
where is my series?

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 9 months ago

    Dead, anon. Killed by Games Workshop.

    • 9 months ago

      maybe they want to make Astartes, but with primaris.

      • 9 months ago


        Please no.

        • 9 months ago

          What do you have against the new guys?

          • 9 months ago

            It's redundant to have extra-superhuman versions of the superhuman characters.

            • 9 months ago

              People keep acting like they're Netflix femmarines instead of slightly larger

            • 9 months ago

              They let you run a whole fricking army of Custodes these days.

          • 9 months ago

            Everything. I hate the way they look, I hate the way they were introduced, I hate their background lore, I hate how their sqauds are essentially just imperial aspect warriors but shittier, and I especially hate GW for not just fricking giving us truescale marines like everyone actually wanted and then pissing in the fans faces by then just doing exactly that for the chaos marine line refresh.

            • 9 months ago

              And how could you have done better?

              • 9 months ago

                NTA, but I would have never introduced them. The problems were with GW as a company, not the setting.

                If I were Kevin Rountree, what I would have done was expand the codex development time by at least double, and take in feedback from top-tier players to find out what works, what's fun, what's cheese, etc. As far as the models? Do like that anon suggested and actually release Truescale marines in The Horus Heresy. Stop selling the game license to shovelware mobile app developers and reinvest that into the tournament scene. If you make rules people want to play, people will play, and therefore buy armies to do so. GW never understood this, and always chased the quick dollar.

              • 9 months ago

                >Stop selling the game license to shovelware mobile app developers and reinvest that into the tournament scene
                Why would they ever do that when every 40k videogame including shovelware generates 10x more revenue than the tabletop tournaments?

              • 9 months ago

                I would've just done a truescale range refresh like everyone fricking wanted.

              • 9 months ago

                Guilliman was replaced by Omegon during the heresy. Primaris are taller than firstborn because they're secretly alpha legionnaires

              • 9 months ago

                I would not change the iconic heavy bolter into a fricking stubber and a gatling gun for one.

              • 9 months ago

                They could has stopped milking fricking marines and introduced all guard regiments instead

            • 9 months ago

              This. For context, the Paymoreis were introduced in 2017 around the same time Warhammer Fantasy was destroyed for Age of Sigmar, and that GW publicly announced they weren't a wargaming company, but a 'collectible model' company. Reason being is that, all the way through to 2017, GW was being criticized for how badly balanced their armies were, and how poorly they supported tournament play. So, instead of doing what anybody asked for, GW,
              now under the ownership of some bloodsucking investment firm, decided to do none of that, and instead sold Space Marine players their army twice, while taking a gargantuan shit on the setting as a whole. Trend-chasing corporate fricks.

            • 9 months ago

              >I hate the way they look
              They don't look so bad.

              • 9 months ago

                plastic marines

                part of that is due to the shitty digital renders they keep commissioning now though

            • 9 months ago

              look, I understand you, but you have to understand that they are a company and they have to sell to stay afloat.
              What do you do when most of your fans already have their full armies? you have to create new soldiers to keep generating money.

              • 9 months ago

                Oh man, if only there were ENTIRE OTHER FACTIONS that haven't gotten range refreshes in 20 years. It's not like they didn't just release a huge amount of shit for Tyranids of all things. Shit excuse for a shit business.

              • 9 months ago

                Most of the armies are not as popular as the space marines and most of the fans are from the space marines armies.

              • 9 months ago

                Adepta Sororitas are popular, if only because of the sexualization.

          • 9 months ago

            >The idea of being a straight-up upgrade despite Emps not having a word about them
            They are simply tankier Aspect Warriors but worse in terms of lore.
            Frick GW and their corporate greed.

            • 9 months ago

              Emps is a skellington powering a lighthouse, he doesn't say shit

          • 9 months ago

            I think the taste was soured in everyone's mouths considering they were blatantly introduced in a way to scam SM players into buying more minis than they already were.
            Lore-wise, "We've secretly been making SM upgrades for millennia" is really dumb even by 40k standards. The armor could simply have been introduced as a new armor pattern and it would have roughly the same effect; perhaps Guilliman pressured the AdMech to give the SM some much-needed upgrades.
            And aesthetically, when they were first revealed I found them to be too "clean" looking. 40k has always been really maximalist and everything Imperial needs to look ancient and a bit mysterious. Even AdMech have a sort of mysticism about their design despite being the most technologically competent faction in the Imperium. Primaris designs improve by a lot when they're decked out in old relics, decorations, and the like. I also still miss the previous helmets; they're iconic and you're never going to get more 40k than having your poster boys' helmets just be a big angry face.

            • 9 months ago

              >too clean looking
              Isn't that the point? They've barely been introduced, so their equipment hasn't been recycled from user to user for a millennium+.

              • 9 months ago

                That may have been the point, but it doesn't fit with 40k and especially not the Imperium. It's ancient, on the verge of failing, and even the Mechanicus isn't quite sure how half their shit actually works. Hence there's a lot of ritual involved with any piece of tech and especially a Space Marine's gear. Even new gear should look like it was plucked from a Catholic (or Mongolian, Greek, etc. depending on the Chapter) reliquary, because they're literally treated as holy relics. Besides that, it just plain gives them more character to have some decoration or visual flair. Ultramarines may be the most vanilla of any army but even they have a Greco-Roman aesthetic to play with.
                The Tau get away with having sleek, clean looking gear because they're young and explicitly making very rapid advances in their science. They're on the upswing and haven't had their science crippled several times over like the Imperium has.

              • 9 months ago

                Yes, but even the empire has a technological breakthrough from time to time.
                It makes sense that it took them millennia to improve the Astartes.

              • 9 months ago

                The Imperium does NOT have technological breakthroughs. Every single thing they find is either an STC or a relic that has somehow been preserved. The Mechanicus CANNOT recreate a human space ship the size of a Blackstone Fortress that has an AI system from before Old Night that is able to calculate enemy movement traveling at FTL speeds, and then fire its antimatter grav cannon at two points in time to catch both iterations of its target and blow it up... or whatever the frick that one spaceship did.

                The entire point of the Imperium is that it was the most technologically advanced race in the galaxy until the Heresy, and it got to that point by purging all forms of faith and religion. Now, the only thing holding the Imperium, and its crumbling technology, together is that humans are massively overzealous and fanatical. The Tau are to humans what the humans were to the Eldar. If -anyone- innovates in the 41st, it's the Tau. No one else.

              • 9 months ago

                >Blackstone Fortress that has an AI system
                I thought the real reason was that AI (Abovinable Intelligence) was banned in the empire.

              • 9 months ago

                Two things are banned in the Imperium:
                1) Artificial intelligence;
                2) Almost any and all technology that is not catalogued in the recovered STC vault on Mars.

                The former is because of the whole Men of Iron incident. The latter is a direct result of both that, and because the Mechanicus believes in machine spirits. If someone tries to innovate human technology, then that is considered heretical, and possibly influenced by xenostech. A human using that "corrupted" new technology could "fall," and why wouldn't they believe that to be true? Chaos has warmachines that are actually, literally fused with demon spirits, and numerous guardsmen "weak in faith" have fallen for Tau propaganda.

                I cannot stress enough that the Imperium was the last gasp of a dying race refusing to go quietly into the night. I'm an avid fan of Black Templars, but I will never admit that humanity should have ever had a fighting chance at "winning" before the End Times.

              • 9 months ago

                im pretty sure high ranking officials in the mechanicus are allowed to design new machines though. The issue is that they consider modifying any machine is heresy because it changes its purpose, which harms the machine spirit. They might design a new machine but it has to be an original design from the ground up and conform to all kinds of rules. so while it happens its very slow and inefficient.

        • 9 months ago

          It hurts me too to say goodbye to the old Astartes, but let's face it, they needed an update to balance the game.

        • 9 months ago

          Do you remember when Halo showed off their new Spartans?
          everyone hated it, but we have to accept it and move on.

          • 9 months ago

            >but we have to accept it
            I aint gotta accept shit. Frick off with your bigger batman.

            • 9 months ago

              >but we have to accept it and move on.

              No I don't. East shit corporate wienersucker.


              I'm disappointed guys, didn't you learn anything from Vulkan?

              • 9 months ago

                Why isn't Vulkan black?

              • 9 months ago

                Why would he be? Salamanders have pitch black skin but they aren't "african" black.

              • 9 months ago

                The lips and nose are very african to me.

              • 9 months ago

                It really is a failure of the genetic seed, specifically the part that is responsible for increasing melanin in the skin as the radiation from the environment increases, they really are not natural blacks.

          • 9 months ago

            >but we have to accept it and move on.

            No I don't. East shit corporate wienersucker.

          • 9 months ago


          • 9 months ago

            With the current state of Halo, this doesn't feel like much of a counter point.

          • 9 months ago

            And Halo is dead in the water relegated to being a supplemental property
            Real good example

      • 9 months ago

        New to 40K. Why do people hate Primaris?

        • 9 months ago


          Everything. I hate the way they look, I hate the way they were introduced, I hate their background lore, I hate how their sqauds are essentially just imperial aspect warriors but shittier, and I especially hate GW for not just fricking giving us truescale marines like everyone actually wanted and then pissing in the fans faces by then just doing exactly that for the chaos marine line refresh.

          This. For context, the Paymoreis were introduced in 2017 around the same time Warhammer Fantasy was destroyed for Age of Sigmar, and that GW publicly announced they weren't a wargaming company, but a 'collectible model' company. Reason being is that, all the way through to 2017, GW was being criticized for how badly balanced their armies were, and how poorly they supported tournament play. So, instead of doing what anybody asked for, GW,
          now under the ownership of some bloodsucking investment firm, decided to do none of that, and instead sold Space Marine players their army twice, while taking a gargantuan shit on the setting as a whole. Trend-chasing corporate fricks.

          What makes Space Marines work is that, even though they are advanced humans, they have MASSIVE genetic flaws. The Thunder Warriors, their precursors, were much, MUCH more powerful than they were, but had to be culled because they would go insane, suffer from uncontrollable cancers, or just have straight-up organ failure. The Astartes were Thunder Warriors that were meant to be "perfected," but still sometimes ended up having genetic flaws. At first, they were noticeable, but benign. The Raven Guard all looking like emos with demon eyes, and the Salamanders all having rough, coal-black skin and red eyes might be off-putting, but it doesn't impede their combat effectiveness.

          Over time, these flaws in the gene seed have grown more and more pronounced. More and more initiates for the Space Wolves are mutated into wulfen. More and more Blood Angels are experiencing the Red Thirst. More and more Raven Guard are going insane from the Sable Brand. This isn't including their successor chapters, either. Losing even a SINGLE functioning Space Marine was such a monumental loss for the Imperium because more and more Chapters were realizing that not even recovered gene seed would help them keep their numbers consistent. They were eventually going to dwindle and die out.

          Then it turns out that there's Primaris Gene Seed on Mars that was held by the Mechanicus for 10k years that is ABSOLUTELY PERFECT AND WITHOUT FLAWS, AND HAS THE DNA OF NOT JUST THE LOYALIST PRIMARCHS, BUT ALSO ALL OF THE TRAITORS AND THE MISSING PRIMARCHS. So now, the Imperium doesn't have a ticking clock. They can just shit out whatever they want. Oh, and these Primaris Marines are given war gear that is almost, if not totally, on-par with Custodes equipment. Also, despite lacking millennia of combat experience, the Primaris are just as good, if not better, than their "normal" counterparts.

          It is the most insane thing that could have been done with the Astartes.

          • 9 months ago

            >Oh, and these Primaris Marines are given war gear that is almost, if not totally, on-par with Custodes equipment.
            tbh why weren't they doing that from the start anyway? Like yeah it's a great honor and everything to have such equipment but this is war so I feel like they should be giving as much of the good shit to the guys who can do stuff with it as they need.

            • 9 months ago

              the old lore made it pretty clear that the imperium was producing shit to the best of its ability and was only barely able to keep up with the existing demand. the outer rim of the imperium doesnt even use las weapons because theyre too complicated to produce on the scale they need them. They use old fashioned autoguns.

          • 9 months ago

            >Oh, and these Primaris Marines are given war gear that is almost, if not totally, on-par with Custodes equipment.
            tbh why weren't they doing that from the start anyway? Like yeah it's a great honor and everything to have such equipment but this is war so I feel like they should be giving as much of the good shit to the guys who can do stuff with it as they need.

            It is that the last 2 times that this technology was used ended very badly.

            1. the misshapen sons of corvus corax.

            2. The cursed foundation where an attempt was made to modify the genetic seed.

            • 9 months ago

              >1. the misshapen sons of corvus corax.
              That's because the alpha legion took a shit on the seed, the normal nu-ravens were stable.

          • 9 months ago

            >They can just shit out whatever they want.
            It was better when the canon was that there were only three gene seed banks in the universe: Terra, Mars, and Hydra Cordatus, the latter of which was invaded in Storm of Iron and seized by Chaos.

            >the most insane thing that could have been done with the Astartes
            I think everything has pushed the envelope for the worst thing. Guilliman, the loyalist Primarchs returning, is really among the worst as they have both divine status and they should actually have mental breakdowns seeing the Imperium in this state. The bit that made the universe good was the fact the Imperium held out hope they were still alive but for practical reasons we all knew they were dead but their mythological status contributed to the superstitious fascist feel of the setting. The Lion was locked away, Guilliman was in "stasis", numerous others like Russ and the Khan "went into the Eye of Terror", which we could only speculate what that propaganda was meant to cover up, and the rest are very clearly dead. And it should have stayed that way.

            There are ten thousand fricking years between the Heresy and present-day. There are thirty thousand fricking years of human history before the Heresy, they could have introduced any amount of tech from those spans of time, and it would have been BETTER tech rather than frick with the universe as it is. They overturned everything, they threw out the one fricking thing that was the foundation of the whole setting and that was brutal hopeless stagnation. A never-ending struggle against foes in all corners and numerous ticking time bombs in the form of alien races who seemingly have the capacity to kill everything like the Tyranids and Necrons.

            • 9 months ago

              Well, technically if it is old technology, it was necessary to balance the balance of power in the universe, I mean, with the immortal necrons, the immortal demons and the orks/tyranids that reproduce faster than that you eliminate them.

              • 9 months ago

                >balance the balance of power in the universe
                From a strictly lore perspective, it's balanced. It's balanced at all times by definition because it wouldn't be stagnant if it wasn't. Even when new tech appears it doesn't and shouldn't change anything and likewise the overwhelming threat of races like the Necrons and Tyrannids or even Chaos are just vague unrealized things that should not come to fruition. There are numerous stories that maintain this eternal stalemate not just involving the Imperium but among the other races as well. The problem nowadays is that Exterminatus is invoked far too often that it's lost its weight. The reality should be that it has been used maybe a dozen times and each time should have been notable. But to casually use it as much as it has been in the setting is ridiculous, it's like the Inquisition hands it out like antibiotics.

  2. 9 months ago

    GW bought him out and obviously put him to work on shit internally. Pretty sure he worked on this and the HH trailer that came out awhile ago.

    • 9 months ago

      That just looks like any other high-budget trailer out there, same as the HH one. True they're good trailers on their own but they don't have the same style as Astartes that people actually wanted more of. The truth is they simply killed the project, by a mix of stupidity of greed. It's been three years and here is the ONLY thing the Astartes animator most likely produced while officially working for GW: a teaser of a little under 30 seconds for Chaos Gate, in which you can clearly recognize his style


      Never forgive GW

    • 9 months ago

      Man, the Warhammer lore seems pretty interesting but I ain't painting minifigs to learn more about it.

      • 9 months ago

        some of the loretubers are decent background noise

      • 9 months ago

        There's books and video/computer games, anon, you can try those instead.

    • 9 months ago

      >Horus Heresy
      I would have preferred that period to retain some mystery.
      Also Robert Gilliam can suck a dick.

    • 9 months ago

      everything official put out by GW fricking sucks, Astartes's visuals and framing can't save it. I fricking hate GW these days.
      Fricking DoW had better writing than all these shit trailers they've been putting out.

      What do you have against the new guys?

      the theme behind space marines was that they were about as far as you could push human physiology before shit got unstable or inhuman. Thunder Warriors were objectively superior to Space Marines but could never sustain a stable empire, thats why they were designed with a half life and ended up getting purged. Them appearing out of nowhere is a literary asspull and the fact every chapter, even the extremely closed off and secretive ones would just accept them into their ranks as one of their own is ridiculous.
      Not to mention space marines have to mix and mash different template power armor because there isnt enough to go around to actually equip everyone with decent kit. Some marines use fricking MKII armor pieces.
      They were extremely obviously a cheap ploy to sell space marines to the same people again.
      Their aesthetic sucks too, its all far too clean and round and lacks any of the kinghtly theming the original marines were designed with.

      • 9 months ago

        >Their aesthetic sucks too, its all far too clean and round and lacks any of the kinghtly theming the original marines were designed with.
        >Space marines by Apple

  3. 9 months ago

    I still miss Emperor's Text to Speech.

    • 9 months ago

      we all miss him.

      • 9 months ago

        Did he get DMCA'd or something?

    • 9 months ago

      we all miss him.

      I don't. I hope the author go insert his homosexualry and begging somewhere else

      • 9 months ago

        He did, with World of Darkness. You got your one wish in life, and you wasted it on this?

        • 9 months ago

          OWoD or NWoD?

          • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      I miss it too, anon.

    • 9 months ago

      I dont miss how much it sucked the imperium off

      • 9 months ago

        The frick are you on about? It shat on the Imperium plenty of times.

        • 9 months ago

          They shat on the inefficiency of the present imperium. But the imperium pretty much wins everytime something goes down. Taking Magnus from the eye of terror? check. Winning Magnus' soul from Tzeentch? Check. Beating Tzeentch again? Check. Absolutely destroying and humiliating the dark eldar in their own capital and beating them at their own game? Check. No xeno or chaos win ever shown in the ttr canon? Check.
          I get that the story is told from the point of view of the empire. But the amount of fanwank towards the emperor, the primarchs and other important figures of the empire is insane.

          • 9 months ago

            >Taking Magnus from the eye of terror?
            Via the Ultramarines, who are wanked hard in canon. TTS only gave a meta-acknowledgement of the fact.
            >Winning Magnus' soul from Tzeentch?
            Got me there. But that was more about Magnus' redemption, rather than "beating Tzeentch".
            >Beating Tzeentch again?
            Via a game of YGO. But you're not complaining that Kitten beat the Emperor in the same children's card game earlier.
            >Absolutely destroying and humiliating the dark eldar in their own capital and beating them at their own game?
            For a short while yes, until Vect figured out what was happening and completely turned the tables. Now he's got the Starchild, a primarch, and Kaldor Draigo on the ropes.
            >No xeno or chaos win ever shown in the ttr canon? Check.
            Of the two (2) actual fights, the Imperium lost one barring a literal Deus ex Machina, and the second looked to just be a severe loss. For the Machiavellian string-pulling and plotting, there's the aforementioned Asdrubael Vect capturing the Starchild, Cegorach is now owed a favor by the Custodes after nearly killing Magnus, and the Ork gestalt consciousness has merged with Vulkan ensuring that they're gonna have a good time. Lucius was up to some shit as well and IIRC he was collecting more Chaos notables. There was more Xenos intrigue introduced later on whereas the first half was focused on cleaning up/riffing on the Imperium.
            >But the amount of fanwank towards the emperor, the primarchs and other important figures of the empire is insane.
            The Emperor is depicted as a stubborn butthole even in his glory days, whose lack of compassion was a big factor in leading to the Imperium's downfall. The Primarchs have consistently been plagued by massive daddy issues and are all a bit insane, Loyalists included. The High Lords are senile old men, the Custodians got really weird in the last 10k years, Ciaphas Cain has severe imposter syndrome, and the SM Chapters we've seen are also dealing with their own issues.

            • 9 months ago

              >Via the Ultramarines, who are wanked hard in canon. TTS only gave a meta-acknowledgement of the fact.
              Yes, I admit this is my most shake example because it is explicitly in reference to ultramarine wankery in canon.
              >But that was more about Magnus' redemption, rather than "beating Tzeentch".
              While I enjoy Magnus' character arc in TTS, the emperor just beating Tzeentch until he leaves kinda undermines chaos as a whole and feeds off to imperium fanwankery about the emperor being the most powerful thing ever.
              >Via a game of YGO. But you're not complaining that Kitten beat the Emperor in the same children's card game earlier.
              Imperioum beating itself just makes them neutral on victories. My main concern is that, once again, Tzeentch loses at his own game.
              >For a short while yes, until Vect figured out what was happening and completely turned the tables. Now he's got the Starchild, a primarch, and Kaldor Draigo on the ropes.
              Well, we didnt get to see the resolution to this but we got much more dark eldar being melted by the starchild just talking to them than them winning at anything.
              >Cegorach is now owed a favor by the Custodes after nearly killing Magnus
              Yes, TTS does seem to like Cegorach a lot, seeing how be managed to btfoed everybody that comes into contact with him. If Kitten is allowed to beat Tzeentch why cant Magnus just have one win?
              >The Emperor is depicted etc
              They are still depicted as much much more powerful and competent than their chaos counterparts. The emperor basically wins at everything he does except for that one time he lost at YGO for comedy purposes. The imperium strolls through the warp, dpes not care about anything and pretty much accomplishes all that it wants. We did not get an ending for the Dark Eldar saga but if it is anything like we have seen before, it would end in complete imperium victory.

    • 9 months ago

      Honestly, it ended at the right time. The jokes were becoming very stale. It was either "I AM LOUD!!" or "IAmTalkingVeryFastAndQuietly"

  4. 9 months ago

    Sacrificed for hammer and bolter

    • 9 months ago

      Which they also killed.
      The Lucius ep was the last AFAIK.

      • 9 months ago

        What the frick is even on their service anymore?

  5. 9 months ago

    never ever
    2 editions of wh40k have released and you will never see astartes again

  6. 9 months ago

    GW hates money

  7. 9 months ago

    On YouTube, it's 4 parts

    • 9 months ago

      I thought there were 5

  8. 9 months ago

    I'm betting he's working on the Pariah Nexus

  9. 9 months ago

    >a fan of our brand is making high-quality promomotional material at no cost to us?
    >we must stop this immediately

    • 9 months ago

      Look up Copyright Laws. It's a whole complicated thing that companies have to treat seriously. Blame disney.

      • 9 months ago

        I thought parodies and non-profit projects were protected by this law.

        • 9 months ago

          Parodies yes, non-profits no.

        • 9 months ago

          guy was making patreon bucks off it. surely it's technically legal (as in he's not actually selling anything), but the greedy suits didn't like it.

          • 9 months ago

            Their legal team only bullies small content creators. This happened, and GW didn't do shit because there's no way on god's green earth they'd dare try to go against the Mouse.

            • 9 months ago

              To be fair, Marvel artists have a long tradition of inserting stuff from other IPs just for the sake of coolness.

            • 9 months ago

              What are you talking about anon, GW sued disney over that and they settled out of court because its as blatent IP theft as possible, disney. GW got a chunk of change to avoid an expensive legal theatre and disney fired that guy

  10. 9 months ago

    I will never get over it
    My hatred will continue until the universe ceases to exist, and even I have my doubts that it will end there

    • 9 months ago

      Good. You should be angry, but remember this: GW, while being shekel pinching misers on par with a israelite, do what they do to keep their properties going. In this instance, it means gatekeeping against the sort of filth that made mcu a joke. So everytime you see some homosexual like

      I still miss Emperor's Text to Speech.

      , know that you're looking at the root of the problem.

      • 9 months ago

        ok, you have a point.

      • 9 months ago

        How can a parody make a series a joke? The MCU's mistake was refusing to take itself seriously WITHIN the actual works.

        • 9 months ago

          The MCU followed the tweets and memes to its doom, external forces made it what it is. It was fooled into thinking morons on social media know what they want from a series.

          I once played in a Dark Heresy campaign where we rode Grox into battle to kill the Emperor and take his place because the ST kept giving in to the players. Same thing, people are moronic, don't listen to us, only bad things can happen

      • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago

        >Parody series is a problem
        Man this shit ain't DBZ Abridged where it became so popular that it effected people's perceptions of canon, frick off.

        • 9 months ago

          The problem is that it opens the door to cancerous homosexuals that are an objective liability to both the fans and the property itself. Again, GW doesn't give a shit about the former. But pose a risk to the latter and they'll drop the hammer as quickly as they did on that writer who tweeted about incorporating femastartes.

          • 9 months ago

            >they'll drop the hammer as quickly as they did on that writer who tweeted about incorporating femastartes.
            It was justified, I would have done the same, but I would have burned down the guy's house.

          • 9 months ago

            >extra secondaries in a fandom that was already 75% secondaries even before TTS was a thing is a catastrophic liability for said fandom and the property itself

            • 9 months ago

              Yes. That's correct, tourist. Keeping your kind away is the point.

              • 9 months ago

                It's not as if you play 40k.
                nobody likes the "everyone moves all at once" turn style.

              • 9 months ago

                And you have to be an utter fricking mongoloid to unironically try to do that for a franchise that's always been known as the epitomal IP for secondaries

              • 9 months ago

                Just not secondaries like you. Key difference between homosexuals like you and I is I don't go into your mtg, mcu, baby yoda, got, whatever, and demand the property to be changed to fit my tastes or sensibilities.
                If paying more is the price to keep you and yours out, so be it.

              • 9 months ago

                If you had any sapience left, you'd realize you're only confirming every suspicion when doubling down on splurging out your scary secondary boogeyman is the only way you can cope with being called a moron lmaoo. But even that's a tall order for someone that eagerly slops up anything israelites Workshop dumps on their plate out of some mouthbreather belief that doing this will keep the TTSgays at bay

              • 9 months ago


              • 9 months ago

                I accept your concession, moron-kun.

        • 9 months ago

          I genuinely hate to break it to you anon, but that is precisely what it became halfway through. Metric tons of memelore were peddled by its viewers and you can genuinely tell who got their introduction to the setting from it most of the time.

      • 9 months ago

        Oh frick off. They make their own setting a joke with the Horus Heresy books, bringing back Primarchs, and Primaris marines. All the shit you frickers regularly b***h about that is marvelizing the setting comes directly from GW.

      • 9 months ago

        Didn't they do a campaign about inclusivity, tolerance and all that lefty homosexual aids crap a while back

        • 9 months ago

          They did and it was done in the most spiteful way possible. The kids book for muh inclusivity carried the most heavy-handed aliens can't be trusted message they could get away with.
          The homosexual who was about to make women marines was publicly booted and it was done so in a way that was unmistakably about his tweet.
          They do nigs and non-binarys, but they're sure to throw them in the background and keep them there if not making them colossal frickups.

          • 9 months ago


  11. 9 months ago

    There is an upcoming series based off smurfs vs necrons, but you have to pay for their stupid subscription model, Warhammer+.

    • 9 months ago

      >smurfs vs necrons
      I thought the protagonists would be the salamanders.

      • 9 months ago

        I didn't recall which chapter it was and just went with what was most likely.

  12. 9 months ago

    So, what's the deal with that WH40k Amazon universe? haven't heard any news about the project in months, have they started production at least?

    • 9 months ago

      I honestly hope that it's dead, I have nothing against Henry Cavill but the company that brought us LoTR Rings of Powers need to be kept away from Warhammer with a 15 foot pole.

  13. 9 months ago

    Read another sci-fi series

  14. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      There is nothing more exciting than seeing a man smash heads with his fists.

    • 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      The sound design was godly.

  15. 9 months ago

    >who do you think will be the next primarch to return?

    Bet on my boy Dorn, he'll come back, fortify the empire's defenses, and claim the Emperor's thunderclaw to replace his left arm.

    • 9 months ago

      It's basically confirmed that next Primarch back is Jaghatai Khan, and he'll be fighting Fulgrim at end of 10th edition

      • 9 months ago

        >Jaghatai Khan

        Lol. Lmao even. GW don't even remember he exists. Him OR his legi- I mean chapter. It'll be Russ.

      • 9 months ago

        i'm calling either sanguinius to go for empirium secundus vibes or corvus corax

      • 9 months ago

        >It's basically confirmed that next Primarch back is Jaghatai Khan
        oh please, not even the emperor remembers him.

    • 9 months ago

      >claim the Emperor's thunderclaw to replace his left arm.
      Eventually we'll just be able to Voltron the fricking Emperor

      • 9 months ago

        I think that's what they are trying to set up

  16. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      Which Primarch did The Emperor frick over the most? Gotta be Angron or Lorgar right?

      • 9 months ago

        Lorgar got multiple warnings to placate emperors fedora tipping, whereas Angron go just flatout ignored at all sides

      • 9 months ago

        Angron was fricked from their first meeting. He genuinely never had a chance, and was never meant to survive his home world in the first place.

        • 9 months ago

          Everything that happened to Angron was the fault of Nucerian slavers. The Emperor was only guilty of refusing to allow him to die pointlessly beside his berserker comrades.

          • 9 months ago

            the emperor's only mistake was loving his son too much and not daring to disconnect him.

            Nah, who am I kidding? We're talking about the same guy who made two of his kids disappear from history.

            • 9 months ago

              Nobody knows why they were erased from history. It's a bit reductive to assume that it was for a shitty reason.

              • 9 months ago

                >It's a bit reductive to assume that it was for a shitty reason.

                their title is literally "the purged" and "the forgotten".
                not to mention Malcador nearly killing Horus for trying to remember their names.
                I think it's fair to assume that it was for a very bad reason.

      • 9 months ago

        He screwed up the 2 missing primarchs more, I mean, erasing your children from history and leaving thousands of your grandchildren orphans is very screwed up.

    • 9 months ago

      Corax is so frickin cool I don't care if he's edgy and melodramatic.

  17. 9 months ago

    I wish more people were honest about cringe 40k lore.

    • 9 months ago

      Most of the lore that's come out since 8th has been pretty cringe.

    • 9 months ago

      what cringe 40k lore? everything here is great.

      • 9 months ago

        As long as it is not written by Goto.
        Jesus, what the frick was GW thinking when they hired him?

        • 9 months ago

          Matt Ward is worse by default

          • 9 months ago

            Ward wrote Vermintide which was great, so Im inclined to blame GW for forcing him to write bullshit

            • 9 months ago

              I genuinely doubt that 90% of the people whining about Ward or Goto or whoever have actually read their stuff. Besides the real sinners are the guys pumping out the Horus Heresy books. In fact Id go so far to say that the only real homie at Black Library is Ian Watson.

        • 9 months ago

          Matt Ward is worse by default

          >le ward amiright guis?
          t. fan wiki gaygits

  18. 9 months ago

    >not primaris
    Deliberately killed. God I miss regular, compact bolters.

  19. 9 months ago

    in 1990~ blizzard went to games workshop and asked them for the rights to make a warhammer video game
    gw said no
    blizzard made warcraft
    the rest is history (games workshop is moronic)

  20. 9 months ago

    >where is my series?

    Games Workshop killed it.
    They got mocke so hard by one guy.

    They hired him...but did any of you saw any improvement in their CGI ?
    not at all.

    Its more important for them to gave us Woke Novel Covers.

  21. 9 months ago

    Stubbs won soulstorm.

  22. 9 months ago

    Liking the Tau and wanting a decent game, book or animated series out of them is suffering.
    At some point Tarnovich made a post that he was switching from Kreig to Tau themed videos and I got pretty excited before I realized it was April's 1st.

    • 9 months ago

      >At some point Tarnovich made a post that he was switching from Kreig to Tau themed videos and I got pretty excited before I realized it was April's 1st.
      did you really fall for it? lol.

    • 9 months ago

      The Tau only serve for human reproduction.

      • 9 months ago


        • 9 months ago

          Does anyone really know what tau girls really look like?

          • 9 months ago

            Yes, everyone does.

            • 9 months ago


              • 9 months ago

                They look better...flambéed."- Some Salamander Astartes

            • 9 months ago


              still alien pussy

              • 9 months ago

                Is that all it takes for you?

              • 9 months ago


              • 9 months ago

                Fair enough.

              • 9 months ago


              • 9 months ago

                That armor is completely useless, but I'm not going to complain.

              • 9 months ago

                /tg/ has a debate over realism vs fictionalism every 5 minutes. Which most of the times boil down to "This fiction I dont like is not realist enough but this fiction I like can do whatever the frick I want".

              • 9 months ago

                >"I have no strong feelings one way or the other "

              • 9 months ago

                Spot the female tau

              • 9 months ago

                aww...she's so small and fragile...i wanted to squash her like a grape.

              • 9 months ago

                Meanwhile Bobby is fricking a xeno.

              • 9 months ago

                That never happened! He can't even take off his new armor.
                literally, he can't take off his armor or he'll die.

              • 9 months ago

                >He can't even take off his new armor.

                He can now. That was only a thing for a little while after his resurrection, he can go without it now.

              • 9 months ago
        • 9 months ago

          Through the warping powers of chaos, anyone can look like anything!

      • 9 months ago

        YES it's off-model, YES it's not canon, YES it's coom shit, and YES I love it.

    • 9 months ago

      I just wish writers could thread the needle more. I'm not mad Tau have bad leaders or do genocide or whatever. I'm mad that they're so bad at it that it completely upends the idea that they can project the veneer of being a better, more progressive society. When your supposedly zen-like leaders are petulant, easily angered children, the whole enterprise just falls apart.

      The best portrayal of it was one short story a few years ago, the one about a human and a water caste investigating a gene stealer cult. Fehervari's stuff is good, but all his stories are about people and groups and ideologies falling apart, so they're not a great example of just like, the Tau equivalent of a standard Imperial Guard or Space Marines story about a group of them just operating in their frame of reference for normal.

      And this is putting aside GW schizophrenic attempts to figure out what the frick exactly they want the faction to be anyway.

      • 9 months ago

        >what the frick exactly they want the faction to be anyway.
        it's a mystery.

        • 9 months ago

          here is the larger version.

      • 9 months ago

        >figure out what the frick exactly they want the faction to be
        >being a better, more progressive society
        I view the failures to make the Tau "better humanity" is similar to the failure to make the Protoss "better humanity". When you listen to people in charge talk about worldbuilding, you realize they don't have the faintest idea of how difficult it is to achieve a progressive society, namely a society that rises above human instincts. The progressive society we live in today is a total and complete repudiation of nature and you can see proof of that fact in basically every developing nation that still has broken fricking ideas like treating women like property.

        The failure with the Protoss was that Blizzard just decided that their perfect communist society was bad and that they should be more human-like, which mean Metzen never realized at all that he wrote that the "trick" necessary to achieve a wholly progressive society was the crutch that is a psychic hivemind-like structure. The same problem somewhat exists with the Tau the writers have no fricking clue what is necessary to enforce a progressive communal society that serves the greater good and so they default to making the Tau more negatively human-like like being angry manchildren when the whole fricking goal should be to figure out how the Tau could enshrine positive human qualities in their society.

  23. 9 months ago

    Never ever. This franchise is ruined and has been ruined for a while

  24. 9 months ago


  25. 9 months ago

    dont worry about blank, let me worry about blank!

    also, pirate figurines by printing bootlegs!


  26. 9 months ago

    Does the emperor really have a plan or is he just a diot with power?
    Sometimes I hear someone saying that he planned everything from the beginning or that he is just shooting bullets in the air.

    • 9 months ago

      You'll find out in 10 or 30 years when GW decides to wrap up the story, though you'll probably die before then.

    • 9 months ago

      The emperor's characterization changes every other 5 years. At this point he is like a comic bood character and is a different person in every different novel. That is what you get when you have a hundred different writers working on the same lore and they all have different ideas on how it should go or what the themes should be.

      • 9 months ago

        I thought that the emperor's mind was fractured into hundreds of pieces and he had a hard time staying focused on a single idea.

        • 9 months ago

          Well, the novels I am talking about concern his motives pre heresy. When all the shit got kicked into motion. I have not been keeping up with the most recent lore. Does Guilliman actually have a coherent conversation with the emperor?

          • 9 months ago

            >Does Guilliman actually have a coherent conversation with the emperor?
            not a conversion as such, it is very one-sided, it is described as thousands of different voices speaking in different languages (like a tornado of minds) and Guilliman only understands a few words, "favorite son" "avenger" "fulfill will" very vague things.

            • 9 months ago

              Yeah, on different writers that will be understood as emotional manipulation, approval of Guilliman's ideology or investment of the imperium's might. Maybe even any combination of the three. One writer will make the emperor a victim in this circumstance, another a befuddled god trying to communicate and another an emotional manipulator.

              • 9 months ago

                >One writer will make the emperor a victim in this circumstance, another a befuddled god trying to communicate and another an emotional manipulator.
                I like that, no whites, no blacks, only riddles and mysteries, as the emperor should be.

              • 9 months ago

                Yes but, is the imperium the fascist dream of a madman or a rallying cry for humanity? This dichotomy stands in the core of the current culture war

  27. 9 months ago

    >This company is shit and I hate them but I shill for them anyways
    why are reddithammergays like this? Also not Cinemaphile frick off to /tg/

  28. 9 months ago

    Warhammer bros, is it true the emperor dared to trust a wh*re and she in turn literally gave the primarchs to demons?

    • 9 months ago

      >is it true the emperor dared to trust a wh*re and she in turn literally gave the primarchs to demons?

      There are two versions of this story, the second is a temporary paradox, but the moral is clear, never trust an egg donor.

    • 9 months ago

      It was one of the most audacious woman moments to ever be penned. Iirc, even erebus was taken aback at the sheer pettiness of it.

  29. 9 months ago

    I hope they kill Fulgrim for good, i hate that b***h so hard, only Fabious got my respect.

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