Alec Guinness was a fricking asshole

Alec Guinness was a fricking butthole

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  1. 4 months ago

    it would be hard to say no to old ben

  2. 4 months ago

    That child? Paul Dano.

  3. 4 months ago

    >get mad at a little kid for acting like a little kid
    Why were boomers like this?

    • 4 months ago

      That guy was in his fricking 60s in the late 70s. He’s not a boomer. I’m sorry you think all old people ever are boomers. Boomers were in their 20s and 30s when this came out.

      • 4 months ago

        Proto-boomer or whatever, who cares, frick yiu

    • 4 months ago

      The little kid was closer to a boomer than Alec.

    • 4 months ago

      You need to get to them early before the goyslop fully takes them over

    • 4 months ago

      He was trying to do the kid a favour. The idea that he hated Star Wars is a myth. He just hated the obsessive fanboys who wouldn't shut the frick up about it. He was trying to save that kid from becoming a 40 year old Reddit mod sitting in a room full of Star Wars Funko Pops.

  4. 4 months ago

    He was fricking right, that's what he was.

  5. 4 months ago

    He was based as frick.

    >A couple of weeks ago, in a Chinese restaurant, the dapper little Chinese maître D bowed low as I left and, full of Chinese smiles, said, `Sir Guin, now that Star Wars is being shown again you will be famous once more.' Oh, to be Ernest Thesiger.

    >Last Sunday, as Mass was finishing, a young man leaned over my shoulder and said, `My pop is a great fan of Star Wars. Will you say hello to him as you leave the church?'
    >I asked where his father was.
    >`At the back in a wheelchair,' he said.
    >The priest gave his blessing and the ritual words, `The Mass is over, go in peace.'
    >`Thanks be to God,' we chorused back, the young man adding, `And can I have your autograph?'
    >`Not here,' I replied rather crossly.
    >At the back of the church, sitting in a wheelchair, was a large, middle-aged, genial-looking man. I went up to him all smiles, like a baby-kissing politician, and exuding the sweet benevolence of a hospital-visiting princess. I took him warmly by the hand and made one or two fatuous inquiries. He suddenly said the dreaded words — `Star Wars!'
    >`Ugh — hugh -uh -ha -hm,' I said, but I kept up my smile.
    >`Obi-Wan Kenobi,' he nodded at me and, for good measure, `May the Force be with you.'
    >`And also with you,' I replied, to ecclesiastical merriment.
    >` The Man in the White Suit; that was you, wasn't it?'
    >`Yes, about forty-five years ago,' I replied, with a sense of relief that we might have reached saner ground; anyway terra firma. Then his face became grave and he said, `Darth Vader.'
    >I backed away as quickly as possible, sketched him a valedictory wave of the hand and stumbled down the church steps into fresh air and morning sunlight. The young man pursued me. `The autograph,' he said, quite politely. But that was suddenly too much for me. `Not in front of the parishioners,' I said. Then I disappeared.

    • 4 months ago

      >has the ability to make someone's day, maybe even make someone's whole year with virtually no effort on his part
      >is unable to do it because of his own fragile ego

      • 4 months ago

        If you were hounded by every mouthbreather between here and Cathay day in and day out you'd be sick and tired of hearing about star slop too.
        The man fricking lit up when asked about any of his many, many, many other roles instead of star slop.

        • 4 months ago

          Imagine being remembered for Star Wars instead of Lawrence of Arabia.

        • 4 months ago

          most of them were shit with only a few highlights

          Imagine being remembered for Star Wars instead of Lawrence of Arabia.

          star wars is unironically the better movie

          • 4 months ago

            >star wars is unironically the better movie
            Depends on your definition of "better".

            • 4 months ago

              quads deserve a reply. well, it begins with it being more inspiring

        • 4 months ago

          He was not as heartless as people tend to paint him. This is literally the very next passage:

          >A second later I was deeply ashamed but the damage had been done. No excuse. Just sudden bloody-mindedness and panic. It's no good saying to myself, `Watch out in these declining years, things could turn nasty.' Donkey's years ago I remember seeing an elderly man in Harrods screaming and screaming at a shop assistant because she was buffing her nails. I felt sad contempt for him and it never occurred to me to mutter, `There, but for the Grace of God, go I some day in the future.'

          >The evening news announced that dust bowls have formed on the dry farmlands of Cornwall. Cornwall, of all places, where there used to be so many hedges.

          >We all need hedges, I thought. They don't have to be prickly though, like mine.

          Jim Carrey (possibly at his most lucid) was doing the press for one of his dogshit modern movies when he was asked if he ever gets tired of doing mindless press junkets or dealing with fans.

          And he was totally straight up, he basically said (I'm paraphrasing)
          >Listen, I'm not gonna pretend like every single story I hear from a fan about how I changed their life breaks through to my crusty old heart. I've heard every permutation of every story about how this role inspired them to join that career or follow this dream or what have you.
          >And frankly, I'm only human. Sometimes it's a long day, and I'm tired, and I just want to go home and watch Jeopardy. But instead I stand out in the rain, signing thing after thing, listening to strangers talk my ear off about their lives.
          >Why? Because when you reach a certain level, actors aren't getting paid to act. Everything we do between action and cut we do for free. This is what we get paid all that money for, this is the actual work we have to roll our sleeves up for. And we know, without those fans and their passion, there would be no "between action and cut".

          • 4 months ago

            I dislike that guy immensely, but that is a great take on the business.

          • 4 months ago

            Jim Carrey has no pretentions about making dumb mindless slop. Guinness fancied himself a real serious actor and hated that the goofy children's movie was his legacy.

      • 4 months ago

        He was not as heartless as people tend to paint him. This is literally the very next passage:

        >A second later I was deeply ashamed but the damage had been done. No excuse. Just sudden bloody-mindedness and panic. It's no good saying to myself, `Watch out in these declining years, things could turn nasty.' Donkey's years ago I remember seeing an elderly man in Harrods screaming and screaming at a shop assistant because she was buffing her nails. I felt sad contempt for him and it never occurred to me to mutter, `There, but for the Grace of God, go I some day in the future.'

        >The evening news announced that dust bowls have formed on the dry farmlands of Cornwall. Cornwall, of all places, where there used to be so many hedges.

        >We all need hedges, I thought. They don't have to be prickly though, like mine.

      • 4 months ago

        Looking at what fandom has become in the modern age, he was remarkably foresighted

        • 4 months ago

          Pop culture is the Christianity of the 20th/21st century. Orchestrated by the same people too.





    • 4 months ago

      >The Man in the White Suit
      >a story about a man who makes an invulnerable suit
      >oh wait, no it isn't
      >the end
      Star Wars is better

    • 4 months ago

      >Forces himself to talk and interact with his star wars fans eventhough he dislikes it
      >Does it relatively politely trying not to show his disdain
      >Years later he writes down how he actually felt in his autobiography
      >'WOW WHAT AN butthole'
      star wars manchildren are impossible to please

    • 4 months ago

      After watching some of his other films, I can understand why Alec Guinness hated Star Wars so much. He had a lot of great roles, but he'll forever be remembered by 99% of the public as the old guy in Star Wars, the franchise that single-handedly created the kinds of obsessive fandoms and religious consumerism that plague society today. These stories make him sound rude out of context, but keep in mind he was being swamped by fans all the time. He was horrified at the effect these movies had on people and what they thought of him in particular.

      • 4 months ago

        He didn't hate star wars, he was just bemused by being asked about a lot by americans. He was already one of, if not the most respected actor of his generation. Guinness liked Star Wars, he was just as negative as all the other actors were towards Lucas' original scripts (because they fricking sucked), but he was also the only actor who betted on what a success it would be.

  6. 4 months ago

    >You will grow out of Star Wars and not purchase the funko chewbacca pops.

    • 4 months ago

      Lego Chewbacca it is!

  7. 4 months ago

    >in his thirties

    • 4 months ago

      Time is linear.

      • 4 months ago

        Time is a flat circle.

        • 4 months ago

          I still don't know what he's talking about.

          • 4 months ago

            Everything that happened has happened before and will happen again

          • 4 months ago

            Stability leads to stagnation leads to discontent leads to instability leads to innovation leads to stability etc.

            No one era can maintain itself beyond it's proper time, and will invariably create the circumstance for it's own dissolution. But it will return eventually, in it's proper point on the wheel.

            The reason they shove the Swastika everywhere is that it represents this concept. The circle the stika sits in is this flat circle of time. The "black windmill" is the "winds" of change that it is subject to. Esoterics add a secondary layer to that where they believe it is their job to make the windmill turn in such a way that it destroys the "trap" of the flat circle going around and around forever. They seek to, at least, add higher dimensions to the circle. Which creates the concept of the Toroid they base a lot of their imagery on. So not only does time "turn on a wheel" it cycles "out and over" too.

            That stupid donut thing in Everything Everywhere All At Once is a visualization of that. Gargantua in Interstellar is also. Except interstellar posits that through the "hole of the donut" is the higher spacial and time dimensions of the Tesseract. For whatever reason EEAAO had the donut hole = destruction/erasure. Could be a fundamental split in esoteric belief I guess. Those that worship the "donut" and just want to ride around in it and fear what lays beyond. And those that want to venture beyond the known (even if it's a crazy multiverse of infinite variation of sensation/distractions) and break into the next dimension of the wheel.


            • 4 months ago


              In TD1 when Rust has his NDE he sees a kind of galaxy-like hole or toroid. That's him seeing beyond his flat membrane of reality and "feeling his daughter" may still be out there in the EEAAO style "multiverse" of that perceptual model of reality. He couldn't live with the idea that his daughter was gone forever from him on his home "circle", so he took comfort from the idea that there are worlds/circles out there where she still exists.

              It's interesting that he does a similar thing in Interstellar. Trying to contact his daughter through unbreachable time and space. But using a different "wheel model".

              • 4 months ago

                Stability leads to stagnation leads to discontent leads to instability leads to innovation leads to stability etc.

                No one era can maintain itself beyond it's proper time, and will invariably create the circumstance for it's own dissolution. But it will return eventually, in it's proper point on the wheel.

                The reason they shove the Swastika everywhere is that it represents this concept. The circle the stika sits in is this flat circle of time. The "black windmill" is the "winds" of change that it is subject to. Esoterics add a secondary layer to that where they believe it is their job to make the windmill turn in such a way that it destroys the "trap" of the flat circle going around and around forever. They seek to, at least, add higher dimensions to the circle. Which creates the concept of the Toroid they base a lot of their imagery on. So not only does time "turn on a wheel" it cycles "out and over" too.

                That stupid donut thing in Everything Everywhere All At Once is a visualization of that. Gargantua in Interstellar is also. Except interstellar posits that through the "hole of the donut" is the higher spacial and time dimensions of the Tesseract. For whatever reason EEAAO had the donut hole = destruction/erasure. Could be a fundamental split in esoteric belief I guess. Those that worship the "donut" and just want to ride around in it and fear what lays beyond. And those that want to venture beyond the known (even if it's a crazy multiverse of infinite variation of sensation/distractions) and break into the next dimension of the wheel.


                You are blowing my frickin mind Rust

    • 4 months ago

      When you're elderly and your own children are in their 50s, people in their 30s are not really adults to you any longer.

      • 4 months ago

        Heck, I'm 36 and 20 year olds aren't adults to me anymore.

  8. 4 months ago

    He was right about everything. That shitshow called Star Wars is nowadays a fricking cult full of middle-aged man children dressed like Han Solo that name their first-born Chewbacca while drinking out of their Darth Vader mug. Alex Guinness was based, he did nothing wrong.

    • 4 months ago

      >reality is what i see on reddit

      • 4 months ago

        more closer to the truth is "internal reality is what is validated on reddit" while the externalization is rare.
        but you're probably far too fricking stupid to understand most of these people are tempered by being too poor to indulge themselves.

  9. 4 months ago

    >I'm Gonna Pay You 20 pounds to Frick Off.

  10. 4 months ago

    yep. look at his filmography it's riddled with second-hand childish banalities

  11. 4 months ago

    Mr. Guinness,may I have your autograph?
    First let me tell you about chairs...

  12. 4 months ago

    I'm conflicted, he's right but I also hate uppity actors who think they're not glorified prostitutes whose job it is to smile and perform
    Same thing with Harrison Ford

  13. 4 months ago

    >Lol imagine liking Star Wars?
    >But Mr. Guinness, you took the part?
    >Yeah but I did it for money the movie was actually stupid!
    He definitely "won".

    • 4 months ago

      It wasn't about the movie itself but the effect it had.
      >A refurbished Star Wars is on somewhere or everywhere. I have no intention of revisiting any galaxy. I shrivel inside each time it is mentioned. Twenty years ago, when the film was first shown, it had a freshness, also a sense of moral good and fun. Then I began to be uneasy at the influence it might be having.
      He was simply seeing the earliest signs of the pop culture nightmare that we live in today

      • 4 months ago

        I can't think of a good comeback.
        I rescind my criticism.

      • 4 months ago

        the first victim of the star wars curse

    • 4 months ago

      Around the time he acceped the role he wrote an entry in his diary about being sceptical towards star wars but taking the role because he respected Lucas for American Graffiti and because he wanted the (his words) "sweet, sweet bread".

  14. 4 months ago

    nah he was right

  15. 4 months ago

    "Reeeee!!! Just give me money. I won't be an ambassador of the brand, and will shit on it in public constantly."

    • 4 months ago

      >the brand
      He was an actor who starred in films, he didn’t want to be a part of any “brand”.

      He saw it for the slop it is.

      • 4 months ago

        Didn't mind when he was cashing those sweet residual checks, I bet.

        • 4 months ago

          I bet you just love whatever corporation you work for too

          >implying you work

    • 4 months ago

      Brand ambassador was not in his job description.

    • 4 months ago

      >won't be an ambassador of the brand

  16. 4 months ago

    So did he just have 15,000 credits on deposit in an old account with the First Bank of Alderaan, or was he bullshitting Han? Wouldn't the Empire have gone after the Jedi's remaining financials during the purge? And what was Imperial tax policy on such matters? Was the name "Ben Kenobi" sufficient to evade Imperial audits on the account?

    • 4 months ago

      It was an offshore account,

  17. 4 months ago

    Get a job you fat frick

  18. 4 months ago

    All Star Wars fans deserve death. Should've knifed that little brat.

  19. 4 months ago

    Was Mark hamill the only guy from the original trilogy who genuinely enjoyed the movies and had fun on the set?
    This video is probably the only one where Harrison looks happy too, Guinness on the other hand looks like he's done with everything.

    • 4 months ago

      He really didn't want to be there or maybe he couldn't stand young people. I heard he gave Mark money in order to leave him alone for a day, not sure if it's true though.

      • 4 months ago

        >he gave Mark money in order to leave him alone
        Hamill denied that rumour. Guinness genuinely liked being around him on set.

        • 4 months ago


  20. 4 months ago

    frick him lol. more like Bridge Over the River KWAB

  21. 4 months ago

    and he was a good friend

  22. 4 months ago

    We needed more people like him honestly

  23. 4 months ago

    >Hates Star Wars
    >Is now only known for it by the majority of Burgers
    Capitalism alienates and turns people into mindless consoomers

    • 4 months ago

      The future will forget our favorite actors. Very few timeless films are made. Now theyre so corrupt the industry just remakes it. We will see a new hope remake in our lifetime for sure.

  24. 4 months ago

    Obi-Wan Kenobi is probably his worst role but that's who most people know him as. I would've been mad too. He was in Lawrence of Arabia and The Bridge on the River Kwai and both of those movies are better than Star Wars.

    • 4 months ago

      He agreed to take the check and he consented to act in the film. He was an old man who knew what he was getting into. You have no right to act in trash, support yourself by acting in trash while knowing it to be trash, and then complain about it being trash. You signed up for this trash. Imagine being such a catty homosexual that you put down your own work, as if to distance yourself from it.

      In case you didn't know why he said that, he knew his career would be over if people knew before his death

      Male bisexuals are hated more than gays, and not without reason: Sade, Crowley, me, vectors of HIV to straight women (Roosh is correct about this, it's just true)...

  25. 4 months ago

    >Ian McKellen advocates being openly gay
    >Alec Guinness disapproves saying that it's a private matter and that homosexuals should stay in the closet
    who was in the wrong?

    • 4 months ago

      In case you didn't know why he said that, he knew his career would be over if people knew before his death

      • 4 months ago

        Why are so many British guys gay? Does going to an all male boarding school corrupt your sexuality?

        • 4 months ago

          >Does going to an all male boarding school corrupt your sexuality?
          yes, they get buggered by the older students, and the cycle repeats
          every middle class male is a poof

          • 4 months ago

            You mean upper class. Middle class don't go to boarding schools.

            • 4 months ago

              yeah thats wot i meant my mistake
              i smoked my pipe too much now i feel really dizzy and ive got naked and opened all the windows

      • 4 months ago

        Damn, I didn't know that. I wonder if he had a hard time around Harrison or Mark.

      • 4 months ago

        His sexuality is not the only secret he kept. The biggest secret is that the real Mark Hamill died in a car accident and they replaced him with someone else. His replacement overdid plastic surgeries to look like the original but was not successful enough. Everyone from the original cast got paid to keep it a secret.

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