>An entire gay sex scene. >in a show about a possessed murder doll

>An entire gay sex scene
>in a show about a possessed murder doll
For what reason?

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  1. 1 month ago

    to please moloch

    • 1 month ago

      Don't blame me, I voted for Baal.

  2. 1 month ago

    No one should consume this satanic slop. The movies are fine, this is pozzed garbage. I quit it after 2 episodes.

  3. 1 month ago

    Because it's a show for gays

  4. 1 month ago

    Gays exist, quit crying and deal with it

    • 1 month ago

      So do pedophiles but we don't need their degeneracy played out in movies and TV

      • 1 month ago

        They're not the same thing, chud, wake up

        • 1 month ago

          >massive amount of gay pedophiles
          >correlation between gays and being diddled as kids
          >gays are hyper fixated on indoctrinating children
          >sex pests with no control
          They're pretty much the same thing anon

          • 1 month ago

            >Puts head in the sand and ignores the pedos watching the show for Lexi
            Yeah keep using these 'facts'

            • 1 month ago

              >pedos and gays love the show because of degen pandering
              Thanks for proving my point more

              • 1 month ago

                You don't have to get a hard-on to enjoy the show anon

              • 1 month ago

                >pedos watching the show for Lexi
                She’s 18 and even if she wasn’t you’re not a pedo for being sexually attracted to a 16 or 17 year old hence why many states draw the age of consent line there. Don’t be a homosexual and let the gay liberal israelite media psyop you into equating literal pedophilia with statutory rape. I’ll admit it is creepy though but 9/10 men would.

              • 1 month ago

                *she’s 17 my bad but my point still stands and the show even implies she is 18 and the one gay kid calls her hot

              • 1 month ago

                she's 16 and pedos in every thread tell others to watch it for her, which is conveniently left out whenever this topic comes up, gays are the only pedos right?

              • 1 month ago

                Pedos frick babies and kids a 16 year old is neither of those

          • 1 month ago

            I'm sorry you were molested anon.

          • 1 month ago

            > most gay men admit that their relationships were when they were teens with older men
            > even the front runner gays admit to wanting older men
            > relationships between the two parties are usually 10 years apart at least.
            > lesbians are even worse but thats not a topic people want to get into yet, specifically with the rise of online grooming
            > even "To Catch a Predator" and the people trying to copy it admitted that they got way more answers from the gay community looking for boys

            its a fun world we live in

          • 1 month ago

            >massive amount of gay pedophiles

            Source: your ass

            • 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      So do gay bashers 😉

      • 1 month ago

        He already mentioned gays.

  5. 1 month ago

    I love how the actors are clearly uncomfortable kek
    Not even fujos like the pair

  6. 1 month ago

    >For what reason?
    Have you ever seen Don Mancini?

    • 1 month ago

      The first childs play movie was as good as it was because it had other talented caring people working on it

      The frick homosexual in that pic has skated off the fame of the first one for his entire life. all the stuff he makes has been weird shit schlop.

  7. 1 month ago

    I just started season 2 and it already feels like they ramped the gay shit up by x2

    • 1 month ago

      They quadruple the gay shit in S3 with sex scenes of 16 year old boys
      >Hurr it is just implied they're just shirtless and making out in a bed crustcore missionary sex with a blanket covering them you're so phobic sis
      homie that's gay

  8. 1 month ago

    I forced myself to watch an episode of this because I loved Child's Play when it came out. Boy oh boy. I couldn't get through it, it was a horror version of straight white man terrible, it had every trope of wokeness in a more pepped up vicious way, the one white man on it was supplicant and treated terribly and owned by the powerful women. It was a disgusting show written by sadist feminists in a vengeful haze. Oh you liked this movie as a kid, we're going to teach you a lesson, just sickening I could go on and on about it. We were supportive of wokeness at the start but now its impossible, it really is anti straight white man more than anything, its not inclusive or egalitarian, or lets all love each other, there's one group that should be pushed down

    • 1 month ago

      I watched season 1 up to the hospital episode or the episode where Chucky declares war on the MC or something. Tbh I thought it was really shitty at first but started picking up, but mostly I was only watching for Brad Dourif because I fricking love the guy. Somehow I fell off though and never finished the season but I remember it getting better than the first episodes made it seem like it was going to be, and the live threads at the time were full of anons who agreed

      • 1 month ago

        I don't know how anyone watches the wokeness, I can't stand it, like when a woman gives orders or two of them have a conversation exhibiting how powerful they are, its repulsive, are you a woman?

        • 1 month ago

          In the episode I watched a white guy got the trans terminology slightly off and then got lectured by a troony, as if they had to sneak in a public service announcement, what has the francise become in the hands of lunatic women and trans'

      • 1 month ago

        The only really egregious parts are the gay romance sex stuff but other than that it’s pretty enjoyable and Dourif shows up as himself in the upcoming episode.

    • 1 month ago

      Man idk I think the gay kissing shit and “watch your fricking mouth around my boyfriend Chucky!” Shit is super lame but I just love Childs Play too much I guess. I’m still enjoying it but I’ve only just started season 2

  9. 1 month ago

    There is a posessed doll in a museum in the states called Robert. If you visit him and you disrespect him, like take his photo or tap on the glass he wrecks your life and the museum is inundated with apology letters to Robert by his victims

    • 1 month ago

      >There is a posessed doll in a museum in the states called Robert. If you visit him and you disrespect him, like take his photo or tap on the glass he wrecks your life and the museum is inundated with apology letters to Robert by his victims
      Doesn't Zak have Robert now? I think they did a whole special on it.

      • 1 month ago

        I don't think he took it, why would you

  10. 1 month ago

    Were they cute twinks? If so, I will now watch your show.

    • 1 month ago

      It's buck braker approved

  11. 1 month ago

    A single 4 letter word will answer your question and you know it.

  12. 1 month ago

    horror show?

  13. 1 month ago

    I don't see the scene in episode 7. When is it?

  14. 1 month ago

    >In a franchise where the kid of Chucky is literally trans
    Idk what to tell you tards, you're just looking for outrage now. It's like walking into a nightclub in the Castro and being offended when a bear offers to buy you a drink, you're just frickin' slow.

  15. 1 month ago

    I really, truly despise all of you to an indescribable degree. If I woke up tomorrow and learned aliens selectively incinerated all of you and droves of other morons I would feel joy beyond the limits of comprehension.

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