Aren't they basically the same character?

Aren't they basically the same character?

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  1. 6 months ago

    No because static didnt have to wait for black lightning to get killed off to start his hero career

  2. 6 months ago

    Virgil is full black unlike Miles

  3. 6 months ago

    Static deals way more with the black community, the projects, and gangs, he was actually contemplating on shooting a racist bully before he got his powers, and when he got his powers it was in the middle of a gang fight where mutagen gas was released in an experiment, Static is way more "hood" then him... ehh not trying to put Miles down or anything nothing wrong with being clean cut and super smart

  4. 6 months ago

    I don't know why the frick hasn't Static gotten any new appearances or anything. He was so fricking cool.

    • 6 months ago

      >I don't know why the frick hasn't Static gotten any new appearances or anything. He was so fricking cool.
      Copyright. That's why he make YJ cameos "recently"

    • 6 months ago

      >I don't know why the frick hasn't Static gotten any new appearances or anything. He was so fricking cool.
      Copyright. That's why he make YJ cameos "recently"

      Today i will remind them

      • 6 months ago

        Don't remind me of that bullshit. Worst static comic ever, even worse than new 52

      • 6 months ago

        I will never get over this, it's so laughably OOC that it borders on character assassination. Reminds me of that shitty New 52 Shazam run.

    • 6 months ago

      >I don't know why the frick hasn't Static gotten any new appearances or anything
      Because people ITT don't actually care about Static. They just want an excuse to b***h about Miles.
      Otherwise they'd occasionally talk about the miniseries that Static got that just ended last month instead of constantly revealing their ignorance with questions of
      >why aren't they doing anything with static

      • 6 months ago

        Then I think the question becomes, "why is Miles so awful he inspires people to find new and exciting ways to examine just how flawed he is?"

        • 6 months ago

          >Vita Ayala

          Absolute SJW cringe. A delusional gay woman who literally thinks she's a man.

          Vergil has nowhere near the support or push miles has been getting over the last decade

          How much BLM frickery is in this mini series?

          >What is static doing
          >ugh chud, u dont read comics by award winning vita aioli???
          No homosexual. No one reads comics. Especially comics be shit stirring, constantly broke, ebegging morons like Vita and her click of the worst humans alive on earth that shouldnt be.

          Writers like her are the cancer that has literally killed the comic industry.

          >inb4: b-but comics arent dead. If we add YA books, scholastic books and dogman, comic books are selling better than ever!!!

          McDuffie wasn't woke like you guys believe as the biggest issue with wokeness/BLM is sacred cows. Blacks, Mexicans, LGBTQ+s, Christians, and even israelites were made the butt of a joke or cast to the wolves for their bullshit. For example McDuffie had a transgender shapeshifter villain, Masquerade, in the vein of Mystique. Current Marvel comics can't let Mystique be a villain but instead a whiny woobie sue lesbian with Destiny as they both foist their responsibilities/evils onto people like Xavier & Azazel for pity passes. McDuffie had Masquerade be a complete butthole and get punished for it, even getting killed by the big bad they were working with when they went full Star scream backstabbing without the victim hood bullshit.

          Thanks for proving my point. Static (and really, Milestone as a whole) doesn't have fans. It just has homosexuals that at best are secondaries that saw a few episodes of the cartoon and most often just want to use it as a shield against accusations of hating all black characters.

          Just like how nobody here brings up Icon except to say "do this instead of Val-Zod", rare is the organic Static thread. It's always some kinda reactionary move against Miles.
          You want to know why Virgil doesn't get a push? Because THIS is the extent to which nobody gives a shit about him.

          • 6 months ago

            >doesn't have fans. It just has homosexuals that at best are secondaries that saw a few episodes of the cartoon
            And that doesnt make a fan according to you?
            By what standard are you working under?

            >I don't know why the frick hasn't Static gotten any new appearances or anything
            Because people ITT don't actually care about Static. They just want an excuse to b***h about Miles.
            Otherwise they'd occasionally talk about the miniseries that Static got that just ended last month instead of constantly revealing their ignorance with questions of
            >why aren't they doing anything with static

            >Otherwise they'd occasionally talk about the miniseries that Static got that just ended last month
            oh frick you,
            >uhhh if you dont discuss this shit series then you're not a real fan
            Maybe i didnt discuss it because like seeing dragged under a bus, maybe i didnt see as the real static because the fricking retcons given to him made no sense, or the fact that comic wasnt about him 1/4 of the time. Kiss my ass you disingenuous homosexual.

            • 6 months ago

              >Maybe i didnt discuss it because like seeing dragged under a bus, maybe i didnt see as the real static because the fricking retcons given to him made no sense,
              what retcons?
              >or the fact that comic wasnt about him 1/4 of the time.
              so you didn't read it?

              • 6 months ago

                >side story about some rat and a lady that shrunk herslef
                >you didnt read it
                Again frick you
                >what retcons?
                Read the thread

          • 6 months ago

            Not everyone who likes spider-man was introduced to the character via comics. Most was one of the many tv adaptations. So your point is very fragile in that case. I like static because he's his own hero and isn't a legacy being forced like asian hulk, ms.marvel and miles for diversity points.

            • 6 months ago

              >Not everyone who likes spider-man was introduced to the character via comics. Most was one of the many tv adaptations.
              Yeah but these same people argue Miles can't possibly have fans because his comics suck.

          • 6 months ago

            Statics doesn't have a movie or a TV show something that would boost his popularity. Nobody really cared about miles that much before the movies

            • 6 months ago

              >or a TV show something that would boost his popularity.

              Static literally had that TV show

            • 6 months ago

              how did Static never get a movie during the capeshit craze? depressing.

              • 6 months ago

                Because DC and WB are ran by braindead morons, always has been.

              • 6 months ago

                A combination of rights issues and the fact that WB is fundamentally incapable of doing non-Batman cape movies.

          • 6 months ago

            Frick you.
            Static does have fans. Original Mikestone too.
            I want to see Static and the Shadow Cabinet. As well as Dusk, Holocaust, But you can add cartoon stuff like Ebon too or Gear.

            Icon is good but as a dig on conservative black men, as McDufdie envisioned him. Rocket, the teen mother, was the real hero, and main character.

            • 6 months ago

              >Icon is good but as a dig on conservative black men, as McDufdie envisioned him

              Netflix Luke Cage was essentially an Icon show

          • 6 months ago

            Nah frick you. Actual Static fans know that new series is trash and the writers come off as fake and out of touch. The Big Bang being a fricking HIGHSCHOOL BLM RALLY which turns violent because of Vergil should have clued you in that they had no idea what they were doing

            • 6 months ago

              >The Big Bang being a fricking HIGHSCHOOL BLM RALLY
              How do you frick up this fricking badly? Do they even understand the cultural significance of the scenario behind the original Big Bang? Do they even realise that this is basically whitewashing gang violence themselves? Do they even car- of course they don't.

              • 6 months ago

                It gets worse anon. Hotstreak, you know the violently racist wigger, is at the BLM rally. The thing turns violent when Vergil punches him because Hotstreak says that Vergil is only at the rally to get white pussy. Then they decide that Vergil will continue to be a hothead by attacking Hotstreak in school, immediately telling everyone he has powers.

              • 6 months ago


              • 6 months ago

                Do YOU?
                The entire point of the original big bang was that the government responded with excessive force. The culturally relevant equivalent of that today is gassing protesters. The gang stuff of the 90s isn't really a thing anymore.

              • 6 months ago

                Do you actually get it? It was the government experimenting on the dregs of society so the average person wouldnt care enough to get mad about it. It was a parallel to multitude of immoral experimentation on minorities in the US. Gassing children, especially white female children, would cause massive outrage that you don't get from gassing gangbangers who still very much exist and still make up the majority of gun violence in this country

              • 6 months ago

                unless you call them anti government dissidents, which is what happens to lefty protests.

              • 6 months ago

                >The gang stuff of the 90s isn't really a thing anymore
                You're joking, right? You know Chicago has gang shootings every single week, right? Gang violence is absolutely still a thing. Whatever led you to believe it wasn't?

              • 6 months ago

                >Whatever led you to believe it wasn't?
                Unironically, very likely left wing news outlets

              • 6 months ago

                To a lot of people, if the media doesn't talk about it, it never happened.

          • 6 months ago

            The only homosexual here is you Dan Slott.
            Now tell the name of the homosexual who you are marrying with because no woman would marry a fat lard like you who needs a wheelchair to take a shit and fit in the toilet

          • 6 months ago

            >Masquerade in the cartoons
            You just outed yourself as a tourist and at worst a shillgay. Only a quarter of the Blood Syndicate were in the 2000s Cartoon and only for 2 eps as The Night Breed and Masquerade wasn't one of them.
            >Hating on Black characters
            Mystique isn't black, take your fake ass white saviour complex somewhere else. Also I didn't hate Masquerade, they had a better arc than current comic characters at Marvel/DC did and didn't have kids gloves/low expectation bullshit for their story arc like a lot of characters do today.
            >You only like Static because Miles Hate REEEE
            Static is better because he had actual grit while being a hammy nerd. No one was holding his hand while he became a supe, no one was sucking his dick and kissing his ass like (You) are for Marvel shit.

            Thats a lot of buzzwords to say absoluetly nothing

            I'm sorry you can't read but I'll explain it to you before your wrangler takes you back to r/Marvel for your sippy cup and nap time. McDuffie wrote compelling characters with consequences. Marvel & DC write cardboard caricatures that crumple under the mere mention of facing said consequences.

            • 6 months ago

              >You just outed yourself as a tourist and at worst a shillgay. Only a quarter of the Blood Syndicate were in the 2000s Cartoon and only for 2 eps as The Night Breed and Masquerade wasn't one of them.
              Where did I even mention Masquerade?

            • 6 months ago

              >fake ass white saviour
              Here comes the race card

      • 6 months ago

        >Vita Ayala

        Absolute SJW cringe. A delusional gay woman who literally thinks she's a man.

      • 6 months ago

        Vergil has nowhere near the support or push miles has been getting over the last decade

      • 6 months ago

        How much BLM frickery is in this mini series?

        • 6 months ago

          If BLM and woke is your worry, then Static is not for you. The universe and series was built around addressing those issues with the catch being it wasn't just "white man bad" but rather there were a lot of things inner city communities could do themselves to get their shit together.

          Any good book in milestone is going to hit on those topics no matter what.

      • 6 months ago

        >What is static doing
        >ugh chud, u dont read comics by award winning vita aioli???
        No homosexual. No one reads comics. Especially comics be shit stirring, constantly broke, ebegging morons like Vita and her click of the worst humans alive on earth that shouldnt be.

        Writers like her are the cancer that has literally killed the comic industry.

        >inb4: b-but comics arent dead. If we add YA books, scholastic books and dogman, comic books are selling better than ever!!!

      • 6 months ago

        If BLM and woke is your worry, then Static is not for you. The universe and series was built around addressing those issues with the catch being it wasn't just "white man bad" but rather there were a lot of things inner city communities could do themselves to get their shit together.

        Any good book in milestone is going to hit on those topics no matter what.

        McDuffie wasn't woke like you guys believe as the biggest issue with wokeness/BLM is sacred cows. Blacks, Mexicans, LGBTQ+s, Christians, and even israelites were made the butt of a joke or cast to the wolves for their bullshit. For example McDuffie had a transgender shapeshifter villain, Masquerade, in the vein of Mystique. Current Marvel comics can't let Mystique be a villain but instead a whiny woobie sue lesbian with Destiny as they both foist their responsibilities/evils onto people like Xavier & Azazel for pity passes. McDuffie had Masquerade be a complete butthole and get punished for it, even getting killed by the big bad they were working with when they went full Star scream backstabbing without the victim hood bullshit.

        • 6 months ago

          Thats a lot of buzzwords to say absoluetly nothing

      • 6 months ago

        Same has been happening with Terry recently. People need to realise, Miles is here to stay and need to get over it.

        • 6 months ago

          The moment someone opens fire at marvels offices like the KyoAni arsonist, miles dies off

      • 6 months ago

        That book fricking sucked and you know it. It stripped away nearly everything that made Static great for the sake of replacing it with a tryhard faux-korean webcomic style with asinine modern politics.

  5. 6 months ago

    what's with blacks and lightning powers?

    • 6 months ago

      It’s their passive skill, you can put other powers as the main skill or just go full electricity

      • 6 months ago

        This picture make no sense. Burgers are weird in using the unprecise term of "hispanic" to refers to amerindian mutts.

        • 6 months ago

          It's true in North America you have like this country full of natives but only the "first nations" like that guy on TV are real Indians.

        • 6 months ago

          It's generally just "descended from a Nation that was conquered by Spain or Left Spain, " though it obviously falls into debate when you get to some SouthWestern Tribes in the US. The distincition between Latino and Hispanic is basically just if they actually speak Spanish which Brazilians do not. But technically speaking their ethnicity doesn't have to have a literal connection to those nations though it's likely.

        • 6 months ago

          We just use whatever term the fat white chicks insist is accurate this week, Latinx bro.

      • 6 months ago

        los brasileños también son hispánicos.

        • 6 months ago

          Argentinians are italics (?)

        • 6 months ago

          No we are not lol Portuguese conquered all spaniards territory

        • 6 months ago

          they are more japanese than hispanic

        • 6 months ago

          No they're not these are US census terms

        • 6 months ago

          Não, não somos não, hermano.

    • 6 months ago

      comic and cartoon writers kept wanting to use black lightning but didn't wanna pay for the rights to use him ,so they kept making their own

      ended up becoming a weird tradition

    • 6 months ago

      Its a black power fantasy because most of them in real life are too poor to afford electricity.

  6. 6 months ago

    They're similar but static felt more genuine he's an improved version of black bolt while Miles is an obama era oddity

    • 6 months ago

      >static felt more genuine he's an improved version of black bolt
      ...Black Bolt is a white alien from Marvel with a nuclear voice. You thinking of Black Lightning?

      • 6 months ago

        That's right, Black Lightning. this guy is so forgettable that I didn't even remember his name

  7. 6 months ago

    >play the new Spider-Man game
    >Miles gets blue electricity powers that he can use to levitate and shoot chain lightning spells
    >this is never explained
    Did someone on the game team just rewatch Static Shock or something

    • 6 months ago

      He used them in the comic once or twice if i remembered it right

    • 6 months ago

      The PS4 games just depress me on how badly they handle Miles. They took any and all goodwill the Spider-Verse movies built up and decided to piss it away, by turning him wholesale into a walking corporate billboard. Instead of being a character in his own right, he now only exists to sell shitty tie in merchandise to the black community. He's the equivalent of those gansta Looney Tune shirts but as a marketable character, it's despair inducing.

      It just makes me glad Static can stay in the 90s/early 2000s where this sort of shit can't affect him.

      • 6 months ago

        You mean the first. The second movie was so fricked to the point the society was a death cult so that miles can shine above the others and "do his own thang". Peter's only purpose was to shove mayday into scenes and be a whipping boy to miguel. You would think 616 peter B would be the first to go against letting people die

      • 6 months ago

        ATSV already destroyed that goodwill months earlier

      • 6 months ago

        PS4 Spider-Man actually handled Miles with a decent amount of tact.
        >His dad, an honest cop, is more important at the start
        >Only ever a normal hero
        >In the DLC, he's explicitly a student who looks up to Spider-Man, nervously asking Spider-Man for help on how to climb a tree

        Then they fast-forward to the PS5 games where Miles is a full-fledged crimefighter. That was a mistake. A massive one. From Peter's protegé to his replacement - actually, no, not even that: they never even had him as Peter's protegé in the first place. They skipped that.

        Frick PS5 Spider-Man games, they should have stopped after the first one if this is the road they were gonna go down

        • 6 months ago

          Didn't the second game have different writers from the first one?

    • 6 months ago

      You know that would almost get a feasible pass if miles had just been given organic webs from the start and then based all his shit on this one weird electro trick spiders do.

      It worked for Mayday to explain why she had magneto powers.

    • 6 months ago

      Fits with the comics randomly giving Miles new superpowers that they never explain. Like how he could shoot laser beams from his hands, literally fly, and the whole electricity sword thing. None of which were ever spoken of again after the one time they were used.

  8. 6 months ago

    No. Static differentiates himself from Miles in a number of ways, but the quickest and most concise way I can describe it is... Vergil Hawkins is a character. Miles Morales is just a skin color.

    Static doesn't take his name, his powers, his personality, his approach to crime fighting, NONE of it from an existing hero. Miles is just Peter Parker in blackface. Static has his own rogues gallery, and more importantly, deals with lots of problems and is involved in stories that only a black superhero can address. He lives in the inner city, and much of the crime he fights is inner city gang-related. Miles just fights Peter's villains, and doesn't ever really engage with stories of his own.

    Static was lovingly created by a man who wanted to write a new character. Dwayne McDuffie had stories he wanted to tell, and a vision for who the new kid was. Miles Morales was created to pander to a specific audience while leveraging an existing brand name - Spider-Man - to springboard it into artificial popularity. Vergil is the definition of soul. Miles Morales is the definition of soulless.

    • 6 months ago

      >Static doesn't take his name, his powers, his personality, his approach to crime fighting, NONE of it from an existing hero. Miles is just Peter Parker in blackface. Static has his own rogues gallery, and more importantly, deals with lots of problems and is involved in stories that only a black superhero can address. He lives in the inner city, and much of the crime he fights is inner city gang-related. Miles just fights Peter's villains, and doesn't ever really engage with stories of his own.
      How come people don't complain about the Green Lanterns as much as you folk seethe about Miles? Legacy characters are not new.

      • 6 months ago

        The Green Lanterns are a space police force. There are tons of them, and it's integral to their backstory that there are tons of them and they all have the same powers.

        But yes, the writers of GL material tend to have to work extra hard to not let the characters bleed together. It's why Guy Gardner is so distinct, and John Stewart is such a military hardass. They had to make sure nobody mistook them for Hal Jordan. Despite liking Guy's antics, I think the other GLs are pretty much also-rans though. So yeah, they are like Miles in that respect.

      • 6 months ago

        Because the GLs, starting with Hal, were designed to be a corps, and Hal himself was essentially an entirely new concept using only trappings from Alan. And, as anon mentions, each has their own character. They aren't just Hal clones down the line.

      • 6 months ago

        >How come people don't complain about the Green Lanterns as much as you folk seethe about Miles?
        homie, are you new!? Have you never heard of HEAT!?
        Those homies sent fricking pipebombs to DC!

      • 6 months ago

        People do actually seethe about Kyle Rayner for that reason

    • 6 months ago

      I wish Dwayne was still alive

      • 6 months ago

        If he were alive you dumb gays would say he "went woke" because he supported BLM

      • 6 months ago

        He was great. DC hasn't made anything on par with JLU since, and I think it's because he's missing.

        If he were alive you dumb gays would say he "went woke" because he supported BLM

        Maybe. Maybe he wouldn't have. Nobody can say for sure.

  9. 6 months ago

    No, not even remotely. One of the most compelling aspects of Virgil is how he actively chooses to be a good person. Virgil started out on the verge of throwing away his life, both socially and literally, all for a petty street conflict that he was pressured into being a part of. In the moment of truth, he rose above the bullshit, and was rewarded with the power to change his community for the better, to help others make the same choice he did.

    Miles doest really have any of that, He was never a person under any sort of intense moral pressure like Virgil has. He was designed from the start to simply be "the protégé" and not much else. He is defined entirely by the legacy that came before him, to the point where that is a literal plot point in the movies. I'm not saying that's a bad approach, but it's nowhere close to Vergil.

    • 6 months ago

      Close thread and make a pasta out of it, this anon got Virgil right

    • 6 months ago

      Actual hero, Virgil.

  10. 6 months ago

    Static has
    >his own rouge's gallery
    >supporting cast
    >is an original hero in name and look
    >and doesn't have asspull powers like a lightning sword
    And he isn't mooching off heroes like batman or superman

  11. 6 months ago

    funnily enough because i spent my childhood without cable, static was my first teen superhero instead of spider-man

  12. 6 months ago

    Static is actually cool

  13. 6 months ago

    One does his own thing without telling others, Miles says he's doing his own thing whilst wearing the costume of someone else and using the same name.

  14. 6 months ago

    No, Static is much better

  15. 6 months ago

    Aren't Static and Fat Albert the same character?

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