At the town meeting, he mentioned that he watched Comedy Central. I made sure to note that, as it seemed quite unusual.

At the town meeting, he mentioned that he watched Comedy Central. I made sure to note that, as it seemed quite unusual.

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  1. 2 months ago

    I remember Comedy Central.

  2. 2 months ago

    in my country comedy central became a 24/7 garbage of literally who mexican comedians in front of a wall telling "jokes", they got rid of all the animations

    • 2 months ago

      In America it's become "the office" and "Seinfeld" channel now.

      • 2 months ago

        Better fate than MTV.

    • 2 months ago

      In America it's become "the office" and "Seinfeld" channel now.

      History channel(s) kept turning into alien nonsense.
      Who's in charge of these decisions?
      I used to watch SciFi, before it was SyFy. At least it had doctor who, Star Trek, Stargate. You know, science fiction shows.

      • 2 months ago

        What happens is that there is a brief high of quality content (let's use the early 00's as an example for Scifi Channel, they were producing miniseries, Stargate, and BSG with high viewership) that enriches the company but also brings in business majors and marketing majors - who don't understand how things are produced, just how they can be sold. Product A is Product B. Selling video games is like selling Pepsi. These individuals slowly take over the company, increasingly cutting costs and favoring only the cheapest to produce products. Viewership declines, which encourages even more cost cutting. Eventually they are left as nothing but either a rerun channel (licencing content is cheaper than producing it), a 'reality television channel' (having a cameraman follow rednecks or low income families around is cheap), or the idiot conspiracy theory channel (having a bunch of scientists interviewed and have quotes taken out of context is cheap, as is some stock footage of the pyramids). With the financialization of the channel now complete, there is no possibility for new content as all content production has effectively shut down. This happens to pretty much everything, from tech companies to entire countries. Never let business majors run things.

        • 2 months ago

          TLC used to stand for "The Learning Channel" and was an educational competitor to Discovery. I watched it a lot as a kid. What it is today is fricking sad.

          Nah it's the Human Zoo channel where it's all scripted reality content where you just gawk at people who are different from you

          And people wonder why Cable viewership is declining (well, not really, but I'm sure there's some shill somewhere acting like it's surprising and that paying for cable is great).

          • 2 months ago

            my internet package comes with cable but it's rare for me to watch it, I just usually leave the news channel as background noise

        • 2 months ago

          I think now that we're reaching the end of the line of that stuff. I dropped out of a business program in my junior year because I could sense the winds were changing and there was no good reason to stay and gain useless knowledge from a world that no longer exists and attempt to make those dogmas work when reality is reasserting itself. Industrial policy is back on the menu, unions have breached the South and are never going away now that they're here, and there are plenty of companies that have effectively fired their managers. What I did would have been heresy (or a dissident economist action) ten years ago, but it's finally coming through that you can't trust GM brain to not destroy everything it creates, even in GM.

      • 2 months ago

        TLC used to stand for "The Learning Channel" and was an educational competitor to Discovery. I watched it a lot as a kid. What it is today is fricking sad.

        • 2 months ago

          TLC is the channel with nothing but minimovies about being raped, right?

          • 2 months ago

            Nah it's the Human Zoo channel where it's all scripted reality content where you just gawk at people who are different from you

          • 2 months ago

            I usually see some shows about dwarf people or very fat people

          • 2 months ago

            I think you're thinking of Cinemax; TLC is a literal carnival freakshow.

        • 2 months ago
        • 2 months ago

          Bravo used to be dedicated to Jazz, opera and theatre. Now it's about catty gay men b***hing about their employees, sassy fashion designers always ready with a quip and constantly drunk housewives cheating on their husbands and screeching and throwing $7,600 champagne on each other.

  3. 2 months ago

    Bah! He was a rank amateur compared to Dr Colossus!

  4. 2 months ago

    I miss when CGI Dinosaur documentaries dominated the edutainment channels and when Travel Channel aired content about theme parks, quirky attractions, and Samantha Brown hanging out at hotels.

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