> another "original" movie about generational trauma

> another "original" movie about generational trauma

Why do millennial directors keep doing this?

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  1. 12 months ago

    It's not about generational trauma at all and I'm convinced you just read that phrase on Cinemaphile and then parroted it as if you know what it's about.

    It is, however, another movie about Asian-American insecurities.

    • 12 months ago

      It's a transexual allegory

    • 12 months ago

      >another movie about Asian-American insecurities
      So, generational trauma
      They just don't belong here

      • 12 months ago

        Generational Trauma is bringing the insecurities from your own parent onto your own kid. Ember's father was very supportive of her and they had a great bond. He never expected too much or pushed her beyond her limits. He thought she wanted to run the store because she kept insisting that she wanted to for her whole life. For all we know, if Ember had not shown interest in the store at a young age, it's possible her father would've been supportive of any career path she chose. But he directed her to the storeowner path because she was never honest with him about NOT wanting to run the store.

        If he pushed her to run the store even when it was obvious she didn't want to all because he wanted to prove his own father wrong, then it would be generation trauma.

    • 12 months ago

      >It is, however, another movie about Asian-American insecurities

      As opposed to white insecurities?

      • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        To break it down into stereotypes:

        Asian-American kids feel pressure to live up to their parents high expectations. This usually includes very limited lucrative career paths. It's where the, "You become doctor or lawyer!" thing comes from.

        White-American kids feel pressure to find their life's calling early on with little guidance. Up until VERY recently when school debt became such a problem that even boomer parents were noticing, it was very common for parents to expect their kids to already know what they wanted to do with their lives by 18.

    • 12 months ago

      Chinese Americans can’t actually write shit about China because that would upset foreign markets, so it’s literally the only thing they have to talk about that’s coming from their “heritage”. They write the same two stories over and over again about either not fitting in with the white kids or rebelling against strict parents (but not too hard because again, that would upset. They ALWAYS will reconcile and never actually leave the douchebags).
      And all productions have to come from someone’s “heritage” nowadays or else they won’t be made. Thank the woke crowd for that. Even the gay analogies tend to have to be “being gay in heritage” because gay alone isn’t enough anymore.

      What this show actually is, is another entry into the canon of movies conditioning Asian American women to be exclusively for white men

      • 12 months ago

        The water guy is a Nog

        • 12 months ago

          How so?

  2. 12 months ago

    They have autism (the bad kind)

  3. 12 months ago

    Write what you know.

    • 12 months ago

      Has this worked with the actual good Pixar movies? Was the director of Ratatouille a rat from France?

    • 12 months ago

      But do so in a subtle manner. There had to be a better way to write a story inspired by your own culture and the baggage that comes with it, than to write a 1:1 retelling of your life but with fire and water instead of races.

      There's no subtext, there's no art, everything is spelled out for you. Sohn basically wrote the same already seen a million times America-centric story that simultaneously doesn't take anything from his cultural background AND makes it uselessly specific.

  4. 12 months ago

    >Kids often imitate entertainment
    >~~*They*~~ now pollute that entertainment with UwU traumatic joy division-tier shit or UwU I'm special shit
    They want kids to be more moronic so when those kids become adult, they can leech them out via products

  5. 12 months ago

    Chinese Americans can’t actually write shit about China because that would upset foreign markets, so it’s literally the only thing they have to talk about that’s coming from their “heritage”. They write the same two stories over and over again about either not fitting in with the white kids or rebelling against strict parents (but not too hard because again, that would upset. They ALWAYS will reconcile and never actually leave the douchebags).
    And all productions have to come from someone’s “heritage” nowadays or else they won’t be made. Thank the woke crowd for that. Even the gay analogies tend to have to be “being gay in heritage” because gay alone isn’t enough anymore.

    • 12 months ago

      When I hear this I can’t help but think it’s weird since China as we know it today exists because some dude decided to say frick this shit and leave it behind.

  6. 12 months ago

    "Generational Trauma" otherwise known as "reeew I don't like the way daddy thinks waaaaaaah, I just wanna be a proud racemixing feminist dyke waaaaa"

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