Am I the only one who thinks the backlash against this was blown out of proportion?

Am I the only one who thinks the backlash against this was blown out of proportion? When I first heard about it, the way people were shitting on it, I thought the dude prooompted "make me a Rankin/Bass styled Scooby Doo x FNaF crossover cartoon short" into some AI slop generator and just uploaded the output to youtube.
And why try to blacklist him from connecting with actual voice actors? Wouldn't that make him lean on AI voices even more?
The creator doesn't come across like a smug techbro who wants to replace all VAs, and everything apart from the voices was created from the ground up, the vitriol just seems so unwarranted. Which is a shame because the animation is just a non-malicious, charming and well-made homage that integrates both properties seamlessly, it deserves better than to be known for this pure autism fest. Why couldn't people have raised their concerns in a polite, civil way? The creator has been fully understanding and co-operative, is there a reason why people jumped straight to wringing his throat like he personally wanted every voice actor shipped to the gas chambers for skynet?

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  1. 10 months ago

    It got backlash?

    • 10 months ago

      Grey Deshit got mad her voice, that was in every tv show in the past because she prostituted herself early on, was used and made a big stink on twitter and the tiwtter cultists got riled up.

      It's ugly, soulless junk that capitalizes on the work of actual artists. Frick off with your bullshit.

      >It's ugly
      >capitalizes on work of actual artists
      by this alone Cinemaphile probably loves it you fricking troony.

      • 10 months ago

        >Grey DeLisle
        Ah, say no more. I would sort of understand backlash if it were a major studio doing it, but in this case it’s just an independent fan-project.

        • 10 months ago

          She’s trying to get him blacklisted from ever working in the animation industry.

          • 10 months ago

            No anon it's okay, the VAs all backtracked with half-hearted, insincere "oh sorry IF we caused you any trouble" apologies

      • 10 months ago

        Was it even her voice, or the original's voice?

        • 10 months ago

          It's misspelled as Greg, but it's there in the credits.

          • 10 months ago

            No idea why but that's just funny to me.

      • 10 months ago

        Am I the only one who thinks the backlash against this was blown out of proportion? When I first heard about it, the way people were shitting on it, I thought the dude prooompted "make me a Rankin/Bass styled Scooby Doo x FNaF crossover cartoon short" into some AI slop generator and just uploaded the output to youtube.
        And why try to blacklist him from connecting with actual voice actors? Wouldn't that make him lean on AI voices even more?
        The creator doesn't come across like a smug techbro who wants to replace all VAs, and everything apart from the voices was created from the ground up, the vitriol just seems so unwarranted. Which is a shame because the animation is just a non-malicious, charming and well-made homage that integrates both properties seamlessly, it deserves better than to be known for this pure autism fest. Why couldn't people have raised their concerns in a polite, civil way? The creator has been fully understanding and co-operative, is there a reason why people jumped straight to wringing his throat like he personally wanted every voice actor shipped to the gas chambers for skynet?

        I'm going to be offensive here but isn't voice acting sort of just a lazy art?
        Like... cool... you were born with a smooth voice and you can act...
        I also can act as well as you, but I was not born with a smooth voice, so you get paid and I do not.
        But I do not think that they are doing hard work at all, and yet they act as if it's this extremely ...impressive thing worth protecting. I think they are just protecting their wallets, you know what I mean?

        • 10 months ago

          >I also can act as well as you, but I was not born with a smooth voice, so you get paid and I do not.
          post your voice lmao, this just sounds like sour grapes to me

          • 10 months ago

            I can do you one better by posting myself talking through an AI voice. It retains all my emotion and inflections but just converts my voice into a good-sounding one.

            • 10 months ago

              How long does it take to do? Cause ya posted this 20minutes ago

            • 10 months ago

              >It retains all my emotion and inflections
              Or lackthereof if


              is any indication

        • 10 months ago

          >I also can act as well as you, but I was not born with a smooth voice, so you get paid and I do not.
          It's not even about if your voice is good or not. It's just another industry clique where they'll always pick the same dozen well-known names whose connections get them into every fricking game, show, and movie. Nolan North isn't that fricking good, but he's everywhere. Debra Wilson isn't an amazing VA or mo-cap actor, but she's in every fricking game these days. It's because they have strong, nepotistic connections and they know people who will overvalue them instead of building up a wider stable of talent.

        • 10 months ago

          its alittle more than that, most VA's are in small sound-proof boxes to record there shit and have to mind how much liquids they take because it might disrupt how they sound, how long they stay in the hot ass box with no AC because vents and the air will disrupt the recording and the over 9000 takes of a single line that could take quite abit. Let you know anon, im not defending this roasty but giving you some idea how it is normally. Frick im not even a pro of any kind but trying to do a consistent voice for afew hours of DnD because I like to challenge myself and stay in character is enough for my voice to become hoarse and running to the can for fifty piss so I dont turn into a crackling, wheezing squeak toy afterwards.

      • 10 months ago

        She’s seriously doing that after supporting NFTs?

        • 10 months ago

          It's like how the loudest virtue signalling voices in Hollywood are usually the ones actually trafficking underage girls. She's not actually mad about AI because she doesn't understand it's limitations, she's mad that she didn't get a cut out of a popular thing while her value is in decline.

        • 10 months ago

          She did what

          • 10 months ago

            You heard me.

    • 10 months ago

      For some odd fricking reason,a bunch of artists have rallied together to ruin this guy's life bc he use AI generated voices instead of hiring voice actors for his animation.

  2. 10 months ago

    nah, it's a not for profit college project with copyright characters. He's just showing off his ability to animate.

  3. 10 months ago

    It's ugly, soulless junk that capitalizes on the work of actual artists. Frick off with your bullshit.

    • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      The animation was not AI generated, it was made from scratch by a human being

      • 10 months ago

        Yeah, no it wasn't.

        • 10 months ago

          Actual idiot detected.
          The rankin bass thing has been done by dudes in blender for a while now. Litearlly school yourself moron.

        • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      Aww somebody is mad that their wokie beanmouth shit is getting replaced with AI. We warned you frickers about this.

      • 10 months ago

        >pro ai
        >doesn't even use ai as a reaction image

    • 10 months ago

      Seethe more primitive gay

    • 10 months ago

      It OBJECTIVELY has more soul than Velma, but of course since it uses a little bit of AI you immediately dismiss it.

      • 10 months ago

        >a little bit of AI
        Any AI is too much, pajeet

        • 10 months ago

          Whatever you say, industry shill

          • 10 months ago

            You gotta be baiting. Because everyone and their mother shit on Velma. Not a single person has ever referred to it as soulful. You’re fricking crazy if you think someone is shilling it. Especially here of all places.

            • 10 months ago

              That's his intention. He's trying to imply that anyone who takes Grey Delise and the other industry guy's side unironically believes that pic.

            • 10 months ago

              Thrn why did it win an award from President Biden himself then, huh?! Somebody must habe like it enough to give Mindy THAT kind of accolade.

            • 10 months ago

              That's his intention. He's trying to imply that anyone who takes Grey Delise and the other industry guy's side unironically believes that pic.

              No, it's a hyperbolic pic that demonstrates that a cartoon made with AI can have more artistic merit than a cartoon that doesn't have AI and you're a sperg if you believe otherwise.

            • 10 months ago

              >You gotta be baiting
              Way to go, Sherlock, you figured it out.

        • 10 months ago

          >Doesn't know Disney just used AI in Secret Invasion credits.
          >Or how they used AI for Grand Moff Tarkin in the NuTrilogy or de-aging Luke in Mandolorian
          Who knew a bunch of israelites were the real street shitters all along.

    • 10 months ago

      Posts like this don't make me feel bad that eventually you buttholes will be entirely replaced by AI.

      • 10 months ago

        We already have trolling bots, why are YOU still here?

    • 10 months ago

      You must be one of those c**ts who told factory workers and miners to "learn to code".
      So, Learn to code.

      • 10 months ago

        >You must be one of those c**ts who told factory workers and miners to "learn to code".
        I have still not seen any proof of artists saying this ever. If you want to go shit on huffington post go shit on huffington post. that's a completely different field.

    • 10 months ago

      Behold the apex of anti-ai arguments
      this moron doesn't even know what the topic is about, he hasn't seen the video, he just heard "ai" and jumped to a bunch of conclusions, it doesn't actually matter to him what actually happens he just wants to whine about AI because he thinks some art ho will toss him a pity frick if he defends the sanctity of twitter artists on a patagonian smoke signal site

      • 10 months ago

        >Behold the apex of anti-ai arguments
        You mean nadir, unless you're being especially shirty.

        • 10 months ago

          I'm not being shirty at all, perhaps somewhat pantsy maybe even jackety but surely not shirty

  4. 10 months ago

    A few industry homosexuals overreacted to it and everyone spent the next couple days dunking on them for trying to blacklist an unpaid indie amateur animator.

    They were just in such a hurry to virtue signal because HURRR DURR AI BAD ACTORS GOOD that they went and showed their true colors: Industry pros are not your friends. They don't care about the little guy. Given the chance, they'll spit in your face and destroy your career because solidarity and supporting underpaid, overworked artists who are the mercy of a nepotistic, corrupt system is just a meme they use to trick people into thinking they have souls.

    • 10 months ago

      Succinctly put. It's ghouls from the top bottom. Everyone's a fricking highschooler in the creative arts field.

      Yeah, no it wasn't.

      Actual mouthbreathing dumbass, Trips of Tards confirm

    • 10 months ago

      >A few industry homosexuals overreacted to it and everyone spent the next couple days dunking on them for trying to blacklist an unpaid indie amateur animator.
      Jesus I have never met anyone more delusional than you AI cargo cultists. You basically walk through playgrounds with your genitals exposed and then wonder why everyone calls you perverts and pedophiles and assume the problem is with them.

      • 10 months ago

        >SH-SHUT UP
        >YOU'RE A PEDO
        Lmao this is fricking pathetic, even by Cinemaphile's standards. Unironically have a nice day, homosexual.

    • 10 months ago

      Yeah, millionaires are trying to blacklist a poorgay who wrote, modeled and animated a video without ad revenue. And we are supposed to side with the VAs to support art?

  5. 10 months ago

    I mean, I agree the controversy was stupid, but this is also like the 5th thread we’ve had about it.

    • 10 months ago

      Quote isn't met yet. Has to reach double digits before we stop or the jannies make a move

    • 10 months ago

      I missed the first ones but reading them on tbharchive was fricking infuriating. Cinemaphile can be just as moronic as twitter.

      Aww somebody is mad that their wokie beanmouth shit is getting replaced with AI. We warned you frickers about this.

      Another thing that's frustrating is when people like (You) make shitty tribalism-encouraging posts like this, everyone takes them at face value to justify relentless AI rage. But when anti-AI people have ridiculously dumb takes, clearly they're just trolls just trying to get a reaction.

      • 10 months ago

        That's right moron, everything is gonna be fine, totally won't eliminate virtually every member of production, that's never happened before...

      • 10 months ago

        >But when anti-AI people have ridiculously dumb takes, clearly they're just trolls just trying to get a reaction.

        To be fair there is no way you can support luddism without sounding like a moron or troll.

        • 10 months ago

          Most people here would support the original Luddites if they understood what they were about, but the old-timey propaganda has settled deep.

          • 10 months ago

            What the everloving frick is a luddite

            • 10 months ago

              People who hate new technology.

            • 10 months ago

              An early labour movement that used machine-breaking as one of its primary weapons. They were violently suppressed and characterised by their enemies as thoughtless opponents of progress, so that today the word refers to anyone opposed to new technology.

      • 10 months ago

        >Another thing that's frustrating is when people like (You) make shitty tribalism-encouraging posts like this, everyone takes them at face value to justify relentless AI rage. But when anti-AI people have ridiculously dumb takes, clearly they're just trolls just trying to get a reaction.
        Nah you were well warned that ugly garbage with no artistry and a race to the bottom was going to produce an environment that was not conducive to making decent products. You didn't listen because it was inconvenient to your profit seeking and desire for validation, you will now suffer the consequences forever.

  6. 10 months ago

    I agree with this take that there was literally no winning for this guy. Frick Twitter """"artists"""". Their mentality is unironically what got John Lasseter fired after trying to push for early CG at Disney only to be told, "It looks like shit, it ruins animation, get it out of here!".

    • 10 months ago

      >do shitty impersonations of the characters yourself instead of being lazy
      >everyone goes "wow, SOVL"

    • 10 months ago

      >Frick Twitter """"artists"""". Their mentality is unironically what got John Lasseter fired after trying to push for early CG at Disney only to be told, "It looks like shit, it ruins animation, get it out of here!".
      Thank God for Elon Musk and his subliminal attempts to destroy the Twitter platform completely

    • 10 months ago

      >only to be told, "It looks like shit, it ruins animation, get it out of here!"
      And they were right, what was the point you were trying to make?

  7. 10 months ago

    Don’t worry Scooby fans, we’ll be able to actually talk about this in a few weeks once the AI drama dies down.

    • 10 months ago

      >fnaf shit
      I’d rather not honestly.

  8. 10 months ago

    Twitter cancelled scott cawthon, wouldn't expect any less

    • 10 months ago

      He donated money to trump tho
      Frick him

      • 10 months ago

        Trump is great. Frick you

      • 10 months ago

        Don't be so anti diversity anon.

        I still don't get why this specific video triggered people so bad.

        It's like the worst possible example of "lazy stolen AI shit" you could have focused on. Like, there's tons of AI covers using cartoon characters, some with dead voice actors, getting pumped out daily with hardly any human input in the videos other than putting a crusty jpeg over a poorly filtered copyrighted song. There's Shaggy and Scooby AI voiced videos that have been up for months already. Why target the one video with undoubtedly the most human input and effort put into it, where the AI use is practically negligible? It's not like the creator thinks AI is better, he just lacked (or felt like he lacked) connections, he switched to real VAs as soon as he realized he actually had the option to, so what was the point of trying to make an example of him? What did shitting on him and trying to blacklist him accomplish that a tactful nudge to let him know "the AI voices were a bad idea, but don't worry, here's where you can find some free VAs" wouldn't?

        If the celebrities weren't involved, I would have thought this controversy was a faked to hell psyop to make anyone critical of AI look deranged. Did Grey apologize at least? I don't use xitter so I can't view shit unless it gets posted here.

        But yeah this turned into a nothingburger in real time. Just literally no reason to go all out on a naive college student who lacked foresight (as most amateurs naturally do, regardless of what a hot topic AI is to the chronically online crowd), learned, and was willing to redub ASAP. I don't really believe he was "backtracking" or "groveling" like some have said, I don't think he wanted to use AI at all considering Scooby and Shaggy had real voices, he just didn't want to do bad impressions, he is clearly autistic so he might have felt too self-conscious about not doing it perfect.

        I dunno. How did any of the bullies involved think to themselves "I am a good person" during this, shit's fricked

        Because he's a potential target they can threaten to blacklist, as opposed to some nobodoy who has no potential future.

        >But yeah this turned into a nothingburger in real time.
        I think it's hurt the position of the strikers. That's something.

    • 10 months ago

      Scott played it smart honestly

      >Literally has more money than he knows what to do with even with donations
      >Getting a little burnt out on fnaf stuff and wants to take a break / chill with his family
      >Twitter spergs throw a b***hfit about his association to orange man
      >People telling Twitter cult to frick off
      >Scott uses this as a convenient out. Lets another group manage his cash cow, but he still has a hand on it so he is totally free to hop back in whenever if ever he feels like it. Also still helping with the movie he somehow got
      >Makes the twitter cult look bad while getting what he wants
      >Judging by the trailer views, the movie is going to make bank so twitter tards lose again as he continues to relax
      >Will probably donate to republican party for upcoming election again which will make them seethe harder

      • 10 months ago

        as a non american I was shocked by this drama, they just bullied the guy for not voting democrat even though he was not racist, anti immigrant, homophobe or anti trans, and they only stopped because since most of the internet is not american they couldn't just covince non american kids on youtube(most of the fnaf fandom) to give a frick

        • 10 months ago

          >they just bullied the guy for not voting democrat even though he was not racist, anti immigrant, homophobe or anti trans
          Voting Republican makes you all those things. But if you actually are those things, Republicans throw you under the bus.

  9. 10 months ago

    >actually gets a VA for shaggy and scoob
    >they actually sound good
    >use AIshit for everyone else
    >they sound robotic and monotone
    it's his own fault, he got VAs for the hardest voices to emulate but for some reason couldn't get some cheap ass freelancer to do the easiest voice impressions imaginable. "New to the animation community" is not an excuse when Newgrounds has been doing this shit easy for decades now.

    • 10 months ago

      >when Newgrounds has been doing this shit easy for decades now.
      Most Newgrounds shit has fricking awful voice acting, frick are you smoking?
      Usually that awfulness was part of the charm since they couldn't do any better.
      Then the awfulness of Newgrounds voice acting started infecting the actual industry, which is how we end up with godawful ecelebs voicing characters in media nowadays.

      • 10 months ago

        >which is how we end up with godawful ecelebs voicing characters in media nowadays
        Are you moronic? Ecelebs voicing shit is just an extension of celebrities voicing shit which has been a thing for ages now. Also it's piss easy to find someone to do a Fred, Velma, or Daphne voice. They're just normal voices. He got needlessly lazy with the easiest part.

        • 10 months ago

          >Ecelebs voicing shit is just an extension of celebrities voicing shit which has been a thing for ages now.
          c**t, most of those shitty ecelebs are literally morons from Newgrounds.
          I'm not talking about random Youtubers, I'm talking about people like Kira Buckland and Kirbopher or whatever that c**t's name is.

          • 10 months ago

            Why are you sperging out about dub shit moron? That's literally what the vast majority of so called "Newgrounds ecelebs" amounted to. You also named like 2 out of the 4 that have any sort of profile, there's barely any of them with any sort of footprint that aren't from the 00s old guard.

    • 10 months ago

      Shaggy is his friend and Scoob is himself.

    • 10 months ago

      Thats ass fricking backwards you gigamoron, any dumbass can do a scooby and shaggy impression

    • 10 months ago

      The VA is him and his friend. He has no money to hire voice actors dumb shit Black person

      • 10 months ago

        >he doesn't have five dollars
        Bullshit anon

      • 10 months ago

        He's a student, plus plenty of VAs will work for free on fan projects for clout.

  10. 10 months ago

    why did he admit the voices were AI? should have just said he did them himself and modified them with a voice pitch thing

    • 10 months ago

      Because it was obvious that they were AI voices? You'd have to be moronic to use AI shit then try to deny it's AI shit when it's this easy to tell.

      • 10 months ago

        I didn't notice it.

        • 10 months ago

          We've established that most people that can't notice AIslop are genuinely moronic already.

    • 10 months ago

      Then it would have blown up ten times harder when some "Twitter sleuth" exposed him. He did the right thing admitting it and now the indy gays look like bullies.

  11. 10 months ago

    He's getting actual VAs by the way

    • 10 months ago

      So he got bullied. I hope fricking studios start using AI more now.

      • 10 months ago

        No, shut the frick up, this was all blown out of proportion and sure as hell didn't deserve all this backlash but studios using AI over actual VAs is still shit, even he agrees, he only used AI out of necessity.
        It's not all black and white.

        • 10 months ago

          Still doesnt excuse Grey and Vivzies bullshit screaming. I will still jack off to Vivzie, but frick Grey. Fricking hate these LA voice actors.

          • 10 months ago

            Never said it did, VAs are still people, so you can expect a fair amount of them to be shit people too.

            There's no such thing as using AI out of "necessity" you fricking moron, the lazy c**t went out of his way to avoid paying voice actors so he could get his hideous trending algorithm pleasing kiddyshit video out faster

            He's a broke college student, he didn't want to insult VAs by asking them to work or for free, there's actual work and animation put into this, it's not like he's getting money out of it.

            • 10 months ago

              >there's actual work and animation put into this

              • 10 months ago


              • 10 months ago

                Then you try to make a cartoon Anon. Show us how it's supposed to be done.

                More rabid anti-AI people need to be told this. I know people's first instinct at this argument is to say
                >well I'm not a chef but I can still tell you if your soup tastes like shit
                but it's not fair that people who don't create anything take such pleasure in tearing apart artists based on pure ignorance and dunning-kruger. Plus, being told your art looks like shit is one thing, but being forcibly divorced from something you worked on because people don't even think a human made it is much worse.

                I seriously want to see the artwork/content of the people who fling AI accusations at artists. If you can so easily recognize all the tells and giveaways, surely you must be good artists yourselves with a good grasp of how art is made, right?

              • 10 months ago

                I am anti-AI, but there's no AI stuff in the actual animation, it's just the voices, an extremely minor part, I understand the hate for AI, but again, it's not fair to completely dismiss this whole thing just because he used AI voices, if anything, we should help the guy get in contact with actual VAs, not fricking blacklist him.

              • 10 months ago

                This. As I said

                As an LA voice actor who doesnt like AI themselves I think the dog piling on this guy was so uncalled for. Other VAs like to do that shit so they can feel good about themselves and act superior. Its fricking annoying.

                the voice acting community likes to find a person to get shit on so they feel good about themselves.

              • 10 months ago

                Let me tell you about the voice over conmunity. They'll shit on things that are an easy target so they can get brownie points but when one voice actor does the unpopular calls out Genshin Impacts late payments, they turn their backs since they want to suck the developers dick. There is a lot of gossip, toxicity, and backstabbing in the VO community. ESPECIALLY in LA. Theyll deny it but its true. I watch everything play out from the side. Its a sight to behold.

              • 10 months ago

                >but when one voice actor does the unpopular calls out Genshin Impacts late payments
                Wanna try that again?

              • 10 months ago

                Yea sorry. Basically a VA called out Genshin for not paying the actors on time and nobody had their back because they wanted to have good standing with the series.

                Tl;dr they will shit on things that are easy but if it hurts their careers, even though its the right thing to do, they'll look the other way.

              • 10 months ago

                Did you reply to the wrong post?

              • 10 months ago

                Then you try to make a cartoon Anon. Show us how it's supposed to be done.

              • 10 months ago

                Youre literally some mcdonalds wagie scraping shit off of your shoes and slapping them on a burger. You could never make anything worth watching fricking troony.

        • 10 months ago

          There's no such thing as using AI out of "necessity" you fricking moron, the lazy c**t went out of his way to avoid paying voice actors so he could get his hideous trending algorithm pleasing kiddyshit video out faster

          • 10 months ago

            Are you fricking kidding me, most people wouldn't give this much of a shit about free content. Chill the frick out

          • 10 months ago

            He's a student you do realize that right? Or did you selectively remove that from your brain?

            • 10 months ago

              How do you think other students find VAs for their shit? They talk to other students.

              • 10 months ago

                Maybe he's the quiet kid that sits in the back. And I don't blame him for not wanting to ask people.

              • 10 months ago

                they would be shit. better to use the AI. it's the way of the future. Once these old boomers are done, everything will be AI-voice acted and we'll be better for it.

              • 10 months ago

                But the AI voices are shit as well, better to have a half-decent impression that can actually emote rather than some robotic sounding shit.

      • 10 months ago

        I think the opposite happened where VAs threw themselves at him

        • 10 months ago

          cloutchasers after seeing a nameless project blow up. almost like AI is good for prototyping and showing a vision at the very least

    • 10 months ago

      Seems like he didn't take it as well as he is still getting backlash due to twitter users. He's future proofing now, but ultimately some people are really blind with their hatred.

      No, shut the frick up, this was all blown out of proportion and sure as hell didn't deserve all this backlash but studios using AI over actual VAs is still shit, even he agrees, he only used AI out of necessity.
      It's not all black and white.


  12. 10 months ago

    Why do people think the animation itself was AI generated? Ironically, you're giving AI too much credit, AI can't even consistently produce the same character over multiple frames yet. In a weird way, anti-AI spergs keep overcomplimenting AI's abilities, basically saying AI is capable of producing quality indistinguishable from a talented, creative human (it cannot) when really you're just jumping at shadows from paranoid schizAIphrenia.

    It's curious how most AI criticism seems like thinly veiled (or sometimes outright stated) "CGI bad" butthurt because you're normalgays who don't understand the process and think 3D artists just click a "model" or "animate" button or something and the computer magically does all the work for them. I've seen anons on multiple occasions equate using Blender or Maya to being a pajeet image proompter. I hope it's just trolling, because goddamn Cinemaphile, this is supposed to be the cartoon nerd board. If you can't tell the real stuff apart from AI garbage, you may be mentally handicapped.

    • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      Because they are brainlets and brainlets are prone to overreacting based on their own faulty understanding of the world around them.

    • 10 months ago

      >you're normalgays who don't understand the process and think 3D artists just click a "model" or "animate" button or something and the computer magically does all the work for them
      i enjoy 3D animation because i know this isn't how it works. i detest ai because this is exactly how it works.

      • 10 months ago

        The point of that post is a surprising number of people are using their criticisms of AI to shit on 3D art as a whole because they believe they're equally lazy and uncreative, and that they're responsible for the genocide/phasing out of 2D talent. That's not a defense of AI in the slightest, AI definitely is lazy and uncreative, it's more of an indictment of how ignorant people are on this subject.

        • 10 months ago

          CGI deserves all the shit it gets
          >hurr durr let's kill traditionally animated movies to cut costs and make more profit
          >costs more and takes longer anyway
          What the frick was the endgame? Most of it looks either generic as hell or uncanny hobgoblin ugly

        • 10 months ago

          >and that they're responsible for the genocide/phasing out of 2D talent.
          2D movies in the US thrived for 70 years, they died out in the very same decade Toy Story 1 was released

  13. 10 months ago

    I would rather watch beanmouth rigged animation then this 90's stop motion slop. The fact that it's made by an amateur that doesn't understand the severity of how bad AI is for the industry just makes it so much worse

    • 10 months ago

      >I would rather watch beanmouth rigged animation then this 90's stop motion slop.
      Unfortunately you're a Europoor so your opinion doesn't matter.

  14. 10 months ago

    Frick off

  15. 10 months ago

    Can’t wait to see this thread spammed countless more times and it devolving into the same arguments each and every time.

    • 10 months ago

      Apparenty mods will consider adding an /ai/ board if people keep posting about AI too much

      • 10 months ago

        Why not just take it to Cinemaphile?
        these new mods are fricking moronic since they add the worst fricking board ideas to cater to dipshits. like the fricking virtual youtuber board. That homosexual shit shouldve been exiled to /trash/ or stuck to /jp/ with the rest of the weeaboo cancer thats too gay for Cinemaphile.

        • 10 months ago

          because people on Cinemaphile also want a dedicated /ai/ board

        • 10 months ago

          The only thing wrong with /vt/ is that they didn't give it the /mlp/ treatment

      • 10 months ago

        please god, make it happen sooner rather than later. This shit is starting to get ridiculous.

        • 10 months ago

          Why not just take it to Cinemaphile?
          these new mods are fricking moronic since they add the worst fricking board ideas to cater to dipshits. like the fricking virtual youtuber board. That homosexual shit shouldve been exiled to /trash/ or stuck to /jp/ with the rest of the weeaboo cancer thats too gay for Cinemaphile.

          >implying that will solve anything
          Very few AI threads are from hobbyists, most are from shills or shitposters trying to stir up drama. We'll still get hourly AI threads here whether there's a containment board or not.

          • 10 months ago

            we need a barneygay for ai

            • 10 months ago

              Aren't the "SHILL SHILL PAJEET SHILL GOOD MORNING SIRS" posters basically that?

    • 10 months ago

      Or you could just hide the threads you don’t like you whingy homosexual.

  16. 10 months ago

    I would rather get art from guys like this kid aided by AI than the current slop we get.

    • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      >I have a small white penis

      • 10 months ago

        I am not a fricking white.

  17. 10 months ago

    I really don't see the problem. How would he even be able to afford the VAs to begin with? If he could afford voice actors he would hire voice actors, besides he's not profiting off of this anyway so it's not like anyone would be losing money except for him

    • 10 months ago

      >How would he even be able to afford the VAs to begin with?
      Talk to friends. Talk to other students. Find freelancers willing to work for the cheap. This is how everyone else does it and have been doing it, how is he a special case?

      • 10 months ago

        >This is how everyone else does it
        Name 20. Now.

        • 10 months ago

          Literally every single student project short that has voice work for one. And he's an animation student, he should know better and have access to more than the average joe.

      • 10 months ago

        Why should he do that and waste his time? He's building up essential skills for the future by using AI. VAs and the like have been shorting up a corrupt and dangerous entertainment industry. They and Hollywood deserve to be taken down. Art brought back to the people and not in the hands of brainless execs. By using AI, he is making the world a better place for everyone, including future people who won't have to expose themselves to the toxicity of hollywood to create

      • 10 months ago

        For what fricking purpose? For prideful reasons? Because "muh soul"? Frick that. There's literally no reason he can't use AI for a fan project. It's no more "immoral" than drawing fanart or voice splicing. You may as well tell him he needs to actually do it in stop-motion and stop cheating with Blender.

        • 10 months ago

          >You may as well tell him he needs to actually do it in stop-motion and stop cheating with Blender.
          That's an interesting point. Are these Blender faux stopmotion videos taking away work from real stopmotion artists, or at least trivializing the process and making stopmotion artists feel obsolete?

          • 10 months ago

            What do you mean taking away work? Stop motion is basically dead as a commercial art-form these days outside of being propped up by a Nike heir.

            • 10 months ago

              so it's okay for stop motion to die, but not voice acting? hypocrite

              • 10 months ago

                Who said it was okay? It's not like anything can be done now, it's dead commercially. This is not a value judgement, it just is what it is.

    • 10 months ago

      Forget affording AI, isn’t voice acting fan projects like this, and therefore putting money to your project, a fast track to lawsuit town? Isn’t AI entirely necessary because of the fricked up rules about likeness and fair use?

      That’s what I’ve assumed. That’s why I’m not even going to TRY and find VAs for my fan projects, AI is still somewhat a grey area.

      • 10 months ago

        >That’s what I’ve assumed.
        Then you are a complete moron. Impersonators have been a thing forever and are completely fine.

  18. 10 months ago

    >Every art field has been stealing from each other for thousands of years

    Lmao, just under a year ago, we were having constantly threads about plagiarism in Cinemaphile. Now suddenly it's seen as okay because at least it's not AI. Fricking pathetic.

    • 10 months ago

      it was never okay
      and its not gonna become okay for ai

    • 10 months ago

      Oh boy, we're gonna get into the artistic reference debate again, can't wait

    • 10 months ago

      It's always funny seeing mouthbreathing morons that can't understand the difference between outright tracing something and referencing, becoming even more moronic and being unable to comprehend how literally shoving art through a machine is even more different.

  19. 10 months ago

    While I don't agree with the fact that he used AI tools (there's probably a lot of amateur/prospective voice actors that would have volunteered just to have their name on something, and the AI voices in the video sound really flat compared to those that are actually voiced), I also don't think he should be dog-piled like this. I see a shit ton of crappy, no-effort "AI song covers" infesting youtube these days, and yet nobody seems to say anything about that.
    I do understand people's reaction though, even if I don't agree with it. Corporate show-runners will see something like this, where an AI generated voice based on an active working actor can provide a passable performance, and they'll see that using these AI voices is a viable alternative to paying voice actors.

  20. 10 months ago

    Reminder that the guy that started the dogpilling of this guy is an unironic commie who wants to erode both the first and second amendments

    • 10 months ago

      I don't care, amerishart. I just feel sorry for the kid for getting shat on by an official VA from a cartoon series he loves when he never set out to hurt anyone. It's brutal.

      • 10 months ago

        I mean cool, but the erosion of civil liberties is never a good thing, foreigner or not it's something you shouldn't support.

    • 10 months ago

      Why are American unions so shit and scummy compared to unions in Europe? I live in France. It weirds me out how pro-communist and anti-free speech american unions are. It’s weird enough France being one of the most atheistic nations in earth yet American media far more anti-Christianity than France.

      • 10 months ago

        Hint: Commiefornia

      • 10 months ago

        Our Unions were founded by mobsters.

      • 10 months ago

        Because americans both right and left unironically think you literally can't have welfare without being a socialist, that taxes are a socialist thing, unions are a socialist thing, that social justice is a socialist thing etc, they think capitalism = anarchocapitalism

        They think that US is a "hybrid economy" and that Europe is "socialist", Karl Marx himself would say that the entire west is 100% capitalist.

      • 10 months ago

        Unions in the west are primarily run by people looking to enrich themselves over actually help their workers. I worked UPS, was union with the teamsters. My first experience trying to get help, I walk into the union hall and the union head is sitting at a fancy table over the remains of a poker game, cigar in hand. their response to me being fired for a week for cussing out a manager was “fill this paperwork and show up to this meeting with your new manager next week”. Rinse and repeat for the month before I quit because management somehow thought I should be forced to load 6 trucks in a 3 hour shift by myself with a pulled muscle in my shoulder.

      • 10 months ago

        >yet American media far more anti-Christianity than France.

    • 10 months ago

      If anything the founding fathers would be jizzing in their pants at the sort of firepower your average American has access to these days.

    • 10 months ago

      He also wrote a lot of old Spongebob episodes like Just One Bite, Graveyard Shift, Krusty Love, Big Pink Loser, etc.

  21. 10 months ago

    Mary Kay Bergman would be ashamed of Grey.

  22. 10 months ago

    I'm no fan of AI myself, but the man had no budget or connections, he used literally only what he had, it's a Scooby Doo/FNAF crossover for fricks sakes, did they expect him to actually hire VA for this?

    This isn't some fricking megacorp replacing you with a robot, it's a upstart animator who made a silly fan-fiction with a free software. Shame on Grey for being this petty, and Jay for bringing this on his doorstep

    This is somehow worse than the whole Bayonetta thing, which was also extremely petty

    • 10 months ago

      A perfectly good Fred impressionist out there starved, there's no excuse

      • 10 months ago

        How many Fred impressionists do you think starve everyday?

      • 10 months ago

        Ah yes, because we all just KNOW people who do good impressions of classic cartoon characters, I know at least 3 Goofy's and a Rocky the Flying Squirrel.

      • 10 months ago

        >AI took my only job, now I'm going to starve

      • 10 months ago

        That "perfectly good Fred impressionist out there" was going to starve regardless because the animator had no money to pay him anyways.

        Really, what's the difference between an AI replicating a voice and simply voice splicing/borrowing from existing clips? I don't hear such backlash from Nintendo still using the same exact "Wahoos!" Martinet did for Mario, 20 years ago.

    • 10 months ago

      He hired 2 VAs and no one cares if your Fred/Daphne/Velma is shit. Compromising on the EASY voices is what's fricking lazy. All AI or all VA would've been fine.

      • 10 months ago

        >all AI would have been fine
        People would have shit their pants ten times harder

      • 10 months ago

        >Compromising on the EASY voices is what's fricking lazy.
        You keep saying this when it isn't true you moron, those are distinct voices, hard tk mimic. They chose to do shaggy and scooby because literally everyone and their dead grandmas can do an impression of them, it's just raspy teenager and downsyndrome dog, compared to normal speaking human beings that may as well be someones regular speaking voice. have a nice day moron

  23. 10 months ago

    As an LA voice actor who doesnt like AI themselves I think the dog piling on this guy was so uncalled for. Other VAs like to do that shit so they can feel good about themselves and act superior. Its fricking annoying.

  24. 10 months ago

    From what I can tell the creator is just a spergy teenager with a lot of talent. Good for him, felt very authentic , if a little short. (If it was 20 minutes long with more clues and red herrings it would be perfect)

  25. 10 months ago

    So much cope ITT from AI shills trying to ruin the medium of animation because you have no talent or work ethic

    Just stop cheating

    >but I NEED to use it
    Stop cheating
    >but I'm broke
    Stop cheating
    >but it's just le tool
    Stop cheating

    • 10 months ago

      Aww, is the BTFO VGCkiddie taking it out on Cinemaphile?

      • 10 months ago


        • 10 months ago

          Mhm, suuure you don't know despite copying the anti-cheating rhetoric on /vp/ word for word.

    • 10 months ago

      Explain how it's cheating.

  26. 10 months ago

    >young animator wants to create a portfolio piece that show his animation skills
    >uses AI voices as a compromise to finish it on a 0 budget (and because good VA wasnt even the intent of this piece)
    >"WAH WAH, why didnt he burn more money on this by hiring amateur VAs? What a lazy c**t"
    The moronness of some users here... you just cant make this shit up

  27. 10 months ago

    Honestly the backlash is pretty moronic.

    Those motherfrickers at Warner bros created Velma, one of the worst pieces of shit shows I've ever seen. So if the fans can make better content that stays mostly true to the source material, then there is no reason to listen to those entitled fricks.

  28. 10 months ago

    >young animator spends hundreds of hours of his own time to create an animation short for free
    >meanwhile the internet: How dare you not to work harder on this!!!

    • 10 months ago

      Kid spent 3 months on it and is getting called a lazy pajeet with no work ethic

    • 10 months ago

      >meanwhile the internet: How dare you not spend money on this!!!

  29. 10 months ago

    >guy makes legitimately impressive love letter to Rankin/Bass cartoons
    >all anyone talks about is how he used AI for the characters voices
    Glad to hear hes at least taken all the attacks on the chin and isn't being bullied out of the industry by the likes of Hag Delisle. Dudes got real talent.

    • 10 months ago

      voice actor c**ts with huge egos who bully creators are the perfect justification for ai voice actors.

  30. 10 months ago

    I'm curious to know if there will still be people b***hing at him for using it previously, when he eventually puts out the version without the AI stuff in it.

    • 10 months ago

      The only thing that will come out of this is that its okay to bully people over using AI.

  31. 10 months ago

    Tbh the internet blown this shit out the water. Guy literally mad this for fun and basically did almost everything by himself. But since he used a.i, people threw a fit because "A.i Is BaD". Fricking grow a pair and leave it be. Nobody talk shit when people use a.i singing literally almost every new popular song, fricking bullshit

    • 10 months ago

      AI is bad, so your point is moot.

      • 10 months ago

        You make a fair point. I let my anger get the best of me and made a shitty response. I hopes the dude does well when all of this blows over

        • 10 months ago

          Anon, you were completely fair with your post. Ignore the tribalist spergs stifling discussion.

      • 10 months ago

        It’s not.

  32. 10 months ago

    Where do we even draw the line here?

    1.) hiring the original VAs
    2.) hiring impersonators that sound exactly like the original VAs?
    3.) hiring amatuer VAs and fix it in post to make them sound like the original VAs?
    4.) recording your own voice and using an AI-powered filter to make it sound like the original VAs?
    5.) just let the AI read the script in the VAs voice?

  33. 10 months ago

    Wonder how many people here are using this controversy as an excuse to just b***h and moan about people who don’t like AI.

    • 10 months ago

      Seems more like another opportunity to b***h about AI if anything. The problem is AI voices but people keep talking about AI generated art for some reason.

    • 10 months ago

      All of them. These are just stealth AI slapfight threads.

    • 10 months ago

      I don't like AI, it's less than trash. Nobody is saying anyone who criticizes AI is bad and that AI should replace VAs. Any mention of "anti-AI" types is clearly referring to the schizoids bullying this kid and other artists, people who don't really understand why you should be against AI and argue against it for all the wrong reasons or way too aggressively.

  34. 10 months ago

    >Am I the only one who thinks the backlash against this was blown out of proportion?

    No you are not the only one. People hace started to turn on voice actors and other animation types for beating up a poor college student. The backlash against the backlash is in full swing.

  35. 10 months ago

    This is like the 8th thread about this, and every single thread gets deleted

  36. 10 months ago

    >google this drama
    >Vivziepop is one of the few artists literally the only relevant one kicking the poor kid after he's already down
    Not even surprised.

    • 10 months ago

      I am pretty sure I am correct that most of her behavior boils down to "What will get me closer to making connections in the industry?"
      She probably saw that the Spongebob director and that the Daphne VA were tweeting one way, and so she wanted to get their attention and approval by also tweeting that way.
      It seems to me like a lot of her actions are about climbing the industry ladder.

      • 10 months ago

        Can someone make a collage? I'm not making an account to view this shit

      • 10 months ago

        It's just weird how no one is talking about how she literally got famous by using someone else voice on her furry videos before Helluva Boss without the person permission and even monetized the video. By her own logic she stole from that singer.

        • 10 months ago

          I thought she did her own cover of Die Young. Am I misremembering?

          • 10 months ago

            No, it was the original song.

          • 10 months ago

            You're misremembering. Might be confusing it because she used an edited shorter version in the video, but it was an edited version with the original singer in it.

        • 10 months ago

          Extra ironic, Viv has been caught tracing animation in the past several times.

    • 10 months ago

      Why would you be? Viv is the definition of a Woman Moment every time she opens up Twitter.

    • 10 months ago

      >Vivzie, a person who got popular due to animating a song they don't own, gets mad a person using audio they don't own for an animation
      How can one person be such a hypocritical b***h.

    • 10 months ago

      >Vivzie, a person who got popular due to animating a song they don't own, gets mad a person using audio they don't own for an animation
      How can one person be such a hypocritical b***h.

      >Kicks out original indie VAs as part of her studio deal.
      >Pretends to give a wet fart about voice actors being replaced by AI.

    • 10 months ago

      I am pretty sure I am correct that most of her behavior boils down to "What will get me closer to making connections in the industry?"
      She probably saw that the Spongebob director and that the Daphne VA were tweeting one way, and so she wanted to get their attention and approval by also tweeting that way.
      It seems to me like a lot of her actions are about climbing the industry ladder.

      It's just weird how no one is talking about how she literally got famous by using someone else voice on her furry videos before Helluva Boss without the person permission and even monetized the video. By her own logic she stole from that singer.

      >Vivzie, a person who got popular due to animating a song they don't own, gets mad a person using audio they don't own for an animation
      How can one person be such a hypocritical b***h.

      >Kicks out original indie VAs as part of her studio deal.
      >Pretends to give a wet fart about voice actors being replaced by AI.

      You know, her being such a massive hypocrite is not shocking, what is awful is how everybody is just acting like it never happened even though she never apologized and never stopped doing it. It's even worse than Egoraptor trying to cancel Sr Pelo.

    • 10 months ago

      >There’s so many VAs who do shit for free, not an excuse. Also whether they make money or not, I’m pretty sure stealing peoples voices ESPECIALLY the voice of someone who is no longer ALIVE is just fricked. If you can’t see that then holy frick dude.
      She is right tho

      • 10 months ago

        lol glad to see they give a shit a solid decade of them propping up dead homie's social medias. only an issue when it might affect me!
        imagine trying this shit while your uneducated and undisciplined job's on strike, toplmao

      • 10 months ago

        >Also whether they make money or not, I’m pretty sure stealing peoples voices ESPECIALLY the voice of someone who is no longer ALIVE is just fricked.
        So uh
        Where is the outrage over people sentence mixing Soldier from TF2

        • 10 months ago

          Don’t be obtuse. Sentence mixing isn’t the same thing get out of here with that shit

          • 10 months ago

            I can't tell if this argument is bait or not. Sentence mixing is taking the original copyrighted voice lines and reconstructing them. An AI voice is exactly that but without you editing the audio yourself. I'm genuinely interested in why people think it's different, can you elaborate? Am I just moronic and missing something obvious?

            In Soldier's case, you're taking Rick May (ded)'s voice without permission for use in your own project, as well as not getting a Soldier voice actor who could have benefitted from the exposure or pay. Is that not fricked? Why not?

            • 10 months ago

              Not him, but it's not the same. Sentence mixing is distinct enough tha it's blindingly obvious tha's what you're doing, while AI is natural sounding enough (Obviously not fully yet, but it gets better and better by the weeks) that people can be tricked into believing the voice actor said it.

              Not to mention sentence mixing is just reusing already existing content (Which would fall under fair use) while AI is basically cloning someone's voice close enough that at some point there would be no distinction (Even impersonators have distinct differences. I saw a recent clip of Family guy several months ago and thought Cleveland sounded off, come to find that his VA was replaced.)

              • 10 months ago

                >Sentence mixing is distinct enough tha it's blindingly obvious tha's what you're doing, while AI is natural sounding enough (Obviously not fully yet, but it gets better and better by the weeks) that people can be tricked into believing the voice actor said it.
                That's true but I'm not sure how that affects the legality, sentence mixing being obvious doesn't stop YTPs being copyright claimed all the time. Most people use disclaimers when AI voices are used too which makes it kinda obvious, I feel like trying to pass off an AI voice as a real actor is its own crime. I'm talking about same in legal terms, I know they sound different, legally they'd both be theft and exploiting a voice actor who didn't consent.

                >Not to mention sentence mixing is just reusing already existing content (Which would fall under fair use)
                But AI voices come from reusing already existing content, not from nothing. To make an AI voice you give it crisp voice clips from the voice actor and the AI cuts the syllables for you.

                Also the point about impressionists is a bit subjective. There are some people who do sound identical, you can't really go off how it sounds alone, it's more consistent to go off how it was produced. I don't like the idea that Nickelodeon can copyright claim a Spongebob impressionist who happens to be able to nail the voice. I guess they can already do that no matter what, but still.

              • 10 months ago

                >just do whatever you want, they'll sue no matter what you do
                Blackpilled much?

              • 10 months ago

                >That's true but I'm not sure how that affects the legality, sentence mixing being obvious doesn't stop YTPs being copyright claimed all the time. Most people use disclaimers when AI voices are used too which makes it kinda obvious, I feel like trying to pass off an AI voice as a real actor is its own crime. I'm talking about same in legal terms, I know they sound different, legally they'd both be theft and exploiting a voice actor who didn't consent.
                To be fair, there's nothing keeping fan contact from being taken down (Nintendo does this every week for even fan games not using their assets). It's just not in a companies best interest to do so.
                >But AI voices come from reusing already existing content, not from nothing. To make an AI voice you give it crisp voice clips from the voice actor and the AI cuts the syllables for you.
                It's a virtual clone of the voice actor. If Homer Simpson said "Gas the israelites and black people commit 99% of crimes or whatever that is clearly content that never existed before. Splicing would be a case of just making words sound similar. An AI is literally taking a voice.
                >Also the point about impressionists is a bit subjective.
                Perhaps. But generally if someone is a big fan of a work, they'll notice changes especially if they have something to compare it too. Eventually AI will be indistinguishable to the point where VAs would be redundant.

                > I don't like the idea that Nickelodeon can copyright claim a SpongeBob impressionist who happens to be able to nail the voice.
                It'd fall under fair use assuming they don't advertise themselves as a competitor competitor or is transformative, no?

              • 10 months ago

                >If Homer Simpson said "Gas the israelites and black people commit 99% of crimes or whatever that is clearly content that never existed before
                I've GOT to get my dick sucked

              • 10 months ago

                I wonder why people don't see the inevitable of companies using fanart of properties they own to train AI.
                People will learn that copyright law is not their friend eventually.

      • 10 months ago

        Did she ever aknowledged that she was wrong for using Kesha voice without her permission?

  37. 10 months ago

    There’s no difference between this and voice slicing ethically. People are just virtue signalling and being mad for no reason.
    and being mad because

    • 10 months ago

      Would people still be scolding him if he YTP voice spliced lines from the original show? It's still technically stealing, but there's less stigma.

      • 10 months ago

        But it doesn't make sense. Why does one carry stigma and not the other when fundamentally they're the same thing with the same legal/copyright issues? And sentence mixing also puts a hungry hungry voice actor out of a potential job. Think of all the Scout VAs those TF2 gmod videos could have fed, shame on kitty0706, that evil leukemia-ridden monster thinking a passion project made for fun means you don't have to pay voice actors.

        • 10 months ago

          Because voice splicing will always be limited to shitposts and fanworks, they're actively developing AI shit to phase out people.

          • 10 months ago

            Sure but clearly the creator isn't a part of that, he did it out of necessity, not to flex on voice actors. Don't take other people's homosexualry out on him.

  38. 10 months ago

    Seeing how the American industry responded to this kid's stuff is a great reminder for why American creatives are generally considered pieces of shit.

  39. 10 months ago

    I'd get it if the dude had any fame prior to this, but homie had like five videos over a month with less than 1k views combined before this. At that point sure express distaste, but to hate is just foolish.

  40. 10 months ago

    He took der jerb?

    • 10 months ago

      jerb status: took

    • 10 months ago


  41. 10 months ago

    As an artist/animator I do think the backlash was ridiculous. He used ai to fill in a missing gap in his work. Pretty fricking harmless considering all the other work he did for it. I've even seen some braindead takes like he should have hired the voices from the original actors.
    Whether you like it or not. Ai is here to stay and is only going to get better. If people are this upset about a new tool, then they should stop using digital tablets, phones, fill bucket tool, source their own pigments, build their own canvas, get horse hair for brushes, etc.

    • 10 months ago

      >muh new tool
      A tool doesn't completely automate an entire creative aspect.

      • 10 months ago

        Why do you care? You can't create anything anyways, that's why you're here in this thread.

        • 10 months ago

          I don't want to see all media devolve completely into gray slop, well at least more than it already has. It's already hard enough have to deal with the corpo-slop we're being inundated with after all.

          • 10 months ago

            We have had a fricking decade of bean mouths and writers not knowing how to write genuine friendships, and wanting to nothing but world building. We're well past the point of grey slop media.

            • 10 months ago

              It's already gray slop.

              Gray Slop Delisle is threatened by this other stuff coming into her slop pen.

              >Things are bad, let's make it worse!
              Do you really think things will somehow become *more* genuine when the last bit of the human element is excised completely? Or if the tech develops enough to actually be serviceable that the corps won't find a way to paywall it? Because there's no way this shit is gonna remain open source and develop beyond the malformed shit we have currently. If it does progress to an acceptable level it's almost certainly going to require infrastructure and proprietary tech to run that the average person won't have access to and the big media and tech companies, who are the ones developing this shit, are gonna make sure that after the current alpha test they're going to be the ones that determines who has access to the real thing. They're still going to dictate what gets made and what gets pushed just as they are now and you think they're going to choose a different, better direction? And with all the less glamorous art jobs gone indie stuff is going to suffer more than ever before since all it will do is empower the nepo children even more since they don't need to worry about putting food on the table when plying their craft. You're not only a fool, but outright moronic if you think this shit will actually "democratize art"

              • 10 months ago

                Good luck tryin to undo automation.

                If we could do that, the people wouldn't b***h about manufacturing overseas.

              • 10 months ago

                people b***hing about manufacturing overseas is what won Trump the rust belt in 2016

              • 10 months ago

                So what? Trump didn't do anything except send money to Israel.

                No one can save us. We have to become the top of the digital ruling class.

              • 10 months ago

                >We have to become the top of the digital ruling class.
                >If we do everything the current digital ruling class wants then surely they will let me replace them!
                lmao even

              • 10 months ago

                This is why I also despite Artificial Pajeets. They're this foolish to believe that the tech wont just be used to make more slop.

              • 10 months ago

                You gonna uninvent the assembly line or the internet?

                No one's smashing apart Machine Learning code or nerds typing at computers anytime soon.

              • 10 months ago

                Yeah, doesn't mean you have to live as a dog and die as one. You beta cuck.

              • 10 months ago

                I swear, doomers are some of the biggest homosexuals I've come across "yeah things will be shit but you can't do anything about it so why bother?"

              • 10 months ago

                Doomers don't even have investment in their ideas, more often than not they're just lazy fricks.

              • 10 months ago

                >Stupid rednecks crying about being replaced
                >wtf I'm being replaced!

              • 10 months ago

                >w-well, you believe this thing!
                I don't, both are bad. My hometown was fricked over by Chinese offshoring, I've been b***hing about that shit for over a decade.

          • 10 months ago

            It's already gray slop.

            Gray Slop Delisle is threatened by this other stuff coming into her slop pen.

  42. 10 months ago

    Seems like the VAs and writers are overplaying their hand a bit. They arent essential workers like garbage men. Youd think theyd be trying to build good will instead of being caustic and destroying everyone lower than them on the entertainment totem pole

  43. 10 months ago

    dude deserved all of it. Imagine being such an out-of-touch person you miss out on what's been an enormous flashpoint topic in the art community for the past year.

  44. 10 months ago

    As someone building my own portfolio, maybe I'm just a selfish c**t, but this whole job angle is so entitled. He created his own animation for his own portfolio, it's not automatically a job opening for other people. I'd be pissed if I made an UE4 game for a game jam that happened to use a tree asset pack to save time, and then some tree asset artists started biting my nutsack off saying I should have paid them to include their work in my game that was about advertising my own personal skills.

    • 10 months ago

      It costs nothing to help your fellow creatives so they have something to put on their portfolio too

    • 10 months ago

      He shouldn't have used AI generated stuff on a big project. I don't hate AI in all cases, but it's the new laziest option and is currently involved in drama around copyright so you shouldn't use it if you want people to praise your work.
      I guess I have some perspective as an artist.

      I don't hate AI, but the obnoxious Cinemaphiletards trying to troll about how AI was gonna kill art makes me generally disinterested in fulfilling any drawing requests that use and AI image in their references. Using AI will at best have no effect and at worst turn some people in whatever field you're automating against you. I read in another thread that this guy wants this to be a portfolio piece and in that case he definitely shouldn't have used AI.

      • 10 months ago

        >He shouldn't have used AI generated stuff on a big project
        >big project
        It doesn't really get any smaller than one guy doing a whole project by himself just for practice and portfolio filler.

        • 10 months ago

          Big project relative to the fact it's one guy, megamind.

          • 10 months ago

            Doesn't change the fact that it's one guy doing it for free with free software, brainlet.

      • 10 months ago

        >He shouldn't have used AI generated stuff on a big project.
        It's poor kid doing fan made videos on youtube.

        What's next? Going after fanfiction authors for using someone else characters without their permission? Unironically what is the difference? You have no idea what you're preaching.

        • 10 months ago

          I don't get why Cinemaphile constantly takes morons trying to get a rise like [...] so seriously. They don't actually have a horse in this race, they're just radicalizing you further and further into pointless anger.

          Also, he's an animator/artist, not a voice actor. Does using AI voices in a portfolio piece really matter if the voices clearly aren't what he's showing off? What kind of employer looking for an animator would say
          >Well, this looks fantastic, the attention to detail on the character acting is great, the texturing and rendering could have fooled me, great atmospheric lighting, clearly a solid grasp on keyframes and decent timing on the slapstick. But you used AI voices so frick off.
          Plus voice actors dub other people's work and put it in their portfolios all the time, like movie scenes and shit, I doubt they always get permission. It's just about finding a way to provide a platform for your true talent. Springtrapped wouldn't be the same without the script, the script was necessary so the scenes could happen and he could animate them.

          Both missing my point. Here's my logic.
          >I, as an artist, somewhat dislike the idea of working with someone who uses AI generated images
          >therefore, that principle probably applies to other fields too
          >so, this guy's use of AI probably antagonizes some animation industry people (VAs specifically)
          If he doesn't care about getting into the industry then whatever, but if he is then using AI voices was a bad idea just from a pragmatic perspective. I'm not that interested in this debate, I was just making an observation.

          • 10 months ago

            Fair enough I guess, but he's not going into the voice actor side of the industry so their seething shouldn't really affect his chance of getting a job, or maybe that's stupidly naive on my part.

            • 10 months ago

              Eh. I'm just a drawgay and not an industry professional so I can't say for sure but my understanding is that it's the type of thing that might. Hell, the only reason we're talking about it is because a VA tried to get non-VA industry members on her side with turning against the guy so she at least thought it was possible.

        • 10 months ago

          >What's next? Going after fanfiction authors for using someone else characters without their permission?
          Little AO3 zoomies weren't there for it but fanfiction went through this same crap way back in the day.

          • 10 months ago

            Yes and at the time absolutely no one sided with the companies that were trying to limit fan content at the time. No one dared to support Hasbro for throwing Cease and Desist letters around not even the most hardcore bronies.

        • 10 months ago

          This drama is the proof that a lot of people can't look at the bigger picture at all

          It only takes 5 minutes to realize that if this kid is wrong so is every fanfiction writer, every fanart artist, every youtube poop maker, every remix song of a celebrity, every song about a game, every cosplay, most fandom content.

          • 10 months ago

            >so is every fanfiction writer, every fanart artist, every youtube poop maker, every remix song of a celebrity, every song about a game, every cosplay, most fandom content.
            Difference for everything except ytp and remixes is that the only thing being used is IP, making them comparable is completely disingenuous

          • 10 months ago

            You don't understand why people dislike AI. People that are against it think it's copyright infringement that doesn't fall under fair use, unlike with fan content like fanfiction or sentence mixing. It's disliked specifically because of the idea that it's different from other derivative content.

            • 10 months ago

              >People that are against it think it's copyright infringement that doesn't fall under fair use, unlike with fan content like fanfiction or sentence mixing.
              Errr...anon you know that companies can and a few do take down any fan content as they please through cease and desist right? They don't usually do it due to it making fans angry to the point even boycotts can happen, but legally you can't post fanart without their permission.

            • 10 months ago

              AI voices are automated sentence mixing. It's the same concept of cutting up official voice clips to make the character say what you want, it just doesn't take hours of manual editing. Also I'm pretty sure AO3 exists because in the past companies were trying to frick over fanfic writers for copyright infringement and AO3 was a safe sanctuary dedicated to protecting the fair use rights of fanfic authors. And don't even get me started on YTPs and their battle to exist through copyright claim after copyright claim.

              • 10 months ago

                GW recently took down almost every single 40k fan video from youtube as well.

                Literally any fan content you ever made can be taken down at any second AND they can still sue you as well just for fun.

            • 10 months ago

              >People that are against it think it's copyright infringement that doesn't fall under fair use
              How the frick does Cinemaphile of all places come out with takes like this
              You're letting greedy corporations get their foot in the door by drawing this arbitrary line
              I agree that AI is, more often than not, low effort crap. But that doesn't mean it should be fricking illegal
              Frick me

              • 10 months ago

                People here are moralgayging about copyright infringement? HERE? Where we have generals to share megas and the Win'o threads? I could understand it if anons were criticizing a company, but it's literally some average joe rando on youtube nobody ever heard of making his own little cartoons for fun. It's just hitting me how ridiculous this all is.

                What an embarrassment.

              • 10 months ago

                Whats funny is that it's been solved and the dude now has VO's to get shit done for him so it all worked out ok in the end and won't need to use A.I in the future!! Even the commie who snitched on him apologized. I hate A.I and the circle jerk around it and the homosexuals who treat it like it's the next human renaissance but this kid honestly did nothing wrong and it is heartwarming that he came out of this smelling like roses.

              • 10 months ago

                Thank god. So not only does he have real VAs to work with now, but this also brought more attention to his work than ever. Most artists would kill for a popularity boost that early.

              • 10 months ago

                Lmao no, he didn't got shit from this experience the video was already booming before they found out about him, he was harassed, shamed, threatened, forced to change the video entire audio and say that he was wrong and deserved everything that happened to him

              • 10 months ago

                Thank god. So not only does he have real VAs to work with now, but this also brought more attention to his work than ever. Most artists would kill for a popularity boost that early.

                Longhouse moment. You're just showering him with "praise and assistance" to make him feel good about giving up on his identity and drive and potential and becoming just another member of the industry, while he becomes interconnected with the field his creativity will decay because he's a rare star in the state of the field, and will be dragged down by people who prefer not to be judged on their artistic merits.

              • 10 months ago

                Thank god. So not only does he have real VAs to work with now, but this also brought more attention to his work than ever. Most artists would kill for a popularity boost that early.

                Those voice actors joining the project and treating him well was a good way to protect the guy from more harassment at the very least.

      • 10 months ago

        I don't get why Cinemaphile constantly takes morons trying to get a rise like

        There are gays actually seething about AI voices in this very thread. I look forward to the glorious golden age of stock AI voices that put all of these assmad VA's out of business.
        This tech is only going to get better and better with each passing month. They know it and they're threatened by it.
        Hell, why even bother paying people to record stock voices? Just use voices from any film that features a dead actor.

        so seriously. They don't actually have a horse in this race, they're just radicalizing you further and further into pointless anger.

        Also, he's an animator/artist, not a voice actor. Does using AI voices in a portfolio piece really matter if the voices clearly aren't what he's showing off? What kind of employer looking for an animator would say
        >Well, this looks fantastic, the attention to detail on the character acting is great, the texturing and rendering could have fooled me, great atmospheric lighting, clearly a solid grasp on keyframes and decent timing on the slapstick. But you used AI voices so frick off.
        Plus voice actors dub other people's work and put it in their portfolios all the time, like movie scenes and shit, I doubt they always get permission. It's just about finding a way to provide a platform for your true talent. Springtrapped wouldn't be the same without the script, the script was necessary so the scenes could happen and he could animate them.

        • 10 months ago

          >Springtrapped wouldn't be the same without the script, the script was necessary so the scenes could happen and he could animate them.
          Just have no voices at all then, use subtitles. There's no reason to involve AI shit.

          • 10 months ago

            Or just hire some people on fiverr for like 10 bucks

        • 10 months ago

          >trying to get a rise
          I'm not trying to get a rise out of anyone. I'm just laughing at people already throwing a b***hfit.

  45. 10 months ago

    There are gays actually seething about AI voices in this very thread. I look forward to the glorious golden age of stock AI voices that put all of these assmad VA's out of business.
    This tech is only going to get better and better with each passing month. They know it and they're threatened by it.
    Hell, why even bother paying people to record stock voices? Just use voices from any film that features a dead actor.

    • 10 months ago

      >two more months sir then you will be doing the needful you bloody bastard!

    • 10 months ago

      That's not even a new thing, Vocaloid and Gmod videos have been doing it for like a decade now, the voices are nearly perfect even when made by a random kid making shitpost videos.

  46. 10 months ago

    What makes me the most angry is the fact that I find myself partially agreeing with techdudebros; its a nonprofit fanimation that gets the Scooby Doo Sovl just right, and you have these vultures jumping down a kid's throat for the cardinal sin of using free software as a shortcut.
    >a bloo bloo bloo, muh poor ethiopian voice actors, why didn't he hire them even though there's an actor strike going on right now???
    It's the same with the Barbenheimer shit, some kid made a lego meme and all the chucklefricks joking about it suddenly decided to be righteous for the sake of no one. Their moral high horse is as fake as their noses, fricking ghoulish crooks.

    • 10 months ago

      >It's the same with the Barbenheimer shit, some kid made a lego meme and all the chucklefricks joking about it suddenly decided to be righteous for the sake of no one.
      Wait, which one was this?

  47. 10 months ago

    I like how all the AItards defending the shitty ugly animation keep sucking it off because it pretends to have soul lmao

  48. 10 months ago

    Unless you anons are looking to hire an animator I don't see why any of you care.

  49. 10 months ago

    It's because its popular that there is a controversy at all (and one that is way blown out of proportion). If this was on Newgrounds or some video with 100 views, no one would care. Heck Thomas & Friends content creators use AI voices all the time and no one batted an eye at that:

    Anyway I find it particularly ridiculous that Grey Delise has an issue with this when she is not even the original voice actor for Daphne. She basically does an impression of the original Daphen VA. So it's alright to get paid to impersonate someone else's voice but if an AI does it that's crossing the line?

  50. 10 months ago

    >mfw I remember the Cinemaphilemblr meme is actually real and we've been posting on a dystopian image board for 12 years
    god save us all

  51. 10 months ago

    If moronic crypto dudebros hadn't latched onto AI, I bet the majority of the people shitting their diapers about it wouldn't care about it, or might even find some small amount of amusement in it. But the grifter metaverse manosphere fricked it up and now everyone is just a morally outraged double standard ass b***h with a stick up their tight ass. It's a kid's scooby doo fan cartoon for frick's sake, give him a break. You're not saving the industry or protecting people's jobs or sticking it to the techbros, you're being spiteful, petty pieces of shit about something you don't actually give a shit about because you smelt blood in the water. People can find all sorts of equivalent content that nobody bats an eye about but this kid will still get singled out like a sacrificial lamb for guilt by association.

    • 10 months ago

      Stop repeating this nonsense, he’s fricking 23 years old. if thats a “kid” to you then I don’t know what to say.

      • 10 months ago

        25 is when your prefontal cortex fully develops.

        • 10 months ago

          You're basically dying after 30 though

          • 10 months ago

            So you're only ripe for 5 years?

        • 10 months ago

          Wow, its not like I’ve never heard that one before! Cool, that totally justifies disengenuous language that makes it seem like he’s 13 years old instead of 23!

          • 10 months ago

            A 23 year old autist has the mind of a 13 year old

            • 10 months ago

              Uh, IS he autistic? I haven't heard that one.

              • 10 months ago

                >Makes a FNAF/Scooby-Doo crossover in Blender
                >Not autistic

              • 10 months ago

                >pinned comment on the video is asking the FNAF creator directly to review his FNAF movie script
                Yeahhhhhhhh I’m thinking this guy’s mentally deficient.

              • 10 months ago

                If making a stupid fan animation for fun is autistic then every single person posting in this thread is a super autist or something.

              • 10 months ago

                Uhh... yes? Where do you think we are?

              • 10 months ago

                Eh. Fair enough.

        • 10 months ago

          You're basically dying after 30 though

          >you only have 5 years as a healthy adult
          fricking hell

      • 10 months ago

        25 is when your prefontal cortex fully develops.

        I see Twitter likes to flip flop over this when it suits them. Want to call someone a pedo? Under 25 is a kid. Want to make that person pay, that person's a grown adult.

        • 10 months ago

          Twitter is fricking moronic, what else is new?
          No wonder Cinemaphile is so shit these days, we’re full of fricking twitter refugees.

      • 10 months ago

        homie's in college he ain't grown.

  52. 10 months ago

    Yes. Like, remember that april's fool animation of Chowder? that also used AI voices and didn't get near as what this got in regard of VA's reactions.

    • 10 months ago

      Chowder fans are chill and just glad to get new content. Scooby fans get new content, official and fan made, constantly so they're more entitled.

    • 10 months ago

      Cant believe I never saw this before. The humor is completely on point for CHowder god damn.

  53. 10 months ago

    Give it to me straight, anons. Besides Grey, which VAs have publicly pushed for getting this man onto the blacklist train?

  54. 10 months ago

    Why the frick is this getting so many threads

    • 10 months ago

      Because of the controversy surrounding it. If there was no controversy then people here would’ve moved on from it already.

    • 10 months ago

      One dude spammed the video one too many times until people got bored and started throwing shit around about AIs.

      • 10 months ago

        No? The threads seem due to Daphne's VA's freakout yesterday

  55. 10 months ago

    It's like I'm reliving the era of the fricking autotune and all the discourse surrounding it until it became accepted years later.

    • 10 months ago

      When do we have another Napster shitstorm? That was fun.

  56. 10 months ago

    >No, I just searched through thousands of hours of media, found every syllable for every line I needed, pitched correct each sound bite and assembled them together in a huge breach of copyright.
    >Oh, well, then that's okay.

  57. 10 months ago

    This is unironically the future. Maybe 10 or 20 years down the line, but AI tech will allow the average tard to make whatever they want. Most of it will be cringe obviously; fanfic tier crap like this scooby meets FNAF, or overt coomer slop written by the coomiest coom brains you can imagine.

    Of course no one in the current industry will fund this, and will blacklist the shit out of it and anyone who supports it, but then that just means crypto currency will be used to fund it and the most successful/loved ai-generated shows.

    Imagine an independent crypto-funded studio/network that is full of things like Springtrapped, The AI-generated Seinfeld thing, but also things like Confinement, Big Top Burger, etc.

    It'll face some backlash obviously, but financial success in a truly independent network not ruled by corrupt media company suits, and moron producers demanding diversity quotas will become to hard to ignore.

    • 10 months ago

      Maybe I misread, but in case you're confused, the video is not AI generated. The voices are, and even then not all of them.

      • 10 months ago

        I am definitely not confused. I understand which elements are and are not AI generated, and that's not the point. In the not too distant future it will be possible to AI generate everything presented in this video: the voices, the 3D models, the Rankin Bass stop-motion style, etc, etc.

        What you're seeing now (Springtrapped, the AI Seinfeld) is only the beginning. The tip of the iceberg. This tech is in its infancy, and growing more and more every day. There's a ton of money to be made, and a new cartoon Renaissance on the horizon.

        • 10 months ago

          >There's a ton of money to be made
          Why pay for AI cartoons when I can just prompt them myself?

          • 10 months ago

            Because you will inevitably find that people still have unique ideas that you wish to see, and support. Sure we could endlessly churn out our own shit, but most of us will get bored and wonder what other people are doing. Many still won't have a creative bone in their body even when the tech is more advanced and available for everyone to use.

            And people pay for dumb shit on patreon all the time. There's people who've gone nuts, stopped making content altogether, and are still supported by an (admittedly shrinking) group of people.

        • 10 months ago

          I'm willing to concede that the genie is out of the bottle and can't be shoved back inside, but AI will never replace anyone so long as a distinction between "soul" and "soulless" exists. It could get golden age Disney level good but it won't impress people as much as a real golden age Disney movie. Part of enjoying the final product is appreciating the effort that went into it, that's why people enjoy behind the scenes and outtakes. AI removes all that. I'm not super against AI, I definitely don't think the Springtrapped guy did anything wrong either, but it's delusional to think AI will save or revive art, it'll give more people a platform but who knows how that'll turn out. Then again, I mostly think you're a melodramatic troll baiting anti-aigays so eh.

          • 10 months ago

            >but AI will never replace anyone so long as a distinction between "soul" and "soulless" exists.
            There isn't any for the vast majority of consumers. Most people don't care about that shit. TV shows are just stuff they put on in the background while they browse their phone or they put on for their kid. Look at what sells and gets views, it's dumb shit. It will absolutely replace people who are helping to make shows today. People don't care if Spongebob is voiced by Tom Kenny or a Tom Kenny AI. it'll be over for VAs and other work quickly. People are just consumers. It's a select few who care and that number dwindles by the day.

            • 10 months ago

              speaking of spongebob being voiced by a tom kenny ai, i don't think voice acting would be replaced by a TTS ai like Elevenlabs, at least in the near future. I think it'll be more like the AI voice covers where a normie gets to do the voices, and then have that voice "layered" with a legacy voice actor with AI. and even the models may benefit actual voice actors if there's a license tied to it, which will pay the VAs' bills

              • 10 months ago

                I could see people making deals like James Earl Jones did with Darth Vader. Cashing out at the end of their career.

    • 10 months ago

      >allow the average tard to make whatever they want
      God fricking help us if that ends up happening. It’ll just be an endless wave of regurgitated slop. If people think shits bad now it’ll be even worse if that comes to fruition.

      • 10 months ago

        I see this complaint/excuse levied at AI generated content all the time, and i'm afraid you and people like you who use it are just plain wrong.

        While Youtube is currently a nightmare of algorithm rigging, we can still find quality content on it, and share it with each other. And everyone knows just how full of absolutely stupid, inane, bullshit youtube is currently. Yet we're still able to gleam gems out of it like Bigtop Burger, Confinement (for a little while), and even RLM.

        We already live in an age where we sift through a sea of shit content to get to the good stuff.

        • 10 months ago

          I hope that shit gets regulated to high hell. Don’t want to have to sift through even more shit just to find something decent watch. Frick that.

          • 10 months ago

            Then just hang out on Cinemaphile, and wait for people to post about the good shit. Same as now.

            • 10 months ago

              Cinemaphile barely posts “the good shit”. Cinemaphile is a cesspit of coombait and twitter drama that would much rather talk about how much they want to frick a dog or a toddler than anything else. Waiting for Cinemaphile to filter good content to you is like sifting through a septic tank waiting for a gourmet meal to float by.

              • 10 months ago

                That's more a symptom of lack of quality content being made today, and Cinemaphile lacking a "no twitter drama" rule. Both of which are problems that can be resolved.

              • 10 months ago

                >That's more a symptom of lack of quality content being made today

                This got posted a few threads back. You morons called it “troony bullshit”.
                Cinemaphile genuinely doesn’t give a flying frick about quality, creativity, or anything that they can’t gossip about or jerk their dicks to.

              • 10 months ago

                God I know how you feel. It's impossible to discuss anything on Cinemaphile without it either sliding to page 10 or getting shat on for the sake of negativity, unless you make it coombait or outragebait

              • 10 months ago

                Soulless aislop

              • 10 months ago

                its literally not, moron.

    • 10 months ago

      >fanfic tier crap like this scooby meets FNAF
      I mean, it's a good combination all things considered. Both are vainly horror series geared towards children, it's not a pony crossover or something.

  58. 10 months ago

    How did AI cause such a shitstorm in such a short period of time?

    • 10 months ago

      it's the rise of generative ai that becomes a looming threat for creatives and intellectuals. especially in the age where the end-result matters more than the process

    • 10 months ago

      NFTs and Bitcoin died right before it catapulted into the general zeitgeist so most of those tech grifters simply transitioned to it and brought their aggressive shill tactics with it.

      • 10 months ago

        This. 99% this at least.

        If generative AI arose five years sooner or five years later, I think the debate about it would be much different. But it arose at the absolute worst possible time for it to have arisen, at least for generative AI, because it came at the tail end of the NFT/crypto grift boom when all the Silicon Valley techbros and New Dehli Pajeetbros were high on investorbux, saw ChatGPT and DALLE 2 and Stable Diffusion, got dollar/rupee signs in their eyes, and immediately jumped on that trend en masse and shat on every creative they could, immediately declaring AI the "future" and wanting to use it for everything even though generative AI is still at least a couple years away from ACTUALLY being ready to use in major media products.

        • 10 months ago

          Agreed, it really has poisoned the discussion.

        • 10 months ago

          >If generative AI arose five years sooner or five years later
          It was impossible for it to come before now. Tards who don't follow AI (i.e. 99% of people talking about AI art, pro and against) have no clue what machine learning, deep learning, neural network research, data science, etc. were like in the lead up to the present.

          We saw hints of generative AI before now with stuff like "Harry Potter and the Portrait of what Looked Like a Large Pile of Ash" and those "AI-generated" songs like "Daddy's Car" and even some image generation like with GANs even as far back as 2015-2016 but those were more like parlor tricks and very very limited in capability.

          And from what I remember, almost everyone loved it. Or at least regarded it as a curious unthreatening novelty. Certainly no one thought they could get rich off of it or replace human artists with it. The last gasp of that un-hysterical discussion about AI was with DALL-E Mini because it was still so outrageously useless that it was hilarious to use.

          Once tech CEOs and Indians discovered that AI could make stuff that wasn't objectively terrible, that's when all this really started getting crazy.

          • 10 months ago

            >Tards who don't follow AI (i.e. 99% of people talking about AI art, pro and against) have no clue what machine learning, deep learning, neural network research, data science, etc. were like in the lead up to the present.
            Based take. A lot of industrygays love saying "Why the frick are AI researchers trying to automate human creativity? Why are they doing this now??"
            Blacks, no one sat in their labs sinisterly israelily steepling their hands going "And in 2022 and 2023, we will arbitrarily release tools that will attack artists and voice actors! And then in 2024, we vill make them eat ze bugs and scan zeir eyeballs!"

            If it was possible for neural nets to make animu coombait art 20 years ago, we'd have had animu coombait art 20 years ago.

            What really happened is that a bunch of nerds realized that they could make a bunch of diffusion models learn what concepts are to recreate images (which they got by learning how to caption images and reversing the process), and then some other teams decided "Can we use this to create artwork and photograph-like images?" And the answer was obviously yes because there's nothing intrinsically special about a specific pattern of pixels on a screen.

            And THEN the techbros decided to monetize it and piss off artists.

            • 10 months ago

              >Why are they doing this now??
              I've never heard anyone say this.

              This. 99% this at least.

              If generative AI arose five years sooner or five years later, I think the debate about it would be much different. But it arose at the absolute worst possible time for it to have arisen, at least for generative AI, because it came at the tail end of the NFT/crypto grift boom when all the Silicon Valley techbros and New Dehli Pajeetbros were high on investorbux, saw ChatGPT and DALLE 2 and Stable Diffusion, got dollar/rupee signs in their eyes, and immediately jumped on that trend en masse and shat on every creative they could, immediately declaring AI the "future" and wanting to use it for everything even though generative AI is still at least a couple years away from ACTUALLY being ready to use in major media products.

              wasn't, he just said if the technology HAD reached this point five years earlier or later the reception would be different.

    • 10 months ago

      Because it's a technology that distrupts many current day industries. It's both a tool that can be wielded by the common man and the corporation for both good and evil. Each side is trying to convince you of only the evil aspects, but the truth is AI has just as much potential good for the common man as evil.

      • 10 months ago

        ai generated answer

    • 10 months ago

      Upper middle class yuppies are suddenly and rapidly being confronted with the fact that it isn't construction workers or plumbers whose jobs are going to get automated first, but their own.

      • 10 months ago

        People always claim X, Y, and Z will be automated but never articulate WHICH jobs will be automated or how. Having worked in factories and machineshops, even those industries aren’t as automated as people seem to think. I remember my first gf’s dad disagreed with me becoming an auto mechanic because “well they use computers to diagnose cars so you’re not going to have job security”. Never mind that the ECU on a car can’t diagnose everything, and theres still tons of shit the ECU doesnt monitor, and tons of shit that you still need to wrench yourself as well as a lot of crap the ECU will spit out that don’t mean jack or shit to the actual operation of the car. The man was a researcher for eli lilly for chrissakes but he couldn’t understand anythinh outside of lab paperwork.

      • 10 months ago

        It's like they never read cyberpunk.

        • 10 months ago

          We are living in an age where the same group of people screaming that there is nothing wrong with theft, also have an issue when their favorite celebrity or voice actors likeness is used by a machine and say it IS theft.

          • 10 months ago

            >Stealing from big box mart: okay
            >Stealing from my best friend on the internet: not okay.
            I assume the thought process goes something like that.

    • 10 months ago

      It took der jerb.

  59. 10 months ago

    What's the difference using AI voices here as opposed to hiring accurate impersonators? Daphne's VA is just gate keeping this kid's talent. Sound mixing really made it sound like an old cartoon too.

  60. 10 months ago

    AI gays should get the bullet, however, I don't think he did anything that bad.

  61. 10 months ago

    Speaking on Youtubers…
    Youtube has been recommending me videos with less than 1000 views for a while now. I like to click the channel and see what the uploader is like. But this channel is weird and has hypno fetish written all over it.

    • 10 months ago

      Or and footgay shit of course. God this guy probably roams this place and Deviantart knowing all the degenerates here

  62. 10 months ago

    Twitter "voice actors" fricking suck, all of them, 4Kids-tier. They only reason why they're upset is because they themselves didn't get money for what they believe is lost work

    • 10 months ago

      It was an industrygay that did it. Not indie. Indies were more than happy to help the guy out once it was resolved, but the industry gays did nothing but backtrack on their word to blacklist the animator.

  63. 10 months ago

    AI is shit.

    • 10 months ago

      This. Frick the hideously off model fnaf cashgrab.

      • 10 months ago

        It was a non profit video made for fun.
        Time to leave this thread

        • 10 months ago

          >It was a non profit video made for fun.
          That why the autistic moron pinned his own comment asking Scott to review his FNAF movie script?
          it was done for his portfolio and clout, shut the frick up about how it was made “for fun”. you forgot to call the 23 year old a kid too.

  64. 10 months ago

    ain’t reading allat

  65. 10 months ago

    I see Jay Lender deleted his tweet and apologised to the animator for the unintended drama. Grey DeLisle has remained silent ever since she made her tweet, though.

  66. 10 months ago

    >AI will allow the online indie scene to make more fun content
    >Maybe we'll have another fun creator's era like what Flash and Newgrounds did around the early 2000's

    Am I supposed go, "Oh no! A bunch of garbage is going to be uploaded on YouTube!" or something? I can only see this as a positive. AI tools are not a threat in the hands of independent people, it's a threat in the hands of fricking Disney or Sony or some other multi-billion company. The indie animation scene can only benefit from it.

    • 10 months ago

      Eh, if anything it’ll just make things worse.

      • 10 months ago

        Make what worse? The indie scene for animation specifically is already pretty fricked up. We have things like video games which have a thriving indie community, comics were able to figure it out with web comics, and even high-production live action products have been able to have their own scene. Whether it's something like a review show or just an online talk show, that still contributes. Animation has been in a weird state where CG things pop up like crazy, whether it's something made in Blender, Maya, Gmod, or SFM, and then the 2D scene is reserved for little Lizzie McGuire animations you see in review shows.

        If the development of AI can help the 2D scene in any way, I'm for it. Maybe it can get to a point where it can clean up 85% of a scene with accuracy. Maybe it can generate color scripts or color someone's background for them. It's just disheartening to see people like Zeurel want to make a web series and financially can't-- and then tools show up that can potentially open the doors to make that possibly and random artists on Twitter want to shut it down.

        >affecting anything

        More indie content is good. It doesn't need to pose a threat to Disney to exist.

        • 10 months ago

          >everything is bad, so it's a good thing to make it worse
          lmao, found the Elza x Spiderman animator

          • 10 months ago

            >We should destroy all tools cause ElsaXSpiderman exists

            • 10 months ago

              >let me ignore the actual point
              all that shilling caused brain rot on you

              • 10 months ago

                What's your point? That garbage will exist on the internet?

              • 10 months ago

                NTA but he might be trying to imply that there will be even more slop instead. Now, before you get at "well shit is hidden look for it", I think it would be significantly harder if the feed is clogged with AI shit. Like even 5-ish years ago, dA could provide SOME decent art if you searched well enough and didn't touch any fetish shit. Now its AALLLL fetish shit and computer generated images.

              • 10 months ago

                we need art curators more than ever

              • 10 months ago

                That's less of a tool problem and more of a service problem. The current model of social media are just variations of Twitter. On DeviantART, Newgrounds or even Tumblr, you didn't have to "manipulate" the algorithm in your favor to get ahead. At most, you might get suggestions like, "Use better tags", "Draw more fanart!", "Upload at specific times when people are using the site!". Now things like Twitter and YouTube are hyper-built around randomly shoving controversial and trending content to random people's recommended based on cookie history. Sites like Twitter and Instagram are insanely unintuitive to artists, but it's the main platform because people value exposure more than proper digital gallery.

                Garbage like Elsa x Spiderman would've been contained to YTMND or the bottom pits of deviantART/Newgrounds. Now it gets pushed because they know how to manipulate YouTube's algorithm. It's not the fault of CG animation, it's the fault of YouTube and lack of competition. And maybe partly on the fault of some artists for abandoning better sites in favor of easier exposure.

    • 10 months ago

      >affecting anything

      • 10 months ago

        Cerebus created the TMNT

    • 10 months ago

      I couldn't agree harder with you anon.

      Do the people getting annoyed at AI tools lowering the barrier to entry know that codeless game engines have existed for years that made it possible for artists without programming skills to make games?

      It's not exactly the same as AI, there's still manual work. But what I'm trying to say is AI helps you compromise if you lack skill in one department, like these engines. Also, before people ree about jobs again, the existence of code-free engines didn't kill off programming jobs.

      • 10 months ago

        >those games
        Pure slop

        • 10 months ago

          GPP is literally frame by frame traditionally animated. 1 guy having to balance animating everything in his game with learning to code means the game would take years longer to finish than it does already. I don't get the point of purposefully handicapping yourself because you think it adds integrity or authenticity. The slop insult is so stupid as well because you'll gladly defend janky, badly done slop if it's made the "correct" way because it shows SOVL. You don't care about the quality, you care about flexing superiority.

          Again, POST YOUR WORK.

          • 10 months ago

            The excuses sloppers come up with to be lazy are getting insane holy frick

            • 10 months ago

              I guess Spider-Verse is slop now since they used AI.

            • 10 months ago

              You mean literally every game dev employed today?

          • 10 months ago

            Just... hire someone to code for you? Is that so fricking hard? This is shit pajeet cope for lowering the minimum effort required entry so any neanderthal can shit out a grotesque mass of low effort lowest common denominator thoughtless garbage under the delusion they have any hint of talent when in reality they had their hand held and butt wiped for them. There needs to be a gate to filter out these shit personalities who are incompatible with the heart and soul of art or we'll just get even more third world tier slop piled on top of what we already got which will fully drown out anything worthwhile. It's basic fricking logic that the brain dysfunctional AI shills in this thread refuse to grasp to keep advocating for the erasure of people from the creative process. Nobody wants to do the needful by buying a shitty half assed product. Also why the frick would someone make a game if they only do art? He knows he can just make a cartoon right?

            • 10 months ago

              >guy wants to make a zany platformer
              >has limited time and resources
              >finds a way to accomplish it

              >anon wants to be an artist
              >has limited time and resources
              >oh well ngmi guess I'll argue with homosexuals on Cinemaphile

            • 10 months ago

              >"do the needful"
              >pretending to not be a pajeet
              why do you go on the internet and lie?

              • 10 months ago

                NTA but that obviously is irony/mocking the guy he was replying to

              • 10 months ago

                Wait, people who are pro-artist are being called AI pajeets? What? Why?

              • 10 months ago

                Mf don't be disingenuous, they're "pro-shortcut" not "pro-artist"

              • 10 months ago

                Perhaps this is an ethically harmful opinion but I'm willing to forgive someone for taking a shortcut if they're already pouring hours of work into beautiful hand-crafted animation.

  67. 10 months ago

    Weird how most people jumped to this guy's defense when Grey Griffin got mad about her AI voice being used, while everyone dogpiled on that one guy who made a song cover with Futaba's voice when Erica Lindbeck got mad about it despite both of them being equally innocuous in their intent.

  68. 10 months ago

    I don't really see the moral difference between using AI voices compared to mashing up voice bits to use in animation/SFM videos. One takes way more effort, but the original VA's voice is still being used to make new sentences and no one is getting paid for it.

    • 10 months ago

      You are remixing something that already exists, not creating something new out of nothing.
      If you can't understand that difference then I'm sorry for your doctor.

      • 10 months ago

        Yes, both voice-bit mashing and AI is "remixing" a person's voice to create new sentences in it. One method is manual, the other is automatized, but why is one wrong, and the other ok when both take away work from VA's and impersonators?

        • 10 months ago

          because ai shills are unhinged morons, that's why.

      • 10 months ago

        >You are remixing something that already exists
        Where do you think the Ai is getting the voice from? Both are stealing.

    • 10 months ago

      It's the same gatekeeping that was once used against digital artists

  69. 10 months ago

    this homosexual kid couldn't be bothered to pretty please ask someone or do the daphne voice himself, like he said it's a passion project with no budget, people would understand.

    no, he went ahead and showed his ass to the internet. plus as a scott cawthon enabler he lost any sympathy from the people who actually work in the creative industry like he wants to so bad.

    • 10 months ago

      Why are you here?
      This isn’t twitter

      • 10 months ago

        >"but Cinemaphile is pro AI"
        another nail in the coffin won't make a difference.

        • 10 months ago

          That’s not what I meant
          I was more so referring to your tone

    • 10 months ago

      What did Scott Cawthon do and why would enabling his work which seems to consist of kid-horror content be an issue?

      • 10 months ago

        I think some people dug up his records and found out he was right wing. Kind of bizarre he got bashed for it since it clearly never intruded on his work enough for people to realize sooner. I guess other than the christian games, but that's not exactly political and I'm not sure how overtly religious Chipper and Sons is.

  70. 10 months ago

    It's just a fricking voice mix shit every fricking ytp and vocaloid video do that ever since the mid 2000s, everybody went insane with this AI bullshit.

    • 10 months ago

      youtube poops and vocaloid songs shouldn't go on a resume. VAs are right to freak out over this.

      • 10 months ago

        It's a Scooby-Doo and Five Nights at Freddy fanart crossover, it's useless on a professional portfolio.

      • 10 months ago

        It’s an animation showcase. The voice acting doesn’t matter.

  71. 10 months ago

    AI is awesome. What the tech can do right now is incredible.

  72. 10 months ago

    This whole thing is so unbelievablly moronic it genuinly made me pro-AI. Oh noooo some literal nobody used AI voices because he didn't have the resources to fully voice his own free fan animation? AHHHH WHAT A NIGHTMARE!!

  73. 10 months ago

    I personally hate how unions gate keep people out of joining the union.

    Animation guild, Writer's Guild, SAG all do this bullshit.

    Thanks for the strikes, I'm unable to get work.

  74. 10 months ago

    >morons on youtube and twitter shit on fun cool animation
    >Never shitted on those guy on youtube making presidents playing games memes.

    Why are people like this? The outrage for the creator of the video was unnecessary.

    • 10 months ago

      Because some people have made being anti-AI such a fundamental piece of their personality it's completely divorced them from reality. See: all the people who cheered on Adobe when the sponsored a law to "outlaw copying somebody's "style""

      • 10 months ago

        >See: all the people who cheered on Adobe when the sponsored a law to "outlaw copying somebody's "style""

        You have a source to that?

        • 10 months ago

          Yes but moronic or not he's still my friend so I'm not about to leak our DMs.

          • 10 months ago

            >Yes but moronic or not he's still my friend so I'm not about to leak our DMs.

            Huh?!? Then you're just making shit up.

            I am asking for a link on where you heard that source on adobe lobbying "a law to outlaw copying somebody's style" ?

            • 10 months ago

              I realized what you actually meant after I posted that. I already replied to you with the actual link. I interpreted it as you wanted a source for people supporting it, my b.

          • 10 months ago

            >Yes but moronic or not he's still my friend
            That's so kawaii anon-kun

        • 10 months ago

          Oh unless you meant the law itself in which case here
          It was a part if this hearing.

  75. 10 months ago

    It's funny how this outrage is useless against big companies because they will ony use art and voices they fully and legally brought to make AI art and voicing. Meanwhile if this drama is sucessful and the ones who took this young man down are seen as in the right it will only make companies taking down fanart look legitimate.

    That's what happens when you let unions be lead by paid executives rather than elected volunteer workers, they know what they are doing.

  76. 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      Meh tier comic. A better idea for a comic would be when someone posts an image claiming it's AI, anti-AIgays point out all the "obvious" mistakes the AI made and how it's slop, then revealing it's human-made art or an unedited photograph. Those trolls are fun but eye-opening about how the most vocal people on this issue don't really know what they're talking about.

      • 10 months ago

        Maybe next thread

        • 10 months ago

          >next thread
          why do you need a next thread, exactly

          • 10 months ago

            How else are they gonna earn their rupees for the day?

            • 10 months ago

              They could do honest work on Fiverr.

      • 10 months ago

        you can use both

      • 10 months ago

        Maybe next thread

        A comic about schizAIphrenia would also be funny
        >Ben Moran, a digital illustrator based in Vietnam, was banned from r/Art, a subreddit with nearly 22 million members, on December 27, 2022, for violating the subreddit's strict policy on not sharing AI art. Moran posted an image of their artwork titled "A Muse in Warzone" on the subreddit, which he claims was created using Photoshop. Upon receiving the ban, Moran contacted the moderators of r/Art to contest the punishment, offering to provide evidence, such as layered PSD files, that the work was not created with prompts. The Art subreddit has permanently banned Moran because their style looks similar to AI art.
        That's the most infamous example but that kind of thing happens all the time, especially on Artstation since that's primarily where AI steals from. It's subconscious hypocrisy, schizos imply AI crap looks as good as real art despite hating it for the slop it is. They call real artist's work "ugly slop" to show their solidarity with artists.

    • 10 months ago

      Now that I think about it Luddites never post any fricking work, they just want people to think they're artists without actually putting in any effort.

      I poured countless hours into learning prompt engineering tricks, keeping up to date with the latest tech, actually learning my craft, sharing my discoveries on Reddit, and some moron with two crayons who hasn't drawn shit in six months thinks he's working harder than I am. Maybe Karla Ortiz has a point (she gets to have an opinion at least) but frick those guys.

      • 10 months ago

        So is anyone ITT calling people "lazy" going to post their own work?


        Huh. It's almost like making art and animation is hard and incredibly time-consuming.

        Oh frick off, falseflag shit-stirrer prick. This argument isn't about AI art, it's about real artists using tools to aid their own created work to finish a whole project.

        • 10 months ago

          >real artists using tools to aid their own created work to finish a whole project
          It's interchangable.
          I wouldn't mind a real voice actor using AI to generate a character and them doing voice lines or narration they wrote and acted to suit the generated picture. That could be a simple way to get stuff on your VA portfolio.

          • 10 months ago

            a character or scene*

      • 10 months ago

        Why do you assume anyone that is against sloppa is an artist? Unlike you I don't try to cope with my lack of artistic talent by thinking typing up some bullshit for image gacha makes me an artist.

    • 10 months ago
      • 10 months ago

        Black person you ARE silly

    • 10 months ago

      You are pro AI but you made your comic the old fashioned way despite AI gen being easier and faster...curious

  77. 10 months ago

    tl;dr of this thread

  78. 10 months ago

    I'll never forget when the VA mob tried to get paid a percentage for video game sales. So, frick 'em. Let AI burn it all down.

  79. 10 months ago

    >the visuals are soulless because the voices are AI
    What did Cinemaphile mean by this

    • 10 months ago

      >Cinemaphile doesn’t watch cartoons
      We knew this already

    • 10 months ago

      You morons really think he stopped at the voices? AI attracts lazy buttholes for a reason.

      • 10 months ago

        Do you really think AI at this stage is capable of stop motion?

      • 10 months ago

        If AI was capable of making those visuals then I for one welcome our AI overlords.

      • 10 months ago

        If Ai could make this. They would 100s of them on YouTube right now.

  80. 10 months ago

    This thread is making me think that every single anti AI poster in this board actually baiting.

    • 10 months ago

      >he said, pro AI shill concern trolling

    • 10 months ago

      The leniency on the anti-AI crowd is strange. People seem to have no problem discerning they could be baiting trolls, but nobody questions the overly smug misanthropic pro-AI posts and often use them as justification for why AI is bad. If people want to be consistent, that opens up bad anti-AI posts to be justification for AI being good, doesn't it?

      • 10 months ago

        kek this is raw schizophrenia. Maybe you should spend a little less time prompting and a little more time taking meds, AI shill

      • 10 months ago

        Well to be fair this also means that no one is going on an anti AI crusade in this site but one or a few extremely loud autists. If every anti AI post is clearly shitposting or union shills then this board consensus is clearly against twitter mob rule.

  81. 10 months ago

    >you can't put something you made for fun on your portfolio
    Do none of you have jobs
    Have none of you ever made a CV before

    • 10 months ago

      >get replaced by AI shit

  82. 10 months ago

    Good on him, few people in this world have the willpower to animate a short alone.
    >but the AI voices
    Don't care, they sound good enough for me, and it doesn't matter if its a machine or human behind the curtain as long it gets the job done, this is just fearmongering.

  83. 10 months ago

    speech to text software has been a thing for years.

    does that count as artificial intelligence?

    there's gonna be alot of disappointed YouTubers if the answers 'yes'

    • 10 months ago

      >does that count as artificial intelligence?
      No, do you not realize how that shit works? The way Siri's and Cortana's voices operate would be comparable but they actually paid someone to record and synthesize their voices for that.

      • 10 months ago

        meant 'text to speech', my bad

        I get AI voices are more involved because they can make it talk and sound like an actual person and that's what VAs are griping about.
        I just wonder if the average Joe is gonna even know the difference in the coming years as this tech improves.

  84. 10 months ago

    I do appreciate that people offered to do some free voicework for him to help smooth over the crazyness

  85. 10 months ago

    I just don't care. TV came out, and people feared for their radio jobs. Commercial photography came out, and painters feared for their jobs. Automation came out, and people feared for their factory jobs. Computer programming came out, and general white-collar workers feared for their jobs. Digital programs came out, and people feared for their ink n' paint jobs. Auto-tune came out, and people feared the music industry would crumble. CG came out, and 2D animators feared for their jobs.

    Technology comes out. Some jobs die, new jobs pop up to take their place. Those who adapt are able to thrive and don't fear change because they know they can do it. Those who can't just complain. You can't expect your working life to continue with no adaptations over the course of 60 - 70 fricking years.

    Fear of corporate abuse is one thing, fear of the tech itself is just ignorance. Or maybe some of it is malice and they're trying to retain a specific monopoly they have by creating a narrative of how evil some progress is. I haven't been looking into the strikes, but I definitely don't think they're all being done out of the goodness out their hearts. There's definitely a bit of greed backing it up.

  86. 10 months ago

    Guy’s, controversies like this is starting to radicalise me towards supporting AI.

  87. 10 months ago

    Damn what the frick, why are there so many pro-slop shills in this threa-
    >anons talking about video games
    Oh Cinemaphile tourists, that explains it.
    Back you gays go.

    • 10 months ago

      >people can only have knowledge of one media
      >VAs don't do work for both

  88. 10 months ago


  89. 10 months ago

    The only take on AI art that matters is this one.

    • 10 months ago

      He was right

  90. 10 months ago

    Hey, Springtrapped just hit a million views

    • 10 months ago
  91. 10 months ago

    why is this thread still going

    don't you lazy pajeets have anything better to do

  92. 10 months ago


    I don't care much about VAs, but this is fricking sour grapes cope lol, your autistic emotionless voice "acting" is worthless even if a AI could match a better voice flawlessly.

  93. 10 months ago

    I'm surprised that this set off such a reaction and not the seemingly billionths US Presidents video.

    • 10 months ago

      I just easily trained AI to explain how it can extrapolate real information that people cannot receive through processing massive amounts of data.

      As it does so it draws upon my own setting which I set up on the internet from 2006 - 2011. I set it up in the cartoon community and so this motivates people in the industry to hate AI because they hate the things I stand for.

      I am only posting on Cinemaphile to deploy this truth bomb. I also made a video about this situation which explains how everything that the industry is saying is bunk

      They are afraid of that Scooby-Doo FNAF artist becoming so good that he threatens the mere existence of the industry because it is full of hacks who don't belong in art
      If he wasn't a skilled animator they wouldn't be complaining

      The only take on AI art that matters is this one.

      Yes, however they can accomplish things besides punishment. They are multifaceted

      • 10 months ago

        no way you have a fricking youtube channel lmao

        • 10 months ago

          That sounds like a groomer comment because anybody can make a YouTube channel and so you're trying to imply that there's a barrier that does not actually exist, attempting to create a demotivational effect primarily meant for the psychology of a teenager.

          My power level is too high for you bro

          • 10 months ago

            you're really boring. i know you've tried to shake up your shtick over the years but most of the time i just mentally zone you out and generally forget you exist, i didn't even notice your name until i scrolled over the youtube link

            • 10 months ago

              I got AI to generate exactly how my monsters spook people on the first try. AI is real

              >Suddenly realizes he's in trouble, tries to display that he won't associate with me to make me feel pained about missing out on nepotistic connections, doesn't realize he's describing exactly the reaction I expect he would have to that exact comment
              Zoomers don't got it, we need better candidates for the animation community who can't be totaled by me like this

              Stop repeating this nonsense, he’s fricking 23 years old. if thats a “kid” to you then I don’t know what to say.

              Kid is a relative term but you nepotistic weirdos miss out on that aspect of life. You're supposed to help guide younger members to follow in the footsteps of the elders, just as the Golden Age animators, Richard Williams, anime legends, etc. did. But you folks in Los Angeles think that learning is done after college. And what you learned in college was mainly how to gatekeep people who didn't go to animation college.

  94. 10 months ago

    Anti gatekeeping wokebros using violence to gatekeep people who just want to make cartoons, just another day really

  95. 10 months ago

    >And I would have gotten away with it too, if not for you meddling celebrities.

  96. 10 months ago

    I’m not assmad over the ai voices but seriously Just get some friends to do the voices. Do people not have friends anymore?

    • 10 months ago

      >Everybody has friends with voice acting ability
      Way to show you're as privileged and out of touch as Vivzie
      And what exactly does that accomplish if it's all about getting people paid - a mentality which is parasitic upon creativity

  97. 10 months ago

    In a way it's not that different than pirating software, video games etc.
    "You're depriving creators of potential sales!" when in all likelihood the people downloading it were never interested in giving money to the people to begin with.

    • 10 months ago

      it's not like the industry supports those either

      • 10 months ago

        The "industry" of buying and selling was made based around fruit and bread, not ink on a page.
        It's one of those strange dilemnas where I hate everyone involved, the grifters putting out low-effort garbage to make a quick buck, and also the egotistical bourgoeis gatekeepers to a dying industry who think they're untouchable.

  98. 10 months ago

    AI grifters took the arm of artists without even asking first so now the visceral negative response in any field is normal. There's no secret to art.

  99. 10 months ago

    I still don't get why this specific video triggered people so bad.

    It's like the worst possible example of "lazy stolen AI shit" you could have focused on. Like, there's tons of AI covers using cartoon characters, some with dead voice actors, getting pumped out daily with hardly any human input in the videos other than putting a crusty jpeg over a poorly filtered copyrighted song. There's Shaggy and Scooby AI voiced videos that have been up for months already. Why target the one video with undoubtedly the most human input and effort put into it, where the AI use is practically negligible? It's not like the creator thinks AI is better, he just lacked (or felt like he lacked) connections, he switched to real VAs as soon as he realized he actually had the option to, so what was the point of trying to make an example of him? What did shitting on him and trying to blacklist him accomplish that a tactful nudge to let him know "the AI voices were a bad idea, but don't worry, here's where you can find some free VAs" wouldn't?

    If the celebrities weren't involved, I would have thought this controversy was a faked to hell psyop to make anyone critical of AI look deranged. Did Grey apologize at least? I don't use xitter so I can't view shit unless it gets posted here.

    But yeah this turned into a nothingburger in real time. Just literally no reason to go all out on a naive college student who lacked foresight (as most amateurs naturally do, regardless of what a hot topic AI is to the chronically online crowd), learned, and was willing to redub ASAP. I don't really believe he was "backtracking" or "groveling" like some have said, I don't think he wanted to use AI at all considering Scooby and Shaggy had real voices, he just didn't want to do bad impressions, he is clearly autistic so he might have felt too self-conscious about not doing it perfect.

    I dunno. How did any of the bullies involved think to themselves "I am a good person" during this, shit's fricked

    • 10 months ago

      >Did Grey apologize at least?
      She just came back after days of silence and is doubling down, even though she says that she and the animator are good now.

      • 10 months ago

        ugh why is she such a c**t?

        • 10 months ago

          Is it just me or is the response really hysterical, like she's accusing him of an actual crime

          • 10 months ago

            Hysterical seems to be the general take.

          • 10 months ago

            It's a woman in, "losing my value mode."

    • 10 months ago

      I think people got so tense and paranoid over this current union strike and big ai animation projects from companies that they were just ready to attack anything that moved by instinct like a frienzed bull going after random bystanders.

    • 10 months ago

      I think people got so tense and paranoid over this current union strike and big ai animation projects from companies that they were just ready to attack anything that moved by instinct like a frienzed bull going after random bystanders.


    • 10 months ago

      People associate AI with grifting crypto nft dudebros.
      Thus people think whenever they bash someone using AI, they are bashing a grifting crypto nft dudebro, like this

      Don't get me wrong, I am in total favor of bashing grifting crypto nft dudebros, however I am also in favor of nuance and therefore capable of understanding that not everyone who uses AI is a grifting crypto nft dudebro. Many people think being nuanced means you're conceding or being a fencesitter, so they behave in a self-righteous manner that cannot be reasoned with, such as Jay Lender bringing up the right side of history. That is also why people dismiss the actual art to call it lazy. They do not believe anyone who uses AI, no matter how minor its role, could have any work ethic in order to make their own art in the first place, so the art is not real or actually bad.

      • 10 months ago

        NFTs and Bitcoin died right before it catapulted into the general zeitgeist so most of those tech grifters simply transitioned to it and brought their aggressive shill tactics with it.

        This. 99% this at least.

        If generative AI arose five years sooner or five years later, I think the debate about it would be much different. But it arose at the absolute worst possible time for it to have arisen, at least for generative AI, because it came at the tail end of the NFT/crypto grift boom when all the Silicon Valley techbros and New Dehli Pajeetbros were high on investorbux, saw ChatGPT and DALLE 2 and Stable Diffusion, got dollar/rupee signs in their eyes, and immediately jumped on that trend en masse and shat on every creative they could, immediately declaring AI the "future" and wanting to use it for everything even though generative AI is still at least a couple years away from ACTUALLY being ready to use in major media products.

        Agreed, it really has poisoned the discussion.

        >Tards who don't follow AI (i.e. 99% of people talking about AI art, pro and against) have no clue what machine learning, deep learning, neural network research, data science, etc. were like in the lead up to the present.
        Based take. A lot of industrygays love saying "Why the frick are AI researchers trying to automate human creativity? Why are they doing this now??"
        Blacks, no one sat in their labs sinisterly israelily steepling their hands going "And in 2022 and 2023, we will arbitrarily release tools that will attack artists and voice actors! And then in 2024, we vill make them eat ze bugs and scan zeir eyeballs!"

        If it was possible for neural nets to make animu coombait art 20 years ago, we'd have had animu coombait art 20 years ago.

        What really happened is that a bunch of nerds realized that they could make a bunch of diffusion models learn what concepts are to recreate images (which they got by learning how to caption images and reversing the process), and then some other teams decided "Can we use this to create artwork and photograph-like images?" And the answer was obviously yes because there's nothing intrinsically special about a specific pattern of pixels on a screen.

        And THEN the techbros decided to monetize it and piss off artists.

        Anons you have no idea how refreshing these posts are to read after years of nothing but
        and anyone with a remotely rational, non-hysterical, non-polarized thought is labeled a centrist cuck

    • 10 months ago

      I think it was because this is being used in the practical sense not some shitty AI cover that is going to be banned in the next few months or some meme that will only ever make like a dollar if its even monetized
      Although there are homosexuals asking for donations for the AI covers even though they don't even edit anything

  100. 10 months ago

    The industrygays being massive swinging dicks checks out, but Cinemaphile is moronic
    >if you edit a character's voice from a copyrighted source you are committing theft, copyright infringement and non fair use because reasons
    >but uhhh youtube poops and sentence mixing are different though because reasons
    >big corpos totally won't just pay to use AI voices legally anyway
    >who cares if indies who can't afford that get C&D'd to hell and back over fan projects and have them taken down
    >totally won't be a slippery slope to the return of fan content being nuked off the internet as corpos don't give a frick about fair use, never gave a frick about fair use, and don't legally discriminate between an AI voiced Shaggy, Where's The Caveman and your Norville x reader comic
    >we did it, we saved art
    How the frick is Springtrapped not a transformative use of the voices anyway? Ignoring the fact fair use covers remixes, and AI voices are just auto-remixed, did he not also have to edit the audio using software to sound like an old VHS? Where's the line? Not that it matters to Warner Bros anyway but I'm curious to know at what point Cinemaphile would stop sucking them off and defend the internet creator instead.

    • 10 months ago

      Zoomers forget or just don't know that from a legal standpoint, a lot of fan stuff isn't technically protected, it's just the companies rarely bother unless they're extreme tight asses (see: nintendo) because a) the money isn't worth the effort. b) it's bad publicity. And b doesn't always stop them.

    • 10 months ago

      Zoomers forget or just don't know that from a legal standpoint, a lot of fan stuff isn't technically protected, it's just the companies rarely bother unless they're extreme tight asses (see: nintendo) because a) the money isn't worth the effort. b) it's bad publicity. And b doesn't always stop them.

      The line is based on what people are willing to sue for and what people can defend in court. It's complicated by the fact that WB or it's parent has rights here as well. Companies file frivolous our unfounded suits and win all the fricking time ,because of cost of defense.

      This one would absolutely go to a jury, should she or WB try to sue. My bet is that WB would steamroll, for her, it's a complete tossup.

    • 10 months ago

      Zoomers forget or just don't know that from a legal standpoint, a lot of fan stuff isn't technically protected, it's just the companies rarely bother unless they're extreme tight asses (see: nintendo) because a) the money isn't worth the effort. b) it's bad publicity. And b doesn't always stop them.

      It's funny because I got into an argument about this very same thing. It's interesting how I pointed out how fanart, memes, snippets, remixes, and dances on TikTok all copyright infringe yet nobody complains about them. Then they moved goalposts to say, voice actors need these small projects to add to their portfolio. As if they don't voice over scenes all the time.

  101. 10 months ago

    >he's just a kid and it's not for profit
    >meanwhile he's 23 and he has ads on the vid and is shilling a patreon.

  102. 10 months ago

    This incident taught me that VAs deserve to lose their jobs and go destitute, tbh. Frick creatives, absolutely no mercy for anyone who sticks out of the crab bucket.

  103. 10 months ago

    I'm going on strike from Grey. I will no longer be jerking off to Azula porn until she apologizes.

    • 10 months ago

      finally, a boycott relevant to me

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