Am I missing something? This was worse than dogshit?

Who the FRICK thought it was a good idea to make the epic finale of Amuro vs Char into a movie? The pacing is ass, everything is rushed and to make it worse they waste air time on useless annoying characters like Quess and Hathaway.

It gets even more pathetic when you consider the competition. Macross's DYRL had CCA beat in production value and story. Then there is the End of Eva which is just straight up a cinematic masterpiece where every moment is profound and full of substance.

Anyway I'm really just kind of pissed off that I had 93 episodes of build up for Amuro vs Char and I get such an anticlimactic ending.

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  1. 10 months ago


  2. 10 months ago

    Played your bait a bit too hard with that evashit comment

  3. 10 months ago

    Both this shit and EOE have no shading for some moronic reason.

    • 10 months ago

      >I'm blind

    • 10 months ago

      moronic complaint

  4. 10 months ago

    >Then there is the End of Eva which is just straight up a cinematic masterpiece where every moment is profound and full of substance.
    have a nice day. Even anno would admit cca is better than eoe. Garbage fricking bait.

    • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago


      Anon didn’t actually like CCA. Guys like that always have some ulterior motive for their public statements. In this case it’s probably because he made 4 rushed hack job movies of his own that he wants people to go see

      • 10 months ago

        >Anon didn’t actually like CCA.
        >Guys like that always have some ulterior motive for their public statements.
        Wtf? are you on about?

        • 10 months ago

          he obviously meant to say Anno moron

          • 10 months ago

            Naaaw, you don't say? Mr. captain obvious.

      • 10 months ago

        You know he worked on battleship designs for CCA back in the Gainax days?

        • 10 months ago

          >Then there is the End of Eva which is just straight up a cinematic masterpiece where every moment is profound and full of substance.
          have a nice day. Even anno would admit cca is better than eoe. Garbage fricking bait.

          >anon liked CCA and worked on it so it must be good
          have a nice day moronic evaspammer. The only thing anno is an authority on is sniffing his own farts. If anno says it’s good, then it’s shit

          • 10 months ago


          • 10 months ago
  5. 10 months ago

    Why does Evangelion triggers certain kind of /m/ posters so much? Anon also mentioned Macross, but you guys fixated on Eva.

    • 10 months ago

      Most people on this board unironically can’t take it that one of the biggest figures in the genre told them to turn off the anime, go outside and socialize

      • 10 months ago

        I doubt this is why pisses /m/ off tho. Evatard are just insufferable homosexuals. /m/ doesn't hate eva /m/ hates evatards. The way OP worded eva sounded like evatard bait.

        • 10 months ago

          Really, a lot of things are generally unpopular on Cinemaphile due to their insufferable fanbases rather than the media itself.

      • 10 months ago

        Which is ironic, because that was never the message of Eva to begin with.

    • 10 months ago

      The movie looked visually fantastic which is what is most important for audio-visual entertainment.

      I thought Evangelion was a good show, but that was it. I don't think it's the bestest thing ever, the pinnacle of art, some sort of insightful life changing experience like the mainstream anime fandom at large makes it out to be. I imagine that plays into our exasperation of Eva.

  6. 10 months ago

    You’re supposed to watch F91 right after and go, ‘In hindsight CCA was actually pretty good’

    • 10 months ago

      F91 was better though

      • 10 months ago

        dude how the frick can you objectively say f91 was better than cca unless you're just a delusional gay91? cca has about an ova's worth of material that gets compressed into a movie. f91 has a full length 50 episode series worth of material that you basically only get 6 episodes of.

        • 10 months ago

          F91 looked absolutely amazing, I did not give a flying frick about the Amuro-Char showdown, and the entire plot of was so moronic I couldn't take it seriously. F91 was certainly a hackjob, but it looked cool and didn't take itself too seriously so I could enjoy it as just a cool action movie with robots in space, something I could not bring myself to do for CCA.

          • 10 months ago

            oh ok fair enough. why did you not give a flying frick about the amuro-char showdown?

            • 10 months ago

              I didn't see the point

            • 10 months ago

              Not him; the biggest problem about the showdown in CCA is that it has 0 buildup outside of 0079. Zeta establishes Char and Amuro as both putting the grudge aside to focus on the future ahead, but then CCA comes and Char once again becomes a pathetic jaded manchild that wants to get Amuro's attention by dropping an asteroid on earth. I guess the premise of it is hype, and the animation is great. But it just felt like inverse character development for the both of them, I guess you can infer that Char was just putting a facade all throughout Zeta, and that he took the ''you'll have to be a sacrifice some day too'' line Amuro gives him to heart and did what he did but still. It's a good movie otherwise just sort of a piss poor end for both characters in general. Maybe if it had been an OVA/Series and they would have developed whatever they were both doing inbetween Zeta and CCA then it would have been more impactful, but otherwise it feels like a forced rivalry that had seemingly ended by the OYW anyway.

              • 10 months ago

                >but then CCA comes and Char once again becomes a pathetic jaded manchild that wants to get Amuro's attention by dropping an asteroid on earth.

                You didn't pay attention to Char in Zeta enough.

              • 10 months ago
              • 10 months ago

                Video edit of this.

              • 10 months ago

                Char got character assassinated in CCA.

              • 10 months ago

                Didn't Sayla make them stop and come to terms somewhat in 0079 too?

              • 10 months ago

                Char got character assassinated in CCA.

                pay attention next time speedwatcher

              • 10 months ago

                >call out movie with valid criticism
                >m-muh speedwatcher!
                lmao kys. explain why he is wrong or frick off

              • 10 months ago

                >valid criticism
                you taking liar aznable at face value and whining about him being ooc is not criticism.

              • 10 months ago

                >>call out movie with valid criticism
                Sorry to break it to you, but your "criticism" is garbage when the best response to it is simply to pay more attention & stop taking everything presented to you at face value. CCA does a great job at pulling your leg & subverting story telling better than anything in eva for example. You fail for it. Filtered.

              • 10 months ago

                pay more attention & stop taking everything presented to you at face value. CCA is doo-do.

              • 10 months ago

                >CCA is doo-do.
                Just like the beginning your posting.

              • 10 months ago

                What the frick are you on about?

              • 10 months ago

                >I guess you can infer that Char was just putting a facade all throughout Zeta
                Multiple characters explicitly state that as a likely possibility and Quattro "invasive brain surgery is cool" Bajeena isn't exactly the most moral actor in the show, especially in its last third.
                Half the fun of Zeta is trying to deduce how much of what is says is honest or just convenient lies.

              • 10 months ago

                >isn't exactly the most moral actor in the show
                Nobody in Zeta was a moral actor.

              • 10 months ago


              • 10 months ago


              • 10 months ago

                Just ignore the schizo poster, don’t give him (you)s

              • 10 months ago

                What the frick are you on about?

                Here's your (you).

              • 10 months ago


              • 10 months ago

                I really need to watch Zeta Gundam again. I haven't seen it since the EG release years ago. I remember the subtitles being terrible. There are so many releases now. Who has the best 1080p release and the highest quality subtitle translation? The ZetaRebel release has OZC subs and the Nozomi Entertainment BD subs.

      • 10 months ago
  7. 10 months ago

    I didn't like CCA that much when I first watched it then I thought about it and liked it more and years later when I rewatched it I loved it.

  8. 10 months ago

    >muh pacing
    Is there a buzzword more overused than 'pacing'?

    • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      >entire backstory not shown and poorly explained
      >character arcs that should span entire full length series are compressed into just a couple minutes
      >scene transitions are nonexistent, movie just cuts straight to the next scene
      >every scene is rushed
      kys moron spammer

      • 10 months ago

        This is the dumbest post itt, Speedwatcher.

        • 10 months ago

          more buzzwords

          • 10 months ago

            This post

            >entire backstory not shown and poorly explained
            >character arcs that should span entire full length series are compressed into just a couple minutes
            >scene transitions are nonexistent, movie just cuts straight to the next scene
            >every scene is rushed
            kys moron spammer

            is a buzzword salad. Buzzword redundancy of the worst kind.

      • 10 months ago

        Sounds like someone didn’t pay attention

    • 10 months ago


  9. 10 months ago

    Rewatch it in like 6 months and continue to do so for the rest of your life because it gets better each time you do

  10. 10 months ago

    Me and my brother watched it once, we drank heavily before so, laughed our asses off, I passed out for the fourth fifth of the movie, and then the final fight happened. Everyone died but it was kinda cool.

    3/5 movie, but it added to a 5/5 day so I enjoyed it 🙂

  11. 10 months ago

    Another zoomie filtered by a masterpiece. Nothing to see here, move along /m/en.

  12. 10 months ago

    Char has an inability to connect with anyone in his life except basically, the thrill of combat with Amuro and a disdain for humanity and life that comes to a peak in mother issues and spouting nonsense

    He's basically just a self destructing moron who had no greater ambition after becoming massively disillusioned with life

    • 10 months ago

      CCA makes a lot more sense if you treat it as Char's Mid Life Crisis, except being Char blowing all his money on a Corvette isn't enough.

  13. 10 months ago

    Simple 2-hour movie continues to baffle /m/ because they don't actually watch the thing they talk about anymore.

  14. 10 months ago

    here's the actual redpill : CCA is the fourth movie in the Gundam Trilogy and you watched a whole series of filler

    • 10 months ago

      >whole series of filler what did the movies add to the story that the series didn't?

  15. 10 months ago

    Why does Chars personality change so much from MSG and ZZ and CCA?
    Why did Quess side with Char?

    • 10 months ago

      In MSG, Char's main motivation is getting revenge on the Zabis, after that he's kind of lost since he was focused on that so strongly for all of his life since childhood and never really thought about anything else.

      Afterward Char tries to fill the void in his life by taking up a do-gooder stance by the time of Zeta, by helping create the AEUG which promotes a pro-spacenoid agenda that he thinks his father would approve of and tries to resist the corrupt Federation. However he doesn't want to lead the whole organization like Blex and the others need him to, and he just wants to work on the front lines as an MS pilot. And we all know he abandons the AEUG in the end.

      I think that for CCA, Char decides to try to work on the two remaining driving forces left in his life, his rivalry with Amuro and the fact that being Char Aznable, he has this forever association with Zeon that will never go away, so he leans into it to at least make it work in his favor. He returns to the public eye to raise a new Neo Zeon army using his name and fame as Char Aznable despite hating being a politician and being in the spotlight with the intention of forcing a final duel with Amuro, everything else he's doing is actually secondary to him, but not meaningless. On some level he actually does want to destroy the Federation, but not as much as actually getting that duel with Amuro.

      We know that for a fact that Char hates acting as a politicianspokespersonetc. He did the Dakar speech and then never goes public again for years. He rejects leadership of the AEUG that they tried to give him and had zero intention of challenging Haman for leadership of her Zeon forces. Therefore if he is doing it in CCA, it might be because he has no choice and/or is actually pursuing another goal.

      Continued in next post since this is getting long-ish

      • 10 months ago

        The one time we hear Char's inner thoughts in CCA, he thinks to himself hoping that Amuro will come after him because he himself acknowledges that he is doing wicked things (when he is t). On top of that, it's a fact that in two different versions of CCA (Beltorchika's Children) we know that Char leaks psycoframe to Amuro so it can be installed in his new Gundam, and in each version the way it was done was different but still intentional.

        Char absolutely wants a duel with Amuro with all the stops pulled out and not as a sparring match or training fight. He's intentionally becoming the biggest threat to not just the Feds but mankind so Amuro cannot refuse to fight him, it'd be the moral thing to try and stop Char. After all, Char himself acknowledges that he's doing sinful things. However, Nanai who is also a newtype, can sort of tell that this plan is also a way of forcing an ultimate showdown with Amuro since she calls it out as much.

        It's also convenient that Char is doing all this in a way that also sort of fulfills the goals of satisfying his long dead father's philosophy of getting everyone the frick off Earth, although it is twisted to be essentially doing it while murdering millions to billions of people, but then again a bunch of Zeon groups before him have already done similar mass attacks anyway so if anything it's standard operating procedure for Zeon remnants and he's actually hoping to use it to force Amuro to fight him for doing it.

        You think char has a bit of a martyr complex?

    • 10 months ago

      In MSG, Char's main motivation is getting revenge on the Zabis, after that he's kind of lost since he was focused on that so strongly for all of his life since childhood and never really thought about anything else.

      Afterward Char tries to fill the void in his life by taking up a do-gooder stance by the time of Zeta, by helping create the AEUG which promotes a pro-spacenoid agenda that he thinks his father would approve of and tries to resist the corrupt Federation. However he doesn't want to lead the whole organization like Blex and the others need him to, and he just wants to work on the front lines as an MS pilot. And we all know he abandons the AEUG in the end.

      I think that for CCA, Char decides to try to work on the two remaining driving forces left in his life, his rivalry with Amuro and the fact that being Char Aznable, he has this forever association with Zeon that will never go away, so he leans into it to at least make it work in his favor. He returns to the public eye to raise a new Neo Zeon army using his name and fame as Char Aznable despite hating being a politician and being in the spotlight with the intention of forcing a final duel with Amuro, everything else he's doing is actually secondary to him, but not meaningless. On some level he actually does want to destroy the Federation, but not as much as actually getting that duel with Amuro.

      We know that for a fact that Char hates acting as a politicianspokespersonetc. He did the Dakar speech and then never goes public again for years. He rejects leadership of the AEUG that they tried to give him and had zero intention of challenging Haman for leadership of her Zeon forces. Therefore if he is doing it in CCA, it might be because he has no choice and/or is actually pursuing another goal.

      Continued in next post since this is getting long-ish

      The one time we hear Char's inner thoughts in CCA, he thinks to himself hoping that Amuro will come after him because he himself acknowledges that he is doing wicked things (when he is t). On top of that, it's a fact that in two different versions of CCA (Beltorchika's Children) we know that Char leaks psycoframe to Amuro so it can be installed in his new Gundam, and in each version the way it was done was different but still intentional.

      Char absolutely wants a duel with Amuro with all the stops pulled out and not as a sparring match or training fight. He's intentionally becoming the biggest threat to not just the Feds but mankind so Amuro cannot refuse to fight him, it'd be the moral thing to try and stop Char. After all, Char himself acknowledges that he's doing sinful things. However, Nanai who is also a newtype, can sort of tell that this plan is also a way of forcing an ultimate showdown with Amuro since she calls it out as much.

      It's also convenient that Char is doing all this in a way that also sort of fulfills the goals of satisfying his long dead father's philosophy of getting everyone the frick off Earth, although it is twisted to be essentially doing it while murdering millions to billions of people, but then again a bunch of Zeon groups before him have already done similar mass attacks anyway so if anything it's standard operating procedure for Zeon remnants and he's actually hoping to use it to force Amuro to fight him for doing it.

    • 10 months ago

      >dude who lies to his allies and loves lalah
      >dude who lies to his allies and misses lalah
      >dude who lies to his allies and hates Amuro for taking lalah away.
      Seems pretty consistent to me.
      >why did Quess side with Char
      She ultimately just wanted attention from powerful people. Her parents didn't give it to her so she rebelled against them. Amuro didn't give it to her so ran to the enemy. By CCA Char has perfected the art of giving thirsty women just enough attention to keep them doing what he wants.

    • 10 months ago

      >Why does Chars personality change so much from MSG and ZZ and CCA?
      Char was always a fricking simp. What about him changed in any iterations?

    • 10 months ago

      0079-Zeta-CCA makes far more sense when you realize Char is a legitimate psychopath, or at least so emotionally dulled he can't genuinely connect with anyone. He only ever cared about avenging his dad, then forgot about that because Amuro hurt his pride, then after the zabis are dead decided to latch onto his dad's ideals to have an excuse to shoot shit in giant robots, then finally just threw a temper tantrum to make Amuro notice him because he's still butthurt about being a worse pilot and not pounding indian pussy

  16. 10 months ago

    >Provides flawed "valid criticism"
    >"criticism" comes from speed watching & not paying attention
    Wasn't even good criticism when your own issues with the movie boils down to you not paying attention. Not rocket science.

  17. 10 months ago

    CCA was kino, Siskel and Ebert gave it 2 dicks up

  18. 10 months ago

    Eva is too based for /M/PCs

    • 10 months ago

      >Eva is too GAY for /M/CHADS

      • 10 months ago

        that anno ikuhara rumour was true after all, wasn't it?

        • 10 months ago

          >that anno ikuhara rumour was true after all, wasn't it?
          >Literal art imitating life

      • 10 months ago
        dorkly_chair at

        I never put that together

  19. 10 months ago

    the movies is great , stop being a bozo op

  20. 10 months ago

    Being a contrarian doesn't make you interesting.

  21. 10 months ago

    Gundams look good, the art looks good, the fricking green haired b***h or whatever was awful. Frick that b***h.
    Amuro vs Char had it's fitting end with the final episode of 0079. The movie is for them to complete their arcs, not their rivalry.

  22. 10 months ago

    today marks two years since the first time I watched CCA and I've been obsessed with TM NETWORK since

  23. 10 months ago

    I couldn't stop laughing how HatAway couldnt stop being a fricking simpleton for a crazy girl.
    The white base cursed all of its passengers to beget nothing but /vt/-tier simpletons

  24. 10 months ago

    I actually prefer the OVA format far more than episodic bullshit. I think. CCA found the secret sauce. The only negative of CCA is the jump from the end of ZZ, there is no direct connection, so I'm hoping that means there is more room to expand the story, as was done with Origin.
    Reminds me, Origin gets a lot of hate, but having finally watched it a month or two ago, its probably the best they've made right behind Unicorn.

  25. 10 months ago

    i like it.

  26. 10 months ago

    Fantastic space fights and MS designs, everything else is a drag. You'd be hard pressed to find someone who defends this movie without some level of post-hoc justification.

    • 10 months ago

      >post-hoc justification.
      Tomino already decided how he wanted the movie to go down during pre production.

  27. 10 months ago

    I nearly chocked on my drink when Hathaway went full moron about about how killing is bad and proceeds to blast bamboozled friendly

    Was kind of a let down for Chars endgame to be throwing tantrum about lalah and and going to job to amuro once again. Animations and designs were cool thou, but still left feeling like was that it

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