Bad Batch

Episode 13 "Into the Breach" just dropped

its a pretty good episode, love me some commando shit

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  1. 2 months ago

    Boring. The plot is moving at snails pace. At least it was better than the last one, despite barely having any action.
    >love me some commando shit
    There was no commando shit. What are you smoking, ventressgay? Them just sneaking around isn't "commando shit."

    • 2 months ago

      >the plot is moving at a snails pace
      >they literally make it to tantiss

      confirmed moronic.

      • 2 months ago

        >>they literally make it to tantiss
        They don't. They will make it there only in the next episode. Also, their plan is borderline moronic. What do they expect going with just four men there? Even if they somehow contact Rex and somehow transmit the coordinates to him (even though this episode established, that it's extremely hard to get those coordinates, and you can only get them when they jump to hyperspace at Coruscant), what do they expect? Rex can't have enough men for a full frontal assault of Tantiss. What do they expect, exactly? Clone rebellion wasn't set up, Rex's plot was almost entirely off-screen. How are they planning to walk away from this, not only with their lives, but legally? Rex had no trouble with the Empire in Rebels. They can't. None of it makes sense. So I fully expect some Rebels-tier ass pull, where Omega frees and somehow befriends the Zillo beast that is hidden in that room where Sheev visited in the third episode. This show is just shit and will end on a wet fart.

        Also, why the frick didn't they kill those imperials that saw them? At least that would give them more time and at least when they wake up they can't tell the other Imperials who fricking stunned them or knocked them out. It would take longer for the Imperials to put the things together. But whatever. This show is moronic. Just like it is moronic that it expects me to care or feel tension for any of those kids from the vault, as if any of them can die in a disney show, or as if Omega has suffered any significant failure that had lasting consequences in three seasons of this fricking show, lmao.

        • 2 months ago

          >They don't. They will make it there only in the next episode.
          only because of hyperspace, they made it there

  2. 2 months ago

    Most of the episodes in and of themselves are fine, it's just fast out of time
    Ventress episode was genuinely pointless and existed only for memberberries and because this franchise can't let people fricking die. It shoulda been cut and used for something else.
    By the same token, the Fennec Shand episode that existed only to get Ventress is also pointless
    Episode 2 was also pretty useless, we could have gotten about the same effect and end result if the first time we see Hunter and Wrecker is at the end of the fourth episode or whatever
    I honestly can't even remember what the supposed plot of the ice tremors episode was so you could have almost certainly incorporated Huntah and Crossheh not getting along into another episode that did more for the bigger picture

    The thread earlier today got rather inflammatory so I'm trying to keep a level stance on things, but it's really not ideal

    • 2 months ago

      what was even the fricking point of omega escaping and then getting captured again? this entire finale is entirely about rescuing muh NOMEGAH, like she'd been captured 10 times already only to get back to the gang in the next episode
      there is no sense of urgency, there is no interesting story here
      it's just a waste of time, the show just spins its wheels

      with two episodes remaining, the entire shit will be rushed and almost guaranteed not everything will be resolved, because they'd rather move the plot by 1% each episode, and the other 99% is some dumb filler action

      also lmao @ cucks who thought the CX-2 assassin would get involved again, that it was Tech or Cody
      also lmao @ cucks who believe Scorch would be involved somehow or that Delta would show up

      • 2 months ago

        Getting recaptured is not ideal but it's kind of its own thing they could do with her defrosting Emerie's heart, which I kinda thought an Emerie turnaround was gonna be how she contacts the clone guys with the planet's location
        But this development with the other kids completely tanks that. Instead, they had to essentially start all over again introducing her to the other kids and go for an entirely new escape plan while now having her barely interact with Emerie, adding yet more variables that have to be concluded before the show ends when there are so many dangling wires already

      • 2 months ago

        I'm still lmaoing at you, once again b***hing about commandos and Scorch, also we still got two episodes left and the last episode will be longer, so get ready to submit to me.

    • 2 months ago

      what was even the fricking point of omega escaping and then getting captured again? this entire finale is entirely about rescuing muh NOMEGAH, like she'd been captured 10 times already only to get back to the gang in the next episode
      there is no sense of urgency, there is no interesting story here
      it's just a waste of time, the show just spins its wheels

      with two episodes remaining, the entire shit will be rushed and almost guaranteed not everything will be resolved, because they'd rather move the plot by 1% each episode, and the other 99% is some dumb filler action

      also lmao @ cucks who thought the CX-2 assassin would get involved again, that it was Tech or Cody
      also lmao @ cucks who believe Scorch would be involved somehow or that Delta would show up

      episode 2 was pointless because the intel they got from it didnt pay off, however the episode is needed to show what hunter and wrecker are doing while omega is captured
      episode 5 feels a bit pointless as the data they got from the datapad hasnt paid off, but it was more of a hunter/crosshair episode anyway
      episode 8 was pointless because they had 30 grand to pay fennec with, they didnt need to help her
      the ventress episode was a bit weak but it paid off on the lead about what "m count" is, however this was told in the first few minutes of the episode and the rest was just "we have ventress in this episode so we might as well use her" (think of it as another episode of ventress' TCW character arc)

      everything else has been directly plot related

      • 2 months ago

        >but it paid off on the lead about what "m count" is
        Did it? They didn't learn shit. The entire shit with Rex telling them: "If you want to protect her, you need to know why the Empire is after her" was entirely fricking pointless. They literally have no idea why the frick the Empire is after her, they already knew from her that they took blood samples from her, and the only thing they "learned" is that M-Count is "something in her blood." And none of it is relevant anyway, as Omega still got captured, again, and they need to rescue her, and the reason why she's important to the Empire is still unknown to the Bad Batch, and it's frankly irrelevant. Ventress episode was just a garbage backdoor pilot, so self-indulgent and pointless. Look, it's Ventress, she's back somehow! Clap! Clap harder! "I have a few lives left :*~~))"
        >everything else has been directly plot related
        Yeah, homie, like 1% related. Oh, look, they rescued Rampart. With 99% of the last episode being pointless action. You could miss the last episode entirely, and just jump straight into this one.

        • 2 months ago

          >guys they should just break out rampart in 2 seconds

          • 2 months ago

            Breaking him out is not the important or interesting part. It felt obligatory, it was boring, it had no stakes or tension, nothing meaningful happened there, there was no character work or development. It could have happened off-screen. Like shit with Rex happens almost entirely off screen. Stop being so moronic.

            • 2 months ago

              >breaking out the shows first main villain who the main cast do not trust in any way should happen offscreen
              yep, confirmed moronic

      • 2 months ago

        Like the other anon said, most of this could have been achieved while doing other shit that actually matters. Compare the pace and development of this show to X-Men 97’s. Same sort of show, but one actually uses its time wisely.

        • 2 months ago

          >but one actually uses its time wisely.
          That's what I wished this show did. We're two episodes away from this show ending, and only now is the Bad Batch heading to Tantiss. They have 15 episodes this season and only now, after episode 13, the plot is finally going somewhere actually important. The huge problem with this show is that it had poor time management and the writers wasted their time on Monster of the week/treasure hunts(and wasting an entire episode on Ventress who only being used in another show and the writers used TBB for a backdoor pilot, in the final season no less), instead of getting to the actual plots of the show, why the Empire was so interested in Omega and how Rex's plan of rebellion was happening with the rest of the clones. This season should have been exclusively about this, not wasting our time with blasterproof monsters to pad the time.

    • 2 months ago

      >ice tremors episode
      That was for Crosshairs and Hunter to understand each other. That's the planet where Crosshairs shot the imperial commander. I agree with the pacing being too slow. Its not for people with short attention spans. So who the target audience of this show? Anyone who watches the show starting from a random episode will not care about these clones or that kid.

      • 2 months ago

        I know that, but the in universe justification is so flimsy that they could have been anywhere else doing anything else and could have fit in their real goal of having those two not getting along

  3. 2 months ago

    So why couldn't they just put a tracker on the hull of the science ship like was the plan with Clone X's ship multiple episodes ago?
    I guess there's muh sensors but I don't think those were meant to apply detecting a ship getting up close being equal to a small transmitter being discreetly planted

  4. 2 months ago

    >inb4 wolffe just shows up out of nowhere with Rex and he defected off screen

    • 2 months ago

      >wolffe managed to get like 10k clones to defect overnight and they're all gonna die trying to save the batch

  5. 2 months ago

    You are moronic, yes, ventressgay. But that has been proven a long time ago. You are an embarrassing redditor and a failure. You are low IQ mongoloid.

  6. 2 months ago

    So what DO they do with Rampart? Just have him blunder into death during a firefight? They can hardly actually just let him go on his way even if they survive all of this shit

    • 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      He's gonna try to sell them out to get his job back, then the imperials are gonna kill him anyway because they're evil like that.

  7. 2 months ago

    >bro the last episode was filler bro, I know a guy who knows a guy, why did they get rampart
    >this episode has them successfuly use rampart to get to tantiss
    >w-well they didnt get to tantiss even though they just hyperspace jumped there

    holy cope
    reminder he said that nobody would call scorch by his name and got proven wrong and doubled down by consta tly complaining about commandos some more

  8. 2 months ago

    What a dogshit show. All this animation and resources wasted on this crap. No good character work, no interesting story. Shame. This shit made me tired of clone troopers, which I thought was not possible to achieve.

  9. 2 months ago

    Not gonna lie, those final seconds had my butthole puckered.

  10. 2 months ago

    the black armour looks great

  11. 2 months ago

    >cell walls are literally made out of fricking lego blocks — easily removed and placed back with no suspicion at all by a literal fricking child
    >all those laser gates, yet no cameras and no wiretap in the cells
    >for plot convenience reason we also need a droid in the wall to take samples, even though it was shown that the droids and Emerie/other doctors manually come to collect them and then leave the room
    How contrived and stupid. All so that Omega could escape on her own. Again. Yawn.

    Citadel remains the best-designed Star Wars prison, and those episodes and escape were well thought out and complicated on multiple levels. Then goes Narkina 5. Tantiss is just kinda moronic after this episode.

    • 2 months ago

      It would have been infinitely better if Omega tried desperately to escape only to realize she can't and that her only way of getting out of there is relying on her brothers.
      God forbid a little girl is ever depicted as being helpless and needing help ever.

      • 2 months ago

        There is also no urgency. She is just kinda sitting there, and that's it. There is no ticking clock, in that, the Batch have to hurry, or she will be killed, or something like that. Like in the third episode, there was a ticking clock, in the form of that machine that checked the blood samples, and Omega & Crosshair were pressured to escape until it was discovered that Omega is the key to Hemlock's research. Now there is no urgency. She's kinda placed in the vault and that's it. They can rescue her later, for all that matters. Doesn't feel like a finale, no tension, just kinda boring.

    • 2 months ago

      >cell walls are literally made out of fricking lego blocks — easily removed and placed back with no suspicion at all by a literal fricking child
      >all those laser gates, yet no cameras and no wiretap in the cells

      these are literally flaws with narkina 5 too

      • 2 months ago

        At least Narkina had electric floors.

  12. 2 months ago

    I think the show is largely just proving to be a tech demo and how they can stretch out a storyline that should take 6 episodes into 16.

    I think the show is going at a snails pace because while they are actively showing off what they can achieve they are also limiting their set pieces as to not really risk anything because its clear they are running off a kind of skeleton blue print of what they want to happen in the season and then filling in details, I think primarily, reveal of project necromancer, significance of Omega, final fate of Bad Batch.

    Basically Season 3 is getting everyone from point A to point B to prepare for whatever show they have lined up next

  13. 2 months ago

    calling it now, the show's gonna have a Rogue One-esque ending where the Bad Batch get picked off one by one to save Omega

    • 2 months ago

      This is not going to have an ending. It will be yet another vague cliffhanger to advertise the next star wars series. Because screw telling an open and closed story.

      Hopping for column A, expecting column B..

      Filoni's biggest problem is just not committing to ending stories, which hilariously I think he got from the EU.

  14. 2 months ago

    >I can't wear this. This is a captain uniform... I was a vice admiral
    Got me a honest chuckle

    • 2 months ago

      I’m glad they’re letting him be the b***h he is rather than play the Rebels card again and try convincing us that he feels bad about what he’s done

  15. 2 months ago

    This is not going to have an ending. It will be yet another vague cliffhanger to advertise the next star wars series. Because screw telling an open and closed story.

    • 2 months ago

      This is why the shows with definitive beginnings and endings, constraints are the best. TCW had ROTS as its finish line. Andor has Rogue One as its finish line. No more, no less. Bad Batch feels really unnecessary and boring, it's just spinning its wheels and explains the sequels, lol. The tragic story of the clones is told visually in this single frame of TCW's ending.

      • 2 months ago

        That's honestly my problem with BB. They could've used it as an avenue to explain what happened to the clones post-ROTS but instead it's being used to explain the sequel trilogy, which isn't even relevant to the timeline for another 50 years

    • 2 months ago

      The Clone Wars had an ending, Rebels had an ending, Obi-Wan Kenobi had an ending, The Book of Boba Fett had an ending, The Mandalorian seasons one through three had an ending, and Resistance had an ending. The only shows with to be continues are the two that were confirmed to be continuing which were Ahsoka and Andor.

  16. 2 months ago

    Do you think Rampart had a boner during the episode? Like he enjoys his pulling-rank schtick a bit too much

  17. 2 months ago

    Somehow Tech...didn't return?

    • 2 months ago

      I think tech is "alive" but in a "fate worse than death" scenario

      I think he's hemlocks darktrooper, and that CX-2 is a red herring to keep ypu guessing (although he could still be someone else like cody)

      • 2 months ago

        Look at this point I've just stopped imagining. I think it's obvious that we meme'd these plot twists into existence ourselves and in our fears actually had more outlandish notions than the writers. The only reason to have a clone x be someone we used to know would have been for a confrontation multiple episodes. It would be narrative nonsense to pull the twist now when there's already a thousand plot threads to tie up

        • 2 months ago

          *confrontation multiple episodes ago
          Specifically on Pabu or maybe Rex's base on Teth

        • 2 months ago

          *confrontation multiple episodes ago
          Specifically on Pabu or maybe Rex's base on Teth

          If the final episode is extra long as people are speculating then there is still plenty of time to reveal his identity. CF99 are gonna send the coordinates to Rex, and when they attack the base there will be another confrontation where CX-2's will probably be killed and have his identity revealed.

  18. 2 months ago

    >only two episodes left
    How the frick did this go by so fast?

    • 2 months ago

      And all that happened was Omega escaped and got captured again.
      This entire show is literally: "WHERE'S OMEGAH?" [Insert generic action sequence]


  19. 2 months ago

    >Put Omega into a prison
    >Show improves
    Funny how it works like that

    • 2 months ago

      There's a reason why nobody but pedos like kid characters. They're annoying and always bring everything down to a halt for whatever nonsense is going on with them.

  20. 2 months ago

    theres apparently a leak thay says that the finale is an hour long

    • 2 months ago

      It would be kino
      I do not expect kino from Filoni Wars

    • 2 months ago

      An hour of nothing if this season is anything to go by.

  21. 2 months ago


    >Because Tantis is a research facility, not a prison.
    Oh frick off they've got like six degrees of security getting into the vault with unlimited funding no questions asked
    They seem to have dozens of clone commandos just standing around and they couldn't actually have a few standing guard inside? Not even a microphone to hear what's going on inside?

    • 2 months ago

      >Because Tantis is a research facility, not a prison.
      lol, frick off, moron
      it's both
      the only reason the vault has lego blocks walls that can be easily dismantled and put back together by a fricking child in the matter of minutes without raising any suspicion, and inside those walls there are literal tunnels big enough for an omega-sized child to get into, is nothing but lazy, moronic plot contrivance
      the b***h had already escaped once, and she's gonna escape again, wow how interesting and exciting, who gives a crap
      God, I can't wait for this dogshit show to just end.

      >b***h b***h b***h
      It's a top secret research facility, but still not a prison. The Clone Commando's jobs are to keep people from breaking in, not people from breaking out. And if it was a prison, where's the guard towers? The stockade? The full lockdown when Omega and Crosshair escaped?
      They also explained they use children because they're more docile and after the one attempt, they all gave up. The only reason why Omega even thought about prying open the wall was because she already saw the bad batch do something like that in the first episode.
      And you expect Omega to not be able to find a way to at least make it out of the Vault? If she didn't, you'd be b***hing that the bad batch had to break all the way into it and then out, really a no win scenario writing wise.
      Also you had the one scientist already say Omega should be kept away from the other children, but Karr override her. so the lack of overkill security is already explained

      • 2 months ago

        >It's a top secret research facility, but still not a prison.
        It's both, stupid homosexual.
        >The Clone Commando's jobs are to keep people from breaking in, not people from breaking out.
        It works both ways, dumbfrick. That's literally what Scorch did when that one little shit tried to escape.
        >And if it was a prison, where's the guard towers?
        They literally have fricking hounds to chase down those who escape.
        >The full lockdown when Omega and Crosshair escaped?
        Emperor was there at the time. When Emperor left, they literally went all in and sent like 30+ troops to get them back, but they escaped anyway somehow, because the Empire are a bunch of pathetic jobbers, and malnourished, tremored, broken Crosshair managed to outwrestle a fully armored clone commando and knock him out somehow.
        >the rest of your post
        Not even gonna bother. More cope for shit writing for shit show.

        • 2 months ago

          >It's both, stupid homosexual.
          Nope, if it was a prison, why not have better security. If it's a top secret prison, why not have an orbital station as well?
          >That's literally what Scorch did when that one little shit tried to escape.
          He failed to even figuratively get out of the room.
          >Emperor was there at the time.
          And after he left, they still didn't go into lockdown. Karr even went back to testing blood samples to find out Omega was a positive result.
          >I can't refute the rest of your post

  22. 2 months ago


    >Because Tantis is a research facility, not a prison.
    lol, frick off, moron
    it's both
    the only reason the vault has lego blocks walls that can be easily dismantled and put back together by a fricking child in the matter of minutes without raising any suspicion, and inside those walls there are literal tunnels big enough for an omega-sized child to get into, is nothing but lazy, moronic plot contrivance
    the b***h had already escaped once, and she's gonna escape again, wow how interesting and exciting, who gives a crap
    God, I can't wait for this dogshit show to just end.

  23. 2 months ago

    reminder that hes been b***hing for weeks about this show and nitpicking everything to make reasons why hes mad

  24. 2 months ago

    It's a real shame this shows pacing problems completely overshadow some really neat animation. There are some genuinely good moments that are just buried in filler and padded out episodes. Makes me wish the show had less episodes and more anthology/arc style plots, like tales of the jedi.

    • 2 months ago

      Yeah, not much plot but too overextended

    • 2 months ago

      I know I'm a fricking sperg about this, but Scorch being in this show legitimately pisses me off. It's not even because he's a villain or whatever the frick, it's the fact that his presence is done so fricking lazily and people keep eating it up even though it is by far the laziest star wars cameo yet.

      The show really should have just been "The Dark Times" or whatever as a sequel to The Clone Wars and do serialized episodes like TCW. The overarching story of The Bad Batch just isn't there for three seasons.

      Also them trying to "fix" the ST in every show is just hurting the shows. They need to just drop it.

      • 2 months ago

        I hate how the bulk of Bad batch has just been them trying to fix the ST

        • 2 months ago

          They really could have used more episodes showing the empire setting up their infrastructure abd the rebels beginning their movement rather than "fight against generic enemy/monster" or "run away from extreme weather pattern" over and over again.

          • 2 months ago

            >Could've got an episodic show about the Empire's reach across the galaxy from the perspective of the clones from the last galaxy-spanning war
            >instead most of it was monster of the week and now trying to fix the ST

        • 2 months ago

          Basically every SW show besides Andor is trying to fix the ST in some way and it sucks ass. Both Mando and Bad Batch have the same fricking clone subplot leading into Snoke/Somehow Palpatine Returns. I wouldn't be surprised if the last shot of Acolyte isn't Plagueis telling a young Sheev about his super cool idea called Project Necromancer. That'll get the SW podcasts really fricking baseding out.

          • 2 months ago

            It's made me hate the sequel trilogy even more. Every single work since TROS has been trying to canonize/fix the St and to justify Palpatine returning. All because it wasn't explained at all in the movies
            Mando got gimped by this. Bad Batch got gimped by this. All to say "oh yeah Palpatine was planning this all along and it totally wasn't an asspull"
            It says a lot when out of all the episodes of Bad Bacth, the most universal liked ones were of Crosshair working inside the Empire. Not just because of how absolutely spectacular those episodes were, but also because they gave us a glimpse on the insides of the Empire post-Order 66

  25. 2 months ago

    since when did ships have pedals

  26. 2 months ago

    The entire "plot" of this show is omegah getting captured over and over, getting back to the gang in 1-3 episodes, and getting captured again, and always escaping on her own. All of that is mixed with irrelevant, pointless, meaningless, boring videogame sidequests, monsters of the week and treasure hunts. The little bread crumbs of interesting stuff, like those two Coruscant episodes, or those two Crosshair episodes, are buried underneath the giant pile of nothingburger shit that is the rest of the show.

  27. 2 months ago

    why couldn't the bad batch run a mission or two for saw or luthen

    • 2 months ago

      >run a mission for saw
      they'd kill him for being a jackass who got tech killed

  28. 2 months ago

    cant wait for omega to appear in book of boba fett season 2

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