>All of F90/Crossbone manga are translated. >all of Wing's manga are translated

>All of F90/Crossbone manga are translated
>all of Wing's manga are translated
>all of X's manga are translated
>all of Turn A's manga are translated
>All of Seed's manga are translated
>Almost all of OYW's manga are translated
>not a single manga from G Gundam is translated

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  1. 9 months ago

    The first one by Tokita got a Tokyopop translation. I think it’s actually the one in the image

    • 9 months ago

      Any links to that one?

      • 9 months ago

        Not even worth the read the TP TL is super bad.

        • 9 months ago

          I'd still like to check it out, though.

          • 9 months ago

            First vol is on Mangadex if you want a taster. The rest will be on torrents

            • 9 months ago

              >The rest will be on torrents
              Which sites in particular?

              • 9 months ago

                the usual places, we have a thread for that


              • 9 months ago

                Please ask there if it's not on the links.

  2. 9 months ago

    There are translations of Edge of Gunsmoke, Revenge of the J Gundam and the sequel manga. What are you on about?

    • 9 months ago


      Phantom's translation ended a few chapters in and we have nothing for Dust, X-11 and Peace & Love. The latest F90 manga isn't translated.

      Frozen Teardrop isn't translated.

      X has a grand total of 2 mangas.

      We only got that weird Turn A prequel translated, everything else is not translated.

      SEED translations ended halfway through Delta Astray.

      Almost all of OYW manga are NOT translated. We got Double Fake translated last year and either the story was written by a schizo or the translation was so godawful that it reads like a schizo wrote it.

      >Frozen Teardrop isn't translated.
      This is a novel, not manga
      >We only got that weird Turn A prequel translated, everything else is not translated.
      The manga version of the show is translated
      >double fake
      Not OYW. It's set in UC 0090

      • 9 months ago

        >All of Seed's manga are translated
        Are you kidding? There's a lot that aren't.

        >Almost all of OYW's manga are translated
        Literally impossible.

        >The manga version of the show is translated
        There are two adaptations, we have one.

  3. 9 months ago

    Phantom's translation ended a few chapters in and we have nothing for Dust, X-11 and Peace & Love. The latest F90 manga isn't translated.

    Frozen Teardrop isn't translated.

    X has a grand total of 2 mangas.

    We only got that weird Turn A prequel translated, everything else is not translated.

    SEED translations ended halfway through Delta Astray.

    Almost all of OYW manga are NOT translated. We got Double Fake translated last year and either the story was written by a schizo or the translation was so godawful that it reads like a schizo wrote it.

    • 9 months ago

      Meant to space the Double Fake info apart. We don't get much translated at all and what little we get is of dubious quality or fricking paywalled behind Zeonic's Patreon.

    • 9 months ago

      The anon literally admitted it was a Chinese MTL, so that's why it looks like a schizo wrote it.

      Meant to space the Double Fake info apart. We don't get much translated at all and what little we get is of dubious quality or fricking paywalled behind Zeonic's Patreon.

      None of it's paywalled. He makes everything public like a week after he finishes it. V8 of F90FF was just finished the other day, but that's not on Twitter yet. You probably have to follow him to get the links to everything since he doesn't update the site that often.

    • 9 months ago

      Imagine being wrong in all levels of this post

      • 9 months ago

        I'm sure you can imagine, seeing how wrong you are lmao

      • 9 months ago

        Go ahead and prove anon wrong. Post links for the scanlations of the 08th MS Team manga, Rust Horizon, Missing Link, Bande Desine, Dust, X-11, Peace & Love, the rest of MSV-R and Delta Astray then. Oh don't forget Lord Astray and Advance of Zeta Reboot too.


        • 9 months ago

          Kek AOZ been dead by the hentai scanlators since 2021. Also, nozaku finished Delta you dumb frick. Learn to google.

          • 9 months ago

            >2 out of 12

            Are you just an ESL that doesn't understand the simple concept of "not everything is translated"?

            • 9 months ago

              Cope. Or learn Chinese. We have everything.

              • 9 months ago

                stupid squinters (i am extremely jealous)

    • 9 months ago

      the most you can ever say with gundam is "majority".

      The anon literally admitted it was a Chinese MTL, so that's why it looks like a schizo wrote it.

      None of it's paywalled. He makes everything public like a week after he finishes it. V8 of F90FF was just finished the other day, but that's not on Twitter yet. You probably have to follow him to get the links to everything since he doesn't update the site that often.

      >Phantom's translation ended a few chapters in and we have nothing for Dust
      From what I've heard, Deacon threw a tantrum about people asking him to translate crossbone, so he stopped partially through, then a bunch of people got together and offered to pay him for both Phantom and Dust. So he finished those, but because they were paid for "separately" to his normal patreon content he doesn't want to release them there (though he floated the idea eventually). Currently, there is no way of accessing those series from him, even if you wanted to pay. This has lead several other groups to start working on phantom, with the longest getting ~70% in and still ongoing.

      >x-11, peace & love
      Deacon's been the only one to even touch these, mostly on account of everyone else still being at phantom. The issue with Deacon is that he loves to start translations for new manga, but he only ever finishes like 30% (generously).

      Right now, the best "up and comer" translator is Trafalgar, mostly because he's picking a few series and sticking with them consistently, rather than jumping around to whatever new release.

      • 9 months ago

        Trafalgarh has been proven to be a DeepL "translator" but a lot of anons on here. His SEED interviews were straight up copy and paste from there... and he went off on a rant about how interviews aren't his thing and he needs to just focus on manga before spamming how people need to pay him to finish johnny instead of, ya know, working on more and getting more donations from people.

        Also, Ghost by Deacon (the Collab effort) is infinitely better than the slop the Google trannies are trying to crank out and failing at.

        • 9 months ago

          >Trafalgarh has been proven to be a DeepL "translator" but a lot of anons on here.
          and? Even if that were true (I have no idea tbh), he still puts in more effort than 99% of people who cannot be bothered to do so, or to provide it to the public.

          > His SEED interviews were straight up copy and paste from there... and he went off on a rant about how interviews aren't his thing and he needs to just focus on manga before spamming how people need to pay him to finish johnny instead of, ya know, working on more and getting more donations from people.
          I'm confused. Are we talking about deacon now? So far as I know, Trafalgar is just doing Urdr hunt and Despair Memory

          >Ghost by Deacon (the Collab effort) is infinitely better
          doesn't matter if there's no way to get a hold of it.

          This is why I hate Deacon fanboys. I'd be willing to look at his stuff -- if it was even available to look at. And then, because its not available, other people step in (to varying degrees of quality) and you homosexuals are like "How dare they provide a service we weren't providing in the first place!"

          • 9 months ago

            Traf "translated" the SEED interviews from the Justice and Freedom books for some b***h on Twitter. The one FB group had a field day with it shredding him for it too

            You can't call yourself a "translator" when you run things through DeepL. Shit, that's how I read a lot of manwa and shop it but that doesn't make me a translator.

            He's doing some Boone and Pulitzer manga too.

            Hate Deacon or not, he still provides a shit ton for supporters before dumping shit public. All the other guy does in every other post is whine about not getting money and how he needs it to do more manga.

            • 9 months ago

              >You can't call yourself a "translator" when you run things through DeepL.
              Point me to the better product. If theres someone else out there translating Urdr Hunt or Despair memory, then you've got a point. Until then, how about being grateful for whats here rather than sucking deacons dick.

              >Trafalgar whines about money
              I haven't seen it, though I don't pay a ton of attention to the community. I just read whatever I can get my hands on. If he does, that just makes him the same as Deacon in those cases.

              • 9 months ago

                Deacon puts stuff out regardless. Trafalgar is being being a fricking petulant child about not giving us more Johnny until he reaches $200 a month on Patreon. He can't be bothered to work on it until then. That shits worse that deacon

                Well, he keeps dropping projects. And he can only cruise at the gym so much. So, he has to keep busy somehow.

                What's he dropped now?

              • 9 months ago

                Honestly that sounds the same as Deacon to me lmao. At worst. The only reason anyone got together to pay him to do crossbone and dust is because he was "a fricking petulant child" about and dropped it. And Trafalgar's already doing Urdr and Despair memory as main projectss. What Deacon did is throw the biggest gundam manga series (and the biggest one he'd done) behind a paywall you can't even pay for anymore. I don't see how you can't see that's worse.

              • 9 months ago

                He didn't put it behind a paywall. A group of us commissioned him to TL it. You know how that works, right? If we pay for something that doesn't mean we have to share. Someone did that with he F91 novel but it looks like he's redoing that along with Ghost. It's hard to tell. From the looks he's been playing catch-up on most titles. I wouldn't be surprised if ghost is next

              • 9 months ago

                You commissioned him because he rage quit doing it originally. And just because someone commissions something doesn't mean it stays private into perpetuity. Movies are commissioned by studios. The statues in rome were commissioned. Most of the gay hentai you undoubtably read was commissioned by someone. The point is that these things get released to wider community because #1, it helps them and #2, it enhances the reputation of those who released it. I have no problem with a group of people paying someone to do something. I only have a problem that there is no way (paying or not) to get the thing after the initial window.

                Crossbone isn't even the biggest project he's done. Moon is way bigger and better as is 0083. I'd even say f90FF is. But literally no one cares about Hasegawa horseshit. There's supposedly a group doing it but no one talks about it. That says a lot, doesn't it? Guess their shit quality prevents people from talking about it

                moon is not bigger than all of the crossbone manga. There are like 7 of them now. Are you moronic? No one talks to it because its not super new anymore. They're literally 3 series behind. No ones talking about F90FF either. Whereas Urdr Hunt and Despair Memory (both Trafalgar btw) are getting discussion, because they're new.

              • 9 months ago

                Most hentai is fricking MTL, what are you talking about? That doesn't boost anyone. Most that is commissioned or available on sites like Patreon and whatnot is top-tier uncensored stuff that rarely gets released for a reason. When leaks happen, those involved lose their collective shit. You're acting like an entitled butthole. I bought Gundam thunderbolt and ecole, but does that mean I have to scan it for you? Frick no.

                Moon is far more popular than Crossbone in Japan. I don't get why people think CB is. It's literally a laughing joke on the bbs over the idiotic plot and mecha designs. Why else do you think they have contests for the most batshit designs? Why else do you think Hasegawa keeps pushing the boundaries of stupidity with each serial that comes out? And yes, we paid not to have him release it. He can redo the translation if he wants to re-release it.

                Wearwolf is new, Vanadis Heart is new and neither of those are talked about either and they're current releases. So what's your fricking point? We could have every novel and manga available in English and that wouldn't change anything

              • 9 months ago

                nice headcanon

              • 9 months ago

                >Most hentai is fricking MTL
                I'm talking about the art itself. Not a translation.

                > I bought Gundam thunderbolt and ecole, but does that mean I have to scan it for you?
                The difference is I could still go out and buy thunderbolt. And if Ecole had continued (iirc it got canceled) and happened to get a translation, I'd be able to buy that too. Or get it from a library or whatever. I still have the opportunity to get it now.

                >Moon is far more popular than Crossbone in Japan.
                Popular != the amount of content. That reminds me, moon doesn't get much discussion either lmao. And the craziness of crossbone is the fun. If you didn't like it, why the frick would you pay for it?

                >we paid not to have him release it
                This I will never get. But even so, what I don't understand more is a lack of options to pay for it NOW.

                >Wearwolf is new, Vanadis Heart is new and neither of those are talked about either
                my guy they had posts like 2 weeks ago. They have posts when chapters become available.

                Honestly, if you want my real take, all fan-translating should be free. You are literally copying someone else's work unlicensed to make a profit. Its literally illegal, and monetizing it just turns people into buttholes. Frick Deacon tried to get the wiki to take down an IMAGE from something that he translated. Not the translated text mind you, but the accompanying PICTURE. You should do it because you love the community and want to contribute. Same thing with paying a translator under-the-table. The fact that we even have to have these "translator debates" is fricking absurd. You suck deacon's dick even harder than bandai's.

              • 9 months ago

                There weren't posts about them. The latest chapters just came out like two days ago.

                I'm not that anon but you just sound like a simpleton who is butthurt everything isn't free and don't have access to shit for free 24/7. Don't like it then learn Japanese and do it yourself. Clearly it can't be that hard if "others" are doing it. There are way more worse scanlators out there "profiting" off of shit.

                Also, frick the wiki.

              • 9 months ago

                >The latest chapters just came out like two days ago
                if you go to https://www.zeonic-republic.net/ rn the last thing posted was f90ff. People arent going to make threads about something behind a patreon paywall.

                >There are way more worse scanlators out there "profiting" off of shit
                thats quite hard to believe. With Shonen series, for example, most stuff comes out week-to-week before the official release, is 100% free, and those who are paid for it are via donations and ads on their sites. But you aren't even forced to use their sites or adds a lot of the time via sites like Cubari or Imgur.

                >Also, frick the wiki
                Oh Hi Deacon. Knew you'd be here somewhere.

              • 9 months ago

                Dude, you don't even have to be Deacon to say frick the wiki. The site is absolute ass for a resource. Half of their MS profiles don't even have information about them, or their suit names don't even match the images that are linked in the gallery below. It's insanely hard when trying to do custom builds. Seriously, frick the wiki. Found out there's a sep. Gunpla wiki, so that's at least a step up.

              • 9 months ago

                > butthurt everything isn't free and don't have access to shit for free 24/7
                Black person I've been complaining about being unable to pay for Ghost and Dust throughout this whole thread.

              • 9 months ago

                Crossbone isn't even the biggest project he's done. Moon is way bigger and better as is 0083. I'd even say f90FF is. But literally no one cares about Hasegawa horseshit. There's supposedly a group doing it but no one talks about it. That says a lot, doesn't it? Guess their shit quality prevents people from talking about it

              • 9 months ago

                The soap.

  4. 9 months ago

    are the Gundam manga any good? like I'm already overwhelmed with the amount of Gundam anime i've watched and trying to read the manga (on top of finishing the anime) feels like a harder task to do considering they have fricktons of those.

    • 9 months ago

      They are infinite, new ones come and go everytime. So quality varies a lot.

    • 9 months ago

      I’m pretty sure the G Gundam retelling is good since it’s Imagawa’s revisiting his own material and Shimamoto is a very competent manga artist with a long career outside tie-in comics unlike most of the other people working on Gundam manga.

    • 9 months ago

      Nothing particular a must read except Crossbone since it's only way to flesh out F91 story and characters.
      Some retellings manga like 0083 Rebellious is great too
      Wing and X have prequel and sequel Mangas if you would like to see more of the story.

    • 9 months ago

      I doubt very many if any people on this board or even any western gundam fans have read all the manga. Most just read a few big names and one that they are particularly interested in. Crossbone is probably the best place to start since it's probably currently the most prominent manga without an adaptation. Other than that if you have a specific time period you are interested in, people can probably point you in the direction of decent manga that fleshes it out.

      • 9 months ago

        I would say that Moon Gundam is currently another prominent manga without adaptation, but is by the Unicorn guy and some people hate him.

      • 9 months ago

        I haven't read "all" the manga, but I've read most of the stuff available. The issue with reading gundam manga is that the translations aren't done consistently. So you read it, get to the end of the translation period, and then wait for like 5 years for more to get translated and reread and go back to it.

    • 9 months ago

      I only read SNEED Astray and it's a decent romp, but dislike the direction it took once they introduce Mars shit and it's carrying over towards the movie it seems.

    • 9 months ago

      SEED Astray is phenomenal when it's actually focusing on its protagonist. Unfortunately, it keeps trying to come up with new arcs starring different characters and literally none of them land, so it inevitably goes back to the original cast it should have stuck with the whole time and the cycle repeats anew.

    • 9 months ago

      I read most of them and they were quite forgettable
      Had some fun with SEED Astray and Crossbone, they got that adventure feel I guess, but can hardly remember their plots by now

  5. 9 months ago

    They're not good, that's why.

  6. 9 months ago

    Honestly Tokita's manga is skippable, especially those adaptations running alongside the TV series when they were airing. They are super-abridged due to how he had to follow the shows and finish them within the year.

  7. 9 months ago

    The BomBom Turn A manga isn't translated. And as far as I know only the Silhouette F91 manga is translated and none of the other F91 manga. As far as I know none of the SD Gundam manga have been translated either.

  8. 9 months ago

    Are Deacon simps real or it's the gay himself without his trip:

    • 9 months ago

      Well, he keeps dropping projects. And he can only cruise at the gym so much. So, he has to keep busy somehow.

  9. 9 months ago

    reading 1st chapter of Crossbone and the art is ugh

    • 9 months ago

      Yeah, it's too goddamn childish. Don't care what the wienersuckers say about being filtered. The least you could do is have it tonally consistent to F91.

  10. 9 months ago

    I'm kinda curious about the other SEED Destiny adaptation by Mizuho Takayama. I read that Japanese fans liked because there's some changes. The one Del Rey published in US was by Masatsugu Iwase.

    • 9 months ago

      Only know of The Edge and that was by a different author.

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