>an HDMI cable?

>an HDMI cable? What are you talking about about babe?
>anyways, let's watch that obscure kino not available on streaming service

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  1. 12 months ago

    Just stream from vlc.

    • 12 months ago

      >sorry babe let me just kneel down by the laptop and enter the file path of the movie

      • 12 months ago

        You can do it from the vlc app.

        • 12 months ago

          >sorry baby those things take a while, it's a bit awkward to type using the remote

          • 12 months ago

            Have you ever had a women over at your place?

  2. 12 months ago

    I tried Jellyfin but then I got a NAS
    now i have to convert all my x265 codecs into x264 to play online fuuuuuuuuu

    • 12 months ago

      No you don't you mong. You just need to use a client that supports HEVC, ie anything but a browser

      Plex just werks

      >paying to route your pirated content through some company's server
      shiggy diggy

      • 12 months ago

        Plex is free and you can still stream to your local network from your server without internet access. Plus it's about a million times more convenient and is accessible on more devices. FOSS shit is cool but Jellyfin has a long way to go before it's on par with Plex.

        • 12 months ago

          It's free if you don't care about downloading movies, streaming music etc. Jellyfin had surpassed Plex a while ago

          Streaming is fricking moronic. Just watch DVDs or Blu-Ray discs.

          I download and stream those too

          • 12 months ago

            Literally all you get for buying a plex pass is little quality of life improvements like being able to skip intros and shit. Who cares about downloading the stuff they offer? It's all old shit that's on like every other free streaming platform, and the better music player is alright but hardly anyone uses Plex for music when there are better music player apps out there. Even aside from all that, if you did just have to buy a plex pass for whatever reason, it's like 100 bucks for a lifetime pass anyway.

            • 12 months ago

              You can't download your own media from Plex. Quality of life is important too. Also Plex serves ads too lmao
              >I don't need those musical sour grapes anyways
              >it's only 100bucks, a steal!
              Sounds great but I'll stick with jellyfin

              didn't plex become vulnerable recently?

              who knows, it's proprietary

              • 12 months ago

                Why would I need to download the movies that I already have downloaded lmao Yeah though 100 bucks is a steal considering how much better it is compared to Jellyfin. I've still just been using the free version for years and everything works perfectly.

              • 12 months ago

                >ok jellyfin does all those things Plex doesn't but Plex still better
                >it's better because of reasons
                >IT JUST IS OK

                Also downloading movies matters when you're trying to download something from your server before boarding the plane for instance. Enjoy your gimped malware with ads lol

              • 12 months ago

                Jellyfin absolutely does not do everything Plex can do even without buying a pass for the additional features. Plex is also simpler to set up and manage. They aren't even close and it's always sad seeing Jellyfin people deluding themselves. I bet you use Linux too.

              • 12 months ago

                >Plex is better because I'm a moron
                Uh? Anyways, what does Plex do Jellyfin doesn't? Lots of examples the other way around
                >I bet you use Linux
                I am indeed white, how could you tell?

            • 12 months ago

              Plex doesn't do transcoding with a loicense lol

      • 12 months ago

        yes, but when i'm sharing this with friends they just want to watch on their phone browser. its like netflix without the money.

    • 12 months ago

      if your nas is too shite to transcode, get a cheap nuc and put jellyfin on that

  3. 12 months ago

    Plex just werks

  4. 12 months ago

    Either get a chromecast and use a windows plugin to cast content to the TV, or use an Apple TV and screenshare your Mac to it
    both are effectively seamless as long as you don't have poverty-tier internet
    I've used a MacBook/Apple TV combo for years to show pirated movies on my TV and my girlfriends have been none the wiser. also a great way to pirate UFC
    if you're enough of a mongoloid that you actually hook your 2008 Toshiba shitbook to the TV to play anime, you deserve the hate you get from chicks

    • 12 months ago

      >hold on babe let me just get my laptop
      >alright I just need to connect to the chrome cast
      >oh wait I forgot my external HDD
      >lemme go on IMDb to give you the synopsis of /mnt/HDD/movies/movie.2022.s01e01.1080p.mkv
      >alright the episode is down, let me get my laptop to start the other one
      >now let me just skip forward for the intro...
      >another headache babe? That's 3 night in a row now!

      • 12 months ago

        my entire family and extended family think im as smart as bill gates after setting them up with this

        i dont understand this. it just "simplifies" playing movies you already have? isnt the issue when looking to steam movies getting them in the first place? its like a last mile solution to a problem that hardly exists unless im misunderstanding something

        youre too stupid/lazy to open a file with your movies but youre somehow not stupid/lazy enough to avoid setting this thing up? is kodi the same thing? i *literally* dont understand what they are and have never seen anyone use them

        • 12 months ago

          My entire family has a Netflix-like experience watching shows. It plays the next episode automatically, it skips intros, it remembers the timestamp I stopped watching something at, it gives me summary, the cast, lets me search movies by genres, by actors, by date etc. It also serves my entire lossless music library to multiple devices. It's the superior way to do things and all the techlets who insist manually looking up a file is just as convenient are coping hard

          • 12 months ago

            you just unironically used the phrase "Netflix-like experience" and youre trying to talk down to others

            • 12 months ago

              Netflix's UI revolutionized media watching. The catalogue being shit does change that. I get my obscure kinos from exclusive private trackers and enjoy them with great UX. Cope and seethe, techlet

              • 12 months ago

                you just seem like a audiophile or something. opening a file and playing a movie is literally faster than messing with a ui. not to mention downloading it in the first place instead of just streaming any movie you want instantly. is it for people with shitty internet that cant just stream?

                i buy movies that i like and just stream anything i want to see. i get ideas of what to watch by shitposting on Cinemaphile and looking up suggestions, not by autistically looking over the movies that i *already* have, which doesnt make sense to me really

                seems like such a boomer thing. the one application for these dumb shits that i can think of is i saw a bootleg cinema in cambodia that had nice seating and everything but all his movies were rips that he downloaded so you just got to go into a nice a/c room and get out of the heat and watch basically any movie you wanted. other than that i see no reason to waste time and effort on ui that only you will see

              • 12 months ago

                explain how painstakingly looking the file is faster than typing part of its name and having all related results with thumbnails etc. If plugging shit into your laptop then plugging your laptop into your TV every time you want to watch something works for you then it's fine. Me? I like a polished experience that I can share with my family. Do you also not use software for your music library if clicking filenames is enough? Jellyfin allows me to stream my music on all my devices, pretty nifty 🙂

          • 12 months ago

            Ya, this. That’s why I stream everything on watchseries unless I wanna watch it in the highest quality possible possible, in which case I pirate it and watch it through plex. I don’t stream my pirated stuff though since I watch all my kino in my home theater. Rarely do I watch anything in my living room, usually only when guests are over in which case watch series is fine because it’s just background noise. And I guess I watch before bed in my bedroom but again, warchseries is fine because I’m just putting something on to put me to sleep. I doing get why people need to stream their pirated content tbh

            • 12 months ago

              another goyslop enjoyer I see

        • 12 months ago

          It's just nice for people who like collecting and building their own servers. Like having your own streaming service that always has things you want to watch, never drops shows or movies randomly, isn't bloated with troony shows and movies, doesn't cost any money to access, and if you're using plex then it's available on pretty much all the same devices as regular streaming services.

      • 12 months ago

        My sister's husband set up a family Plex server I access on the Apple TV which handles 75% of the shit random chicks I have over want to watch
        I'm on Facebook digital code sharing groups so I have hundreds of movies which can be watched through iTunes or Vudu, which is like 20%
        the other 5% of random shit that GFs want to watch is usually shit I don't want to pay for, so I use a private forum I'm on that uploads movies using MEGA which can be downloaded in 2 minutes and cast to the TV in 30 seconds. if I have a girl over that wants to watch Monsters vs Aliens and I don't own it, I can have it on the TV within 3 minutes

        Netflix's UI revolutionized media watching. The catalogue being shit does change that. I get my obscure kinos from exclusive private trackers and enjoy them with great UX. Cope and seethe, techlet

        people forget how shit literally every other service was until very recently, Prime Video is still shit honestly

        • 12 months ago

          Holy cringe.

          >hold on babe let me log into that indian website
          >searching the forum...
          >got it!
          >downloading it
          >alright lemme connect to the Chromecast
          >etc etc
          Me? I just type the name of the movie on nzb360 and radarr picks it up automatically and has it available on my jellyfin server on minutes

  5. 12 months ago

    my entire family and extended family think im as smart as bill gates after setting them up with this

  6. 12 months ago

    Streaming is fricking moronic. Just watch DVDs or Blu-Ray discs.

  7. 12 months ago

    I would whip out my vga to hdmi cable for the ol thinkpad when I was broke all the time. shawties thought it was quirky but you guys are probably not very charming

  8. 12 months ago

    for me, its quickconnect.to

  9. 12 months ago

    didn't plex become vulnerable recently?

  10. 12 months ago

    why are pirates so desperate for approval?

  11. 12 months ago

    I plug my usb stick with films on it into my media pc laptop and double click.

    That's it.

    The projector takes longer to load up than that. Shit, the audio receiver probably takes longer to power up too.

  12. 12 months ago

    I only like using apps for my porn kinos. stash is insane once I got most of my collection tagged

    I just wish it would launch mpc-hc for me. web players are shit

  13. 12 months ago

    I use AirDrop™ to play torrented movies from my MacBook™ on my Samsung™ TV. No HDMI cable needed.

  14. 12 months ago

    i use plex on the rare occasion. same as torrenting in general. lately though, my parents have gotten rid of their tv subscriptions and are asking for me to get the few tv shows they did watch on the service.
    what's the best way to be alerted of new releases by name? rss feeds? are there any websites or app for this problem? wtf do i do

  15. 12 months ago

    plex forces you to create an account and authenticate through their servers, there is literally no reason to do this unless they are harvesting your data. plexcucks are the worst kind of Black personcattle morons, even when they pirate their media they find a way to kneel before some gay company.

    • 12 months ago

      >tfw grain stare

    • 12 months ago

      Plex is harvesting my data?! Oh no not my heckin data!! What will I do if some algorithm uses my data to show me ads that I don’t even see that are supposed to be more relevant to me! What a heckin travesty!!!

  16. 12 months ago

    > Proceeds to play the entire pieced together turbo-autismo edition of some third rate franchise pasted together from dodgy low resolution sources 15 years ago when they were considered good.
    Hail to the pussy detractor. Hail to the eternal virgin!

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