disposable, don't you know?

  7. 8 months ago

    At least Jay and Little Destiny got together.

  8. 8 months ago

    They were together for years, humans eventually die.

  9. 8 months ago

    Only gay characters are allowed to be soulmates yet alone get happy endings OP didn't you get the memo

  10. 8 months ago

    Stop posting about this stupid fricking show
    Why are half of the posts in the catalog right now adventure time
    If you morons hate it so much then shut the frick up about it

    • 8 months ago

      new chapters dropped hours ago and it's the end of a mini series you moronic seething dumbfrick just chop your hands off and exile yourself somewhere away from electricity and internet already you idiotic nincompoop

  11. 8 months ago

    One HUGE plothole I have with this show is that why couldn't Betty turn back to normal with her literal God powers?
    If she's Golb doesn't she have unlimited power?

    • 8 months ago

      Golb is too powerful to exist in reality, as seen in the end of AT. At most, it'd be a fragment of her with Simon, but even that human sized fragment could cause issues. Also, she's no longer really human.

      • 8 months ago

        Shes a part of golb now. Barely conscious because of the wish she made, and now that simon is over her maybe not even that anymore

        Where in Adventure Time does it state this?
        Is this in the comics because if not my point still stands
        Just like most poor writing decisions in this show we aren't told what the rules are

        • 8 months ago

          When were we told that Betty can turn back to normal?

          • 8 months ago

            When it was wished to Prismo and he said he couldn't do it.

            • 8 months ago

              And why did you assume Betty herself can?

            • 8 months ago

              So prismo the wish master was unable to do it and that confirmed that it could be done?

        • 8 months ago

          She merged with the Chaos God and turned into an aspect of him. There really is no turning back unless you come up with the most powerful asspull that would totally violate any rules this universe has created. Once she got merged, the ship has sailed, amigo.

    • 8 months ago

      Shes a part of golb now. Barely conscious because of the wish she made, and now that simon is over her maybe not even that anymore

    • 8 months ago

      Genuinely why would she want to?
      Her specific goal was to "keep Simon safe" and she's now in a perfect position to do so, being a being beyond time, space, and even order and an all-around total weirdo.

      What I'm saying is- she's hotter now.

    • 8 months ago

      >If she's Golb doesn't she have unlimited power?
      There are a few provisos

      A couple of quid pro quos

    • 8 months ago

      >Unlimited power
      Not exactly and there are some issues

  12. 8 months ago

    >Betty sacrifices herself to turn Simon normal again
    >this is fine
    >Simon can't help Betty because you cant change the past!!!!!!! Live with your mistakes!!!!!

    I know it's in retrospect but this whole message would've worked a lot better if Simon was still Ice King
    It just lands flat now
    They should've been together as Ice King and Magic Betty.

    • 8 months ago

      I'm pretty sure she outright told him she didn't regret anything she did for him (even if it end up badly) all to let him have peace of mind and move on with his live.

    • 8 months ago

      I dont really understand what you two expected Simon to do about it. Simon didn't have a plan to save her, he himsalf said that he just wanted to see her again to say goodbye propetly. Were you expecting him to just kiss her and for her to just go back to normal for no reason or something?

      • 8 months ago

        >Were you expecting him to just kiss her and for her to just go back to normal for no reason or something?
        I mean simon just suddenly gets over his depression for no reason and fionna and cakes world becomes official, this wouldn't be the hardest thing they pulled out their buttholes.

        • 8 months ago

          I was expecting him to FRICK her BUTT, they have ANAL SEX

          • 8 months ago

            To be fair I too would have enjoyed Simon deeply considering having sex with an eldritch entity.
            If only this show was TV-MA, then we could have that golbussy

      • 8 months ago

        No but I think she should go back with him to Ooo and they should live together

  13. 8 months ago

    Eh at least the Finale had Fiona grow into a giantess and admit she was a giantessgay.

  14. 8 months ago

    Do you want Simon to frick glob

  15. 8 months ago

    They’ve switched roles you idiots. Simon was ready to let her go back in the episode where she jumped to the future. She chose to prolong the relationship and made so many mistakes in how she went about it to the point she became bound to an elder god. Simon is basically doing exactly the same shit as she was and was going to ruin his life for her.

    Him always taking the lead and her being subservient to his desires places blame on neither of them. The issue was that the way they chose to live eliminated their ability to have another ending. Imagine if Betty has not been so completely focused on getting Simon back. If she’d talked to Finn or Jake and learned of Prismo. She COULD HAVE WISHED Simon better, but she didn’t. The lesson here is that the choices we make aren’t always perfect and there’s always a point where you’re too far gone to go back. Betty and Simon just crossed that line when they brought Golb into the mix

    • 8 months ago

      most sane Cinemaphile poster
      how telling that no one replied to this post

    • 8 months ago

      most sane Cinemaphile poster
      how telling that no one replied to this post

      >Betty and Simon just crossed that line when they brought Golb into the mix
      Betty is the one who fricked around with golb not simon. There's your reply bawd.

      • 8 months ago

        Yes you silly billy but the relationship could never be fixed at that point. You can’t ungolb something and Simon was going to basically to lobotomize himself rather than live without Betty and had given up on living. We are all more than one relationship and that’s what they both needed to realize

        • 8 months ago

          >Yes you silly billy but the relationship could never be fixed at that point
          Because the writers suck donkey wiener not because you couldn't easily ass pull some more nonsensical shit to have them be together again. These people just suck at their job and some nobodies online could make a better show than them easily. They clearly can't be in their position because of their talent.

        • 8 months ago

          A better ending would be simon getting a crown that could make a wish again, and he wished he could be with Betty. Than he warps into a crazy god monster as well they hold hands and with magic he saves Fiona and cake

        • 8 months ago

          >Yes you silly billy but the relationship could never be fixed at that point
          Because the writers suck donkey wiener not because you couldn't easily ass pull some more nonsensical shit to have them be together again. These people just suck at their job and some nobodies online could make a better show than them easily. They clearly can't be in their position because of their talent.

          See look at this shit here

          A better ending would be simon getting a crown that could make a wish again, and he wished he could be with Betty. Than he warps into a crazy god monster as well they hold hands and with magic he saves Fiona and cake

          some random person on 4chins had a better idea than a whole team of pretentious miserable writers put together.

    • 8 months ago

      This. Their relationship is destructive, not because they're bad for each other, but because of the insane lengths both of them will go to save the other. It lead to increasingly extreme circumstances to one-up the mistakes the other made, and once an elder chaos god got thrown into the mix they had passed the point of no return. Prismo can't affect GOLB. Betty is gone. And Simon's obsession with the crown was destroying his own personality, even if he thought it was for the sake of someone else (Betty/Fionna).

      It like the CYOA book he wrote for himself to find in the future. Casper ended up in a situation where his only choices were to either let Nova die, or for Casper to forget about Nova forever. There's no loading a save and picking a different path. There could've been, if Simon chose different options up to that point. But by then it was already too late. Simon has to accept what happened and find a way to move forward.

      • 8 months ago

        >It like the CYOA book he wrote for himself to find in the future.
        It wasn't him, it was the little girl who was a fan of Fionna and Cake.

        • 8 months ago

          Still, I think it's poetic that GOLBETTY had Simon learn his flaws from someone a fixed version of himself inspired. If Simon hadn't improved himself, she never would have written that book, and Simon wouldn't have realized it was in his best interest to move on.

  16. 8 months ago

    so they don't end up together?
    NOW i will watch your show

  17. 8 months ago

    I feel like this 'relationships move on' and 'the death or romance' type of stuff is definitely female writers throwing their contribution to stories. After being so blindly in love with Simon for years, Betty is now the supreme god of Chaos, she's a strong woman/god and she doesn't need Simon anymore.

    I get it. I kinda like it because it's true that love is a fleeting thing and dying for it is going overkill (That's why Simon didn't die, right? Betty wanted him to live). Where I feel like these messages fail is in the portrayal of the "man" after he's been "enlightened" by the woman. Simon's just sort of expected to go back to the old life he didn't like, and sure enough, in the end, credits show him at a bar and working, not even doing something new with his life. I wasn't big on the Fiona/Simon train but it would be nice to at least given him SOMETHING after all these years. 'Yeah Simon you just didn't appreciate Betty's gift, dickhead'.


    • 8 months ago

      >she's a strong woman/god and she doesn't need Simon anymore
      It's more like they can't be together without her mutating everyone around her. Besides the show was about proving Simon matters, all those worlds (minus Lich) were affected by him in a major way, his life impacted so many people and it was about realising his relationship wasn't this perfect dream so he could move on with his life

      • 8 months ago

        >Simon matters
        Simon matters as much as everyone else, which kind of means he doesn't matter at all. He's definitely on that 'the joy of life' vibe after the experience but he's still at square 1, a stranger in a strange land. Being in Fiona world would been better, he'd have more friends than "Root Beer Guy" and Finn.

    • 8 months ago

      You sound like a pathetic self inserter
      Glad this show exist to make fun of pathetic toxic lovers like you

      • 8 months ago

        Wow, I'm "self-inserting" in the love story of two young adults. Go frick yourself, okay? Your writing is shit.

        • 8 months ago

          >Btfo by betty
          >fionna is getting CLAPPED by hunter
          >finn is happy with HW
          COPE Simoncel go get a rope

          • 8 months ago

            Unlucky for you, I'm usually a Gary in these types of stories

          • 8 months ago

            is getting CLAPPED by hunter
            That hunter sounded like they got their nuts chopped off before puberty but looks like they regretted it and went on trt at some point anyway.

      • 8 months ago

        >Glad this show exist to make fun of pathetic toxic lovers like you
        Then why else would Bubbline be a thing?

        • 8 months ago

          Because the people making the show liked it? It's like you didn't follow the production of the show, anon.

          Obviously Bubbline wasn't the original intent, but the show is malleable in it's production. It wasn't even originally intended to be post apocalyptic and the '1000 years in the future' was because of a throw-away line Marceline made in season 1 during the House Hunters song. None of the lore was planned. But, as soon as they introduced the idea that Princess Bubblegum was hundreds of years old and brought attention to the age difference, unless they made something like 'Too Young' permanent, the writing was on the wall that Finn and PB weren't ever going to be together. (Though, that does not excuse the other aspects of the terrible romances Finn went through; that's just bad writing and incompetent showrunning.)

          Bubbline came because people creating the show would draw fanart type stuff in their downtime, someone drew the two together, and it worked within the plot. At the end of the day, you can't have a kid character end up with his older love interest (especially if they're an adult) on a kid's show in the modern era. The closest would be Phineas and Ferb, and that's only a 4-year age gap (and with a minor, and they still got push back for it.) So, if their hands are tied and Finn can't be with PB, what else can they do with her? Keep her single and just never dress it? At least Bubbline allows for backstory between these characters who are instrumental to Finn's story.
          Is your issue really just that it's a gay relationship? Because it's tame, all things considered, to have two bi-women end up reconnecting with an ex after dating different people for several hundred years than suddenly introducing new girlfriends for them in the last season.

          • 8 months ago

            >s soon as they introduced the idea that Princess Bubblegum was hundreds of years old and brought attention to the age difference
            That was invented with the purpose of pairing her with Marcy

            >Bubbline came because people creating the show would draw fanart type stuff in their downtime, someone drew the two together, and it worked within the plot. At the end of the day, you can't have a kid character end up with his older love interest (especially if they're an adult) on a kid's show in the modern era. The closest would be Phineas and Ferb, and that's only a 4-year age gap (and with a minor, and they still got push back for it.) So, if their hands are tied and Finn can't be with PB, what else can they do with her? Keep her single and just never dress it?
            Not really, the whole show was changed in order to get the pairing to happen, there could've easily been an alternate route where Finn ages with the VA and becomes 18 like PB in the end, or where she's deaged again but with Lemongrab taken care of, or have a timeskip etc.

            • 8 months ago

              Anon, that article doesn't say they modified the show to allow for their relationship. It says they liked the idea, and worked it in when the plot arose.
              I think you're being overly sinister in thinking they changed the whole show to account for their LGBT agenda and didn't modify it to allow for Finn and PB to get together.

              • 8 months ago

                >first two seasons
                >Finn is friendly with Marceline
                >PB is 18 and implied to be his endgame love interest

                >third season, "PB and Marcy are exes" episode happens
                >suddenly Finn stops interacting with Marceline basically wholesale
                >PB is thousands of years old and starts hard-rejecting Finn in an unrecoverable way
                >PB and Marcy get constant shipbait episodes while Finn becomes a creep, keeps crying about girls, gets raped, etc

                I feel like the series of coincidences that would be required for this to happen all on its own without an ulterior motive are too ludicrous to be believable

              • 8 months ago
              • 8 months ago

                Idc about the whole bubbline shit they did but removing the Marceline and Finn solo adventures where they just dick around as friends was one of the most moronic things that happened.

    • 8 months ago

      >I feel like this 'relationships move on' and 'the death or romance' type of stuff is definitely female writers throwing their contribution to stories. After being so blindly in love with Simon for years, Betty is now the supreme god of Chaos, she's a strong woman/god and she doesn't need Simon anymore.
      That is the modern agenda. If you see relationships nowadays they're usually pretty shitty and or don't last. So with this general experience they cope by making this appear as a good thing while lasting relationships are actually toxic to them. Instead of using the freedom of fiction as an opportunity to make a good thing possible they project their twisted miserable lives onto what should be a fun fantasy setting.

      • 8 months ago

        >Fricking this
        These are the type of people who ruined Adventure Time and wrote this shit

    • 8 months ago

      >I feel like this 'relationships move on' and 'the death or romance' type of stuff is definitely female writers throwing their contribution to stories. After being so blindly in love with Simon for years, Betty is now the supreme god of Chaos, she's a strong woman/god and she doesn't need Simon anymore.
      That is the modern agenda. If you see relationships nowadays they're usually pretty shitty and or don't last. So with this general experience they cope by making this appear as a good thing while lasting relationships are actually toxic to them. Instead of using the freedom of fiction as an opportunity to make a good thing possible they project their twisted miserable lives onto what should be a fun fantasy setting.

      You people are moronic, the show didn't put all the blame in the relationship at Simon's feet. Betty constantly obsessing over Simon and making sacrifices while Simon was too passive led the relationship to where it was.

      • 8 months ago

        You're fricking moronic for not understanding why betty just dropping simon after everything they did is dumb. He loved her for a literal thousand years but they try to portray him as not caring enough and being responsible for her turning herself into golb.

        • 8 months ago

          >they try to portray him as not caring enough and being responsible for her turning herself into golb.
          literally zero media literacy, impressive.

          • 8 months ago

            >media literacy homosexual is back
            have a nice day you fricking moronic homosexual

            • 8 months ago

              Not even the same person, maybe stop being such a dumbass and people will stop calling you one. The show clearly states that Betty's choices also lead to the relationship ending up where it was.

              • 8 months ago

                The show clearly states with the moronic future game and simon outright saying it himself that he wasn't considerate enough for betty.

              • 8 months ago

                He's not the one responsible for turning her into Golb, they both made multiple choices that led up to that point. The second half of Adventure Time is Betty unnecesarily fricking up more and more until she has no choice but to sacrifice herself

              • 8 months ago

                >He's not the one responsible for turning her into Golb
                No fricking shit but the show acts like he was and this shitty fixed end point could have been avoided if he really cared about her along the way. Stupid shit. You are not successfully defending this garbage.

              • 8 months ago

                Everything you're saying contradicts literally what Betty herself said in the finale. Like its not even subtle that you can't get its outright said it.
                The show didn't act that way, you're just way too autistic for your own good.

              • 8 months ago

                Betty herself is called biased to be point of being ones sided obsessed in the show so try again. The future game parallel and Jake descendant are detached and literally say if simon had been more considerate things would end different. Simon then apologizes for being inconsiderate.

              • 8 months ago

                You're not wrong tbh, the Casper and Nova thing literally spelled out to the viewer that Simon wasn't being thoughtful enough and that's why all the things that happened ended up in "unavoidable" bad choices. The other Anons are just moronic because even if the next episode decides to correct that point of view and show that it was both of their faults, its really bad writing to focus the entire previous episode on Betty sending Simon to a different universe so he can learn that he wasn't being thoughtful enough. What the hell was the point of him learning that if it wasnt true

              • 8 months ago

                You're not wrong tbh, the Casper and Nova thing literally spelled out to the viewer that Simon wasn't being thoughtful enough and that's why all the things that happened ended up in "unavoidable" bad choices. The other Anons are just moronic because even if the next episode decides to correct that point of view and show that it was both of their faults, its really bad writing to focus the entire previous episode on Betty sending Simon to a different universe so he can learn that he wasn't being thoughtful enough. What the hell was the point of him learning that if it wasnt true

                Also the game makes no sense, as simon is a notoriously selfless character literally willing to die and ego death himself many times for betty included. Suddenly this same guy that this whole season was willing to kill himself for a random sad human girl to be happy didn't want to make his partner he loved happy.

                Like really who wrote this bs, betty and simon's big parallel was betty was obsessed with her goals and Simon was obsessed with others to the point both lost themselves trying to do their own thing.

              • 8 months ago

                >literally willing to die and ego death himself many times for betty
                This is the point of the book's lesson. This is a bad thing. Simon sacrificed himself to save Marceline, and became Ice King. Once briefly freed, Simon tried to say goodbye to Betty before dying. Betty then sacrificed her entire way of life to join Simon in the future, permanently. Betty then sacrificed her sanity to take Magic Man's powers in her obsession with breaking Simon's curse. And Betty then sacrificed her entire existence to make a wish to the crown to protect Simon, becoming part of GOLB.

                Simon was about to render all those series of sacrifices pointless by sacrificing himself to become Ice King again to save Fionna. Continuing to sacrifice oneself is not the answer. Doing that is why Betty is gone.

              • 8 months ago

                so, sacrificing yourself for others is bad now?

              • 8 months ago

                The show did not act like he was, moron. Betty literally says "we both made our choices"
                >this shitty fixed end point could have been avoided if he really cared about her along the way.
                He did, and there could've been a different outcome if they made different choices. But they didn't, and they don't regret the relationship they had. Now they have to move on. How did you miss the message of "move on and live in the present life" when it hits you over the head with it, jesus.

              • 8 months ago

                You keep saying betty says that but ignore the future game parallel, Jake descendant and what simon himself says. And the moving on isn't earned or as simple as moving on in reality, they don't even bother to change much about simon that had him depressed in the first episode.

          • 8 months ago

            >zero media literacy
            They literally have simon say he didn't pay enough attention to betty and that lead to her spiraling. You're projecting b***h.

        • 8 months ago

          This is what irks me. Like okay I bet Gold is hard and important work, but surely it can't be better than being happy with Simon, could it? That's so sad.

        • 8 months ago

          >He loved her for a literal thousand years
          he didn't even remember her for 99% of that time

        • 8 months ago

          It's literally not about him 'not caring enough' it's about that he cared too much. Betty moved on (whether that's fair or not) and Simon remained OBSESSED and that is the issue. He couldn't let himself move on. And it's fair he felt that we, part of him thought Betty was in danger all this time, but now that he knows Betty is safe (and isn't interested in him), why is it a bad thing for him to move on?
          If someone isn't interested in you, it's not ethical to force them to love you, and Simon realizes that.

          This is what irks me. Like okay I bet Gold is hard and important work, but surely it can't be better than being happy with Simon, could it? That's so sad.

          She moved on. She was enlightened beyond human desire. She thinks fondly of her time with Simon, but she has no use for romance in her current state, so why should she tease Simon? The old Betty doesn't exist anymore.
          She could make him a copy, but it wouldn't be her, so it's just a fantasy and she respects Simon enough not to just lie to him.
          She could time travel Simon to prior to the crown, but that's still not her (she's outside of time.) It's just a more complicated plot to make a copy.
          It's shitty, but not all relationships work out. GOLBETTY made a mistake leaving Simon without communicating her perspective, but at that moment, she was probably overwhelmed by the enlightenment and just had to get away to orientate herself. Now, she's had 20 years to reflect above it all, so she's going to approach the situation as GOLBETTY and not Betty, so she's making Simon realize he has to cope rather than breaking up with a boyfriend.
          It's a shitty situation whenever a romance dies, but it could be worse. It ended on respectful terms of them wanting different lives rather than someone getting cucked, emotionally manipulated, physically harmed, or killed.

          • 8 months ago

            >Betty moved on (whether that's fair or not) and Simon remained OBSESSED and that is the issue
            Where does it say she moved on and isn't just stuck like this? The whole time they show how she was obsessed and that's what even leads her to being fused with golb. Trying to force someone to move on, especially when you were even more obsessed than them, doesn't make sense. You are full of shit.

            • 8 months ago

              Yeah, he's moronic, she's just stuck. Moreover taking into account the fact that time is not even a concept to GOLBetty the sole concept of being with Simon propably constitutes a small portion of her being by now. Still, she remembers those memories and thinks that they were good. She doesn't regret abandoning her humanity for Simon.

            • 8 months ago

              First off, her obsession was shown to be a bad thing. So bad, they had a whole episode where they made her confront it and she both agreed but still continued anyway, because it was a sunk-cost to her already. Gain Media Literacy, you twat
              Secondly, are you really saying that Betty is stuck as GOLBETTY but it's also her choice to end things with Simon? If she was stuck, she'd either ask Simon for help or they would imply on-screen Simon had to leave for his own safety (which they didn't.) Your implying that GOLB has a hold on Betty, won't let her leave, and is making it seem like she wants to stay but NONE of that was implied in the show. As much as you want, GOLB is not cucking Simon.

              And no, neither Simon or Betty is the antagonist or victim of their relationship, it just didn't work out.

              • 8 months ago

                You can say the obsession was bad at points but you can't deny or pretend it wasn't there as you tried to do without looking stupid. How can she not be stuck and still send simon away? She most likely doesn't operate exactly the same anymore because of the fusion. You can't trust it's only betty in there making clear headed decisions when she's sharing the head. Nowhere does it say "she moved on from simon". have a nice day already with the media literacy projecting. You're literally making up fanfiction to try and fill in an empty ending. Betty barely says anything much less what you're pretending she did.

              • 8 months ago

                >How can she not be stuck and still send simon away?
                I don't know? Maybe because she MOVED ON and is forcing Simon AWAY because that's the only way he'll take a hint?
                You are literally writing rules about how their fusion must operate as if you know when they purposely left that vague. You're making assumptions and stating they have to be true because that's the only way YOUR perception of the story works when we literally have not seen that in ANY Capacity.
                If anyone is projecting and writing fanfiction, it's you anon. You WANT the ending to be bad so you're lying about the show you've seen to make it bad. People like you shouldn't be allowed to have fingers to post the nonsense you're spamming these threads with because you're mad people like a show you don't.

              • 8 months ago

                >I don't know? Maybe because she MOVED ON and is forcing Simon AWAY because that's the only way he'll take a hint?
                Or because she literally can't end the fusion with golb and sent him away to protect simon as she did when she became golb in the first place. How fricking moronic do you have to be to pretend that it's only betty in there making or influencing decisions, or that betty would easily move on from someone when her whole current existence is a constant reminder and result of sacrificing for them because she loved them that much, and then say someone else lacks media literacy. Show us where golb betty said "I just don't love you anymore simon goodbye". But you won't find it you fricking tard because it didn't happen.

              • 8 months ago

                Again, you prove my point. You don't justify your reasoning for the ending with any logic other than, "UM, THEY'RE ONE FUSION NOW. THAT MAKES GLOB IN CHARGE. AND PROVES DOESN'T WANT BETTY WITH SIMON >:(!" You literally have no basis for that but to you it's sound logic.
                Would it have been more impact if GOLBETTY said something to Simon? Yes. I think it would have been more satisfying.
                >How fricking moronic do you have to be to pretend that it's only betty in there making or influencing decisions,
                But anon, your brain is made of the thickest layer of crust to think that they would make a whole episode focusing on Simon attempting to talk to Betty withing GOLBETTY, for him to be shown their relationship had problems and be whisked away, and that none of that was Betty.
                >Show us where golb betty said "I just don't love you anymore simon goodbye". But you won't find it you fricking tard because it didn't happen.
                Show me where I said she didn't love him? She just doesn't want to BE with him anymore. And the fact that you're clammoring that all subtext must be spoon-fed to directly for it count shows the levels of idiocracy that your brain functions on and clearly not worth engaging with.

              • 8 months ago

                Betty being a fusion now would change how she operates and pretending it wouldn't it just stupid.
                >Show me where I said she didn't love him?
                You keep insisting she moved on which implies that. Again even though it wasn't said anywhere. Again how is she supposed to simply move on when her existence is a reminder of simon? You're just trying to make things up to fill in the blank dissapointing ending.

              • 8 months ago

                >betty moved on and simon needs to get over it instead of forcing her!
                >Show me where I said she didn't love him?
                have a nice day homosexual

                >You keep insisting she moved on which implies that.
                Anon, how old are you? Seriously?
                You can love someone, even be in love with someone, and not want to be around them or want them around.
                Love isn't one all encompassing emotion, it's a spectrum of different feelings.
                You can love who someone was but no longer want to be with who they are or realize you've changed enough where romance isn't possible, despite still 'loving' the person.
                Sometimes you push people away you love because it's better for you, and sometimes you do it because it's better for them, and sometimes you love the memories but that's all that's left.
                Your worldview seems incredibly short-sighted and narrow.

              • 8 months ago

                If anyone looks up what moving on in a relationship means it literally says you stop having feelings for somebody, you're moving on to something new. This anon is just fricking moronic and literally making shit up, but mind you this is the same one that kept crying about others lacking "media literacy".

              • 8 months ago

                Ah, so you're either 12 or never experience love. Understood.

              • 8 months ago

                You're a child who thinks they're deep because they redefine words and write fanfics.

              • 8 months ago

                Right, because I'm the one surmising denotative language

                If anyone looks up what moving on in a relationship means it literally says you stop having feelings for somebody, you're moving on to something new. This anon is just fricking moronic and literally making shit up, but mind you this is the same one that kept crying about others lacking "media literacy".

                >If anyone looks up what moving on in a relationship means it literally says you stop having feelings for somebody, you're moving on to something new.
                You're thick and I'm ending this exchange here, because obviously you're content in your moronation. I really hope you never procreate because the world would be a better place without more of your stupidity spreading. But, as seen, you don't understand love so it's likely you'll never even get the chance

              • 8 months ago

                You're ending this because you're a projecting moron with nothing of value to say. You tried to say betty moved on as if she didn't still love simon when that just wasn't shown. No one will miss you.

              • 8 months ago

                >No one will miss you.
                So you're posting your headstone epitaph now?

              • 8 months ago

                >still here and projecting
                Can't be trusted for anything but you want to lecture about "love" lol

              • 8 months ago
              • 8 months ago

                >betty moved on and simon needs to get over it instead of forcing her!
                >Show me where I said she didn't love him?
                have a nice day homosexual

              • 8 months ago

                I'm sure becoming one with the embodiment of the end of all things would change someone's perspective on heartbreak. Always worth remembering that this is a series originally helmed by a bunch of acid burnout pseuds like Ward and Moynihan, even if Allegri brings her own AO3 brained coffee shop AU shit to the table.

          • 8 months ago

            This is just an even gayer fanfiction to try and salvage this mess of a story

          • 8 months ago

            >OLBETTY made a mistake leaving Simon without communicating her perspective
            wish they made that point clearer. Both parties need to make their needs known for relationships to work. You can't have one read your thoughts and know what to do

        • 8 months ago

          Betty still cares. But shes barely sentient, she's a fraction of an elder god who can't exist in tangible reality, even if she tries to form a piece of herself to be with Simon, that fraction of a fraction would probably still turn frick up the fabric of whatever reality its in. That's ultimately why she forces Simon to move on, because she knows it's too late but still wants him to live and be happy, even tho that last part isnt so easy and is left up to simon to figure out. Honestly the only bad part of the ending is that Simon probably should have gone to Fiona world and met another Betty type at the very last frame. In Ooo prime he's still to out of place, and honestly could still keep in touch with Marceline and Finn just because he's friends with so many demigods.

          • 8 months ago

            >But shes barely sentient
            She had an entire conversation with Simon at the end and it’s implied the only reason Simon’s spells didn’t work the first two times was because she was interfering with it.

            • 8 months ago

              Yeah, that's about as much as she can do without fricking up reality.

              • 8 months ago

                Pffft some chaos god won’t frick yo reality and has to follow a strict set of limitations and rules.

      • 8 months ago

        the entire point is that simon was more focused on the crown than betty until things got worse
        this is why "you could do things different since the start" its so important
        Betty was basically open for the ride because she cared about Simon so she accepted her decisions. Like thy said no regrets.

        • 8 months ago

          Yeah, but like, the Ice Crown is cursed and compels him to put it on. That's like throwing the One Ring into a relationship drama or whatever.

          • 8 months ago

            that feels like the biggest ask in the finale

            I don't think we've been shown Simon obsess over anything other than Betty even once

          • 8 months ago

            that feels like the biggest ask in the finale

            I don't think we've been shown Simon obsess over anything other than Betty even once

            That's part of an issue AT had with the crown too, and I feel like they failed establishing (especially giving it lore.)
            The crown was almost framed as literally calling to Simon and a connection that went so deep it broke past the insanity into a primal need to be connecting to the crown. They toyed around with this a little in the Farm World stories too, but almost to the extent it felt like they were shoehorned into referencing an old idea to keep it consistent.
            In later seasons, and even Fionna and Cake, at worst the Crown just seems like an addiction, like an smoker getting an urge for their ciggarettes rather than something like Gollum and the Ring. And when Simon was 'cured' there was no addiction. Simon admitted to dressing like Ice King after, but he said that was because he was trying to get comfort out of regressing since living in the future as Simon was getting to him, so I don't think it was the Crown's power over him.

            • 8 months ago

              The fricking problem with Adventure Tine is that they sacrifice narrative enrichment for gay shit and womanly angst plot points. As you mentioned in the later seasons, especially with episodes involving Fionna and Cake, the crown's impact seems less intense. I see this all the time, the shift in narratives is the decision to focus on other storylines or characters. However, it could also be interpreted as the show exploring different facets of the crown's influence. Not all those affected by addiction exhibit the same symptoms or intensity, but seeing how Adventure Time took a DRAMATIC shift, I see it has because gay shit.

    • 8 months ago

      i kind of agree. it's not like the writers were wrong, but the message felt too much like it ended on acceptance and not enough on hopeful drive. simon should have been reinvigorated but instead hes left kinda dead inside like his sad depressive state is ok and normal. fionna and cake literally just wanted to live a magical life but then fionna just cried about it like it was all a bad idea and gave up entirely. it's a very feminine adaptive way of thinking. the masculine take is to be more self assured and unyielding but that's bad because yadayada. the ending felt like a solid "I guess it's fine"

    • 8 months ago

      >After being so blindly in love with Simon for years, Betty is now the supreme god of Chaos, she's a strong woman/god and she doesn't need Simon anymore.
      The show doesn't say this. Why does Cinemaphile keep equating an ending where Simon doesn't get Betty back and he starts to learn how to move on with the writing being anti-men and overtly feminist?

      • 8 months ago

        This is the end result of political brain rot. I can kinda see because of the story book thing, but people keep forgetting that Betty can't undo what she did, so she accepts, she wants Simon to accept too instead of lobotomizing himself, because that's the best she can do short of complety ripping the fabric of space time for a chance they might live to be together, or for Simon to join her in Glob which would be pretty gay too. At the end of the day people just wanted a fluffy love story, unfortunately we don't get that in Adult oriented animation, that's what tranime is for.

  18. 8 months ago

    >it is 2010, and you have no idea that this is actually the true main character of the show's lore

  19. 8 months ago


    Personally seeing the lesbians in a new light was great

    • 8 months ago

      Toxic Yuri and Healthy Yaoi is what this world needs

      • 8 months ago

        euh fricking have a nice day homosexual

  20. 8 months ago

    The Fionna and Cake special was just an excuse to tell Simon (and all men everywhere) that they should only ever think of what women want, and to be ashamed of their imperfections, while women are asked to be nothing and do nothing because tHeY'rE aLrEaDy PeRfEcT!!!!
    It doesn't even make sense in the context of the show! Simon and Betty are both crazy for each other! And Betty did FAR worse things to free Simon than Simon ever did in trying to get to her.
    So done with this woke bullshit. Its why these shows will be forgotten forever!

    • 8 months ago

      >You were an experience
      >You were... Everything
      This wring is shiiiiiit
      And I thought the series finale was bad
      This is so out of character for Betty to say it's ridiculous
      People in YouTube comments are saying how this is showing how Simon and Betty are moving on and it shows "Emotional Maturity" and all that bullshit
      >Gay couple gets together but straight white couple can't
      What was the point of showing all of Simon and Betty's relationship if that just results in Simon giving up
      A good writer would use their relationship to reinforce their love for each other
      I guess the Adventure Time writers never heard of soulmates
      Nothing is earned and nothing is gained
      Adventure Time is dead

      To the lake of fire. To the lake of Fire.
      Christ's bride will be formed. His bride will be formed.
      Gayness will never last.

  21. 8 months ago

    >Finn scored and hooks up with HW in about every world
    >Doomgays now jump to Simon to b***h

    • 8 months ago

      I'm happy with where Simon and Finn both ended up. Simon moved on and Finn got hitched.

    • 8 months ago


  22. 8 months ago

    I think I like Simon's new direction in life. Yeah, he had an unhealthy relationship with Betty, but he realized that and moved on. Now he's free, completely.
    Fionna and Cake, through force of will, became real and saved their world. That was pretty amazing.

  23. 8 months ago

    If Betty broke up with Simon then Simonna is far game? Hell they call and text each other now. I'm sure Prismo will help them keep in touch knowing him he'll love the drama

    • 8 months ago

      Teeeeeeeeeeechnically, yeah.

      • 8 months ago

        Can't wait for the fanfiction

    • 8 months ago

      Dont worry anon
      Fionna will think about Simon when she is getting railed by Hunter

      • 8 months ago

        Hunter is a chick in that world, for some reason

        • 8 months ago

          Hunter is a Hispanic in that world

        • 8 months ago

          Hunter isn't a chick, he's a big guy with a soft voice.

        • 8 months ago

          Hunter's a guy but he's voiced by a trans man I think

    • 8 months ago

      >Fionna World now a hub of AU residents
      >Simon planning to move out
      He's moving to Fionna world and S2 will be a romcom about them

      • 8 months ago

        World now a hub of AU residents
        When was that implied?

      • 8 months ago

        Sounds like a terrible cheers fanfic.

      • 8 months ago

        >the entire message is to learn to live your life where you are
        >OMG he movin XD!!
        why are simoncels like this? Finnchads are no longer in this position lmao

        • 8 months ago

          At the very end when simon is venting to finns mom bot he says he's going to move

          • 8 months ago

            to another place on OOO
            maybe to get some Glass pussy

          • 8 months ago

            Yeah because he’s living in a human Zoo and it sucks

      • 8 months ago


        Just thought of this song with Simon & Fionna

        World now a hub of AU residents
        When was that implied?

        It's cannon, probably prismo would let S&F visit each other

      • 8 months ago

        More what this anon said


        Prismo would have something to do with this considering he loves fanfiction

    • 8 months ago

      >Fionna World now a hub of AU residents
      >Simon planning to move out
      He's moving to Fionna world and S2 will be a romcom about them

      BASEEDDDD. Glad others are reaching the same conclusion as me.

      Its honestly cringe that Muto is hinting that this will happen, but whatever. Betty is a fricking b***h for not wanting to be rescued.

  24. 8 months ago

    short question: is this new series worth watching or can I skip it like f.e. legend of korra?

    • 8 months ago

      You can skip every cartoon

      • 8 months ago

        come on man don't be like that

    • 8 months ago

      I'd say its worth watching, but obviously it works more if ypu are familiar with Adventure Time. Its pretty fun and is a direct sequel to it

      • 8 months ago

        alright, thanks anon

        • 8 months ago

          I'd say its worth watching, but obviously it works more if ypu are familiar with Adventure Time. Its pretty fun and is a direct sequel to it

          short question: is this new series worth watching or can I skip it like f.e. legend of korra?

          Now the question is where can I watch it in the best quality torrents preferred.

          • 8 months ago

            Just wait for the 1337x to be updated, after rarbg fricking died lol

    • 8 months ago

      You can and skip everything that's been made post 2010 you fricking troon. How are you not getting this?

  25. 8 months ago

    It's not about them not wanting to be together. It's just simply not possible, anon. She merged with the embodiment of Chaos, in most mythologies the highest and most powerful entity in existence. There is no escape. No recall or intervention can work in this place. She can only make Simon understand and help him cope. Not even going to talk about the fact that she's basically gone, just an aspect of a Chaos God. She is not the main personality.

  26. 8 months ago

    >no Marceline or Finn talking to Simon in ending montage
    Seriously wtf
    why was it more important showing him talking to Dirt Beer and TV over the people he's actually close to

    • 8 months ago

      i think the show demonstrated he's not actually close to them in episode 2 and they've kind of moved on to their own thing.

      • 8 months ago

        surely he's closer to them than the randos at the bar
        wouldn't it make sense if he got a new lease on life to want to get closer to people who are important to him if their connections weren't the strongest to begin with?

      • 8 months ago

        >he's not close to Marceline
        >despite him being like a father figure for her and taking care of her when she was a little kid
        Yeah better show her licking PB's gumpussy. Marceline can't be a character anymore without her partner after all.

    • 8 months ago

      Maybe Marceline just doesnt care about the guy that saved her life that much now that she has bubblepussy

      • 8 months ago

        I hate bubbline. Not because I hate lesbians, no. But because it ruined Marceline's character, who is now co-dependant on her partner to exist. In Aaa it's Marshall and Gumball (or Gary idc), in vamp world it's her rivalry with PB. She has only been shown on her own in the Winter king world and that wasn't even the real Marcy but an ice clone. Why can't Marceline be her own character anymore? She ignoring Simon would be unthinkable when Adventure Time was airing. But for now on all we are going to see from her is her fricking romantic life.

        • 8 months ago

          I hate bubbline because PB is a garbage character.

      • 8 months ago

        Boy I sure love character development huh

  27. 8 months ago

    >somehow still not available in HBO Spain
    damn it, I don't care about whatever they come up with for their shitty dub, I just don't want to browse torrents again

    • 8 months ago

      I paid for the stupid MEGA pro plan just to watch the show for the same reason. It's just 12€ after all.

  28. 8 months ago

    I wish it ended with Betty anal sex

  29. 8 months ago

    >What was the point of showing all of Simon and Betty's relationship if that just results in Simon giving up
    Feels like you entirely missed the point of the ending.

    It's not about "giving up", there was nothing to "give up" in the first place. Simon had to let go of Betty. She's gone.
    In the vision he starts to "change" it by being more there for her, but then realizes "no, that's not how it happened, I fricked up and have to accept that". The vision was Betty's last way to reach out to him and give him some closure so he can stop chasing something literally impossible here.

    So, in the end, he gets the goodbye he needed. She asserts that she didn't regret anything.
    The "experience" vs "everything" line is more just telling about how beyond Betty's become and how deep Simon's obsession got. Betty is now a piece of a god, to the infinite existence she now is, Simon was an experience. And for Simon, Betty was his everything and now he needs to go out and become more than his desire for her.

    • 8 months ago

      Lmao that's not fricking closure, betty stays a big red freak and simon is literally in the same spot he started episode 1 in while being expected to just get over a thousand years of loving someone. What a c**t and what a stupid finale.

  30. 8 months ago

    Did you lost the part where Fionna World betty statues are now Golb?

  31. 8 months ago

    I would feel better about all of this if they confirmed that the Ice Thing is pretty much the Ice King because IK was getting better and was his own person, feels wrong to just call him a curse as though he didnt matter

  32. 8 months ago

    From last night. Some anon wanted a fusion between Finn's 3 love interests. I figured this is the new thread now so I'm posting my updated version.

    • 8 months ago

      Nice one man

      • 8 months ago

        Thx anon. If anyone has any more princess fusion requests, I'm open to it.

    • 8 months ago

      I love her to bits. Where do you post your art?

    • 8 months ago


  33. 8 months ago

    Reminds me of when the Critical Drinker said that gay relationships are presented as true love while straight relationships are dysfunctional. Screw this shit!!!!

    • 8 months ago

      >yeah lets pretend the vampire World dont exist

  34. 8 months ago

    Show about adult Sweet Pea slaying cosmic beings when

    • 8 months ago

      Eternal entity whose life will end with him willingly becoming a Tetris block

      • 8 months ago

        It kinda puts the Sweet Pea thing in a better light. He escapes his Tetris block fate and becomes a companion to Sweet Pea’s adventures

  35. 8 months ago

    So way the finale lackluster because of our own hyped up theories or was it because of actual poor writing? Or was it both?

    • 8 months ago

      Definitely both.
      I think the main flaw is the heart of the climax is saving F/C's world but that place is boring and I don't give frick about those people so I have no investment.

      • 8 months ago

        Normie world is boring because nothing in it is interesting or experimental.
        The writers are fantasying about California cafes and their crappy cities instead of focusing on the new relationships this setting will create and the conflicts it will have with Fionna and Cake.
        Like Gumball and Ice Queen being sane lovers that are more aware of each other's pasts. So when magic returns, it threatens its stability and makes it utterly bittersweet for them to remain together.

    • 8 months ago

      Both just like Gravity Falls. Writers cannot stick a fricking ending to save their lives in modern western shit, I think the last ending I liked in anything Cinemaphile related (that wasn't a super short affair) was in Over the Garden Wall. I hope Wakfu doesn't drop the ball but I don't have too much hope.

  36. 8 months ago

    >magic man loses margles
    >turns into the king of mars after reflexing
    >Simon loses betty
    >will have a normal life until he dies maybe 5 years more

    Hmm.. What is the message here

    • 8 months ago

      Expecting consistency is a fools errand.

    • 8 months ago

      Why does Simon have to die? He lives in a magical world and has contact with cosmic beings. He can probably reverse his aging and find some magic to keep him around. Unless it's a freak accident (which he could probably prepare for) or someone trying to kill him, Simon could probably live as long as he wanted (assuming he doesn't take the risks Finn and Jake did in their life, which he probably wouldn't to that extreme)
      And even if he does die, we've seen the Adventure Time afterlife so we know he either finds some cosmic realm to chill in for all eternity or is reincarnated (if he chooses)
      All the ending did was free Simon from his emotional shackles to Betty, which we can't even be guaranteed would have been endgame if they got the chance to live normal lives (as shown by their codependency problems). It's sad their romance is over, but not every romance is forever.

  37. 8 months ago

    Simon will become Swermy and take Finn's BF for himself.
    It's canon, bro.

  38. 8 months ago

    What happened too this place, I came back to see what people were saying about the final. Its really true that only sad bitter losers are left here, anyone that could move on did. Well cya

    • 8 months ago

      The finale reads like it was written by sad bitter losers in denial.

  39. 8 months ago

    Imagine. Imagine the level of delusion necessary to believe that modern writers could come up with something worthwhile. You fricking moron. I hope your dad gets into a car crash. I hate you because you're so stupid and you make media actively worse by consuming their garbage and thinking "maybe maybe this time they'll change."

    Frick you.

  40. 8 months ago

    So your argument is that gay people look more happy that straight people and that makes you angry?.
    homie, u stupid.

    • 8 months ago

      Gay people deserve love and happiness just like heterosexual people do. Why can't this show just give us both?

    • 8 months ago

      gays are never happy.

  41. 8 months ago

    There are no links to the episode in the archive, where can I watch? Wco doesn't have it and madridista is dead

  42. 8 months ago

    Adventure time reminds me of that miraculous ladybug show.
    It has all the potential hype, all the building blocks it needs to make great stories yet it is determined to fit a square peg into a triangular hole.

  43. 8 months ago

    >Finnbros are now free
    >Simon is the new "cel" character

    • 8 months ago

      Truly a blessed time. In that on particular regard, at least.

    • 8 months ago

      Finn is destined to have huntress die early based on the alternate realities we saw and they couldn't spare a single moment showing them together. All original finn says is he's going to see her later.

      • 8 months ago

        >based on the alternate realities we saw
        Farmworld was the only one where she died "early", if by early you mean enough to have 5 kids, and in Vampworld Finn wasn't even born.

        • 8 months ago

          5 really young kids she never got to see grow up and vampire world huntress dies as well, if it's before finns even born that's especially early.

      • 8 months ago

        if Huntress died early Finn would have looked for her in Together Again

    • 8 months ago

      I'll take the crumbs.

      • 8 months ago

        Cuber ass looking head

        • 8 months ago

          Based dj flame got the better girl at the end

          • 8 months ago

            Ultra based.

            • 8 months ago

              Dumped Fionna for a girl that's basically the same but smells slightly better

              • 8 months ago

                I like to think Fernna's life isn't a total mess like Fionna's, as a contrast to how Fern's life WAS a total mess compared to Finn's, it's perfectly balanced.

      • 8 months ago

        Is that fricking gay planting weeds?

        • 8 months ago

          It's a metaphor anon, did you not see the first episode when Hunter told Fionna all about weeds?

        • 8 months ago

          I bet that's what Fionna thought at first.

      • 8 months ago

        >Just like Finn and Huntress Wizard, Fionna and Hunter are left ambiguous but somewhat implied
        These writers sure love shipbaiting, huh?

    • 8 months ago

      Kek, she's probably dead. Finn prime says he's "going to see her", that could mean visiting her grave.

      • 8 months ago

        That's a hell of an assumption to make.

        • 8 months ago

          Not that much of a stretch based on how they treated the character in this spinoff

      • 8 months ago

        >she's probably dead

        Honestly a stretch, but she's dead in farmworld so this is still possible.

        • 8 months ago

          The universes are all specifically not the same, Marcy and Simon are dead in Farmworld, Finn isn't born in Vampworld, etc., the fate of Prime Huntress has nothing to do with the fate of her counterparts.

  44. 8 months ago

    So after everything Betty is just stuck as a chaos god in the void, who can’t even speak?

  45. 8 months ago

    In the end the only ones who won anything were the yurihomosexuals.
    >Finngays are coping eating trash from the floor
    >Simongays are either crying or coping by pairing him with his version of food scraps (Fionna)
    >Yurihomosexuals got a multiverse of "canonical" FanFiction material
    What a sad sight to see...

    • 8 months ago

      >Yurihomosexuals got a multiverse of "canonical" FanFiction material
      so did Finn/HW moron

      • 8 months ago

        >Here's a bone with a little meat for you pig
        Which is exactly my point.

        >yaoigays get the worst version of pb and marshal lee

        I side with fujos more often than not. Yaoi doesn't bother me, while Yuri is just awful garbage 90% of the times I'm biased with Madoka Magica

        All shipshits deserve to lose unless you're shipping HW and Finn

        So... what's your point exactly?
        >My ship good yours bad


        What about this two?


        I'll never see Marshall Lee again. The mischievous cute fun vampire king is gone. All I get now is some tacky ghetto spook with shitlocks and homosexual clothes. Who's always in a sour pissy mood like most blacks. Who literally looks like he stinks. No more fanart of classic Marshall. No more nsfw of classic Marshall. Just this ugly black bastard piece of shit whiny Black b***h boy who's Marshall in name only. All you did was cement my racism forever. Fricking blacks and the israelite women who push them on us. "Bu-But his voice actor was black muh POC" Frick you. I hope you hang next toy your precious POC pets someday you fricking traitors and black dick lickers.

        I'm sorry for your loss. I wonder if it'll affect the cosplay scene. Is it now racist to cosplay Marshall if you're white?

        • 8 months ago

          >So... what's your point exactly?
          My point is I'm shitposting. I've got a bad taste in my mouth after that Gary and Marshall Lee stuff, I don't care for sappy romance at that level of cringe

          • 8 months ago

            Understandable. I hope you at least have a good weekend anon.
            Check'd as well. Oh wait... that number...

            • 8 months ago

              You too anon. I'll be enjoying rewatching the pawn swan scene on repeat like an autist

        • 8 months ago

          That makes no sense? I mean by that logic almost every cosplayer is racist since most charecters they cosplay are japense and the cosplayers aren’t

          • 8 months ago

            >Thinking West Coast Progs make sense
            I'm just asking as if I was seeing it through their eyes.

    • 8 months ago

      >yaoigays get the worst version of pb and marshal lee

    • 8 months ago

      All shipshits deserve to lose unless you're shipping HW and Finn

      • 8 months ago

        Nah, I like my ship and I'll sink down with it

        • 8 months ago

          That one's okay too.

    • 8 months ago

      >You were an experience
      >You were... Everything
      This wring is shiiiiiit
      And I thought the series finale was bad
      This is so out of character for Betty to say it's ridiculous
      People in YouTube comments are saying how this is showing how Simon and Betty are moving on and it shows "Emotional Maturity" and all that bullshit
      >Gay couple gets together but straight white couple can't
      What was the point of showing all of Simon and Betty's relationship if that just results in Simon giving up
      A good writer would use their relationship to reinforce their love for each other
      I guess the Adventure Time writers never heard of soulmates
      Nothing is earned and nothing is gained
      Adventure Time is dead

      Only gay characters are allowed to be soulmates yet alone get happy endings OP didn't you get the memo

      What about this two?

      • 8 months ago

        >don't worry guys dad is fine *wink*

      • 8 months ago

        The writers are already working up fun and interesting ways to break those two up in the next special as we speak.

        • 8 months ago

          Is it fun to invent fake scenarios to get angry at?

          • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        t4t canon

      • 8 months ago

        >makes his girl wear a shirt with a cleavage window
        based jay

        • 8 months ago

          She was raised by Big Destiny, you're delusional if you think he isn't the bottom. Your boy Jay is getting pegged.

    • 8 months ago

      idk anon i just want simon to frick winter king

  46. 8 months ago

    I'll never see Marshall Lee again. The mischievous cute fun vampire king is gone. All I get now is some tacky ghetto spook with shitlocks and homosexual clothes. Who's always in a sour pissy mood like most blacks. Who literally looks like he stinks. No more fanart of classic Marshall. No more nsfw of classic Marshall. Just this ugly black bastard piece of shit whiny Black b***h boy who's Marshall in name only. All you did was cement my racism forever. Fricking blacks and the israelite women who push them on us. "Bu-But his voice actor was black muh POC" Frick you. I hope you hang next toy your precious POC pets someday you fricking traitors and black dick lickers.

    • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      Some day you'll off yourself and finally be free of watching shit you hate

      • 8 months ago

        I don't watch it israelite. Its shoved down my throat across all social media no matter how many profiles or pages I block. Its forced on me.How ironic. Even in a cultural sense blacks are rapists. Forcing themselves into your life against your will. I check my timeline and there's Lizzo's fat smelly butthole right in my face with Black Marshall crying about whitey.

        • 8 months ago

          Huh, never had that problem myself. Must be something to do with you getting a kick out of seething, the funny hats just know what gets you off I guess

    • 8 months ago

      >No more fanart of classic Marshall. No more nsfw of classic Marshall.
      I really hope this won't be true. I really like him.

    • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      I hope this comes true, and it continues to piss you off, honestly.

    • 8 months ago

      Here's your badass punk you gay chud.

      • 8 months ago

        God why is he so hot

  47. 8 months ago

    >no more butch PB/Dom Gum Mommy ever again
    I’m sad… ):

    • 8 months ago

      I wonder if the drawanon who drew this and a bunch of other stuff in the F&C threads has any socials?

  48. 8 months ago

    >Finn and Fiona never got to meet
    Well that blows.

  49. 8 months ago

    So, is Fionna set to be a lesbo because HW is a dyke in her world?

    • 8 months ago

      The hell are you talking about? Hunter is a guy.

      • 8 months ago

        A guy that sounds like a woman. Who decided troony hunter was a good idea?

        • 8 months ago

          Oh, it sounds like a woman to me.

          It's a cartoon

        • 8 months ago

          you are straight up unwell man, it's pretty obvious that Hunter is a man, the show takes place in the gender swap AU, i feel like grade schoolers would have a pretty easy time with this, but Adventure Time isn't for kids anymore, it's a Multiverse Escapism Cope Story for Nostalgaic Millenials like every other major franchise is. Enjoy your Western Isekai Slop!

          • 8 months ago

            >it's pretty obvious that Hunter is a man
            A buff man with a woman's voice

      • 8 months ago

        Oh, it sounds like a woman to me.

        • 8 months ago

          He's a big guy with a soft voice.

    • 8 months ago


  50. 8 months ago

    meanwhile in the comics

    • 8 months ago

      Not the first time a ship is better in the comics

  51. 8 months ago

    >No one can remember the magic versions of themselves
    >They also treat the world having magic again would seemingly reset it
    >Fionna and Cake both have a dream of the magic world falling into chaos
    >Prismo lost all contact with world, not just influence after Ice King was depowered

  52. 8 months ago

    >its not love?
    >no its obsession
    like that or more blatant?

  53. 8 months ago

    Simon and Betty was always about loss you fricking moron, stepping on that through the fanfic pseudo-canon character spinoff would have been so much gayer than what actually happened.

  54. 8 months ago

    >Go into any adventure time thread for the last five or so years
    >It's just constant bickering between finngays and yurigays
    Do you guys never get tired of it?

    • 8 months ago

      Cinemaphile in general is nothing but bickering and complaining.

      • 8 months ago

        that's just Cinemaphile in general

  55. 8 months ago

    Haven't watched this yet but did the original magical Aaa ever actually exist?

    • 8 months ago

      Yes. Which makes this show even more dumb.

      • 8 months ago

        Yes, and now it's been wiped forever (except Cake)

        Damn so one day Fionna and her friends were having adventures and then suddenly got brainwashed and forgot everything and became normal.
        Sounds terrifying.

        • 8 months ago

          Yes, especially when they pull the whole "But will we be the same if the world because magic?" thing. The magical world was the ORIGINAL one. Their magical forms are their ORIGINAL selves. Normal world was a revision. Oh, but now we can't press rollback because reasons

          • 8 months ago

            >but now we can't press rollback because
            they already have a life in the normal world and don't want to lose that
            its not like Samurai Jack were the future was a shithole that got erased

            • 8 months ago

              But they ALREADY had a magical life that was 10x better than normie world that they lost

              • 8 months ago

                magic world means reset
                its not the easy solution of just going to prismo room and changing everyone one by one
                Fionna/Cae never got their memories back just a clip of some things they did

          • 8 months ago

            The writers are dumb satanist that want us to accept their wicked fake modern world and the prince of Saudi Arabia.

          • 8 months ago

            I mean, look at it the other way. They're not those people anymore, so if they return to their "original" magical world they lose themselves and their current lives, they just die. That's a pretty good reason. Also, now that they're legit there could be other alternate versions of their universe like there is for Ooo, maybe one where og Fionna and Cake exist

            • 8 months ago

              >maybe one where og Fionna and Cake exist
              well can we go to that one, then?

              • 8 months ago

                Maybe someday, at least they're probably around again

    • 8 months ago

      Yes, and now it's been wiped forever (except Cake)

      • 8 months ago

        Yes. Which makes this show even more dumb.

        Well it never went away, it was just rebuilt.
        All those people and beings still exist, just in a different form. The only exception being BMO, but they made clear that BMO isn't consider 'living' in the Lich Episode.
        I think it's more fricked up that they didn't give the people in Fionna's world the option to either revert to their magic form or stay human (and give them access to their old memories if they wanted) when a clear subplot of the show is the importance of choice.

  56. 8 months ago

    >casper and nova
    >simon chooses casper options every time
    >nova was obsessed with casper
    >they were in "love" but no equal footing
    >casper should notice how nova was so sacrificing
    simoncels its unironically over let it go

    • 8 months ago

      this seems more of a communication problem between them. It's not Simon's fault if she kept leading him on

    • 8 months ago

      it was pretty obvious where they were going with Simon and Betty in this show once they established that their relationship started as a professor and student, I'm fine with the end being about how Simon needs to really accept that his relationship with betty is gone after literal centuries, but I always imagined them more as scientific peers. Literally fanfic I wrote in my head, but the Simon/Betty dynamic never gave me those vibes.

  57. 8 months ago

    What's next. I feel like other than Shermy and Beth, there's no more "popular" characters left for an arc.

    The only ones I could think of is the Elementals.

    • 8 months ago

      there are plenty. S&B as you said, Huntress, Prismo, Cosmic Owl. They could also bring back Jake's kids since they were all pretty underused

      • 8 months ago

        What would a HW mini series be about? Simon Fionna, and Cake was very loosely founded on sadness, and trying to look on the bright side and move on.

        What could a Huntress mini even look like?

        • 8 months ago

          Explore her background, they imply she had madness and/or sadness herself, and we already know of her fear of going soft.

          • 8 months ago

            >Story is literally about opening up

            I feel like she already did that, but it was in an episode, or two. So, it wasn't fully explored. How would it end though?

        • 8 months ago

          Explore her background, they imply she had madness and/or sadness herself, and we already know of her fear of going soft.

          Could easily be re-spun into something about being afraid you'll lose your identity when you grow up, which seems like something these 30something millennial writers would love

          • 8 months ago

            always worth keeping in mind that it's a series written primarily by a mix of hallucinogen damaged and fanfic reared millenials to this day

  58. 8 months ago

    >Simoncels are kids tier

    • 8 months ago

      Mean, but powerful line I think

  59. 8 months ago

    Anybody who watches modern cartoons deserves the rope.

  60. 8 months ago

    What was ending trying to say? Was it saying that the relationship wasn't healthy because Simon didn't put the effort into it Betty did?
    This makes no sense. Simon was devastated he lost Betty after putting on the crown. When Bella Noche returned him to normal, the first thing he did was contact her...
    Seemed like a retcon of their relationships dynamic.

    • 8 months ago

      It is a dumb retcon and overall a waste of time. The episodes leading up to these last two were decent at least but they had to live up to their reputation and frick up the finale. There's a delusional gay in the thread pretending betty said "I don't love you anymore simon" at any point but they won't be able to reference where that was said. It just doesn't make sense.

    • 8 months ago

      It was trying to have it both ways: Yes, you can't be together, not because you were simply screwed over by cosmic forces but because of the choices you made, but you're not at fault, learn to let things go blah blah blah

      • 8 months ago

        The 'live with the choices you've made and grow from them' ending would have been fine if Fionna got it too but unfortunately she made pretty much zero choices even inconsequential ones in the entire show

    • 8 months ago

      they didn't really have a relationship dynamic, Simon obsessed with Betty and in order to make Betty cool they made her just as obsessed with Simon but then that turned into her only character trait since they didn't spend any time on fleshing her out

      fast forward a series and the only thing they have to work with in terms of emotional stakes is making her obsession into a source of drama where they can't really pin it all on her so now the guy who tries to be emotionally available to the lich in the same episode didn't do that before for....reasons

      • 8 months ago

        That's kind of the thing of it, isn't it? A lot of people projected their own idea of a tragically failed relationship onto Simon and Betty despite how little we saw of them actually together, and now because this series depicted them in any kind of way, people are mad that it doesn't match up to their headcanon

        • 8 months ago

          It's always people being pissy when their headcanons get dunked. A story as old as time.

          • 8 months ago

            I mean I barely paid attention to the latter seasons but I'm still upset that Simon's main character flaw seems to be expecting a normal relationship instead of assuming his gf is some kind of crazy yandere who he needs to 'tard wrangle

            that and Fionna being a side character in her own show

            Cake got surprisingly decent development though

            • 8 months ago

              Cake was a lot of fun. I want more of those two as well.

              • 8 months ago

                Same, as a fill in for Jake she did her job well, the episode where she's fricking around Ooo on her own is probably where I had the most fun.

    • 8 months ago

      It is a dumb retcon and overall a waste of time. The episodes leading up to these last two were decent at least but they had to live up to their reputation and frick up the finale. There's a delusional gay in the thread pretending betty said "I don't love you anymore simon" at any point but they won't be able to reference where that was said. It just doesn't make sense.

      It was trying to have it both ways: Yes, you can't be together, not because you were simply screwed over by cosmic forces but because of the choices you made, but you're not at fault, learn to let things go blah blah blah

      Yeah, I felt the same way, why not just leave it a tragedy. Also I mean it was one thing wtf why make it seem like Simon was the butthole. If anything Simon is a normal person for not throwing his life away for betty, in the show they tell us time and time again betty is a bit toxic with it and gets tunnel vision. Only when the madness from the magic man hat made her chill enough to accept Ice King did she become happy for the first time in a long while. Other than that betty pretty much is like PB she will do anything for her goals even end the world.

      So calling Simon toxic for always making betty do what he wanted is a massive retcon, I mean yeah he could have gone on the trip but that's such a small thing. Also even with the toxicity the relationship was fairly wholesome and more a massive tragedy. I will admit I like to believe the end was more her giving him closure and admitting they both made mistakes and had flaws. Rather than some weird were breaking up bs, at least i hope to golb.

  61. 8 months ago

    Adventure Time is extremely casual about loss of self and memories for some reason.

  62. 8 months ago

    The only ever fictional discussions I see is always about romance. Romance this, romance that. The reason the ending sucked it was because this was a disney ending, I even got reminded of Muteking of all things when watching it. They pulled out of their asses the win condition being “WELP, NOW YOU ARE CANON!” and rolled with it.
    The book stuff that Betty did to make Simon realize his importance, her importance, and how he shouldn’t give up his life for Fionna and cake was smart. Many of these ideas were smart, the execution and poor piss pace killed the series. Not your “UGH, GAYS! I HATE GAYS, THEY SUCK DICK WHY NOT ME?” Bullshit.
    Modern shows have good ideas with bad directions, and that’s all it is

    • 8 months ago

      The Lich gets it. Best post in the thread.

    • 8 months ago

      I don't disagree that things were poorly executed, but how was the book stuff poorly executed? Can you break it down for me?

    • 8 months ago

      I feel like the ending's biggest flaw is that it was safe and predictable.

      Not that there's anything wrong with being safe but after 5 weeks of hype by episodes that seemed to promise more, it fell a bit flat, Fionna wants to get the magic back, her arc is about learning to accept herself, Simon wants to get Betty back, his arc is about learning to accept himself. No real curveballs or twists or surprises, especially since AT is known for shock twists for the sake of shock, starting with PB shattering into pieces in the S2 finale after everything was seemingly fine, and then it ends on the snail lich, just banger after banger.

      F&C just needed one big bombastic reveal or development and it would've nailed it, even a cool scene like all the Finns we visited uniting to help Fionna, or having Ice King back for a bit, or a crazy pairing or love moment etc, but as it is it's a shoegazy character piece.

      If it was a Distant Lands 1 hour special in one piece then maybe it would've gone over better since there would be no weekly hype cycle, but I prefer what we got, it was nice having the internet buzz about AT for a while again.

  63. 8 months ago

    >my troony cartoon isn't as troonyesque as it used to be!!!
    Big deal. It was shit then and it's still shit now. Now stop polluting this board.

  64. 8 months ago

    Anyone remembers the double gender-bent universe made up by Ice Queen? I am looking to expand it a little and I wonder if someone's interested. I am currently designing this universe's PB who's the Empress of the Sweet Empire

    • 8 months ago

      When Prismo was showing Scarab his character and world building software, Scarab did ask for a darker noir story.
      Maybe Scarab made a reality, and to hide it, they not only put it in an empty head (the Ice Queen) but also in the past (when the Ice Queen existed)?
      If anything, this whole experience should prove to Prismo and Scarab that there's really no consequence for what they're doing.

      • 8 months ago

        I like your idea, anon
        But I don't believe that the wishmasters (is that what they're called?) can change the past

  65. 8 months ago




    • 8 months ago

      i would be on board if season 2 is just cosmic prismo scarab bullshit with little to no bearing on the world of adventure time that we've seen so far. I always thought the time prison GOLB cosmic shit was some of the most interesting stuff in the series, why not just make that the focus?

      • 8 months ago

        they're not gonna do it but what would be awesome is to totally destroy Fionna's world and make her and Cake multiverse-travelling hero jannies

  66. 8 months ago

    >"My life and happiness is worth as much as Fionna's"
    >"and Cake's, and Gumball's, and Marshal's"
    >"And every single other resident of the Ooo"
    Even assuming everybody was genuinely happier living in Sitcom world, what about all of the people who died or were transformed into inanimate objects?
    The math just doesn't check out to me.

  67. 8 months ago

    If you ever took the plot of a show with adventure time's artstyle seriously or ever thought it was anything more than childrens entertainment, you might be somewhat moronic.
    This crap is below childrens books in terms of writing quality.

    • 8 months ago


  68. 8 months ago

    I was just glad to see Shermy and Beth again. They're pretty cool

  69. 8 months ago

    Yeah it's shit.
    I genuinely wish I'd stopped at episode 8, in that case I'd remember Fionna and Cake as a decent spin-off/fanfiction attempt.
    The last 2 episode were utter garbage. Like, they got almost everything wrong.
    Lame Lich's death, too much focus on gays, no Finn and Huntress, Fionna ends up as a useless pile of shit and doesnt' grow (as a person!), moronic normie coffeeshop AU is the main universe now, and I don't have words to describe what they did to Betty and Simon. "experience" my ass, jesus christ I felt like my soul almost dying at this moment.
    Anyway, it was kinda boring and shitty, so I'll forget it soon. Headcanon is best canon. And OG AT is still great.

    • 8 months ago

      >Lame Lich's death
      >too much focus on gays
      >no Finn and Huntress
      "Adventure Time with Fionna and Cake"
      Why would you expect Finn and HW in the final 2 episodes for no reason
      >Fionna ends up as a useless pile of shit and doesnt' grow (as a person!)
      She learns to appreciate her life, what lack of growth are you talking about?
      >moronic normie coffeeshop AU is the main universe now
      As if you ever cared about the fricking Fionna and Cake universe, (that still probably exists now that they're canon btw)
      >I don't have words to describe what they did to Betty and Simon
      You could try

  70. 8 months ago

    who the frick is simon

    • 8 months ago

      Nice King's loser brother

  71. 8 months ago

    Do you guys think there was any deeper meaning to the Cheers shit outside of serving as a way to frame the characters as living in a world identical to ours. What are the themes of Cheers as it pertains to Adventure Time.

    • 8 months ago

      It was always only Cheers. I think it was to illustrate that Fionna lived in a bubble microworld where nothing really happened or ever changed. That's why when she comes back you see the entire world is basically the city floating in a void.

    • 8 months ago

      I think the idea behind it was just surface level, where it could have been any sitcom, for the reasons you stated but that it was specifically cheers for the theme song.
      It's not only a popular theme (and a good song) but take a look at the lyrics of the main refrain

      >Sometimes you wanna go
      >Where everybody knows your name
      >And they're always glad you came
      >You wanna be where you can see (ah-ah)
      >Our troubles are all the same (ah-ah)
      >You wanna be where everybody knows your name

      It's a reminder of the past that Simon would like to return to but also a mantra of motivation for the future. Simon is trying to give Marcy hope by something to look forward to.
      The song itself though is actually darkly funny, looking at all the verses, because it's about a group of people suffering who think suffering together is better than suffering alone. And, to some extent, that's a theme of Cheers. A group of bar regulars looking for comfort in a shitty world by surrounding in people they tolerate also living in a shitty world and just trying to find the strength to face tomorrow.
      But, I don't think that was the intent of picking Cheers. Rather, it was a happy backwards accident.

  72. 8 months ago

    Just accept that straight relationships don't work out as well as LGBT relationships. Every straight couple I've ever known is now divorced and bitter.

    • 8 months ago

      Don't gays (the men especially) go through hundreds of partners easy? That monkey pox shit spread so well for a reason.

      • 8 months ago

        Mostly men, dykes are like pandas.

  73. 8 months ago

    was the gay shit that necessary?

  74. 8 months ago

    I am surprised by how dissapointed I am. I thought "eh, at worst it will suck", now I feel empty.

  75. 8 months ago

    >Fionna and Cake concluded
    >lackluster ending
    >fandom has bad taste in its mouth
    >comfy threads will once again disappear and all Adventure Time threads for the foreseeable future will just be endless bickering
    This sucks.

    • 8 months ago

      The bickering is literally caused by the writers putting out trash and morons defending it ironically or unironically.

      • 8 months ago

        >the bickering is caused by the people I disagree with because they're wrong and I'm right
        You really added some value and insight to this thread just there

        • 8 months ago

          Thank you for recognizing my greatness

    • 8 months ago

      its the same as before but simoncels replace finncels

      Kek, she's probably dead. Finn prime says he's "going to see her", that could mean visiting her grave.

      holy cope. You lost , get over with it

      • 8 months ago

        What did I lose exactly? I don't even care about this show or adventure time, I just watched it to see Simons story play out.

        • 8 months ago

          if you don't care about adventure time why do you want to see how simons story plays out. proofread the bait you post moron

      • 8 months ago

        unholy arrest, the game they won.

  76. 8 months ago

    Finncels are no more, we are now in the age of Simoncels.

    • 8 months ago

      About time for a flavor change. It's been over a decade.

    • 8 months ago

      What a weird time to live in

    • 8 months ago

      A timeline I could have never predicted

  77. 8 months ago

    I'm not sure why I didn't like the ending, maybe because I was hoping for a Winter King situation but one that was actually healthy? I find it kind of boring that Simon's real resolution was just to get therapy. I wanted something fantastical. I also think what bugs me about the Simon/Betty relationship is that it was pretty much foreshadowed where they were going with it when Fionna assumed he got on the bus with her and Simon was confused. Like she honestly expected him to just uproot his life, his housing situation and everything to jump on a bus last second and go to Australia. I thought it was dumb for her to assume that, but immediatley knew it was going to be a situation to show how bad Simon/Betty actually was. Also I hated the "You were an experience" it felt like Betty was just completely over it. It just felt bad.

    I don't think that bus scene was needed. I think they could have easily done a character arc that left Simon happy to have loved and been loved in return. That's the quote right? "Better to have love and lost than to never have loved at all"? Instead he's still just miserable and in therapy. It's just so unappealing.

    • 8 months ago

      If they weren't eager to break them up because of a dramatic flaw that eagle eyed tumblerinas could sus out by over analyzing every word choice they could have easily done so for more plausible reasons

      like Betty going "I like you but I'm not fond of the person I became with you so I'm moving on and it would be a lot easier for me if I could do that knowing you weren't going to off yourself without me *that's* pretty toxic" and hey that's still a huge emotional gut punch that would have leveled Simon at the start of the show and played nicely with the whole Golb situation plus diagnosed an actual problem with how his actions had been portrayed so far

      instead we get "you should have been more conscious of the weirdo character we gave maybe 1 scene of motivation about bustrip to because our episode length was ~15 minutes and aimed at a target audience of twelve year olds"

      • 8 months ago

        D-did this thread break you, anon? Did Fionna and Cake Break you? Do you need help?

      • 8 months ago

        I think I just wanted Betty to say she loved him still. Like some form of love, even if it was romantic anymore. Something like "You will always be dear to me Simon" if they didn't want to go with romantic love instead of "You were an experience". You were an experience just sounds so clinical and unemotional. Like imagine if Simon when about to put on the crown felt someone hug him, kiss him on the cheek which gave him the courage to not commit ego death by becoming Ice King again. That's what I wanted I think.

  78. 8 months ago

    there a mega for episodes 9 and 10?

    • 8 months ago

      Yeah, but the finale sucks dick.

      • 8 months ago

        All the dick

  79. 8 months ago

    I ship them. Finn needs a daddy

    • 8 months ago

      Those ARE Finn's parents, you literally can't tell me otherwise.

    • 8 months ago

      Another borderline insane broad trapped in an eternal cursed state of existence?
      He must have a type

    • 8 months ago

      Dude, she's somewhat not stable. That's a relapse waiting to happen

  80. 8 months ago

    Okay, so what's next for adventure time? More specials? Another series? I want to see more of our boy Finn

    • 8 months ago

      F&C renewal, Muto already said he's open to it.

      • 8 months ago

        But isn't the story concluded?

    • 8 months ago

      Time travel threat, so Billy from the past, Finn from the present, and Sweet P from the future team up to defeat it.

    • 8 months ago

      why does he dress like a gay?

    • 8 months ago

      I wouldnt mind a special or two with Finn and Simon having a somewhat awkward yet healthy "Father-Son" adventure like the campfire scene in episode 2. I wanna see some chill Simon telling Finn about old humans.

  81. 8 months ago

    Now that the fanfiction cartoon is over, can we go back to posting kino?

  82. 8 months ago

    Honestly though, do you think Ice King and then Simon ever functioned as a father figure to Finn? With no dad around and just adventuring with his manchild brother, he'd look to the adults around him as models. Ice King was a nutcase but maybe there were moments between them. They had their bouts for years while Finn was growing up

  83. 8 months ago

    So wait, is it confirmed Farmworld Finn is dead?

    • 8 months ago

      Someone should probably @ a writer about it at this point

    • 8 months ago

      It was left completely ambiguous.

    • 8 months ago

      Someone should probably @ a writer about it at this point

      Idk guys, it did look like he got his skull pierced by the immortal hunter bug

      • 8 months ago

        I would agree with you but Jay just leaving his siblings and Jake behind to fend for themselves feels weird

      • 8 months ago

        We've seen people take a lot of damage in this cartoon without dying though

  84. 8 months ago

    Wait a minute. What happened to the little pink guy on his pocket

    Did they really forget about him? I know saw him

  85. 8 months ago

    Quick thoughts:
    >The lich actually being depressed suck, I would've much preferred the same amount of screentime, but him trying to usurp golb in some way because he deems nu-golb "unworthy" or in his thousands of years he decides hes better than Golb. Have him shown as outclassed still but stay true to how he's completely fixated on death.
    >I think people are overreacting about how they portrayed Simon as "Toxic". They didn't Betty loved Simon and Simon loved Betty, its just that Simon thought they had shared ambitions, not that Betty just wanted to be with him.
    >The other characters like farmworld and baby finn coming over to Fionna world is fricking dumb. Unless this has serious consequences I don't like it.
    >Seeing Shermy and Beth again was cute but felt like they were forced in just because, it tying back to the Fionna fan in Ooo was neat though.
    >Prismo and Scarab being bros was cute.
    I wish we saw adult finn one more time.

    • 8 months ago

      It's not though, they have some magic/oddities (a stretchy cat, a talking squirrel and a hi-tech tank) and can potentially get more but it'll presumably be natural instead of having it all dumped on them at once.

    • 8 months ago

      worlds conclusion is LITERALLY THE STAR VS FINALE
      No? It's still the regular world, just with some magic sprinkled in.

    • 8 months ago

      I don't mind if they wanted to make Simon suck at something it's just the least consistent sort of problem behavior to try to pin on him. Roll a dice and pick a neurosis and it would probably fit better than being too obsessed with ancient artifacts to be supportive of others

      • 8 months ago

        You could argue that his obsession with improbable artifacts was a pre-existing schizoid trait that the crown may have preyed on, but I think if that's the angle they were going for they would have made it more explicit

        • 8 months ago

          I would have felt infinitely better if he was shown dependent on Betty for validation or something like that

    • 8 months ago

      I dunno, I kinda like the Lich ending, overall. Probably was a little lackluster for the initial big bad to the series, but I like the idea of the Lich doing this all in the name of GOLB, devoting his whole life to studying under him but fundamentally getting the message wrong and is punished for it when he demands to know why his worship wasn't rewarded.
      I don't even know if that was the intent, and maybe GOLB just killed him for his petulance in his audience, but there was just something satisfying seeing the Lich realize his own lack of satisfactions in his quest for genocide and suffering but not understanding why he was wrong.

      • 8 months ago

        Lich forgot to kill himself so Golb did him a solid

        • 8 months ago

          lol thats pretty good, the reason the lich was so unsatisfied was his inability to finish the job with himself

        • 8 months ago

          Not really, the lich is stuck in an undying form of a block most likely, not dead. Basically in eternal stasis (As he's probably no longer event sapient in this form).

          That being said, the lich should have logically realised that killing himself was the next logical step: As the lich in distant lands shows, killing things isn't the "End" of life as it still exists in some form in the afterlife. Only by destroying the afterlife itself and "killing" everyone there would his work truly be done.

      • 8 months ago

        Okay but imagine if it were:
        >Lich succeeds
        >In his thousands of years of meditation realizes this wasn't in the name of Golb, or blames golb being tampered with as to why Golb hasn't given him more recognition for his feats
        >Sees an opportunity in Simon to get to Golb
        >Succeeds and tries to kill Golb
        >Gets fricking bodied.

        • 8 months ago

          Honestly, I was expecting the plotline would be about Lich trying to fuse with Golb in betty's place and gain all omnipotent power like she had.

          • 8 months ago

            yeah that sounds better like "have I brought a worthy offering" and him laughing as he gets tetris'd

        • 8 months ago

          That would have been more epic in a traditional story-telling sence, but I don't like the implications it has for the Lich. I like that the Lich is so seemingly powerful but is still subservient to a cosmic deity that's just an accepted (albeit feared) deity while the Lich is just a manslaughtering machine to be feared.
          The Lich turning on him would imply a morality battle within the Lich and I don't think that's as interesting as his faith being crushed and his refusal to accept anything else but his teachings. I think that's part of my issue with the comic too, where they just handwave the threat of GOLB to the point Marceline's Dad can push him around.
          I think it was wise for AT not to 'slay' GOLB or turn him into a Prismo-Type character and that their solution to removing him from the equation was more mythological and ethereal just as I'm glad F&C didn't cement anything about GOLB either, because I think GOLB works better as blank slate than anything tangible.

          • 8 months ago

            I prefer the lich as a mindless killing robot, completely dedicated to a cause he believes to be Golbs. If he was told one day Golb doesn't care, I imagine he'd rationalize it before being like "nooo muh purpose"

            And I'm not saying the Lich actually succeeds, he should be bodied I just wish it was more of him being deluded rather than whimpering.

            • 8 months ago

              Exactly! And that's why I find it interesting he's questioning his lack of satisfaction in his faith rather than purely question his faith on the whole. The Lich believes he truly is doing what his master wants but it just doesn't feel right, so either he's doing something wrong or been misinformed and needs his master to correct him.
              My only issue is that the Lich talked about killing all life, including cosmic, but was allowing himself to live. I guess they could have explained with some nonsense about how him being unable to kill himself and somehow the lack of life trapped him in that universe. Maybe the Lich knew other versions of himself existed in other realities, and thus they'd continue the task, and he could just wait for cosmic extinction and then that never came, which gave him his doubts? But, I'm trying to figure out offshoots plans from lore that's probably non-existing anyway.

  86. 8 months ago

    What are the "better choices" Betty says they could've made? That line sticks out to me.

    • 8 months ago

      Not giving up her whole life to Simon.

    • 8 months ago

      Not sacrifice her entire sense of self (literally) to save Simon.

    • 8 months ago

      Betty going to Australia

  87. 8 months ago

    I genuinely wonder why we couldn’t have Finn or Marcy interact with Simon in the finale. He literally talks to them in Episode 2 it would make sense having them talk again after finding purpose in life.

    • 8 months ago

      It was about Simon finding new things to appreciate about his life. We know he has Finn and Marcy already.

      • 8 months ago

        >We know he has Finn and Marcy already
        Do we? Do we really?

        • 8 months ago

          Not really, remember last we saw of Simon was telling Minerva that he was thinking of moving.

          Dunno where the frick he'd live, living with Marcy is not the best option, and living in the wilds seems eh.

          • 8 months ago

            We see a lot of the hard parts of Ooo but Ooo has always meant to seem like quite a tranquil place to live. Talking animals, candy people, ect ect. Simon could live in the ice kingdom and do something with that. He seems immune to the cold anyways

            • 8 months ago

              Doubt he'd live in the Ice Kingdom, but he seems plausible if to help him move on by accepting the past more

              More thinking what he'll eat, guy just can't keep candy forever

          • 8 months ago

            therapy time
            come on grab your friends
            we're going to very distant lands
            with finn the human
            and simon petrikov
            the fun will never end
            its therapy time!

            • 8 months ago

              if minerva was my therapist i would go to every session

              • 8 months ago

                do you think Simon pays her?

              • 8 months ago

                no, minerva's the type who would literally do it for free

              • 8 months ago

                Nippa, there's no money in Human City. As long as you're human, that shit is free. Minerva is the de facto ruler, ruling it with her bots

              • 8 months ago

                >as long as you are human, that shit is free
                Racist Minerva?

              • 8 months ago

                Dude, if PB can tax Finn even though he doesn't live in her land. Then Minnie can go it's free for humans

        • 8 months ago

          Well Finn was happy to try and help him in his own misguided way, but no follow up with Marcy was a weird writing choice.

          • 8 months ago

            Why are Simon and Marcy close or something? I don’t get it Simon isn’t PB and Marcy isn’t Betty.

            • 8 months ago

              We get it you want to derail the thread because you're made about Bubbeline and gay people existing.
              Maybe find something ELSE to be mad about?

          • 8 months ago

            Lack of follow up in general bothered me, when the dead BMO glitched into an alarm clock I was sure Fionna's alarm clock would become a BMO or something or at least referenced by the end, lots of stuff went nowhere even though the last two episodes had a LOT of dead air where nothing important was happening. They spent like 10 minutes in Fionna's apartment on literally nothing.

            • 8 months ago

              Well at least they explained how Fionna killed the winter king.

        • 8 months ago

          Yeah we "know" that like we "know" Finn and HW are together, and Fionna and Hunter, and that Jake is dead, and that Farmworld Finn is dead, and that Betty still exists etc, they refuse to actually clarify anything

        • 8 months ago


  88. 8 months ago

    Where does Finn live?

  89. 8 months ago

    I loved the finale, don't get the hate. It was very touching.
    >muh super dramatic emotionally manipulative woobiekino

    • 8 months ago

      I liked it too.

  90. 8 months ago

    AT had so much potential, why the frick does everything good get raped like this, why does this keep happening.

  91. 8 months ago

    Can we drop the relationship drama and go back to adventures? No? Ok

    • 8 months ago

      Life is an adventure, anon

  92. 8 months ago

    luv Fionna and Cake

    Season 2 when?

    • 8 months ago

      this series took 3 years so a full season takes 5 years at least

  93. 8 months ago

    I sort of wish we got the fricked up alternate universe where magic did return to Fionna's world in a monkey paw's sense. I just can't get over how dull this conclusion was for me.

    • 8 months ago

      That would've been the Star vs. ending all over again.

      • 8 months ago

        I never watched Star so I can't really compare the two series at all.

        so basically, they didn't subvert your expectations enough?

        It's more like they didn't subvert them at all I guess? It's not like I knew what the ending was going to be but I've seen these kinds of messages before and they just don't interest me at all, I was really into all of the build up too but it really feel like it fizzled out at the end into what was status quo for them prior with a couple smaller exceptions. It may be a lacking viewpoint but I just found this rather boring and rushed at the end.

    • 8 months ago

      Sad we didn't get the "FIONNA WHY AM I WHITE" ending

    • 8 months ago

      so basically, they didn't subvert your expectations enough?

    • 8 months ago

      How come everyone was their normal old F&C selves except for these two

    • 8 months ago

      Considering GOLBetty has some control over time, I think that actually happened but got undone by her after seeing how much of a shitshow it turned into combined with not expecting Simon to actually put the crown back on.

  94. 8 months ago

    So I guess Jay is cool with being (permanently?) seperated from his baby siblings and father (who may or may not be dead)?

  95. 8 months ago

    If Fionna is canonically a macrophile, Finn is too. Based.

    • 8 months ago

      The whole point of the multiverse is that the counterparts aren't all the same.

      • 8 months ago

        FRICK YOU

  96. 8 months ago

    >simoncels so pathetic they want simon to bang a robot
    why are you like this? the glass girl is unironically better

    • 8 months ago

      >the glass girl is unironically better
      .t guy who posts the glass girl

    • 8 months ago

      Based, finally.

      >the glass girl is unironically better
      .t guy who posts the glass girl

      That'd be me

  97. 8 months ago

    If the robot looked like this, you'd bang it too

  98. 8 months ago

    schizoteric bros we are BACK

    • 8 months ago

      >bow with two loops underneath like the infinity loop under Malus

    • 8 months ago

      So Prismo x GOLB is Malus?
      Also the schizo theorist won lmao

    • 8 months ago

      how did schizobro feel about the finale

    • 8 months ago

      Frick, it's apples. It's always been apples. IT'S FRICKING APPLES ALL THE WAY DOWN.

      • 8 months ago

        Glory to the crystal Elephant.

    • 8 months ago

      Let me discuss this with my insider source real quick.

    • 8 months ago

      God motherfricking DAMN

    • 8 months ago

      s2 confirmed

    • 8 months ago

      damn I was having some thoughts about a marceline fanart idea where apples would parallel bodies for her food in whichever timeline Life or Death dominates. apple of life and knowledge/passage from her feral instincts yadda yadda

      and it got me thinkin about apples and how much I’ve seen them in AT stuff, so far I remember one rolling on the ground in the I Remember You song, tree trunks, that bubbline comic about the crystal tree, I think the fricked up fruit in dads dungeon was an apple?

  99. 8 months ago

    I wonder what Fionna and Simon's phone sex is like

    • 8 months ago

      >and that is what i did today..Fiona are you there?

      • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        Hunter sounds like he only ever gets pegged

        • 8 months ago

          Fionna's too much of a pillow princess to peg someone
          >and so they were both bottoms

          • 8 months ago

            They make double-ended dildos for a reason, I suppose.

  100. 8 months ago

    Why couldnt simon just frick Golbetty

    • 8 months ago

      Simon literally got BLOWED BY BETTY in the finale

  101. 8 months ago

    Reminder that whoever made this is a impotent wife beater who can only express himself through violence.

    The whole thing is about letting go of the past and settle for compromises. This is about Simon letting go of Betty, and Fiona finding out how to bring spice to her life without having to screw everyone over. Adventure Time became a show about growing up halfway through its run, and it better out for going that route.

  102. 8 months ago

    has the song from the last ep been uploaded yet?

  103. 8 months ago

    Was Pendleton Ward involved in the project or at least had any minimal participation in the development of the mini-series?

    • 8 months ago

      Ward voiced Ellis P.

    • 8 months ago

      No. Just the voices.

    • 8 months ago

      I highly doubt Penn was involved in both this and Distant Lands.

    • 8 months ago


  104. 8 months ago

    Is farmworld Finn dead? Why can't glob kill scarb but a crystal can? Why did they make him room mates with prismo? How did Fionna universe become canon?

    • 8 months ago

      >Is farmworld Finn dead
      >Why can't glob kill scarb but a crystal can
      Didn't kill him, just trapped him in an egg like he's been doing to other immortal beings.
      >Why did they make him room mates with prismo
      Community service I guess
      >How did Fionna universe become canon
      Glob removed it from Simon's head and wish power made it real i guess

    • 8 months ago

      Is Farmworld Finn dead?

      No. The hat protected him, and Jay is not a psychopath who wouldn't care if his dad died.

    • 8 months ago

      >Scarab wasn't killed
      >Because it's funny and le "they were roommates" trope
      >Golbetty gave Simon a cheat code

  105. 8 months ago

    Is Farmworld Finn dead?

    • 8 months ago
  106. 8 months ago

    They got to keep the boring human Aaa but everyone forgot the original magic guys we saw in the original F&C episodes, did they all die? The humans certainly don't remember the histories and lives of their magic counterparts

    • 8 months ago

      Technically they're still alive, they just have no memory of being magic.

      • 8 months ago

        So the same thing happened to them, that the normal Aaa humans feared would happen to them? A really bad thing

        • 8 months ago

          two wrongs doesn't make a right

    • 8 months ago

      They didn't die (well most of them), their reality was transformed. If you were viewing the events, outside of time, when the magic was removed from Simon it was removed from their world at that moment, reverting it instantly.
      From the perspective of the people living in Aaa, they always lived in a normal reality and their memories shifted to a remembering a magic-free world. From an outsider's perspective, there was a flash and everything changed and it went from Magic Land to Normal Land.
      Any non-living creature (like BMO) were turned to regular real world objects though. I'd have assumed creatures made of magic would have just died, but it seems like most of them (like Fern) actually got to live in human bodies (or animal bodies, assuming some Cake-type situations.)

      It's like the old philosophical riddle about us not being able to prove reality didn't just start yesterday with all the evidence it's millions of years old just being created to give the illusion it was ancient.

      • 8 months ago

        They don't die like in Star vs they just are normal beings
        No one remembers that they used to do magic , its like a reincarnation
        everyone had a different life all together

        Then why did they forget everything about their lives and relationships in the magic time

        • 8 months ago

          They didn't forget. When Fionna sperged about her Ice Prince dream, everyone else (Banana Guards, Fern, etc) shared they were plagued by strange magic dreams

        • 8 months ago

          Just a quirk of reality re-adjusting. I'd assume that the removal of magic mind wiped them so the structure of their reality remained stable, because if it just removed it all, the world would literally fall apart.
          The people Normal Aaa do have a subconcious memory, since they talk about dreams of their lives in magic Aaa, so they're totally the same people. The lack of memory just makes the story cleaner.
          If someone learned they used to have a different identity, they could probably even wish for Prismo to revert them (or find another magical outlet, assuming they can leave their universe)

          • 8 months ago

            >If someone learned they used to have a different identity, they could probably even wish for Prismo to revert them
            This should have been the ending. Prismo opens a portal to Ooo and says everyone can go back to their 'original' selves if they like and Fionna just is like nah I'm good

            • 8 months ago

              I think it was at least a thought. It feels like the short episode count janked some ideas. Fionna brought up a few times about how it shouldn't be her choice in controlling the reality of her world, but because of how quickly Fionna was forced to return home (and was scared of magic) it still comes across like she's making a choice that no-magic is better for safety reasons.
              I thought the ending, where everyone got imbued with the magic Dandelion, was going to have some people revert to their magic identities while some chose to stay people.

              Interesting distinction between Ooo and Aaa, when Aaa had it's magic removed, the Hotdog Guards became human people while in Ooo when a Hotdog Guard came into contact with Cake's anti-magic, it reverted into a normal hotdog. Some food for thought.

              • 8 months ago

                Cute Rabbit.

              • 8 months ago

                Do we really know if it was "anti-magic" though? The garlic bombs PB made weren't magic, it kinda seemed like stuff in the other universes were just being replaced by stuff in Fiona's world.

              • 8 months ago

                We do, because of how it impacted Winter King. His crown remained the same after Fionna's anti-magic went off on it, but we saw it lose juice the same way it did when the magic was siphoned from our Simon's crown in AT.

              • 8 months ago

                Wasn't that the only time we saw something lose its magic? Everything else was just a replacement with a similar object. Maybe it was replaced by a toy crown or something.

              • 8 months ago

                Might be because the Magic crown existed for real in Simon's normal world. Whereas magic talking hotdogs do not

              • 8 months ago

                I'm now thinking it's either anti-magic, but just inconsistent as frick or replacement AND anti-magic handwaved away as "it's just multiverse shit"

                You're making my head hurt, man.
                Occum's Razor says they have anti-magic touch as seen by it's ability to replace magic-items with regular objects except the time it took the magic from a purely magical item and left it alone, just without magic.
                But if you NEED it to believe 'magic touch that randomly replaces things from their world' HAS to be the solution to sleep at night, because the writers didn't outright say verbatim that's not how it functions, then go ahead I guess.

                I don't think it has to, it's just the only way it works consistently to me. I feel like with Occum's razor it works the other way around, most of the stuff that got turned normal wasn't magic items.

              • 8 months ago

                Sorry, that's a fair way of looking at it. I've been in these threads too long today.
                I'm just so tired of people intentionally acting thick in discussing this show, claiming if it was stated outright, it's just a theory and doesn't count.

              • 8 months ago

                If it was stated outright then I probably missed it

                Well Cake and Fionna come from a world where its aspect is a lack of magic. Since they're unauthorised it seems to be infective somewhat. So a nonmagic version of a talking hotdog is just a hotdog but a nonmagic version of a magic crown is just a crown

                But a non-magic version of a garlic bomb and a robot... I'm just gonna forget about it.

              • 8 months ago

                Typo on my part. I meant,
                >I'm just so tired of people intentionally acting thick in discussing this show, claiming if it wasn't stated outright, it's just a theory and doesn't count.
                I was implying I thought you were one, but were wrong. I'm just tired.

              • 8 months ago

                Sleep well anon

                In normal fionna world BMO was already a clock radio. Things seem to have correspondence

                Perhaps, but the pieces just don't hold together for me.

              • 8 months ago

                okay listen, the only thing that didn't transform into a different object was the crown which is unique because it specifically existed in Simon's original life. The crown itself isn't a magical object as in a object made magic, it's an object that has magic inside (the gems)

              • 8 months ago

                I see where you're coming from. Anti-magic is a fair explanation, but it was weird that the supposed non-magic objects got altered too. Gonna settle on cartoon logic.

              • 8 months ago

                It's less anti magic more "make normal". The crown is normal in a sense already but it having actual magic was the magical aspect that was later revealed to simon when he put it on

              • 8 months ago

                Huh, guess that explains it.

              • 8 months ago

                You should have a nice day.

              • 8 months ago

                Be careful about the energy you put into the world, Anon.
                It can manifest some very bad things.

              • 8 months ago

                In normal fionna world BMO was already a clock radio. Things seem to have correspondence

              • 8 months ago

                Well Cake and Fionna come from a world where its aspect is a lack of magic. Since they're unauthorised it seems to be infective somewhat. So a nonmagic version of a talking hotdog is just a hotdog but a nonmagic version of a magic crown is just a crown

              • 8 months ago

                You're making my head hurt, man.
                Occum's Razor says they have anti-magic touch as seen by it's ability to replace magic-items with regular objects except the time it took the magic from a purely magical item and left it alone, just without magic.
                But if you NEED it to believe 'magic touch that randomly replaces things from their world' HAS to be the solution to sleep at night, because the writers didn't outright say verbatim that's not how it functions, then go ahead I guess.

    • 8 months ago

      They don't die like in Star vs they just are normal beings
      No one remembers that they used to do magic , its like a reincarnation
      everyone had a different life all together

  107. 8 months ago

    I'm an addict, I need more. Jokes aside it was okay and I hope we get another season.

    • 8 months ago

      same. I need more Adventure time, Frankly, cartoons have been very scarce these last few years. There's like nothing to watch

      • 8 months ago

        I know right? It's like a desert out here.

  108. 8 months ago

    I believe that Finn and HW got married in maintimeline, didn't have kids but married. Like Geralt and Yen, except no Ciri

    • 8 months ago

      It's probably the reverse. Jake never married Lady to keep her safe in the event of a curse on his family, Finn probably shares that mindset

      • 8 months ago

        So, they're kinda married but no official shit. Yeah, I'll accept that, but it would be funny if HW and Finn got cursed together, sorta like a wedding vow

  109. 8 months ago

    Wouldnt it be fricked up if unknowingly before Betty left for Ooo she was pregnant with Simons kid and she never knew and after she merged with Golb and Golbetty was like visibly pregnant and Golbetty gave birth to some kinda weird demigod wouldnt that be terrible

    • 8 months ago

      haha imagine if we get a whole scene of Golbetty showering with a big pregnant belly haha that would BE CRAZY

      • 8 months ago

        Shit the frick up!!!!

  110. 8 months ago

    >every single male character in Aaa was turned non-white except Gary regardless of logic or VA
    Creative positions should require a mental illness check during the hiring process

    • 8 months ago

      Are the Lemoncarbs nothing to you

      • 8 months ago

        Lemoncarbs are female

    • 8 months ago

      I like this bird. Is funny.

  111. 8 months ago

    She merged with a world-eating god, and sacrificed her humanity to save the man she loved. She has eternal time and wisdom to reflect on her relationship with him as well.

    Even if she wanted to try again, she’s way beyond human now. They’ve at no point shown that she has the power to revert her choice, transform herself, or do anything except golb shit, and golb even being in a world makes it start to rattle apart like Russian F1 car.

    The best she could do was spoon feed him the lesson that he was pretty self centred and valued his own goals above hers, even though he loved her. So maybe now he can move on.
    And that he might never understand what she is or what she’s doing now.

    But yeah, that scene should have been longer, and the writing could have been better.

    Also the music was weaker than past episodes.

  112. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      just a normal friday night

    • 8 months ago

      >I was a prisoner in my own head.

    • 8 months ago

      I wish Beth believed Simon eventually. Really curious if a single thing happened after.

    • 8 months ago

      Shermy really doesn't give a shit

  113. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      I'm glad I'm not the only one who liked them.

    • 8 months ago

      >introduce two cute characters just to give them another "you're destined to not be together" ending
      frick this
      yes I know it's just an allegory for SimonxBetty but it's still dumb

  114. 8 months ago

    you would think beinc a necromancer goes against eveyrthing the lich stands for as necromancers literrly make life from death

  115. 8 months ago

    >People complaining that Simon just "got over his depression"
    When did they happen exactly? He's taking the first steps to getting help in the series after accepting that he has to move on from Betty and finding that his life is still worth living even without her. Just going to therapy doesn't mean he's magically cured.

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