Age gap in movie

Why is it only femcels that care about this type of things ?
>Elvis was dating priscilla when she was 14
>He was 24, a full grown man
Huh Aksually the brain doesn't stop developing until 25
They can't even get their lore consistent for 5 minutes

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  1. 6 months ago

    Imagine the smell

    • 6 months ago

      She's an ugly b***h but I still would

      Room smells of stale piss but has you put it up her ass on the first date.

  2. 6 months ago

    She's an ugly b***h but I still would

  3. 6 months ago

    just a quick 50 minute video

  4. 6 months ago

    >15 year olds having sex is bad
    >unless it’s with other 15 year olds, then it’s perfectly fine no matter the power circumstances that come into play since they’re the same age so it can’t be bad
    What the FRICK is wrong with americans

    • 6 months ago

      Listen buddy 16 year olds are just kids and aren’t ready for sex they’re not mature enough to consent wait are you bawd shaming a girl for having sex at 16 you fricking incel she’s old enough to decide for herself as I was saying 16 year olds are kids and can’t consent I think it’s ok when they have sex with other 16 year olds but they can’t consent because they’re kids

    • 6 months ago

      My favorite
      >Wtf 15 yr old can't consent to sex
      >We need to give free condoms and abortions to 15 yr olds, its normal healthy and powerful for 15 yr olds to be sexually active

      • 6 months ago

        >its normal healthy and powerful for 15 yr olds to be sexually active

        No one says this. Giving condoms to kids has the same logic as giving fresh needles to drug addicts. People don't want kids fricking or addicts doing drugs, but the reality is that they will so you might as well give them a safe way to do it.

    • 6 months ago

      My favorite
      >Wtf 15 yr old can't consent to sex
      >We need to give free condoms and abortions to 15 yr olds, its normal healthy and powerful for 15 yr olds to be sexually active

      Another classic
      >This 15 yr old committed a crime, this teen knew what it was doing and needs to be tried as an adult
      >Whaaaat! 15 yr old can never ever consent to sex because they are just kids who don't know what they are doing

      Those takes are moronic but the one that infuriate me the most is equating when attracted/dating 14+ yo girls to pedophile
      Wether you like it, hate it, condone it, or don't care about it they aren't pedophile for frick sake
      How can you equate some guy raping a babies with some 20 something guy having sex with some 17 yo thot is absolutly out of this world

    • 6 months ago

      My favorite
      >Wtf 15 yr old can't consent to sex
      >We need to give free condoms and abortions to 15 yr olds, its normal healthy and powerful for 15 yr olds to be sexually active

      Discovering sex naturally along with someone your age is amazing, and beneficial towards developing a healthy view of sex in the long term. Discovering sex because some horny old frick knew they could convince a stupid teenager into letting themselves be defiled can not only give them a fricked up view of sex for life, but also robs them of ever getting to experience those things for the first time with someone who is at or near the same level as they are.

      • 6 months ago

        > but also robs them of ever getting to experience those things for the first time with someone who is at or near the same level as they are.
        So 30 yo virgin are well within their right to chase virgin teenager so they can discover sex together ?
        >But muh age
        Don't forget they are also most likely socially stunted making them way younger and at the same relationship stage as teenager ?
        Btw what you just said is a load of bullshit, no later than 2 month ago I heard some virgin 17 yo girl tell that she wanted somebody experienced and advanced for her first time, it's actually most women innate desire, hence why virgin are frowned upon
        And don't worry I did not frick her some guy 2 years older probably did, but still this is what she wanted

        • 6 months ago

          I wouldn't say they'd be on the same level because the teenager is a virgin due to being a teenager, while the 30 year old is likely a virgin due to being disgusting or having some weird personality problem that makes them unfrickable. As for the 17 year old girl saying she wants someone experienced it's irrelevant. Women rarely know what they actually want, especially 17 year old ones. Losing your virginity to one of your actual peers is a magical experience, and anyone who doesn't get to experience it doesn't know just how great of a thing they missed out on.

          • 6 months ago

            > Women rarely know what they actually want, especially 17 year old ones
            Oh damn women don't know what they want, it's almost like they should get with older man that are wiser so they might know what they (the girls) want and not some teenager there age that are just gonna presure them into sex ASAP
            >while the 30 year old is likely a virgin due to being disgusting or having some weird personality problem that makes them unfrickable
            Yeah sure of course, lets even give it to you, most of them have, so if that one particular individual does not he has your greenlight to frick that teen puss ??

            I never said it was guaranteed to traumatize everyone who loses their virginity that way. I said it could (and often does) give them a fricked up view of sex, usually meaning either an unnatural aversion to the subject or an unhealthy obsession with it resulting in odd fetishes and shit. Of course teenagers of both sexes fantasize about fricking older people. They're hormonal horn dogs 24/7. Ultimately though the worst part is just missing out on the experience of doing it the right way. Like I said in my other post, losing your virginity as a teenager with one of your peers is an incredible, and once in a lifetime experience.

            Damn bro you reaching for the stars ? Most people first time and first relationship sucks big ass
            Also idk where you get that fetish origin story from but it sure as hell ain't reality or science

            • 6 months ago

              >is a magical experience
              so as long as its a "magical experience" its ok? So all I need to do is give them some LSD and we are copacetic?

              homies coping because they didn’t have young love and can’t relate

              • 6 months ago

                Son, you got a blowy during your 4 month long fling. Sit down and be humble.

              • 6 months ago

                I'm one of the (you)s
                I did have it tho, aged 14 with a girl the exact same age
                Don't ever remember it fondly
                She did have really nice breasts tho

              • 6 months ago

                careful anon, you might burst the incels bubble about magic feelings

          • 6 months ago

            >is a magical experience
            so as long as its a "magical experience" its ok? So all I need to do is give them some LSD and we are copacetic?

          • 6 months ago

            There is no right way of doing it you idealistic homosexual. Stop idealizing sex, its just another animal instinct that drives the human condition. The liberal minset that love and sex need to be done in a certain way is no different from the conservative mindset that women need to be virgins before marriage. Sex is sex, as long as you don't get pregnant.

      • 6 months ago

        A lie that I believed when I was 15, was that men are constantly thinking about sex, that men are predators. It was perfectly normal for 15 yr old to fantasize about older chicks, to jerk off to older chicks, and if a 15 yr old scored with a hot 25 yr old then that was the coolest. No one batted an eye at this.
        Well guess what? girls are the just as horny if not more. Girls hit puberty sooner than boys by an average of 2 yrs. Girls jerk off and fantasize at that age about older guys. This whole idea that if a 15 yr old girl who has sex with an older man will be traumatized for life is absurd and has actually been debunked.

        • 6 months ago

          I never said it was guaranteed to traumatize everyone who loses their virginity that way. I said it could (and often does) give them a fricked up view of sex, usually meaning either an unnatural aversion to the subject or an unhealthy obsession with it resulting in odd fetishes and shit. Of course teenagers of both sexes fantasize about fricking older people. They're hormonal horn dogs 24/7. Ultimately though the worst part is just missing out on the experience of doing it the right way. Like I said in my other post, losing your virginity as a teenager with one of your peers is an incredible, and once in a lifetime experience.

    • 6 months ago

      My favorite
      >Wtf 15 yr old can't consent to sex
      >We need to give free condoms and abortions to 15 yr olds, its normal healthy and powerful for 15 yr olds to be sexually active

      Im starting to get the feeling that this idea that people will only be allowed(otherwise they’ll be socially excluded) to date, and be attracted to people within their own age bracket like 5 years tops. As an example
      >if a 28 year old dates anyone younger than 23 that’s heccin grooming!!!
      >if a 35 year old man dates an 18 year old that’s heccin grooming!!

  5. 6 months ago

    Jesus Christ that is one ugly woman.

  6. 6 months ago

    Jesus Christ can't we stop this Elvis guy already? At least send Priscilla a message on Twitter so she can see what a monster he is!

  7. 6 months ago

    Another classic
    >This 15 yr old committed a crime, this teen knew what it was doing and needs to be tried as an adult
    >Whaaaat! 15 yr old can never ever consent to sex because they are just kids who don't know what they are doing

  8. 6 months ago

    How to start shutting them up:
    >all these issues boil down to power differentials
    >women, you can’t date men taller than you because that’s a power differential
    >women, you can’t date men who make more money than you, that’s a power differential

    • 6 months ago

      She also condemns roasties preying on young men though. she put jennifer lawrence right in the thumbnail.

      • 6 months ago

        Yeah she did it to feign "equality" nobody gives a frick about that shit and no 15+ yo boi will ever act like a victim for fricking a 20 yo roastie
        I mean boy that age get condemned to prison so people view them as plenty responsible

        • 6 months ago

          See this is why no one ever takes you guys seriously. When part of your position is "men can't be raped and women can't be pedophiles" you out yourself as a misandrist clown.

          • 6 months ago

            > "men can't be raped and women can't be pedophiles"
            Women can absolutly be pedophile just like men, however, and once again just like men, they need to be attracted to children

  9. 6 months ago

    I love young pussy and don't want a woman my age. I'm 33 years old, 33 is like 63 in woman years

    • 6 months ago

      this. even if young women stop finding me attractive i will simply start paying escorts for their services.
      FACT: i will never settle for a walled roastie

    • 6 months ago

      Sarah Gadon's husband is 33 and Sarah is 36.

  10. 6 months ago

    >Be me
    >Going to the movies
    >Me & a few of my bros waiting for the rest to come in
    >Bro ask if I'm dating anyone right now
    >"Yeah, I met this girl at work"
    >Bro: That's cool man, where does she work?"
    >"She works at Walmart in the warehouse section"
    >They bust out laughing
    >"Bro, Walmart put her in the warehouse? Is she fat and ugly"
    >"At least get a Target chick man, c'mon "
    >"So she's ugly & stupid "

    • 6 months ago

      If she isn't fat and ugly then you don't have anything to give a shit about. Just let them see her and rub it in their faces. If she is fat and ugly then they're right. Do better.

  11. 6 months ago

    She looks like she has a 100 year age gap with anyone that dates her.

  12. 6 months ago

    >Why is it only femcels that care about this type of things ?
    They only care when the man is the older one in the relationship. If the woman is the older one, then they go "YAASSSSS KWEEEEEN SLAY!!!!!".
    Think of how much they shit on older man-younger woman celebrity relationships but always cheer for older woman-younger man celebrity relationships.

  13. 6 months ago

    What does she have to say about Muhammad and his 6 years old bride?

  14. 6 months ago

    they're banding together to protect their only value using their groupthink powers. they've done it for a lot of things recently. younger women are fierce competition they often can't handle so they make sure all age gaps where the men is older, are publically shamed as much as possible.

  15. 6 months ago

    that b***h look like a mole rat from fallout

  16. 6 months ago

    this woman gives me the ick, please stop posting her

  17. 6 months ago

    what's up with those nostrils it's like some guy stuck his dick in there and that's why it's gaped so much

    • 6 months ago

      She must at least be part black, she really got those big nostril and lips.
      Thank god you cannot hear her voice, she sounds and think as infuriating as she looks
      Although i'd give her that she actually had the balls to talk about a relationship where the woman is younger and talk about Call me by your name
      So at least she is consistent with her idea

  18. 6 months ago

    Thread is full of homosexual pedos and Black folk alike (except me, obviously) but people in the comments b***hing about 18 year olds voluntarily hooking up with women in their late 20s are jealous roasties/bitchy men. What’s wrong with a little wine-tasting?

  19. 6 months ago

    I would absolutely facefrick her and put a wedding ring on it. 10/10, mother of my child right here. All y’all can go to prison, while I go to Pound Town on her for breakfast, lunch, AND dinner.
    I just know those teeth add a palatable texture to the fellatio in the morning, and the kisses feeling like leather-coated stamps of approval that I’m a real fricking man, as she stares into my eyes with her white-ish blue-ish beams of beauty. Life doesn’t get any better than this, ya know. You’d hate to pass her up.

  20. 6 months ago

    >Age gap in movie
    Elvis was a real person anon.

  21. 6 months ago

    This is the type of comment under her video LMAO
    >Scott Pilgrim really hits me hard personally. Right after I turned 18 I started dating a guy in his 20s that got me into our local punk scene. I'd go to all of his shows and he'd get me into 21+ up shows because I was with the band. Everyone openly joked about our relationship, but no one seriously criticized him or warned me. That turned into the most toxic relationship of my life.
    The "SHE WAS 17 and 364 days" is even mild by 2023 standard, now girl are still minor when they just turned 18
    Next year it'll probably be
    >Only 34 month after my eighteen's birthday

  22. 6 months ago

    >Why is it only femcels that care about this type of things ?
    It's the same reason why male feminists often have the same look. They start with the correct logic: Absent attractive physical qualities, they know they have to work on their personalities to stand out. Some believe having good moral principles is part of that. The logic makes sense up to that point, but then they choose the most inane shit to get upset about and overintellectualize everything.

  23. 6 months ago

    >we need to talk about x
    >actually, x was bad
    i'm glad these type of people warn me ahead not to watch their videos

    • 6 months ago

      Mostly you just ignore people who say/think like this. They're busy policing other peoples' relationships because they have miserable ones of their own, or at the very least had bad experiences in the past and project that onto everyone else under the guise of being concerned for people. It's funny because these types are usually the ones to talk about "concern trolls" and whatnot in their spaces.

      I don't need to prove anything about the way I treat my partners. I treat people well and I'm perfectly in my rights to tell you to eat a fricking dick if you're going to accuse me of doing something heinous without any evidence.

      • 6 months ago

        > or at the very least had bad experiences in the past and project that onto everyone else under the guise of being concerned for people
        (OP here)
        I dig around and found some commentary about a poor yung damsel that got abused by an older man
        Clicked on her profile and what I got was an huninged ugly sheboon.
        She was so ugly she probably would have withstood any kind of abuse for anyone just for the chance to think she is in couple
        I also dig up further on the girl who created the channel and oooooh would ya have guessed it, she was formerly a true crime channel
        Yeah she definitly is a well balanced young girl
        (she cray cray)
        Honestly I'm glad I called them femcel because that what they are, even incel are more grounded in reality than them

        • 6 months ago

          Always remember the Internet is a biased sample.

          Sort of related, the other day saw someone sperging out about calling women with OnlyFans prostitutes and insisting they should be called "models" or "sex workers" as if that changes what they are. Checked the profile and lo and behold, it was someone who was posting her breasts all over the fricking place. Go outside and talk to any genuinely self-respecting, educated woman and the truth is even though they'd probably be polite enough to give the politically correct front of "oh yeah everyone deserves to be treated nice and fairly", the truth is that they'd be deeply insulted you are implying they have the same standing as a literal prostitute, because of fricking course they would be.

  24. 6 months ago

    She's not talking about you. (You're not dating younger women) (You're not dating anyone at all) (You're still a virgin)

  25. 6 months ago

    I watched the same video yesterday.

    she was very inconsistent.

    I mean the Woody Allen one was fricking terrible, but she lacks the context of when the movies were made.

    the only thing I can agree is that "Call me by your name" is an absolute pedo movie

  26. 6 months ago

    Old hags triggered by men being attracted to young girls will never stop being funny to me

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