Anyone else find South Park's "sane guy crazy guy" trope REALLY annoying?

The faces in pic related perfectly symbolize what I'm talking about. That trope where character A acts all ritalin induced crazy while character B is "le heccin sane guy" who's only job is to roll their eyes and act "Oh my God I'm getting progressively tired of this guy's shit"
>Kyle and Cartman
>Stan and the rest of the town
>Randy and Sharon
And now it looks like Cartman and his mom are gonna be Randy and Sharon 2.0. It honestly feels like this is done for the sole reason of making character A bad and character B good. For me, it gets really REALLY annoying after a while. The early seasons didn't have this. The characters were uniformly crazy in the early days. Now it's just Cartman and Randy are crazy and the rest of the characters are tired of their shit.

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  1. 8 months ago

    Imagine you're Randy still watching South Park and I'm Sharon rolling my eyes at what a fricking moron you are for still watching South Park.

  2. 8 months ago

    I stopped watching this show 10 years ago and you probably should too. I imagine it’s gotten much worse.

  3. 8 months ago

    South Park ended with "You're Getting Older." Watching Zombie South Park is just depressing.

    • 8 months ago

      Dear freakin ] God I really don't get why Simpsons and South Park are still on air. 10 seasons? Okay. 12 seasons? Maybe. 26-34 goddamned seasons? WTF?!

      • 8 months ago

        >a) quit while you're ahead and preserve legacy
        >b) pump out endless slop and become billionaires

        jewgold it is

    • 8 months ago

      It’s the only thing CC is making that people will continue to watch so it’s not a crazy deal if you think about it

      • 8 months ago

        >people will continue to watch
        People really like watching Randy DUDEWEED LMAO, naggy Liane, PC Principal and Trump Derangement Syndrome?

        • 8 months ago

          Yeah, mostly just kids or actually moronic people like this guy at my work

          • 8 months ago

            I'm surprised kids still care about South Park. Most kids I know don't really care much about adult animation anyways. Besides, the overly political nature of the modern version of the show means that it isn't something kids feel rebellious about watching a show behind their parents' backs anymore

            • 8 months ago

              my friend just told me last night that her son's favorite cartoon is south park. he is like 12 i think. it's not worse than whatever they can find on YouTube

    • 8 months ago

      nowhere near as shit as zombie simpsons

      • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      Geez Louise get a look at the schnozz on that one!

    • 8 months ago

      >900 million
      Fricking how? Does that include merchandise and video games? Still dont see that value in the IP

      • 8 months ago


        It’s the only thing CC is making that people will continue to watch so it’s not a crazy deal if you think about it

        they're single-handedly keeping that shit channel afloat

    • 8 months ago

      Cheap bastards wouldnt pay Chappelle a fraction of this and cheated us out of a 3rd season of his show though. Idiots.

      • 8 months ago

        Good, frick that out of touch shitski.

    • 8 months ago

      There are a good few worth watching episodes from after that point. The issue is it becomes inconsistent and the highs aren't as high. Yes if you want consistent quality you can take that as a sort of finale, but the real way to go is look for some kind of list of well regarded episodes.

      Even this late, in the last season, the Airsoft episode really surprised me. It actually felt exactly like a random classic South Park episode, no current event immediately dated ADHD shit.

  4. 8 months ago

    ITT OP discovers the straight man funny man mainstay of comedy
    Good luck on your adventures of noticing how making people laugh works

    • 8 months ago

      OP has a point though.
      In early seasons, ALL of the adults were bonkers insane nut jobs, and the kids were the straight man, except they had the naivete of children so they couldn't distinguish what was sane and what was insane.
      Modern south park the 9 year old kids are all jaded ironic sarcastic nihilists, there is no humour derived from the naivete of children trying to navigate the modern world.

    • 8 months ago

      Yeah but the thing is, South Park's supposed to subvert common tropes like these.
      From season 6
      >Kyle: Dude! How are we gonna move twenty three calves to your house?
      >Stan: I don't know.
      >Cartman: I've got it. We could kill Butters, and then float the calves on a river of blood.
      >Kyle: Don't be stupid, Cartman! Butters doesn't have that much blood in him!
      See! In this, you expect Kyle to respond by saying how obviously unreasonable the idea of killing Butters is, but the show subverts it by having him retort with an unexpected reason. Later seasons of South Park would just play it straight and just have Kyle say "We can't kill Butters Cartman! You're a sociopath for considering the idea!" or something like that.

      • 8 months ago

        in the earlier seasons there are times when each of the kids play the fool and others play the straight man. Sometimes they all played the fool or all played the straight man. Sometimes they played the fool with the adults playing the straight man. It depended on what the writers wanted to do and stopped the show from becoming stale.

        Now its just cartman or Randy or some new character inserted soley as an allegory acting LE CRAZY with them representing whatever is the opposite opinion of the writers with every other character rolling their eyes like a "rational" redditor and berating them for having the wrong opinion.

        Also, while South park has always been topical, not every episode was directly related to some current event. Sometimes the episodes had nothing to do with current events. The newer episodes just feel like the writers read about whatever is current or relevant in the news and decide to base an episode on it regardless to whether it makes sense or not or is actually funny.

        Compare that to the episode where the police believe cartman is a psychic. The show is obviously ripping on fake psychics but it isnt just a plot plucked from a current headline and converted in to an episode like the newer ones are.

        • 8 months ago

          >The newer episodes just feel like the writers read about whatever is current or relevant in the news and decide to base an episode on it
          Anon, that has been South Park's whole shtick since it's inception.
          Each episode would only take a week to make, and it'd be filled with references to current events (at the time). It's nothing new.
          If you're only watching the older episodes now then you wouldn't realize this because you're unable to associate events from the time with the episode.

          • 8 months ago

            It depends there's some episodes that mention shit that was in the news like chinpokomon but then there's the mega-streisand episode which is just taking how popular barbara streisand was and going full moron also dropping in the guy from the cure kek

            • 8 months ago

              >like chinpokomon
              Regardless of whether Pokemon was on the news, the Chinpokomon episode is still watchable today and is it's own thing, with or without anyone knowing of Pokemon's existence. On the other hand, go watch the episode about Zimmerman and Cartman brad pitt

      • 8 months ago

        you have to establish the dynamic to subvert it you moron. it only works because they usually stick to the trope

        • 8 months ago

          Yeah but they stopped subverting it

          in the earlier seasons there are times when each of the kids play the fool and others play the straight man. Sometimes they all played the fool or all played the straight man. Sometimes they played the fool with the adults playing the straight man. It depended on what the writers wanted to do and stopped the show from becoming stale.

          Now its just cartman or Randy or some new character inserted soley as an allegory acting LE CRAZY with them representing whatever is the opposite opinion of the writers with every other character rolling their eyes like a "rational" redditor and berating them for having the wrong opinion.

          Also, while South park has always been topical, not every episode was directly related to some current event. Sometimes the episodes had nothing to do with current events. The newer episodes just feel like the writers read about whatever is current or relevant in the news and decide to base an episode on it regardless to whether it makes sense or not or is actually funny.

          Compare that to the episode where the police believe cartman is a psychic. The show is obviously ripping on fake psychics but it isnt just a plot plucked from a current headline and converted in to an episode like the newer ones are.

        • 8 months ago

          i think the difference between cartman's / Stans / Kyles dynamic in the older episodes and the newer ones is that while stan/kyle were often the mouthpiece of the writer they were also characters in their own right and not SOLEY the mouthpiece of the writers. Same thing goes for cartman. While he often was the unstabe or crazy character he wasnt always that. He sometimes was just as naive as the other kids or going along with Stan/Kyle's plans.

          Now he's just 'the bad guy' whenever the show has to approach a topic. I suppose its a form of flanderization but its like the whole show has been flanderized, not just one character.

          • 8 months ago

            >cartman is supposed to be the bad guy
            >hes the opinion i always agree with
            wait... am i one of those chuds i hear so much about?

    • 8 months ago

      >character B is "le heccin sane guy" who's only job is to roll their eyes and act "Oh my God I'm getting progressively tired of this guy's shit"

      You mean the straight man?

      South Park didn't invent that concept anon.

      morons that could not read past the first sentence

  5. 8 months ago


    what kind of libcuck woman write this show?

  6. 8 months ago

    South park after season 10 is zombie simpsons tier.

    Largley because Matt is a lot more hands off these days, letting Trey take control and partially because they let this homosexual in to the writing room.

    Everything after the apologies to Jesse Jackson episode is instantly unfunny and tryhard. Season 10 is the last good season. Season 11 is when things begin to plummet and after that its all unfunny shit.

    • 8 months ago

      bill hader is supremely redditgay tier, always thought Barry was overrated as frick

    • 8 months ago

      >South park after season 10 is zombie simpsons tier.
      the show didn't even get good until nearly 20 seasons in

  7. 8 months ago

    Why would I find South Park annoying? I stopped watching it nearly 20 years ago.
    You was supposed to do the same anon, and grow up.

  8. 8 months ago

    Why did they change Cartman’s Mom anyway? She used to be a coddling single mother who was secretly a filthy crackprostitute behind closed doors. It was creative and edgy. Now she’s just generic animated sitcom mother, there’s no difference between her and Marge Simpson.

  9. 8 months ago

    >character B is "le heccin sane guy" who's only job is to roll their eyes and act "Oh my God I'm getting progressively tired of this guy's shit"

    You mean the straight man?

    South Park didn't invent that concept anon.

    • 8 months ago

      Goddammit I already explained it here

      Yeah but the thing is, South Park's supposed to subvert common tropes like these.
      From season 6
      >Kyle: Dude! How are we gonna move twenty three calves to your house?
      >Stan: I don't know.
      >Cartman: I've got it. We could kill Butters, and then float the calves on a river of blood.
      >Kyle: Don't be stupid, Cartman! Butters doesn't have that much blood in him!
      See! In this, you expect Kyle to respond by saying how obviously unreasonable the idea of killing Butters is, but the show subverts it by having him retort with an unexpected reason. Later seasons of South Park would just play it straight and just have Kyle say "We can't kill Butters Cartman! You're a sociopath for considering the idea!" or something like that.

  10. 8 months ago

    It’s funny and helps you relate with the character, but it gets old

  11. 8 months ago

    I have no respect for people who still watch this trash past the age of 20.

  12. 8 months ago

    I find it endearing

  13. 8 months ago

    >gets angry at the concept of a straight man, a concept as old as comedy itself
    >blames South Park

    • 8 months ago

      >itt anon discovers the concept of a straightman

      the straight man/funny man is a stock comedy trope - saying you're annoyed at this in south park is the same as saying you're annoyed at comedy

      Three more morons who didn't read the whole post

  14. 8 months ago

    its satire is really formulaic. havent watched it in a few seasons because it got lazy and political. hope they apply that 'tegridy stuff to themselves but you know they wont. that angry crazy yelling character, usually some minor episodic character that matt and trey voice get tiring too

  15. 8 months ago

    The kids should be stupid kids, and the adults should be hicks and Isaac Hayes. That was what made the formula work.

  16. 8 months ago

    >itt anon discovers the concept of a straightman

  17. 8 months ago

    Blame Laurel and Hardy

  18. 8 months ago

    Old episodes were ideas trey and matt had growing up in their shit hole of a town which is why everyone has some weird or stupid quirk because they're extreme versions of real people like the fat kid they knew mentioning how matt was a israelite etc,
    If anything they've de-flanderised most of the cast (outside of randy who actually became flanderised)

    I do think the older seasons are more re-watchable due to them not harping on some stupid moment in the last 10 years
    I think the worst the old episodes got was big gay al's big gay boat ride

    • 8 months ago

      This right here
      They simply lost their Colorado small town sensibilities by that point. Sure they were in LA for years before South Park but the moment they got invited to the Oscars they became a bid deal.
      That’s what South Park lost by around the mid 2000s, it lost its roots it lost its purpose

      It’s an interesting parallel that as Matt and Trey went California so did much of Colorado and now the show and the real state are nearly identical. South Park hasn’t mad its mountain charm since probably around season 6 to 9 or so

  19. 8 months ago

    Prime south park was 2004 - 2010. Doesn't matter how much that offends 90's gays

    • 8 months ago

      I like the smaller scope stories. Chickenlover is my favorite episode.

  20. 8 months ago

    the amount of soul in South Park has dropped every season this century

  21. 8 months ago

    the straight man/funny man is a stock comedy trope - saying you're annoyed at this in south park is the same as saying you're annoyed at comedy

  22. 8 months ago

    OP, that's the ancient Japanese tradition of uke and seme.

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