Annecy is coming around the corner anyone has high hopes for the PPG reboot and the new Fosters show thats coming soon?

Annecy is coming around the corner anyone has high hopes for the PPG reboot and the new Fosters show that’s coming soon?

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    What's Annecy?

    • 4 weeks ago

      Not really but with Craig at the helm it won't be total trash.

      What does a city in France got to do with it?

      You're so close anon, you just have to learn to read.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >You're so close anon, you just have to learn to read.
        I still don't get it

        • 4 weeks ago

          Start with the alphabet. First vowels, then consonants. Practice sounding out the letters while writing. Uppercase then lowercase.

          • 4 weeks ago


            Frick that shit

        • 4 weeks ago

          we are not spoon feeding you, zoom zoom. figure it out.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Oh, it's an animation festival, didn't realize this was a thing

            • 4 weeks ago

              No is a city, the city of animation. Craig is being elected as the mayor.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >What's Annecy?
      god dammit. I thought this is where animation nerds were supposed to hang out but it's just full of normies who want to argue about mainstream shows on mainstream networks.
      Annecy is the biggest most important animation festival in the world, anon.

  2. 4 weeks ago

    I don't have high hopes and I don't think Craig even wants to do it.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >to n3tflix
      This can't be the same guy who made ppg.

      • 4 weeks ago

        He went to Netflix after Disney cancelled his shit, and infamously sit on hundreds of pitches/IPs. Streaming was also the next best thing back then for animation, especially Netflix before they decided to gut their animation division.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >streaming was the next best thing for cartoons

          • 4 weeks ago

            Nobody really watches cable anymore. At the time Netflix was the only one that was really pushing themselves as a place for animated originals. I don't blame Craig for trying to look for work that would give it. He doesn't have the same success as Genndy.

            • 4 weeks ago

              How was n3tflix pushing itself as a place for animated originals? To this day all it fricking has is green eggs and ham. One good thing isn't proof that they care. The hundred other sl0ps are proof that they don't.

              Have you been living under a rock for the past 10 years?

              Name a SINGLE steaming service that cares about having original cartoons, let alone good ones.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >it doesn't count because I don't like it

              • 4 weeks ago

                They have nothing. They have never one been a place that wants cartoons. Why are you lying?

              • 4 weeks ago

                >You are lying because I'm in denial

              • 4 weeks ago

                Then like, why can't you fricking say anything about it then?

              • 4 weeks ago

                I didn't say that they actually cared. I'm saying that is how Netflix marketed itself at first. How are you so dense?

              • 4 weeks ago

                But that didn't happen.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >But that didn't happen.

                Except it did homie. They advertised themselves a new cartoon hype space. Got a bunch of names in and pushed themselves as an upcoming place to watch for new toons.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >How was n3tflix pushing itself as a place for animated originals?
                By making a bunch of original animated series. They made Castlevania, Bojack, A new Carebears, He-Man, Tarzan, dota and Dragon age, angry birds, big mouth, anon they made a ton of shit for a while it seemed like they could be decent.
                >Inb4 these were all shit
                It doesn't matter, they were making more original animated shows than most places.

              • 4 weeks ago

                You fricking lying Black person. You can't just say shit you know is bullshit.

                >But that didn't happen.

                Except it did homie. They advertised themselves a new cartoon hype space. Got a bunch of names in and pushed themselves as an upcoming place to watch for new toons.


              • 4 weeks ago

                >You fricking lying Black person. You can't just say shit you know is bullshit.
                I'm literally showing you a list of Netflix originals you fricking moron. You can't claim they don't exist.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >Netflix never advertised themselves as a place for original animation, except all the animation they did doesn't count. And this commercial where they explicitly promote their animation wing doesn't count. And that time they hired all these showrunners and animators to animate originals doesn't count either.

                Why are you so autistic about this? You're wrong. Get over it. It's not a big deal. Walk away homie. Nobody will think less of you, nobody cares about you. This is an anonymous image board. Take the L and next time don't act like a moron. You can be wrong sometimes, it's okay.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >big mouth
                Come the frick on anon that show was peak garbage

              • 4 weeks ago

                >Come the frick on anon that show was peak garbage

                >How was n3tflix pushing itself as a place for animated originals?
                By making a bunch of original animated series. They made Castlevania, Bojack, A new Carebears, He-Man, Tarzan, dota and Dragon age, angry birds, big mouth, anon they made a ton of shit for a while it seemed like they could be decent.
                >Inb4 these were all shit
                It doesn't matter, they were making more original animated shows than most places.

                >>Inb4 these were all shit
                >It doesn't matter,

                I don't like Big Mouth, but it was the only Sex Ed some burger kids got in the abstinence states and it's still getting like 8 seasons and a spinoff. Regardless of objective quality it's doing better than most fricking cartoons these days and you can't argue that. It's arguably Netflix's most successful animation.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >Regardless of objective quality it's doing better than most fricking cartoons these days and you can't argue that.
                >It's arguably Netflix's most successful animation.
                Id that isnt cause enough for nuclear obliteration of america then i dont know what is

              • 4 weeks ago

                Netflix made a deal with Dreamworks to host all their animated shows alongside a decent amount of animated content during their big "greenlight anything for 2 seasons, we have investor money" era.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >You fricking lying Black person. You can't just say shit you know is bullshit.
                I'm literally showing you a list of Netflix originals you fricking moron. You can't claim they don't exist.

                How is hosting soulless dreamworks movie tie in sl0p good for cartoonists? What opportunities do you think they're claiming to offer you when all anyone can point out is soulless shitty commercials for established franchises? It's like the fricking 90s "action" cartoons or some shit.

                >Netflix never advertised themselves as a place for original animation, except all the animation they did doesn't count. And this commercial where they explicitly promote their animation wing doesn't count. And that time they hired all these showrunners and animators to animate originals doesn't count either.

                Why are you so autistic about this? You're wrong. Get over it. It's not a big deal. Walk away homie. Nobody will think less of you, nobody cares about you. This is an anonymous image board. Take the L and next time don't act like a moron. You can be wrong sometimes, it's okay.

                Please walk away homie. Nobody will think less of you, nobody cares about you. This is an anonymous image board. Take the L and next time don't act like a moron. You can be wrong sometimes, it's okay. Why are you so autistic about this? You're wrong. Get over it. It's not a big deal. And stop saying the things that apply to you but to other people.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Ah your one of those "artiest" guys, thought you all died out in the 2010s when Paris finished its decay into just another major global city.
                Look you can rail on mainstream corporate slop all you want but it doesn't change the fact that Netflix basically gave 2 seasons to multiple people in the industry on one project or another.
                We got Kid Cosmic, Bojack, Kipo, Voltron, Troll Hunters, Castlevania, Dragon Prince, Hilda, She-Ra, Carmen Sandiego, Love Death and Robots, and Midnight Gosple. that i just picked from a sea of content I ahve enver heard of.
                Hell I only like 4 of the shows I mentioned.
                The point is that in the last 11 years Netlfix has footed the bill for like 100 shows that would not of existed without them. Yeah most of it is slop but 90% of stuff is.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Again you're naming shit that doesn't count as cartoons. Except Love Death and Robots. I mean how the frick can you unironically say the words "bojack horseman" or "castlvinia" and then say it's a place for cartoonists to work? After like twenty fricking years all they have are 2, literally 2, cartoons that aren't soulless on purpose. Stop being a disingenuous homosexual. You KNOW you're fricking lying!

              • 4 weeks ago

                I'm sorry your wife is fricking other men while you jack off to Warhol's work for the 200th time but you don't need to take it out of the cartoons bro.

              • 4 weeks ago

                This is some strong cope. Animators work on cartoons. Bojack was a cartoon. You are insane.

              • 4 weeks ago

                No it wasn't. And certainly shit like castlevania and leauge of legends aren't either. Completely soulless animation with zero frames per second ON PURPOSE. They are not intended to be enjoyed by people. They just exist to be there. They don't fricking count! Only ones on netflix that count are Love Death Robots and Green Eggs and Ham. They're the only ones that have reasons to exist, the only ones that anyone wanted to make. The only ones that are even possible to enjoy. The rest are like 90s slop.

              • 4 weeks ago

                For you anon

              • 4 weeks ago

                >not a cartoon
                >was animation

                Take your medication.

              • 4 weeks ago

                I remember a time when people were embarrassed to be thought of as stupid.
                Now people are almost proud of it because they’re too stupid to know it.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >All you can do is quote my own lines back to me.
                Holy shit are you a bot?

          • 4 weeks ago

            Have you been living under a rock for the past 10 years?

    • 4 weeks ago

      >His next show would have been about a villain organization hiring a regular family who does good things.

      I hate Netflix so much

      • 4 weeks ago

        That makes no sense. Sell me on it.

        • 4 weeks ago

          It's a comedy of errors where the regular family is too good-hearted to correctly carry out the evil deeds expected of them. Evil is comically thwarted even without a hero character opposing them.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Reverse Despicable Me 2.

            I think that would get old quick. Maybe with stellar execution it could get one good season.
            I hope his other 15 pitches were better.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Maybe the villains ran out of ideas like in Ed Edd n Eddy where they consulted Jimmy for a scam since Eddy couldn't think of any

        • 4 weeks ago

          Reverse Despicable Me 2.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >haha what if we say evil le good again? As as joke? Hahaha wouldn't it be funny if we kept doing that nonstop no matter what? For years and years and years ever and ever? Haha this is so funny that we're only pretending to shill evil. Haha. Unless...

        • 4 weeks ago


      • 4 weeks ago

        That sounds so lame
        They need to focus on things that look cool first

      • 4 weeks ago

        It's a comedy of errors where the regular family is too good-hearted to correctly carry out the evil deeds expected of them. Evil is comically thwarted even without a hero character opposing them.

        Basically The Baskervilles

      • 4 weeks ago

        >a villain organization hiring a regular family who does good things.
        So Team Rocket?

  3. 4 weeks ago

    What does a city in France got to do with it?

    • 4 weeks ago

      Annecy is coming around the corner anyone has high hopes for the PPG reboot and the new Fosters show that’s coming soon?

      So Craig's next work is about a city in France?

      • 4 weeks ago

        So a Eurotrish cartoon?

        • 4 weeks ago

          If so, then sign me up!

  4. 4 weeks ago

    >Wander right in the center

    Feels good bros. I hope the fuzzy spoon comes back one day.

    • 4 weeks ago


  5. 4 weeks ago

    You have weird expectations unless you happen to know he’s a guest speaker at the festival, which I doubt. Last I heard neither show was even in production or officially greenlit. He’s just in the conceptual stage until WB decides to make cartoons again, being a (probably great) stay-at-home dad in the meantime.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >being a (probably great) stay-at-home dad in the meantime
      There is an absolute frickton of work that goes into getting a show greenlit so I doubt he's just home taking care of his kids. Also, the public doesn't tend to hear about things being greenlit until well after that happens. It's very likely that one or both shows have already gotten the go-ahead, but everything will be kept under wraps until the PR machine is ready to do it's magic.

  6. 4 weeks ago

    ANOTHER ppg reboot? Get some new fricking material, the original wasn't even that good.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Craig McCracken is returning to run it. Unfortunately, corpos are too reluctant to explore new ideas and take risks.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Would you blame them when most funded cartoons have sucked this hard?

        Indies sell more Chinese knock offs than any legit property outside of toddler shows now, it's almost as if writers and animators that want to write forgot what made kids love cartoons

    • 4 weeks ago

      >the original wasn't even that good
      Thanks for reminding me the majority of people on this website are actual pants-pooping children.

      • 4 weeks ago

        It always amazes me when people forget how well received it was up until the movie, frick it still holds up better than most 2010 cartoons on a rewatch

        I can't help but feel that the movie was some sort of self sabotage, they needed to do a 90 minutes episode not a origin story

        I'll never understand why the idiot executives think franchises with an established fanbase want to watch yet another origin story, even at the time this was already getting stale

        • 4 weeks ago

          I felt the same way when it came out (youngling anon: didn’t we already get the flashback episode with Mojo as a lab monkey?), but years separated from the series it’s a pretty solid movie. I mean, visually it’s great and the jokes are good. The edgier tone is of its time, but I don’t mind; it takes the world seriously like a gritty comic book and asks why the Professor would want to create cute hero girls.

          If you just meant it killed the franchise’s popularity, I’m pretty sure merchandise still sold like gangbusters after the movie came out, and the later seasons were what really took a dip in quality. But Craig & co. have been chastised enough for making what’s ultimately a pretty cool movie that didn’t bastardize the characters and released with a good amount of creative freedom despite clueless executives breathing down their necks.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >If you just meant it killed the franchise’s popularity
            No, it killed the illusion of profitability in the executive's eyes
            After it bombed PPG as a property was re-evaluated, merch still sold and ratings were solid but in-house perception and confidence on the brand took a hit, it's also why talks about other CN properties getting movie adaptations fell through

            This is why I call it a bomb, it needed a smaller budget and to not be an origin story, even at a time your sentiment was correct most kids that went to watch it felt the story was already told so no one saw it as cool at the time

            The dip in quality of the later seasons was in part for that re-evaluation of the brand, at least as far as rumours go

            • 4 weeks ago

              That’s a fair assessment. You seem knowledgeable, so I’m sure you’ve heard the opinion that a PPG movie never would have been successful because it looked too much like what was playing on tv and, more damning, it was a “girls show” on the surface and boys that watched it on tv wouldn’t ask their parents to take them to it. Do you agree with any of these?

              Personally, I think that’s the biggest factor. I think this is one of the funniest, smartest cartoons ever made, but only because I’m an adult (who argues about cartoons). As a kid I would end up watching PPG a lot, and obviously enjoyed it, but didn’t admit it to myself because it was a girly show and my preteen brain ignored that people were getting their bloody teeth punched out. Every kid I talked to at my school was the same. I wouldn’t have dared ask my parents to take me to see it in theaters, but also because I wouldn’t have wanted to see something for girls. Whereas I didn’t have a problem begging to be taken to the live-action Scooby-Doo and Spider-Man movies the same year.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >You seem knowledgeable, so I’m sure you’ve heard the opinion that a PPG movie never would have been successful because it looked too much like what was playing on tv and, more damning, it was a “girls show” on the surface and boys that watched it on tv wouldn’t ask their parents to take them to it. Do you agree with any of these?
                First, I wanted what was in the but bigger in the theatre, second I am a man, I went to watch it with my friends because we liked animated movies and we didn't give a crap about what others thought

                I must admit I was in the odd one in kid demographics that liked Zoids(most anime really unlike Americans anime was syndicatd early in both public tv and cable), Warhammer, arcade/fighting games and still liked animation despite some jackasses(filthy Americans) thinking if it's animated it's only for kids

                Kids like cool stuff, and PPG had fun plots and nice fast paced action, it is after the movie that the action took a nosedive even if it was paced out little by little before it

                As a matter of fact no one I knew outgrew cartoons, they became lamer and lamer on their own, less action and the jokes didn't land, if it wasn't for SpongeBob, EE&E, Billy and Mandy and a few ones like duck dodgers you could believe the point of cartoons wasn't to be funny or be cool enough that you saved your money to buy merchandise, cartoons forgot to be cool and interesting yet people keep thinking we are sadled with nostalgia and outgrew their humour

                The dark age of cartoons was real and it sucked balls

  7. 4 weeks ago

    Since people are discussing about the CN in this thread.

    Which Cartoon Network periods/years are your favorite?

    • 4 weeks ago

      start a new thread

      • 4 weeks ago

        I already created it and it died with few comments. I think this image didn't get much attention.


  8. 4 weeks ago

    Maybe they will finally announce news about season 2 of Mao Mao.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Parker Simmons just finished spending like a week recording his lines for S01 of Lackadaisy. If Mao Mao s02 was in production there's no fricking way he'd have been able to do that.

      Sorry Jim, it's dead.

  9. 4 weeks ago
    • 4 weeks ago

      Chris Savino deserves suffering.

      • 4 weeks ago

        The right image was from the PPG Rules Anniversary special which Craig had a hand in.

  10. 4 weeks ago

    I'm so scared for the preschool Foster's, bros.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >scared for the preschool Foster's
      The fact that it’s going to be CG or because it’s preschool?

      • 4 weeks ago


      • 4 weeks ago

        Do you happen to have a source for the fact that it will be CG? It sounds plausible but the only reference I've ever seen to that has been from other anons who weren't able to provide any reference.

        • 4 weeks ago
          • 4 weeks ago


  11. 4 weeks ago

    I hope PPG is good.

  12. 4 weeks ago

    craig's shows are nothing without their edge. the reboots will both be shit.

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