After not caring for a long time and being bored, I gave this movie a shot.

After not caring for a long time and being bored, I gave this movie a shot.
1hr19m in and it's still just nonstop build-up with meaningless dialogue. So far Lex Luthor has caught most of my attention and has been the only character building towards a plot.
What is this movie good for?

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  1. 4 months ago

    plotgays don't get it. it's a character piece.

    • 4 months ago

      >it's a character piece.
      Your reply makes no sense, unless you don't know what a character piece is.
      protip: a character piece has nothing to do with movies and everything to do with music

      • 4 months ago

        lol stick to your marvelslop, kid
        clearly you aren't equipped with the necessary brainpower to comprehend SnyderKino

        • 4 months ago

          >lol stick to your marvelslop, kid
          Not a fan of most of them, some are enjoyable to watch with your brain turned off. The Avenger movies a top-tier dogshit feelgood cancer movies made for tweens.
          >clearly you aren't equipped with the necessary brainpower to comprehend SnyderKino
          Enlighten me with your "self found" hidden philosophical (it's really not that deep) meaning to the Snyder movies. Or are you just too insecure that people don't think you're an adult and thus imply you have wisdom and experience to see dark and gritty things different than most "normies" do? Very Nietzsche of you.
          I'd like to be wrong, but this is how most DC capekino homosexuals come over as.

          But enlighten me, I'd like to know what I'm not seeing in this movie.

          • 4 months ago

            you have no idea yet just how bad the last 30 minutes are

            • 4 months ago

              >you have no idea yet just how bad the last 30 minutes are
              At 2hr03m at the moment, been pausing/resuming a lot. It's really hard to get through.
              >Superman gaslit into killing Batman because captured mother
              >Like really gaslit to the point he's about to murder everyone
              >Batman been pissed off at Superman the whole movie
              >"Wait, your mom's name is Martha?"
              >Sudden BFF's
              >Oh wait, Doomsday.
              >"Nuke them!"
              >Awh shucks, Superman is dead
              >Oh wait, solar energy.
              Also when Lois threw away that kryptonian spear in the water made absolutely no sense.
              This will probably be the last DC movie I'll ever watch. And I haven't watched that many of them.

              • 4 months ago

                all of that happens after the the 2 hour mark though, so you're lying, also her throwing the spear makes perfect sense since its ltierally poisoning Superman, but you've shown that you're a huge moron so of course even something that simple escapes you

              • 4 months ago

                >all of that happens after the the 2 hour mark though.
                It didn't. At the 2hr03m mark Superman already came back and started diving for the kryptonian spear that Lois threw away.
                I'm literally watching it right now. Why the frick are you grasping for such a moronic "you're lying about watching the movie"????????
                >also her throwing the spear makes perfect sense since its ltierally poisoning Superman
                It's not about the act of throwing it away, but the way she did it. Literally walking around in a building like a moron "oh water, let me throw it in there". It literally doesn't give any sense of getting rid of it.
                >but you've shown that you're a huge moron so of course even something that simple escapes you
                You're moronic for assuming the wrong here. Your whole comment screams that you're fedora wearing "intellect is my weapon" homosexual.

              • 4 months ago

                oh so you arent watching the Ultimate Edition lmao, no wonder you intentionally picked a terribly edited version that isnt very good, the Ultimate Edition is legit amazing. fricking lol you are so stupid

              • 4 months ago

                What's the difference between the one I'm watching and the DLC edition?

              • 4 months ago

                there is way more time spent on both Superman and Batman which adds a lot more context to why they are doing what they are doing and why they feel certain ways, there is way more regarding both Luthor and Batman's plans which help them make sense (especially Luthor's). It really elevates the movie on every level, its not quite as big of a change as say the Snyder cut to Justice League but closer to how the director's cut to Troy is just leagues better than the theaterical cut. Or how much better the director's cut is for Kingdom of Heaven.

              • 4 months ago

                What's the difference between the one I'm watching and the DLC edition?

                and there is also an entire sequence of Clark in Gotham doing investigatory work / journalism

              • 4 months ago

                >not watching the UE
                you played yourself

              • 4 months ago

                rookie mistake

              • 4 months ago

                to be quite fair, if you can't portray the same quality in the theatrical version as opposed to some extended version, it's dogshit by default. at that point storytelling is just completely botched.

              • 4 months ago

                no not really, the theatrical cut was made by the studio, not Snyder so that doesnt even make sense, one version is one group's vision and the other is the director's vision, your post is completely moronic

              • 4 months ago

                wtf are you saying? tons of movies have had shit theaterical cuts but good or amazing directors cuts: Kingdom Of Heaven, Troy, Superman 2, Doctor Sleep, The Abyss (the theaterical cut isnt bad but the director's cut is obviously better), Watchmen, I Am Legend, Brazil, The New World just to name a few

              • 4 months ago

                Shazam was the only legitimately good flick to come out of the whole franchise. And that's probably because it was barely WB who was involved with it.

          • 4 months ago

            NTA but I think BvS is a pretty amazing movie. I'm kind of tired of repeating all the reasons why I like it because most people have already made up their minds about it and refuse to ever see another point of view but I can rattle off a few things I like off the top of my head. First off the actual premise behind it I find pretty interesting, its trying to be is own unique take on the DC universe while reconciling various takes and ideas in it, for one the idea that Batman exists both as this mythic boogieman of Gotham and is a member of the justice league, having "The Bat as Myth" aspect of his life happen before the "public superhero" aspect lets both exist and would have given room to an expanded universe to tell stories going back and forward with Batman. I really like the take of Superman who is trying his best to do good, but having to deal with the repercussions of his mistakes and his success, whether it is the collateral damage from fighting Zod, since it was literally his first day fighting anyone with anywhere close to his own strength and flying in MoS, or people revering him as a god when he saves a girl from a fire, or people coming to rely on him so much that instead of writing "HELP" on their house they draw Superman's logo. Superman isnt sure if its okay for people to look at him in such a way and I find that to be a much more interesting dilema for one of the most powerful superheroes of all time--whose stories are often criticized for having difficulty finding a natural way to add stakes without nerfing him--over something like a real estate scam. I also really love this idea of Batman feeling like his crusade was worthless since crime can never truly be stopped, him projecting his own failures onto Superman and wanting to kill Superman ostensibly to destroy a potential super threat / make sure his crusade had a palpable, lasting impact but in reality because he wants to kill the parts of himself that failed and became corrupted.

            • 4 months ago

              I can't take someone serious saying this movie is amazing and not being able to write readable paragraphs over this utterly moronic wall of text.
              Not gonna read it bud. It's literally hurting my eyes, not as much as the movie tho.

              • 4 months ago

                >tell me why you like the movie
                >what! you actually did that? i'm not reading that
                holy shit you're moronic
                dude Cinemaphile posts literally have a 40,000 character limit, if that is too much for you then...i dont know what to say, you might want to stick to twitter or tiktok. good luck in life, you're going to need it

              • 4 months ago

                If you want people to read what you type, make it less of an eyesore, moron.
                But reading the rest of your comment, it seems like you don't even know what paragraphs are.

              • 4 months ago

                >complaining about paragraph formatting
                >on a mongolian basket weaving forum
                go back to redddit you fricking homosexual lmao

    • 4 months ago

      Yeah. A character piece of shit.

      • 4 months ago

        its one of the best movies of the superhero genre, right next to Spider-Man 2 and Unbreakable

        you have no idea yet just how bad the last 30 minutes are

        It’s just an interesting weird mess not a bad movie but I can see why they’re rebooting the DC movie continuity props for trying something different but it just isn’t that good

        i watched it twice
        it's really bad

        >What is this movie good for?
        It was a giant meme on here in 2016 with people pretending it was some kind of misunderstood, artistic masterpiece. Then, in typical fashion, actual fanboys of the movie started to congregate here and thought they were in good company.

        literally reddditors

  2. 4 months ago

    "oh dang, ur mom is also named martha? shiit bro, why didn't you say so. we cool now!"
    literally 2/3rd of the movie made irrelevant.

    • 4 months ago

      Clearly you didn't understand it. It's not just any single word, there's a larger context in the works that you can't reduce to an isolated word. Everything about Batman's arc, where he is spiraling to the darkness has been building up to this moment. Out of the blue, he hears the name of his dead mother, of whose murder he dreams about every night to this day. And as such it triggers his childhood PTSD. And it doesn't just magically make him like Superman, it simply throws him off his game. He can't understand why Superman would mention his mother's name. And so he stops, and starts demanding for Clark to explain himself. His urge to murder has shifted to rage and confusion since he can't no longer understand the situation. It's only Lois' intervention that diffuses the situation when she explains Clark was begging him to save his mother even as he was about to die and that is what breaks the camels back, by making Bruce finally see Superman as a person for the first time. A man very similar to himself, rather than a strange otherworldly alien being he couldn't understand but could easily hate and conveniently project all his fears into. And that is why he can't kill him. Because all his blinding hatred, self-deception and lies have been stripped away, and he has to face the ugly truth: he was going to murder a man simply out of pure fear. He was going to be the very thing he has spent his whole life fighting against.

      It's a complex, deeply character oriented scene that addresses everything Batman represents and how astray he had become from those values. People like you trying to reduce it to a inane meme shows fundamental inability to understand the scene for what it really is about.

      • 4 months ago

        It's not that deep, lil bro. Let it go.
        You're not a philosopher and re-shitting other people's takes, that you would have never been able to see yourself, doesn't make you smarter either.
        There's no hidden meaning behind it all.

        • 4 months ago

          just because you were too moronic to see if doesnt mean it wasnt there, jesus christ you are dumb also
          >that you would have never been able to see yourself
          but I did see it myself? what kind of moron cope is this "w-well you didnt even see the thing you thought you saw!" frick lmao you're stupid

          • 4 months ago

            >but I did see it myself?
            100% you didn't understand the movie, looked up the meaning on the internet and went "well, if the 'smart' people say it, I guess it must be true" and now you're just parroting what other people thought they saw and claim you came to this conclusion yourself. That's what I meant with you didn't see it (the meaning) yourself. Jesus fricking christ, you really are showing how fricking moronic you are.

            • 4 months ago

              holy insecure projection batman
              absolutely mind bogglign that you just assume everyone is as moronic as you are lol

              • 4 months ago

                2/10 because you made me read.

              • 4 months ago

                >but I did see it myself?
                100% you didn't understand the movie, looked up the meaning on the internet and went "well, if the 'smart' people say it, I guess it must be true" and now you're just parroting what other people thought they saw and claim you came to this conclusion yourself. That's what I meant with you didn't see it (the meaning) yourself. Jesus fricking christ, you really are showing how fricking moronic you are.

                It's not that deep, lil bro. Let it go.
                You're not a philosopher and re-shitting other people's takes, that you would have never been able to see yourself, doesn't make you smarter either.
                There's no hidden meaning behind it all.

                What kind of advance level coping is this? Imagine being this angry that you couldn't understand a scene in a movie ahahahahahah

      • 4 months ago

        except its doubly moronic because its batman, you know, the guy who's also supposed to be a fricking DETECTIVE
        if he did 2 seconds of research on his 500k giga smart computer he would've known that clark kent (who he knows is superman) has a mom named martha
        it was and still is a moronic plot point, and you're an even bigger moronic homosexual for believing otherwise

        • 4 months ago

          he doesnt know clark kent is superman until Lois comes to save him, holy shit you are dumb dude, literally making things up to be mad at lmaaaao

          • 4 months ago

            except he does because the thumb drive he took from lexcorp had info on every meta/superhero
            and yeah, I'm mad "intellectual" homosexuals like you pretend this movie is deeper than a puddle

            • 4 months ago

              >except he does because the thumb drive he took from lexcorp had info on every meta/superhero
              it didnt have info on Superman you fricking moron, it only had WW, Flash, Aquaman and Cyborg, like they literally labeled the 4 folders on it for moron like you, jesus christ you are so dumb its embarassing

        • 4 months ago

          anon what are you saying, the entire point of the movie is Batman thinks Superman is just Superman and a detached alien god, he cant even concieve of the idea that he would have a human identity / act like a human in any capacity

  3. 4 months ago

    It’s just an interesting weird mess not a bad movie but I can see why they’re rebooting the DC movie continuity props for trying something different but it just isn’t that good

  4. 4 months ago

    i watched it twice
    it's really bad

  5. 4 months ago

    >What is this movie good for?
    It was a giant meme on here in 2016 with people pretending it was some kind of misunderstood, artistic masterpiece. Then, in typical fashion, actual fanboys of the movie started to congregate here and thought they were in good company.

  6. 4 months ago

    So is metropolis supposed to be right across from gotham? I always assumed they were supposed to be in different states.

  7. 4 months ago

    WB fricked up both this and justice league obviously but I don’t understand why rebel moon will get a Snyder cut

    • 4 months ago

      they announced there would be a director's cut from the beginning due to Snyder wanting a rated R 4 hour long movie and Netflix wanting a PG-13 sub 2 hour cut they could premier for Christmas

  8. 4 months ago

    The thing about BvS and particularly the ultimate edition is that it essentially acts as a root system for a universe we never got. There are so many instances of details they were obviously going to explore in future films that are just cut. As the film stands, I feel like it would be remembered much more fondly if the other 5-6 films released as planned. You can even see in WW and ZSJL that there was a plan to tie everything back to BvS and the world created there.

    Hell they made an entire WE movie about a passing comment from BvS. Imagine how the Batman, Cyborg and 2 JL movies would have played out.

    • 4 months ago

      >they made an entire WE movie
      a what movie?

      • 4 months ago

        Autocorrect, it was WW

  9. 4 months ago

    I like the Martha moment.

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