Am I crazy or is there zero hype for this? It's on track to be a box office failure as well.

Am I crazy or is there zero hype for this? It's on track to be a box office failure as well. What unironically went wrong?

Thalidomide Vintage Ad Shirt $22.14

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Thalidomide Vintage Ad Shirt $22.14

  1. 3 weeks ago

    Nobody asked for this

    • 3 weeks ago

      it's also like 8 years too late, who gives a frick
      MM1 still mogs them all anyway

    • 3 weeks ago

      nobody asked for star wars brainlet

      • 3 weeks ago

        Keep telling that to yourself

    • 3 weeks ago

      People were asking 9 years ago but with Charlie not this alien.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Can someone explain why low iq morons always say, "nobody asked for this"

      • 3 weeks ago

        Better question is why do midwits pretend every opinion that bothers them is low IQ and why they need to ask braindead rhetorical questions instead of actually writing down their argument like a normal person

  2. 3 weeks ago

    3.5 million in pre-sale

    • 3 weeks ago

      That's less than fury road and blade runner

    • 3 weeks ago

      >3.5 million in pre-sale
      168 million budget, not counting marketing costs,or the cut taken by theaters. This is probably gonna lose more money than Madame Web.

      • 3 weeks ago

        i am not defending this femoid prequel crap but most movies do make money longterm: home media sales, streaming deals, cable tv runs etc. only the corpo suit gays are worried about box-office because it affects their quartal reports and bonuses

        • 3 weeks ago

          >longterm: home media sales, streaming deals, cable tv runs etc.

          Home media and cable TV are practically dead. The race to make everything streaming unironically destroyed Hollywood.

    • 3 weeks ago

      I love when you moronic Black folk think your pre-sales are any indication of a movies success or quality lmao

  3. 3 weeks ago

    Saw it last night. There were more people than I’d seen in a long time for a premiere. The film is a masterpiece. Don’t care if you homosexuals call me a schill. You will regret not having watched it in theaters because muh feminism.

    • 3 weeks ago

      I will never regret not watching franchise CGI slop #4572. Original movies shot practically on celluloid or go frick your mother.

      • 3 weeks ago

        okay gramps, that's enough shitposting for today

    • 3 weeks ago

      Is it woke?

      • 3 weeks ago

        No. Pretty much the entire film is white actors only also.

        • 3 weeks ago

          Not that anon but its surprisingly not. She even has a white male mentor.
          Only the heavy reliance on fx let's the film down but I can see why. I was all set to hating it but it's actually pretty good.

          her love interest was originally supposed to be played by a Black actor and they ultimately replaced him by a White actor.
          in fact none of the main characters is played by a POC.
          I didn't even think that was still allowed in current fricking year.

          woke isnt just "blacks being shoehorned in", its leftist shit like ugly girlbosses, lgbtq crap, equating men to fascist but clownish buffoons etc.

          • 3 weeks ago

            Well, then that is also true for Fury Road.
            >We're not to blame!

            • 3 weeks ago

              Yup, so what is your point now, that woke is nonsense or that fury road was a bad movie? No, im serious, tell me what you personally think.

              • 3 weeks ago

                If you have an issue with the level of woke that Fury Road establish and thinks it makes the movie bad, then you're not going to have much fun with Furiosa.

              • 3 weeks ago

                Maybe im not autistic and dont work on binary thinking and your entire argument is projecting your binary view that entertainment and enjoyment is dictated by statistic levels of logic. So maybe your entire premise is full of shit and based on controlling the definition of what wokeness is and isnt, a "trap" of wordplay, if you will.

            • 3 weeks ago

              I recently rewatched it and I completely forgot how sidelined max is in favor of Furiosa and WE ARE NOT THINGS and Amazon tribe shit.

            • 3 weeks ago

              Did anyone else notice that the harem girls were much less hot this time around? They only show a couple b***hes for a shot or two, and they’re all on the pretty side of mid.

      • 3 weeks ago

        Not that anon but its surprisingly not. She even has a white male mentor.
        Only the heavy reliance on fx let's the film down but I can see why. I was all set to hating it but it's actually pretty good.

        • 3 weeks ago

          How bad is the CGI? It completely ruins the experience.Are there any great shots in the movie?

          • 3 weeks ago

            didn't feel that noticeable. I think all vehicles are physical props and CGI was only used for compositing and environmental effects.

            • 3 weeks ago

              Overall a good action movie?

              • 3 weeks ago

                it's the standard Mad Max formula of lone vehicle vs bike and car chasers, with a bit more gun action than usual. it's not done as brillantly as in previous movies but it's still enjoyable.
                there is however a LOT of bloat with dialogue scenes, the movie feels too long. thankfully a lot of these scenes are centered on Hemsworth and personally I liked his down-to-earth relaxed mob character, but that's really just my opinion.

              • 3 weeks ago

                >but that's really just my opinion.
                why does everyone say this every chance they get these days?
                who the frick else's opinion would it be you fence sitter dipshit

              • 3 weeks ago

                it means that I get that some people would dislike this type of character but I don't think he's inherently bad as in incoherent or a bad performance.

            • 3 weeks ago

              >didn’t feel noticeable
              Either you’re actually a shill or just genuinely moronic. From everything I’ve seen from the commercials alone the cgi cars look like shit and the entire gimmick of these films is ruined because Hollywood are a bunch of cheapasses. The entire point of mad max was how awesome it was there was really a dude standing on a car going 80mph playing guitars that shoot out flamethrowers.

              • 3 weeks ago

                Is it a skill issue in Hollywood? You can't say cheap. These films cost a much money
                But the cgi is amateur level and that isn't right. There's something weird here because they're paying extortionate money for this slop

              • 3 weeks ago

                I forgot exactly what happened to all the skilled graphic designers in Hollywood and where they all fricked off too with their talent but there was a good article on it. Basically it’s all Disney and Marvel’s fault. They kept making increasingly moronic technical demands and demanding increasingly insane amounts of work for cheaper on every project until the point nobody will even work with them

              • 3 weeks ago

                FR had mostly practical effects
                I bet as a condition of the funding he had to agree to a certain % of cgi

              • 3 weeks ago

                There are limits to what you can do with practical. You can't have a bunch of guys on top of a rig sucked into a supertornado along with burning wreckage. You can't have a scene with 6,000 Dementus bandits. You don't dress up 10,000 guys as Orcs to storm Gondor.

              • 3 weeks ago

                >Either you’re actually a shill or just genuinely moronic. From everything I’ve seen from the commercials alone the cgi cars look like shit
                That's your issue right there, the trailers made the film look like shit, none of the vehichles in the film itself looked like cgi, I remember seeing people claim the buggy that she's in when she jumps over a sand dune was fricking cgi when it wasn't.

            • 3 weeks ago

              >didn't feel that noticeable
              Reall blind homosexual over here. I saw the movie and its visuals are shit, but eventually I got used to them.

          • 3 weeks ago

            >How bad is the CGI?
            It looked a lot worse in the trailer. That was my main worry about it. But it wasn't bad. There were only a couple of bits where it stood out. Like a bit in a cave thing and one shot of Hemsworth driving a monster truck

      • 3 weeks ago

        her love interest was originally supposed to be played by a Black actor and they ultimately replaced him by a White actor.
        in fact none of the main characters is played by a POC.
        I didn't even think that was still allowed in current fricking year.

        • 3 weeks ago

          Where’s the proof that her love interest was originally black?

          • 3 weeks ago

            not that anon, but one of the actors they were considering for jack was a brotha... and that's it. same way they were considering jodie comer for the lead role at some point.

          • 3 weeks ago

            >Tom Burke joined the cast in the autumn of 2021 as Praetorian Jack, replacing Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, who dropped out due to a scheduling conflict.

            • 3 weeks ago

              lol, the fact he was almost cast says everything I need to know. Frick George Miller and NuMax.

        • 3 weeks ago

          I was scared when the movie started showing The Green Place and there were like 3 Black folk on screen immediately... I was like oh oh.... The was another Black person on screen in Immortan Joe's cathedral slave area.. AND some other Black folk in immortan Joe's human sex slave room. All in all, it wasn't too bad.

      • 3 weeks ago

        It ends with penis torture.

      • 3 weeks ago

        I hated the trailers and was expecting shit.
        I saw it and it was better than what I was expecting, the flying black tentacles where absolute kino.
        In the end I think it is a nice addition.

        It was less woke than Fury Road.

        • 3 weeks ago

          Looks like a literal PS3 game

          • 3 weeks ago

            There is no such thing as a PS3 game.

        • 3 weeks ago

          Those bikes look way too clean for being 20-50 years after the apocalypse. The bikes in Road Warrior looked more post-apocalyptic despite that film being like 1-5 years into the apocalypse.

          • 3 weeks ago

            What? Dementus's chariot and bikes were clean sure, but then he was the leader and given his character and how he rolls into the citidel at the start, appearences clearly are important to him, pretty likely he'd have some of his guys make sure his machines looks nice. The rest of bikes were far from clean, and mostly had bits slapped on them from other machines...the first 5 or 10 min of the film involves a load of bikes and shows just how battered they are and how bits off them get repurposed onto the others.
            I do agree though, and tbh, Fury Road included, I wish we had a version that kept the original grounded colours of the original 3 movies.

      • 3 weeks ago

        Depends on your allergy, female yes, black people no.

        Happy to report, brown people screen time is less than 5%

        • 3 weeks ago

          I like this euphemism, I'm gonna use it. Thanks anon.

        • 3 weeks ago

          they even painted the little brown midge white to make him easier on the eyes

      • 3 weeks ago

        Mad Max has been woke since Road Warrior.

        • 3 weeks ago

          But Road Warrior is about a trad community fighting against sexual degenerates

    • 3 weeks ago


    • 3 weeks ago

      No, I wont call you a "schill", but I will call you tasteless moron. Go watch fury road again, see how furiosa holds up to its predecessor

    • 3 weeks ago

      I just saw it with a buddy. It's more of the same but watered down with more CGI slop and also at a longer runtime without justifying it. Hemsworth is a weak villain and ATJ doesn't exactly emote a lot aside from staring. Chapter 3 is the highlight for me but again it's just a redux chase sequence very similar to the one seen in Fury Road. This movie's great sin is the overuse of CGI when every prior Mad Max featured so much more practical filmmaking although it's really a misnomer to call this "Mad Max."

      • 3 weeks ago

        NTA but you're clearly a homosexual moron

        • 3 weeks ago

          >muh clearly
          lil too flowery for me cupcake

    • 3 weeks ago

      Is the message of the movie "men bad"?

      • 3 weeks ago

        not really. furiosa and her mom get ratted out by a woman. one of dementus' most vicious killers is a woman. this isn't anything like fricking nu star wars where the males are portrayed like idiots to prop the women up

        • 3 weeks ago

          so still men useless idiots who are actually evil. got it.

          • 3 weeks ago

            How did you read that from his summary? What woman hurt you?

            The only good guys in the movie are men. The mechanic & Mad Max 0.5. Even Immortan Joe is portrayed positively in this flick.

            Furiosa is never a hero, and the only other women are either cannibals, her (useless) mom and broodmares.

            Incels like you should praise this film, to steer Hollywood in the right direction. If not, the studio will ramp up feminism in their future releases

      • 3 weeks ago

        Nope, not at all really. The message of the movie is "people bad because other people bad, rise above it or die in the pit with the rest of them".

        Furiosa actually is a great step in the right direction. No feminism bullshit, no mary sue shit. Furiosa constantly gets her shit pushed in and only wins when she wisens up and starts leveraging the men around her.

        Furiosa actually succeeds as a "strong woman" film, because the character herself is smart enough to play her cards right. Every step of the way, she relies on men to save her or step over eachother.

        Those expectations were brilliantly subverted. As a kid she uses Immortan Joe to get away from Demetrius. Then she runs away from his son. Then she leverages the mechanics to stay hidden (without making her some hypercompetent genius mechanic, she’s average at best)

        Then she survives the movie’s biggest fight scene by staying hidden 90% of it, then trusting the Mad Max 0.5 to save her ass.

        Then she gets saved by Mad Max 0.5 later. Then her plan fails, and she’s reduced to nothing, armless and wallowing in flith & maggots until she uses her privilege to be saved by a man.

        The final act was the biggest surprise. Instead of some epic showdown, she is on the run from Hemsworth until Immortan Joe intervenes. Then she stalks her prey like a snake. When she finally triumphs it’s basically her loss, not some awesome comeuppance.
        All in all it was honestly refreshing to see a flawed action protagonist again. Reminded me of McClane in Die Hard 1 that way.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >You will regret not having watched it in theaters
      No I won't, but you keep telling yourself that.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Didn’t see fury road either. Missed nothing.

    • 3 weeks ago

      I haven't watched any of these films.

  4. 3 weeks ago

    Max actually carried the series

    • 3 weeks ago

      only mel gibson is max

      • 3 weeks ago

        is it wrong that I hope someone eventually uses deepfake tech to paste gibson's face and voice over hardy's? I can't help but enjoy Fury Road, but it would have been so much better if it had Gibson.

  5. 3 weeks ago

    Post metoo female lead action movie.

  6. 3 weeks ago

    even reddit hates it

    • 3 weeks ago
      • 3 weeks ago

        >ugh yikes is that a heterosexual romance in a movie? heckin cringe, how forced

        • 3 weeks ago

          you're coping so hard

    • 3 weeks ago

      They sound like ADD riddled onions chuggers.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Go back and stay there

      • 3 weeks ago


        • 3 weeks ago

          It's crazy how people complain about the CG and green screen in the movie as if Fury Road at times didn't have shit CGI and green screen. It's insane. Regardless I enjoyed the movie. It's a solid 8/10 for me. If you go in expecting Fury Road, you're going to be disappointed. I am looking forward to Mad Max prequel now.

    • 3 weeks ago

      If you go to reddit you need to leave

      • 3 weeks ago

        yeah ok let me just pretend one of the biggest websites in the world doesn't exist for muh Cinemaphile good boy points
        shut up incel

    • 3 weeks ago

      >This movie confirms that Chris Hemsworth is the best Chris

    • 3 weeks ago

      I think that I would be disappointed whatever happens because Fury Road is one of my all time favourite movies. I can understand where the guy is coming from about the score in FR, I listened to the movie wearing decent headphones a few times and the score is incredible, just a constant and unrelenting force driving the movie along at breakneck speed.
      It's like The Matrix for me, it doesn't need a sequel or a prequel, it's a self contained movie and I'm happy with it like that.

      • 3 weeks ago

        >It's like The Matrix for me, it doesn't need a sequel or a prequel, it's a self contained movie and I'm happy with it like that.
        ie any movie. no movies needed these

        • 3 weeks ago

          Pretty fair unless you're talking about something like The Lord of the Rings or I suppose Harry Potter which is explicitly made to be told across a number of films.
          It's almost never going to match the original movie for whatever made it great, none of the Indiana Jones sequels were as good as Raiders and the only director who has ever pulled it off is James Cameron with Terminator 2 and Aliens but mainly because his sequels have had much bigger budgets and have taken a different tone entirely from the originals.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >even reddit hates it
      if reddit like a movie you hate it's because they have shit taste but if you agree they are correct? you guys are so fricking gay and cringe

      • 3 weeks ago

        i think the real issue is your low iq sense of logic

  7. 3 weeks ago

    That stick of a woman is an action hero in 2024 lmao

  8. 3 weeks ago

    new fortnite season just started with a mad max rip off theme but no mad max tie in, unironically missed opportunitiy to get zoomers and alphas to pay attention

  9. 3 weeks ago

    >action movie with unattractive female lead
    Guaranteed flop

    • 3 weeks ago
  10. 3 weeks ago

    Crazy that George Miler, just like PTA, keeps getting money for his movies despite they almost never being hits. Hope they keep doing that for years and years to come

    • 3 weeks ago

      Dude, Snyder keeps getting blank checks for his movies. Why wouldn't they?

    • 3 weeks ago

      Same with the Wachowkis, every single post-matrix trilogy movide they have made has been a flop, yet they are never out of work.

    • 3 weeks ago

      it's called sucking producer wiener

    • 3 weeks ago

      Fury Road made more than twice its production-budget at the box-office, and it won six Academy Awards. Does a movie really need to make $1 billion dollars to be a success?

      • 3 weeks ago

        production budget is matched by marketing and theatre takes half of box office so by your own claim it lost money

        • 3 weeks ago

          If Fury Road "lost money" then why would Furiosa be; >"awarded a AU$175 million filming incentive, and spent a total of US$233 million (AU$343.2 million) in Australia, the most-ever for a film production in the country."

          • 3 weeks ago

            how did they spend $233 million USD in Australia when the budget of the movie is $168 million USD?

          • 3 weeks ago

            >If Fury Road "lost money" then why would Furiosa be; >"awarded a AU$175 million filming incentive
            are you seriously asking why a government would give tax credit to a film production if they government didn't think the film would make money? The government doesn't invest in movies to make money, dumbass. it spends the money to try to prop up jobs. the film commercial performance is not even considered

  11. 3 weeks ago

    It surprises me how mad max fights if it is not a great franchise like capeshit is embedded in Zeitgeist.I think it's because of the post-Apocalyptic scenario. It is impossible not to think about a post-nuclear war scenario without thinking about Mad Max.

  12. 3 weeks ago

    Trailer was awful and they uglified Anya Taylor-Joy

  13. 3 weeks ago

    >people dont want to see a mad max movie... with no mel gibson?

  14. 3 weeks ago

    I did see Furiosa last night. And went back to my friend's house right after to watch Fury Road after not seeing it since it's original theatrical release back in 2015. Fury Road is a 10/10. I will note it doesn't have the same emotional heft as Furiosa. I'm never too bummed about the character's deaths in Fury Road. But it's t o hours fly by very quickly. Furiosa is a 9/10. What it lacks in the effortless filmmaking in Fury Road it makes up for in the deeper dive into the Mad Max world building and some really tragic storytelling. Deaths in Furiosa are much more awful and disturbing, and SAD. I will say Charlize Theron's Furiosa takes a fat shit all over Taylor Joy's character. Joy's performance is very monotonous

  15. 3 weeks ago

    Is Max in the movie for a while at least?

  16. 3 weeks ago

    A 4/10 cannot be the lead if she has no acting skills to make up it.

  17. 3 weeks ago

    >mad max with no mad max, great
    I know how the movie ends before I am seeing it. I KNOW HOW THE MOVIE ENDS. Am I going crazy? Why are they still doing this? FRICK

    • 3 weeks ago

      no mad max in a mad max movie

      How can I be hyped for a Mad Max movie without Max in it? It's like watching Conan the Barbarian but instead of Arnold you get nothing but Grace Jones

      >morons don't know the difference between a title and a subtitle

      • 3 weeks ago

        They're right and you're wrong!

        "A subtitle in a book or movie is a phrase that often does more to establish your medias place in the market than your title does.

        The title gets more of the spotlight, but the subtitle does most of the work. The title is the hook; the subtitle is the reel."

        • 3 weeks ago

          >made-up definition pulled from ~~*humanities*~~

    • 3 weeks ago

      shhh Furiosa is the new Max.

  18. 3 weeks ago

    It's going to be really funny that this movie loses to Garfield of all things.

  19. 3 weeks ago

    >fricking Chris Hemsworth as the villain
    Dude isn’t even slightly intimidating. Not to mention that box office poison googly-eyed b***h as the hero

    • 3 weeks ago

      >Dude isn’t even slightly intimidating
      He's literally a 6'3" Chad that could frick your girlfriend or wife, if he wanted to.

      • 3 weeks ago

        And yet you’re still not intimidating, Chris. The only thing I can think of looking at you is Marvel quips.

  20. 3 weeks ago

    >this is very likely Millers last ''mad max'' film

    shamfur dispray

  21. 3 weeks ago

    didn't even know it was coming out today

  22. 3 weeks ago


    • 3 weeks ago

      >watched fury road 8 times in IMAX
      these people are crazy

  23. 3 weeks ago

    It's a prequel film without Max. No one is as interested in spinoffs

    • 3 weeks ago

      >No one is as interested in spinoffs
      not interested as anyone other than mel as max either

      • 3 weeks ago

        Didn't the last film do well at the box office?

        • 3 weeks ago

          No. It barely doubled its budged, which by Hollwood accounting means it just about broke even. Also, it was held back for three years after finishing shooting in 2012.

          • 3 weeks ago

            Oh right. I agree there's no beating Mel or the og, but I like that they continued the character's story on without a dumb gap. I get tired of when franchises get revived and its "heres the og guy but he's old now". Or just the "take badass and make him geriatric"

            • 3 weeks ago

              shut up homosexual

              • 3 weeks ago


              • 3 weeks ago

                shouldn't you be watching your 9th YT essay of the day to get your opinions fed to you to regurgitate here?

              • 3 weeks ago

                So many of you schizos on Cinemaphile today

          • 3 weeks ago

            >it was held back for three years after finishing shooting in 2012.
            It's not that Fury Road was "held back" for three years. It finished principal photography in December 2012, then had reshoots for a couple months in late 2013. The movie shot roughly 470 hours of footage, so they had to go through all that to assemble the edit and then apply all the CGI, etc. In reality the movie was in post-production for 2 years before it premiered. That's not outrageous for a CGI-laden spectacle. Even Furiosa was in post-production for 18-months.

      • 3 weeks ago

        Mad Max 6: Max Gets a Colostomy Bag ???

      • 3 weeks ago

        >mel as max
        If they did this it'd get a billion dollars at the box office and win multiple oscars, but they won't since he's blacklisted

        • 3 weeks ago

          >but they won't since he's blacklisted
          its because they wanted to continue the mad max story without him being too old

          • 3 weeks ago

            >too old
            Mel is still in his 60s, he could reprise Max no problem

            • 3 weeks ago

              Yeah, i don't think Miller wanted that much time gap though. Youre probably right that it's his blacklist being the main reason though

  24. 3 weeks ago

    All it has to do is beat the first movie. Fury Road did $99 million I think.

    • 3 weeks ago

      lol you’re moronic it did way more than that. maybe stick to what you know, like sucking wiener

  25. 3 weeks ago

    Glaring issues, best movie I’ve seen in a long time though.

  26. 3 weeks ago

    I don't care about MUH STRONG FEMALE LEAD, if the movie was good i'd watch it.

    But that fricking trailer made it seem like it was a fricking marvel movie.

    • 3 weeks ago

      marketing of this movie let it down, but how else are you supposed to market movies these days?

    • 3 weeks ago

      The trailer sucks, the movie is good.

      • 3 weeks ago

        This. still, we all know the fricking contrarians on here will slag it off and then secretly watch it and in a year we'll see threads about how it's actually a good film.
        Those who've at least seen it know whats up with the trailers, if this film bombs it'll be because the trailers put a lot of people off, for some reason they made the film look like shit with an over reliance on cgi, when the majority of it is just Millers directing style, I don't remember anything standing out as too jarring other than the little "NOW?" midget for the few seconds he's onscreen, and maybe a tiny scene at the bullet in like all of 2 seconds if that, rest of it looked no different than fury road did.

        • 3 weeks ago

          i’m not a contrarian for not liking it. it’s an action movie with weird pacing and bad visual effects. i’m sorry that mad max lore isn’t a compelling epic to me.

          • 3 weeks ago

            At least you're honest, you don't like it, and thats fine.

        • 3 weeks ago

          >Those who've at least seen it know whats up with the trailers
          Why did the CGI look so fricking bad in the trailer? I barely even noticeable in the actual movie

          • 3 weeks ago

            Not sure, I figured maybe early footage or something for the trailers, something was just really off, and most of the scenes that seemed like shite cgi actually ended up being fine in the movie. The trailers will kill this movie because they looked like shit, it's so strange...used to trailers lying and showing things that don't even make it into the films etc but this was an odd case. Movie was fine, Octoboss attack on the war rig was great stuff though, some really cool cars and bikes in it...and nice to see the Interceptor appear on screen and leave on screen intact for a change, hasn't happened since 79 lol.

            • 3 weeks ago

              >and nice to see the Interceptor appear on screen and leave on screen intact for a change, hasn't happened since 79 lol.
              Was that Mel Gibson's Mad Max standing next to it or did I imagine it?

  27. 3 weeks ago

    no mad max in a mad max movie

    • 3 weeks ago

      It is a movie in the same world as Mad Max and the backstory of the second lead of the previous movie.

      • 3 weeks ago

        >morons don't know the difference between a title and a subtitle


      • 3 weeks ago

        >It is a movie in the same world as Mad Max and the backstory of the second lead of the previous movie.
        Okay but who asked?

        • 3 weeks ago


        • 3 weeks ago

          The prequel began development right after Fury Road didn't completely bomb in theatres 2015.

          • 3 weeks ago

            it goes back way longer than that. miller originally wanted to shoot fury road and furiosa back to back.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Just saw it. It was pretty good, but it reminded me how Hollywood doesn't portray any love or actual affection like kissing anymore. At most they do forehead to forehead.

      Max appears for like 10 seconds eating a can of beans,

      • 3 weeks ago

        >FURIOSA: A mad max saga
        >Special guest appearance: Max

        • 3 weeks ago

          >film bombs
          >"sexism still exists today worse than ever" - hollywood

      • 3 weeks ago

        You're sure?

        • 3 weeks ago

          >Mad Max eating Skibidi beans
          Did Miller went too hard to appeal to the zoomer audience?

  28. 3 weeks ago

    How can I be hyped for a Mad Max movie without Max in it? It's like watching Conan the Barbarian but instead of Arnold you get nothing but Grace Jones

  29. 3 weeks ago

    I'd hate to be in the film industry, it's been hollowed out and gutted for indian animators on the cheap and you've now cultivated a spiteful vindictive gay-troony criticsphere you now have to appease
    movies as an entertainment medium are fricking dead

    • 3 weeks ago

      no character in the movie is gay though. not even butchlord Furiosa.

  30. 3 weeks ago

    >a prequel of fury road
    >almost 10 years after fury road was release
    too little, too late, modern audiences have the attention span of a mouse

  31. 3 weeks ago

    She legitimately looks like a neanderthal

  32. 3 weeks ago

    No one wants to see the latest Woke propaganda 'movie', the media does nothing but lie and Hollywood just sucks itself off no matter what happens

  33. 3 weeks ago

    >$3.5m in previews
    Oof. Even the race-swapped Little Mermaid flop did $10m.

  34. 3 weeks ago

    no-one gives a frick about going to see movies

  35. 3 weeks ago
    • 3 weeks ago


  36. 3 weeks ago

    >What went wrong with a Mad Max movie that has no Mad Max?
    You tell me.

  37. 3 weeks ago

    Gf hates the car stuff, and hated this guy next to her that laughed at every death. She said Fury Road and this are for “iPad Babies”

    She got bored of the desert area and thinks depressing doom gloom worlds are lame.

    She still liked it enough to be above quite a few others movies on her 2024 ranking, though.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Did you talk to your wanking hand through the entire movie or was this a conversation you had after?

    • 3 weeks ago

      But what does your girlfriends black boyfriends think?

  38. 3 weeks ago

    I will NEVER be able to take Anya Taylor-Joy seriously as an action hero. I doubt I'm the only one.

  39. 3 weeks ago

    The trailers don't do it justice, I'm a bit biased as i'm a die hard Mad Max fan, but even I thought the trailers looked like shit, especially the VW camper getting pushed off the cliff by the war rig, but on the big screen it actually looked fine.

    Just got back from seeing it, anyone that says it's woke is talking shit, anyone expecting girlboss yasss kween slay 80lb woman beating up men is gonna be in for a shock, it wasn't Fury Road, but it was a bit bigger in scope.
    Hemsworth was excellent too and a lot of the stuff that looked like shit in the trailers ended up perfectly fine on the big screen.
    Road Warrior is still the best of the lot, but this wasn't too far behind Fury Road for me.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Thanks for the honest opinion Mr. Marketer

      • 3 weeks ago

        Your loss, I went in expecting hollywood to ruin the one last set of movies I give a shit about and walk out pleasantly surprised, I don't give a shit if you don't see it, but it's clear that all the people slagging it off are going off the trailers...and like I said, the trailers made it look terrible in the vfx side of things. It's no Road Warrior, but its still great.

        • 3 weeks ago

          shut up shill

          • 3 weeks ago

            Get fricked incel, scared of women, what a homosexual, enjoy the wieners I guess.

  40. 3 weeks ago

    >Mad Max film with no Mad Max
    >scrawny 110 pound b***h is supposed to be the "action star"
    Gee, I wonder...

    • 3 weeks ago

      It's even worse
      >Movie this is a prequel of had Furiosa played by an actually attractive full bodied woman
      >This one looks like she was left in the microwave for too long

  41. 3 weeks ago

    who gives a shit now days, everything is free. I think even the studios now know they are fighting or around 10% of audience members that still don't know how to or want to just watch shit for free online.

  42. 3 weeks ago

    >cgi green screen slop movie in a franchise famous for practical effects

  43. 3 weeks ago

    What is there to be hyped about? Fury Road pissed all over the Mad Max franchise but at least it had fun moments. What the frick is fun about this soulless CGI fest arriving like 8 years too late?

  44. 3 weeks ago

    It looks like ass?
    Fury Road looked fantastic. It bait and switched a bit with Mad Max being a passenger in his own movie but that’s kinda the case in 2&3 as well. He was treated pretty well though. No senseless cucking of the old hero as they’re want to do.
    This also has the annoying prequel sequel habit of taking a character who had their big story told and then making another movie. We know what happens to Furiosa. No new story can be told here, they can just back her ass up to the starting line of the movie people liked.

    Imagine taking something like Vasquez out of Aliens and making a prequel about her. For what fricking reason? It was a cool character in a successful movie? Ok, that’s clearly not enough.

    Remember when they did a Big Lebowski “sequel” about The Jesus? Probably not. Because it’s fricking moronic?

    • 3 weeks ago

      >Mad Max being a passenger in his own movie
      As has been the case almost with every movie other than the original, Max has always been an outsider that wanders or gets dragged into other peoples situations, and either helps out for his own selfish reasons, or has no choice. Max was key to half the shit that happened in Fury Road too, pay attention when watching lol.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >We know what happens to Furiosa. No new story can be told here,
      tbh I'd compare it to Better Call Saul. it's both a character prequel but also delves a lot into plots and characters that Fury Road couldn't spend a lot of time for. it's less Furiosa kicking ass for two hours and more of a two-hour lore dump on this part of this world

  45. 3 weeks ago

    It started the "woke girlboss" era of Hollywood. Its no longer 2015 where this would be something unique. Its oversaturated with girl bosses and we need someone like new Arnold Shwarzenegger or Sylvester Stallone to carry movies.

    • 3 weeks ago

      If only they released this spin off prequel shortly after the last film and not 9 fricking years later
      What is wrong with modern society? All this slop not just films, it all bakes for 5 years minimum and there's not even quality to show for it

    • 3 weeks ago

      “Girl bossing” wasn’t unique in 2015

  46. 3 weeks ago

    Want to hear a secret?
    Fury Road sucked too. One of the most overrated pieces of slop in contemporary cinema.

  47. 3 weeks ago

    it's going to come out, i'm 100% sure, that this was meant to be a netflix series, that's why the pacing is so all over the place

    • 3 weeks ago

      >that's why the pacing is so all over the place
      I got the impression too that it felt like it was originally meant to be more than one movie. Especially in the second half.

  48. 3 weeks ago

    one major factor too is charlize, she has an incredible screen presence and can carry a while while anya cannot

  49. 3 weeks ago

    Hey you Fricking buttholes! You young Zoomer Fricks! Why won't you fricking go out and touch grass and go to movie theatres!? These movies would Fricking do well and would get more great movies if you would just give it a Fricking chance! If you watch the movie I know you'll enjoy it and enjoy the experience! Did you even know at a lot of theatres now you can get alcohol and food and truly enjoy watching film?

    • 3 weeks ago

      This cash grab piece of propaganda shit flopping is what cinema healing looks like.

  50. 3 weeks ago

    Watched it last night, it's good but not insane and fast like fury road.

    Visually, the aerial attack on the rig and octoboss's charge is the best, a close second is furiosa's final chase over the sand dunes.

    Watch it on a big screen because it's really not a movie for the small screen, dementus has a horrible ending

  51. 3 weeks ago

    I kind of liked how it went into the politics and running of the hordes and war parties

  52. 3 weeks ago

    Not one single person wants to see Anya and then when they showed the CGI in the trailer that seemed suspiciously bad and now has been found out to be unreal engine... that really fricks the narrative of these being the practical movies that was their unique sell.
    >George miller HIRED this man,
    >George miller HIRED this man

    • 3 weeks ago

      >Miller reveals [...] "We can actually do a virtual version of the movie, in the same way that game engines do it. The Unreal Engine that they’re using in games has now been adapted,” he says,
      Sure he's claiming this is for storyboarding but if you take that he admittedly uses it for pre-vis and also something called post-vis (hmmm), and then look at those bricks and background cliffs, having watched plenty of modern game footage and that ue5 demo video, it's going to have to click that you're looking at nanite and lumen in the final film

    • 3 weeks ago

      This scene looked a whole lot better actually watching it, not perfect but not as atrocious as the same scene from the trailer/screen you posted.

      • 3 weeks ago

        So would you suggest these shots aren't final and these are the post-vis that uses unreal engine, but the final movie has actual different frames - or that it's just meant to be seen in the dark with the low lit projection?

        • 3 weeks ago

          I don't know a lot about that sort of thing/unreal 5 etc, but this scene when watching it in person looked a lot better than the same scene shown in the trailer. I'd say that maybe what was used in the trailer wasn't "final" perhaps?

          >and nice to see the Interceptor appear on screen and leave on screen intact for a change, hasn't happened since 79 lol.
          Was that Mel Gibson's Mad Max standing next to it or did I imagine it?

          It was Hardy's stunt double from Fury Road.

        • 3 weeks ago

          Forgot to mention, that it's not a perfect shot, it's noticeable when the few seconds before this, the camera is focused on the hcaracter of Jack, before pannining as he speeds up, and then this scene happens, so it's not perfect by anymeans, but it is much better than the trailer.

  53. 3 weeks ago

    My friends invited me to watch it so now I have to force myself to watch the first one

  54. 3 weeks ago

    >dikshit shilling

  55. 3 weeks ago

    there was 7 people including me at a primetime showing in my kino plex

    shame beceause it was better than all capeslop

  56. 3 weeks ago

    We want the harry potter audience

    • 3 weeks ago

      In the end of the movie she turns Dementus' dick into a fruit.

      • 3 weeks ago

        It was almost as epic as the female Ghostbusters kicking a spiritual manifestation of their logo in the nuts. Feminine rage is so relatable and based, especially when it’s more sadistic than any act by any villain in the series.

  57. 3 weeks ago

    Whats the obsession with Furiosa? also Mad max not even side kick this time and only used as name bait.

    >And what about Max you ask? Well… he's there, but more as an accessory. Outside of the first twenty minutes of the film, where we see him tortured by nightmares and being attached as a living IV pole to a half-life named Nux, Max is used as more of a background prop, and takes a literal backseat to the story of Furiosa. He isn't weak by any means, and has retained all of the action smarts of the original, Mel Gibson character, but his character exists as a sidekick who finds different ways to aid Furiosa and to fight off Joe's forces without taking over as leader.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Well, Fury Road got released during the metoo shitstorm, so Furiosa made sense as a protagonist. The good thing about it, is that Fury Road kept feminazism to the absolute minimum, and Theron was pretty good.
      Nowadays the scale is turning away from that braindead movement, so there is no need for more Furiosa. Miller couldnt read the writing on the wall, so he doubled down on that character.

      • 3 weeks ago

        Maybe he just liked the character and wanted to do more with her.
        It's his world after all.
        Not everyone needs to be 100% dedicated to the culture war brainrot.

  58. 3 weeks ago

    Even Elon Musk shilling for it on twitter isn't going to do shit

  59. 3 weeks ago

    apparently it's great, I hope there remains to be no hype so I can watch it at the cinemas alone like I did with Fury Road. That was a great experience

  60. 3 weeks ago

    it makes the world feel smaller instead of bigger, even shit like thunderdome at least felt like a completely new chapter/take on the mad max concept, this just rehashes characters and factions from fury road, not just furiosa (not a good enough character to carry a spin-off, especially if recast), but Immortan Joe and the war boys, it's so unimaginative and just recycling the same imagery... except inferior visually in every way, because the whole thing looks like green screen weightless garbage with ugly digital cinematography, when the whole appeal of fury road was the heavy impact of practical stunts; the whole thing just looks lazy and bankrupt

    Miller's previous film was also a flop and it is known he went into a lot of conflict with the studio over fury road, this just feels like it was only made to fulfill a contractual obligation, and like it was produced in the same soulless studio mold as nu star wars, marvelshit, etc with the same type of low energy, cashgrab recycling/pandering. Fricking tired of unneeded "muh drama" prequels, spin-offs and origin stories for "cool" characters that don't need deep justification (Bobba Fett etc)

    I love Anya but she is not lead material. Even Charlize who is arguably more charismatic (I like her less than Anya but she feels more credible in the role), wouldn't be good enough to carry a spin-off. Hell, I think Hardy wouldn't be good enough to carry a new Mad Max on his own, Fury Road worked fantastic because those two just had a good chemistry (not on set apparently, but on screen whatever conflict they had makes them work well together). Hardy is good but he's no Mel, tweaking his character so he's less center of the movie and complementing him with Charlize so it's about a duo dynamic was a very clever decision to solve the "not Mel" problem. Furiosa on her own? Not interesting.

    I'm sure it's still a cut above those because it's still Miller but frick it doesn't look appealing to me whatsoever

    • 3 weeks ago

      Agree with you on Hardy not being half as good as Mel but I've always had mad respect for Hardy meeting up with Mel on numerous occasions to better understand his original approach to the character, even at the peak of his blacklisting.

    • 3 weeks ago

      this. every mad max iteration shows a different part of the world. this one has.... war boyz again, immortan joe again, furiosa again.

      if it had an original thought to it i might have seen it.

      • 3 weeks ago

        Fury Road is literally the Citadel and a canyon and a swamp, with all the other locations just hinted at. And remember, this was intended to be a movie leading up to Fury Road, not a post movie prequel.
        Nit nit nit nit picking.

        • 3 weeks ago

          i know what it is intended to do. im saying i dont like it. what the wasteland isnt big enough to see new fricked up horrors? gimmie a break

  61. 3 weeks ago

    >"Old Max": In the tradition of gritty revisionist westerns like Unforgiven, Max, now an aging, tired survivor, living a peaceful life as a dirt farmer, returns to violence once more and faces his most lethal threat yet: a new faction of raiders calling themselves "The Pharisees" who roam the wastelands to pillage all the wealth and mutilate all the young boys' foreskins (release date Summer 2026)

    • 3 weeks ago

      >who then went back to his hotel with him

  62. 3 weeks ago

    This is a screening near me, I didn’t save the one where the IMax sized screen had literally two people in it as we speak

    • 3 weeks ago

      Another one

      • 3 weeks ago

        Another one, though to its credit I did end up finding one theater that did seem very full

        • 3 weeks ago
          • 3 weeks ago

            jesus cinema is dead

            • 3 weeks ago

              where are your peer reviewed sources?

              • 3 weeks ago

                Look bro I took that screen shot a half hour ago in jest, look at how full it is now at the start of the show

              • 3 weeks ago

                why are those two homos by themselves sitting on the ends. sit in the middle you morons, this is why you have no friends

              • 3 weeks ago

                Maybe they’re jackin off and don’t want to be seen?

  63. 3 weeks ago

    Are the leaks saying that chumbucket from the game makes a cameo real?
    I know “HEY HERES THIS THING YOU KNOW” is just jingling keys, I just wanna know ahead of time so that I’m not doing double takes at every vaugely hunched over looking extra that comes on screen

    • 3 weeks ago

      yes but i don't think they even mention him by name or make a big deal of it. if you played the game you'll recognize him. if you didn't he looks like just another of the citadel's freaks

  64. 3 weeks ago

    The movie was pure kino. You incels are missing out

    • 3 weeks ago

      Ah yes, demonic baby murder is Kino.

      • 3 weeks ago

        there ain't no demon in this film

        • 3 weeks ago

          they murdered a crying newborn foetus

          • 3 weeks ago

            but there ain't no demon!

            • 3 weeks ago

              there was a demon in whoever snapoed his neck

              • 3 weeks ago

                >Newborn five legged mutant
                That was a mercy killing, especially in that hellscape

              • 3 weeks ago

                No it wasn't Jesus made the baby like that for a reason, that baby could have been useful.
                otherwise they could have cut that scene out and the plot wouldn't have changed.
                why they kill baby?

              • 3 weeks ago

                cause it was deformed and not a girl to produce mother's milk

              • 3 weeks ago

                then why couldnt they turn him into a war pup, or keep him as a pet?

          • 3 weeks ago

            >newborn foetus

            • 3 weeks ago

              yes, newborn foetus.

    • 3 weeks ago

      I'm gonna watch it asap

    • 3 weeks ago

      I'm going to watch it with low expectations because I am tired of waiting for something as good as Civil War and will settle for something dumb.

      • 3 weeks ago

        Civil War sucked ass
        Furiosa was p good

    • 3 weeks ago

      That white cape looks like it came straight from the washing machine. Arent they supposed to be in post apocalyptic place filled with dust and flames or something?

  65. 3 weeks ago

    People don't go movies anymore.

  66. 3 weeks ago

    No me llama la atención la pelicula esa y la saga mad max me parece una tremenda mierda para imbeciles pero voy a verla simplemente porque actua la reina hermosa de los todes les argentines

  67. 3 weeks ago

    >prequel 10 years later to a prequel
    >No mad max
    >Starring a woman

    • 3 weeks ago

      i watch most of the movies based on posters they release, and this poster is AWFUL. anya is put on the poster twice lololol, the perspectives of the characters are all different and just lazily put together. if the studio and the filmmakers are so content with laziness and awfulness, then why would i and my friends reward their shitty little blackrock flick with our hardearned money?

      Y'all chuds can't handle a strong independent latina woman in a leading role.
      I advise you to touch grass and get some good taste in cinema for starters.

      • 3 weeks ago

        >a mad max movie
        >but get this: without max! xDD
        >about some irrelevant fricking femoid
        there is literally no hook in this movie

      • 3 weeks ago

        She's a latina woman in much the same way a mouse born in a stable is a horse.

  68. 3 weeks ago

    i watch most of the movies based on posters they release, and this poster is AWFUL. anya is put on the poster twice lololol, the perspectives of the characters are all different and just lazily put together. if the studio and the filmmakers are so content with laziness and awfulness, then why would i and my friends reward their shitty little blackrock flick with our hardearned money?

    • 3 weeks ago

      because Quaden Bayles gets paid for his hard work.

  69. 3 weeks ago

    trailer looked gay as hell

  70. 3 weeks ago

    i'd suck a fat turd out of Anya's ass

  71. 3 weeks ago

    there was no hype for the previous dogshit either, there was just pajeet-tier viral marketing on here for 6 months pushing forced memes for idiots

  72. 3 weeks ago

    >cgi slop
    >le heckin girlboss
    >chris hemsworth
    gee idk what could possibly be turning people off

  73. 3 weeks ago

    The Immortan Joe intro and first convoy fight are better than Fury Road, but the final act brought down the overall experience.

    I like Demento's crew; more grounded and reminiscent of The Road Warrior.

  74. 3 weeks ago

    I was zero hyped myself, only watched it cause I get em for free - but that

  75. 3 weeks ago

    >It's on track to be a failure
    >Am I crazy for thinking there's no hype
    You answered your own question OP

  76. 3 weeks ago

    they thought it would be a good idea to make a 200 million dollar prequel to a commercial failure, starring knock off versions

  77. 3 weeks ago

    When I found out which of your Frickers aren't going to see this movie, I'm gonna Fricking figure out a way to have your ass! Frick you you young Zoomer FRICKS!

  78. 3 weeks ago

    got curious
    >Friday night at 8pm
    >4 hours away
    holy shit lmaooo

  79. 3 weeks ago

    The final dialogue should have been completely re-written, nothing interesting is really said and it drags on a lot and makes the ending kind of feel odd

    I didn’t mind the music, heard a lot of didgeridoo as an Australian I thought it was cool.

    Agree that the Dementus’s crew was interesting, more familiar to the older mad max

    The actress who played the younger Furiosa was better than Anna Taylor Joy, her performance was pretty flat

    • 3 weeks ago

      >The final dialogue should have been completely re-written, nothing interesting is really said and it drags on a lot and makes the ending kind of feel odd
      all modern blockbusters are like this, it’s because they are going hard with the brainwashing propaganda at the end for full effect
      the batman was full of nonsensical speeches that are obviously mind control

      • 3 weeks ago

        That’s the thing tho, the final dialogue didn’t have a clear direction, not even propaganda.

  80. 3 weeks ago

  81. 3 weeks ago

    It was legit good though. But ironically, Fury Road had a stronger emotional core with Furiosa and the mamas.

    Prequels should never focus on sympathy for a main character whose fate we already know. The audience already knows Furiosa as a hardened badass who can fend off anyone. So a revenge story showing her growth ends up being unecessary

    The best prequels are those that flesh out or bring depth to established characters; Godfather Part II, Better Call Saul, Temple of Doom, the Good, the Bad & the Ugly, Kill Bill Vol 2, X-men First Class (until it wasn’t).

  82. 3 weeks ago

    Do Corpus Colossus and the Bullet Farmer reappear from Fury Road? Are they CGI?
    Both actors have died since Fury Road.

    • 3 weeks ago
    • 3 weeks ago

      Bullet Farmer reappears yes
      Corpus, no. We get the son from the video game: Scrotus

      • 3 weeks ago

        Fair enough, it's not like Colossus can get around much in a dynamic story.
        The actor was a decent guy.

        • 3 weeks ago

          Chumbucket from the game also makes a cameo.
          I'm curious to what kino Kojimbo can cook up with George Miller for the next Mad Max game

    • 3 weeks ago

      >Corpus Colossus
      Nope hes replaced by a brother named "scrotus"

      >Bullet Farmer
      Yes but I have a feeling he was CG as other shots were just the back of him.

      • 3 weeks ago

        Corpus wasn't originally in the script for either movie, Kenihan basically got himself invited in as a character in Fury Road after the script was already completed.

  83. 3 weeks ago

    Miller should have brought Mel back, and done an Old Max movie. Nobody gave a shit about Furiosa.

    • 3 weeks ago

      I don't think adult mel has much time for ripe old fruit miller

      • 3 weeks ago

        Miller literally put him on the map.

        • 3 weeks ago

          so? you think he thinks he owes miller so much that it would over-ride his convictions?

          • 3 weeks ago

            >over-ride his convictions?
            Convictions over what? This is the guy who did endless Lethal Weapon slop sequels.

            • 3 weeks ago

              mel catholic miller gay

              • 3 weeks ago

                He's not THAT Catholic or he wouldn't have chosen a Hollywood career, and also he's Australian, the gayest place on Earth.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Mel said he had no interest in doing a grizzled old Max.
      Miller said he has no interest in a grizzled old Max.
      What I would like to see though is a Mad Max film directed by Mel.

  84. 3 weeks ago

    30 mins of black or brown female MC trailers followed by 2h28m of male emasculation. 8/10 for a modern movie.

    • 3 weeks ago

      You obviously didn’t watch the flick. The only brown girls were in the breeding room. There was no emasculation, MM is and always will be a franchise celebrating manhood

      • 3 weeks ago

        >Woman outsmarting and beating men at every turn.
        >Dementus being a fricking pussy and being again beaten by Furiosa.
        >The ending with the crucifixion symbolism of male power.
        The movie is thinly veiled propaganda.

        • 3 weeks ago

          your brain is an omelette

  85. 3 weeks ago


  86. 3 weeks ago

    just saw it. i went to imax and it was almost empty, like 30 people at most.

    already forgot the name of that guy who was supposed to have a romance with furiosa and it was definitely lacking in action. fury road starts and is fun throughout the runtime. and that movie didnt have the bad cgi

    • 3 weeks ago

      I think the guy was supposed to be bland & forgettable. He’s literally just called Jack, in a movie where everyone else runs with Dementus, Octoboss, Scrotus and Furiosa

      • 3 weeks ago

        He's the least-mad person in Madworld.

      • 3 weeks ago

        i also dont get why they made hemsworth have jesus connotations
        apart from the beard he's another mad max degenerate who has a cool motorcycle chariot and tried to take the citadel like lord humungus but failed miserably

        the octopus guy that was with him was way cooler

  87. 3 weeks ago

    >I'm at the kino-station right now
    >Witness me brothers will I watch this kino.

  88. 3 weeks ago

    Leonidas betrayed himself.

  89. 3 weeks ago

    Spinoff of a movie series that's already somewhat niche in an era where movies aren't doing well in theaters to begin with.

  90. 3 weeks ago

    It's opening projections are dropping like a rock. It's looking like it will have the lowest memorial day opening in over 40 years

  91. 3 weeks ago

    what fricking hype? it's a movie, i'll watch it when it's available on streaming or piracy, who gives a shit about theatre runs anymore?

  92. 3 weeks ago
    Anonymous talked me into seeing this, good job.

  93. 3 weeks ago

    >Adds in the video game son
    >No Corpus Collosus

    What happen?

    • 3 weeks ago

      He died after Fury Road.
      He wasn't in either original script btw, he just friended his way into Australia's biggest movie.

      • 3 weeks ago

        I liked the smart cripple/moron strong man aspect between him and Rictus.

        >He died after Fury Road.

        I didn't know he was sick!

  94. 3 weeks ago

    My only interest relies on Chris Hemsworth really, the trailer made him seem like a fun villain. But that's as far as my interest goes, I just don't care about Furiosa or expanding the Fury Road lore, I'd rather have a new and exciting Mad Max adventure with a new Max, I don't want to see Tom Hardy again

  95. 3 weeks ago

    Should have made Hemsworth the lead and called it Dementus. Would have made twice as much.

  96. 3 weeks ago


  97. 3 weeks ago

    I got prime center seats with NO ONE seating in my row 30 mins before showing. There was 20 people tops for the showing. If it wasn't for people paying $8 sodas and $15 for a hotdog there would not be any AMC theaters anymore.

  98. 3 weeks ago

    Fury road wasn't very good and prequels are always bad. And this one looks particularly ugy

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