Alright then geniuses, what would YOU have done?

Alright then geniuses, what would YOU have done?

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    Your mom LMAO

    • 2 years ago


  2. 2 years ago

    Lighting the whole studio on fire.

  3. 2 years ago

    TFA and TLJ are fine. Rise of Skywalker just needed to be a safe film instead of a wildly reactionary one that tried to win back the worst elements of the fanbase.

    inb4 buttblasted EUgays and manchildren who think the sequels are bad because it hurts their feelings that the OT heroes face adversity in middle age

    • 2 years ago

      >wildly reactionary one that tried to win back the worst elements of the fanbase.
      You are also describing TFA

    • 2 years ago

      >needed to be a safe film
      Meaning what? Wouldn't following up on Last Jedi's more-original path, and not abandoning those new threads, have been less "safe" than what we got?

    • 2 years ago

      Only TLJ was remotely good

      • 2 years ago

        Yes and half of that movie was some of the most moronic shit in any SW film. Only to be outdone by the last in the trilogy which was exclusively moronic without any good bits.

    • 2 years ago

      >it hurts their feelings that the OT heroes face adversity in middle age
      Not turning them into psychotic potential murderers for no reason would have been enough really

    • 2 years ago

      None of them are good. Tfa is just episode 4 with a new coat of paint on it.

      Anything past that is utterly soulless with a lack of direction

      • 2 years ago

        >Tfa is just episode 4 with a new coat of paint on it.
        It's not though. It's an incompetent mess that lazily imitates story beats of episode 4 without any of the appropriate setup or consequences.

    • 2 years ago

      the sequels are bad primarily because theyre boring and messy

  4. 2 years ago

    thrawn trilogy

  5. 2 years ago

    >Have Luke being the Grand Master of the new Jedi Order. This time they look like templars.
    >Yuuzhan Vong Invasion
    >Epic fights

    That is, simple and effective.

    • 2 years ago

      This. Adapt New Jedi Order, change a few things and add a few twists but don't completely trash the post-RotJ canon that already existed.
      Or maybe it could be a very faithful adaptation and still work. Knowing how things were going to end didn't stop people from going and seeing Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter

    • 2 years ago


      TFA and TLJ are fine. Rise of Skywalker just needed to be a safe film instead of a wildly reactionary one that tried to win back the worst elements of the fanbase.

      inb4 buttblasted EUgays and manchildren who think the sequels are bad because it hurts their feelings that the OT heroes face adversity in middle age

      said, butthurt EUgays arrive.
      Wongs are shit and never belonged in the universe.
      What a waste of quads.

  6. 2 years ago

    five thousand years into the future, or five thousand years into the past, doesn't matter
    hotshot female jedi and troubled male sith come into contact several times while a war is occuring
    they fall in love through force dreams and eventually plan to run away together, jedi is horribly disfigured while on a mission and is taken by her secret sith master who mindbreaks her into being completely evil
    Sith guy eventually accepts that he's good and becomes a jedi knight and helps fight against some monsters that are destroying the galaxy, meets with the girl at the end and they kill a bad guy
    along the way they make some friends, learn some things, have lots of lightsaber battles, face fearsome enemies and realize the true meaning of the force which is

    • 2 years ago

      Your idea is what they should do NOW that the "Skywalker Saga" is an unsalvageable dumpster fire.
      If we're talking about what they make instead of Force Awakens in the mid-2010s, there's no way they don't try to make a direct follow up to the OT and bring back Mark and Carrie and Harrison in some form

  7. 2 years ago

    There could have been a luke fall from grace that was actually good

    • 2 years ago

      Luke's TLJ arc had so much potential

  8. 2 years ago

    >New republic with leia as chancellor
    >Jedi order set up again with Luke as Grand master
    >New republic army with Han as General
    >Han and leia kids ( which would be main character)
    >Boba fett escapes sarlaac pit and creates new identity
    >decides to embrace his mandalorian ancestry and become populist/fascist politician on mandalore (idk it could work)
    >Gets elected becomes great mandalore sets up mandalorian war machine again separates from new republic yada yada..
    >Sith remnants (vaders former apprentice??) ally’s with the mandalorians
    >war/adventure ensues

    There ya go sets up enough story room for a trilogy and pleases all parts of the fanbase.

    • 2 years ago

      not bad

  9. 2 years ago

    I would have adapted this to film instead:

  10. 2 years ago

    You do what Lucas had set up for years:
    New republic, new Jedi Order with Luke, Leia and Han children, Darth Maul is back with a apprentice and is slowly gaining power by taking over the underground mob of Coruscant.

  11. 2 years ago

    harry potter in space with luke's jedi academy, younggays turning dark side and fricking

    theme park based off of it

    you fricked up not hiring me disney

  12. 2 years ago

    Nothing. The story was closed. Luke became a jedi, Han got the girl, Leia restored the republic, Vader brought balance and redeemed himself, the emperor was death. Every single arc was closed tight. There was nowhere to go with those characters. If Disney wanted to do something they should have done old republic stuff or jump waaaaaaay into the future to a point in time where Luke and the rest were long gone and forgotten. That separation would have given them the license to do whatever they wanted...

    • 2 years ago

      >Make TLJ the 1st film in the trilogy
      >Rian Johnson directs the whole trilogy
      >Rey is a survivor from Luke's school
      >This sets her up as a competent jedi, a realistic threat to Kylo
      >At the Snoke murder scene Kylo and Rey swap sides
      >Cut casino shit
      >Rey murders Han in the next film to get back at Kylo for the school massacre
      >You have enough time to build up Rey as the main villain even after killing off Snoke in the first film
      >You don't need moronic emperor shit in the sequels

      Vader probably had an apperantice. I don't think that's very interesting, makes Luke less important in the OT. Just use the apperantice ass cannon fodder to build up the new heroes.

      Also this

      • 2 years ago

        >Rey is a survivor from Luke's school
        This was where I thought they were gonna go. Seemed like a good way of tying her to Luke without contriving a blood relation. As the ST stands, she basically has no relationship with him other than fangirl badgering him for two hours before leaving.

    • 2 years ago

      This. It's like when Tolkien tried to write a follow up to LOTR but abandoned it because there was just nothing there. Once the elves were gone the story was over. Likewise once the Sith are defeated and the Skywalker line redeemed, that's the end. There is no more. Anything else is trivia.

      • 2 years ago

        Difference is that Lucas semi-inadvertently created an inspired setting that people loved and barely scratched the surface in a few hours of film. Middle Earth is a great setting, far more detailed than the Galaxy Far, Far Away, but the books are far more exhaustive of the setting. By the end of LOTR, you are much deeper into the lore of that world than you are in Return of the Jedi. Furthermore, Tolkein was a highly dedicated world-builder (unlike Lucas) who invested enormously in building mythology and detail of fantasy worlds.

        So there are very popular pulp Fantasy alternatives to Middle Earth that are more suitable for telling the kinds of stories people might have wanted out of a medieval Fantasy setting. Meanwhile it's much harder than one might expect to find good Space Opera that delivers the same mix of aesthetics, light sci-fi, and mythical fantasy. (And note that Guardians of the Galaxy, which does deliver a pretty good mix of this, is very popular...)

    • 2 years ago

      >There was nowhere to go with those characters.
      Yeah that's why an obvious fricking thing to do would be to put those characters in low key paragon/mentor roles. You have an entire galaxy to start new stories, it shouldn't be hard at all to steer clear of the OT characters while you develop a new story. You start the trilogy with "New Republic" intact and things basically stable in the galaxy, politically. The story starts with some random nobody on an 'outer rim' planet who gets involved in some seemingly-minor conflicts with ambitious insurgents (maybe Empire remnants, but not called something as moronic as First Order), that will eventually threaten the New Republic, etc.
      > That separation would have given them the license to do whatever they wanted...
      They did what they wanted the problem is they had only hacks and morons in charge and what they wanted was stupid. TFA was basically a Disney Ride as a Star Wars movie (and not a "Disney Ride turned into a movie" aka Pirates of the Carabbean, I mean the point of TFA was to depict Star Wars fans going on a nostalgia ride.)

  13. 2 years ago

    1. Released despecialized versions of the OT. Maybe even a Bluray that has a few different versions of each movie on it.
    2. Ignored George Lucas’ ideas even harder than Disney did.
    3. Would have tried to write a happier, more upbeat, more genki trilogy than the kind of dour thing we got.

  14. 2 years ago

    Not made them in the first place.

  15. 2 years ago

    Not have it made by CapeShit Company supreme Disney

  16. 2 years ago

    Wouldn't have. More Star Wars was a terrible idea.

  17. 2 years ago

    Nothing. Star Wars fans love any piece of shit set in their universe. It doesn't matter because it all makes money and they can push globohomo.

    • 2 years ago

      That reads like marketing copy.

  18. 2 years ago

    Kyle Katarn

    • 2 years ago

      And Mara Jade

  19. 2 years ago

    Let George actually join the making process, for starters

    • 2 years ago

      Don't think that was sustainable tbh. If he wanted to be involved he shouldn't have sold.

    • 2 years ago

      >So, we'll call him Glapu Shitto

    • 2 years ago

      I'd love to see what his ideas were when Disney trashed them. I wonder if there's a script or something out there

    • 2 years ago

      Georges Ideas sounded moronic but they would have at least been interesting, and who knows they couldve ended up being good, its hard to judge them from a few quotes

  20. 2 years ago

    Thrawn trilogy or Kyle Katarn adventures. Easy, already written, it's what the fans want, and they're generally White (and blue)

  21. 2 years ago

    I wouldn’t include Luke, Leia or Han. Then I’d get the writers to make an original story with good characters. Simple. Those characters could be referenced in the story or maybe a small cameo for one of them. Show some god damn restraint.

  22. 2 years ago

    First movie about luke
    2nd about kylo
    3rd about rey
    4th about poe
    5th about finn
    6th about rey, poe, finn and luke combining to fight palpitine (with kylo joining later)

  23. 2 years ago

    We need a fourth movie. Let Rey revive Kylo.

  24. 2 years ago

    (fully nude) rey scavenges jabba's barge and finds leia's slave outfit. that's the first scene, we can write the rest later.

    • 2 years ago

      >this post was written by Sir Patrick Stewart

  25. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      It really was a no fricking brainer, those stupid corporate dumbfricks

  26. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      World Devastators were honestly the best of the 'new superweapons', and they would fit in so well with the anxiety about 3d printing.
      They couldn't do a 1:1 adaptation of Dark Empire, but a slightly more faithful adaptation of it could have been way better.

  27. 2 years ago

    Set it maybe 20-30 years after the first films
    New republic can't fill the power void and outside of a handful of stable planets things have gone completely lawless and there's rumors some of the bigger criminal organizations are associating with the sith.
    Leia sends her son who's been raised as a prettyboy galactic noble to go find Luke to help, Luke having fricked off to some backwater planet. At the same time, Luke's own son ended up being a skilled but wild gangster wannabe so he sends him back to the republic in his place to try and shape him up. Cue a bunch of buddycop misadventures between them in the galactic underworld which start to ramp up in seriousness as the films go on, add a love interest to fight over, reveal who luke was fricking, etc.

  28. 2 years ago

    After the reception of tfa I would have subverted le expectations by making a Rey dark side arc and Kylo return to Je- Luke arc. Basically have Rey become feral and lean into her freakishly unexplained power as a side effect of a lonely and harsh orphan upbringing. She finally gets to exert power over others and becomes intoxicated by it. Hell, she could even kill and usurp Snoke. Might as well have her btfo Luke too for good measure.

    Would take some rewrite to her tfa character to make her more like a street savvy urchin than a wide eyed idealist. Have Kylo and Rey's romantic plot be the push towards her redemption, but ultimately cite even earlier childhood sand planet shit for the true breakthrough. That way idiot women get their ship and the woman saves herself without needing a man. This would function as Rey reflecting on wishing she was strong enough to help others from her sand planet days. Kylo respecting her insane power level and caring about her because her power level has so much potential for good or evil in the galaxy.

    This resolution comes with the pressure of a new monster of the week showing up. Some literal who Sith creature conjured out thin air from somewhere edgy sounding like "the dark rim". Rey and Kylo team up with resistance and first order joining forces to face the new threat. Banter pairing opportunities across factions like Phasma and Finn and Rat face McRaterson and c3po sparking a roboromance.

  29. 2 years ago

    I would throw the whole old fanbase in the trash, fire all leftists from Disney, and cater only to normal viewers and reylo people.
    In this case, the sequels would have appealed to everyone, even China.

  30. 2 years ago

    please stay in your containment thread


    . thank you

    • 2 years ago

      Basic state of the galaxy would be New Republic is the dominant polity, but there's a modest (imperial) faction gaining strength (let's say Thrawn).
      I'd start story with young force-sensitive protagonist on a formerly-neutral planet that has just been occupied by Thrawn because there's some important secret hidden there. Protagonist is forced to escape the planet and try to persuade Leia and the New Republic to help liberate the planet before Thrawn can find and fully exploit the macguffin.

      That's just basic framework, lots of details would be fleshed out from there.


  31. 2 years ago

    Heir to the Empire trilogy
    Jedi Academy series
    New Jedi Order multiple trilogies and series

    No blacks or ugly women. White actors and sexy Asians for China audience. Endless profits for decades.

    • 2 years ago

      Follow this with Old Republic story and characters from the books/games. Let James Cameron, Mel Gibson and Tom Cruise helm their own projects with total control. Kino in perpetuity.

  32. 2 years ago

    The one plot is the one they couldn't possible pull off, which I think is from the EU. The one where the new Republic is so incompetent that planets start forming a new Empire to oppose it. You could have a whole thing about republic vs aristocratic regime, a la Legend of Galactic Heroes, but that would require actual writing talent and not blue-haired black fat homosexuals.

    • 2 years ago

      They would never do this with how the prequel 'politics' were received. It could be incredible. Let's just hope we get a Dune cinematic universe with competent writers.

      • 2 years ago

        >They would never do this with how the prequel 'politics' were received.
        People who think like this will never make good movies anyway. Yes, the fricking "prequel politics" was valid criticism but not in the dumb moronic way it's rephrased to be by marketing morons. If you think "prequels had politics therefore politics bad we can't have politics in movie" then you're gauranteed to make rotting garbage.

        I'm not that guy but this meme pisses me off to no end. People not liking the trade federation, senate sessions with Jar Jar, and Lucas' overall hamfisted depiction of political maneuvering doesn't mean you have to completely ignore and hand-wave all political context.

  33. 2 years ago

    Adapt the Thrawn Trilogy.

  34. 2 years ago

    Frick everyone ITT suggesting adaptations of the EU.

    • 2 years ago

      Frick you.
      Personally I wouldn't adapt the Thrawn trilogy but only because the actors were old. They are great stories and infinitely superior to Disney trilogy in every way. There's plenty of material there to turn into a good movie.

      • 2 years ago

        The EU is genuinely bad and fanfiction tier.

        • 2 years ago

          Not all of it, you fricking poseur.

          • 2 years ago

            Summarize an EU story for me.

            • 2 years ago

              Do you even know what EU means?

            • 2 years ago

              You first. I'm not the attention prostitute.

              • 2 years ago

                You won't because you know that if you summarize an EU story for me, you'd realize I'm right.

        • 2 years ago

          No, it's not. Read a book.

          • 2 years ago

            eu sucks get over it

            • 2 years ago

              Your attention span sucks.

  35. 2 years ago

    Not make new ones

  36. 2 years ago


    I loved it. It was everything I hoped it would be

  37. 2 years ago

    Do a new version of all the Lucas movies with more diversity put in using CGI.

  38. 2 years ago

    Essentially the same story with the following adjustments:

    >Rey is a clone/force weapon/experiment made or ordered before the fall of the empire
    >Finn and Rey are both trained in TLJ
    >Luke is still convinced the jedi should end but is more stoic about it and less sad boy
    >cut phasma/rose
    >TLJ B plot is poe hunting for a spy giving info to FO on cruiser
    >Snoke is plagueis, in hiding since palps overthrew him (there’s always a bigger fish)
    >Snoke uses some kind of activation phrase a-la order 66, Rey goes full sith. Kylo kills Snoke and wounds Rey, both escape
    >Luke/finn must stop mindcontrolled sith rey in ep 9, Kylo is now the one secretly feeding intel to the resistance but whereabouts are unknown
    >ep 9 B plot is about a mass awakening of young force sensitives rising up throughout the galaxy
    >Ben swoops in at the end the (like Han in ANH) to help the heroes win, Ben tries to redeem sith rey but audience doesn’t see how it plays out, big explosion and both rey/Ben are presumed dead
    >Luke and Finn start training next generation of jedi
    >last scene is Ben and rey in hiding, both too guilty to live openly but pledging to atone for their sins and act as essentially Star Wars Batman/robin

  39. 2 years ago

    Well I would have done the sequels first, for the logistics of the actors aging for starters.

  40. 2 years ago

    Domhnall Gleeson as a Mara Jade type character, for starters.

  41. 2 years ago

    Listen and do whatever George wants with disney budget.

  42. 2 years ago

    I would've adapted Legacy comics.

    • 2 years ago


  43. 2 years ago

    Not made these movies. Alternatively, not just abandon 30+ years worth of lore and adaptable material

  44. 2 years ago

    i would just adapt NJO or Thrawn like a reasonable fricking person

  45. 2 years ago

    There was no where to go after episode 6. Maybe a single standalone single movie with the original cast before they passed away.

    They really should have gone forward in time and done movies about the old republic, sith wars, etc.

  46. 2 years ago

    Dude Rey just needed to get fricked by kylo.

  47. 2 years ago

    Not made anything after the OT and instead focused my brain on making new things for a new generation.

    • 2 years ago

      This, except it would be something other than Star Wars entirely. I'd borrow from George Lucas' approach to filmmaking, Cinema Pure, documentary style, and so on, but would attempt to create something entirely new.

  48. 2 years ago

    >Finn is a big pacifist
    >big emphasis on this
    >he routinely refuses to fight throughout the first movie becuase he knows the storm troopers are just brainwashed fodders
    >makes it more impactful when he finally picks up a lightsaber to defend Rey at the end, realizing he has to fight to protect his friends
    >also go deeper into his psyche
    >have Poe and him bond more and then have a scene where he breaks down and confesses that he didn’t save Poe becuase it was the right thing to do, it was becuase he was scared and Poe was his only way out of there
    >have Finn be force sensitive and actually train with Luke, who can help him conquer the fears he shows throughout the film
    >Rey and Kylo are actually the twin “children” of palpatine
    >when they were babies, Luke realized they existed and in a moment of weakness, attacked the temple they were being held
    >Kylo’s caretakers managed to escape with him and went to train him under Snoke
    >Rey’s caretaker crashed on Jakku, but she still has memories of Luke storming her temple so she has a fascination with hm
    >Luke fails and goes into exile like Yoda to dwell on his failure at giving in to his desire to stop palpatine from remanifesting through the twins
    >Luke actually appears in the first film and helps them storm Starkiller base
    >in the climax, Kylo would reveal the truth to Rey, who would get taken away to meet Snoke, while Kylo faces off against Luke
    >Luke would beat Kylo easily and Rey would sense the truth and come back to help her brother
    >she kills Han and she and and a heavily inured Kylo, who must now wear the mask, escapes to train with Snoke
    >Luke decided to train Finn who vows to save Rey from the dark side
    End of first movie

  49. 2 years ago

    way back to the past.

    where much much cooler and more badass characters lived.

    Tulak Hord
    and many many more.

    • 2 years ago

      oh my god, frick off. That shit is way lamer than you think it is.

      • 2 years ago

        homosexual spotted

        • 2 years ago

          says the Star Wars deep lore nerd who will never have a single idea what makes a movie worth watching

  50. 2 years ago

    Keep it the same, but release the movies in opposite order in order to apologize for the 8th and 9th movies.

    They're all shit though. Should have never gone beyond Revenge of the Sith, Clone Wars CG sucks ass too.

  51. 2 years ago

    I got. We go after the EU, with the Vons’s and an already aged cast. The group teams up with a new character who’s a hyperspace jumper to explore the vong’s home galaxy. In a big twist, it turns out, the vong’s are humans from our galaxy ina far future where we’ve biologically modified ourselves. It turns out a long long time ago was actually a long long time ahead!!!

  52. 2 years ago

    Disneycannondrone is working hard I see

    • 2 years ago

      Almost everything Disney has done with Star Wars is pure garbage, but there really isn't much beyond George's movies that isn't also garbage, and of course the films themselves are of debatable quality.

  53. 2 years ago

    I'd respect the source material and NOT demonize the fans.

  54. 2 years ago

    More or less keep the core storyline the same for TFA and the beginning of TLJ. Have Rey actually join Kylo when he offers the chance in the throne room. They defect from both the First Order (the subordinates still serve Kylo but under a new banner) and Republic, trying to find their own sense of order as the last few force users in a world devoid of the Jedi order or even Sith order. This sort of touches upon the idea of grey Jedi but really it's it own thing, establishing the the force is not just the same good-evil dichotomy of before.

    Third film is the Resistance trying to stop Kylo and Reys plans of creating a new ruling faction in the galaxy but in the end they redeem Rey (or even Kylo as well if you establish another Smoke like person as the real baddie pulling the strings). The end state of the galaxy at this point will be a new era in its history, neither Republic or Empire (maybe set up a balkanization scenario as there is not strong central government in the galaxy) which sets up the chance for numerous shows and spin offs of all sorts of interesting things that happen in the star wars universe that isn't just Jedi or Skywalker shit.

  55. 2 years ago

    I would've made Jedi Outcast Canon and told the story of Kyle Katarn

    • 2 years ago

      Kyle Katarn is possibly the worst character in the EU. A gary stu "what if we combined Han and Luke" fanfiction character who rubs shoulders with all the main characters and also happens to be a critical player in all the major events.
      Worse fanfiction character than Rey.

      • 2 years ago

        He's space Chuck Norris, Gary Stu is feminist cope.

        • 2 years ago

          He exists as a self insert vehicle for the player to visit iconic Star Wars locations, meet Star Wars characters, and be important in Star Wars.
          You lack any self awareness if you think it’d be enjoyable to watch.

      • 2 years ago

        >critical player in all the major events
        He stole Death Star plans and was then not really involved in any of the main characters stories, having his own adventures.
        Its the kind of thing that the EU could pull off where not everything had to revolve around the Skywalkers.

        Like Corran Horn who intersects briefly with some of the main characters, but is mainly off having his own adventures in the EU as part of Rogue Squadron.

  56. 2 years ago

    I would never have made a sequel trilogy unless I had a really fricking good idea for it, and I doubt an idea like that is even possible.
    Tell stories set in the same world and there's no way to frick it up, maybe you have one or two stinkers but they don't tank the entire franchise.

  57. 2 years ago

    Should have pulled a Godfather 2 and turn one third of the movie into a prequel that shows the failure of Luke’s Jedi school. That way you satisfy the Luke craving, keep the forward looking part of the movie reserved primarily for the new cast.

  58. 2 years ago

    Hire a single director for all three movies, then write out a single coherent overarching plot for them to follow throughout those movies beforehand.
    There, whatever form it actually takes it's automatically better than what we got.

  59. 2 years ago

    Completely different sector of the Galaxy, for starters. No memberberries beyond just the main characters and ships. Personally, I’d have leaned into the mystical/fantasy aspects. Hard.

    Since Disney “decanonized” the EU (in actuality, just lied and lifted whole story beats and characters and thinly disguised them), I’d feel free to get nuts. I’d make the main antagonists an alliance of convenience between an Imperial remnant and the Hutts. I’d give the Hutts a whole new life cycle, revealing that Jabba was an outcast of Hutt society that was never allowed to mature beyond larval stage, basically making him a “tadpole” of sorts. Larva like him deemed unfit to mature are normally integrated into the Hutt’s living ships, vessels capable of traversing Hyperspace without charts, allowing them to invade, victimize, and exploit regions of the Galaxy that neither the Empire nor the Republic has ever seen. Desperate to rebuild their strength, numbers, and resources, the Imperial Remnant strikes a deal with them, giving the Hutts access to primo Imperial tech and weaponry.

    To be continued.

    • 2 years ago

      Actually a cool idea. Give me space bug Game of Thrones (Dune).

    • 2 years ago

      I’d have the first movie primarily revolve around a primitive planet with a “human” population - think medieval levels of tech - complete with its own Force religion. Luke has traveled here seeking the origins of both the Jedi as well as humans as a species. He was already there when the Hutts and the Remnant arrived. He has become a Resistance leader and is viewed as both a hero and a bit of a heretic by the locals.

      Meanwhile, Leia’s trying to convince the New Republic that they can’t continue turning a blind eye to what the Hutts/Imperials(let’s call them the Consortium) are doing, and the Republic keeps saying they’ve got their own issues to deal with.

      The Consortium is leaning on the planet pretty hard, basically bringing the bulk of their resources to bear on it, effectively blockading it to keep both outsiders out and insiders(such as Luke) in. The Consortium is using a loose assortment of manpower from willing joiners from the Uncharted Regions as well as forces pressed into service. The story centers around an almost Spartacus-type figure who came to the medieval planet as a Storm Trooper before balking at the brutality he witnessed from the Consortium. He revolted and took most of a Stormtrooper division with him.

      Another new protagonist that he’s largely at odds with is a gifted acolyte of the local Force religion.

  60. 2 years ago

    I would have made an Indian Jones Adventure Movie.
    >have a couple of Padawan Protagonists
    >they are all pupils of Luke
    >for some reason they get sent to a Remote Planet with lots of Ruins, which turns out to be an Ancient Jedi Temple, which later turns out to be built on top of an Ancient Sith Temple
    >they have to fight monsters, Sith Ghosts, Traps and maybe a Scouting Force of the Nu-Empire, which tracked them there or was already there digging up the site

  61. 2 years ago

    1) Finn is the Jedi but Rey is still the focal character
    2) instead of seeing more Jedi training like the OT, you see Rey defeat the FO and re-establish the Republic
    3) Kylo doesn't die

    That's pretty much it. She can still be Rey Palpatine, it even works as a reverse of the prequels, with a Palpatine fixing the galaxy instead of destroying it

  62. 2 years ago

    Why did george lucas even sell star wars?

    • 2 years ago

      Why? you remeber the attack of the clones reviews

    • 2 years ago

      Billions of dollars, and the promise that Disney would do for Star Wars what they did for Marvel.
      I don't think when they announced they were retiring the Expanded Universe, that they would trash everything. I think most people thought that they would do "EU Ultimate", keeping a lot of the same characters and source material but putting it together in a different way.

      Ultimately they did kind of come around to that making a really shitty adaptation of the worst bits of Dark Empire with their OCs, but not in a way that made anyone happy.
      Marvel managed to continually expand their new universe, Last Jedi collapsed the nascent new Star Wars universe and I don't think it can be recovered.

  63. 2 years ago

    Rated R...

  64. 2 years ago

    Poe was a secret sith

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