Assuming Iroh wasn't holding back at all he could most likely 1v1 anyone in the entire series other than the Avatar, right?

Assuming Iroh wasn't holding back at all he could most likely 1v1 anyone in the entire series other than the Avatar, right? He was OP as frick.

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  1. 5 months ago

    No joke. Ty Lee might beat Iroh.

    Iroh doesn't look that fast and Ty Lee only need to get close.

    • 5 months ago

      Good luck finding his pressure points under all that fat mantis.

    • 5 months ago

      Probably can't chi-block anything to prevent him from breathing fire.

    • 5 months ago

      Ty Lee canonically cannot chi-block fat people. She tried in a comic and needed Toph to bail her out.

  2. 5 months ago

    He would lose to Azula and Ozai. They kept training while Iroh let his skills rust with age.

    • 5 months ago

      He could be Azula and the last king said Iroh was stronger than Ozai. That's why he was so mad Ozai wanted to skip Iroh.

    • 5 months ago

      He could be Azula and the last king said Iroh was stronger than Ozai. That's why he was so mad Ozai wanted to skip Iroh.

      Ozai didn't stop training for 10 years

      Iroh got back into shape and never forgot his skills, but he wasn't at his absolute peak anymore. He hadn't been conditioning himself every day for 10 years.
      And during the Comet, with both of their powers pushed to the maximum, even being a second hesitation because he's lost some of that muscle memory could mean the difference between life and death

      • 5 months ago

        >Ozai didn't stop training for 10 years
        Hang on was his visit to the Dragon before or after his son died? I thought it would be a part of his journey of self-discovery after quitting his job and before tool around the world in a houseboat. But the fact that Toph called Iroh The Dragon of the West when hecking the Ba Sing Se outer wall commander suggests he campaigned under that name.

    • 5 months ago

      Ozai didn't stop training for 10 years

      Iroh got back into shape and never forgot his skills, but he wasn't at his absolute peak anymore. He hadn't been conditioning himself every day for 10 years.
      And during the Comet, with both of their powers pushed to the maximum, even being a second hesitation because he's lost some of that muscle memory could mean the difference between life and death

      would have helped this view if we ever saw Ozai do something in the show before the comet.

      The only non-comet Firebending we ever saw from Ozai was the lightning bolt Zuko redirected.

      • 5 months ago

        Don't forget he burned Zuko that one time.

        • 5 months ago


        • 5 months ago

          >beats his child son
          >their second fight zuko spares him
          The show went out of its way to make Ozai into a b***h.

          • 5 months ago

            >zuko spares him
            Zuko either missed with the lightning or it wouldn't have been strong enough to kill Ozai anyway since every other character hit with it survived.

            • 5 months ago

              >every other character hit with it survived
              It would definitely be strong enough to kill Ozai. Lighting is an instakill move. Nobody ever just takes it in the show and survives. It's all near misses or redirects.
              Also Zuko obviously intentionally missed, hitting the ground in front of Ozai to create an escape smokescreen. Because just moments before he sheathed his swords, said it's the Avatar's job to beat Ozai, and started to walk away.

              • 5 months ago

                Zuko survived it after botching the redirect. He has a permanent scar to show for it. Amon also took a blast to the face.
                >inb4 not canon
                >Zuko obviously intentionally missed
                Iroh literally says while teaching Zuko about lightning that a bender can't control it once they release it from their fingers. There's no intentional missing with it unless you point in a completely different direction.

              • 5 months ago

                If we're going by real life physics, then a lightning bolt striking the ground a foot from you is still going to frick you up about as much as taking a direct hit, but Ozai got right back up so he essentially tanked it.

              • 5 months ago

                Fire also fricks up things around it if we go by that.

              • 5 months ago

                >Nobody ever just takes it in the show and survives
                Shit, I thought she hit Iroh with lighting in The Chase which prompted the Iroh's Lightning bending training in Bitter Work. But it looks like that was just a tiny bolt of blue fire.

        • 5 months ago

          i don't think child abuse is a legitimate strength feat

      • 5 months ago

        To be fair, he did it two-handed and in less than a second. We had never seen Azula or Iroh draw that fast and they always led the charge with one hand..

  3. 5 months ago

    Iroh is definitely the best firebender in the show. Frick what he says about Ozai in the series finale. He couldn't possibly sound like he's making up excuses. Perhaps Ozai has some advantages, a bit more youth, higher lung capacity and more dueling experience but the entire point of the Firebending Masters is to show that the hate-powered Irebending was not as strong as the true source of Firebending. While Iroh's more creative by adapting and inventing new martial arts that go way beyond just being a more effective way to burn people.

    I believe Iroh has the capacity to win any encounter with another human at least. He can play rocket tag with lightning bending, and is at first the only person to have any counter to it with the redirect. But... it's unlikely he would do that given his enlightened personality.

    • 5 months ago

      >hate-powered Irebending was not as strong as the true source of Firebending
      Sounds moronic, hate is one of the most powerful things there is.

      • 5 months ago

        I think it's a Dark Side of the Force kind of thing. Hate gives immediate gains, but the lack of control eats up your stamina and makes you easy for a smart opponent to maneuver around. Iroh knows that isn't just hate that gives your fire bending power, it's passion. Love and fricking, vengeance and anger at injustice, that kind of shit.

        • 5 months ago

          the issue zuko ran into was that the usual bending technique greatly suffers in power once the object of your hate is gone
          taken to an extreme with zuko, who couldnt summon more than an ember once his purpose of hunting the avatar down was gone

          other frebenders probably dont have such an extreme reaction but will see their performance affected in the same way
          replacing "capture the avatar" with "bring balance to the world" as his driving motivator not only allows him to firebend regardless of his emotional state, but also allowed him to hold his own against azula

      • 5 months ago

        >Sounds moronic
        I'm sorry you're new to kung fu bullshit.

    • 5 months ago

      Yeah, Iroh was almost literally a non-Avatar Avatar, he mastered all four (maybe just three, missing Air?) elements without actually USING any of the non-fire ones.
      ...assuming he'd even fight the other person seriously.

  4. 5 months ago

    >Assuming Iroh wasn't holding back at all he could most likely 1v1 anyone in the entire series other than the Avatar, right?
    as per the writers, he was the second strongest firebender in the series, behind only ozai, and they said it was 50/50 if he could beat him

  5. 5 months ago

    Fit Iroh destroyed the prison he was in. I don't know if he could beat Ozai, Combustion Man, or Bumi but I place him after those and Aang in his avatar state.

    • 5 months ago

      Fit Iroh broke out in tandem with the eclipse. They weren't actively chi blocking him so he could still use his firebending. He knew when it would happen so he timed it to escape and relied on how most unnamed benders rely on their bending in encounters instead of also being able to throw hands without elements.

      • 5 months ago

        Fit Iroh destroyed the prison he was in. I don't know if he could beat Ozai, Combustion Man, or Bumi but I place him after those and Aang in his avatar state.

        Exactly how long did Iroh have to get buff anyway? I thought it was all of 2 months but that doesn't feel right.

      • 5 months ago

        I'm like 80% sure Iroh had broken out of his cell at least once before the DOBSun. There was no hint of an accomplice inside his prison, only one guard he gave a school shooter nod to. Most of the guards think he's a drooling idiot so it's unlikely he was allowed to send letters that contained coded messages. Yet he arranged to leave Zuko a series of messages, and somehow got Roku's topknot tiara thing in his cell to really sell his point.

        There's a chance someone from the White Lotus broke in and managed to sneak back out, but Bumi would be the best equipped for that and he also didn't break out of his coffin until DOBS.

  6. 5 months ago

    Early itoh was a retired army officer who gave everything up when his son died, his role wasn't to beat his brother it was to help his nephew and get away from the kingdom
    Late iroh was Jesus Christ and he could have been able to water bend through steam by heating the steam with fire and earth bend by heating magnets and Airbender making molecules spin faster through heat and nobody would have questioned it

  7. 5 months ago

    Avatar and Invincible are the only western cartoons to spawn earnest power-scaling discussions

  8. 5 months ago

    Ozai was completely blindsided by the lightning redirection and it would have killed him if Zuko hadn't pussied out. If Zuko had just vanished instead of deciding to dramatically confront Ozai in his bunker before leaving, then the technique would still be a secret and Iroh would 100% win against Ozai.

    • 5 months ago

      Iroh used it on Azula who would have told daddy about it. He just didn't know Zuko or Aang knew it.

  9. 5 months ago

    He got captured by 3 nameless mud mooks and needed Zuko to rescue him. He was way past his prime. His only edge in combat was lightning redirection and that ace goes out the window once your enemy knows you can do it.

    • 5 months ago

      Meh, he was captured while alone, naked, and napping inside of a tube of earth as those earthbenders closed in. That's a losing position. He was still confident enough to try to free himself while he was getting second location'd before Zuko showed up.

  10. 5 months ago

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