>"Alright, Lois.

>"Alright, Lois. Now that I'm a X, I'm now required to do (insert stereotype associated with X here)"
>Peter does the thing he said he was gonna do

brilliant writing

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 11 months ago

    >shitposting on Cinemaphile

    • 11 months ago

      >talking about cartoons on the cartoons board is now illegal
      oh I'm sorry I'm sure you'd rather have another dozen circlejerk threads about how you homosexuals wanna frick underage cartoon characters


    • 11 months ago

      Cinemaphile is a shit bucket of a board, this belongs here

  2. 11 months ago

    Still more successful than anything you'll make in your life

    • 11 months ago

      >my shit attracts more flies than yours

      The Simpcucks and South Tards seethe at the Family GOD

      lmao all of these shows suck. I think Family Guy is the funniest of these three actually, try again

      • 11 months ago

        Hey Peter, remember the time you coped?

        • 11 months ago

          based, homosexualy Guy fanboys coping right now

          • 11 months ago


          • 11 months ago

            Hey Lois, remember that time anon was a homosexual on Cinemaphile

            • 11 months ago

              >Sorry Peter, you'll have to be more specific. Which anon?
              >Does it matter?

              • 11 months ago

                hey lois, remember that time i was birdo?

    • 11 months ago

      stupidest "mature" cartoon ever made

      no as bad as simping for the accomplishments of others

  3. 11 months ago

    Hey, remember that time we met (celebrity/mascot/other renowned figure)?

    >flashback of them meeting that person and either that person acts autistic, or they act autistic toward that person


    >cheap one-liner about that character
    >everybody pretends this conversation/flashback never happened and moves on with the episode

  4. 11 months ago

    The Simpcucks and South Tards seethe at the Family GOD

    • 11 months ago

      South Park is the only one of the three that is still okay sometimes and shouldn't definitely have been put out of its misery long ago, but even it probably should also have been.

      Simpsons fell the furthest just because it has the highest peak.

      Family Guy has always sucked honestly. It just went from being a passable Simpsons ripoff waste of time that was mediocre to utter unfunny shit. It's the worst of the three overall but since it was never in the same league as The Simpsons or South Park it's less of a loss and less noticeable fall.

      • 11 months ago

        >It's the worst of the three overall but since it was never in the same league as The Simpsons or South Park it's less of a loss and less noticeable fall.
        you know, I don't even like Family Guy but I never understood the meme that it was worse than modern Simpsons honestly, nu-Simpsons doesn't even feel like an attempt at comedy or decent writing. Feels like placeholder for jokes that they were supposed to punch up later, but they just leave in the first drafts and just send those in. Family Guy still somewhat makes me laugh and you can tell there's at least an attempt. And South Park is just kind of there honestly, feels like a place for the writers to vent but it just comes across as whiny and annoying, kind of like Cinemaphile

        • 11 months ago

          Modern Dimpsons is not funny but usually still has a basic unfunny plot. Family Guy started out kind of like that but quickly became just a string of disconnected jokes. Like SNL a compilation of "the best of" is entertaining because it cuts out the vast majority which are shit. Unlike SNL it is dragged down by pretending it's not a string of disconnected skits. It would be a hundred times better if it just accepted that and worked to makes those disconnected gags as funny as possible.

          In the end it and modern Simpsons are both terrible so it's two different kinds of shit, Simpsons is just sort of what it claims to be (an animated sitcom with a story) it's just a terrible one Family Guy stopped even pretending.

          • 11 months ago

            As far as I can tell, the more recent seasons of Family Guy have reduced the amount of cutaways to the point they're even fewer an episode than there were in the earliest seasons. I think you'd have a point if we were still in the 2010s seasons where you couldn't go 30 seconds without a cutaway dragging things down and making the show exhausting to watch. But I think they might have been starting to listen to the criticism more recently. Show still isn't great

            I appreciate there came a point, long ago, in FG's life cycle where they said frick characters and frick stories. We're just going to do 20 minutes of garbage jokes and pop culture references, a cartoon shitpost.

            It's trash TV, but I consider it more honourable than what Simpsons and South Park have done. At least FG doesn't pretend it's making an effort to have characters or tell a story.

            I know when I watch Family Guy there isn't really a story to follow, and that the characters will do whatever because they don't really have consistent character traits.

            >and that the characters will do whatever because they don't really have consistent character traits.
            I'm not so sure if this is even really true. I think my biggest problem with the show is that I'm almost always able to predict what's gonna happen next, which sort of lessens the impact of the joke. Like the greentext in the OP is something that happens almost every other episode. and you can predict that Peter is going to be the cause of all the problems in the episode by doing something stupid/random, which is a pretty consistent character trait

  5. 11 months ago

    >brilliant writing

    No shit, homosexual

  6. 11 months ago


  7. 11 months ago

    Still so much better and funny than Reddit Park, so cope

    • 11 months ago

      Hey Peter, remember the time you coped?

      Hey Lois, remember that time anon was a homosexual on Cinemaphile

      South Park is shit and so is Family Guy. Cope.

  8. 11 months ago

    I appreciate there came a point, long ago, in FG's life cycle where they said frick characters and frick stories. We're just going to do 20 minutes of garbage jokes and pop culture references, a cartoon shitpost.

    It's trash TV, but I consider it more honourable than what Simpsons and South Park have done. At least FG doesn't pretend it's making an effort to have characters or tell a story.

    I know when I watch Family Guy there isn't really a story to follow, and that the characters will do whatever because they don't really have consistent character traits.

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