>And I will not be the Disney Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi

>And I will not be the Disney® Star Wars™: Episode VIII – The Last Jedi©
Excluding the john boyega and girl parts why did we hate this movie anyway? Luke literally saves everyone and brings hope back to the galaxy again when all was lost

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  1. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      the people who love the last jedi also love all the other disney star wars shit

      • 5 months ago

        The people who "love" this shit, hate the George lucas star wars, it's only about politics and agenda pushing. They don't give a frick about the characters or story. Just like the homosexual, wiener sucker op who made this bait thread.

        • 5 months ago

          >it's only about politics and agenda pushing
          You don't say?

      • 5 months ago

        sunken cost fallacy on their part

  2. 5 months ago

    have a nice day reddit Black person troony.

  3. 5 months ago

    >Excluding the john boyega and girl parts
    That's most of the movie. You're saying it's good because of the last 15 minutes or however long that fight took.

    • 5 months ago

      >That's most of the movie
      No, that's only 11 minutes. The main focus of the movie is about Rey trying to remind Luke of how awesome he is and how the galaxy still needs him.

      • 5 months ago

        All the Rey crap is included in the "girl parts".

  4. 5 months ago

    I have never met anyone who likes Last Jedi, who has a poster in their room, who bought a toy or who even has the bluray somewhere.
    This chinese forum is one of the few places were idiots are still talking about this mess of a film.

  5. 5 months ago

    Because the john boyardee and girl parts are 95 percent of the movie

  6. 5 months ago

    The A plot is fine and mostly seethed over by Gen X'ers and Millennials who have made the consumption of Star Wars into a religion with Luke Skywalker as the central Christ figure. These people genuinely believe a "character arc" in someone's 20s means they will remain completely static in their actions and convictions for the rest of their lives, possibly because they are boring people themselves who have been living a Groundhog Day-esque life since their mid-20s.

    The B-plot is horrific. Horribly written narrative and irritating characters who speak like mentally damaged libshit women, and it wastes precious time that could have been used on the characters introduced in TFA who so desperately needed character development because JJ is a fricking moron hack and can't make films that aren't theme park rides. It's the sort of stuff only a goober incel gay like Rian Johnson could write.

    TLJ is also, besides Andor, the only good-looking Disneyslop. Rian actually knows how to make a movie look good.

    • 5 months ago

      >These people genuinely believe a "character arc" in someone's 20s means they will remain completely static in their actions and convictions for the rest of their lives,
      They could've come up with a thousand reasons for Luke to go into hiding. Rian Johnson picked the absolute worst reason that broke the fundamental conceit of the character. Luke is hope. Luke beats Palpatine with the hope that his father can be redeemed. The homie hoped so hard that he even convinced the most dreaded tyrant in the galaxy that maybe there was a chance for redemption. To go from that to giving into fear that your flesh and blood nephew might turn to the dark side doesn't gel. It breaks the character.

      A better reason for Luke to fall into despair and exile himself would've been for him to try the same on Ben except this time it backfires and Ben destroys the jedi temple and kills Luke's students. You still get bitter, angry Luke without mangling the character or his beliefs in the process.

  7. 5 months ago

    It's an idiot plot. They're trapped in a slow speed space chase, except they're not actually trapped and could leave any time they want on a smaller shuttle, in fact Finn and Rose leave the ship a couple times to go on a totally irrelevant side plot.

    The "genius commander" decides the best way to execute her genius plan is to mislead one of her senior officers into thinking she was going to kill them all so that he stages a mutiny at a critical juncture in the plan. Then it turns out her plan was actually fricking moronic because it was to hide on an abandoned planet from which there was no escape in a place that had zero fortifications. Literally their only hope was that the First Order wouldn't spot them sending hundreds of small craft to a nearby planet. At no point did anyone consider doing this while the slow speed chase was happening, you know, start spreading your important people out on different planets so all your eggs aren't in one basket, so to speak. But nah, they all stay on the big ship and 99% of the die on the planet per Holdo's amazing scheme, save the bare handful Rey rescues in the Falcon later.

    Oh, and Luke's "big rescue" is to momentarily distract Kylo Ren to save like 10 people. Hundreds died pointlessly, and Luke himself, the last Jedi master alive, also died, to save like 10 people. What an utter fricking farce.

    • 5 months ago

      No he doesn’t he and his entire family and all the heroes get genocided and die for nothing. He inspired the galaxy? That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard why did he have to die for that? Hasn’t he seen Independence Day? have a nice day.

      • 5 months ago

        Did you miss the part where the army unloaded all their weapons on Luke?
        >bringing them to a halt
        Kylo ordered them to stop so he could 1v1 Luke.
        >comforted Leia
        The fish people on Ach-To were given more dialogue amongst themselves than Luke had with Leia.
        >Apologized to Ben
        He mocked Ben with every glib word.
        >dies with sense of purpose
        There was literally no purpose for Luke to commit suicide via astral projection when any number of other actions would have been preferable.
        Luke's has no way to redeem anything now that he is dead. Rian Johnson killed the character so that nobody else could use him. There is no redemption possible for Luke now. The end of TLJ demonstrates that the resistance has barely enough people to limp away on the Falcon, while the First Orde has galaxy spanning influence.

        Everything in this image is wrong. It's like you watched a different movie, or are so fricking moronic that you'll find meaning in anything.

    • 5 months ago

      They had a giant door on the planet

    • 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      And then it got worse

  8. 5 months ago

    No he doesn’t he and his entire family and all the heroes get genocided and die for nothing. He inspired the galaxy? That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard why did he have to die for that? Hasn’t he seen Independence Day? have a nice day.

  9. 5 months ago

    tbh in retrospect the boyega and azn chick parts were the only good ones

    • 5 months ago

      have a nice day

      • 5 months ago

        >no refutation

        • 5 months ago

          There's nothing to refute. The entire movie was garbage. The useless comic fat Black person character doubled down on from the previous abomination and the newly forced, fat, desexualisied "strong woman" ugly ching chong love interest were no type of highlight. The casino planet didn't even feel like star wars at all and the out of place kiss at the end where everyone could sense both actors disgust was just the icing on the cake. They even pretty much wrote the fat chink out of the next movie while Finn continued as little more than a minstrel.

  10. 5 months ago

    >Luke literally saves everyone and brings hope back to the galaxy again when all was los
    Luke didnt save anyone, he had some quippy dialogue with kylo ren that absolutely no one else heard. Then he died. Rey saved all five people left in the resistance and then fricked off. This movie was so fricking moronic you would have to be a giga homosexual Black person to even defend it.

    These movies were made by hack frauds that were even dumber than George Lucas

  11. 5 months ago

    I waited 3 decades for this Star Wars cast of characters to reunite, instead each character dies one by one, never to be shown together on screen at the same time.

  12. 5 months ago

    The movie isn't 2h30m of Luke murdering everyone with his wienersaber.

  13. 5 months ago

    those scenes were schizo and random like the rest of the movie, just watch it
    I know you only repost memes to be (you)s but check it out, it's depressing!

  14. 5 months ago

    Disney Star Wars is in the worst place its been since TRoS caused Covid lockdowns and they think they have the upper hand for some reason. Who hires a journalist to direct an adventure movie for boys anyway?

  15. 5 months ago

    >why did we hate this movie
    Cuz both of these things take place at the same time and it makes zero sense.

    • 5 months ago

      Hahahaha oh wow

  16. 5 months ago

    The frick is wrong with burgers? Why ever EVER hire an ESL to write a story.. let alone a woke politically involved ESL, didn't you ever learn anything? Documentaries are just propaganda, it's not about artistic effort or director work in those but which almonds you caress.

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