Apu, why do you talk like that?

Apu, why do you talk like that?

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Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

  1. 4 weeks ago

    Because he's from India

    • 4 weeks ago

      What's funny about all this is that, like many other characters, he has a catch phrase, it's just that he happens to also be Indian, and even though his catch phrase specifically doesn't even have anything to do with the fact that he's from India, the fact that he speaks it with his accent, is the only issue. It's like they're just angry that this character is treated like any of the other characters.

  2. 4 weeks ago

    Why would Apu lose his accent ? he came to America as an adult. its not like he was born here.
    I work with foreigners that have lived in America longer than ive been alive and they still have accents

    • 4 weeks ago

      On of my classmates in college was an Indian girl that was born in and grew up in south Georgia and sounded like a redneck. It was hilarious.

      • 4 weeks ago

        How bout y'all show me yer bobs and vagene?
        By god y'all best not be reedming sir.
        HOWDY SIRS!

    • 4 weeks ago

      Accents remind people that there are in fact, different cultures throughout the world, and that people from different cultures are different from themselves .
      This is extremely threatening to the globalist agenda of destroying all cultures and turning the entire world into a single homogeneous brown tub of sludge, unanimously ruled by the chosen tribe. That's why leftists have made a coordinated effort over the past few decades to label all non-white accents as racist and shame everyone into pretending they don't exist, and never existed.

  3. 4 weeks ago


    Apukeeper Willie!

    • 4 weeks ago

      Good morning sirs

  4. 4 weeks ago

    Old Indian stereotype:
    >Awkward but well meaning immigrant who runs a convenient store/dollar store, has an arranged marriage and multiple children.
    New Indian stereotype (but actually true)
    >Overconfident incels who smell like shit, eat literal shit and turn that shit into more shit on public streets and beaches, while running phone scams, social media bots. Flooding first world nations and hiring and renting only to their own.

    • 4 weeks ago

      fricking crazy how quickly everyone turned on indians once apu was no longer on tv

      • 4 weeks ago

        It’s unironically because the internet is filled with mudslimes now, and mudslimes hate Indians. As a white it’s kind of based to watch two inferior brownoid races he racist to eachother, I like egging on both sides

        • 4 weeks ago

          You've got it backwards, internet is majority Indian now. So everyone has been exposed to them and hating them.

          • 4 weeks ago

            It’s a mixture of both. America and Europe made up like 85% of the internet pre 2016, now it’s like India, then America (lots of hispanics now too), then mudslimes and spics, then europe (lots of mudslimes too now)

            • 4 weeks ago

              Muslims love doing the
              >b-but we are the better subhuman rapist invader leeches, also da joos brought us here, ugh you’re a fricking Zionist or an Indian for noticing how cancerous we are
              Actual white people know we don’t have to pick a side lol, you’re both subhuman brown rapists. Indians are stinky dork rapists and Muslims are Black person criminal rapists. You both suck and both should be eradicated.

              Frick off ranjeet. Nobody believes you filthy scammer.

              • 4 weeks ago

                I hope all you shitskins die, none of you are better then eachother

              • 4 weeks ago

                Nobody buys it, peepeepoopoo. Get fricked.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >hello my fellow whites
          Frick of saar

        • 4 weeks ago

          id take mudslimes over indians everx time. At least they arent so embarassing and cringe

        • 4 weeks ago

          >It’s unironically because the internet is filled with mudslimes now
          lol you fricking wish, ranjeesh.

        • 4 weeks ago

          This is a lie.

          I live in one of the places in the west that has been flooded with Indians. Everyone hates them. Even self-hating liberal whites. Being exposed to Indians makes you hate Indians.

          You're probably Indian yourself m8. Blaming muslims is a common tactic for poo shills.

          • 4 weeks ago

            id take mudslimes over indians everx time. At least they arent so embarassing and cringe

            Muslims love doing the
            >b-but we are the better subhuman rapist invader leeches, also da joos brought us here, ugh you’re a fricking Zionist or an Indian for noticing how cancerous we are
            Actual white people know we don’t have to pick a side lol, you’re both subhuman brown rapists. Indians are stinky dork rapists and Muslims are Black person criminal rapists. You both suck and both should be eradicated.

            • 4 weeks ago

              Based eradicator of browns

              • 4 weeks ago

                What a pathetic and obvious samegayging. Indians are so dumb.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Lmao nah Indians are the fricking worst. Nice try Ranjeet.

        • 4 weeks ago

          frick off sanjay

          • 4 weeks ago

            you will all be speaking Chinese and indian soon lmao

          • 4 weeks ago

            What? Was this graph made by an indian?

      • 4 weeks ago

        how the world sees indians with apu on tv
        >hard working
        >family man
        >making the american dream come true
        how the world sees indians after apu was removed

        • 4 weeks ago

          >hard working
          >family man
          >making the american dream come true
          Have you even seen simpsons? Apu is a scammer that sells rotten food, cheats on his wife and is a slimy coward in general. Still better than any indian alive because he got that juice lady to open bobs

          • 4 weeks ago

            >Apu is a scammer that sells rotten food, cheats on his wife and is a slimy coward in general.
            Apu is constantly portrayed as polite, intelligent and attractive.
            There's jokes about him being slimy but they're almost never plot points and he almost never gets punished for it, they're throwaway funny lines that don't really imoact how other characters see him.
            >Cheats on his wife
            It happened once and the whole episode is him dealing with guilt
            My point is that he's clearly not a character we're meant to dislike like Burns for example

            • 4 weeks ago

              >Apu is constantly portrayed as polite, intelligent and attractive.
              thats just a lie

              >There's jokes about him being slimy but they're almost never plot points and he almost never gets punished for it,
              well he still is slimy scammer. dontk now what to tell you.

              >My point is that he's clearly not a character we're meant to dislike like Burns for example
              nah, he is more like chief wiggum. HE definetly isnt positive or moraly good character

              • 4 weeks ago

                You're trying too hard.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Overconfident incels who smell like shit, eat literal shit and turn that shit into more shit on public streets and beaches, while running phone scams, social media bots. Flooding first world nations and hiring and renting only to their own.
      lel, dont forgett the lizard rape

    • 4 weeks ago

      And scamming people

  5. 4 weeks ago

    Apu vs a poo

  6. 4 weeks ago

    I will always have a soft spot for this kind of deviantart-tier autism.

  7. 4 weeks ago

    I hate Indians so fricking much, I deal with these morons all day at work and they are unbelievably stupid

    • 4 weeks ago

      >all day at work
      What did they do?

      • 4 weeks ago

        I work for a taxi company, they are such fricking morons, half these c**ts can't figure out how a power switch works

      • 4 weeks ago

        they will lie to your face and not even good lies, they constantly complain that equipment doesn't work when it does they're just too stupid to use it correctly even though it's dumbed down as much as possible for them, you can try to explain shit to them and they will just stare at you with a blank expression and bobble their heads occasionally, their cars are fricking filthy and stink, if you refuse to pass the car during an examination they will b***h and complain "please brother I have to work brother" I fricking hate when they call me brother annoys the shit out of me, some stuff we simply cannot let them get a pass on because it's the fricking law and they will try to bargain with you about it thinking they are still in fricking India where regulations barely exist and everyone just bribes each other, they can't understand why I wouldn't risk my job (and potential jail time) to do them a favour as if I give a frick about them not being able to work till they fix their car, and just in general they are fricking stupid, I hate them so fricking much

        • 4 weeks ago

          Iv gotten sick twice from working on their filthy fricking cars (currently sick now cause of one from 2 days ago) and iv only been working there for 5 months, the Africans aren't much better they do argue more though

        • 4 weeks ago

          good morning saar India are most popular and strongest race I fuk ur family pass my car or I rape u tomorrow benchod brother

          • 4 weeks ago

            I wish they were that entertaining in real life, actual interactions with them are just fricking mind numbing, you have to explain shit as if you were talking to a small child and most of them can't speak English anywhere near as good as what you wrote, they are also incredibly passive in person, Iv insulted them right to their faces multiple times and they don't do shit

        • 4 weeks ago

          >you can try to explain shit to them and they will just stare at you with a blank expression and bobble their heads occasionally
          funnily enough, I recently had an experience that's almost an exact mirror of your post
          >had to get my car checked for registration (Australia), something I've never done before because only 5+ year old cars need to be looked at
          >all, and I mean ALL mechanics in my region are staffed EXCLUSIVELY by jeets
          >booked online, showed up, handed over keys to Indian working reception
          >not sure how long these things take, so I ask him how they'll get in touch when the car's ready to be picked up (I assumed a phone call, but wanted to be sure)
          >he looks at me with a blank expression as though I'm speaking fricking Japanese
          >"what if you just give me a call when it's done?"
          >he scrambles around his desk for a pen and paper for what seems like an excessive amount of time for someone who literally works as a receptionist
          >apparently writes my number down incorrectly anyway so I never get a call, I just happen to return just as my car is ready

          • 4 weeks ago

            I'm Australian too, you should have gone out further to find a mechanic, the interaction with the receptionist should have been a big ass warning to go elsewhere, I wouldn't even trust these morons to make a sandwich, when I was a teen I worked at subway and had to tell off some dumb shit indian for handling a girls chicken without gloves right in front of her (you could see her eyes widen as he did it) then the fricking new dumb shit indian manager tried to have a go at me for speaking to another staff member like that, I fricking quit right then and there, the c**t had cut me down to 4 hours a week after he started as the manager a couple weeks earlier, the single 4 hour shift he gave me was ofcourse during stock delivery because I'd been doing it for about a year and I could get it done in half the time of anyone else so he just wanted to keep me around to do his heavy lifting for him meanwhile I was the only one who got my hours cut back that much because suprise suprise I was the only white male working there

  8. 4 weeks ago

    Indians are what would happen to shire if it was taken by sauron. Brown midgets knee deep in shit scheming and plotting their pointless scams

  9. 4 weeks ago

    The better videos were one like this one where they interview Indians who clutch their pearls while sounds exactly like fricking Apu and in some cases way worse.

  10. 4 weeks ago

    Does anyone like getting scam calls so they can verbally abuse them?

    I don't get female callers often but the last one I got I asked her how many dicks has she sucked at the office. Pretty sure she spammed my number to other scammers because the amount of calls I got increased triple fold.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Yeah, I used to shit talk them and then I would get way more calls, so that’s definitely a thing they do. Now most of the time I tell them to hang on just one minute and put them on hold until they hang up.

  11. 4 weeks ago

    Hank Azaria is a master voice actor. He sounds like that because Hank knows exactly how to replicate the average Indian man.

    • 4 weeks ago

      He’s actually imitating a white guy imitating an Indian, but it’s okay because that white guy is an honorary Indian

  12. 4 weeks ago

    listen i hate poos as much as the next guy but
    i don't get this criticism of apu. can't someone be an immigrant from india?
    he doesn't talk like that on purpose.
    And the accent the actor gives him is actually very nice compared to how actual poo immigrants sound. its just strange.

  13. 4 weeks ago

    >you will all be speaking Chinese and indian soon lmao

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