Are they good parents?

In my opinion they aren't

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  1. 2 years ago

    Imagine how fat the mom would be if eh was a human

    • 2 years ago


  2. 2 years ago

    They are better than most parents.

    • 2 years ago

      Eh they are good people but not good parents. Most episodes they are basically vending machines that give bluey and bingo everything they want even if they teach them a lesson, consequences don't matter because muh love

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah. There are many times when it is not realistic, but they are still cartoon dogs.
        Also I would slap Bluey so hard.

      • 2 years ago

        They were in S1
        Then the rest of the series is two small brats getting rewarded for acting like morons

        >giving kids rewards for being kids is bad
        Lol. I hope you aren't a parent yet.
        Compare the scenario you think this is
        >lazy parents who don't know how to talk with kids
        >"do what I say or get fricked" attitude towards kids, yell when kids acts weird or improper without a care for the actual reason
        >can't be bothered to spend too much tien together, won't play with their kids
        >spend money on gifts to buy their love, but earn no true respect
        >kids grow up spoiled
        >kids are neglectful towards parents and call only when they need money
        to what actually happens in Bluey
        >parents spend every possible second with their kids, actively play with them and allow them to make decisions from time to time to let them learn what the consequences may be
        >they listen to their kids' needs and can recognize why the act in ancertain way, no need for yelling, just offer them a solution and the problem goes away by itself
        >kids learn to trust their parents
        >parents reward their kids because they love them and thanks to spending a lot of time together they know that the kids are smart enough to do the right thing when it matters
        >kids grow up loving their parents and respecting them
        It's like with allowing kids to watch cartoons or play games. It won't make them dumber. They can watch or play quite a lot if you actually spend time with them (as much as possible) and not just put them in front of a screen so you don't have to bother with raising them. Again, because I cannot stress this enough. The actual secret to raising kids is spending time with them and not being an butthole.

        • 2 years ago

          >bingo nukes all of Australia
          >is questioned by her dad for why she did it
          >"b-because you couldn't find me during hide and seek"
          >"aw kid I'm sorry, you're just too good. I love you"
          >"I love you too dad"
          >"now let's go home, mum is waiting"
          >"can I get some ice cream?"
          >"sure kid"
          >episode fades out
          Describe why this isn't the case 100% of the time?

          • 2 years ago

            She should be rewarded for that, though.

          • 2 years ago

            Because she didn't do any harm to anyone.

          • 2 years ago

            >This episode of Bluey is called "Deathclaw"!

            • 2 years ago

              Now I'm kind of wondering how Dogmeat would look like in that style the show

        • 2 years ago

          A properly-raised child thinks "I need to tell dad" when things go wrong.
          An abused child thinks "Dad is going to kill me".

      • 2 years ago

        >Eh they are good people but not good parents.
        Still better than most parents. The bar is pretty low anon.

      • 2 years ago

        discipline is not a common topic for children's shows, Bluey is meant to be fairly uplifting and lighthearted.

        It's realistic for the parenting styles of today.
        Reminds me of my cousin, his parents spoil him with toys and electronics, I saw him watching cringy animations of FNF in Minecraft on his iPad, he's "autistic" and spouts random phrases and throws tantrums when he doesn't get his way.
        I await the next 15-20 years to see the effects of raising kids like that.

        Mostly because the people who hate the idea of kids getting smartphones and tablets are also the people who hate the idea of having kids in general.

        Personally I don't take the "muh tablets" crowd seriously, they're never parents themselves and I don't know where this population of zombie kids that love electronics are, because with all of mine a tablet/phone buys you 30 minutes before they'll get bored and want to do something else, 45 on a good day, it's basically a nuclear option to get your kid to shut up in a restaurant or a long car trip. Using a tablet as a digitial babysitter just doesn't seem possible to me in the way that zoomies claim people are doing, maybe my kids just have ADHD or something but they'll take legos 9/10 times if that's the option over electronics.

        My opinion is that a lot of behavioral problems in kids these days are just a lack of parental interaction and general socialization, how much screentime they're getting is a secondary symptom rather than the cause.

    • 2 years ago

      >projects own shit childhood experience into conversation
      >lurks a cartoon show ment for pre-schoolers
      >also a pedo
      checks out

      • 2 years ago

        A lot to infer there, bro.

        • 2 years ago

          "Pedo" is turning into the new "homosexual" now that "troony" has lost its shine.

  3. 2 years ago

    They were in S1
    Then the rest of the series is two small brats getting rewarded for acting like morons

  4. 2 years ago

    Why the frick is Chilli pregnant here?

    • 2 years ago

      Subliminal Broodmare conditioning. These kids will be calling feminists "wageslaves" and say "No one wants to marry an Amazon warehouse"

  5. 2 years ago

    A bit too enabling but they definitely try their best. At least they're not as bad as Muffin's parents

    • 2 years ago

      Muffin is the worst.

      • 2 years ago

        Yes, they are. They have patience for their children, let their children discover for themselves why boundaries and rules are put in place in a controlled environment, and more than anything allow their children to be their own people. They are very involved parents as well, which is ultimately what one wishes to be when having children.

        /muffinchad/ reporting in to say Muffin is a sweetheart. A little selfish or bratty at times, but not always unreasonable. She helps out and defends her sister in multiple episodes, and when she realizes she done fricked up in Faceytalk she accepted the consequences without a problem. I'm not gonna lie and say she isn't rough around the edges, but she isn't the worst, and she's got a good family to keep that from happening.

        • 2 years ago

          If the whole episode revolves around the kids acting like asses or generally doing the wrong thing, they face no pushback. Just "aw it's okay if you are a piece of shit, I love ya kid"
          Can you imagine if children start believing this is how they should be treated? Like royalty?

          • 2 years ago

            It's not that they face no pushback, they are guided into doing the right thing and learning why what they're doing is wrong. In Muffin Cone the girls are guided into not excluding Muffin just because she can't play the game *they* want. In Burger Shop, that was very clearly an exception, cause Bandit was trying to follow instructions from a book, and in Wagon Ride it's not like Bluey wasn't getting told for interrupting Bandit. She was guided into having more patience and respect of others time.
            I honestly can't think of any episode where the kids are genuinely acting wrong and not getting pushback for it. In most episodes where this happens, it's usually turned on them (Mr. Monkeyjocks). They're not even getting treated like royalty, and episodes like Housework show that, normally, they do as they're told.

            • 2 years ago

              What about the episode where they're shopping for a pizza oven and Bluey breaks store merchandise and only gets a light scolding but still gets what she wants in the end?

              • 2 years ago

                The ice cream episode is where I lost hope on them

              • 2 years ago

                That is one episode, but I will bite. Completely fair point, but we can't go about expecting that the girls break things all the time, as it was very clearly an accident that they both felt bad for. She only gets what she wants in the end by a complete outlier (free paint swatches or whatever they're called). Evidently, it's not a repeat offense.

          • 2 years ago

            You are thinking of Caillou (the bald cartoon child everyone thinks has cancer). He is a legit menace who never gets punished and studies have shown kids who watch that show act bratty after viewing it. Bluey is a wholesome show that makes you feel all fuzzy inside.

        • 2 years ago

          Muffin episodes are the best. She is Bluey's Randy Marsh.

          When the episodes are centered around them you know you're in for a wild ride

          • 2 years ago

            This, completely this. No wonder I love her so much, she's got the same off the wall style as a Randy episode. This but with Bluey characters when?

            • 2 years ago

              There's a cruel streak in me that wants to see Stripe suffer public opprobrium for something like that.

              • 2 years ago

                If Bandit was made to suffer, Stripe was too. It's the destiny of all Heeler fathers. What would Stripe do to deserve this, though? It's not like it'd be hard for him to achieve, Chilli already judges him all the time.

              • 2 years ago

                He ain't going to make babies no more

              • 2 years ago

                Bandit's a (generally) good sport and gets to play the biggest tease in return

      • 2 years ago

        Muffin is three. If anything she's a joke on how they are at that age. A lot of parents say it's the worst age because they're learning to demand things but don't comprehend boundaries yet or understand other people need respect. They're not evil all the time but they can be little bastards for a while there.

  6. 2 years ago

    BTW I would have sex with mum

    • 2 years ago

      Same Anon. Same.

  7. 2 years ago

    I just watched Musical Statues and was very disappointed.

    • 2 years ago

      Why? It was cute and comfy, standard Bluey

  8. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        I's time to let go anon, the blue dog is worse

        • 2 years ago

          It is a dog. She already won with that.

          • 2 years ago

            Cause americans are hypocrites

    • 2 years ago

      What killed the hype

    • 2 years ago

      No, you still suck.

      • 2 years ago

        He never won anon, finish an episode.

    • 2 years ago

      For what, exactly?

      • 2 years ago

        Furious americans with ADHD want Caillou dead because his parents never hit him for misbehaving

    • 2 years ago

      Bluey doesn't cry that much.

      • 2 years ago

        Cause she never loses

  9. 2 years ago

    I hate that show!

  10. 2 years ago

    I hate that show!

  11. 2 years ago

    I couldn't believe both bluey and bingo are girls

  12. 2 years ago

    It's realistic for the parenting styles of today.
    Reminds me of my cousin, his parents spoil him with toys and electronics, I saw him watching cringy animations of FNF in Minecraft on his iPad, he's "autistic" and spouts random phrases and throws tantrums when he doesn't get his way.
    I await the next 15-20 years to see the effects of raising kids like that.

    • 2 years ago

      I am so angry about kids getting everything. Everybody does that. All my nephews and nieces are little brats. Frick that.

      • 2 years ago

        Mostly because the people who hate the idea of kids getting smartphones and tablets are also the people who hate the idea of having kids in general.

        • 2 years ago

          I disagree. I watched my sister turn into a monster because my parents got her a tablet at age 5. She was addicted to the internet (and tech in general) at age fricking 5
          Now she's a complete narcissist and genuinely the worst person I've ever known in my life. Giving kids whatever they want is how you raise a twitter user or a redditor

          • 2 years ago

            I agree.
            I would not give a kid tablet or phone before school age.

          • 2 years ago

            I stopped seeing reddit everywhere when I got off that site anon you should try it too

            • 2 years ago

              Honestly a lot of anons in the Bluey threads would probably be more comfortable on the show's subreddit. I'm not trying to be a jerk, it's honest advice.

              • 2 years ago

                It's actually a cool place.

        • 2 years ago

          I did not say smartphones. I said Everything.
          My nephew literally did not speak with his father a half year (divorced parents), because he did not get Switch for Christmas.
          He fricked him up in early age. Tried to buy his love. So the kid thinks he should have everything, because his dad has money.

      • 2 years ago

        Your righteous anger is really just jealousy

    • 2 years ago

      discipline is not a common topic for children's shows, Bluey is meant to be fairly uplifting and lighthearted.
      Personally I don't take the "muh tablets" crowd seriously, they're never parents themselves and I don't know where this population of zombie kids that love electronics are, because with all of mine a tablet/phone buys you 30 minutes before they'll get bored and want to do something else, 45 on a good day, it's basically a nuclear option to get your kid to shut up in a restaurant or a long car trip. Using a tablet as a digitial babysitter just doesn't seem possible to me in the way that zoomies claim people are doing, maybe my kids just have ADHD or something but they'll take legos 9/10 times if that's the option over electronics.

      My opinion is that a lot of behavioral problems in kids these days are just a lack of parental interaction and general socialization, how much screentime they're getting is a secondary symptom rather than the cause.

      I don't have any kids, but I have friends who do. So on occasion and during holidays, I get a small glimpse into the parenting life and even babysat a time or two.

      On one hand, the idea of giving young kids access to the internet via smartphones and tablets sounds like a terrible idea.

      On the other hand, I don't see how it is much different than the days of growing up in front of cable TV or watching VHS tapes on repeat. Or having your kid play on their GameBoy. They both seem like the same thing in terms of a way to occupy a kid for awhile.

      I guess some differences would be how accessible other content is today compared to before. It is extremely easy for kids to stumble down rabbit holes of shitposts and definitely not-kid-friendly content today than it was to stumble on something inappropriate channel surfing cable - at least until late at night. Personally, if the parents are very aware of what the content is their kid is watching and properly using all parent controls available to limit content, I don't see a problem with giving a kid a tablet.

      I guess another difference or issue is the how the kid gets the tablet. If I acted up, my parents had no issues taking away my gaming systems or unhooking the cable. I did not get any of it back until I acted better. There days it seems like the solution to kids acting out is to give them whatever it is they want. Why? It's easier to do that than trying to correct bad behavior or deal with a kid just having a tantrum because they're a kid who doesn't know how to handle their emotions.

      Either way, it is interesting to analyze the parenting style of today's parents based on their personal childhoods. And it is going to be extremely interesting to see how the next generation turns out based on the parenting styles they are exposed to right now.

  13. 2 years ago

    Is it just me or is interest in the show dying on here

    • 2 years ago

      It's just you. There was recently a Bluey thread that hit the bump limit.

    • 2 years ago

      It's still pretty strong, before yesterday's thread for the first new episode, we had three threads in a row that hit bump limit. People are probably tired of discussion Bluey for the second, or busy.

      • 2 years ago

        The more I look at this the more I feel like I'm having a stroke. what the hell?

        • 2 years ago

          That image is giving me a fricking aneurysm, what the hell?

          I don't even know either. All I know is it's an edit of this image, apparently.

          if you're not a parent you don't get to complain in this thread over cartoon dogs who love their kids.

          First their ages, at the start of the show Bingo is 3/4 and Bluey is 5. There are plenty of times when the kids don't get what they want, or learn a lesson in a way that doesn't fully benefit them. The parents explain stuff to the kids in ways their kid brains will understand. You legit can't reason with younger kids some times in a way you normally would.
          They love their kids, and they do limit their tablet and tv time as well as sugar intake.
          For what modern parenting is, they're parent goals. Bluey and Bingo aren't brats and are likeable kids

          >Bingo is 3/4 and Bluey is 5
          Bingo was 4 and Bluey was 6. Now 5 and 7. Small nitpick. I do agree with everything else you said, though. All the kids in Bluey are likable on some level, and they're all good at heart. Just kind of cheeky sometimes.

          • 2 years ago

            Now who in their right fricking mind would make that but I got a good feeling it was made on this hellhole

          • 2 years ago

            Bingo's birthday always throws me for what she turned which is why I thought 3.

          • 2 years ago

            >Now 5 and 7
            I like that they are aging. How far will we go?
            Will we see Bingo go to school?

            • 2 years ago

              We've already seen her go to kindergarten.
              I want to see Muffin go to school and get sorted out, haha

            • 2 years ago

              Probably not too far. I get the feeling that the show's over at the end of this season.

              • 2 years ago

                It's expressly not. That was all rumors, which lead to the early release of these 11 episodes as opposed to the normal 26 episode batch. Here's some extra confirmation if you're still worried.

          • 2 years ago

            How did she die?

            • 2 years ago

              Funnel web spider in the kiddie pool. Many such cases. Sad!

              >nobody wants to watch an early childhood program with hideous brats and negligent parents.
              >enter caillou

              People watch Caillou on purpose?

              If Bandit was made to suffer, Stripe was too. It's the destiny of all Heeler fathers. What would Stripe do to deserve this, though? It's not like it'd be hard for him to achieve, Chilli already judges him all the time.

              I meant I'd LOL if Muffin learned a slur from a moment of unsupervised media access and said it in public, and then the judgmental stares of spectators would pierce his soul. Stripe is a schadenfreude magnet . If it weren't for Trixie and his daughters, he'd be Bill Dauterive.

              The thing you don't get is that you're responsible for the kids 24/7 and both you and them are developing strategies about their lives.

              Mom and Dad need rest. The first six months are torture. Crying every two hours. If you're American there's potentially no leave for either parent, you still have to work. You compromise.

              Then as they get older your kids develop tricks to wring what they want out of you and it really defines what sort of parent you'll be, because you both fall into a "groove". If you yell at the kids or hit them, the "groove" is that your kids will avoid you. It's how my neighbor's kids are - they're basically feral and the whole neighborhood knows it. Those kids are always trying to latch on to someone or somewhere else, so everyone kind of tries to keep them at arm's length - the dad will just abandon them with anyone as free babysitters and we can't all do that for him all the time.

              I can agree no parent should EVER let Youtube be on a child's tablet because it's extremely predatory as far as content can go, but letting your kids watch Number Blocks in the car is less of a sin than being a hardass dipshit who kicks their kids around.

              I get the impression that you think I dislike the Heelers and am vicariously judging you through them(which by being flippant and acrid since I'm Cinemaphile didn't help). I love Bluey and think her parents are good role models, I'm just pushing back on this pernicious idea that you have to get personal experience doing something to have qualified takes on the results. It's asinine when filmmakers or game devs try to negate criticism like that and it isn't any more reasonable in rearing spawn. Actually, I'd argue outsiders are more justified in judging parents because everybody's had them, many watched younger siblings be raised, and have grown up beside different types of families and can compare and contrast.

              Do childless people in the community have the wrong idea when they agree your neighbors are shit parents? No, because objective knowledge is a thing and facts independent of personal experience or opinion can be understood and demonstrated.

              Hell, I'll give you one of my anecdotes: When I was in my residencies, my proctor had a client who brought her ill-disciplined child to clinic. During the whole appointment, the kid was throwing a fit while his mother ignored all body language and polite, subtle expressions of our desire that she do something in favor of letting him tire himself out of his tantrum. The kid ultimately dropped his pants and shat in the middle of the room. The technician with 3 kids had the strongest rebuke to offer and thought I was being too non-judgmental thinking up reasons it may not have been her fault.

              • 2 years ago

                Actual bad parenting is pretty easy to see from the outside because it spills out a lot. Abused kids, even if it's verbal, tend to be on the loose everywhere and not in a "my parents trust me" kind of way, but like you'll see them riding their bikes up and down the street from noon to sundown because they don't want to go home.

                When I say you can't criticize if you don't know, I mean the little things. Like giving them tablets, whether parents ever raise their voice, the amount of discipline - that stuff. A toddler's behavior can change a lot based on if they need a nap, and in those cases you can't talk them down. Sometimes you just have to distract them. When my son was two I once got him through a long car ride by slowly feeding him one french fry at a time and acting dramatically like I couldn't reach, to drag it out longer. I turned a box of fries into an hour and a half of entertainment that would have otherwise been crying, and you can whine about if we should give our kids junk food, but I made a strategy in the moment and that's just parenting sometimes.

                Yeah, you can complain when something is OBVIOUSLY bad, but if you're talking about the nuts and bolts of being a parent and if they should breastfeed and all that, sometimes it's not even enough to have been a parent, you've got to know the people before you can complain.

              • 2 years ago

                Well on tablets, they are just today's paradigm-shifting technology serving as some externalized demon that can slain to make everything right again. No different from other major socially relevant information and communications technology. Thing is we'll always have pseuds who want to be Ezekiel prophesizing the fall of the israelites or the narrator in "The Sound of Silence." People who take the path of least resistance in citing how the world is going to Hell in a handbasket, that they know the source of the decay, and how it's totally different this time from their discredited antecedents. I knew that SomethingAwful's userbase had become old when b***hing about kids staring into their smartphones became common among the crowd who ruthlessly mocked seniors for deriding graphic movies and video games.

                On modes of discipline or food, well there again this stuff can be empirically proven to be the right or wrong thing. But, like I said, the great thing is that you don't have to be a perfect parent. Nobody does or we wouldn't survive. In reality, most of the good you can impart on kids is by just being decent and much of the rest is out of your hands irrespective of if you make unavoidable mistakes. There's a margin for error (

                It's funny that you bring up Boob Nazis, though, because I don't see a lot of this presumptuous criticism coming from childless people nearly as much as I do other parents. Parents, especially mothers, seem to be even more severe because they feel they do have a solid reference point to judge others. Off of Cinemaphile, I've never seen singletons or couples without families talk about how Bluey is furry Caillou. It's always parents who think [s]Barbie establishes an unrealistic standard of beauty[/s] Bandit establishes an unrealistic standard of fatherhood.

              • 2 years ago

                Dude, what the frick are you talking about? Either you're a bot that semi-realistically strings together words and phrases or you're mentally deranged and have not been taking antipsychotics
                Either way I suggest you never post again

              • 2 years ago

                I can tell we're going to be friends.

              • 2 years ago

                I understood what they were saying, anon.

                They're saying it's usually other parents who get their panties in a twist about breast feeding, because once you invest the time and effort in it, it's an investment you want to defend. Yes, of course letting this child suck your boobs raw was more worth it, I will kill you if you disagree.

                Well on tablets, they are just today's paradigm-shifting technology serving as some externalized demon that can slain to make everything right again. No different from other major socially relevant information and communications technology. Thing is we'll always have pseuds who want to be Ezekiel prophesizing the fall of the israelites or the narrator in "The Sound of Silence." People who take the path of least resistance in citing how the world is going to Hell in a handbasket, that they know the source of the decay, and how it's totally different this time from their discredited antecedents. I knew that SomethingAwful's userbase had become old when b***hing about kids staring into their smartphones became common among the crowd who ruthlessly mocked seniors for deriding graphic movies and video games.

                On modes of discipline or food, well there again this stuff can be empirically proven to be the right or wrong thing. But, like I said, the great thing is that you don't have to be a perfect parent. Nobody does or we wouldn't survive. In reality, most of the good you can impart on kids is by just being decent and much of the rest is out of your hands irrespective of if you make unavoidable mistakes. There's a margin for error (

                It's funny that you bring up Boob Nazis, though, because I don't see a lot of this presumptuous criticism coming from childless people nearly as much as I do other parents. Parents, especially mothers, seem to be even more severe because they feel they do have a solid reference point to judge others. Off of Cinemaphile, I've never seen singletons or couples without families talk about how Bluey is furry Caillou. It's always parents who think [s]Barbie establishes an unrealistic standard of beauty[/s] Bandit establishes an unrealistic standard of fatherhood.

                Empirically proving certain social rules is pretty hard. They don't empirically prove it, they just find a compelling statistical hypothesis. I'm not saying that means it's right to hit your kids when experts now say you shouldn't, but there can be confounds. Like, for example, if you have a grandparent get mad and spanks your kid, that happening once probably won't wreck your kids, but if you develop a system where your kids are afraid to admit mistakes you you, then obviously you can't help them learn to improve their mistakes. It's not the hitting that wrecks the kids so much as what comes as a result of the hitting. I know this is splitting hairs, but in most medicine, for example, you would know specifically what pathway a drug is using, whereas with psychology it's still not really understood on a micro level and they give you drugs anyway.

              • 2 years ago

                I was saying more broadly that, in my experience, it seems to be parents who are the most likely to make snap-judgements about what other parents do rather than people who don't have kids.

                But breastfeeding is indeed one peculiar example. I never knew until recently how a lot of women would just get treated like shit by other mothers if they didn't nurse their babies. There's good reasons why they may not (mother is ill, she congenitally can't make enough milk...) but there's this belief that formulae was an evil corporate ploy instead of an answer to a biological issue and bottle-feeding parents are subhumans. These chicks treat nursing like some kind of holy ritual and lots of them don't wean their kids until they're like four or five-years-old. Shit's crazy.

              • 2 years ago

                >lots of them don't wean their kids until they're like four or five-years-old
                W-what? Most moms I ever knew couldn't wait for their leeches to get off the teat, I can't imagine any of them would actually want to go as far as 5.

          • 2 years ago

            Did Bluey get the COVID?

      • 2 years ago

        That image is giving me a fricking aneurysm, what the hell?

      • 2 years ago

        >we had three threads in a row that hit bump limit
        Wtf since when? Nobody talks about this

        • 2 years ago

          You "omg literally nobody is talking about this" homosexuals are so annoying. Search tbharchive you dumb motherfricker we're not spoonfeeding you

          • 2 years ago

            Yikes. Y'aint getting my 5 star review sweaty

        • 2 years ago

      • 2 years ago

        Neato, this one goes to my eddy collection

  14. 2 years ago

    if you're not a parent you don't get to complain in this thread over cartoon dogs who love their kids.

    First their ages, at the start of the show Bingo is 3/4 and Bluey is 5. There are plenty of times when the kids don't get what they want, or learn a lesson in a way that doesn't fully benefit them. The parents explain stuff to the kids in ways their kid brains will understand. You legit can't reason with younger kids some times in a way you normally would.
    They love their kids, and they do limit their tablet and tv time as well as sugar intake.
    For what modern parenting is, they're parent goals. Bluey and Bingo aren't brats and are likeable kids

    • 2 years ago

      >If you're not a parent you don't get to complain
      Why? Because you say so? Eat shit. I don't need to be a mechanic to know when a car's a lemon.

      • 2 years ago

        if you're not raising a kid you don't get it. It's pretty simple. There are hundreds of things you tell yourself you won't do if you become a parent, then you have a kid and it changes.
        I didn't want to give mine a paci, yeah enough sleepless nights let her have one at 2 months old with no regrets.
        I still refuse to do a tablet in the car or while shopping, but do get why parents will hand one to a kid to keep them quiet (though they really need to pay attention to what their kids watch, so many content farms) I have brought my phone out at restaurants but I keep the sound low and we've only gone to louder places to not bug people.

        • 2 years ago

          There's nothing esoteric to "get" requiring first hand experience to criticize. The same fallacy is used to deflect criticism in almost any endeavor and there's nothing special about parenting that exempts it. It's "pretty simple."

          • 2 years ago

            The thing you don't get is that you're responsible for the kids 24/7 and both you and them are developing strategies about their lives.

            Mom and Dad need rest. The first six months are torture. Crying every two hours. If you're American there's potentially no leave for either parent, you still have to work. You compromise.

            Then as they get older your kids develop tricks to wring what they want out of you and it really defines what sort of parent you'll be, because you both fall into a "groove". If you yell at the kids or hit them, the "groove" is that your kids will avoid you. It's how my neighbor's kids are - they're basically feral and the whole neighborhood knows it. Those kids are always trying to latch on to someone or somewhere else, so everyone kind of tries to keep them at arm's length - the dad will just abandon them with anyone as free babysitters and we can't all do that for him all the time.

            I can agree no parent should EVER let Youtube be on a child's tablet because it's extremely predatory as far as content can go, but letting your kids watch Number Blocks in the car is less of a sin than being a hardass dipshit who kicks their kids around.

            • 2 years ago

              >If you're American there's potentially no leave for either parent
              What a disingenuous thing to say. Are you israeli?

              • 2 years ago

                Parental leave is dependant on your working class in the US.

              • 2 years ago

                No its not

              • 2 years ago

                Uh, yeah it is. You can usually get one or two months of maternity leave from an office job. Paternity leave is practically non-existent. Any kind of wage-earning job typically offers neither, particularly in service work. Some hard labor jobs offer paid vacation hours that you can spend.

              • 2 years ago

                Not true

            • 2 years ago

              This is why close villages and intact multigenerational family structures are important.

              Doomed to failure Americana and moder anti family generational war society has doomed American society

    • 2 years ago

      >Bluey and Bingo aren't brats
      Yeah. As I said before we saw worse kids.

  15. 2 years ago

    Why am I sad as hell whenever I watch the show

    • 2 years ago

      As you're watching it or after it's over? I've felt a kind of"back to reality" melancholy after watching a few episodes, but not during one.

      • 2 years ago

        It's a mix of both probably because I had a hard time growing up and kind of wish I had parents like chili and Bandit.

    • 2 years ago

      It's a mix of both probably because I had a hard time growing up and kind of wish I had parents like chili and Bandit.

      exactly my feeling, i love the show and everything but its so pure and its a nice portrayal of a healthy family that it makes me sad of the life i had with my abusive and troublesome family, not only parents, sisters, aunts, cousins, all massive c**ts most of the time always fighting eachother, growing up i noticed i never had a proper childhood

      • 2 years ago

        So this is your chance to make your kid having BEST childhood

      • 2 years ago

        I'm the exact opposite of you in that I love the show because that was my childhood.
        A lot of the episodes come off as a huge nostalgia bomb for me cause it reminds me of my younger brother and I playing together before my sister came along.

  16. 2 years ago

    Why are you, a grown ass single adult with no children, watching Bluey?

    • 2 years ago

      Reposting because it's objectively true:
      Fun stories with well written characters that doesn't patronize the children watching it, nor does it make the parents watching it with their kids want to kill themselves. Basically similar reasons to GR15 only it's less of an autism magnet because it's far more grounded in reality and it's also not a "muh deepest lore" cartoon.

      • 2 years ago

        Imagine how crazy things would get if Bluey lore was a real thing.

        • 2 years ago

          we've got some deep lore of a ballon popping implying that Chilli had a miscarriage

    • 2 years ago

      Because for the age bracket it's aimed at, this show is shockingly well-written. It's also cute as hell.

  17. 2 years ago

    I would like sex with calypso

  18. 2 years ago

    I think they are great parents and they help the girls learn important life lessons. Only a few times I had watched the show and thought they were being a little too lenient.

    I like this show because it's realistic escapism for someone who wants to watch a wholesome family.

  19. 2 years ago

    They are. Ep chest explained that

  20. 2 years ago

    im curious what is your idea of good parenting

  21. 2 years ago


  22. 2 years ago

    >don't say that word please
    >but what if i said it anyway
    There is no way to rationalize with that moronic dog through talking

    • 2 years ago

      Kids do be asking questions about things.

      • 2 years ago

        You didn't watch dunny

        • 2 years ago

          Nobody who likes bluey did

        • 2 years ago

          Nobody who likes bluey did

          Kids do like to play mind games with their parents. Bluey was just asking legit questions. Why can't she say dunny? Is it a bad word? Chloe's parents let her say it? Are they lesser than the Heelers? If not, then why can't she say dunny? Some kids want to explore the logic behind things. Chili had a hang-up over the word for next no reason. And Bluey ends up saying toilet instead of dunny like her mom wanted anyway.

          • 2 years ago

            >mom can i say the word frick
            >no i forbid you you can't say that word and that's final
            >but i will say it anyway
            >ok honey have fun

            • 2 years ago

              Saying frick sounds more like a Muffin thing.

              • 2 years ago

                And then everyone claps
                cause kids rule

              • 2 years ago

                How's your relationship with your father?

              • 2 years ago

                You're such a cuck it's unreal

              • 2 years ago

                It's not the fault of the funny cartoon dogs that your parents didn't love you.

              • 2 years ago

                You are a homosexual

              • 2 years ago

                >um do you seriously have a negative view on abortion!? What are you an INCEL!??!?

  23. 2 years ago

    They do need to woop their asses when they misbehave, especially when in public. I assume they don't because first world countries think they know how to raise kids with words instead of violence, but not all kids respond the same and they need to learn that there are consequences for bad behavior.
    If they were Mexicans they would call CPS.

  24. 2 years ago

    Oh shit is Bluey back? Who's got the mega link?

    • 2 years ago

      That's a good question.

  25. 2 years ago

    Didn't care much for this episode.

    • 2 years ago

      >the audience is now deaf

  26. 2 years ago

    Well, who would be considered good parents in animation?

    • 2 years ago

      If the Heelers ain't it, then there are no good parents in animation.

  27. 2 years ago

    The only issue I see is the two having an unrealistic amount of get-up-and-go for playing with their kids. At least until you take into account they're all heelers, an extremely energetic breed of dog that needs a lot of exercise. Neither Bluey nor Bingo are over-indulged little brats. When they get push-back, the two tend to actually listen and try to do better.

    Now, Muffin's parents on the other hand seem to have raised a selfish mini tyrant who has to push way too far past the envelope before getting the message.

  28. 2 years ago

    I think it's moot point because the show portrays an optimized, if not idealized, situation for the purpose of conveying its messages to kids and their parents. Much is said about the degree of energy and time Bandit and Chilli have being implausible, but also the kids in the show are almost uniformly sweet-natured and well-behaved needing only the gentlest nudges to get on the right track. I can understand why they choose to do this, though, since nobody wants to watch an early childhood program with hideous brats and negligent parents.

    To be honest, the more I read about the science of parenting and childhood development the more it suggests that these strong opinions on good parenting approach moot point. One of the unfair things about it is that diminishing returns set in pretty soon and return on investment drops off fast for superior parenting skills. Surprisingly sooner in life than you'd think, a kid's parents stop being their sponged-up source for opinions and beliefs and a rapidly growing share comes from role models outside the family unit, peers, and the child's own individual notions. Contrarily, there's seemingly no end to the ways that substandard parenting can ruin a kid for life.

    It's rather like feeding them. If you starve a child, they'll get all kinds of issues: Lower than potential IQ, shorter height when grown, endocrine disorders, developmental disorders, etc. Giving them a whole bunch of extra food, though, isn't going to make them genius gigachads; they'll just get obese.

    So we can either be pessimists and say, "Dammit, I could be as good as ten Heelers and my kid could still turn out to be a piece of shit," or we can be half-full and say "Whew, just being a decent parent is usually enough and everything else isn't my fault.

    • 2 years ago

      >nobody wants to watch an early childhood program with hideous brats and negligent parents.
      >enter caillou

      • 2 years ago

        get over it bluey is far worse

    • 2 years ago

      (cont.) Also, I think the idea should be more of the characters providing good reference of things that may be tried not that they're guaranteed to work or you need to be the total package or it all comes apart. You don't need to become a gourmet chef to get one recipe from a cooking show right, if that makes sense.

      Muffin is the worst.

      Muffin Stans are annoying (assuming it's more than just the same sperg) because the refrain to rightly point out she's a brat is always "she's three"(LOL, semantics). It's pretty clear that's she's meant to be seen as both, it's just that she's not a one-note archetype who's meant to be fully encapsulated by tantrums or being spoiled. She's not supposed to be Angelica from the Rugrats but rather I think some subtle and cheeky commentary on her parents. I believe that one of the things compelling about Bluey's writing is that the team are basing it off lived experiences and I have strong hunch that Stripe and Trixie are based on people somebody knows and a Muffin is a sanitized more optimistic version of their kid. However, stuff like the end of "Camping" suggests that she's not going to get over it anytime soon and being a brat/spoiled is an impression you're meant to have of her (even if it's not as terrible as it could be).

      I dislike Muffin less now, actually, because recent episodes have shown that she adores her Daddy, wants to make him happy, and feels bad for disappointing him. It suggests that her parents are actually lucky that she's not as bad as she could be given that Stripe is a flinchy beta and Trixie literally reads Mommy blogs (and probably has scented candles labeled "smells like my fortune cookie). I still understand why people are peeved by her, though. One of my most hated things are noisy kids in restaurants (especially bars) and other public settings not overtly catering to kids. I don't care if it's natural for them to be that way; doesn't make it any less annoying.

      • 2 years ago

        Most of the show is based off of Joe Brumm's (Creator/Writer) own childhood.

  29. 2 years ago

    This show has such excellent music and sound design, especially for a kid's program. I really appreciate the usage of classical music, especially.

  30. 2 years ago

    Ive never seen this show, Which one is the mom and which one is the dad. How can I tell apart the male and female gender if one of them doesnt have big eyes with wings and eyelashes as well as boobs

    • 2 years ago

      Die scum

      • 2 years ago

        why is the orange one so fat. Are they the pregnant one? If I had a dog wife I would not let her get fat, wtf. A fat dog is such a turn off lmao.

        • 2 years ago

          >A fat dog is such a turn off
          You must not be Canadian

  31. 2 years ago

    Anyone know where the new episode is?

    • 2 years ago


  32. 2 years ago

    They are.

  33. 2 years ago

    This thread reminds me
    >Watching Today (Aussie morning news program on tv because nothing else is on when I'm having breakky)
    >They're talking about the "woke brigade" coming after Bandit from Bluey (Apparently some education academics are claiming that Bandit is a bad father for strange reasons)
    >mfw on national tv they are discussing post modernism breaking down of the nuclear family by using these Academic's critique of a kids show about dogs
    What the frick is this world?

    • 2 years ago

      He said ooga-booga

      • 2 years ago

        Nah, this is different from that. They said that Bandit is a bad father because he "stops/limits himself with the children's imaginative play when around other males" or some shit.

        • 2 years ago

          LMAO, there was a whole episode specifically about him getting over that.

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