Are G Witch fans okay?

Are G Witch fans okay?

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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 10 months ago

    I feel like maybe a decade ago people could joke about yuri in anime like it's a harmless niche gag that nobody took seriously, what the frick happened.

    • 10 months ago

      We started joking that gundam had gone woke but then redditors and twittergays took it as a serious criticism and started "retaliating" by spamming multiple threads per day about how yuri not only saved gundam but anime as a whole.

    • 10 months ago

      2016 broke everyone's brains and now everyone views media entirely through the lens of their political team. It's all either /misc/ or lefty/misc/ depending on where you go.

      • 10 months ago

        okay fencesitter

        • 10 months ago

          Make Trump Gundam Again.
          Make Gundam Trump Again.
          Make Again Trump Gundam.
          Make Again Gundam Trump.
          Again Make Trump Gundam.
          Again Make Gundam Trump.
          Trump Make Again Gundam.
          Trump Make Gundam Again.
          Gundam Trump Make Again.
          Gundam Make Trump Again.
          Gundam Again Make Trump.
          Gundam Trump Again Make.
          Gundam Make Again Trump.

          I could do this all day.

          • 10 months ago

            >I could do this all day.
            We know, get a job.

            • 10 months ago

              Jokes on you, I have one.

          • 10 months ago

            >Make Again: Gundam Trump.
            Please elaborate.

        • 10 months ago

          I should not have to choose between moronic idiots and turbo morons in the supposed leader of the free world. Instead of picking someone who actually represents you in a representative democracy, you settled for the lesser of two evils. At least under the Zabis I could pilot a Zaku and gas colonies. Here I have to pay tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars to a private college, spend years in pilot and officer school, and get lucky only to do BVR against people who can't even write their name.
          That's called hyperbole, tourist.

          • 10 months ago

            >I should not have to choose between moronic idiots and turbo morons in the supposed leader of the free world

            2016 called and Trump was what americans got when "they" brought you Hillary vs Jeb

            Americans have no one to blame but themselves

          • 10 months ago

            >At least under the Zabis I could pilot a Zaku and gas colonies.
            Nice to meet a fellow Zeek.

            >/m/ - Politics & Shit

            Gundam has always been about politics, it's unavoidable.

            Please God get that subreddit shut down and make yurigays kill themselves

            Nah, let it stay. They are showing their true colours for everybody to see and be warned. Plebbitors - not even once.

      • 10 months ago

        2016 was the last year of any sort of "shared morality" in America. That, plus the push of " all media is political" led to a totalizing view that all media consumption is a political act, so popular media with seriously divergent views from yours wasn't simply to be tolerated, it was a threat. And it's not like this position is illogical, it's totally logically consistent, but the end result is media can't be taken on its own terms anymore, it can only be seen through its meta impact on the "culture war" as a whole.

        • 10 months ago

          1989 and the collapse of the USSR was the last year of any sort of "shared morality" in America. Without an external enemy to keep everyone united, people began focusing inward. The shared culture (previously maintained by newsreel, then radio, then TV schedules) eroded with the later introduction of the Internet. The Internet's ability to connect subcultures with each other enabled narcissism on a level never seen before.

          2001 was the last year of any sort of "shared morality" in America. With the blood in the water from 9/11, no voices of dissent were allowed. The anti-war movement was just a sideshow compared with the protests during the Vietnam war; the news media learned its lesson from back then. People today say it was a foolish waste of lives and money, but that isn't at all how the atmosphere was back then.

          2008 was the last year of any sort of "shared morality" in America. There are a lot of nutjobs out there who went insane after Obama's election. They were told daily that the country was doomed, that it was in decline, and so on. These things were true, of course, but what really pissed them off is obvious.

          Blah, blah, blah.

          • 10 months ago

            Actually it was in the 1913 when we were enslaved by the international bankers. Since then the divide has only grown, with them using their infinite money to subvert and destroy American values until we collapse or have a civil war so they can take control of what's left and guide us into a dystopian technocratic slave state.

            • 10 months ago

              This reads like you think there'll be some sort of collapse but it'll just steadily head into that direction for the entire world, it's inevitable and entirely the fault of americans that pay taxes.

              • 10 months ago

                people only believe in the collapse theory because they have some sort of weird copium about there being any meaningful resistance because they've been psyopped by media into believing in le human spirit and good guys always win. But it's not completely out of the picture because it is one of the only ways to reach their population goals outside of holocaust or volunteer suicide.

              • 10 months ago

                >people only believe in the collapse theory because they have some sort of weird copium about there being any meaningful resistance because they've been psyopped by media into believing in le human spirit and good guys always win
                this doesn't make sense, if anything they'd be acting like giant doomer homosexuals about everything and demotivate themselves even further because they'd rather cry over a hypothetical scenario instead of being productive
                basically what the last 10 years have been on this site

        • 10 months ago

          1989 and the collapse of the USSR was the last year of any sort of "shared morality" in America. Without an external enemy to keep everyone united, people began focusing inward. The shared culture (previously maintained by newsreel, then radio, then TV schedules) eroded with the later introduction of the Internet. The Internet's ability to connect subcultures with each other enabled narcissism on a level never seen before.

          2001 was the last year of any sort of "shared morality" in America. With the blood in the water from 9/11, no voices of dissent were allowed. The anti-war movement was just a sideshow compared with the protests during the Vietnam war; the news media learned its lesson from back then. People today say it was a foolish waste of lives and money, but that isn't at all how the atmosphere was back then.

          2008 was the last year of any sort of "shared morality" in America. There are a lot of nutjobs out there who went insane after Obama's election. They were told daily that the country was doomed, that it was in decline, and so on. These things were true, of course, but what really pissed them off is obvious.

          Blah, blah, blah.

          All true, unironically.

          • 10 months ago

            Actually it was in the 1913 when we were enslaved by the international bankers. Since then the divide has only grown, with them using their infinite money to subvert and destroy American values until we collapse or have a civil war so they can take control of what's left and guide us into a dystopian technocratic slave state.

            And I suppose in the 2030's people will invent new ways the US will supposedly die. My point is, if you're a doomsayer and you think you've got a unique perspective, you actually just need to read some history.

            • 10 months ago

              1989 and the collapse of the USSR was the last year of any sort of "shared morality" in America. Without an external enemy to keep everyone united, people began focusing inward. The shared culture (previously maintained by newsreel, then radio, then TV schedules) eroded with the later introduction of the Internet. The Internet's ability to connect subcultures with each other enabled narcissism on a level never seen before.

              2001 was the last year of any sort of "shared morality" in America. With the blood in the water from 9/11, no voices of dissent were allowed. The anti-war movement was just a sideshow compared with the protests during the Vietnam war; the news media learned its lesson from back then. People today say it was a foolish waste of lives and money, but that isn't at all how the atmosphere was back then.

              2008 was the last year of any sort of "shared morality" in America. There are a lot of nutjobs out there who went insane after Obama's election. They were told daily that the country was doomed, that it was in decline, and so on. These things were true, of course, but what really pissed them off is obvious.

              Blah, blah, blah.

              >read actual history
              >points to the past 40 years in living memory
              Lol, lmao.

              I can't get into more of this without turning this into a /misc/ thread, but 2016 was something different, closer to 1989 USSR then 1989 USA. To briefly touch on current events, the former US president is currently indicted on a charge of "conspiracy against the United States". Such a charge, even the existence of such a crime, would have been considered beyond the pale 10 years ago; today it's normalized. Even if you think the former president is so dangerous that he justifies these sort of "state of Emergency" charges, these sorts of charges didn't exist in America not so long ago. Something has changed. And that's not touching on how the proles have changed too, and politics feels increasingly existential, not just dumb policy and corruption that the general populace tunes out.

              • 10 months ago

                presidents have sex scandals or wiretap Americans? Stop the presses, this is the worst thing to happen since '45 our country has standards!
                >90s-2020s presidents spy on Americans, frequent flyers to kid diddle island, involved in foreign rackets, feds conspire to put "radicals" in jail, start wars to protect said foreign rackets, etc
                Just another nothingburger, stop complaining
                >meanwhile 45 says mean things and doesn't like China, says he's america first (keyword says, he did very little besides incentives for CUM cooperation and tax cuts)

                I want off Mr Bones' wild ride

      • 10 months ago

        >dude the lgbt totally hasn't got everybody by their balls so hard even japan are kneeling to them
        scientists with integrity need to denounce and declare it as mental illness again asap

    • 10 months ago

      We started joking that gundam had gone woke but then redditors and twittergays took it as a serious criticism and started "retaliating" by spamming multiple threads per day about how yuri not only saved gundam but anime as a whole.

      2016 broke everyone's brains and now everyone views media entirely through the lens of their political team. It's all either /misc/ or lefty/misc/ depending on where you go.

      You could joke about yuri in mecha as recently as Cross Ange, what are you talking ab

      >Cross Ange came out in 2015

      Son of a b***h.

      • 10 months ago

        Remember when IBO had child marriage, child raep, gay undertones, and lesbian marriage confirmed by Bandai themselves, and the worst was just some fujos upset that Mika wasn't gay enough for Orga while being popular enough in the West?

        Kind of wild how a few years has dramatically altered narratives and overblown reactions.

        • 10 months ago

          on both sides people who consider G Witch some taint for tourists and yuri cultists. They are desperately trying to drag gundam into a culture war

          • 10 months ago

            I blame the morons who went FULLER moron with their aversion to the main Yuri Pairing, which triggered the morons from the otherside.Twitter,LGTB, and /u/gays
            Like, come on, focus on the stupid show and plot, and Mobile Suits.
            Like, come on, gay or not, girl or man or whatever, Gundam should be Gundam. Why a character in this Franchise should have as Highlight of their character if they are gay or not?

            • 10 months ago

              >Why a character in this Franchise should have as Highlight of their character if they are gay or not?
              Because it's 2023.

            • 10 months ago

              >Like, come on, focus on the stupid show and plot, and Mobile Suits.
              I would if the show did focus on plot and Mobile Suits. Too bad it barely did.
              In a part that is considered to be the better one anyway.

            • 10 months ago

              It’s hard to focus on those things when they get 0 development at all and you have morons saying it’s intentional because the main plot and world focuses on the relationships. There was absolutely nothing else to focus on in the show. The side manga, there definitely is but who the frick reads those? The fact that people talk more about the novelization that gives Miorine an ex girlfriend more than it should tell you, no one gave a shit about the actual setting of G-Witch and there’s very few places where you can actually get even crumbs to try and explore it yourself

              • 10 months ago

                My main gripe is that we could have gotten BOTH things if they had planned a better pacing for more things to happen in the story.
                But I suppose WfM was meant to be just a 24 episode show with a closed ending. The production did not expected the show to get this famous.

              • 10 months ago

                >The production did not expected the show to get this famous
                If anything I came away with the opposite impression, it comes off like it was made from the bottom up to be marketable to as wide an audience as possible and to generate buzz on social media

              • 10 months ago

                >The production did not expected the show to get this famous.
                I disagree, I think WfM was entirely experimental and not in terms of the story or trying to get a new audience but in marketing. This was the first time they were marketing a full season in the current social media climate and it feels like they were just playing around to see what got the most engagement or not and how exactly they could push a new show. If you think about it that way then all the heavy handed references and call backs and constant cliff hangers at least make some sense because they were trying out a new formula with pieces and parts from what they already knew. They took the popular things from what they knew, combined it with things that were just popular in general and focused on making a big marketing push, evident by how many typically uninterested sites picked it up. The purpose of G-Witch was to figure out how to go about making new AUs or just series in general in the current climate. While they probably didn’t plan for the editor mistake, it’s also something that can learn from. The entire thing was less of a show or an AU and more of a learning experience.

              • 10 months ago

                That seems similar to the situation with Kyoukai Senki/AMAIM: Warrior at the Borderline where it didn't seem to have a direction which led to how it ended.

                Combined with how that one and WfM were limited to 25 episodes, I fear for Gundam's future if it can't do 50 episodes.

              • 10 months ago

                Quite frankly if they're going to go this route wit the AUs then we should be getting yearly Gundam TV series again rather than space them out

              • 10 months ago

                >, I think WfM was entirely experimental and not in terms of the story or trying to get a new audience but in marketing.
                That's every Gundam AU. The only difference is that NOW they're making it apparent that they want new buyers to watch it first and foremost. IBO's campaign was "A Gundam for a new generation".

              • 10 months ago

                I’m not talking about that part. I’m talking about this was an experiment for marketing strategies, not marketing to a new audience. Like you said every gundam does that but WfM feels like a marketing push first and a show second. IBO was a “gundam for a new generation” but it was marketed fairly the same as the aus that came before it. WfM very much felt like they had an idea of what would sell as opposed to having a story that they were keen on using to get a new audience. It’s the difference between telling a story to sell toys and just outright trying to sell the toys, regardless of the story. It’s difficult to explain but it felt like the show came second to the various merch they pushed as opposed to the show being used to market the toys. They were playing around with different marketing strategies, at least that’s how I see it.

              • 10 months ago

                Its the current Otaku marketing.
                Its less of Bandai marketing the toy directly, but marketing the hell out of character so otaku will buy anything that associated with the character.
                Like some guitar was suddenly sold out brought by otaku when those otaku notice it was the same product as the one that used by one of the character in K-ON or Bochii the Rock.
                We saw this working as Bandai reported that Aerial kit sold higher than other.

              • 10 months ago

                Yeah but only initially, just like those guitars, there’s going to be an incredibly harsh drop off which there apparently was since they were so specific about Aerial being the fastest initial selling hg tv kit and not talking about it in general. I think they were just gauging how harsh that drop off might be and assessing whether it was tolerable enough to continue doing shows in that way.

              • 10 months ago

                Yeah, the thing here is Bandai need new generation of plastic addict. Not FOTM chaser.

                Did aerial make up a higher percentage of Gwitch sales than other main gundam did in their shows? It wouldn't surprise me if that were true

                It did, but at the same time its also Corporate speech. Never fully trust corpo financial report speech.
                While Aerial sold well, it doesnt paint the whole picture of Bandai sales expectation

              • 10 months ago

                This. It ignores the fact that most of the Gunpla division's bigger items are all still UC/SEED/00 items.

              • 10 months ago

                These day i doubt the "Gunpla" is only dealing with Gunpla but dealing Bandai Plamo product in general.
                We know that one of guy that working on WtM kit is also working at 30MM/30MS product

              • 10 months ago

                Did aerial make up a higher percentage of Gwitch sales than other main gundam did in their shows? It wouldn't surprise me if that were true

              • 10 months ago

                I’m not talking about that part. I’m talking about this was an experiment for marketing strategies, not marketing to a new audience. Like you said every gundam does that but WfM feels like a marketing push first and a show second. IBO was a “gundam for a new generation” but it was marketed fairly the same as the aus that came before it. WfM very much felt like they had an idea of what would sell as opposed to having a story that they were keen on using to get a new audience. It’s the difference between telling a story to sell toys and just outright trying to sell the toys, regardless of the story. It’s difficult to explain but it felt like the show came second to the various merch they pushed as opposed to the show being used to market the toys. They were playing around with different marketing strategies, at least that’s how I see it.

                >It’s the difference between telling a story to sell toys and just outright trying to sell the toys, regardless of the story.
                You see this all the time in C- and D-grade mecha shows, like Argevollen. The story may suck or be a nonsensical mess, but as long as it serves as an ad for merch, all is fine.

              • 10 months ago

                how dare you compare the glory of the dick gun to this garbage

              • 10 months ago

                Bullshit, they knew what they were doing with cliffhangers and silly clippable moments

              • 10 months ago

                I remember constantly being shilled the cr*nchyrol clips and they kept changing the titles to make fun of guel
                I liked guel though 🙁

              • 10 months ago

                Bullshit, they knew what they were doing with cliffhangers and silly clippable moments

                WtM is Gundam equivalent to marvel movie

              • 10 months ago

                The clip choices were also kind of suspicious. The clip for ep 15 was shaddiq attempting to assert dominance over his cripple dad instead of, you know... any other part of the episode.
                Jeturk brotherhood has long struggled under the weight of anti-guel bias.

                All things considered Guel wasn't really treated that well by the staff. Pretty funny considering yuribros blame him for literally everything.

              • 10 months ago

                I remember they uploaded the Ericht is Aerial reveal clip like 10 minutes after the episode aired and titled it ZOMG!!!11! ERI IS A GUNDAM and a bunch of people in the comments got really angry. That was pretty funny

              • 10 months ago

                The clip choices were also kind of suspicious. The clip for ep 15 was shaddiq attempting to assert dominance over his cripple dad instead of, you know... any other part of the episode.
                Jeturk brotherhood has long struggled under the weight of anti-guel bias.

              • 10 months ago

                Worry not brother, Guel dominates fan polls while Shitletta and Queerine have sunk to the annuls of irrelevancy. We won

            • 10 months ago

              Gundam should be gundam, not some yuri school garbage with no stakes.

            • 10 months ago

              This shitty show was entirely about romance and shipping. They didn’t make you care much about earthians and spacians.
              The romance was a giant plot tumor that superceded everything else.

              • 10 months ago

                Personally I'm hoping for the Guel side story since he was the closest thing to a genuinely well written character (before the last few episodes at least)

        • 10 months ago

          Only because the media decided to twist bfm as "FINALLY GUNDAM HAS BROWN PEOPLE AND FEMALES THIS IS HUGE" also more and more zoomers join the ranks of the cultural war so we have to put up with their spam.

          • 10 months ago

            okay reactionary

          • 10 months ago

            I find it weird how the confirmed gay character in IBO wasnt paraded more by mainstream sources. Its a nice subtle kind of gay, never outright said but heavily implied and I thought the writing for the homosexual shit was well done.

            • 10 months ago

              because actual non mentally ill gays like good characters, and dont foam at the mouth for """"representation"""" which is 100% of the time is shallow and poorly made.
              never watched IBO but i dont think ive seen a well made gay character probably never.

              • 10 months ago

                Hell, even Magee from Build Divers was a better character than any of the two main WfM girls.

              • 10 months ago

                Japanese okamas are built different.
                Or were built different at least.

        • 10 months ago


          • 10 months ago

            Redditors can't write anything related to child abuse because of some weird mental blocks probably because they were gaymolested

    • 10 months ago

      Being lesbian is not a joke.

      • 10 months ago

        Yeah, it's not a joke, but a phase, like being edgy and stuff.
        It's okay to laugh at it.

      • 10 months ago

        I find it funny

      • 10 months ago

        yeah, i would never joke about domestic violence

      • 10 months ago

        you're right, mental illness is not funny

    • 10 months ago

      Being pro-gay became part of the Message.
      This show was astroturfed because LESBIANS and female protagonist.
      It was always about finding a new infectee for their STD, a new neghole to pozz

    • 10 months ago

      Because modern yurigays are mentally ill freaks that obsess over any pandering in anime, and don't care for any aspect of the series.
      I'm a VNgay, the same shit happened with Higurashi when they made an anime all about a violent one-sided lesbian romance.

  2. 10 months ago

    >show attracts schizos
    >schizo threaten to do schizo things
    Who would’ve thunked it

  3. 10 months ago

    I hate being a G-Witch fan because of how insane yurigays are. I genuinely loved the show even with all its flaws, but you can't discuss it or Ad Stella properly because of people like them.

    • 10 months ago

      This happened to me in a lot of community anon. it's never easy.
      Only things you can do is wait for the shitstorms to calm down.

    • 10 months ago

      that's why I stopped liking anything Gridman

    • 10 months ago

      Respectfully anon, what did you like about it? I kinda liked what they did with Guel, and the corporate setting was interesting and unique, but other then that, it felt so underbaked. Like the producers had so many ideas, they couldn't decide on what to make the show about, and didn't have a good grasp on how to implement things.

      • 10 months ago

        Personally, it's always hard to say why I like something, but this series simply pressed enough buttons. Partially my experience is skewed, because I spent a lot of time discussing it on Cinemaphile, which made it a communal experience. But here are the reasons why I still like it:

        The cast felt very big and colourful, even though most were just side characters appearing here and there. It was easy to find a character to latch on to, and see what happens to them. I didn't expect to see myself liking characters like El5n, Secelia and Rouji or Kenanji when I first began to watch the show, but they grew on me. Asticassia being a mecha corporate Hogwarts was a very fun idea, and season 1 sold that pretty well. It kinda felt like a doll house, where the kids were merely pawns of bigger players within Benerit.

        Ad Stella feels very intriguing and open as a setting, and it's an AU that allows for plausible side stories to happen. You have the vast space being colonized by large corporations, whom do all kinds of fricked up shit, and then you have Earth ruined by pollution and endless wars between its inhabitants. There was a very nice sense of mystery around it and multiple characters in the show.

        And as for the fights and mobile suits, I liked them and would have wanted to see more. They had very good sound and graphic design, and I enjoyed hearing the sound of beams against protective shields. The MS design was diverse, and you could tell a lot about the characters and companies through them. Jeturk MS were heavy and ground-oriented; Grassley MS were alien and fought in teams; Peil MS were robotic and heavily specialized; Burion MS were round and easy to use.

        And the story itself, while being very rushed and clearly suffering from many issues, was intriguing. Even season 2 managed to make me feel excited for every episode.

        So do I think the show is good? No, it's a 5-7/10 scifi show, but it's a bad show that managed to win over my heart.

        • 10 months ago

          tbh I don't think anons are mad due to the show itself beside some very vocal anons. From what I saw, most people are neutral with it.
          People are more mad due to the catalogue having more than 10 Gwitch threads up, and low quality threads for the most. Especially as there was already a big influx of Gundam thread. Almost 50% of the board right now is Gundam thread.

          If this continues they will have to make the /gund/ containment board kek.

        • 10 months ago

          >this series simply pressed enough buttons
          You know, I get it. Enough cool concepts and art can definitely improve a show a lot, even with poor execution. I mean the art quality is more or less the only thing holding up the majority of AAA games.

          The issue with Witch is that none of the rest is really elaborated on in any meaningful way. The characters don't go anywhere. "Mecha Hogwarts" doesn't even have remotely the same amount of soul or character that actual Hogwarts does. The setting just did what every other gundam has done. Big Corpos bad and working with or against Big Government also bad. The only difference is there are a lot less details given this time, and the Astica is a way of giving children a more direct tie to the corpos. The fights are few and far between and are incredibly boring. Ariel barely even dodges most of the time because of the shields.

          Also, was the story intriguing because it was trying to be? Or because it was managing to fumble every single solitary thing it tried to do and as such was morbidly interesting?

          • 10 months ago
            Fllay Allster

            The plot gets dropped for the ending, i guess. The ending made it feel smaller than what it implies to be.

          • 10 months ago

            I get what you mean. Even as a fan, I think G-Witch deserves all the criticism it gets, and what you write makes sense.

  4. 10 months ago

    I'm not saying shippers aren't crazy enough to do something stupid since we've seen it in the past but let's be real if they're posting threats on reddit and referencing the Studio 1 arson they are just obviously trolling.

  5. 10 months ago

    Yurigays are never ok

  6. 10 months ago

    Degenerates get what they deserve.

  7. 10 months ago

    do they want people to go burn down sunrise or bamco's offices or something?

    • 10 months ago

      >Studio or Gunpla factor burns to the ground killing many employees and shit
      >Japan officially makes law declaring yuri and yaoi content to be made illegal
      Oh please let this shit happen.

      • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        >begrudgingly accept the writers request to make lead characters yuribait
        >homosexuals take bait, potential for money
        >they only buy aeriel, nothing else
        >"actually the characters are not dykes, it was everyone's interpretation of it despite the reality"
        >yurigays frick off, massive glut of WfM kits, possible loss of some profit
        >"see, I told you lesbian leads were a bad idea"

        • 10 months ago

          dis is another ebic image

        • 10 months ago

          >despite the reality
          They were forced together and didn't even like each other all that much.

          • 10 months ago

            Doesn't really matter to the yuri consoomers, they'll eat whatever shit they can get

            dis is another ebic image

            Thanks bro hope you're having a nice day

            • 10 months ago
              • 10 months ago

                ebic irrelevant image newbie

              • 10 months ago

                you tell him brochini!

              • 10 months ago

                Why did you reply to me with this
                Now I'm just confused

              • 10 months ago

                I like you, General Jig-Boy Patton!

              • 10 months ago

                I liek mudkips

              • 10 months ago

                I remember mudkip-chan (the non fat one) who used to paint herself up like mudkip while naked.

              • 10 months ago

                Kinda weird but not the weirdest thing on this site

              • 10 months ago
        • 10 months ago

          Exactly as planned

        • 10 months ago

          >>they only buy aeriel, nothing else
          I'm pretty sure everything except Michaelis and some mook suits sold out.

      • 10 months ago

        >begrudgingly accept the writers request to make lead characters yuribait
        >homosexuals take bait, potential for money
        >they only buy aeriel, nothing else
        >"actually the characters are not dykes, it was everyone's interpretation of it despite the reality"
        >yurigays frick off, massive glut of WfM kits, possible loss of some profit
        >"see, I told you lesbian leads were a bad idea"

        Why does a little yuri make some people so deranged?

        • 10 months ago

          They're like crackheads needing a bump every 10 seconds, if they don't get off to their fetish they explode and threaten animators

          • 10 months ago

            I was talking about the morons seething about yuri, esl

            • 10 months ago

              The way your question was phrased could go both ways, but sure disregard everyone who disagrees with you as an ESL because you have no actual argument of your own

              • 10 months ago

                It couldn't, but I understand if English is your second language some nuance can be lost. If you aren't an esl, then you are just a moron (but that went without saying)

              • 10 months ago


            • 10 months ago

              Did you now see the Op? That's not caused by the yuri haters.

              • 10 months ago

                >People were mean on Reddit!
                have a nice day

              • 10 months ago

                Hey, you're the one who called yuri haters deraged lunatics. Not my fault your kind is the one who looks crazy this time.

              • 10 months ago

                What's the matter? Can't handle being seen as the crazy ones?

              • 10 months ago

                Are you the g-b***h guy?

              • 10 months ago

                I don't inherently hate the show, so no.

              • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      >Studio or Gunpla factor burns to the ground killing many employees and shit
      >Japan officially makes law declaring yuri and yaoi content to be made illegal
      Oh please let this shit happen.

      ebic recently saved images

      • 10 months ago


        • 10 months ago

          please don't rise to his bait.

  8. 10 months ago

    >Lots of Michelis and other WfM gunpla and merchandise surplus
    >Bandai wants to sell it to China
    >have to make everything vague in order to be able to sell them.

    This is what actually happened.

    • 10 months ago

      You’re ignoring that the inciting incident was an edit that wasn’t properly finalized. Bandai before hadn’t been saying shit and they wanted to continue not saying shit which they tried to do while still keeping a neutral stance.

    • 10 months ago

      yet i can't still find Schwarzette, Aerials and Calibarns until now, while MGEX Strike Freedom had finally became shelfwarmers.

      • 10 months ago

        cool lie bro

      • 10 months ago

        >saying as if Bandai would even entertain making an MGEX WfM anything.

  9. 10 months ago

    mmm let me think what was that thing that they say "it's a cartoon, why do you get so mad over a cartoon? how this impact your life?" yeah, that

    • 10 months ago

      yeah it was so a cartoon, that troons had latched on this show and made it their lifestyle just because this show tried to pander to them.

  10. 10 months ago

    So the self proclaimed chuds and incels are less violent heh

    Tourists need to leave Gundam now

    • 10 months ago

      But anon, Yuri gay is the Incel.
      They are the one that usually called female characters a prostitute the moment the said character talk to a male

      • 10 months ago

        gundam vtubers when?

        • 10 months ago

          already exist. Will be in the Gundam Metaverse

  11. 10 months ago

    I'm trying to watch F91 and I like all the mobile suits but the psychopathic editing is throwing me off

    • 10 months ago

      Imagine a world where F91 gets expanded to be a proper Gundam series instead of just a movie.

    • 10 months ago

      F91 is really weird. The Crossbone Vanguard does nothing wrong through most of it, then the mentally unstable man decides to massacre a whole colony, then he drops an offhand comment that he was ordered to kill half of humanity. There's no way to interpret the movie other then anyone who's not the Federation is secretly out to murder humanity, which is a shit message.

      • 10 months ago

        >The Crossbone Vanguard does nothing wrong through most of it
        Are you moronic or did you just read the wiki summary?

  12. 10 months ago

    These tourists will be checking out real soon

  13. 10 months ago
  14. 10 months ago

    Geez, now I can see the lunatics pulling a DKR shooting when Seed Freedom premieres in NA.

  15. 10 months ago

    the more time pass, the less I can relate to people. And I'm a pretty open guy.

  16. 10 months ago

    Were they ever okay?

  17. 10 months ago

    No, and they never have been

  18. 10 months ago

    >/m/ - Politics & Shit

  19. 10 months ago

    Please God get that subreddit shut down and make yurigays kill themselves

  20. 10 months ago

    >WfM is the greatest gundam and also possibly the greatest anime
    >also its my first gundam and I only watch shitty yuri bait and FOTM slop
    Why does this happen so often?

    • 10 months ago

      People are morons that’s why

    • 10 months ago

      Did other airing gundams have as many avatargays and spammers?

      • 10 months ago

        You don't remember all the 00 avatargays. The Ribbons/Livonze had daily "How was your day?" threads. They were so prominent that even Red Machine D was getting in on the action with "How was your day? U R Gay" image macros.

      • 10 months ago

        You don't remember all the 00 avatargays. The Ribbons/Livonze had daily "How was your day?" threads. They were so prominent that even Red Machine D was getting in on the action with "How was your day? U R Gay" image macros.

        Don't forget the SEED avatargays too. Lacus-anon and Fllay-anon used to be regulars. Someone was Cagalli-anon part-time.

        • 10 months ago
          Fllay Allster

          >newbies talking about tripgays
          this is stupid. You're stupid.

    • 10 months ago

      >I don't like it because it has shit writing and the fights kinda suck. why is my space psychic war drama suddenly a yuri romance school show with a robot subplot?

    • 10 months ago

      >>WfM is the greatest gundam and also possibly the greatest anime

  21. 10 months ago

    No and Bandai realized this new fanbase they were growing was unhinged and not a good look for them so they cut them off. Really smart decision that was immediately justified by the responses GWitch fans gave.

    • 10 months ago

      Not even IBOgays went this hysterical after the dumpster fire that was season 2, at least they admit their show was flawed

  22. 10 months ago

    For the love of god someone please compile an album of all the salty G-Witchgays and Yurigays reacting to Bandai's marriage retraction, I need a new Hall of Anal Devastation to laugh at and their reactions have been way more explosive and satisfying than Rukiagays' and Sakuragays' tears combined.

    • 10 months ago

      You can just go on Twitter and search ‘Gundam’ and get a front row, constantly updating seat

    • 10 months ago

      I would just go to either the subreddit or Cinemaphile for all the ass blasting happening there

  23. 10 months ago

    All hail the true lesbo queens with normal fans

    • 10 months ago

      >Stapled on lesbians who are only in love because they were both heterosexually attracted to the same dead guy managed to outdo the show where the dykes hog the spotlight the entire time

    • 10 months ago

      Doesn't count, they didn't marry for love or sex.

  24. 10 months ago

    Apparently most of the fanbase in the west is female?
    Unless they are lying

    • 10 months ago

      Ah yes, "female".

      • 10 months ago

        trans people can't be that numerous

        • 10 months ago

          Remember this only counts the people who bothered with the survey, number could be skewed by an otherwise insignificant population compared to the amount of people who actually watched and preferred the other things

        • 10 months ago

          Stay innocent forever, anon.

    • 10 months ago

      >most of the fanbase in the west
      >only 55k voters
      Hang all americans from their botched circumcisions.

    • 10 months ago

      Tengokuchads we won again

  25. 10 months ago


    I had a friend who latched onto both Suletta and Miorine because they spoke, in some way or another, to issues he has, so I get finding something in the characters. The fights I agree were decent, though I know some disagree. Even so, there's so little 2D mecha anymore, you can't hate it too much, you have to respect the effort to keep it alive.

    • 10 months ago

      Sorry for deleting my post, decided to clear up one thing.
      Here's the new one

      Personally, it's always hard to say why I like something, but this series simply pressed enough buttons. Partially my experience is skewed, because I spent a lot of time discussing it on Cinemaphile, which made it a communal experience. But here are the reasons why I still like it:

      The cast felt very big and colourful, even though most were just side characters appearing here and there. It was easy to find a character to latch on to, and see what happens to them. I didn't expect to see myself liking characters like El5n, Secelia and Rouji or Kenanji when I first began to watch the show, but they grew on me. Asticassia being a mecha corporate Hogwarts was a very fun idea, and season 1 sold that pretty well. It kinda felt like a doll house, where the kids were merely pawns of bigger players within Benerit.

      Ad Stella feels very intriguing and open as a setting, and it's an AU that allows for plausible side stories to happen. You have the vast space being colonized by large corporations, whom do all kinds of fricked up shit, and then you have Earth ruined by pollution and endless wars between its inhabitants. There was a very nice sense of mystery around it and multiple characters in the show.

      And as for the fights and mobile suits, I liked them and would have wanted to see more. They had very good sound and graphic design, and I enjoyed hearing the sound of beams against protective shields. The MS design was diverse, and you could tell a lot about the characters and companies through them. Jeturk MS were heavy and ground-oriented; Grassley MS were alien and fought in teams; Peil MS were robotic and heavily specialized; Burion MS were round and easy to use.

      And the story itself, while being very rushed and clearly suffering from many issues, was intriguing. Even season 2 managed to make me feel excited for every episode.

      So do I think the show is good? No, it's a 5-7/10 scifi show, but it's a bad show that managed to win over my heart.

      • 10 months ago

        Ya, I get why you like it anon, you see the potential in it. For me, I just see potential wasted. A lot of it matters if the characters can grab you, and for me, Suletta was actively annoying, Miorine was likable, but everyone else was a non-character. It often felt like there was just nothing going on in some episodes, or some plot threads like Miorine learning to be humble and show deference to her father, get a good moment and then are never touched on again. Miorine should have been given more things to do, but her character feels like its on autopilot in second season.

        • 10 months ago

          Of course, I completely get what you mean, and it's fine. I actually agree with you on it having a lot of wasted potential, which even I would have liked to see explored. I do hope that this setting does get some future installment so we can explore those more deeply. I also understand what you mean with Suletta, because she does divide people's opinions a lot.

          tbh I don't think anons are mad due to the show itself beside some very vocal anons. From what I saw, most people are neutral with it.
          People are more mad due to the catalogue having more than 10 Gwitch threads up, and low quality threads for the most. Especially as there was already a big influx of Gundam thread. Almost 50% of the board right now is Gundam thread.

          If this continues they will have to make the /gund/ containment board kek.

          Yeah, I understand that kek. I wonder how fast that board would turn into a "mecha/random" ala /bant/.

  26. 10 months ago

    Many of the posts here don't feel like they come from /m/ regulars.

  27. 10 months ago

    Shows over folks. Now its time to consume Gunpla as you wait for more Gunpla

  28. 10 months ago

    I haven't watched G-Witch yet. How bad is it?

    • 10 months ago

      Aggressively mediocre

    • 10 months ago

      If you’re watching it for the lesbian shit it’s an 8
      If not, it’s a 4 at best

      • 10 months ago

        I wonder how terrible most lesbian shit must be for the stuff in WFM to be an 8?

      • 10 months ago

        The lesbian shit is just 5 and I am being generous.

    • 10 months ago

      It's meh.
      A lot of potential though. I honestly hope for another show in Ad Stella, just completely unrelated to Suletta and Miorine.
      Even the School felt barely used. I wish we could have seeing actual conflict between each school faction.

    • 10 months ago

      wasted potential/10
      At least the kits and music are good.

      • 10 months ago

        Music is the most unmemorable thing about it. Say what you want about the rest of the show but at least I remember what happened. There’s not a single piece of music in the show outside of the openings and endings that I even vaguely remember.

        • 10 months ago

          This. It also ruins the streak going back to SEED that Gundam music has been iconic.

          WfM's main theme is litrerally Wonder Woman's DCEU theme - AT HOME.

          • 10 months ago

            G-Witch's music sounds more like they were trying to go for a Sawano (do you even know who that is?) feel.

            • 10 months ago

              Calibarn’s theme is borderline note for note the Unicorn theme. It’s actually shameless

              • 10 months ago
                Fllay Allster

                >We want Sawano
                >We already have Sawano, AT HOME.

                It still can't escape me that WfM managed to copy:
                >Unicorn's ending
                >Destiny's ending for how it absolves everyone and is such a non-ending, it's embarassing.
                >GX's aesthetics
                >bootleg Sawano tracks.

              • 10 months ago

                It also stole the ‘ghosts of the dead tell the main villain to stop chasing after revenge’ from AGE too. Can’t forget that.

              • 10 months ago

                Flit wasn't the main villain though.

              • 10 months ago

                I’m generalising. Point still stands that both AGE and G Witch have a family member of the MC about to trigger a super weapon that will kill all VAGAN scum/launch a big EMP orb thing so Kio/Suletta use their space magic powers to summon the spirits of a bunch of dead characters so then can tell Flit/Prospera that they’ve done enough and they don’t have to be so angry anymore before another threat (SAL laser/Vagan Gear SID) comes out of nowhere and is instantly defeated by the main Gundam going into a super mode

              • 10 months ago

                >GX's aesthetics
                Well, I'd watch Gundam about CHILLING OUT WITH THE CREW AT THE SCHOOLYARD in a heartbeat, but G-Witch just haven't got it's game on.

              • 10 months ago

                Don't forget trying to reference Amuro and Char's fencing while having Suletta do the Last Shooting pose as well
                Embarrassing really. Even worse than Unicorn's rebar fight

            • 10 months ago

              Unicorns's music really put WFM to shame



    • 10 months ago

      Age was better.

    • 10 months ago

      Pretty mid after episode 12. I really thought the settling had a lot of potential, but the pace was all over it. Even for the main pairing.
      I really wish they ditched the school settling after the first big school shooting Would have been good to see how Suletta expanded again her boundaries of her little world by her somehow ending in earth and seeing all the shit happening there.
      Or Mio going the Antivillain route, wanting to create world in which Suletta had to never lay a finger on a Gundam ever again.
      Shit, it had a lot, lot of potential of sending a good anti-war, anti-corpo message.

      • 10 months ago

        >anti-corpo message
        >sponsored by a big corpo
        They'll never going to do that.

        • 10 months ago

          Anon, Unicorn is already that story.

          • 10 months ago

            Where exactly? I must have missed it over the surplusage of SORE DEMO feels.

            • 10 months ago

              Unicorn calls out the Eternal Anaheim holding the Federation and Zeon by the balls by exposing the Vist family

              • 10 months ago

                Which has no consequences for Anaheim whatsoever, seeing how they still supply 'both sides' in Hathaway - even better when they give the opposite sides sister units, to see which type is performing better.

              • 10 months ago

                >Which has no consequences for Anaheim whatsoever
                And then SNRI happened.

  29. 10 months ago

    Look, you have to understand that being gay is now literally being God and if you deny gay then you are denying God, you filthy heretic. You will be sent to Internet Hell and be made to care.

  30. 10 months ago

    It's not a yuri anti-yuri thing. It's the cowardice shown in the retraction. Producers being unwilling to back the creatives they employ and sabotaging their works is a well documented industry wide problem. Happened plenty of times to previous gundam series.
    You say the g-witch fandom is 'unhinged'. Fine. At least they're not willing to put up with slop.

    • 10 months ago
      • 10 months ago

        Not bait.
        It seems you would all rather live in denial about the nature of wfm's popularity rather than evaluate the situation in an honest way that would further your own interests. Deranged fever dreams of political ploys using the fanbase backlash to receive content more to your tastes - before all this happened, is that what you were even getting?

        >begrudgingly accept the writers request to make lead characters yuribait
        >homosexuals take bait, potential for money
        >they only buy aeriel, nothing else
        >"actually the characters are not dykes, it was everyone's interpretation of it despite the reality"
        >yurigays frick off, massive glut of WfM kits, possible loss of some profit
        >"see, I told you lesbian leads were a bad idea"

        And you call them the crazy ones. If you want to 'push back' and 'win' you need to get real.

        • 10 months ago
          Fllay Allster

          Go fricking back.

          • 10 months ago

            I'll leave. Just trying to help.

          • 10 months ago

            No u

        • 10 months ago

          >you would all rather live in denial about the nature of wfm's popularity
          what denial? its a shit show that only got "popular" because mentally ill twittertards saw LESBIANS and MUH REPRESENTATION and piled on it
          no one wanted them in and no one wants them still. you can frick off back to twitter.

          • 10 months ago
            Fllay Allster

            This. Sites that didn't usually cover gundam magically started covering it overnight.

            It was insane.

            • 10 months ago

              Smells like astroturf.

              because they're sidestepping the plot and the plot is more pointless than anything from SEED/Destiny, AGE and Unicorn.

              At least those things had consequences. Even Destiny would lead to the situation in Freedom where Kira is likely having to snuff out opposition to Orb/ZAFT.

              It's very telling that the main discussion around WfM's ending is "ARE THEY MARRIED OR NOT" and not any implications in the Timeline, while actual Gundam series would discuss the implications of the standstill or end of the war.

              For all its flaws and the 'Felcher Gundam' shitposter, IBO had quite good /m/ discussions while it was airing.

              The put up with slop the moment they became fans of G-Witch. If they weren't willing to put up with slop they would have revolted the second Elan 4 was revealed to be enhanced human 4, like Four Murasame. They would have gotten angry at how blatantly G-Witch reused Gundam storyboards and sequences.
              G-Witch had so many "references" that it should have been a Build show instead of a main TV AU. 90% of the show would have made more sense if it was Build Divers G-Witch and a sequel to ReRise.
              Instead, the G-Witch fans sat through constant reuse of Unicorn and Zeta shit, they clapped with the Gundam Wing shit and googled Gundam X when they started ripping shit from X. Then the furiously defended the show as being Utena nods as if that makes it new and original instead of an extra layer of derivative slop trash.

              >G-Witch had so many "references"
              Don't forget Star Driver (which also ripped off Utena in places).

              • 10 months ago

                IBO tapped into the Turn-A discussion style about the Black History due to its Calamity War stuff. They also had MSVs coming out pretty regularly which added fuel to the discussion. Plus, while Tekkadan themselves weren't that interesting, you saw a lot from different factions. Shit, the space mafia had more time spent on it in IBO than the entire government in G-Witch.
                So there was stuff to feed on in IBO while also being angry about the director becoming holier than thou preacher that needs you to know Tekkadan are evil and should be punished and Okada wanting to frick a VA and using her stand in to succeed at fricking the VA vicariously.

              • 10 months ago
                Fllay Allster

                The real problem was that they didn't stick the landing if that was the aim.

                If only the show had them believe in Chocoman's ideology like a crazed cult, and have them all die pointlessly, without portraying them as heroic pawns.

              • 10 months ago

                I mean, it's the same thing Fukuda failed to do in Seed when he went
                >RACE WAR
                >Kira is like an Afghan/Iraqi fighting for America
                They have the ideas, but can't execute it. That's been a plague for Gundam with G Gundam probably being the last one to really nail it from top to bottom on concept.
                If we're lucky, Murase will stick the landing on Hathaway. At the very least we'll get some great cinematography and storyboards since Murase has never missed on that aspect.

              • 10 months ago
                Fllay Allster

                Well, Hathaway is an adaptation anyway. The only important thing is to establish that this adaptation is following the CCA movie version, and the changes will be crucial.

              • 10 months ago

                They already showed it's following CCA and not Beltorchika in the first film. They even reanimated Amuro dunking of Char caught live in 4K UHD from a different angle.
                There aren't really that many changes that need to be made either way. Only thing that's really different between the two is that Hathaway killed Chan, not Quess, but he's still traumatized from the war and what happened involving Quess. His complex was always that he couldn't save her.

              • 10 months ago
                Fllay Allster

                Yeah, but I think the implication is that the brass made the cover-up that Hathaway was the one who killed Quess, which is why he gets praised for it during the post-hijack scene.

              • 10 months ago

                Bright had covered for Hathaway anyways so that much doesn't change. They kept that much in when they talk about the trouble he caused.

    • 10 months ago

      The producers don’t want the creatives to feel like their work did so badly that they have to explain things to the audience despite spending so much on trying to convey it in the show. If anything this is the producers trying to protect the creatives’ integrity because imagine being known as the show where you were so bad at telling s romance story that people only believed it was one told them to. Absolutely embarrassing.

    • 10 months ago

      The put up with slop the moment they became fans of G-Witch. If they weren't willing to put up with slop they would have revolted the second Elan 4 was revealed to be enhanced human 4, like Four Murasame. They would have gotten angry at how blatantly G-Witch reused Gundam storyboards and sequences.
      G-Witch had so many "references" that it should have been a Build show instead of a main TV AU. 90% of the show would have made more sense if it was Build Divers G-Witch and a sequel to ReRise.
      Instead, the G-Witch fans sat through constant reuse of Unicorn and Zeta shit, they clapped with the Gundam Wing shit and googled Gundam X when they started ripping shit from X. Then the furiously defended the show as being Utena nods as if that makes it new and original instead of an extra layer of derivative slop trash.

    • 10 months ago

      >Producers being unwilling to back the creatives they employ and sabotaging their work
      Imagine saying this -- not about WFM itself, where the main Yuri couple had almost 0 chemistry compared to any of the straight pairings, was actively abusive, and ended in an off-screen wedding, but Bandai attempting to stay apolitical in a post-series interview.

      >not willing to put up with slop
      You already have, and you drunk it as greedily as your fat piggy faces could manage.

      Like, just think about the current controversy for a second. They retracted a few words in an interview. If stuff had worked properly, you never would've seen those few words. And would it really change the character of the interview, or the show? All bandai is saying is "We don't want to get involved." Which is what they say every time because they're a TOY company.

      • 10 months ago

        I see people calling them abusive, but I'm not sure how. Miorine is just sort of a distant friend through much of the show, then pulls the "I'm going to lie and pretend I never cared about you, it's for your own good" card. I guess you could call that abusive, if Miorine had any intention of being Suletta's friend again, but she really didn't. It wasn't some power play, it was cliche hack writing, and Miorine trying to protect Suletta.

        • 10 months ago

          No, Miorine was abusive in trying to tell Suletta who she could and couldn’t be friends with and always making Suletta do what she wanted instead of ever trying to make it balanced between what they both wanted. Her cutting Suletta off wasn’t abusive because of how she did it, but why she did it. She says it was to help Suletta but in reality she was done with Suletta because she didn’t believe Suletta would ever put her before Prospera which was unacceptable to her view of Suletta

          • 10 months ago

            In addition to what others have said, good intentions only go so far.

        • 10 months ago

          >hits suletta
          >makes her mom abandon her
          >uses the only tangible representation of their relationship outside the holder stuff, a gift that Suletta got for her (essentially like an anniversary thing), to hack Ariel and force her to lose.
          >is extremely aggressive about pushing her away
          >abandons her completely

          I don't think its possible to see this any other way than abuse. Any two of these (most one of these) would be justification for a breakup. The relationship is the most toxic one I've seen since Flay and Kira.

          • 10 months ago

            also add

            No, Miorine was abusive in trying to tell Suletta who she could and couldn’t be friends with and always making Suletta do what she wanted instead of ever trying to make it balanced between what they both wanted. Her cutting Suletta off wasn’t abusive because of how she did it, but why she did it. She says it was to help Suletta but in reality she was done with Suletta because she didn’t believe Suletta would ever put her before Prospera which was unacceptable to her view of Suletta

            s stuff

    • 10 months ago

      >At least they're not willing to put up with slop.

      • 10 months ago

        You people are fine with scripted interviews, robotic corporate pr statements, executive meddling in creative works.
        You are willing to put up with slop.

        • 10 months ago

          You put up with it until it was over, I never put up with it. You are the mongrel here.

        • 10 months ago

          Yeah, cause every solitary companies logos suddenly acquiring a rainbow hue in June isn't robotic. Its authentic. Stfu. You suck just as much Big Business wiener as BBC.

    • 10 months ago

      >At least they're not willing to put up with slop.
      >The only thing that made the show slop was this one line edit in an interview, not anything in the show itself

      Sounds like they were indeed willing to put up with slop then, as long as it catered to them.

  31. 10 months ago


  32. 10 months ago

    Now that yurishit crashed and burned where should gundam as a series go next? I think they'll go heavily into a vr series or isekai.

  33. 10 months ago

    It was funny how gwitch never got consistent conversations on here since it was always just character sex posting.

    • 10 months ago
      Fllay Allster

      because they're sidestepping the plot and the plot is more pointless than anything from SEED/Destiny, AGE and Unicorn.

      At least those things had consequences. Even Destiny would lead to the situation in Freedom where Kira is likely having to snuff out opposition to Orb/ZAFT.

      It's very telling that the main discussion around WfM's ending is "ARE THEY MARRIED OR NOT" and not any implications in the Timeline, while actual Gundam series would discuss the implications of the standstill or end of the war.

      • 10 months ago

        Because G-Witch ended with an epilogue to years later, so there's not really space for speculation in that sense. This isn't one of those shows that ends right alongside the final battle or even with a timeskip of a few months.

        Heck, even this stuff about the marriage all is coming from the interview retraction, it wasn't really a controversial point in the show itself - aside from a few complaints about the lack of an intimate scene, but those were few and far between. There was no large questioning of the marriage before that interview retraction.

        • 10 months ago
          Fllay Allster


          The plot gets dropped for the ending, i guess. The ending made it feel smaller than what it implies to be.

          It accomplishes the hard task of being worse than Destiny's ending (which depending on how Freedom ends, will be retroactively be either worse or better) by being a whole lot of nothing.

    • 10 months ago

      because they're sidestepping the plot and the plot is more pointless than anything from SEED/Destiny, AGE and Unicorn.

      At least those things had consequences. Even Destiny would lead to the situation in Freedom where Kira is likely having to snuff out opposition to Orb/ZAFT.

      It's very telling that the main discussion around WfM's ending is "ARE THEY MARRIED OR NOT" and not any implications in the Timeline, while actual Gundam series would discuss the implications of the standstill or end of the war.

      You guys are really pretending that shipping talk didn't dominate any discussion of Seed Destiny.
      >while actual Gundam series would discuss the implications of the standstill or end of the war.
      Stop being disingenuous, you know that's not true at all, pretending Destiny, AGE or Unicorn endings inspired any worth while discussions is bad comedy.

      • 10 months ago
        Fllay Allster

        >You guys are really pretending that shipping talk didn't dominate any discussion of Seed Destiny.
        Anon, I was there for the show's original airing. And most of the discussion centered around the implications that the Durandal Supporters might do another uprising which would lead to t he movie.

        • 10 months ago

          Bullshit, you know damn well most of the discussion around Seed Destiny was shipping, Kira becoming the MC or how fricking awful the show was.

          Unicorn has been inspiring "did they retcon late UC" talk since the novels ended.

          I would say discussing whether Fukui is hack or not is worthwhile, because it's just a fact.

          I think you’re being disingenuous if you’re saying most Gundams before G-Witch didn’t have more discussion centered on the world as well as ships. 00 had a ton or romantic ships but it’s still an incredibly fleshed out world that people still talk about and try and understand everything about the state of the world before and after the show. G-Witch only has ships.

          >I think you’re being disingenuous if you’re saying most Gundams before G-Witch didn’t have more discussion centered on the world as well as ships
          I said the opposite, Gundam has attracted shippers from the start and people did talk about G-Witch's setting but like most fiction the writer failed to explore it, while 00 did succeed at fleshing out it's world.

          • 10 months ago
            Fllay Allster

            Anon, How would shipping be an issue if Kira was the MC? Never mind my name tag, but If you actually have questions about his pairing status post-Destiny, then you're crazy.

            Which proves that most of the discussion here, and most of the forums talk about the implications of having both Cagalli and Lacus as the leaders of Orb and ZAFT respectively.

          • 10 months ago

            >like most fiction the writer failed to explore it

          • 10 months ago

            >like most fiction the writer failed to explore
            We aren’t talking fiction in general, we’e talking about Mecha where that’s usually the least of your worries about the show because good mecha goes to length to make sure you are aware of the world. G-Witch is the only gundam that focuses more on shipping than the world and the characters in it. Shipping will always be a thing but most of the time, that is not the main draw, with G-witch, Shipping was all it had going for it.

            • 10 months ago
              Fllay Allster

              Even SEED/Destiny discussion was around :
              >evil Empress Lacus with attack dogs Kira. Athrun and Shinn
              Even Fukuda and Morosawa focus on Kira/Lacus' sense of Justice instead of shipping.

            • 10 months ago

              >only gundam that focuses more on shipping than the world and the characters in it
              This. The whole story revolves around Permet and the only thing the show tells you for a long while is that it's mined off of Mercury... in a court trial... in a show centered around a school. Super easy setting for the writers to infodump especially with a fish-out-of-water MC but they decided to finally explain what Permet does in the 2nd cour with like 5 episodes left. And all the cope coming from the G-Witch defenders were hilarious. "The school is just a front! We're not suppose to see what the lessons and stuff are like! You already had that one exam episode!" And let's not forget that one article that came out saying people weren't understanding what's happening in G-Witch.

              But we got to know who likes who though!

              • 10 months ago

                Oh yeah, that reminds me. Where was the court trial hosted again? Do we even know? What makes the corpo HQ of Beneritt any different than Astica? Do we even know what it looks like? Thats the other thing about Harry Potter. They take the time to establish not just Hogwarts, but the Ministery of Magic.

          • 10 months ago

            Are you talking other forums? Yeah there is some talks about ships but we also try to pinpoint where things went wrong and complain about the FLAWLESS victory.

      • 10 months ago

        Unicorn has been inspiring "did they retcon late UC" talk since the novels ended.

      • 10 months ago

        I think you’re being disingenuous if you’re saying most Gundams before G-Witch didn’t have more discussion centered on the world as well as ships. 00 had a ton or romantic ships but it’s still an incredibly fleshed out world that people still talk about and try and understand everything about the state of the world before and after the show. G-Witch only has ships.

      • 10 months ago
        Fllay Allster

        You're talking bullshit.

        This was the first picture about any continuation for SEED. No where does this even talk about romance or anything.

      • 10 months ago

        Way to out yourself as a tourist

      • 10 months ago

        >You guys are really pretending that shipping talk didn't dominate any discussion of Seed Destiny.

        • 10 months ago

          I remember people talked about Athruns relationships with Lacus, Lunamaria, Cagalli, and Meyrin. Maybe he thinks of that as shipping. But there was a lot more debate about wether nuclear meltdowns could melt phase-shift armor

  34. 10 months ago

    A show so badly written it didn't even show us Mercury once. There was literally not point to even calling it The Witch From Mercury if Mercury was never going to play a part at all.
    Imagine if Once Upon a Time in Mexico never went to Mexico.
    Imagine if Escape from New York was actually set in Boston.
    Imagine if the French Connection didn't involve anyone French.

    • 10 months ago

      Imagine if To the Lighthouse began and ended with them in the lighthouse and never showed them on their way or discussing about getting there.

  35. 10 months ago

    I'm surprised this thread isn't deleted

    • 10 months ago

      Yeah that is a good point. have ny other threads been deleted since this controversy started?

      • 10 months ago

        why would it get deleted? its perfect thread by troonymod standards. its why theyre here.

      • 10 months ago
        dorkly_chair at
        I don't have answers, but you can find some this way

  36. 10 months ago

    I may be having a dumb shower thought here but during the later episodes when the fat pilot/captain suddenly started blabbering about "y'all are kids don't push yourself too hard let us adults handle it" or when that space alphabet guy says he hates being an adult making kids go through piloting a suicide machine, the emphasis on the adult responsibility was kinda on the nose. When the hopeful ending had a text message layered over a shot of cloudy sky I was almost certain they tried to shoehorn in Blue Archive's message for people to clap on twitter.

    • 10 months ago

      Yah I fricking hate that line. Its too on the nose. Like, in other series, the teens are fighting because they really don't have much of a choice, its wartime and the adults are dead, and they almost never start out as faction leaders. WFM is not in wartime. and the kids make decisions about the companies really a whole ass board would have to vote on. Then at the very end of the show they give you the "this is wrong" throwaway line and its just so fricking empty.

      • 10 months ago
        Fllay Allster

        Unicorn had a similar scene, but was done more competently. It even has 5th movement Gundam blaring when it happens.

        It's because the people saying the things are those who have been in the story and are Characterized as changed by the whole encounter with Banagher and Mineva.

      • 10 months ago

        Come to think of it half of the kids that came along didn't matter or were an outright liability, although that's more a symptom of how every Earth house character is shallow besides maybe Chuchu

        • 10 months ago

          I will say though it's funny how this guy constantly attracts so many foul women

      • 10 months ago

        If it helps none of the adults did take responsibility in the end. Shaddiq literally became Jesus and died for everyone's sins, why I have no clue, but he did

        • 10 months ago

          Yeah... why exactly was Shaddiq the terrorist leader anyway? Was he the leader before he became the heir of Grassley? How did he become leader? What was his life like before the grassley school? What was the Grassley school like?

        • 10 months ago

          >blame for all of this is on Shaddiq making him a figure who will inspire new waves of terrorists
          Sounds like a good lead in, either for Endless Waltz or Char's Counterattack kind of sequels.

        • 10 months ago

          He did it so Prospera wouldn’t get tried so Suletta and by extension Miroine would be happy. A seething cuckold to the end

  37. 10 months ago

    >unironic reddit thread on /m/
    >200 replies
    What happened to this place

    • 10 months ago

      The g-b***h guy has been having a continual melty for months now

    • 10 months ago


  38. 10 months ago

    If my OTP isn't canon I will light myself on fire.

  39. 10 months ago

    Yurihomosexuals suffer from a severe case of mental illness, they were never okay from the start and I'm glad bandai is back pedaling on trying to pander to them.

  40. 10 months ago

    Apparently one of the gifts for the upcoming event has a page of the scene where Guel is proposing to Suletta and the yurigays are getting uppity about him saying the m word

    • 10 months ago

      It's just the scene they always use for marketing whenever guel is involved

      • 10 months ago

        >guel is involved
        Well, you known Yurigay.
        His presence alone is crime to them,Espcially now they felt their yuri marriage was "denied"

    • 10 months ago

      Post it or it's fake news.

  41. 10 months ago

    >LGBTards think straight people are evil and crazy
    >yet they want to burn Sunrise offices and kill people because of an anime

    • 10 months ago

      I used to imagine there will be an LGBT-based terrorist group (just for shits and giggles) and the fact that it's slowly becoming true, idk whether to laugh or feel scared.

      • 10 months ago


        • 10 months ago

          Bummer, I was imagining a more blatant LGBT theme. Like a group that calls themselves Trans of Terror or something.

          • 10 months ago

            They don't need to call themselves the obvious.

            • 10 months ago

              Idk dude, with their tendency to shove their agenda in people's face they'd likely be more blatant.

            • 10 months ago

              >we're here, we're queer, we're coming for your children.webm

          • 10 months ago

            they are getting there

          • 10 months ago

            >Like a group that calls themselves Trans of Terror or something.
            There was that female troon that shot up a school a while ago. I don't think she got anything close to a high score though.

  42. 10 months ago

    I like the newest development being people trying to act like Bandai Namco aren’t also partially the creators of G-Witch when they’re the ones who funded it and Okuchi and all of the staff had to work together to figure out how it all would work but anything to keep saying the show is actually the best still

    • 10 months ago

      Nothing about this show felt natural. Like I said; most news outlets that didn't cover Gundam suddenly did. It's funny.

      Like with FFXVI, most sites and youtube channels that didn't cover FF, suddenly covered it and gaslit people.

    • 10 months ago

      The whole thing feels like a clusterfrick, the huge story change and direction, 12 episode seasons that the many writers couldn't agree on what to keep or get rid of so they just crammed everything in, the whole project feels cursed
      I honestly hope they leave this AU for a long while because I don't think anything good will come from the new set of "fans" it's attracted, I heard some are straight up burning their aerial kits

      • 10 months ago

        >I heard some are straight up burning their aerial kits
        I’m kind of curious to see that but at the same time, they didn’t even cost that much so it’s not like it’s burning something that actually meant anything. Bandai already tried to clarify themselves but nothing is going to make these people happy.

        • 10 months ago

          It honestly feels like looking at junkies for some of them, they are so depraved of sustenance for seeing gay shit that they don't care it's actual shit that was poorly made, they'll consume it nonetheless

  43. 10 months ago

    That said, either Sunrise or Trigger should've gone up in flames instead of Kyoto Animation.

    • 10 months ago

      This is the worst take this board came up with.

      • 10 months ago

        TriggerBlack person.

  44. 10 months ago

    Huh, it was a matter of time I guess.
    Man, remember when you could have fun with fiction?

  45. 10 months ago

    Based Bandai making sure no one is happy with GWitch

  46. 10 months ago

    Hearing all this hullabaloo about people dumping their kits made me buy a Darilbalde

  47. 10 months ago

    Thinking about it them getting married at the end is silly, they need to date first, marriage isn't something you should rush into,,, they also need to get the sister out of the key chain because that is fate worse then death, make her a robot body or something, that needs to be priority one.

    • 10 months ago

      >make her a robot body or something, that needs to be priority one.
      Imagine if Ed just left Al to rot in that metal body and Just married Winry.

      That's what WfM is teaching people: Your sister be damned, get that Lesbian marriage!

      • 10 months ago

        The target audience doesn't care. As long as they can have their ship, nothing else in the story matters.

  48. 10 months ago

    They are probably all troonys

  49. 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      only good thing about gb***h tbqh

  50. 10 months ago
  51. 10 months ago

    1 day left!

  52. 10 months ago
  53. 10 months ago

    I know it’s petty and Reddit, but I’m cranky that WFM-babbies are successfully brigading “up for interpretation” to be the U in the alphabet meme over “Universal Century”

    • 10 months ago

      OP spit in their faces, it’s fine

  54. 10 months ago
  55. 10 months ago

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