Are there any films about Exorcism/possession that are even remotely as good as this?

Are there any films about Exorcism/possession that are even remotely as good as this?

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  1. 10 months ago


  2. 10 months ago

    Exorcist III is pretty good.

    • 10 months ago

      Reddit opinion

      • 10 months ago

        whereas you base all your opinions on what Cinemaphile thinks because you're an NPC

      • 10 months ago

        I just like the movie, anon. I don't care about your internet culture website wars.

      • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      Fricking awful movie. I bet you're one of those people that constantly shills Predator 2 and Lake Mungo

      • 10 months ago

        Lake Mungo is great. I bet you're one of those people who thinks any movie that doesn't have constant loud banging sounds telling you when you're supposed to be scared is "boring".

        • 10 months ago

          You probably like One Cut of the Dead

          • 10 months ago

            Never heard of it, but if you don't like it that's definitely a positive endorsement and I should go check it out. Thanks anon.

        • 10 months ago

          Not at all. I actually prefer slow burn horror movies like The VVitch and the first Paranormal Activity to loud slasher type movies

    • 10 months ago

      That jump scare scene is god tier

  3. 10 months ago

    The exorcism of Emily Rose
    The FX series

    • 10 months ago

      >The exorcism of Emily Rose
      I third this
      Also deliver us from evil, really good also apparently a true story

  4. 10 months ago

    There will never be a more powerful horror film.

    People who went to see The Exorcist really thought they were seeing Devil, just as the people who went to see The Passion really thought they were seeing Jesus.

    • 10 months ago

      I don't see the comparison honestly. Exorcist is extremely effective whereas Passion is unintentionally hilarious.

      • 10 months ago

        I haven't seen the Passion so I won't comment on that but I found the Exorcist hilarious and I've met people IRL who thought the same thing, that it's a silly movie, so it's funny you say that

        • 10 months ago

          I don't care what you and your moronic friends think of the movie

          • 10 months ago

            Cared enough to reply 😉

            • 10 months ago

              Calling you stupid is its own reward

              • 10 months ago

                >replied again
                lol dummy

              • 10 months ago

                Why would I pass up the opportunity to humiliate you further?

              • 10 months ago

                >caring this much

              • 10 months ago

                You're replying just as much as I am, newfriend.

      • 10 months ago

        i dont think you were around for The Passion buzz tbqh, Busses of old ladies would go see the movie like they were going on a retreat, people were feinting, dying and having heart attacks during the whipping scenes, etc. It was a giant film.

        • 10 months ago

          I was around for it, that's how I know it was all artificial hype and bullshit

          • 10 months ago

            well i was around too, and i'm calling your bullshit, kek.

            • 10 months ago

              >busses of old ladies went and saw the film! that's how you know it was good!
              I don't need to call you on your bullshit because your bullshit calls itself

              • 10 months ago

                why are you so hung up on whether the movie was good or not? where did i even mention it's merit? something's fishy here...

              • 10 months ago

                >I didn't say the movie was good I'm just an unbiased and impartial observer arguing that the movie was phenomenally successful and impactful for no particular reason! Honest!
                How much is Gibson paying you?

              • 10 months ago

                who are you quoting?

                Yes, the film was giant, yes, busses full of old women went to go see it in droves, yes people died while watching it, this can all be searched up, it WAS giant movie and you denying how big it was makes me think you're 14 or you've lived in a third world shithole your whole life

              • 10 months ago

                I'm going to let you in on a little secret since you're so naive, impressionable and gullible. That kind of hype is always artificially generated. It was with Passion just like it was with Exorcist, it just so happens that Exorcist is actually good once you separate it from all the hype. Every time you hear that a movie is so effective, scary, powerful or whatever that people "fainted" and "had heart attacks" during screenings, it was people with pre-existing conditions who would have had the same heart attack at the same moment if they'd been watching a Pauly Shore movie at the time. When people faint in a movie theater, it's not because of the phenomenal power of a fricking movie. It's because the AC is broken. Clever marketing agencies use it to their advantage but anyone with a pulse can instantly see right through it. There's a ceiling on how effective a movie can be. It's just a movie.

              • 10 months ago

                >That kind of hype is always artificially generated. It was with Passion just like it was with Exorcist
                So you literally agree with me. artificial or not. Oy Vey.

              • 10 months ago

                I said it was artificially generated to begin with, you fricking cretin.

              • 10 months ago

                Hype and marketing aside, 612mil at the box office for a religious film is huge, the affect it had on people was huge, you weren't there and that's okay. Liking the film has nothing to do with it.

              • 10 months ago

                imagine acting like you can't just look up how well The Passion of the Christ did financially

                >Liking the film has nothing to do with it.
                Except this started because I said I didn't like it. That's all I said, that it was a silly film and that I thought it was stupid. It wasn't my decision to add comical splorch and splat sound effects right out of a B-movie when they drive the nails through his hands. I just call them like I see them. I'm not required to like it because it's about Jesus.

                You then replied with a bunch of nonsense about how successful it was, which of course is completely irrelevant and beside the point to begin with since I don't base my opinions around popularity because I'm not an NPC.

                >you can't just look up how well The Passion of the Christ did financially
                I never alleged it didn't do well at the box office, because it did. You just keep moving the goalposts each time you get humiliated.

              • 10 months ago

                yea i'm not reading all that, anyways, let me help you out real quick.

                My OG post:
                >People who went to see The Exorcist really thought they were seeing Devil, just as the people who went to see The Passion really thought they were seeing Jesus.

                And then you go on to agree that they had the same "hype" therefore agreeing with me:
                >That kind of hype is always artificially generated. It was with Passion just like it was with Exorcist

                i know you'll just keep replying like a tard cause losing internet arguments literally makes you shake but i'll let you do it, you can pretend it wasn't a huge movie all you want, but the statistics are there, the experience is there too (if you were there of course, but you weren't, kek)

              • 10 months ago

                >yea i'm not reading all that
                Wow, immediately conceding right at the beginning of your reply. And admitting to being illiterate to boot. A bold strategy.

                >i know you'll just keep replying like a tard cause losing internet arguments literally makes you shake
                Uh, pot meet kettle? It's usually not a good idea to act like someone is a huge loser for doing the exact same thing you are doing *while you're doing it*, anon. Lmfao.

                >the statistics
                I never said it didn't make money. Get that through your skull. What I said is that people having fainting spells isn't proof of some kind of awesome spiritual power the movie has or some moronic bullshit and is really just because a bunch of elderly people went and saw it. And yes, that was then parlayed into a bunch of artificial hype that made more people go see the movie. This was the point I was making to begin with, if you thought I was making some other point about objective box office sales, that's on you. But you don't actually think that, you're just moving the goalposts.

                >the experience
                Experiences are subjective. I don't have to like the movie just because morons like you flocked to it at the time. That's argumentum ad populum, it's a classic fallacy, argued by desperate morons such as yourself.

                My point to begin with is that a good movie like The Exorcist shouldn't be lumped in with a bad movie like The Passion simply because they were both successful by the same weird, irrelevant metric. Did people legitimately think they were seeing a witch when they watched Blair Witch Project, another movie that was hyped to death when it came out? Or did they think they were seeing a fricking movie?

                Handwringing about box office success because you're that assblasted by a stranger's opinion is totally immaterial. "Y-you're not allowed to not like it, it made a ton of money and people fainted and stuff!" You're such a fricking child it's insane.

              • 10 months ago

                literally not reading that wall of cope

              • 10 months ago

                That means I win. Thanks for playing.

              • 10 months ago

                like is said, you're the type to keep replying because being proved wrong on here makes you shake, see

                yea i'm not reading all that, anyways, let me help you out real quick.

                My OG post:
                >People who went to see The Exorcist really thought they were seeing Devil, just as the people who went to see The Passion really thought they were seeing Jesus.

                And then you go on to agree that they had the same "hype" therefore agreeing with me:
                >That kind of hype is always artificially generated. It was with Passion just like it was with Exorcist

                i know you'll just keep replying like a tard cause losing internet arguments literally makes you shake but i'll let you do it, you can pretend it wasn't a huge movie all you want, but the statistics are there, the experience is there too (if you were there of course, but you weren't, kek)

                it'll be back and fourth with your walls of cope getting bigger and bigger, when i've already said what i had to say but you need the last word or else you won't sleep tonight.

                >that means i win
                kek, see what i mean. cope harder

              • 10 months ago

                >like is said, you're the type to keep replying because being proved wrong on here makes you shake
                and like I said, you're doing the exact same shit. Pot meet kettle.

                yea i'm not reading all that, anyways, let me help you out real quick.

                My OG post:
                >People who went to see The Exorcist really thought they were seeing Devil, just as the people who went to see The Passion really thought they were seeing Jesus.

                And then you go on to agree that they had the same "hype" therefore agreeing with me:
                >That kind of hype is always artificially generated. It was with Passion just like it was with Exorcist

                i know you'll just keep replying like a tard cause losing internet arguments literally makes you shake but i'll let you do it, you can pretend it wasn't a huge movie all you want, but the statistics are there, the experience is there too (if you were there of course, but you weren't, kek)
                I already replied to that one. But you won't read my reply because the anal pain it would cause is simply too unbearable. That means you concede, and I win.
                >or else you won't sleep tonight.
                kek. I'm going to forget you even exist approximately ten seconds after I close the window.

              • 10 months ago

                i've read both posts you said I'd be assblasted by and you've still oddly made no headway and are still arguing about something that was never said. my parallel still stands, and i know you find old ladies feinting in the theatre or dying just "artificial hype" but it happened in the same way it happens in televangelism's real or not, it was showy, it was happening.
                >My point to begin with is that a good movie like The Exorcist shouldn't be lumped in with a bad movie like The Passion
                This is where you fricked up, nowhere did i compare the quality of both, but the effect and "buzz" they both had on society, which you then agreed with. Now what?

              • 10 months ago

                >you've still oddly made no headway and are still arguing about something that was never said
                I'm arguing the point I made. Not the point you made. That's how this works.
                >my parallel still stands
                As I said, people fainting in a movie theater doesn't mean said film has spiritual significance. That's stupid. It means a handful of elderly people saw it with low blood sugar, nothing more. The two films don't have anything else in common, so there is no parallel to be made that is of any consequence.
                >but it happened in the same way it happens in televangelism
                As in it's bullshit designed to part suckers from their cash. Glad we agree on something.
                >real or not, it was showy, it was happening.
                It doesn't matter because it's not real. Hell, even if it was real it wouldn't matter much to me. I don't base my opinions on the opinions of others. If you think it matters, I disagree. I think that it's stupid to care about something so silly and so obviously fake.
                >nowhere did i compare the quality of both
                I did. I happen to think quality matters a lot more than "buzz".
                >but the effect and "buzz" they both had on society
                Which doesn't matter, which was my entire argument.

              • 10 months ago

                >As I said, people fainting in a movie theater doesn't mean said film has spiritual significance. That's stupid. It means a handful of elderly people saw it with low blood sugar, nothing more
                did you just choose to ignore when i mentioned televangislists? the way people felt like that "needed" to feint to show their devotion, etc. see when you deny this type of showy stuff was happening during release it makes me think you're a zoomer cause it was so prevalent, not even media but in social circles, local churches. Just like how this showy shit was going down when The Exorcist released, people were shitty and pissing their pants and protesting the film like satan fell to earth. THIS is what my point was all about.
                >I did. I happen to think quality matters a lot more than "buzz".
                sure, but you were replying to MY post about its effect and buzz on society which it had and you recognized that, and then just started arguing with yourself LOL, saying "it doesn't matter" is irrelevant.

              • 10 months ago

                >did you just choose to ignore when i mentioned televangislists?
                I referenced it explicitly, you dingus.
                >THIS is what my point was all about
                And my point is that stuff is total bullshit cannibalized into a marketing machine and that it has nothing to do with whether the movie is good, relevant, important, or really even resonates in any real sense. People don't react that way when they're genuinely effected by a film. They only react that way when they either have some sort of mental illness or are desperately in need of attention, or both. Sure, it's convenient when it comes to selling the film, but that doesn't mean it makes the film "important". It's about the most childish and idiotic rubric for whether or not something is important that I can think of.
                >sure, but you were replying to MY post about its effect and buzz on society which it had and you recognized that, and then just started arguing with yourself LOL, saying "it doesn't matter" is irrelevant.
                I dunno anon. I'd say whether or not the effect means anything kinda does matter when you're talking about the importance of said effect. My argument is that shit don't matter, and I frankly don't really care whether you accept that or not. It seems like you can't distinguish between whether or not something *happened* and whether or not it's relevant or important. I acknowledged from the beginning that there was a bunch of buzz surrounding the film when it came out. Your argument seems to be that if I acknowledged that it existed, that means I'm also conceding that it was valid or relevant. I'm not, and it isn't. As I said, The Passion and The Exorcist aren't comparable in any way that matters apart from maybe the vaguest of "they're both about spiritual stuff" criteria, so focusing on the histrionic hooplah that surrounded both films because it's literally the only thing the two films have in common seems real stupid to me, and to say it's evident of the film's spiritual potency is even stupider.

              • 10 months ago

                >And my point is that stuff is total bullshit cannibalized into a marketing machine and that it has nothing to do with whether the movie is good, relevant, important
                Literally straight back into arguing with yourself holy frick, i would agree if it was just the marketing but the surge of theatrics it caused in society was palpable for both films, which is what i'm talking about, and quite frankly couldn't give less of a shit about whatever you're trying arguing about. You also keep sperging about whether i think the film had "spiritual potency" which i never mentioned so maybe your sperg out is something more personal with Christianity, which i also dont give a frick about.

                Reading your posts was like watching a car crash, i just couldnt help myself, but if you want to continue screaming into the void for whatever argument you think you're having with me knock yourself out kek.

              • 10 months ago

                >i would agree if it was just the marketing
                Let me let you in on a little secret, child: the surge of theatrics WAS marketing. There's always some crazy person somewhere in America who wanders into a movie theater and yells things at the screen and has to be escorted out by security, that shit has been happening since they invented movies. It's only when the marketing machine for the film puts a lens on it and acts like it's some big deal to drum up publicity that you actually hear about it. It's a sleazy gimmick, nothing more. And boy did you fall for that shit hook line and sinker. That is my point. That has always been my point. If you don't think it was relevant to your point, I disagree. In fact I think that's just a defense mechanism on your part to avoid having to actually argue the issue itself so you turn it into some bizarre meta-argument where we're arguing about arguing. That was your doing, not mine. I've stayed relatively on point the entire time.
                >quite frankly couldn't give less of a shit about whatever you're arguing about
                I dunno, anon. Seems like you care a great deal what I'm arguing about since you screeched about it for an hour plus, took a twenty minute break to apply hemorrhoidal ointment, and then came right back to do it some more. Seems like you care an awful lot.
                >You also keep sperging about whether i think the film had "spiritual potency" which i never mentioned
                It's just a natural assumption I have to make when someone thinks a group of old ladies seeing Jesus or the devil in some celluloid is anything other than completely ridiculous.
                >maybe your sperg out is something more personal with Christianity
                You're the one who started off by arguing I must be israeli if I have anything bad to say about The Passion. As if it's impossible that I might just not like the movie. You've been grasping at straws since the jump.
                >Reading your posts was like watching a car crash, i just couldnt help myself
                what a load of
                C O P E

              • 10 months ago

                Do me a favor, re-read our entire thread, i'm actually concerned for your health. Nowhere did i mention whether it was on par in quality, in spiritual potency, in importance. All that was pointed out was the effect both had on society in terms of buzz and theatrics and how big both were, which you agree with, artificial or not, clever marketing or not. Every essay you throw in here is arguing about something new and never said. the gist of your posts are:

                >well no i don't see the parallel you're making between the two films and their buzz on society upon release because i liked the exorcist better
                i liked the exorcist better too, but what the frick does that have to do with my post? HAHAHAHA

              • 10 months ago

                You do realize that I can make points of my own, right? Like I'm allowed to do that? I don't have to exclusively refer to your points directly or otherwise I'm "veering off-topic". Like I said this is just some weird defense mechanism of yours. Usually how a debate, discussion or argument works is that both people make points. It's not that the first person to speak has some kind of mystical authority on where the conversation goes. If you didn't want to have the conversation I wanted to have, well I honestly don't know what to tell you anon. No one had a gun to your head. You probably should have just shut the frick up a long time ago.
                >Do me a favor, re-read our entire thread
                >i'm actually concerned for your health
                Sweet of you to say, but I'm not particularly concerned for yours. I just think you're a bit of an idiot.
                >the effect both had on society in terms of buzz and theatrics and how big both were,
                And you pointed that out for no particular, reason, eh? You had no motive? You make a habit of wandering into threads and making completely unmotivated and impartial statements on objective facts? No, of course not. You don't bring up the buzz surrounding a film and emphasize it this much unless you think it was indicative of something that, in your opinion, matters. Stop playing these kid's games and just admit that. You think it's important. If you didn't, you wouldn't have argued it to begin with. And I disagree with you. That's the discussion. That's always been the discussion. Deal with it.
                >which you agree with, artificial or not, clever marketing or not
                Again, those distinctions make a big fricking difference and aren't irrelevant at all.
                >well no i don't see the parallel you're making between the two films and their buzz on society upon release because i liked the exorcist better
                I thought you said you were going to start reading my posts? Because that's not a remotely accurate approximation of any of what I said. So now who's making shit up?

              • 10 months ago

                >let's discuss how golden retrievers and huskies are similar
                >but we-
                >proceeds to write 3 novels
                that's literally you today man LOL, i was better off not reading your spergssays

              • 10 months ago

                >let's discuss golden retrievers and how great they are, shall we?
                >golden retrievers and huskies are similar because they both have exactly three folds of skin on the underside of their right hind leg!
                >okay, what? I mean they're not that similar if the only comparison you could find was something so arbitrary and stupid and honestly probably not even accurate...
                >wow man why are you upset you're writing literal PARAGRAPHS of text and only a herculean mental super genius would dare something so difficult WHY ARE MY MEME IMAGES NOT MAKING MY ARGUMENTS FOR ME REEEEEEEEEE
                You were better off not reading my posts or trying to reply to them, yes. Agreed. Finally something we do agree on.

              • 10 months ago

                So you admit to derailing KEK
                And I AM still here reading your spergslop out of curiosity at what the frick you were getting at in the first place,and as i said you're continually going nowhere, opting to discuss the films merit, spirtual potency or importance, it's tiresome at this point quite frankly. If you re-read the thread you'll see how you derailed the conversation after being proven wrong about how big The Passion was at the time, which still leads me to believe you're a zoomer, and the way you pump out essays about nothing, and your fixation on "winning" the argument or me "conceding" is proof of that.

                People who went to see The Exorcist really thought they were seeing Devil, just as the people who went to see The Passion really thought they were seeing Jesus. If you wanted to debate that? game, but you didn't enjoy your night.

              • 10 months ago

                >So you admit to derailing KEK
                I did no such thing. Stop saying random words in a string just for the sake of doing it.
                >and as i said you're continually going nowhere
                Having to constantly repeat myself and hold your hand through every little nuance of my argument because you're an idiot is your fault, not mine, thank you very much
                >opting to discuss the films merit, spirtual potency or importance
                All of which is far more relevant to its cultural, aesthetic or otherwise importance than some elderly people getting dizzy at a showing
                >it's tiresome at this point quite frankly.
                lmfao it's a little late for that shit
                >If you re-read the thread
                I understood it the first time, maybe you're the one who needs to brush up on some of the finer details.
                >you'll see how you derailed the conversation after being proven wrong about how big The Passion was at the time
                No, I pointed out how stupid what you said was and you moved the goalposts to box office receipts in a desperate attempt to save face and it didn't work
                >and the way you pump out essays about nothing
                Lol you keep saying that. They're like a paragraph or two, at best. All you're doing is elucidating what a fricking ADHD addled brainlet you are because only a child or a moron would find such a trivial amount of text so taxing to read. And even after reading it you still miss or totally misunderstand most of it.
                >and your fixation on "winning" the argument or me "conceding" is proof of that
                I haven't mentioned it once in approximately two hours. Yeah I sure am "obsessed". God, you are so bad at this. It's beyond belief.
                >If you wanted to debate that? game, but you didn't
                Yeah. I did. No one cares and you're an idiot for saying something so stupid, is the jist of it. Anyone who thought they were seeing anything other than a movie should either have their head examined or they aren't worth caring about, and you should be more wary about falling pray to transparent and obvious marketing gimmicks.

        • 10 months ago

          God I hate Americans for being such Christgays.

          • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        >Passion is unintentionally hilarious

  5. 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      >that one time anon acted like the Pope’s Exorcist

    • 10 months ago

      This was shit and clearly written by a israelite. They transfer a demon to an animal and then it's inmediately killed (yon kippur). The catholic inquisition was supersticious and brutal (but demons are real, though). Now the devil not only is unafraid of God, but it even disguises itself as the Virgin Mary...

      Awful movie, and a clear spit in the face of every catholic who watches this trash

  6. 10 months ago

    Possession (1981)

  7. 10 months ago

    The Wailing, Possession, and maybe The Taking of Deborah Logan

  8. 10 months ago

    imagine acting like you can't just look up how well The Passion of the Christ did financially

  9. 10 months ago

    I wish I could posses a little girl.

  10. 10 months ago

    i dont give a frick about your gay feud with the other anon, i only responded with the second post you quoted because you acted like it wasn't a big deal when it came out and implied that it wasn't successful

    • 10 months ago

      >implied that it wasn't successful
      No, I didn't. I said the hype was artificial, which it always is when people are supposedly passing out and having heart attacks because the movie is so fricking epic that it magically ruptures their arteries and clogs them with cholesterol. The film was successful in part due to the hype because hype works, because people are morons.

  11. 10 months ago

    I just want to add that I think it's fricking hilarious that after all your wienery bravado and posturing bullshit about being too cool for school you just buckled after twenty minutes and read all the shit I wrote because it was eating you up inside. Guess I got under your skin more than I realized.

    • 10 months ago

      curiosity killed the cat

      • 10 months ago

        so did anal pain, apparently

    • 10 months ago
      • 10 months ago

        More pot calling the kettle black. You've been pulling that "lol umad bro" card while replying to me every time I sneeze for a fricking hour, bro. It's a little late to be pretending like you don't care, especially after I got your goat so hard that you had to come crawling back lol

  12. 10 months ago

    Like, you keep posting these huge walls of cope, then i read them, correct you on what the argument is about and then you just end with "well it doesn't matter anyways because quality > buzz" okay? who asked, it's like arguing with a schizo who's actually arguing with a strawman they created in their head.

    • 10 months ago

      You don't get to decide what the argument is about. Besides, your argument is buzz = quality and mine is that no, it doesn't. Seems pretty coherent to me. Your rebuttal seems to be that "but your point that buzz doesn't equal quality isn't relevant to my point that buzz equals quality!" And that my friend is just pure copium.

  13. 10 months ago

    No. Some may say The Exorcist III, but that’s just contrarianism. It’s amazing to me how corny and terrible The Exorcist could’ve been. They walked a very fine line between good and camp. It’s about a young girl being possessed, it’s hokey in theory. It was smart to make it more about the priests struggle with faith than the possession itself. Even so, the director still wanted some corny shit in there. They wanted Ellen to scream “I believe in the devil” and all that. Thankfully she said no. You also can’t overlook actual priests being involved with the film, even the lead. It lended a sense of legitimacy. I think that’s where every other possession movie fails. They’re all about the possession, the mythical aspect of it and being shocking. They can’t measure up because The Exorcist made the blueprint and got it perfect the first time. Everything else has been a cheap imitation that failed to understand why it was a good movie in the first place. It did not start out with spinning heads and vomit, it worked its way up to that. I really can’t say enough about how great The Exorcist is and how the possession sub genre is by far the worst horror has to offer.

  14. 10 months ago

    I liked The Exorcist II

  15. 10 months ago

    Not about demons/possession itself, but The Ninth Configuration is the true spiritual sequel to The Exorcist. Same themes of struggling with faith and the problem of evil

  16. 10 months ago

    I really thought that since you bothered to come back and put all that effort into reading my posts which as you said are quite long and difficult by your barely literate standards that you were actually going to try. Instead you lazily glazed over most of it, misunderstood the bulk of it even though it was mostly quite simple, occasionally found some particular statement I made to autistically glom onto and obsess over and bring up incessantly (like when I happened to mention that I like The Exorcist and don't like The Passion and you pretended that was the cornerstone of my entire argument even though I mentioned it once in passing and I'm pretty sure it was because you asked) before falling back on your same LOL WHATEVER BRO shtick and then inevitably retreating once again in absolute disgrace. I just don't see the point. Next time apply yourself. And if you're going to affect a sense of superiority, maybe display it on occasion.

  17. 10 months ago

    No there's a reason The Exorcist is seen as one of THE best movies of all time

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