AI artists are making webcomics now.

AI artists are making webcomics now.

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POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

  1. 7 months ago

    >the guy who made is getting downvoted hard

    • 7 months ago

      I thought Cinemaphile loved AI art because it threatened the careers of artists.

      • 7 months ago

        >"I thought Cinemaphile loved/hated _____"
        This board isn't a hivemind, moron.

        • 7 months ago

          A lot of the crabbucketing on this site is generally pro-Cinemaphile and pro-/pol/, and they fricking love AI. Because when it inevitably gets cracked down on, it gives them an excuse to flood the entire website with pink Wojaks.

      • 7 months ago

        Cinemaphile fricking hates anything to do with AI. Most of the time I get it, but sometimes anons go irrationally far about it.

      • 7 months ago

        They do, it's the Cinemaphilemblr invaders who disagree

      • 7 months ago

        ai has killed no artist
        all fake news
        created by hysterics whinging about ~~*soul*~~

      • 7 months ago

        Hating artists ≠ liking AI "Artists"
        There's a reason even Cinemaphile wants those people to be in a containment thread.

      • 7 months ago

        That's Cinemaphilemblr.

      • 7 months ago

        I can't speak for Cinemaphile but I fricking love AI art. Seeing pseudo-intellectual homosexuals losing their fricking minds over their careers being lost or morons failing to understand how quickly this shit evolves makes me chortle.

        True artists, people who actually fricking enjoy it, shouldn't even be phased by this shit. Especially when there is always going to be a strong market of people who prefer "human expression" over generated imagery. The homosexuals seething are just talentless losers who should have been filtered years ago.

        • 7 months ago

          it's especially funny because those same people were gleefully laughing at coalminers losing their jobs because they should have learned to code

          • 7 months ago

            I can't speak for Cinemaphile but I fricking love AI art. Seeing pseudo-intellectual homosexuals losing their fricking minds over their careers being lost or morons failing to understand how quickly this shit evolves makes me chortle.

            True artists, people who actually fricking enjoy it, shouldn't even be phased by this shit. Especially when there is always going to be a strong market of people who prefer "human expression" over generated imagery. The homosexuals seething are just talentless losers who should have been filtered years ago.

            >same people
            ah yes, reading off your script, very good
            tell your supervisor to try a new script, you've been using for over a year

            • 7 months ago

              Imagine being so terrified of DESIGNATED people you see them everywhere

              what's the matter, are you realizing that you'll be replaced entirely in less than a year by third worldies?
              sucks to be you buddy, maybe you can go beg the big artists for work, hope you get good at sucking disney exec wiener

            • 7 months ago

              It's always been a poignant thing to notice that and a broad front these people have always held venom in their hearts towards the rural poor. At no point have they not had an airs of satisfaction over the idea of what they view as the Hicks of the world being made destitute by robots.

            • 7 months ago

              I shit in toilets. What's your next response?

              • 7 months ago

                >I shit in toilets.
                obviously you are a Brit, don't slander your host nation so, rude!

              • 7 months ago

                Last I checked I don't need a loiscence for a fricking TV.

              • 7 months ago

                Look at how happy that limey frick is!
                Ai truly is a wonder.

          • 7 months ago

            Funny shit is that AI is already being used for code. At some point it's going to replace programmers almost entirely and, personally, I haven't seen much seethe over it at all.

            • 7 months ago

              that one is still pretty far off
              it can code, it just can't do it efficiently
              and I'm not talking assembly wizard efficiency here, I'm talking it's vastly below even the worst of India's supposed talent

              same with AI art not being able to do what a human artist can just yet
              however there is a large market out there for imperfect cheap art, there's no market out there for code as bad as AI produces

      • 7 months ago

        Are you kidding?? Even merely doing a stupid, dumb prompt makes the Cinemaphilemblrittes seethe

        • 7 months ago

          Why aren't you PROMPTING now!
          Make art and make Cinemaphile SEETHE!

      • 7 months ago

        I'm neutral on AI art. Most of it looks rather ugly or off-putting right now, but I can accept that I'm not the one it's for. I just enjoy watching the AI "artists" melt down when they can't accept that they're not going to be treated like the next greatest art innovators like Rembrandt or Leonardo De Vinci, and treated more like the dudes who make those powerpoint presentation graphs or car commercial ads.

        And no, I'm not some struggling twitter artist seething I'm going to lose my job, cause I doubt AI art is ever going to totally displace artists who use pen and paper or even digital tools to do what they do.

      • 7 months ago

        >Cinemaphile is one person
        Go back

    • 7 months ago

      >I'm not an artist, even though I can draw a bit, but it will take many hours to draw a picture like this
      you don't need to be a good artist to make a comic
      >at least engagements are fairly high
      I'm not going on reddit to check, but i'm sure more people are viewing it to downvote the person then to actually updoot his post

      AI art shouldn't be an excuse not to draw though, at least not yet. Who fricking cares if your art sucks, at least it's not soulless


      • 7 months ago

        ~3000 approved and 262 comments?
        I don't speak Reddit or Elonese, what does that mean??

        • 7 months ago

          All the main subreddits are already bottled to shit, I wouldn't use reddit as a metric of anything

  2. 7 months ago

    and they suck

  3. 7 months ago


  4. 7 months ago

    >Wh-What do you mean an AI picture with text on it isn't a comic? ONE PANEL COMICS, HELLO, ANYONE!?!?!?

    • 7 months ago

      Worked for Gary Larson.
      >Frick you if you don't laugh at this.

    • 7 months ago

      AI artists are making webcomics now.

      Nice reddit thread

    • 7 months ago

      go back

  5. 7 months ago

    I was already making a webcomic which uses AI

    Every artist will be using AI in the future, I'm the genius innovator who can guarantee it.

    • 7 months ago

      That's a pretty phishy link you got there buddy

    • 7 months ago

      I never knew guy was Indian, the more you know! Greetings from America, You Hack

    • 7 months ago

      >Every artist will be using AI in the future
      How can they call themselves artists, when the computer made the picture. At best, AI 'artists' are just art commissioners.

      • 7 months ago

        same way people who use a computer call themselves artists

        if you didn't develop photoshop yourself you have no right to look down upon AI

        • 7 months ago

          We have every right to look down upon you, you sneak your ai shit into art galleries to fool people into thinking you created them by hand!
          Imagine a photographer submitting his photo to a painting contest pretending he painted the image by hand, what fraud!
          And you refuse to label your shit ai, knowing peoepl won;t be impressed, neither should they be, ai did the work, not you!

          • 7 months ago

            you didn't create them by hand the computer did 95% of the effort, your input is negligible

            • 7 months ago

              LMAO, poke your finger on the tablet, let's see how much of an landscape it produces!!!
              Inferior creature, technology give you a godly tool, and all you can think to do with it is seethe at your betters.

        • 7 months ago

          >same way people who use a computer call themselves artists
          So does that mean Jack Kirby, Joe Kubert and Wally Wood etc aren't comic artist since they didn't make their own paper and inks? God you AI gays are so stupid, maybe one day you'll develop actual intelligence instead of relying on the artificial kind.

          • 7 months ago

            maybe they're artists but you sure as hell aren't
            the only value a human has to art is in their creativity

            creative AI art is superior to your uncreative """hand""" drawn art
            that's the reason why despite using every tool under the sun, following every lesson you can find, practicing all that time, nobody gives a shit about you

            because you don't have the creative spark

            • 7 months ago

              Here's a tip, Raji, copy paste your ESL shit into chaGPT, and it will turn it into legible text.
              Try actually using ai, instead of patheticly shill it with your meagre human skills.

              • 7 months ago

                How appropriate
                Despite all that effort to suddenly include punctuation you still frick up

  6. 7 months ago


  7. 7 months ago

    >AI artists are making

    • 7 months ago

      >AI artists are making webcomics now.
      >AI artists

      AI doesn't have any soul because it's not a human creation. Inputs don't count.

      They ain't making shit

      typist is what they're called.

      What do any of you have as a counterpoints to

      I'll admit citing furry porn as a case study for AI is a bit of a low brow case for a demonstration but it's only become increasingly clear that it's difficult to call the people who are proficient at moulding the prompt generators to their whims with speed and detail doing anything other then expressing a learned skill. When I've talked with people on the AI clone of e621. They make analogies to prompt engineering as being akin to trimming a hedge to grow in a desired way or speak of different generative systems as being like different tools for different jobs that they're mixxing and matching.

      (link is a demonstration of some nobody's process with sculpting a piece of ai porn)

      And pivoting aside to the matters of these computer generated works not being ownable...I think that this is a a bad idea. I think that we're all activly discovering that this stance falls apart at the seams once other editing tools come into play. How many image crops and blurs, manual additions and image mergings does it actually take in your eye before an AI base image can be called a real piece? Is it the one drop law? Where does editing software stop and generative tech begin?


  8. 7 months ago

    >I'm not an artist, even though I can draw a bit, but it will take many hours to draw a picture like this
    you don't need to be a good artist to make a comic
    >at least engagements are fairly high
    I'm not going on reddit to check, but i'm sure more people are viewing it to downvote the person then to actually updoot his post

    AI art shouldn't be an excuse not to draw though, at least not yet. Who fricking cares if your art sucks, at least it's not soulless

    • 7 months ago

      OP's pic is better, frick your soul, it's ugly and I don't want to look at more pages of it.

      • 7 months ago

        enjoy your reddit slop then

      • 7 months ago

        get cancer

        • 7 months ago

          As a public school person that means you want to use societal power to cause his life to waste away

          Too bad for you that I'm focusing on demolishing Public School just like I was as a teenager when I dropped out of it, on this board and elsewhere

          • 7 months ago

            What's so bad about public schools?

    • 7 months ago

      This isn't soul, this looks like someone whose mind was molded by public school made it

      And AI has an abundance of soul as it is manifesting from the creativity of many people

      • 7 months ago

        AI doesn't have any soul because it's not a human creation. Inputs don't count.

        • 7 months ago

          Lmao I knew a pedophilic response was going to come

          You don't get to make up your own rules and then say what's true based on your contrivances. From all of that input comes meta-artistry like my monsters here. I've spent over 15 years developing my project for these monsters, shut your pedophilic mouth

          • 7 months ago
            Auto Cannibalism

            I don' think you know what a pedo is bud

      • 7 months ago

        Shut the frick up guy

    • 7 months ago

      >you don't need to be a good artist to make a comic
      Yes you do. Otherwise, nobody will read it, and those who do will send you death threats.

      >MUH SOUL
      This buzzword needs to frick off forever.

      • 7 months ago

        the only people who would send death threats over something so mundane are the people here

    • 7 months ago

      What a cute picture.
      I love it.

    • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      AI artists are making webcomics now.

      Duality of Man:
      Soulless AI-grifter vs Soulful doodler of Fun & Joy

    • 7 months ago

      not to be mean, but it looks like a rockthrow comic

      • 7 months ago

        it doesn't
        I've never wanted to frick a stonetoss sus

    • 7 months ago


  9. 7 months ago

    >typists with unwarranted self-importance are stealing the work of actual artists in a different way

    Fixed that for you.

  10. 7 months ago

    >the guy who made is getting downvoted hard

    • 7 months ago

      Yes, redditors who love AI are crying

      • 7 months ago

        What's this obsession with reddit? Several boards here have 24/7 AI art threads. Anons love AI, it's fun.

        • 7 months ago

          >What's this obsession with reddit?
          Every Cinemaphile thread has jabbered endlessly about reddit for almost a decade now. It's a reflex.

          • 7 months ago

            It used to be tumblr before them imploded, kinda sad, I miss those days.

  11. 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      The response to this was incredible
      Even funnier was the fact that Shad made a 3 1/2 hour long rebuttal

      • 7 months ago

        Interesting how the Hollywood guy seethes about how art jobs are drying up and he's seeing AI slop on corporate office buildings. Guess artists really are the rednecks now.

    • 7 months ago

      What? I thought the chub was part of the joy.

    • 7 months ago

      I mean, it can be complicated app, at least Stable Diffusion, it's no different than leaning Photoshop.

    • 7 months ago

      Isn't this the fat guy who plays with swords? When did he get sucked into ai art lol?

      • 7 months ago

        He is a writer, and made youtube about castles and shit... that's how he started.
        Basically, he wanted cover art for his books and said WTF to actual artist charging ~500$ to a 100$ for real art, lmao.

        • 7 months ago


        • 7 months ago

          I can think of many things I would do first before resorting to ai art. Although with how shit many book covers are maybe it's acceptable quality

          • 7 months ago

            i can't tell if this is AI or not.

            • 7 months ago

              that's sort of the point, if you can tell, then it's not good ai art

        • 7 months ago

          >500$ to a 1000$ for real art, lmao.
          That's not much given the cost of producing a book, what a massive cuck

        • 7 months ago

          He could have probably have gotten his brother to do the art for him for a good family discount. And his brother's relative fame could have probably also helped the book's sales.
          But Shad no doubt has something of an inferiority complex when it comes to his brother. That's also probably unironically why he is so into AI art now. Like he has this idea that AI can finally allow him to surpass his brother or something.

      • 7 months ago

        that Shad frick is all out war with artgays on twitter replying to each other in 3 hour youtube videos... I wish I could make a living arguing online

        • 7 months ago

          You can. That's called being a lawyer.

      • 7 months ago

        >Larps and Role plays
        >want to write stories
        >Need cover for book/fanfic
        >doesn't want some rando to make them
        it's not that hard to see why tbqh

    • 7 months ago

      While I dont doubt he got better, the model is what improved not so much him.

      • 7 months ago

        >AI gets better with time
        >"my skills have increased"

        That's not how it works. In fact the better AI generators become they become HARDER to use because you have to be even more detailed and make even alterations to get exactly what you want. It's not as cut and dry as you may think. There's a reason 90% of AI is bad off-model waifu shit

    • 7 months ago

      >AI gets better with time
      >"my skills have increased"

    • 7 months ago

      Isn’t this jazz’s brother?

      • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago


        It is.

  12. 7 months ago

    >AI artist
    fricking kek

    • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      >38 minute video on how to photobash with basic coloring/transform layer tweaks.

  13. 7 months ago

    >AI artists are making webcomics now.
    >AI artists

  14. 7 months ago

    I'm not gonna make any comments about the use of AI itself but holy shit, are they really that fricking lazy they let the AI generate text too? they can't just plop the image in MS paint and type it out themselves? at least like fricking do something yourself, jesus.

  15. 7 months ago
  16. 7 months ago

    This aggressive hate train against AI art is a propaganda campaign by elitists who don't want to get replaced. They're legit scared of the idea that those not born with the ability to draw will actually have a platform to artistically express themselves.

    • 7 months ago

      No one is born with the ability to draw. It's a skill you hone over a lifetime of practice, observation and critique.

      • 7 months ago

        Wrong. Innate talent is a biological trait. It's like how some people can hold their breathe longer because they have bigger lungs. If your brain isn't wired for drawing, it's not gonna happen.

        • 7 months ago

          So you're arguing that AI "artists" have a legit mental disability that prevents them from expressing creativity without a literal technological crutch.
          You are arguing that you are beneath even interpretive dancers, and you are completely right.

          • 7 months ago

            This is the same moron who made his own thread about this a bit ago, he proceeded to act like being told to actually practise a skill was just being told "just do it bro XD".
            His brain is fricked, but only because he's completely and utterly moronic.

          • 7 months ago

            To be accurate, the ability to draw is essentially a genetic mutation that only afflicts a small percentage of the population. Some people are double jointed, some people can draw.

            >You can't practice flying if you don't have wings.
            You can if you go for a pilot's license, not that this is anything relevant at all.
            Unless you're trying to tell me that you do not have hands, and a tool with which to draw, because that's all you need. Pull up some references on your computer or phone if you want, too.

            But I thought technology bad? By the way, you know pencils are technology, right?

            • 7 months ago

              >But I thought technology bad?
              That was never the point. The point has always been that you're a lazy homosexual constantly making excuses for why he doesn't want to actually bother with learning a skill.

        • 7 months ago

          Then some people aren't wired to proompt

          • 7 months ago

            Sure, probably. That doesn't mean a useful tool should be outright rejected just because some whiny scribblers got their feefees hurt.

            >But I thought technology bad?
            That was never the point. The point has always been that you're a lazy homosexual constantly making excuses for why he doesn't want to actually bother with learning a skill.

            Drawing is not a skill.

            • 7 months ago

              >Drawing is not a skill.
              If it isn't then why does the AI needs to be fed art to not shit the bed?

              • 7 months ago

                Because for some reason, nobody has done the obvious thing and built a pool of pre-made assets.

                Drawing is something you invest time and effort into learning how to do, it's the very definition of a skill.

                It requires innate talent to do. It's an ability, not a skill.

              • 7 months ago

                >It requires innate talent to do
                So is breathing manually

              • 7 months ago

                All you have is excuses.

              • 7 months ago

                I have facts. All you have is denial.

              • 7 months ago

                No, you only have excuses for why you don't want to actually try. It's because you get to feel persecuted, even though you really aren't. You're like a black who wants to feel discriminated against, constantly making up slights against you, or making claims about how you are "gatekept" or "looked own upon".

              • 7 months ago

                >anti-AI gatekeepers are racist
                I can't even pretend to be surprised.

              • 7 months ago

                >AIBlack folk are reddit refugees
                I can't even pretend to be surprised.

              • 7 months ago

                The fact you can't come up with an argument that doesn't involve references to other social media sites is pathetic and incredibly telling. You don't actually have any thoughts of your own regarding AI, you're just a good little hive drone that regurgitates whatever the collective has decided on.

              • 7 months ago

                and you're a Black person

              • 7 months ago

                Not anti-AI, anti lazy homosexuals using it as an excuse to pretend like they're being discriminate against.

              • 7 months ago

                You literally ARE discriminating against people who support AI.

                and you're a Black person

                I accept your concession.

              • 7 months ago

                i accept you're a Black person

            • 7 months ago

              Drawing is something you invest time and effort into learning how to do, it's the very definition of a skill.

    • 7 months ago

      homie, all you have to do is draw, no one is born knowing how to draw.

    • 7 months ago

      >Le born with ability to draw spammer
      At this point I'm pretty sure this is an actual artist being obnoxious as a false flag. Even AI prooompters don't actually consider artistic ability an innate skill, I've literally never heard an AI shill say it is.

      • 7 months ago

        >Even AI prooompters don't actually consider artistic ability an innate skill,
        Then they're just as foolish and naive as the rest.

        Frick off for once, you drooling moron. People told you repeatedly to just practise, but because you're a lazy homosexual you tried dismissing time and practise as being "magic" or whatever the frick your stupid Black person ass thought.

        You can't practice flying if you don't have wings.

        • 7 months ago

          >You can't practice flying if you don't have wings.
          You can if you go for a pilot's license, not that this is anything relevant at all.
          Unless you're trying to tell me that you do not have hands, and a tool with which to draw, because that's all you need. Pull up some references on your computer or phone if you want, too.

    • 7 months ago

      Frick off for once, you drooling moron. People told you repeatedly to just practise, but because you're a lazy homosexual you tried dismissing time and practise as being "magic" or whatever the frick your stupid Black person ass thought.

    • 7 months ago

      Least paranoic rightard

      • 7 months ago

        >iTS all raNDOm!! NOthinG MeaNS AnyThing !!! SCiEnCE!!! WUbBA LubbA DuB duB!!!

        • 7 months ago

          Least malding rightard

    • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        The vast majority of human beings are physically unable to draw. You can crow on all day about "Just practice, bro!", but that is not going to change that it is biologically impossible.

        • 7 months ago

          >human beings are physically unable to draw.
          >biologically impossible
          not everyone can be masters or be successful
          but to claim such bold face lies only make yo sound like the disingenuous liar that you are

          • 7 months ago

            >not everyone can be masters or be successful
            You just contradicted your own assertion. It's almost like you know that practice doesn't actually mean anything, but you've been trained to regurgitate that bullshit without question.

            • 7 months ago

              successful as in making a living off it, most artist do not, yet can still enjoy and create
              why do you twist my words?
              nobody can stop you from using ai
              do what you claim to want to do

              you admit it's easier and takes less work, yet you want to be treated same as ones who put in the work?
              why would a marathon runner respect the guy showing up to the race in moped???

              • 7 months ago

                >successful as in making a living off it,
                That's functionally the same thing.

              • 7 months ago

                "Poor starving artist" is well known phrase.
                Success is not inherent in the job title.

              • 7 months ago

                >Success is not inherent in the job title.
                As far as society is concerned, yes it is. Even if one could magically rewrite their own physiology, there'd be no point in "learning" to draw if it's just going to end up being a waste of time and effort.

              • 7 months ago

                >end up being a waste of time and effort.
                Yes, hence "poor starving artist"
                It's not a laudable title, it's more mocked at than flaunted.
                Only thing it holds is sentimental value tied to years of work and struggle.
                That's how hollow you pathetic your need to claim that title "artist" is.

        • 7 months ago

          >The vast majority of human beings are physically unable to draw
          Can you visualise what your name would like written down, and then move a pencil to recreate what you visualized? If the answer is yes, then congratulations, you know how to draw. And the same way you learned how to draw the symbols that make up your native language, you can learn how to draw the symbols that make up just about anything.

    • 7 months ago

      The fact it's even called AI is hilarious it's not even that. It's just a generator using tags and it's the sheer number of stolen images fed into it doing the work. There's no intelligence making decisions and picking things. It only works for generic shit because you throw in 'big breasts supergirl' and it filters a million pictures of girls with big breasts and spits out a meld.

      • 7 months ago

        it's "generative ai"
        NPC behavior in games is also called ai
        ai doesn't denote human level intelligence or sentience

        • 7 months ago

          AI in games is Artificial Intelligence because it gives the illusion of having intelligence because NPCs are programmed to act in a way that gives off the illusion they are making rational decisions based on what is happening around them.

          ""AI"" art generators are literally just databases with a million tagged pictures in that pick out ones based on the prompts input. It's just a folder full of images. There's no 'training' the ai or whatever sci fi bullshit people are spouting to make it seem like a robot brain is concocting an image for you based on a magic incantation you yell into the computer. It's just like typing a phrase into wikipedia and then reading the article. You didn't write a book, you pulled up a pre-existing article. All these AI images are doing the same thing except they're word salading the article to add things like clouds or make the hair blue or whatever shit you type in. They're combing image sets not inventing anything. Sprite comics required people to make something even if it was a collage of pre-existing assets. ""AI"" is just googling something very very specific and pretending you actually did something.

          • 7 months ago

            Explain where I can find these monsters on the internet because I previously could only find them in my imagination


            • 7 months ago

              Except you didn't imagine that, you described it. And then a computer used pre-existing artwork that looked like it to make a montage. I can type 'cool looking dragon smoke thing' into a generator too. Or I could pay an artist to draw it for me and actually own it and use it and get royalties off it. Your AI picture is just that, another image now floating around on the internet that nobody owns, available for anyone to download. It's pointless, it doesn't do anything. You'll never get it made into toys or a movie or own it properly. You own it as much as I do. Thanks for generating a picture for me though. Very neat generic head dragon bones skeleton monster skin thing. Shame it'll never bring you anything other than the satisfaction that you described it well to a prompt box. Maybe one day you'll develop that skill and become a writer and then actually be able to sell a script and get a movie made. Good luck. If you're going to manifest your imagination I hope you can at least get a cool book or screenplay out!

              • 7 months ago

                Shut up pedophile, I'm not another teenager to groom and you didn't actually answer my challenge.

                I've spent over 15 years doing things like inspiring other artists and building art communities and projects, that allows me to manifest my own creations out of AI generation in addition to other ways.

                Keep your queer pedo social control crap in your mouth or I'll bombard the industry people you're protecting with messages for trying to soil my work.

                So this is the quality we can expect from all ai stuff in the future. Exciting

                hopefully they will use ai for the writing too, lmao

                You can say these cheap shots but you can't actually acknowledge my webcomic.

              • 7 months ago

                I like to acknowledge namegays as little as possible. have a nice day

              • 7 months ago

                Lmao now that screenshot is going out to the industry.

                Holy projection batman where the frick did that come from?

                >I've spent over 15 years doing things like inspiring other artists and building art communities and projects, that allows me to manifest my own creations out of AI generation in addition to other ways.
                You mean 'typing ideas that would be cool'? Fricks that's sad.

                >Keep your queer pedo social control crap in your mouth or I'll bombard the industry people you're protecting with messages for trying to soil my work.
                Are you a bot or a schizo? What the frick are you on?

                >You can say these cheap shots but you can't actually acknowledge my webcomic.
                Why should anyone be bothered to read a comic nobody can be bothered to make? Tell you what, I'll tell my AI to read it and tell you what it thought instead.

                LOL look at how your mind broke open and all the talking points and language queers online fed you disappeared to reveal a spastic overgrown child.

                VERY SIMPLE CHALLENGE: read and acknowledge my webcomic that uses AI before you talk about its potential and artistry

                And I'm a Christian and believer in the paranormal, so you can cry "schizo" all you want, it just reinforces how pathetic you are

              • 7 months ago

                Not clicking your shady link bro. I'm sure your comic that you didn't create is awesome though. I tell you what, why don't you tell me the prompts you entered into the AI box to make it, and I'll imagine it and tell you how good it probably was.

              • 7 months ago

                Holy projection batman where the frick did that come from?

                >I've spent over 15 years doing things like inspiring other artists and building art communities and projects, that allows me to manifest my own creations out of AI generation in addition to other ways.
                You mean 'typing ideas that would be cool'? Fricks that's sad.

                >Keep your queer pedo social control crap in your mouth or I'll bombard the industry people you're protecting with messages for trying to soil my work.
                Are you a bot or a schizo? What the frick are you on?

                >You can say these cheap shots but you can't actually acknowledge my webcomic.
                Why should anyone be bothered to read a comic nobody can be bothered to make? Tell you what, I'll tell my AI to read it and tell you what it thought instead.

              • 7 months ago

                I'll admit citing furry porn as a case study for AI is a bit of a low brow case for a demonstration but it's only become increasingly clear that it's difficult to call the people who are proficient at moulding the prompt generators to their whims with speed and detail doing anything other then expressing a learned skill. When I've talked with people on the AI clone of e621. They make analogies to prompt engineering as being akin to trimming a hedge to grow in a desired way or speak of different generative systems as being like different tools for different jobs that they're mixxing and matching.

                (link is a demonstration of some nobody's process with sculpting a piece of ai porn)

                And pivoting aside to the matters of these computer generated works not being ownable...I think that this is a a bad idea. I think that we're all activly discovering that this stance falls apart at the seams once other editing tools come into play. How many image crops and blurs, manual additions and image mergings does it actually take in your eye before an AI base image can be called a real piece? Is it the one drop law? Where does editing software stop and generative tech begin?

              • 7 months ago


                What do any of you have as a counterpoints to

                First, frick you for making me look at those disgusting images.
                Second, the starting pic and the final product almost look the same. You can barely call yourself an editor, let alone the creator.

              • 7 months ago

                >Where does editing software stop and generative tech begin?
                If you use an AI generate image as a base and just tell it to move shit like a leg or raise an eyebrow then never. If you run a filter over it to confuse AI detectors then never. If you spend hours repainting it diligently to barely resemble the original piece though well then never. Because you just fricking drew on someone elses artwork and that's only ever transformative and never independently creative.

                Now if your end product is considered art, then that's subjective. And just like in real comics, the original artist always gets fricked over by the 'high art' artist.

              • 7 months ago

                Bots don't actively carry their reference art in the downloadable program.

                And if we go by this chain of logic that it's all just made of edits. What is a collage image to you? How many smaller pieces of ai stitched together like what

                I'll admit citing furry porn as a case study for AI is a bit of a low brow case for a demonstration but it's only become increasingly clear that it's difficult to call the people who are proficient at moulding the prompt generators to their whims with speed and detail doing anything other then expressing a learned skill. When I've talked with people on the AI clone of e621. They make analogies to prompt engineering as being akin to trimming a hedge to grow in a desired way or speak of different generative systems as being like different tools for different jobs that they're mixxing and matching.

                (link is a demonstration of some nobody's process with sculpting a piece of ai porn)

                And pivoting aside to the matters of these computer generated works not being ownable...I think that this is a a bad idea. I think that we're all activly discovering that this stance falls apart at the seams once other editing tools come into play. How many image crops and blurs, manual additions and image mergings does it actually take in your eye before an AI base image can be called a real piece? Is it the one drop law? Where does editing software stop and generative tech begin?

                describes doing?
                does it take 60-70 seperate pieces Frankensteined into a larger coherent image to have it become art then?

                Where does putting your drawn character into the main focus of a gennerated backdrop fall on the scale?

              • 7 months ago

                A collage deliberately retains components of other art pieces into a new context, with a great collages usually turning something related to X into X (for example, swords into a throne) with direct artist intervention to blend all elements together in the composition. The art is in the composition of the piece.
                >AI art modification into my art, how??
                Well, any modifications to the AI art makes it your art. However, you didn't create the original image, just the edit. Please cite the sources of your collage/edited image.

            • 7 months ago

              That's godzilla

            • 7 months ago

              That's just chronos menas.

      • 7 months ago

        Exactly, so why are you gettin mad at an advanced Xerox?
        Didi you throw a fit when Greg Land used photshop layers to traced shit too?

        • 7 months ago

          >Exactly, so why are you gettin mad at an advanced Xerox?
          >Didi you throw a fit when Greg Land used photshop layers to traced shit too?
          I don't give two shits about greg land and his porno paste face career but at least he's constructing his own collage and working on top of it. He's just a lazy craftsman using tools. Like all the modern comic artists who pose 3d models and trace them and put filters on top to make it look like they actually drew something. It's shit and they should stop but you have to make a 20 page comic in a month and you get paid $100 a page of course people are going to find the cheapest quickest way to do the bare minimum.

          AI bros on the other hand are trying to sell the shit their computer farted out in ten seconds after they googled 'cool looking tin of spaghetti' or 'girl with big breasts' the AI databases are just unlicensed collections of stolen art. If they paid the artists whose work they're using this would be fine. Stock photos get paid to be used. Why doesn't original art? That's the problem. If Greg Land pays for his photos then he can do what he wants with them. If he doesn't then he's a shitty hack who doesn't deserve a career. Simple as.

          • 7 months ago

            >That's the problem
            that's YOUR problem
            it isn't Google's or OpenAi (MS) or Photoshop and X and Meta and the rest scrapping every last petabyte of digital data, all legal
            never-mind the chinks, oh boy

            AI supremacy might determine the global hegemony of this and coming century, and change the lives of every single human earth.
            the VERY LAST thing anyone cares about is a few dozen silly crying drawgays online

            • 7 months ago

              >ESL ai shill

            • 7 months ago

              >that's YOUR problem
              Not really mate. AI art isn't copyrightable and therefore can't be owned because they know it's all built on stolen art. It doesn't bother me, anything that someone AI generates is just as much mine as theirs. They'll never make any money off it unless morons pay for AI art which they never will because they can just generate their own shit instead of paying for it. This is like fighting over stock art, I can make my own shit that I own because I can draw. I don't need AI.

              • 7 months ago

                If you mean companies, they have no trouble using ai generated assets in their works, and no trouble copyrighting them as well.

                If you mean amateur drawn pornography online...
                You don't have to pay for any art, there is unlimited porn online, yet ppl still pay for it, that's a silly answer.
                Some ai-gays will find a market, most won't, just like any patroen prostitute.
                And every single fanart is based on "stolen" IP unless you receive expressed permission to draw it from the IP holder.
                You can count artist who only draw OCs on your hand compared to everyone else monetizing fanart.
                The same label of "theft" applies to everyone of you, that is why your crying foul at ai has only emotional weight, and no legal ones.

                >I don't need AI.
                Very good.
                SO the this matter doesn't concern you.
                Feel free to hide any future ai threads and don't waste any of your precious life dwelling on it, would be my advice.

              • 7 months ago

                >If you mean companies, they have no trouble using ai generated assets in their works, and no trouble copyrighting them as well.

                >Some ai-gays will find a market,
                No coomer is going to pay someone else to write their fetish tags in a prompter to make porn for them when they can do it themselves.

                >The same label of "theft" applies to everyone of you, that is why your crying foul at ai has only emotional weight, and no legal ones.
                Theft is theft. Those "AI generators" aren't AI at all, they're just a database of stolen art. It's hot shit right now but it'll collapse in a couple years if not sooner. Artists will complain or sue, cases are already happening, and since corpos can't copyright the stuff that's made they can't own it and that's all they care about, owning shit.

                >SO the this matter doesn't concern you.
                But it does though. Automation always replaces workers and we all get impacted. This automation isn't built on replacing however, but theft. If there was no new art to fill the database then it can't 'generate' new art. Eventually once all the popular artists work have been scrubbed and added they'll come for the niche genres and artists. It'll fizzle out eventually but not before it does some damage to actual artists.

                And it's not the literal impact that is the danger, it's the principle. Once we all get replaced (manual labor, medical diagnosing, art and writing are all under the gun already) we'll still be expected to pay bills. But if everything is automated and none of us are getting paid what are any of us going to do?

              • 7 months ago

                >But if everything is automated and none of us are getting paid what are any of us going to do?
                1. starve to death
                2. riot and get shot
                3. demand UBI
                probably a lot of the first 2 and after a lot of blood, just enough of 3 to survive on bugslop

              • 7 months ago

                >demand UBI
                UBI is a literal meme and I cannot fathom how some people think it can ever be a reality

              • 7 months ago

                Yup, what do the billionaires owe the masses, once they do not generate any profits?
                The answer is nothing.

              • 7 months ago

                If no one can get money legitimately then money has no value. Meaning billionaires lose all value. We return to violence as our transactional method.

              • 7 months ago

                Have fighting their private military guards with your sticks and pipe guns.

              • 7 months ago

                And why wouldn't the 'private military guards' just kill them and take their resources for themselves?

              • 7 months ago

                ...because they would get paid more, their families protected and compensated if they sided with their profession, comrades, and commanders over being on the side of the starving mob???
                What do you think "military" means anon?
                It doesn't just mean "big guns."

              • 7 months ago

                ...And why wouldn't they just kill their useless leaders and take their resources for themselves? Where do the billionaires come in again?
                >their families protected and compensated
                By who? The 'private military'? Why do they need a billionaire again?

                You seem to have this odd impression that money has any intrinsic value in a society with no lower or middle class. If violence becomes the currency then no military on Earth has reason to give a shit about some loser who was rich in a now dead economy. They would just use force to get what they want.

              • 7 months ago

                Same reason the Catholic Church got to hand out land deeds and appoint kings after the Roman Empire fell: military guys can't run shit outside of the military as we see in every African military dictatorship.

              • 7 months ago

                Western society doesn't operate on religion or superstition presently. There is no belief in faceless billionaires in a world of violence.

              • 7 months ago

                >Western society doesn't operate on religion or superstition presently. There is no belief in faceless billionaires in a world of violence.
                Covid proves otherwise. Just call your superstition Settled Science and make your priests wear stethoscopes.

              • 7 months ago

                >But if everything is automated and none of us are getting paid what are any of us going to do?
                You pay up, and if you can't, then you live with the consequences(homelessness, starvation, death). This is how society has always worked, if it was never wrong in all the thousands of years in the past why should it all of a sudden be wrong in the now?

                But anyways... If you don't like it; just inherit the vast amounts of wealth and ownership to pay for your living in the Elysium. If you own it, they pay you. Simple as.

              • 7 months ago

                >It's hot shit right now but it'll collapse in a couple years if not sooner.
                Wishful thinking.

                >Artists will complain or sue
                And fail.

                >since corpos can't copyright the stuff that's made they can't own it and that's all they care about, owning shit.
                Unless they change the law.

                >If there was no new art to fill the database then it can't 'generate' new art.
                Wrong. It can use the existing database to make new art based on what people want.

                >But if everything is automated and none of us are getting paid what are any of us going to do?
                The same thing as all the people replaced with machines.

                I'll admit citing furry porn as a case study for AI is a bit of a low brow case for a demonstration but it's only become increasingly clear that it's difficult to call the people who are proficient at moulding the prompt generators to their whims with speed and detail doing anything other then expressing a learned skill. When I've talked with people on the AI clone of e621. They make analogies to prompt engineering as being akin to trimming a hedge to grow in a desired way or speak of different generative systems as being like different tools for different jobs that they're mixxing and matching.

                (link is a demonstration of some nobody's process with sculpting a piece of ai porn)

                And pivoting aside to the matters of these computer generated works not being ownable...I think that this is a a bad idea. I think that we're all activly discovering that this stance falls apart at the seams once other editing tools come into play. How many image crops and blurs, manual additions and image mergings does it actually take in your eye before an AI base image can be called a real piece? Is it the one drop law? Where does editing software stop and generative tech begin?

                >Where does editing software stop and generative tech begin?
                Make a sketch and have AI do the rest.

          • 7 months ago

            >AI databases are just unlicensed collections of stolen art.
            So looking at an image is now theft? Maybe these artists shouldn't post their images in public places.

    • 7 months ago

      >They're legit scared of the idea that those not born with the ability to draw will actually have a platform to artistically express themselves.
      I'm scared we'll get the equivalent of youtube's "Elsa Spiderman Satan" of art where 99% of drawn pictures become factory-farmed indians and Indonesians sitting at a computer all day pushing a button to make 'art' and then embedding advertisements into it, and this becomes the most popular art of our era.

      • 7 months ago

        what do you think Marvel films are all about??
        Look at the credits, all the effects are done by chinks and Indians, Look at Starfield, same shit
        all ai does is makes the current garbage pipeline more automated and efficient

    • 7 months ago

      >express themselves
      >zoomers are outsourcing the act of expressing themselves to a robot because their education is getting worse all the time and they have nothing of value to contribute to the zeitgeist otherwise

      Fricking lol

    • 7 months ago

      Close but not fully there yet. Artists have legitimate greivences, but what everyone should be aware of is both the government and corporations hijacking hysteria to give themsevles a monopoly on AI.

      I would prefer to live in a world with no AI, but barring that, Open source AI is better than the alrernative

      • 7 months ago

        >Artists have legitimate greivences,
        This has never been true at any point in history. The scribblers need to either shut the frick up about how their crappy "work" isn't the greatest thing since sliced bread, or they can go get a real job.

    • 7 months ago

      They hated him because he spoke the truth

      Watching narc artists seethe is so entertaining

    • 7 months ago

      >born with the ability to draw
      moron alert!

    • 7 months ago

      I don't even hate AI art, homosexual. Just don't go around calling yourself an artist when you only fed a prompt to a machine.

    • 7 months ago

      Gid gud

  17. 7 months ago

    They ain't making shit

    • 7 months ago

      You wouldn't say this about sprite comics if you were old enough to follow them

  18. 7 months ago

    you suck at bait, if this were stand-up i'd be heckling the shit out of you

    • 7 months ago

      They ain't making shit

      Samegay needing to clarify that you would heckle in some kind of alternative situation is just humiliating. Leave the website

  19. 7 months ago

    no one is born knowing how to use the bathroom, it's something you learn through trial and error along advice, but then again you're a pajeet who poos in loo so my example is lost on you

  20. 7 months ago

    typist is what they're called.

  21. 7 months ago

    If you use any digital art, it's not real art. That includes all pens and tablets. If it's not paper and ink it's not art.

    • 7 months ago

      Even without a tablet or computer, I can still draw and color because I fricking know how to do it. Art is the result of what I make using the skills I practiced and honed since I was a babby.

      • 7 months ago

        Some ai zoomer will say the same shit 15 years from now, lmao.

  22. 7 months ago

    Look, a lazy shit is also unimaginative

  23. 7 months ago

    What was the point of this thread OP?
    was it just to provoke a response from random anons?

  24. 7 months ago


  25. 7 months ago

    >never even tried to learn how to draw
    >never cared about art of self-driven creative hobbies before
    >don't even read comics
    >don't own any books that aren't from some grifter telling them how they can do the needful and become very rich (haven't read them, yet. Won't.)
    >adopt whatever opinions make their sudden obsession with AI seem rational and intelligent on the spot
    >suddenly think AI is going to make them rich overnight by mass generating nearly incomprehensible garbage
    >don't even really learn how to use it, instead just being overly impressed with their own ability to type shit into some free AI site that other people are doing cooler things with anyways
    >adopt a seething hatred for artists because they see them as competition, since even the streetshitter understands that they are attempting to shit on someone else's street that they have no business being on

    >learned how to use the free software
    >helped advance the non-commercial use of AI through improving model training, LORAs, and other tools
    >will freely teach you how to do it too because other AIbros helped them
    >spend their time sharing stuff they make and will usually share their prompt, model, settings, and other tricks they've learned if you just ask politely
    >will usually take requests if you just show interest in their shit
    >fully aware that people have a negative view of AI thanks to streetshitters, so they usually only share sparingly or inside designated threads.
    >driven by the noble need to coom and shitpost, rather than any monetary incentive
    >could attempt to monetize their AI shit, but just post it for free anyways
    >have zero delusions about replacing artists, taking over any industries, or revolutionizing anything, because they know how bad unreliable this shit really is

    • 7 months ago

      >Learned how to use a free software
      Not hard when you just gotta type what you want
      >Helped advance the non-commercial use of AI
      Not true when half of them are trying to charge for their average writing
      >Will freely teach you how to do it
      Cause it's easier than picking up a pencil
      >Spend their time sharing stuff they make
      So do regular artists
      >Will usually take requests
      Hardly, they just tell you to do it
      >Fully aware that people have a negative view of AI
      and constantly tell others how AI is going to take over everything and they'll be the only ones to make money off of it
      >Driven by the noble need to coom and shitpost
      >Could attempt to monetize their AI shit
      They do
      >Have zero delusion about replacing artists
      good one

      As someone who's been abusing Bing AI and SD for the past few weeks making weird porn, there's very little difference between the moronic Indian claiming E = mc^2 + AI is a serious equation and the gooner living in his mom's basement making AI prompts of his celebrity crushes in fetish scenarios.

      • 7 months ago

        BingAI gays are streetshitters.

      • 7 months ago

        LOOK, dumbass.
        I try not to hate on tech, but at least use an image with hands fixed.
        I'm not one of them obsessed fricks that write paragraphs pointing out flaw in a machine produced image, that's just stupid, but at least you shoudl:
        1. Know that those hands are not acceptable
        2. Know how to fix them either in app or post

        Unfortunately yer not a creator, just a fricking shill, so STFU.

  26. 7 months ago

    You had this thread already.

    • 7 months ago

      >You had this thread already.
      And we'l have it next week, every week.

  27. 7 months ago

    >ai artists
    OH so the computers are finally gaining sentience

  28. 7 months ago

    It's visually unreadable. Bummer.

    • 7 months ago

      where's the comic???
      it's just one image!!!

  29. 7 months ago

    AI is so easily accessible and helps people who may not have the means or skills to express themselves. Even with all the pushback and hate AI shit is only going to get more and more prominent. It’s literally everywhere now and so many places use it. The issue should be not selling AI art as to my understanding it takes from art uploaded by real artists to create its images but even then it can only do that because the platforms people upload their art onto allows it to be taken and used. Your issues are with platforms allowing your art to be taken and used not with AI that helps people express themselves.

    • 7 months ago
      • 7 months ago


  30. 7 months ago

    it's over
    artgays won

    • 7 months ago

      >Voluntary commitments from 15 leading companies.
      Seems legit.

      • 7 months ago

        Completely voluntary.

        • 7 months ago

          >Voluntary commitments from 15 leading companies.
          Seems legit.

          these could have been stylized dalle3 art renders

    • 7 months ago

      What exactly does it do?
      I'm too lazy to read through it myself right now. I might do it later, but I'd like to know now.

      • 7 months ago

        Lot of shit that gives the government more control over your shit, but the part you'd care for is
        >Protect Americans from AI-enabled fraud and deception by establishing standards and best practices for detecting AI-generated content and authenticating official content.
        >The Department of Commerce will develop guidance for content authentication and watermarking to clearly label AI-generated content. Federal agencies will use these tools to make it easy for Americans to know that the communications they receive from their government are authentic—and set an example for the private sector and governments around the world.

        Reminder that every time an artgay tells you "just practice and you'll get better", they are actively mocking you because they know that doing that won't actually do anything.

        >Reminder that every time an gymbro tells you "just practice and you'll get better", they are actively mocking you because they know that doing that won't actually do anything.

        • 7 months ago

          that every time an gymbro tells you "just practice and you'll get better", they are actively mocking you because they know that doing that won't actually do anything.
          Unironically yes.

          • 7 months ago

            Probably would help if you stopped eating so much, fatso

            • 7 months ago

              I need to eat to cope with my art-lessness.

      • 7 months ago

        Basically, any new ai system above a certain limit has to go through US government approval, Uncle Sam has to check where and how you got that shit, so it meets his guidelines and chinks can;t get it.
        Anons say it's OpenAi trying to pull up the ladder behind them to cut out the competition (also kill open source ai development)

        Does it affect you?
        Maybe, probably not.
        But it mostly means ai is being regulated by executive order, not the courts.

        • 7 months ago

          Oh, ok. So Uncle Sam realized there's a lot of potential money in this and is demanding his cut.

  31. 7 months ago

    Today I will remind them

  32. 7 months ago

    So this is the quality we can expect from all ai stuff in the future. Exciting

    • 7 months ago

      hopefully they will use ai for the writing too, lmao

  33. 7 months ago

    its always hacks, like seriously that text box is ugly as sin it clashes with the set piece horribly.

  34. 7 months ago

    >true cost of infinite waifu is the miserable death of billions

    • 7 months ago

      >We're ngmi, people I mean.

      • 7 months ago

        Lot's of people will make it, the rich ones mostly.
        You and me, we're proper fricked, mate.

  35. 7 months ago

    >guy is an aisimp
    Has John K said anything about AI art? I’d be surprised if he didn’t think it was soulless slop.

  36. 7 months ago

    My question is how can you get consistent on model depictions of specific characters in every panel? Same for vehicles, buildings, places, things. Does the main heroes sword change every panel? What about specific details of his outfit?

    • 7 months ago

      I'm going to imagine you'd just end with an increasingly longer prompt for every panel you make and probably dozens, if not hundreds of generations to keep shit persistent between panels. The real nightmare would be keeping backgrounds spacially consistent with each other so it doesn't look like your characters on warping between different rooms.

      • 7 months ago

        ai is a whole lot of fluff, potential and bullshit
        go look at the ai threads now, just the same autistic garbage ad infinitum
        there is not a single trucking thought going through their minds, it's just casino to them
        irregular reward schedule for dopamine hits, addicts, JUNKIES

        • 7 months ago

          Try typing your words instead of using speech to text.

          • 7 months ago

            I hear TTS ai is really good now.

        • 7 months ago

          There were some attempts at using the AI to make sprite sheets and maybe some basic texture work but it seems to have devolved quickly into autistic deviantart fetish shit and people getting increasingly paranoid over the censorship by Microsoft. Somebody just needs to take one for the team and leak the fully uncensored model of DALLE3 already.

    • 7 months ago

      that Op comic is just single panel
      your answer is no to all of them

      Temporal consistency doesn't exist in current models, not even Dalle3, which is at least a generation ahead of SDXL, can do it.
      The current cheat is using chara that the model already was trained on (or ad them yourself) and render spam until you get lucky.
      This hasn't changed in a year.
      They have teased text to video, but shit's still all beta and fulgy for now.

      • 7 months ago

        I'm going to imagine you'd just end with an increasingly longer prompt for every panel you make and probably dozens, if not hundreds of generations to keep shit persistent between panels. The real nightmare would be keeping backgrounds spacially consistent with each other so it doesn't look like your characters on warping between different rooms.

        or just draw, lmao
        still need an artist or at least a good photoshop monkey to keep it all together

      • 7 months ago

        We can use reference sketches of the design we want and have a system detail it up from a sketch. This works for most characters if you need consistency or we can do the more lazy path of just tagging the same design details on a given the focus character and generate a bazillion poses and inserting the charater as needed into a panel. Consistent 'enough' characters have been a thing for many months. Showing my /trash/ degenerate credentials again the stable diffusion general has some mostly low-effort reoccurring characters from awkward virgin pair of maned wolves, this arsonist black goat (rare sfw of her) and more that all phase in and out of relevance over the weeks.

        • 7 months ago

          Cheats and workarounds, Emad has spent more time censored than improving SD.

          There were some attempts at using the AI to make sprite sheets and maybe some basic texture work but it seems to have devolved quickly into autistic deviantart fetish shit and people getting increasingly paranoid over the censorship by Microsoft. Somebody just needs to take one for the team and leak the fully uncensored model of DALLE3 already.

          Very true, but I doubt their model is anything you could run local from the sheer complexity of the hands it generates... or just so better optimized and it could run on a phone!!! Who can say.

          And yes, there are character sheet/turnaround LoRAs, but all they are of that single render, no consistency thereafter.

  37. 7 months ago

    And I'm still not reading it.

    • 7 months ago

      it's cool, bots will read them for you 😉

  38. 7 months ago

    >AI artists

  39. 7 months ago

    AI made the image, so the copyright and credit SHOULD belong to the AI.
    But AI is legally not a person and can't own copyrights, so everything made by AI SHOULD fall into the public domain. Like that one photo taken by the monkey. Simple as.

    The lawmakers are 100% right.

    • 7 months ago

      it's the only thing that makes sense to me that is legally consistent

  40. 7 months ago

    I've started using AI gens for meme purposes (and for designs at work, don't tell my boss)

    • 7 months ago

      A shitcord chat I'm in had someone play the valuable discussion card when he was told to stop posting tweets by the dangerous kind of white supremacist as opposed to a (literally) toothless redneck. He was banned with the reason "Discussion begins: Nazis are evil. Discussion ends."

      • 7 months ago

        groomers only, no nazis allowed!

  41. 7 months ago
  42. 7 months ago

    Don’t call them artists. They’re “prompters”. They write a little paragraph and then ooh and aah at what the computer comes up with. Is always a surprise.

    • 7 months ago

      prompt poofters!

    • 7 months ago

      Holy copium, you artists are seething that we don't pay 1k for a shitty sketch that take over a month to arrive

      • 7 months ago

        He mocked your pretension, not your poverty.

        • 7 months ago


          • 7 months ago

            Actual cope and hypocrite

            you claim to hate ai art but use it

            you gonna cry?

            • 7 months ago

              why are you giving me drawings of yourself?

              and is This a picture of you?

              • 7 months ago

                >uses technology to pretend to be an artist
                >gets furious at natural artist
                >not the troony

              • 7 months ago

                why are you giving me drawings of yourself?

                and is This a picture of you?

                use the ai
                no cheating

              • 7 months ago

                Well if your a natural artist why not draw me being fat and crying yourself?

                i suspect that you don't even know how to draw and are just a troony coping

              • 7 months ago

                Are you kidding, you've been the ones pretending for over year, hiding your ai shit, screeching and angry whenever your are exposed... fricking hilarious.
                Have you no sense of perspective or knowledge???

              • 7 months ago

                holy copium, can't cope that it not the same person who defending ai art?

              • 7 months ago

                >holy copium
                YWNBAA, ai-troony

              • 7 months ago

                read the sign, Timmy

                >literal gatekeeping
                You """artists""" really the most pathetically butthurt creatures on the planet. You think that if everyone isn't kissing your ass, it's some grave injustice. Frick you.

              • 7 months ago

                Enter not, vile creature.
                Never ever shalt an artist ye be!

              • 7 months ago

                >literal gatekeeping
                You """artists""" really the most pathetically butthurt creatures on the planet. You think that if everyone isn't kissing your ass, it's some grave injustice. Frick you.

                you guys are alright sometimes

              • 7 months ago

                If you are actually using ai for actual comic work, not pointless pin ups of anime thot #34,746,553, you should probably learn to draw and such so that you can fix up your shit quick and easy.
                Get a cheap tablet stylus too.
                If you were ever serious, you would already have them.

              • 7 months ago

                >"lol learn to draw!"
                That is physically impossible for most people. How the frick do you not get this. Most people CAN'T draw no matter how hard they try. One can bash their head against a wall until their skulls are caved in, but the wall ain't moving.

              • 7 months ago

                Did you even read?
                I said get a tablet so you can fix your ai shit easier.
                Photoshop monkeys use them all the time graphic artists don't draw full illustrations but can finish them,
                Even when I am trying to help you all you can do is attack me with your list of same excuse you people have bee reposting for over a year.

                I am not interested in talking to a shill, but I am willing to help anyone who want s to make a comics, ai or not.
                So shoo shill, shoo!
                Away with you.

              • 7 months ago

                >I said get a tablet so you can fix your ai shit easier.
                ... If one can't draw, one can't manually fix hands. Are you actually moronic?

                >Even when I am trying to help you
                You're not trying to help. You're just being more condescending about your elitist bullshit. Frick you.

              • 7 months ago

                You came to here to attack and shill, but I gave you good advice.
                You don't want to talk about ai or comics, you just want (you)s and nonsense.
                Please do not reply to me any further.

              • 7 months ago

                >I gave you good advice.
                No you didn't. You just spewed the same "JUST DO IT BRO" bullshit we've all heard a thousand times. Well I for one am sick of it. The instant the hands thing gets fixed, """artists""" will finally be tossed into the trash where they belong.

              • 7 months ago

                >JUST DO IT BRO
                You can type, you can seethe, and you claim to use ai too, so you can't be complete mental defect.
                How else did you think people learn to draw, by magic???

                This is just nonsense, and lies.
                Very offensive lies.
                Please use ai to make art, do as yo please, but don't pretend you couldn't have drawn with a pencil on paper as every human being who has ever drawn did the same, over thousands of years.
                If you had no patience and quit, that is you fault, not the process. You can not blame the road for not taking you up the mountain if you refuse to walk up there.

              • 7 months ago

                People do not "learn" to draw. Artistic talent is a genetic trait that only appears in a small percentage of the population. If everyone could draw, everyone would.

              • 7 months ago

                People do not "learn" to type. Typing talent is a genetic trait that only appears in a small percentage of the population. If everyone could type, everyone would.

              • 7 months ago

                Typing isn't an artform. you dumb bastard.

                Dude, actual babies can draw. They draw really shittily, but even they can pick up a crayon and scribble shit on a piece of paper. Unless you're a quadriplegic who physically can't move the pencil around, you've got zero excuse beyond being a lazy frickwad.

                My "excuse" is that I'm not a fricking mutant.

              • 7 months ago

                enough shit
                post your ai work

              • 7 months ago

                Dude, actual babies can draw. They draw really shittily, but even they can pick up a crayon and scribble shit on a piece of paper. Unless you're a quadriplegic who physically can't move the pencil around, you've got zero excuse beyond being a lazy frickwad.

              • 7 months ago

                babies can put 1 and 1 apple together to have 2 apples and cry when someone takes 1 away because they now only have 1 apple

                doesn't make them capable of doing PhD level math, and the vast majority of those babies will never be able to do that, no matter how much effort they put into it

              • 7 months ago

                So what? You don't have to be a master to do something. How much effort does it take to draw a line in real life? Hell, how much practice did it take you to type that bullshit onto this chinese basketweaving forum?

              • 7 months ago

                AI art is good enough right now that you need master level painting skills to produce anything remotely similar to it

              • 7 months ago

                Thanks for the laugh, anon

              • 7 months ago

                bro, AI can do hands better than 99% of all artists out there already
                that was the joke about AI art and in 2 years it's already better than the vast majority of humans

              • 7 months ago

                >300 post thread
                >not one ai comic posted
                Empty words Rasheet.
                You are a bot.
                Hope yo are gettign paid, JESUS, imagine being you posting your cope free.

              • 7 months ago

                Look at you angry over noting, refuse to post nothing.
                Your a nothing, who'd want your dead, you are not even alive.
                Yer just here to b***h at drawgays because you feel inferior.
                Fear and anger rules you, you can not create anything in that state, ai or not.
                Waste of time, waste of life.

                damn, you ESLs are harsh

              • 7 months ago

                Dude, nobody truly gives a shit about the hands. It's just the most easy mistake to pick on since it's the kind of shit that a human can easily spot in five seconds but a computer AI legitimately wouldn't since hands ultimately mean jack and shit to it beyond being one of many descriptors it has to balance. I'm laughing at the implication that AI art is competing with master painters, or that you need to be a master level painter to etch a line on a canvas. That's ironically far more stuck up and delusional than the "artists" that are apparently threatened by the mere existence of robot image generators.

              • 7 months ago

                >So what? You don't have to be a master to do something.
                Yes you do. People will flood you death threats over material they perceive to be even slightly less than perfect.

              • 7 months ago

                this sure happened, in your mind

              • 7 months ago

                You're on Cinemaphile right now, and you have the gall to deny that this happens?

              • 7 months ago

                your lovely imagination made it up

              • 7 months ago

                >actually denying it
                Pathetic. This is why everyone hates "artists", because you're all gaslighting elitists. It's going to be glorious to watch you all make good on your frequent suicide threats once AI replaces you.

              • 7 months ago


                Look at you angry over noting, refuse to post nothing.
                Your a nothing, who'd want your dead, you are not even alive.
                Yer just here to b***h at drawgays because you feel inferior.
                Fear and anger rules you, you can not create anything in that state, ai or not.
                Waste of time, waste of life.

              • 7 months ago


                enough shit
                post your ai work

                post your work

              • 7 months ago

                Look at you angry over noting, refuse to post nothing.
                Your a nothing, who'd want your dead, you are not even alive.
                Yer just here to b***h at drawgays because you feel inferior.
                Fear and anger rules you, you can not create anything in that state, ai or not.
                Waste of time, waste of life.

              • 7 months ago


                enough shit
                post your ai work


              • 7 months ago

                >Unless you're a quadriplegic who physically can't move the pencil around, you've got zero excuse beyond being a lazy frickwad.
                And even then, John Callahan still managed to have a successful cartoonist career!

              • 7 months ago

                This chicken scratch garbage is successful? I don't believe you.

              • 7 months ago

                Got damn, you sound like a pajeet.

              • 7 months ago

                >physically incapable of responding to another post without being racist
                And you sound like a brainwashed moron.

              • 7 months ago

                you post nothing
                you waste air
                so little rupees for gettign abused, take it b***h

              • 7 months ago

                >physically incapable of responding to another post without being racist
                And you sound like a brainwashed moron.

                Got damn, you sound like a pajeet.

                you dumbfricks never stop, lmao

              • 7 months ago

                Scary thing is, it's true. Dude behind it actually got a cartoon made based off his comic, even if it was that Pelswick toon. And he was drawing by holding a digital pen between his barely moveable meatstump hands over a tablet he propped up onto his knees, and using his shoulders to move the pen around.

                Like if an actual quadraplegic can caveman a into making those chickenscratch toons and actually be successful, what's an ai prompter's excuse? That inspite of having two fully functional hands they're somehow born even less art capable than an actual cripple?

              • 7 months ago

                Published weekly from 1983 to his death in 2010 in his local paper, syndicated to 40 more, had two cartoons and a Gus van Sant adaptation of his biography "Don't Worry, He Won't Get Far on Foot" with Joaquin Phoenix.

                I'm not sure, but I think that was someone else. I know he was a massive alchoholic for years, but I thought he largely got clean in the late 80s/early 90s.

                Wow, the general public has no standards whatsoever. ... Maybe I have been wrong to be so bitter. Perhaps I can get away with selling the people literal garbage, and they'll worship me for it!

              • 7 months ago

                You'll never know if you don't try. Don't worry, I believe in you anon, you can do it!

              • 7 months ago

                Unironically, yes anon, you could. I keep pointing out to people that ONE has a successful career outright inspite of his art being some of the worst I've ever seen. Frankly, the idea that the public is so snooty that they won't accept anything but the highest quality is probably the funniest thing ever. So really, you've got nothing to lose. I'm sure someone out there would like what you make, even if it's just a small crowd.

              • 7 months ago

                >Unironically, yes anon, you could.
                Frick you. Unlike those drooling morons, I have standards. OPM being even vaguely successful is genuinely offensive. We humans deserve our inevitable extinction.

                Okay so there's two ways I can respond to this.
                I can either agree with your fricking moronic premise and say that the artistically inclined are just born with their ability, in which case yeah you SHOULD bend the knee because by your logic they're better than you on a genetic level and you're some kind of underevolved throwback best filtered from the genepool.
                OR I can disagree with your premise and point out that this is why AI homosexuals get the deserved hate. They're constantly making up excuses to be lazy fricks far worse than even the laziest tumblr furry.
                Either way, you've proven the world would be better off without you in it.

                And I can respond by pointing out that you're advocating for 99% of the world's population to be culled for the sake of the privileged elite. The vast majority of people cannot draw, period.

              • 7 months ago

                If your standards involve using AI art, then I'm sorry to say that even babyshit like OPM is too advanced for you

              • 7 months ago

                >"AI is bad because the e-celebs told me it is!"
                This is just like when CG art was demonized back when it was young. An entire art form lost because the public is easily brainwashed into killing it before it can mature. And all because scribblers can't deal with competition. It's downright tragic.

              • 7 months ago

                Unironically genuinely not worried about AI, anon. Whatever viability it has it has will be made evident enough in time, once regulations and big government are finished trying to strangle it in the crib. Not even worried about the people doing this shit for fun or try to make a buck off of it, although the fricks who don't label their shit as AI-generated I'm not going to be nice on. Really, it's the pathetic sadsacks that are trying to make stupid claims that they "need" AI because they physically can't draw when even quadraplegics have found a way to do it that deserve scorn from everyone.

              • 7 months ago
              • 7 months ago

                See, this is the inherent issue with AI gays. You don't believe that art is primarily a communication tool used as a way to express yourself to an audience willing to listen, so of course you don't see the value of "bad" art. You see it as as a commodity to launder money with, and most people can smell that a mile away.

              • 7 months ago

                Published weekly from 1983 to his death in 2010 in his local paper, syndicated to 40 more, had two cartoons and a Gus van Sant adaptation of his biography "Don't Worry, He Won't Get Far on Foot" with Joaquin Phoenix.

                is he the guy who got so drunk he scrapped away his foot on a wheelchair before turing sober?

                I'm not sure, but I think that was someone else. I know he was a massive alchoholic for years, but I thought he largely got clean in the late 80s/early 90s.

              • 7 months ago

                Yes, that was him.
                Read a bit of his bio comic along with other underground comix types in an anthology once, pretty cool stuff, harrowing.

              • 7 months ago

                is he the guy who got so drunk he scrapped away his foot on a wheelchair before turing sober?

              • 7 months ago

                >Artistic talent is a genetic trait
                So this the final ai-cope.
                We drawgays were evil Übermensch oppressing you and now ai has freed you from your biological tyranny, your bondage.
                This is SO BEYOND pathetic I feel sorry for you.
                Well, go on, use ai, be the artist that your genes denied you, you should be happy.
                Just stop being so bitter, you have your happy ending, enjoy yourself.
                Good for you.

              • 7 months ago

                relax you dumb homosexual
                you sure get irritable for a THIEF stealing people's livelihood
                and you expect us to be grateful too???

                (oh this dalle sucks ass now, no more boosts, am I gonna have to install SD to keep mocking your dumbasses, lol)

              • 7 months ago

                How have you been hindered from making your ai shit? We have no power over you.
                Did drawgays break into your home and steal you PC? Go make your garbage, wallow in your filth.
                We are not obligated to cater to you or agree with your delusions, frick off. The sheer entitlement is mind-boggling. You rip us off and get angry that we don't like it!!!
                The sheer audacity of this b***h.

      • 7 months ago

        >Holy copium
        this you?

        • 7 months ago

          Actual cope and hypocrite

          you claim to hate ai art but use it

          • 7 months ago

            I think ai art is hilarious.
            And homosexuals who call themselves "ai artists" even more so.
            Dalle made you brown in this one, guess it fits you more Raji.

      • 7 months ago

        Try not being poor 🙂

  43. 7 months ago


    Artist fear and hate ai since they know it better then them but cope by claiming that it will never be better then artist while at the same time screaming for ai to be banned

    • 7 months ago

      English motherfricker, do you speak it?!

  44. 7 months ago

    I can't believe you guys are still seething over this.

    • 7 months ago

      read the sign, Timmy

  45. 7 months ago

    I don’t mind AI art. It’s better than anything I can do. However I’m still going to draw my own comics (even if the art is meh) because I genuinely find peace and comfort from drawing. I’ve made hundreds and hundreds of comics that no one has ever seen because whether or not I find success in this, it’s my creative expression and I have to do it.

    • 7 months ago

      Bro, might as well learn ai too, it's not going anywhere, and it's only going to become better.
      The idea of an "ai artist" is oxymoronic, since the end goal of ai imagery is not to need any specialists.
      Look at Dalle3, anons who knew nothing about ai were making better images in hours than "prompt engineers" sweating over SD for over a year.
      Did anons become better "ai artists?"
      No, of course not, the new version did all the work, and so it goes.

      What you are seeing is just silly nonsense that will become antiquated within year if not months.
      Learn the tools of your craft, ai is a tool and your competitors sure as well learn it.

      • 7 months ago

        >Look at Dalle3, anons who knew nothing about ai were making better images in hours than "prompt engineers" sweating over SD for over a year.
        >Did anons become better "ai artists?"
        Dang, prompt-sisters, our response???

  46. 7 months ago

    the seething of these moron useless "artists" is like music to my ears
    keep the seething coming

  47. 7 months ago

    >not even ai

    • 7 months ago

      I asked stable diffusion for a seething wojack and it gave me a car. I don't get this prompt shit.

      • 7 months ago
        bruh, gotta use LoRAs

  48. 7 months ago

    >AI artists
    Ah yes, those "AI artists"
    Those artists who make AI "art"

    Next time I walk into a restaurant and tell the guy working there what I wanna order, I'll call myself a "reading-the-menu chef"

  49. 7 months ago

    Dall-E can't make my OCs.
    Stable Diffusion sort of can but even then it's extremely hit or miss.

    • 7 months ago

      Do yo have an RTX card, you can train your own LoRAs and you should.
      Ignore the shitposting, within years ai shit will be seamless, nobody will care.

      • 7 months ago

        >Do yo have an RTX card, you can train your own LoRAs and you should.
        I'd honestly rather just draw them myself. It's fun to mess around in it but I suck at prompting or something because everything is deep fried and the colors are wack as frick.

        Also AI doesn't understand my fetishes.

        • 7 months ago

          why should it, it has no mind
          if yr a furry, SD is for you, filthy furshits were the first to train their own models using colab at much cost, they paid for it

        • 7 months ago

          >because everything is deep fried and the colors are wack as frick.
          Sounds like your CFG is too high.

    • 7 months ago

      Post yer OC.
      You shoudl try to break down the features systematically and describe it, Dalle might poop out something even better you can evolve with.

      • 7 months ago

        I've been trying to get it to make /coc/ characters like colette and golden girl but the former is a design that's a bit too complex and the latter just red flags the shit out of the system when it doesn't give geriatrics.

        • 7 months ago

          >colette and golden girl
          colette is just a regular brunette in tights?
          guess her style is really her trademark
          and GG, yeah, Dalle3 won't poop that pit, of course
          looks like Stable Diffusion is your only choice if you want to use ai, it's not so hard, plenty of guides and tuts

          • 7 months ago

            >colette is just a regular brunette in tights?
            with Layla Miller's hair with a Rogue streak, Velma's glasses, X-23's eyes, Nico Robin's nose, Power Girl''s boobs, Cassandra Cain's scars, etc.
            OC autism is in the details. AI still hates details.

          • 7 months ago

            >it's not so hard
            I have no idea what I'm doing.

            • 7 months ago

              That doesn't look like much like Golden Girl, to be honest.

  50. 7 months ago

    >no images
    >regular posts like clock work
    paid shill hours, lmao

  51. 7 months ago

    As an artist myself I really don't understand the hate for AI art or even that it needs disclosed. Does everyone who uses photoshop or some other tool need to announce they used computer tools (a lot which have used AI for years)?

    But it is fun to watch them endlessly fight back and forth against something thats inevitable.

    • 7 months ago

      >As an artist myself
      pls post proof
      I don't want ot not believe you, but I can scarcely think a sad shill won't resort to lying.
      You don't have to dox yourself, post something you drew so we can see you are not a lying.

      • 7 months ago

        Shill for what? Also i'd have to draw something new since all my shit is already uploaded all over the net.

        • 7 months ago

          so nothing?
          thanks for your worthless post

  52. 7 months ago

    10 years. Within 10 years the Great Filter of Art will be completed. Only those who can adapt or have skill will survive. The rest will burn. I can taste the tears of talentless hacks already.

    • 7 months ago

      TEN, I say FIVE.
      Even less!!

      • 7 months ago

        Two years.

        • 7 months ago

          I raise you THREE!

  53. 7 months ago

    ai art is virtual goyslop, and the fact that so many chuds have latched onto it is pathetic

  54. 7 months ago

    Reminder that every time an artgay tells you "just practice and you'll get better", they are actively mocking you because they know that doing that won't actually do anything.

    • 7 months ago

      Uh, how do you think those artists got better, then?

      • 7 months ago

        superior mutant genes
        ai is just levelling the playfield

      • 7 months ago

        It helps being born with the ability to do it in the first place.

      • 7 months ago

        Obviously they had a devil fruit awakening

      • 7 months ago

        AI anons believe in genetic determinism.

    • 7 months ago

      Just draw, gayget
      How hard is that?

      • 7 months ago

        Just breathe underwater. You have gills, right? It's not that hard.

        • 7 months ago

          >scribbling a funny little cartoon is as impossible to AI tards as breathing underwater is to mammallian biology
          The more you guys out yourselves as the dumbest of dumb troglodytes merely masquerading as humans, the more I laugh. You truly are soulless hylics.

          • 7 months ago

            >artgays think this is a problem faced only by a small group of people
            99% of humanity can't draw. You're not only elitist, but ignorant.

            • 7 months ago

              If a dude without functioning arms and legs can do it, then you have zero excuse

              • 7 months ago

                Your example looks like shit and would be completely unacceptable as a commercial product.

                And you keep trying to bring up paraplegics like that somehow means anything. Those people may be missing body parts, but they were still born with the ability to draw.

              • 7 months ago

                Yes, my example is shit. And it's still more than you've ever done, which is outright nothing. And the point is that there are people who don't have functioning limbs that have learned a method to make art, yet you with your hands and non-functioning brain somehow haven't.

              • 7 months ago

                Man, if even people without arms and legs are more meaningful creators than you are, your existence must be truly pathetic. Maybe you should have a nice day, you're hogging up air creativechads could be using to fuel a masterpiece!

            • 7 months ago

              >grrrrr you're so mean mister art-man
              >my teacher gave me crayons to draw a house in elementary school and I ate them instead and got an F
              >I literally can't draw dragging a pencil across a piece of paper is actually impossible never mind that actual cavemen did it all the time on solid rock

              • 7 months ago

                Cave paints only have value due to their archaeological significance. Ungi of the Bone Tribe wasn't getting paid for her shitty etchings.

                Yes, my example is shit. And it's still more than you've ever done, which is outright nothing. And the point is that there are people who don't have functioning limbs that have learned a method to make art, yet you with your hands and non-functioning brain somehow haven't.

                Better to make nothing than to make garbage.

              • 7 months ago

                Better to actually produce shit and accept you're not a master than to be a coward like you. Seriously. Quadraplegics and even monkeys can draw shit. If you can't, then that's not lack of skill, that's lack of willpower and lack of self-respect,

              • 7 months ago

                It's not cowardice to know one's limitations. If you can't do something, you shouldn't just do it anyway out of, what, spite? All that does is create objective evidence that you indeed cannot do the thing.

                Giving people an excuse to mock and harass you for eternity is self-respect now, is it? You're an idiot.

              • 7 months ago

                We're mocking you and harassing you right now, b***h, and you're stull doing nothing.

              • 7 months ago

                We're both on a mongolian children's cartoon website, you nerd. The fact you're concerned about the personal opinions of people that literally don't have a name says so damn much about how pathetic you are that it's incredible.

                And for the record, the one limitation here is your capacity to pick up a sharpened pencil and drag it an inch in any direction. The fact you can't and won't even try to accomplish that is why people are making fun of you.

              • 7 months ago

                You're really only making my point for me. Imagine what happens if one were to go public with their sub-par chicken scratch? Harassment, death threats, etc, for the rest of your life and beyond. Frick that.

                Every single second you're alive, your brain chemistry changes, homosexual. Not my fault you continue to choose to be a fricking moron instead of actually trying.
                Because artists actually DO need to practice.
                Because musicians need to actually practice.
                Because people who drive cars are required to practice BY LAW.
                Because bodybuilders practice and lift weights.
                Because EVERYONE needs to learn how to speak their native language.
                If you don't want to try, just die.

                Again, you cannot practice an ability you intrinsically do not have. You can't fly if you don't have wings.

              • 7 months ago

                Dude, literally nobody will give a frick that I ever drew that. Hell, I don't give a frick I drew that. Go ahead, print it out, slap it on a government building and scream to the world "Anon made this!". I'll fricking live. The fact you think people are going to threaten me with death for a doodle I made in less than five minutes in MS Paint suggests that you should seriously seek therapy. Immediately.

                >You can't fly if you don't have wings.
                If I may point out that you don't even need a fully functioning brain to be an artist, aka you could be someone stuck in an asylum who can't tell reality from hallucination, and still be recognized as an artist...

              • 7 months ago

                >Dude, literally nobody will give a frick that I ever drew that.
                I do. Look at that garbage makes me ill. Also

                >Hell, I don't give a frick I drew that.
                That's because you have no standards.

                >"C-C-CUH RAAAAAAAAAAAZY people make art!"
                And the only reason anyone gives a frick about that is due to the novelty. That's not art, it's gimmicky shit.

              • 7 months ago

                >no standards
                This coming from the AI prompter?

                Like, seriously. If you can make even one image by yourself that's better than this literal garbage tier image to show what your standards for what "good art" is, I'll bow down to the all-mighty algorithm. Otherwise, you're just a lazy b***h who admits that cripples, mental defects, and animals have more worth to the art world than you ever did.

              • 7 months ago

                Okay, at this point, you're just actively refusing to acknowledge the reality that most people are literally unable to draw, and that the disabled people who can are not the inspirational stories who insist they are.

              • 7 months ago

                Have you even tried drawing?

              • 7 months ago

                nta but I have and I don’t have what you guys have. My brain/eyes/hands don’t work that way. If I want to use illustrations to express myself at the pace and price I can afford I need AI.

              • 7 months ago

                Dude, absolutely clueless normies can be taught to draw

                Hell, Bob Ross has a whole series of videos showing the totally hopeless how to paint forests and shit. The fact of the matter is, you're the whole reason you're a shit artist, and AI can't fix that. Frankly, the fact that the robot that can't understand what it is that it created and it's still a considerably better artist than you should tell you how below contemptible you are as a human being.

              • 7 months ago

                Bob Ross’s style of painting isn’t about creation with intention. It’s a very cool style of symbol drawing.

              • 7 months ago

                Yeah, and it looked like shit.

                No, the reality is that almost every human being and even some non-human beings have some way of artistically expressing themselves using the most basic of tools aka their eyeballs and hands, and anything short of being a total vegetable is just straight up laziness. Disabled people show you don't need limbs to draw. Crazy people show you don't need a brain to draw. Animals show you don't need advance sapience to draw. Shit, fricking babies can draw, and they're just as likely to eat their crayons as they are to scribble with them, so you don't even need EXPERIENCE to draw. So, literally nothing is stopping you except yourself, anon.

                Well, besides your so-called standards, but since you refuse to define what those are, then I have to presume you're working with the same limitations every functional human being is, aka the ability to pick up a crayon and make a dot or a line.

                You're full of shit. If everyone COULD draw, everyone would.

                See, this is the inherent issue with AI gays. You don't believe that art is primarily a communication tool used as a way to express yourself to an audience willing to listen, so of course you don't see the value of "bad" art. You see it as as a commodity to launder money with, and most people can smell that a mile away.

                There is no value in bad art, stupid.

              • 7 months ago

                >There is no value in bad art

              • 7 months ago

                >muh dada
                Oh do frick off.

                Dude, absolutely clueless normies can be taught to draw

                Hell, Bob Ross has a whole series of videos showing the totally hopeless how to paint forests and shit. The fact of the matter is, you're the whole reason you're a shit artist, and AI can't fix that. Frankly, the fact that the robot that can't understand what it is that it created and it's still a considerably better artist than you should tell you how below contemptible you are as a human being.

                Bob Ross was a moronic hippie who not one sane person on Earth ever took seriously.

              • 7 months ago

                Dude has receipts to back up his art credentials. You don't. Go on. Show your work. Bet you can't, no balls.

              • 7 months ago

                How about some fauvism, then?

              • 7 months ago

                >Yeah, and it looked like shit.
                I don't believe you, show it.

              • 7 months ago

                How? This was in like 5th grade or something. I don't have the shitty drawing from 23 years ago.

                Dude has receipts to back up his art credentials. You don't. Go on. Show your work. Bet you can't, no balls.

                >art credentials

              • 7 months ago

                Then draw something right here, right now, and upload it. Show everyone what your artist's soul is like. Bet you don't have the balls to. Cause you're such a coward that you're too afraid to pick up a pencil or even move his mouse over a cursor.

              • 7 months ago

                I'm not gonna do that, because it'll just look like shit. And again, acknowledging one's limitations is not cowardice. Doing something you know you can't do for the sake is just stupid.

              • 7 months ago

                Bet you the real reason you don't is cause you're scared. Scared of Cinemaphile of all places judging you for not being able to live up to your dogshite opinions. Only one way to prove otherwise, anon.

              • 7 months ago

                >dogshite opinions
                Here's an "opinion", artists are ALL, literally ALL entitled c**ts who get offended when people don't bow down and worship the ground they walk on. That alone justifies AI art. You can keep going on with your condescending bullshit all you want, but the truth is, most people can't draw, and the ones who can are inherently terrible people. Frick them and frick you.

              • 7 months ago
              • 7 months ago


                Okay AI jeet. Here's some frogs I drew!


                If I have the balls to post this shitty horse drawing on Cinemaphile of all places and you don't, then remove yourself from the genepool so you don't plague any future generation with your semen
                Then again, you'll never get a girl. You're just that shitty.
                Now draw a fricking horse.

                have more ability to weather the potential storm of criticism than your little fragile snowflake ass has, then I think the issue is more that you're just a self-absorbed pansie who can't take what he dishes out, and that his idiotic opinions on AI art are a cover for how jealous he is that other people actually have the stones to actually try.

                Cause until you draw something, those frogs and that horse are inherently better than anything that the AI could create for you because they actually fricking made something compared to your lazy ass.

              • 7 months ago

                Oh I will make no effort whatsoever to hide my utter contempt for scribblers. What, you think you can shame me by accusing me of jealousy? Nah. I could never be jealous of an ability that seems to automatically make you a bad person.

                >weather the storm of potential criticism
                Bitch, I'm just not stupid enough to put out garbage.

              • 7 months ago

                >Oh I will make no effort whatsoever
                That's for sure

              • 7 months ago

                No, the reality is that almost every human being and even some non-human beings have some way of artistically expressing themselves using the most basic of tools aka their eyeballs and hands, and anything short of being a total vegetable is just straight up laziness. Disabled people show you don't need limbs to draw. Crazy people show you don't need a brain to draw. Animals show you don't need advance sapience to draw. Shit, fricking babies can draw, and they're just as likely to eat their crayons as they are to scribble with them, so you don't even need EXPERIENCE to draw. So, literally nothing is stopping you except yourself, anon.

                Well, besides your so-called standards, but since you refuse to define what those are, then I have to presume you're working with the same limitations every functional human being is, aka the ability to pick up a crayon and make a dot or a line.

              • 7 months ago

                Do you have a writing utensil? Then you have everything you need.
                Draw or die.

              • 7 months ago

                Better to make garbage that is incrementally less garbage each time you do it than make nothing at all

              • 7 months ago

                If you don't have the ability to draw, then no, the trash scribbles don't get better. Practice doesn't mean shit if your brain isn't wired a certain way.

                We're mocking you and harassing you right now, b***h, and you're stull doing nothing.

                >outright admitting to being the kind of butthole who does that

              • 7 months ago

                Every single second you're alive, your brain chemistry changes, homosexual. Not my fault you continue to choose to be a fricking moron instead of actually trying.
                Because artists actually DO need to practice.
                Because musicians need to actually practice.
                Because people who drive cars are required to practice BY LAW.
                Because bodybuilders practice and lift weights.
                Because EVERYONE needs to learn how to speak their native language.
                If you don't want to try, just die.

              • 7 months ago

                There's more value in cave paintings than just their archeological significances. Cave paintings are an example of natural human creative potential. They're even inspiring with how they show how people living in the most primitive environments can still express themselves with competent artistry.

                Okay AI jeet. Here's some frogs I drew!

                Cute frogs, anon.

              • 7 months ago

                >There's more value in cave paintings than just their archeological significances.
                No there isn't. By any modern standard, they look like shit, and thus their only value is historical.

                >natural human creative potential
                Fricking hell, the sheer pretentiousness of the words you're spewing out of your mouth are making me want to fricking vomit.

              • 7 months ago

                And yet, you still can't draw at their level

              • 7 months ago

                >By any modern standard, they look like shit
                Those cave paintings have confident lines and fairly accurate anatomy of animals. They're pretty good even by modern standards.

              • 7 months ago

                Nice frogs anon!

                thank you!

              • 7 months ago

                Your frogs look like shit, and the only reason you're getting any praise is out of spite for others.

                If I have the balls to post this shitty horse drawing on Cinemaphile of all places and you don't, then remove yourself from the genepool so you don't plague any future generation with your semen
                Then again, you'll never get a girl. You're just that shitty.
                Now draw a fricking horse.

                Speaking of spite, at this point I'm going to continue to refuse just because it forces you to show your own lack of ability. moron.

              • 7 months ago

                I don't give a shit about my own lack of ability, I give a shit about yours. The fact that you continue to rage like a fricking child while allowing me to lick the tears from your cheeks proves that I'm a better human being than you are
                But if I did draw continuously, I'd eventually be able to get my own artstyle and techniques and eventually be good enough
                Cry more. It's entertaining to make fun of you

              • 7 months ago

                >I don't give a shit about my own lack of ability,
                You really should, cause that's fricking dire.

                >But if I did draw continuously, I'd eventually be able to get my own artstyle and techniques and eventually be good enough
                Not unless your brain is wired the right way.

              • 7 months ago

                Dude, if you admit you don't even have the brain wiring to draw a line, then how do you think that your opinions are worth shit, lol?

              • 7 months ago

                The democracy problem demonstrated, way too many people believe they have worth by merely being a warm body

              • 7 months ago

                Nah, it shows you're a coward who refuses to admit his laziness is the true culprit for his inability to draw

                Oh I will make no effort whatsoever to hide my utter contempt for scribblers. What, you think you can shame me by accusing me of jealousy? Nah. I could never be jealous of an ability that seems to automatically make you a bad person.

                >weather the storm of potential criticism
                Bitch, I'm just not stupid enough to put out garbage.

                Lol, what a sore loser

              • 7 months ago

                People have shit on my art plenty of times. It's fricking Cinemaphile, we can shit on whatever we want. In fact, I defy you to shit on this drawing I made I gave to a friend of mine years ago, this Alligator. If you can do it without looking like a sour grapes b***h.

              • 7 months ago

                That looks traced. You're a hack.

              • 7 months ago

                Cute buzzword. Did reddit give it to you?

              • 7 months ago

                The absolute gall of you to say this when you hate any form of art that isn't 2d drawings solely because e-celebs tell you to.

                Also, it looks fricking traced.

                Dude, if you admit you don't even have the brain wiring to draw a line, then how do you think that your opinions are worth shit, lol?

                Most people being unable to draw is an objective fact.

              • 7 months ago

                At this point, I'm only going to believe you if you upload one of your own scribbles to prove that you are the one person in the world that can't draw, because it seems every single person in this thread and in the whole world has the capacity to draw and that it's only due to lack of interest or absolute laziness that they won't otherwise. Cause otherwise, everything you say here is just trying to show how you aren't butthurt by how jealous you are of the people who actually bothered to learn how to draw.

              • 7 months ago

                Who said I hate art that isn't 2D drawings?
                Sculptures, music, books, and poems are all art as well ding-dong. And I like all of it. I just happen to have a skillset in 2D drawings.

                At this point, I'm only going to believe you if you upload one of your own scribbles to prove that you are the one person in the world that can't draw, because it seems every single person in this thread and in the whole world has the capacity to draw and that it's only due to lack of interest or absolute laziness that they won't otherwise. Cause otherwise, everything you say here is just trying to show how you aren't butthurt by how jealous you are of the people who actually bothered to learn how to draw.

                I wonder if this is the same moron/troll that constantly whines on the drawing improvement general about how drawing is "literally impossible". He's acting a lot like him with his insistence some people absolutely are physically incapable of drawing, when that's clearly not the case when actual toddlers draw all the time.

              • 7 months ago

                If it's the same moron, that would explain so much about why he's hanging in these slop threads

              • 7 months ago

                To think besides industrycuck we have a new homosexual here to shit things up, Howie the can't-draw

                >Who said I hate art that isn't 2D drawings?
                ... How do you feel about 3D art?

                >actual toddlers draw all the time.
                Uh huh. And I'm sure you'd be willing to pay good money for refrigerator crayon scribbles.

                Sculptures are incredible and beautiful. Michelangelo's David is far and away one of the greatest things ever created with human hands.

                Most people place an inordinate value upon the craft than they do the art.

                Maybe in post-modern nu-art wank circles of which most of it is just bullshit tax evasion anyway, but not in general. The real problem is treating art entirely as consumptive. AI slop gays cry and whine that their "art" is just as good as something actually drawn by a person with intent and purpose, because why wouldn't it be? To soulless gays, their slop gives them the same blue-light screen stimulation as a photograph or an upload of an actual painting. They genuinely don't get the point of art. In other words, they're actually soulless. Hylic/NPC theory is correct.

              • 7 months ago

                >Sculptures are incredible and beautiful. Michelangelo's David is far and away one of the greatest things ever created with human hands.
                That is not what I was referring to, and you know it.

                Considering you're self-proclaimed to not be at the level of refrigerator crayon scribbles, don't think you should be throwing stones through your glass house there

                Unlike a toddler, I'm not stupid enough to make the shitty scribbles in the first place.

              • 7 months ago

                And yet you think your opinion of art means shit

                Draw something and post it or shut up like the worthless maggot you are

              • 7 months ago

                >"You can't criticize or even talk about art unless you are an artist yourself."
                You "people" are parodies of yourselves.

              • 7 months ago

                >I can't do something even a toddler can do, yet I'm qualified to judge other people's art
                You're a far bigger joke of a human being, anon

              • 7 months ago

                to think there's three jobs even children can do, drawing, music, and acting. And yet they're the ones that generate the most seethe by the untalented and uncreative.

              • 7 months ago

                to think there's three jobs even children can do, drawing, music, and acting. And yet they're the ones that generate the most seethe by the untalented and uncreative.

                You keep trying to claim that kids can draw, but again, you wouldn't pay money for anything a child slapped onto paper.

              • 7 months ago

                Who cares about money?

              • 7 months ago

                ... Literally everyone. The frick.

                Way to sidestep the issue, that being that you're lazier and far more worthless than even a toddler's scribblings lol

                How is that sidestepping? Are you one of those idiots who thinks art is made for its own sake? Cause that would explain a lot.

              • 7 months ago

                The point is that these toddlers have made something of substance. It may be shit quality, but it's existent. By that inherent property, it's worth more than your output, which is zero bordering on negative. So, quite objectively, you are more worthless than a literal baby by the fact you refuse to actually make anything because you know you are a lazy, cowardly pathetic loser who can't live up to the so-called standards he set because you don't even have the mental strength to apply effort to anything that isn't jerking yourself off over your non-existent standards. Loser.

              • 7 months ago

                >these toddlers have made something of substance.

              • 7 months ago

                They made something that physically exists, moron. For a dude who thinks he can talk shit about art, the fact you willingly refuse to even draw a line to either defend yourself as an artist or prove your own statements that you can't create meaningful content without ai assistance means you are literally disqualified from talking shit about literally any other sapient being's art, especially kindergarteners.

              • 7 months ago

                Way to sidestep the issue, that being that you're lazier and far more worthless than even a toddler's scribblings lol

              • 7 months ago

                You can criticize whatever the frick you want, HowieBlack person is just crying and b***hing that we're mean and it's impossible to draw, and we're asserting it's not. But even opening MS paint is too much trouble for HowieBITCH, and so he just cries and copes about le artists being le mean

              • 7 months ago

                Oh you mean 3D models? I mean why would I hate it? I love what Pixar in its heyday did with 3D models. Genndy Tartakovsky created a really unique look in the Hotel Transyvania movies with 3D. I've seen some of those furry babe renders, hot damn are they good lookin. And most vidya uses 3D models for the characters, blocky Mario is about the most soulful thing in existence. Killer7's fricking gorgeous, and it was made for the Gamecube.

              • 7 months ago

                >Who said I hate art that isn't 2D drawings?
                ... How do you feel about 3D art?

                >actual toddlers draw all the time.
                Uh huh. And I'm sure you'd be willing to pay good money for refrigerator crayon scribbles.

              • 7 months ago

                Considering you're self-proclaimed to not be at the level of refrigerator crayon scribbles, don't think you should be throwing stones through your glass house there

              • 7 months ago

                Damn, that shading is really impressive. That's pretty good, anon.

            • 7 months ago

              I couldn't program and write code for shit. Couldn't even read code. Until you know, I learned that stuff.
              Do you think humans are just born with what they're good and bad at, and that it's set in stone and then no one ever learns or improves at anything else?

              • 7 months ago

                >I couldn't program and write code for shit. Couldn't even read code. Until you know, I learned that stuff.
                Congratulations, you can do math.

                >Do you think humans are just born with what they're good and bad at, and that it's set in stone and then no one ever learns or improves at anything else?
                ... YEAH. That's kinda how that works, dumbfrick. We even have a word for it, 'aptitude'.

                >By any modern standard, they look like shit
                Those cave paintings have confident lines and fairly accurate anatomy of animals. They're pretty good even by modern standards.

                >blah blah blah pretentious art school technobabble blah blah blah
                They look like shit.

  55. 7 months ago

    why the frick do ai grifters always generate their ideas and text with ChatGPT and not use the ai to make their own shit

    • 7 months ago

      Two reasons come to mind.
      First off, ultimately this technology is better at remixing and rehashing stuff that already exists rather than making something new.
      Second AI guys have no real respect for the creative process. Why would they? The respect it gets is via the work that goes into it and they're circumventing that work.

      • 7 months ago

        >Second AI guys have no real respect for the creative process. Why would they? The respect it gets is via the work that goes into it and they're circumventing that work.
        That's inaccurate. The lack of respect is towards "artists" themselves. Considering how they act, it's hardly surprising that a portion of the populace rightly hates these entitled twats.

        • 7 months ago

          Nah that can't be it because AI guys have speedran their way into all the shittiest artist behaviors without any work ethic or talent to back it up. So it can't be the attitude.

          I mean shit you talk about entitlement but what's more entitled than saying that you should be able to make and monetize your projects without investing any actual time or effort because the computer will do all your thinking for you?

          • 7 months ago

            >"You're acting entitled because you want to artistically express yourself despite being born without mutant abilities."

            • 7 months ago

              Pretty sure there's nothing mutant about having functioning motor control

              • 7 months ago

                Except there are paraplegics that do it so even motor control isn't a necessity. All you really need is the willingness to put time and effort in and AI guys are just that lazy and entitled.

            • 7 months ago

              Okay so there's two ways I can respond to this.
              I can either agree with your fricking moronic premise and say that the artistically inclined are just born with their ability, in which case yeah you SHOULD bend the knee because by your logic they're better than you on a genetic level and you're some kind of underevolved throwback best filtered from the genepool.
              OR I can disagree with your premise and point out that this is why AI homosexuals get the deserved hate. They're constantly making up excuses to be lazy fricks far worse than even the laziest tumblr furry.
              Either way, you've proven the world would be better off without you in it.

              • 7 months ago

                I'm some kind of underevolved throwback best filtered from the genepool and I can draw

              • 7 months ago

                No you can't. That looks like shit.

              • 7 months ago

                i said draw not draw well

              • 7 months ago

                That is functionally the same thing.

              • 7 months ago

                Well guess what, penis
                You being such a shitheel is what's going to singlehandedly lead to AI being illegal for commercial use in the future

              • 7 months ago


              • 7 months ago

                >"Any new type of art should be illegal because it hurts my feefees!"

              • 7 months ago

                the word "functionally" doesn't mean what you think it does

              • 7 months ago

                Counterpoint: I don't care and I press button and image appears and then that happens I go 🙂

              • 7 months ago

                It's the latter.

              • 7 months ago

                well, I mean, it is automating it so, yes, not drawing is the point of ai art... just don't go off the edgy like the loony in the thread about it

          • 7 months ago

            perhaps we have treated you too harshly, Vijay...

        • 7 months ago

          It will be very interesting when you find out why the corporates gave into the government oversight.

          You see, there is a program called 'Glaze', which is free, and what it does is add a certain amount of noise to a picture, so that when an AI trains on it, the AI outputs that extra noise that is nearly unnoticeable to humans as trash in the image. But that's not the one they're worried about. the same developer, annoyed by the theft of art, has nearly finished creating a new, more drastic version called 'Nightshade, which not only causes AI to output slop, it permanently damages any AI dataset that the images are used in. The more Nightshade-protected images the dataset gets, the more shit it poops out, becoming unrecognizable slop regardless of your prompting skills after a mere 20 images have been used.

          But, because nightshade is added by the artists to their own art, it's perfectly legal and allowed for them to do this, because the only AIs that would be affected are the ones using art stolen from people using nightshade. So corporates, seeing that the government can easily find out if they used artists works illegally by the excess noise Nightshade and Glaze force the Ais to produce, decided to go along with the government.

          • 7 months ago

            >the same developer, annoyed by the theft of art, has nearly finished creating a new, more drastic version called 'Nightshade, which not only causes AI to output slop, it permanently damages any AI dataset that the images are used in.
            Currently damaging AI datasets does not mean it will always cause problems. Eventually the AI will be able to overcome this.

            last time someone tried that, not only did it look like they had literally smeared shit over the "art", all it took to neutralize it was a 16 line python script
            the problem with modern models is not the images in the training data, but the way those images are fed (the captions suck and the model only gets raw 2D image data, without any kind of explicit depth or segmentation information, which makes them more impressive than human artists imo)

            As predicted.

          • 7 months ago

            >I coded a program to scrape image data
            >I coded a program to frick with your scraping by flinging crap data in.
            You are here
            >I coded a program that ignores the crap data
            >I coded a program that avoids the program that ignores the crap data.

          • 7 months ago

            >nearly unnoticeable
            that shit made caelum sky look like utter shit for a couple weeks. unnoticeable my ass

    • 7 months ago

      AI bros are more often than not ESLs and STEM types, chatGPT helps in making more elaborate prompts and phrasing they are incapable of producing.
      Can't draw, use ai, can't write use ai, see a pattern?

  56. 7 months ago

    • 7 months ago

      This was announced in July? Why are we just hearing about it now?

      Yeah, and it looked like shit.

      You're full of shit. If everyone COULD draw, everyone would.

      There is no value in bad art, stupid.

      >If everyone COULD draw, everyone would.
      Everyone CAN draw, moron. Even children are capable of it. It's juat that not everyone has the time, patience, or motivation to draw.

  57. 7 months ago

    I truly do not understand why AI triggers Cinemaphile this hard
    Oh, well more fun watching you homosexuals squirm as AI inevitably becomes firmly entrenched in art field

    • 7 months ago
  58. 7 months ago

    keep seething in Cinemaphile threads, troons, it will surely save your financial situation lmao

    • 7 months ago

      >Finally! Tech that lets me do what they do!
      >Die you evil elite monsters!
      >What do you mean there's tech that stops my precious AI from genning their art?
      >What do you mean their stolen work poisons all my precious datasets!?
      >How could this possible happen to me!?

      Adapt of die, prompter.

      • 7 months ago

        last time someone tried that, not only did it look like they had literally smeared shit over the "art", all it took to neutralize it was a 16 line python script
        the problem with modern models is not the images in the training data, but the way those images are fed (the captions suck and the model only gets raw 2D image data, without any kind of explicit depth or segmentation information, which makes them more impressive than human artists imo)

  59. 7 months ago

    /aids/ - Artifical Intelligence Discussion
    board when?

  60. 7 months ago

    AIgays continually lie and prove themselves to be grifters that didn't actually care art or art platforms before AI shilling. One of the frequently repeated bullshit claims in that image is "I never see people specifying the tools they used to make images on the web." Artists openly and regularly say what program or brushes they used, and sites like Pixiv and Artstation have the sections of their profiles and submissions that list the programs used to make their work.

  61. 7 months ago

    I've been genning hmofa and various shit for fricking months.
    Oh OP, you truly don't know how prolific stable diffusion is these days
    For better or worse that webui is going to change the world.

    • 7 months ago

      >the self loathing HMOgay that can only AI generate his cope
      >vs the furryGOD that draws his own desire in perfect anatomical detail and gets thousands of dollars in commission funds for it

      • 7 months ago

        I don't care, I can generate tons of hmofa art with this thing, good or not, lol.
        >in perfect anatomical detail and gets thousands of dollars in commission funds for it
        Go check /sdg/ on /trash/ for a wake up call on that one bud.

        • 7 months ago

          >or not
          Just scrawl your ideas on lined notebook paper with a shitty number 2 pencil like a horny middle schooler by that point
          At least your pencil won't generate 7 fingers and blobs for faces

          • 7 months ago

            I'm not worried about that. Stable Diffusion is a tool like any other. I can just inpaint that shit out. Now, did you check /sdg/ on /trash/? I am far from the only person genning hmofa. We've been going since Automatic1111 got released.

            • 7 months ago

              >The "it's a tool" cope
              >Getting AI slop from a fricking place called "trash"
              I'll say this about AI gays. Their intelligence is absolutely artificial, just like the image generation they worship.

      • 7 months ago

        I hate how furry is getting this surface level "safe" version for normies like every other subculture.

  62. 7 months ago

    Good. Now we can have good art on a weekly basis.

  63. 7 months ago

    Good, people have a right to express themselves artistically in the harmless medium they wish to do so.

  64. 7 months ago

    AI art is art. AI artists are artists.

  65. 7 months ago

    I’m happy that tech is slowly lowering the barrier of entry to self expression.

  66. 7 months ago

    >mfw I'm not an AI gay below blind people, you can't even see visual art but can still draw, moronic people, who have objectively worse brains but can still draw, limbless people, who are literally missing the mechanical ability to paint and still draw, prisoners, who where locked away for being psychotic criminals but are still allowed to draw, or monkeys, that aren't even the same species as humans but can still draw

    • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        Okay AI jeet. Here's some frogs I drew!

        • 7 months ago

          >no response
          No doubt he's waiting for chatGPT to generate the least-angry sounding cope response, lmao

        • 7 months ago

          Nice frogs anon!

  67. 7 months ago

    The virgin COPE and SEETHE
    >yes it's getting sued to hell and back because it's actually illegally harvesting artist's works but now I can finally express myself with art by typing in some words into AI because art is a super scary bad thing that 99% of people literally can't ever ever ever and artists are bad snobby meanie poopoo gatekeepers but I still really want to express my thoughtless brain through visual mediums for some reason no I'm not jealous or anything frick you bigot
    The chad ACCEPT and RESPECT
    >wow, that guy's great at art. I don't think I could ever draw like him. Nice job, bro!

    • 7 months ago

      Yeah, not reading all that.

  68. 7 months ago

    If every kid were taught to figure draw K-12 this would be a nonissue the same way AI writing copy is a nonissue lmao.

  69. 7 months ago

    If I have the balls to post this shitty horse drawing on Cinemaphile of all places and you don't, then remove yourself from the genepool so you don't plague any future generation with your semen
    Then again, you'll never get a girl. You're just that shitty.
    Now draw a fricking horse.

  70. 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      Most if not all music is made with AI now. Other media will follow along. Art as a whole will be totally made if not at least assisted by AI. If you think this is false, well, you'll die on that hill. Technology will grow. AI is the future and you WILL embrace it or DIE trying. We're here to stay whether you like it or not.

      • 7 months ago

        >Most if not all music is made with AI now.
        Why lie?

        • 7 months ago

          Find one well known song made in the past year that doesn't involve a singer using autotune/synthesizer. Do it now.

          • 7 months ago

            autotune/synthesizers aren't AI

            • 7 months ago

              ai isn't artificial intelligence either. thanks for playing.

  71. 7 months ago

    ok now that you have it out of your system, how do your own wieners (in case you still have them) taste? because that was very intense self-fellatio

  72. 7 months ago

    >You don’t know how to play an instrument? Then you’re not a musician, you just push buttons on a computer!

  73. 7 months ago

    Most people place an inordinate value upon the craft than they do the art.

  74. 7 months ago

    Frick all of you, an artist raped me as a child when he drew me without permission and then was somehow the """"""victim"""""" when I enacted justice upon him by stabbing him with a knife! It's not my fault I get PTSD and mental breakdowns every time I see a pencil or pen or marker! It's all YOUR faults!

  75. 7 months ago

    ai is so unbelievably based and we're only at the beginning.

  76. 7 months ago

    >thinks schrodinger's cat is about an actual cat that's alive and dead.

  77. 7 months ago

    fellas, are you a creative person or not?

    • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      To keep the coyotes from eating you, stupid.

  78. 7 months ago

    People draw for free out of the passion in their hearts all the time, especially on here.

    • 7 months ago

      >muh passion
      Yes, such passion for wasting your time on something you'll never profit from.

      They made something that physically exists, moron. For a dude who thinks he can talk shit about art, the fact you willingly refuse to even draw a line to either defend yourself as an artist or prove your own statements that you can't create meaningful content without ai assistance means you are literally disqualified from talking shit about literally any other sapient being's art, especially kindergarteners.

      >They made something that physically exists,
      That is neither substantial, nor intrinsically worthwhile. Seems you're the one who's the sidestepping coward here, since you refuse to address that nobody would ever spend money on refrigerator scribbles.

      • 7 months ago

        Dude, you're the only one obsessed with paying for refrigerator scribbles. Most children would just give them to you outright for free because they want you to have the art. Like, if a toddler would be happy to give you a drawing regardless of monetary value, then what's that say about you who refuses to draw anything out of total cowardice?

        • 7 months ago

          >Most children would just give them to you outright for free because they want you to have the art.
          News flash, children are stupid.

          • 7 months ago

            News flash, you're more pathetic than a child cause you can't and won't even make a refrigerator scribble. Or is that the reason why you're so butthurt about other people who can draw, cause mommy never told you how great your scribbles were at age 2?

            • 7 months ago

              I can't draw, so I'm not gonna bother. You can't make me do something I know I can't do. Go to hell.

              • 7 months ago

                Then you admit you're just a pathetic lazy homosexual. Fair enough.

              • 7 months ago

                It's not laziness, it's physiology.

              • 7 months ago

                Nah, clearly it's laziness and lack of self-respect. Thanks for admitting that.

              • 7 months ago

                A lack of self-respect would be putting out garbage.

              • 7 months ago

                Wow anon, I know you don't think of yourself as an artist, but to call yourself garbage too? Seek therapy, for real.

              • 7 months ago

                I genuinely can't waif for AI to replace you. The maybe you'll finally make good on all those suicide threats.

              • 7 months ago

                >I can only use diapers
                >even though every other kid is toilet trained, I never tried so I know I can't do it
                >guess I'll just shit my pants for the rest of my life

  79. 7 months ago

    >good art can never be made for free it's not like there's literal millions of drawings, videos, cartoons, comedy sketches, documentaries, songs, books, comics, and video games people uploaded on the internet for absolutely no cost to the consumer
    Just how dumb is Howie-kun?

  80. 7 months ago

    i'm the artist now.

  81. 7 months ago

    is playing around with an AI image generator really enough to consider a person an "artist"? I'm starting to see some "AI artists" starting up patreon and putting their AI generated porn behind a paywall, who is falling for this shit? anyone can just play around with AI and generate their own porn

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