Babylon 5

What does /m/ think about Babylon 5?

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  1. 10 months ago

    >watching as a kid
    >watching as an adult

    • 10 months ago

      Lochley pls

    • 10 months ago

      why the shift lol

      What does /m/ think about Babylon 5?

      Its great. One of the few shows with O'neil cylinders. The tech is cool, the characters are cool. Londo and G'kar have the best character arcs in literally anything. Would recommend

    • 10 months ago

      >What does /m/ think about Babylon 5?
      Grossly overrated but its diehard fans but still good. It doesn't overstay its welcome like DS9 did. I know fans bemoan that the Shadow war was cut short, but personally I found it disinteresting and was glad it ended in a timely manner.

      I thought that the Earth Alliance blowing itself up and then being set back into the Dark Ages, with the Rangers refusing to help them out and instead just pretending to be monks doing nothing was very meanspirited and cruel on part of the writer.

      I feel this way about many protagonists nowadays. Bilbo from the Hobbit. Estelle and Lloyd from the Trails games.

      To me, Sheriden's likeability was a hill. At first I disliked him for replacing Sinclaire and for his mary sueness of having blown up a Minbari battleship during the war in which humanity could do jack all against them, Sinclaire included. Then I began to like him more and more as the series went on. Then I soured on him in season 5, first when his adultery was revealed, and then during his handling of the Centauri conflict. He gives in too easily. "If you want war, you will have a war!" and then he wasn't willing to let the Narn and Independent World's fleets get destroyed by the Centauri after massacring their homeworld when he knows that the Centauri were innocent.

      • 10 months ago

        >I know fans bemoan that the Shadow war was cut short, but personally I found it disinteresting and was glad it ended in a timely manner.
        Ackchyually, that arc ended where is was supposed to. It was the earth afterwards arc that was fricked by the season 4-5 transition.
        >the Rangers refusing to help them out and instead just pretending to be monks doing nothing
        They were helping, they were just doing it slowly so that the people of earth would believe they rebuilt on their own instead of just getting tech dumped on them from space.

  2. 10 months ago

    I like it. Planning to rewatch it now that there's a proper HD version

    • 10 months ago

      There is? When did that come out

      • 10 months ago

        Last year I think. Currently the best version is the Amazon one, though we're apparently getting BDs at some point. I say proper HD but the special effect shots are still upscaled, but it's still a lot better looking that the old DVD version.

    • 10 months ago

      >proper HD version
      How? I thought B5 wasn't filmed in 35mm.

      • 10 months ago

        That was a myth started by mallgays. It was actually shot on the precursors to the modern IMAX cameras.

      • 10 months ago

        >How? I thought B5 wasn't filmed in 35mm.
        It was. I think the reason we never got a proper HD transfer before now was mostly the CGI being rendered at 90s TV resolution and the original files being lost so they couldn't be re-rendered. Or maybe no one knew where the original film was, which would explain why only the series itself has a new transfer and all the movies on amazon are still the old versions.

        • 10 months ago

          Even if they kept the files, they'd have to remake many of the assets to fit current resolutions, and it would cost a lot of money that likely would be lost due to not having a audience big enough. IIRC Voyager has the same issue even though many of the assets are still safe.

          • 10 months ago

            >IIRC Voyager has the same issue even though many of the assets are still safe.
            Voyager and DS9's issue are a bit more general, that they were shot on film but all of the editing was done from videotape transfers to save money. So there were never any film negatives of the final product that you could take new scans from, just video negatives which can at best be upscaled (with all of the limitations of videotape in terms of stuff like resolution and colour fidelity). TNG was edited in the same way, and the BDs required a lot of manpower to make them look as good as they did, with large portions of the editing and VFX work just having to be redone digitally from scratch over the film masters. It pays off, but it was very expensive, so unlikely to be repeated for those two less-popular entries especially when the TNG BDs may not have actually done all that well saleswise relative to the amount invested in making them
            B5 does at least have the advantage of having been future-proofed with film negatives which could then have new CGI interpolated in. It's just a question of 'would recreating the CG at a more modern resolution be a worthwhile investment?'

            • 10 months ago

              >'would recreating the CG at a more modern resolution be a worthwhile investment?'
              If TNG wasn't I doubt B5 would. I wonder if crowdfunding could be the solution, Hasbro has been using it for specific toys like Unicron and it apparently works for them.

            • 10 months ago

              It's been confirmed the TNG BDs have not made a profit, but it doesn't help that they were released just as streaming was becoming the bete noir of Hollywood. I can't think of a single blu-ray I've bought since 2013.

          • 10 months ago

            JMC anticipated wide format and shot B5 accordingly. The problem was WB losing the archive tapes of the compositing instructions.

            Babylonian Productions did everything they could to ensure a future high def version and WB wanted it to die.

        • 10 months ago

          So why can't they do this with DS9 and just upscale the CGI?

          • 10 months ago

            Because letterboxed 90s CG at TV resolution doesn't look good upscaled to 16:9. I rewatched Stargate last year and that stock footage of three hataks in hyperspace looked blurrier as the seasons passed and new cameras were used.

            • 10 months ago

              >I rewatched Stargate last year and that stock footage of three hataks in hyperspace looked blurrier as the seasons passed and new cameras were used.
              They kept using the same footage of the gate activating too.

    • 10 months ago

      There is? When did that come out

      Last year I think. Currently the best version is the amazon one, though we're apparently getting BDs at some point. I say proper HD but the special effect shots are still upscaled, but it's still a lot better looking that the old DVD version.

      >proper HD version
      How? I thought B5 wasn't filmed in 35mm.

      That was a myth started by mallgays. It was actually shot on the precursors to the modern IMAX cameras.

      /t/ delivers, went straight there after the anons posting about it to check if someone has it.


  3. 10 months ago

    Kind of good. Very 80s, not 90s at all. I consider it the last gasp of classic science fiction before everything changed post-9/11 and Western media focused on grimmer and grittier sci-fi.

    It does not hold up to time, particularly S4 because of the rushed nature of S4 and S5 because S5 didn't need to exist.

    • 10 months ago

      >international collective action and intervention (led by us, of course) is both cool and good and will not go wrong
      >not 90s

  4. 10 months ago

    I will eternally seethe that season 4 was rushed. We could have had another season of kino slow burn build up. Season 4 is still a masterpiece, but ugh, what could have been...

  5. 10 months ago

    Which season was the season with Byron?

    Frick that season.

    • 10 months ago

      The first half of season 5. Which was shit because JMS wrapped up more stuff than he was planning to at the end of season 4 because he thought he weren't getting a season 5, so the plot that was supposed to be there was already finished and the Byron stuff that was supposed to be a minor b-plot ended up being the main plot.
      The season does have a bad reputation but the later part of it improves because the planned arcs start getting back on track.

  6. 10 months ago
    dorkly_chair at

    seasons 2, 3, and 4 were really great
    the other things existed

    • 10 months ago

      Season one was pretty good tbh, it was very atmospheric and didn't have very many outstandingly bad episodes iirc, though it certainly takes a bit of time for the plot to get going. I definitely prefer Sinclair as captain as well.

      • 10 months ago

        >Season one was pretty good tbh, it was very atmospheric and didn't have very many outstandingly bad episodes iirc
        Londo and G'Kar getting into wacky sitcom antics is great too. And generally lots of very subtle bits of foreshadowing that can only be picked up on rewatch.

  7. 10 months ago

    my shoes are too tight but it's OK, I have forgotten how to dance

  8. 10 months ago

    Friendly reminder

    • 10 months ago

      God it looks like shit.

      • 10 months ago

        Honestly should've stayed dead so we could honor its memory instead of staring at its reanimated corpse

    • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      Marvel tier

    • 10 months ago

      The main take-away I'm getting from the trailer is that I will struggle to watch it because I'll be too distracted by how little the new VAs sound like the late actors they're replacing
      Except Phil Lamarr, it sounds like he's actually doing a pretty solid Richard Briggs impression

      • 10 months ago

        Who else are we missing? Katsulas and O'hare? The guy they got for the latter seemed... ok, and I don't think anyone can really live up to Katsulas (though that's going to take me a while to adjust to, I'm sure).

        • 10 months ago

          Furlan too, but we don't get much of the new actress in the trailer

          • 10 months ago

            Ah, damn, I forgot about her. That'll probably be a rough match as well.

        • 10 months ago

          Jerry Doyle (2016), Stephen Furst (2017), Jeff Conaway (2011), Tim Choate (2004)

          • 10 months ago

            I remembered Doyle and Conaway (assuming he was the other security guy) after my other post, but damn, that really is like half the cast gone.

            • 10 months ago

              There's only one actor left who was in the entire run of the show

              • 10 months ago

                the best one (and Katsulas)

              • 10 months ago

                I doubt many people watch the series and and come away not thinking those two were the stars of the show.
                For it's flaws, those two are a big part of why I enjoy the first season so much when I rewatch the show. Seeing how the two characters where at the beginning and knowing where they end up later. G'kar being almost a hammy villain while Londo's a washed up alcoholic who often gets played for comic relief.

              • 10 months ago

                They've got some of the most sensible and surprising character development in possibly anything I've ever watched or read. Genuinely wonderful.

    • 10 months ago

      Honestly should've stayed dead so we could honor its memory instead of staring at its reanimated corpse

      i want a proper Crusade ending...

      There's only one actor left who was in the entire run of the show

      based alien britbong empire.

  9. 10 months ago

    Have you ever tried the model kits? I think they are super hard to find now.

    • 10 months ago
      dorkly_chair at

      I think I glanced at one at a super discount sale? I vaguely recall it being like the shit trek kits where it's just a solid bland blue or something?

      Season one was pretty good tbh, it was very atmospheric and didn't have very many outstandingly bad episodes iirc, though it certainly takes a bit of time for the plot to get going. I definitely prefer Sinclair as captain as well.

      >Season one was pretty good tbh, it was very atmospheric and didn't have very many outstandingly bad episodes iirc
      Londo and G'Kar getting into wacky sitcom antics is great too. And generally lots of very subtle bits of foreshadowing that can only be picked up on rewatch.

      I had jumped in at Season 2, was a guinea pig for my nerd crew to see if the "oh hai captain newguy, here is a bunch of exposition" at the start worked, I suppose one day I'll go through all the way.

      Jerry Doyle (2016), Stephen Furst (2017), Jeff Conaway (2011), Tim Choate (2004)

      seriously this show racked up a body count like The Searchers or Monday Night Wars era wrasslin

      • 10 months ago

        >I suppose one day I'll go through all the way.
        The show finally getting a decent remaster that I don't think anyone expected seems a good excuse.
        The first season is like early DS9 in that it's more of a calm before the storm, episodic every day adventures on the station with random incidents and passers by. Though because things were planned there's a lot of subtle set ups and foreshadowing sprinkled around that DS9 wasn't able to do to the same extent.

        • 10 months ago

          Yeah as much as I love DS9, Babylon 5 really just blows it out of the water in terms of atmosphere, pacing, and, world building. Just imagine what Babylon 5 could have done with 7 seasons and DS9’s budget

        • 10 months ago
          dorkly_chair at

          >The show finally getting a decent remaster that I don't think anyone expected seems a good excuse.
          yeah I was on the DVDs, so when I got the Psycorps ad and it was cropped all shit it triggered my tisms, then I got an LD of that one and got a real idea of what a hackjob the DVDs were so I postponed serious rewatches

  10. 10 months ago

    I am really liking Faracape. A lot.

    • 10 months ago

      It has exceptional puppets. Also basically everything else. And PK tech girl.

      • 10 months ago
        dorkly_chair at

        I am really liking Faracape. A lot.

        back in the day I knew a guy who was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too into cataloging celeb nudes, he claimed that the blue chick was in some random nudist mag when she was like, twelve or something similarly very underage, but still noticeably her in the face
        for understandable reasons I never investigated his claim

      • 10 months ago

        >It has exceptional puppets
        I really wish the Jim Henson company got to do more sf shows or movies. The Farscape puppets aren't only great and lifelike in motion, they were well built enough to handle actual physical interaction with the cast.
        If you look up interviews with Ben Browder he talks about getting into trouble for being so rough with Rigel

    • 10 months ago

      I want to give it a try but I haven't find any torrents

      • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      Amazing how many people enjoy B5 and Farscape despite being diametrically opposed

      • 10 months ago

        They're both carried by surprisingly strong character acting.

        Even if their tones are miles apart.

        Will say, Farscape has one of the better first episodes of a sci-fi series I've seen. It sets everything up quite elegantly.
        and then episode two is probably the weakest in the series.

      • 10 months ago

        It's called good taste

        They're both carried by surprisingly strong character acting.

        Even if their tones are miles apart.

        Will say, Farscape has one of the better first episodes of a sci-fi series I've seen. It sets everything up quite elegantly.
        and then episode two is probably the weakest in the series.

        Farscape also has surprising strong continuity, especially for a show that by all accounts was written and adlibed entirely on the fly.

  11. 10 months ago

    i like it more than SJW Trekkies, but it's not animes. and it's not half as gritty cool as WH40K.

  12. 10 months ago

    I was really obsessed with it while it was airing, but haven't watched it since. I'm sure it's still good, but I'm not sure I can go back.

    Those beautiful early days of hanging out on the internet with fellow fans when that was a new and exciting thing to do, though...pawing through pages and search results and having them mostly be informative or fun fan pages...the Lurker's Guide... Those times can never come back.

    • 10 months ago

      >I was really obsessed with it while it was airing, but haven't watched it since. I'm sure it's still good, but I'm not sure I can go back.
      I was born the year it started airing and I've been a fan of it since I was in highschool

  13. 10 months ago

    Great show and was on pace to be top 3 all time to me after the first season, but then things out of their control slapped it back down into somewhere lower in the top 10. I have to applaud them for still being able to make such a great show with all that was against them.
    Sinclair was 10000x better and it was a huge bummer seeing all the character and relationship building in S1 have to get tossed, and they never really bothered redoing it with his shitstain replacement. Sheridan never became likable and always felt like the detached butthole boss to everyone outside of the forced waifu plot.

    • 10 months ago

      Yeah reality definitely conspired against B5, really was a perfect storm. I still like Sheridan, but he is definitely out of place.

  14. 10 months ago

    I personally stopped watching after season 4 ended. Nothing felt like it could follow up the ending, the story just seemed complete after the end of the Shadow War and the scouring of the shire type follow up.

    • 10 months ago

      I hope you at least watched the finale. It was filmed earlier and then pushed back when they learned they were getting a fifth season.

  15. 10 months ago

    He did nothing wrong btw. Total psycorp death.

  16. 10 months ago
  17. 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      I love that moment, one of those great little scenes in S1 where the show really starts to show its hand. That and the ending of Mind War always stood out to me as some of the first really solid character moments in the series

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