Bad Batch E:14 Discussion

Episode 14 "Flash Strike" just dropped, discuss

additionally, discuss what you might think will happen in the finale, as it is next week

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  1. 1 month ago

    Echo being the MVP and finally getting a new hand after 4 years

    • 1 month ago

      Yea i really loved him this episode,didnt job or take any BS and did what he is good at,will probably die next episode tho.

    • 1 month ago

      >Echo being the MVP and finally getting a new hand after 4 years
      An episode and a moment long awaited. Hopefully he gets to keep that hand.

    • 1 month ago

      The fingers on the hand don't appear to move, it's just static (Unless I didn't pay enough attention to it)

      • 1 month ago

        >it's just static
        Yeah, hasn’t been built specialized for use on Echo’s socket arm, so it awkwardly hangs there. Maybe if he lives past this finale, he gets to customize it to his needs.

    • 1 month ago

      The fingers on the hand don't appear to move, it's just static (Unless I didn't pay enough attention to it)

      >The fingers on the hand don't appear to move, it's just static
      Given he just swiped it from a droid, he just has it shoved onto his socket so people won't immediately notice his missing hand and it's not designed to move. Basically it's a bluffing tool.

  2. 1 month ago

    They reintroduce Kyle Katarn to the Canon.

    • 1 month ago

      I know you're lying, but please don't scare me like that

  3. 1 month ago

    Extended episode next week?
    It is the last one afterall and they arent even in.Guess we will have zilla over there getting zapped,go on a rampage but i dont get it,how will the ending be bittersweet? Barely much set up for the finale.
    All i can see is some hamfisted homosexualry happening last second.Im disappointed man outside of the first 3 parters this season is actually the weakest out of all other seasons.The structuring is such a mess and there is alot more focus on action and their do X for the episode.Man im dissappointed i used to really love this show but it feels so disconnected,its not even bad just forcefully disconnected.As much as i do like Omega she is unironically ruining this with the focus of her to fix the "Somehow palpatine has returned".
    IDK man i feel like the show was doomed from the start to be handwaved and explain the sequels.The signs where there from the start where from s1 the BB started jobbing quite hard.Thoughts guys overall?

    • 1 month ago

      Is there any info at all for the last episode run time

      what, 30 min instead of 22?
      always constraining themselves to television runtimes instead of the freedom to tell the story at the length they want to

      • 1 month ago

        hopefully a double length or 1hr episode like the pilot

        season only has 15 episodes compared to 16, so people are hoping an extended finale is why

    • 1 month ago

      >Thoughts guys overall?
      This was all a waste of everyone's time

    • 1 month ago

      I don't think even an extended episode is enough to properly wrap up the show at this point.

      The mystery of CX-2's identity will likely not be addressed, he's just out of the show at this point.

      Sid's out, nobody cares.

      The rest of the Bad Batch will make it out just fine.

      • 1 month ago

        Realistically I don't think CX-2 turning out to be Tech would have been a good thing, it'd have been way too predictable.

      • 1 month ago

        Realistically I don't think CX-2 turning out to be Tech would have been a good thing, it'd have been way too predictable.

        CX-2 being Cody would've been better but at this stage I'm not certain it'll be anyone. We did have the tease of that room Hemlock was in with that new CX trooper design so they might have some reveal up their sleeve for the finale, just not necessarily for CX-2.

      • 1 month ago

        Extended will help but yea it wont be complete
        The assassin clone isnt gonna be anyone other then a randon clone that was lobotomized and trained in a more special way for undercover stuff.
        Im kinda shocked that people never realised that Cid will never come back outside of a mention and so far this is what only happend.I dont actually think they will all get out,im expecting all minus omega to really get out of there even with the zilla beast thrashing the place up

        • 1 month ago

          >people never realised that Cid will never come back outside of a mention
          Could've actually killed her off onscreen by the assassin clone so viewers didn't feel her entire shit that lasted two seasons wasn't a waste of time but I guess that's too much to ask.

          • 1 month ago

            I dont know tbh TBB feels like it has such an identidy crisis it cant stay in one lane,the whole killing cid may feel too hamfisted and edgy by the writers but then they released Crosshair going full on Yugoslav war tier warcrimes.The writing and higher ups hurt this show while the animators keep mogging almost every 3d televised animated show hard ontop of being bery /k/pilled wich even TCW wasnt this much.I still like this show but it hurts me more knowing how its disconnected from itself hard and probably has to be rebel tier adventure of the week tier or just the main writer working on resistance aswell never shed that aspect of her time there.

  4. 1 month ago

    Garbage. Garbage. Garbage all around.
    >mary sue omega will use teh force and connect to zillo beast
    >just like Ezra and space whales!
    >deus ex machina to save the day against impossible odds!
    >buffoon main imperial bad guy will get eaten by teh monster!
    So interesting. So creative. Wow. Of course, they wrote themselves into a corner, and instead of going with something more grounded, challenging and interesting, like have the clone rebel inside Tantiss, trying to convert commandos or develop them, this show does jack shit. It's gonna be big monster wrecking havoc, because this show sure has a thing for big fricking monsters.
    It took Omega half of this episode to climb all the way down, yet she is somehow back in her cell in seconds. Frick off, not buying it. And she also had the time to put the wall back together to not raise any suspicion. Lmao.
    The butthole doctor acted out of character. She was the one super suspicious last episode, and now she is all lax and like "you don't need to be worried about the children".
    Echo's escape felt too easy. They know someone may be on board and they don't guard the entrance to the base and don't check their IDs there, one by one. Echo just walked around it. Rebels-tier writing. Coupled with him stealing armor to boot. But at least he got a hand. 46 episodes in. Congratulations.
    Omega is an annoying mary sue.
    Crosshair has become a boring moron, and his entire "redemption" was wasted and unearned. His entire justification was just "uh, my bad" and MUH UGHMEGAH. Brilliant writing.

    This show was one big waste of time, save for those two Crosshair episodes in S2. Absolute garbage. Meandering, padding, spinning its wheels, filler bullshit with one dimensional cartoon archetype characters, who have not developed one bit, with paper thin, dogshit plot. Shilled exclusively by mentally ill tumblr refugees on twitter, who lose their shit any time someone accidentally touches or hugs.

    >[cue moronic shills lashing out in 3.. 2.. 1..]

    • 1 month ago

      This is correct. On other hand, Pandorian girl.

      • 1 month ago

        She's ugly. I don't know what they did with the artstyle, but some characters look legit ugly and worse than the first season of TCW. Especially humans look ugly as shit. But in case with the pantoran girl (and Chuchi), it's fat face and extremely angular, thick, solid eyebrows, that are just a piece of thick geometry slapped on top of their faces. And also not cute noses and thin, unattractive lips. Only clones look good in this show, because they didn't change them, and they are basically TCW clones but more detailed.

        • 1 month ago

          >She's ugly
          Not this one.

          • 1 month ago

            This one too.

            • 1 month ago

              No, she is cute. Also just imagine grooming her to become Sith Accolyte. Mmmmmmmm...

              • 1 month ago

                Surely you wouldn't want a hot blue b***h who is too in love with your dick to backstab you?

    • 1 month ago

      >The butthole doctor acted out of character. She was the one super suspicious last episode, and now she is all lax and like "you don't need to be worried about the children".
      Are you ESL? When she says "you don't need to be worried about the children", it means 'don't need to prioritize their well being' . Which was exactly the case.

  5. 1 month ago

    Is there any info at all for the last episode run time

  6. 1 month ago

    Just starting off holy FRICK their plan sucked and they should 100% all die before setting foot inside the base

    • 1 month ago

      Fully agree, they should just bail off for Rex help, once they get Tantiss location, maybe left Echo to inflitrate while they getting reinfocements.

      • 1 month ago

        Not even Rex should be able to help them. He can't possibly have enough manpower. There is no way in hell he can take this heavily fortified base in full frontal assault. A base that has air support, turret defenses, that has shit ton of troopers and fricking commandos swarming the place. But the last part is irrelevant, since commandos are a fricking joke on the show, so whatever. But anyway, this is why this is gonna be le zillo beast deus ex machina fricking everyone up. Because this show is just that poorly written and predictable, this is the only thing that can and will happen.

        • 1 month ago

          It's would be multi stage thing. Echo disrrupt base defences, Omega frees clones. Rex + Wolf forces do lightning strike while defences disrupted. It's would be good thing if Sev come up and persuade Scorch and some other Commandos to flip, so it's be full blown clone rebellion.

          But yeah, Hackloni will make another big-animal slop ending just like in Rebels.

          • 1 month ago

            Was not developed whatsoever. He is still Imperial the last time we saw him. But it wouldn't surprise me if they have him defect off-screen. This show is that bad, so I fully expect it. Just so it can tie neatly into Rebels.
            >Sev come up and persuade Scorch and some other Commandos to flip, so it's be full blown clone rebellion
            Holy delusion. Anon, we are 46 episodes in. One episode remaining. There will be no Delta Squad. There were no hints, no indication of anything like it whatsoever. This show raped commandos and then pissed on them and defecated in their mouths. They are not even treated or acknowledged as fricking clones. Good guys never try to save them, they never show any signs of humanity whatsoever. Might as well be TK-troopers in cooler armor. Scorch will get eaten by a zillo beast, because he shot le poor kidderinos, so he is beyond redemption.
            >But yeah, Hackloni will make another big-animal slop ending just like in Rebels.
            Hackloni is not writing it, this show is head written by the woman who wrote most of Resistance. But yeah, he shouldn't be absolved of all the blame, since he is also a part of the creative process and he approves this shit, and he let this happen, either consciously or by not caring enough.

            • 1 month ago

              >Scorch will get eaten by a zillo beast, because he shot le poor kidderinos, so he is beyond redemption
              You said Scorch would never be called by name and you were wrong there after I skullfricked you, you're going to be wrong again.

            • 1 month ago

              >They are not even treated or acknowledged as fricking clones. Good guys never try to save them, they never show any signs of humanity whatsoever
              It's a kid's show. What'd you expect? Nuance?

            • 1 month ago

              >this show is head written by the woman who wrote most of Resistance.
              Explains everything.

  7. 1 month ago

    >it took until the second to fricking last episode of the entire show for Echo to get a fricking replacement hand
    God I wanna laugh and vomit at the same time

    • 1 month ago

      he wouldve had one in the cancelled TCW kashyyyk arc

  8. 1 month ago

    reminder that this guy nitpicks everything about the show and only started doing so when another guy on /tg/ who really likes ventress started watching it
    yet he watches every single episode at the exact time of release, despite "hating" it

    so far he has complained about
    >nobody gets shot
    >"its filler"
    >constantly posts the same 3 webms

    • 1 month ago

      Gonna cry, ventresshomosexual shill? LOL
      >another guy
      It's you, lol. Your writing pattern and talking points are so painfully obvious. You are also too low IQ to have even an ounce of self-awareness. Crawl back to plebbit where you belong, you subhuman filth.

      • 1 month ago

        not the first time you've confused someone else as him

  9. 1 month ago

    I was gonna comment on how they couldn't help themselves from having one last giant blaster proof monster in this episode
    But then they revealed their hand with the captive Zillo meaning the series will end with a giant blaster proof monster. Better set up and payoff, but I'm no less sick of the habit lol

    What a tragic waste

    • 1 month ago

      but the bear thing wasnt blasterproof, they just couldnt shoot it
      so does it really count?

      and its not like they'll be fighting the zillo either

      • 1 month ago

        >but the bear thing wasnt blasterproof, they just couldnt shoot it
        So it was bulletproof? It was completely unaffected by the shooting, hence it was bulletproof. Are you dense?

        >and its not like they'll be fighting the zillo either
        Who cares, homosexual? It's another big giant monster, just like the last 50 times the show did that. It's another lazy deus ex machina to absolve the writers of having to be actually smart and creative, it's an easy, lazy way out. You have to be moronic to not understand it. But then again, you actually shill this show. So I am not surprised.

      • 1 month ago

        They show the TK redshirts blasting it and getting nowhere

  10. 1 month ago

    Great episode but how are they planning to wrap this up?

    We still got
    >Omega's plan
    >Tech and Emerie's plan
    >fate of characters like Emerie and Hemlock
    >the identity of the clone assassin
    >Bad Batch member deaths?
    >There's no way they kill off Omega, so where does she end up? (possibly becomes Ventress' padawan if every other Batch member dies?)
    >Commander Cody's whereabouts

    This is either going to be rushed, or they try to get another series greenlit.

    • 1 month ago

      another series is guaranteed, what it is though is uncertain (top contenders are a rex and echo show or a ventress show)

      however, the finale needs to be an extended episode, no way they can fit it in a 22 min runtime because of those questions we still have unanswered

    • 1 month ago

      Omega and Tech converge, I'm betting they arrive at the vault and help Omega get into that transit way so she can release the Zillo
      Hemlock dies from falling debris or something else lame. Maybe eaten by Zillo. Emerie chooses to die with the rest of the facility staff or escorts the other kids back to their families before vanishing into obscurity
      Hilariously, Clone X literally did not matter in the end, apparently. I'm not sure if that's better or worse than Techcromancy
      I really struggle to believe they will actually kill any more members of the BB. I'm presently betting the bittersweet ending they've advertised will be sending Omeega off to train with Ventress
      Cody and Wolfe don't matter either. None of the clones mattered except Amiga

    • 1 month ago

      >Great episode but how are they planning to wrap this up?
      They won't. At the very most they might kill off one of the members but they already killed off Tech for that. They're going to leave everything unfinished and we'll probably get a comic of a short story in ten years time just to explain what happened. As soon as they killed off all those clones that were in the trailer within mere seconds of screen time, I knew for a fact that we would never get a clone rebellion, at least in this show. Filoni has been doing this since Lucas left. All he does is throw in constant cameos for potential spinoffs and tease shit that will never come just to keep the audience buying. Mark my words, Omega and whoever is left from Clone Force 99 will outlive Vader and the Empire just like everyone else.

    • 1 month ago

      They'll sike it and Skeleton Crew will be the direct follow up

    • 1 month ago

      another series is guaranteed, what it is though is uncertain (top contenders are a rex and echo show or a ventress show)

      however, the finale needs to be an extended episode, no way they can fit it in a 22 min runtime because of those questions we still have unanswered

      I hope it isn't not more streaming bs where they end it hinting heavily at another show. Omega's VA saying her ending is less open ended and bittersweet makes me think it will be conclusive for the main cast at least.

      As for what the next show will even be, these Rex Clone Underground and Ventress Hidden Path show rumors came out of thin air as far as I know. Ventress' VA did tease more stories with her so I can see why people think it could be a show about her. And Rex being shafted from Bad Batch has made people wish he got something more, but that's about as far as you can speculate.

      • 1 month ago

        ventress related show is definitely more possible than a rex show, because its not just "her VA said this" its "her VA said this in an official interview" (i.e she's allowed to drop hints)
        not to write off rex, but all he's got going for him for his own show is the plotline he currently has, and even then all his men got killed?

        • 1 month ago

          Yeah the clues seem to point more towards something with Ventress. Because I think Rex and the Clone Underground will show up in the finale "The Cavalry Has Arrived" to extract the clone prisoners from Tantiss with Echo and Emerie's help from the inside, those two storyline will finally converge (although we've barely seen that story from Rex's POV). Clone rebellion was really shafted in this show so I can see why people are hoping for a series with them, but after Bad Batch I doubt it. The subject matter is too similar. As for whether Rex's men are all dead, they said the Clone Underground is a network so my guess is they have other bases like the one on Coruscant in the Martez sister's garage or they just have clones within the Empire who are ready to defect when they get the call.

          The Ventress show makes more sense because her episode title was Harbinger, meaning it's a sign of things to come, and we have those force-sensitive kids in Tantiss who aren't going to be able to go home because of the Empire, so the Hidden Path is the next best thing for them. Plus yeah we have those teases from Ventress' VA, and Quinlan Vos being alive in Obi-Wan Kenobi and working for the Path. It does feel like they're setting up something there. Much like War Mantle was hinted at in Rogue One and that became a key plot point in Bad Batch.

          • 1 month ago

            the issue I have is that everyone assumes its going to be a hidden path show, and its all "I only care about ventress because I want to see vos"

            theres no indication that she's working with a similar goal to the path OR with vos, all we get is from fennec saying that she knows someone who has done an M-count bounty (could be lying) and was very hush-hush about it
            however, protecting children would align with ventress' changed character as she's done it multiple times already. so maybe she's just doing her own thing independent of the hidden path or anything similar

            • 1 month ago

              I want to see both of them. But especially Vos now because he's been set up for the Dark Times for years and they've yet to put him in anything. Ventress was resurrected too so at that point it makes sense to bring them back together after Dark Disciple. Maybe they aren't working together at the start of this hypothetical show, but they do cross paths again and end up working towards a common goal. Meanwhile Vos now has a family of his own if that is indeed canon and so the dynamic is different. Plus you have Maul and Crimson Dawn out there and with he has loose connections to Ventress and Vos so it'd make sense bring those three together for a show. We know where Maul ends up after all, maybe they had a hand in that.

              • 1 month ago

                >Meanwhile Vos now has a family of his own if that is indeed canon

              • 1 month ago

                Takes it with a grain of salt because these kinds of things have been "canonized" in supplementary material before and it was more an oversight.

              • 1 month ago

                That's just one mention from a card game. She's not canon.

              • 1 month ago

                dont forget that ventress' final words to him are for him to leave her and to go be a jedi once more
                and given order 66, she'd most likely assume he is dead, with him assuming she is dead because she actually died

  11. 1 month ago

    Let me guess, omega will teach those kids who tonuse the force to atract a big monster to attack the base and while the empire is distracted Omega and the kids just get a ride with the bad batch.

    • 1 month ago

      If you're saying this as a prediction you're almost on the right track
      However I DO think they'll have more dignity than Ahsoka and won't pull functional force powers out for these kids

      • 1 month ago

        speaking of ahsoka and force powers, its funny how bad batch contradicts it despite being the show immediately after its release as ventress says that even if you did have a high midichlorian count, you have to be trained to effecitvely wield it

        meanwhile ahsoka is just "anyone can use the force even if you dont have the midichlorians to do it"

        • 1 month ago

          i just hate how everyone now needs to be force sensitive and how powers that were suppose to be just legends or required you to have the age of Yoda to pull out now can be used be any WHO child who found out about the force 5 minutes ago.

          • 1 month ago

            It'd make sense for Luke and Leia to be doing crazy shit with the Force since they're the kids of Force Jesus. Anyone else, no. No one should be at their level in terms of their potential.

  12. 1 month ago

    >turbolaser battery fire explosions
    I can see where they spent the budget today

  13. 1 month ago

    so mean, so hot

    • 1 month ago

      so they're lesbians right?

      • 1 month ago

        bi homie
        more options

        • 1 month ago

          but which one is fricking hemlock? or Scorch?

  14. 1 month ago


  15. 1 month ago

    bicc you wanna get your fingertips sliced off?

  16. 1 month ago

    wishful thinking is everyone lives gets off planet and dies of old age someplace, and omega is someplace in the galaxy for future cameo.
    >what I know will happen
    most of the batch dies as they go through each level of tantiss to get omega out. Omega will ride and have control of the sea creature to escape. Rampart joins up with Hemlock.

  17. 1 month ago

    wack asf it's already over nothing happened they landed echo infiltration

  18. 1 month ago

    >Season 2 ending
    >Omega captured
    >Season 3 beginning
    >Omega escapes
    >[insert pointless filler]
    >Omega captured again
    >[insert pointless filler]
    >Season finale
    >Omega escapes
    Excellent show, truly brilliant.
    This video has aged like fine wine:

    • 1 month ago

      yeah its basically like Rebels with higher animation quality and a likeable cast.

      I mean i guess the problem is that when you arent dealing with characters like Anakin and Obi-Wan how are you going to get them to do important stuff without shaking up the galaxy too much, at least with TCW they had The Clone Wars going on so each episode was basically the cast dealing with the war or some seperatist plot. With this show you cant really do anything because the Empire is firmly in control so you cant really write around that, so instead they have to stretch this seaoson out dealing with 1 Imperial plot and as such it gets tiring as each episode goes at a snails pace trying to take the cast from point A to point B.

      • 1 month ago

        thats why Star wars need to leave the skywalker, empire era behind and do more stuff on the distant future or old republic in the past.
        acolyte is the last chance for this crap to finally understand that

        • 1 month ago

          >mentions acolyte but not high republic

        • 1 month ago

          I think its an interesting concept of dealing with the rise of the Empire era as it would make sense that with control of galatic resources Palpatine would be up to other stuff besides building a death star.

          I just think its frustrating at how this season is very bait and switch as it starts off strong and then the middle bit is just filler. It also feels contrieved as the Batch has to deal with the consequences of the base and the secret projects, but largely what was the point of Omega even escaping only to be recaptured? It seems like a wasted effort because it dillutes the content as it essentially becomes the same mission as they started off with, with the added bonus of Crosshair helping them.

          • 1 month ago

            >I think its an interesting concept of dealing with the rise of the Empire era
            Anything relating to the Dark Times should be focused on Vader, Han and maybe Leia as they're the characters that actually matter in the grand scheme of things. Give me a Dark Times show with Vader as the protagonist, and some special episodes focusing on Han and Leia on their own adventures.

        • 1 month ago

          >old republic
          The Republic in the prequels IS the Old Republic.

  19. 1 month ago

    >the other kids also pronounce her name as "uhmeeguh"
    holy kek

    • 1 month ago

      attention to detail, she pronounces it as omeegah so the kids are going to do the same because they dont know its supposed to be omega

  20. 1 month ago

    How was the episode? Really doesn't feel like we're at the end.

  21. 1 month ago

    rampart's sissy scream made it a good episode

  22. 1 month ago

    this series is so unfortunate. you get a budget of 48 episodes with some of the greatest animation quality on TV, with an excellent premise (star wars band of brothers) but you do literally nothing with it. none of the characters except one even develop (and even then it's not great), the bulk of the episodes are monster of the week video game sidequests and there's tons of distracting key jingling with all the cameos that amounts to nothing. there's, potentially, an amazing story here but they did nothing but meander and waste time.

    • 1 month ago

      People act like Dave Filoni was ever good. I remember telling an entire hivemind of homosexuals on this very board, his garbage would kill SW. Even after all the kiddie episodes of TCW, Rebels, Resistance, Ahsoka and so on, Cinemaphile still doesn't get it. Its like a chimpanzee deliberately touching an electric wire every single day despite the fact that it loses brain cells and motor function with each shock. You morons can reap what you sow.

    • 1 month ago

      It should've been an actual Republic Commando show that'd actually deal with the horrors of the Clone Wars. With actual nuance this time.

  23. 1 month ago

    We are so fricking back.

    • 1 month ago

      he's beautiful

    • 1 month ago

      cant wait for the massive continuity error because dave

    • 1 month ago

      A little annoying that Grievous doesn`t just immediately kill her in the middle of her buffing her weapon.

      • 1 month ago

        He's obviously playing with his food. He is laughing all the way and making autistic noises.

        • 1 month ago

          As long as he wins and doesn`t job in the fight then fine.

        • 1 month ago

          >and making autistic noises.
          I think this might be the only thing I dislike. I know he's laughing and fricking around having a good time, but they overdo his noises a bit much.

          All the same, I'm not gonna complain. I'm glad to have him back.

    • 1 month ago

      shouldn't Ventress be in that battle?

      • 1 month ago

        No. This is the second massacre that happened during the Son of Dathomir. This is a different Nightsister tribe and Grievous has his TCW S7 model that was originally used in Crystal Crisis, Dark Disciple and Son of Dathomir arcs.

        • 1 month ago

          >No. This is the second massacre that happened during the Son of Dathomir
          do we know this though? i.e is it confirmed?

        • 1 month ago

          Has it been confirmed? It could very well be when he went against Ventress. They showed characters with new models in the past.

          • 1 month ago

            There is a droid gunship in the trailer attacking Dathomir. Droid gunships first appeared in S5 Onderon arc, where we see the CIS testing them against Onderon insurgents for the first time. CIS started rolling them out only in the last year of the war. They were not present in the first assault on Dathomir, which was S4 episode Massacre. Hence, this can only happen during the events of the Son of Dathomir, which would have been the original Season 7 and close to the war's end.

            • 1 month ago

              we can hope you're right anon, but unfortunately this is dave filoni we're talking about

        • 1 month ago

          >Grievous still on his high from fighting Maul twice, murdering his mom in front of him, and massacring Mandalorians while completely unarmed.
          Oh God, I'm so hard

          • 1 month ago

            I miss watching Grievous AMVs all the time as a kid. My parents used to draw him for me. I was introduced to TCW 2003 thanks to Grievous

            • 1 month ago

              >My parents used to draw him for me.
              They sound like good parents.

              • 1 month ago

                Eh. They were okay. Pretty tolerant of some of my hobbies, were nice, but also sheltered me excessively and didn’t teach me anything

        • 1 month ago

          Is this the ONLY time Grievous has been with Sidious IN PERSON?

          • 1 month ago

            Yeah. That arc was fricking stacked. Sidious, Dooku, Grievous, Maul. It also originally had Quinlan Vos as Dooku's agent, but the comic cut it for some reason. Such a shame that we never got it as intended on screen.

            • 1 month ago

              >It also originally had Quinlan Vos as Dooku's agent, but the comic cut it for some reason.
              Which is weird since Dark Disciple sets that up.

              • 1 month ago

                The likely reason is because the Son of Dathomir comic was published in 2014 before Dark Disciple in 2015. They basically wrote Vos out of the storyline as Dooku's apprentice because the arc where he fell to the dark side hadn't been released yet. But I also think it could be one of those things they cut condense the story for comic format. They cut a fight scene with a creature called the Shatterax too. Likewise in Dark Disciple Ahsoka was written out of that story and replaced with Akar-Deshu, because she would've been working with the Jedi again after the Sith Shrine arc.

              • 1 month ago

                Why didn't they novelize Son of Dathomir? They would've been able to fit everything in.

              • 1 month ago

                Based on the story it seemed like a more action packed arc that wouldn't have translated to a novel as well. As it was Dark Disciple cut down a number of action sequences or removed them entirely like the Krayt's Claw vs Dooku fight on Serenno and the Battle of Chrisophsis with the whole lightsaber duel on top of Hailfire droids and Grievous.

              • 1 month ago

                >Based on the story it seemed like a more action packed arc that wouldn't have translated to a novel as well.
                If you don't have the skills for it, then yeah. Plenty of books have great action sequences because the writers knew how to write action in a novel format.

            • 1 month ago

              >walks straight into her literal Force field that is blocking Sith lightning like it's nothing
              >kills her
              How can one reptileman in a metal suit be so based?

          • 1 month ago

            Yeah. That arc was fricking stacked. Sidious, Dooku, Grievous, Maul. It also originally had Quinlan Vos as Dooku's agent, but the comic cut it for some reason. Such a shame that we never got it as intended on screen.

            Sidious started getting his hands quite dirty towards the end of the show it seems. When it came to Maul he intervened directly resulting in the deaths of Savage and Talzin. Then later on he was supposed to infiltrate the Jedi Temple from the Sith Shrine beneath it to steal a holocron and nearly killed Ahsoka. And in between that he fought Yoda in a vision.

          • 1 month ago

            Genndywars and RotS he was in person with him just as Palpatine

    • 1 month ago

      Guess Morgan takes her dead gay lover's blades to use later on. I expect Grievous to barely win the fight against that "human" Nightsister like Vader barely won against Cere.

    • 1 month ago

      They finally have the budget and tech to animate his fricking cape. Dude never looked right without it.

    • 1 month ago

      Unless it's a different place, neither side were wearing those outfit in that battle

      • 1 month ago

        Unless you have terminal brain damage, you'd know that it's not that battle:

        No. This is the second massacre that happened during the Son of Dathomir. This is a different Nightsister tribe and Grievous has his TCW S7 model that was originally used in Crystal Crisis, Dark Disciple and Son of Dathomir arcs.

        There is a droid gunship in the trailer attacking Dathomir. Droid gunships first appeared in S5 Onderon arc, where we see the CIS testing them against Onderon insurgents for the first time. CIS started rolling them out only in the last year of the war. They were not present in the first assault on Dathomir, which was S4 episode Massacre. Hence, this can only happen during the events of the Son of Dathomir, which would have been the original Season 7 and close to the war's end.

  24. 1 month ago

    Haven't watch it yet, but bumping to keep the thread alive

  25. 1 month ago
    • 1 month ago

      Where was this look in seasons 1-6?

      • 1 month ago

        The original designs were a lot more stylized. As the show progressed, they became more and more realistic, with the notable exception being Dooku and his
        Easter Island head. Grievous was slated to have his design updated for Season 6 Crystal Crisis arc, which is pretty much this design.

        They finally have the budget and tech to animate his fricking cape. Dude never looked right without it.

        Not even in ROTS they could animate him fighting with his cape. Cloth simulation is a b***h. Same with water simulation. Tech has advanced enough now so they can do it.

  26. 1 month ago
  27. 1 month ago
  28. 1 month ago

    There's no way the finale will be satisfying unless it's at least 30 minutes long. These 20 minute episodes are bullshit

    • 1 month ago

      Clone Wars and Rebels all had 20 minute eps but the upside was they had two-four part arcs. I feel like them just getting to Tantiss is the start of the arc but now we only have one episode to resolve it. The Fennec and Juggernaut episodes felt unnecessary or things in them could've been compressed into one episode. Like cutting out the middleman with Fennec and them meeting Ventress immediately.. And Rampart being extracted offscreen/quicker and the infiltration of the space station all happening at once. You can't spin your wheels like that late into the final season.

  29. 1 month ago

    They will have CGI Star Wars cartoons featuring clones until DBB either loses his voice or dies. He's too cost effective to just leave alone

  30. 1 month ago

    I bet they're moronic enough to not have an episode about tie fighter pilots in Tales of the Empire

  31. 1 month ago

    My disappointment with this show has only increased.

    Just like with Ian Flynn, there is not much to be desired with Filoni's writing anymore. All this new stuff hinges on memberberries now. This episode alone was painful to watch because I haven't seen the "cameras are not a thing in star wars" trope this abused in a while. It makes zero sense how they are at least not listening in on the children.

    Echo even gets scanned when he is in the building and nothing got picked up?

    Oh and I guess the Zilo beast is gonna Deus Ex Machina everything kind like how the space whales did with Thrawn.

    Ventress got brought back as another pet character. I rather that she stayed dead.

    Well, good thing I only have Andor Season 2 to watch then I'm done with this stuff. Filoni has become such a huge hack and the fans that are still onboard the train will just continue to gobble up all the cameos and references, and he knows it.

    • 1 month ago

      Okay okay though the one good thing from this episode was Rampart screaming in fear. THAT was some top-notch voice acting, was not expecting it lmaooooo

    • 1 month ago

      >andorgay has shit taste

      • 1 month ago

        Says the guy who claps every time a reference or cameo shows up. But that's okay, keep looking at the keys.

        I wouldn't qualify the Zillo Beast as a deus ex machina, given that we knew that the Imps had captured it and sent it to Tantiss last season.

        What I'm saying is that the Zilo Beast is clearly being written in to destroy Tantiss base like how the space whales stopped thrawn

    • 1 month ago

      I wouldn't qualify the Zillo Beast as a deus ex machina, given that we knew that the Imps had captured it and sent it to Tantiss last season.

      • 1 month ago

        It's like saying that Space Whales were not a deus ex machina because of that episode in season 2 of Rebels or wherever the frick that was, and see, this is TOTALLY not filler! Like Rebels, this show just loves doing this stuff. They have the most minor shit recurring again for no reason, and you have gays on twitter saying how this show totally has no filler and everything is relevant! Not that dastardly Clone Wars (anthology show where every story actually achieved something and had something to say), where there is sooo much filler UghhhhhH~~~
        Zillo Beast is a Deus Ex Machina, because it is a big invincible monster, who will solve most of the main characters' problems, just like space whales dragged away thrawn.

        • 1 month ago

          >It's like saying that Space Whales were not a deus ex machina
          Yeah they weren't

          • 1 month ago

            They absolutely were.

  32. 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      Disney's last season of TCW wasn't very good aside from the last two episodes which are very good

      • 1 month ago

        That and all the wanking for Bo-Katan, making her a good guy when she shouldn't be.

        • 1 month ago

          Yeah and now she's the queen of Mandalore again. I swear Filonitards don't understand how off the rails he consistently gets

          • 1 month ago

            I cannot believe how she got made queen again in the Mandalorian. Filoni built up her history of major frick ups and how hated she became but then she just becomes Queen again no problem.

      • 1 month ago

        I'd say it was very good except for THOSE four episodes

      • 1 month ago

        I think the last episodes were kind of out of character for Ahsoka, I mean why would she release Maul to cause chaos and then say im not rooting for you. He has right about everything and tried to warn her and she still spits in his face.

        The only good thing about the Disney wars that I think they acidentically came up with as its a show for kids is that whenever Jedi are fighting Clones or troopers they go out of their way to disarm and not kill/maim like Lucas had them doing. I mean it makes perfect sense that Jedi would cut blasters rendering them useless instead of lopping off heads and arms.

        • 1 month ago

          >I mean it makes perfect sense that Jedi would cut blasters rendering them useless instead of lopping off heads and arms.
          Not in a war though.

        • 1 month ago

          >I mean why would she release Maul to cause chaos and then say im not rooting for you
          Why would she root for him? He's an evil piece of shit Sith Lord, and the entire shit has just cracked down on her. She needed a distraction to figure out what's wrong with Rex and the clones. She did not expect him to live and cause THAT much damage. It was not meant to be 100% morally correct and right decision. It was either that, or they die. She dies, Rex dies. It's not Omega from this dogshit bad batch series, that always does all the right decisions 100% morally pure WE GOTTA SAVE THE ANIMALS CROSS'EIR!

          • 1 month ago

            >She did not expect him to live and cause THAT much damage.
            It's Maul.

            • 1 month ago

              Yes, but he was unarmed. She underestimated him, she fricked up, and her attachment for Rex cost her. She tried to stop him before he escaped, but she failed. She fricking lost. She survived and saved Rex, but she fricking lost hard. All her men are dead because of her, and Maul is loose in the Galaxy. That's Order 66 and death of the Republic. That's the fricking point.

              • 1 month ago

                >Yes, but he was unarmed
                He's a Force user. He's never unarmed.

              • 1 month ago

                >her attachment for Rex cost her
                Attachments on their own aren't bad. The point is to let go when your loved ones leave your life. But the Jedi went full moron with it.

              • 1 month ago

                >Attachments on their own aren't bad.
                They are when they make you lose sight of the bigger picture and the greater good.
                >The point is to let go when your loved ones leave your life.
                The point is to eliminate selfishness.
                > But the Jedi went full moron with it.
                No, they were entirely correct about it. It's why Anakin is the poster child for why it's 100% necessary.

              • 1 month ago

                >It's why Anakin is the poster child for why it's 100% necessary.
                Not at all. Anakin wasn't completely raised inside the order like the others. They got in as babies, while he got in at 9 years old. He had a whole childhood with his mother. He'd never fit in. He'd have an easier time had Qui-Gon survived.

              • 1 month ago

                And it was those attachments why episode 6 ended the way it did.

              • 1 month ago

                Meaning the Jedi were wrong.

              • 1 month ago

                >Not at all
                >Anakin wasn't completely raised inside the order like the others
                Exactly. And the Jedi Council rightly recognized that bringing him in was a bad idea because of it.
                > He'd have an easier time had Qui-Gon survived.
                He'd have had an easier time if literally Space-Satan hadn't been whispering in his ear, feeding his ego AND his insecurities the entire time.

                And it was those attachments why episode 6 ended the way it did.

                >And it was those attachments why episode 6 ended the way it did.
                No, it was his letting go of those attachments beng the reason why Episode 6 ended the way it did. He finally did what he had struggled to do all his life. He let go. Of his selfishness and embraced his compassion and oneness with all things in the universe. It's why Obi-wan, Qui-gon and Yoda were able to short-cut him into vibeing with them in the Cosmic Force. If he never had let go, they'd have never been able to do that and his soul would've been mulched in the Cosmic Force the same as everything else that dies.

              • 1 month ago

                >No, it was his letting go of those attachments beng the reason why Episode 6 ended the way it did
                No, it was his love for his son that enabled him to turn back to the light and finally destroy the Sith.

              • 1 month ago

                Interpretations like this fricking vindicates the additions that Lucas made for the Special Editions. Anakin came back to save his son, and the added Nos were there to make that more obvious. Same with Han shooting first. The idea was that it was always self defense, but fans for some reason could not understand that. Dude had to literally spoon-feed the viewers because too many fans could not get what he was going for.

              • 1 month ago

                I will say him shoving the shadow of the empire ship was funny.

              • 1 month ago

                >I will say him shoving the shadow of the empire ship was funny.
                Except he didn't. The ship came first. Shadows of the Empire used it later.

              • 1 month ago

                No? Shadows of the emprire came first. Its one of those EU things he did actually like

              • 1 month ago

                >Interpretations like this fricking vindicates the additions that Lucas made for the Special Editions.
                Exactly. The other anon knows his shit.

              • 1 month ago

                >She survived
                Better Jedi than her died from Order 66. How the frick did she survive when they didn't? And don't say luck because that's not what happened.

              • 1 month ago

                Because they were all ambushed, whereas Rex warned her and she put it together. When the Jedi are warned or sense something, they tend to survive (Yoda, Cal Kestis' master).
                >b-but how did Rex manage to overcome his programming
                Fives literally died in his arms telling him that all the clones are programmed, and that got to him, and that let him realize for a moment what was happening.
                And then Ahsoka got the help from Rex, loose Maul, a squad of droids. She didn't survive on her own.
                Did you even watch the episodes?

              • 1 month ago

                >Did you even watch the episodes?
                Did you? How the frick did she survive this when Ki-Adi-Mundi got killed for it? She is nowhere at the level of the Jedi Council, nor at the level of Anakin ie Force Jesus.

              • 1 month ago

                Because Ki-Adi was ambushed and betrayed by his fricking troops out of the blue, you moronic piece of shit homosexual. HE was overwhelmed with shock, confusion, betrayal. He had literally not a moment to prepare himself. Hey, look: Padawan Zett Jukassa did better than Ki Adi Mundi! DoEs It MeAn ThAt ZeTt JuKaSsA Is MaStEr TiEr CoUnCiL LeVel???!?!?!?!?!? :OOOOO

                You are so fricking moronic, I can't.

              • 1 month ago

                >Because Ki-Adi was ambushed and betrayed by his fricking troops out of the blue, you moronic piece of shit homosexual

                ?si=_yzxBUC6kG75wITO He had enough time to defend himself, but still died due to their numbers. Ahsoka would've died without her plot armor.

              • 1 month ago

                She had two lightsabers.

              • 1 month ago

                >He had enough time to defend himself
                He didn't. You are unironically moronic, autistic and media illiterate. His face said it all. He was literally leading his trusted troops into attack, troopers he fought side by side with for years, whom he trusted with his life, only for them to suddenly stop in their tracks, without any pretense or provocation, just out of the blue, without any emotion, just turn on him. He is utterly shocked, confused and overwhelmed. He cannot comprehend it, let alone compose himself for a proper defense.

                You are unironically too moronic for Star Wars. I suggest suicide.

              • 1 month ago

                >You are unironically moronic, autistic and media illiterate
                You're projecting.

              • 1 month ago

                Anakin unintentionally gave her a head start by forcing all those clone ambush lessons

              • 1 month ago

                Rex's knowledge of the inhibitor chip that Fives gave him allowed him to fight the programming for a moment, giving Ahsoka some time to react. Plus she was very skilled at lightsaber forms 3 and 5 from Anakin's intense training regimen shown in Tales of the Jedi. This is how it was planned in the original arc under George Lucas btw. Maybe not the script but the story beats are the same.

              • 1 month ago

                >Plus she was very skilled at lightsaber forms 3 and 5 from Anakin's intense training regimen shown in Tales of the Jedi
                That doesn't mean she's any stronger in the Force than the others. She can train all she wants, but she'll never be at Anakin's level due to him being stronger in the Force ALWAYS. You can't increase your M-count. Anakin has more, so he'll always have the potential be stronger and faster than everyone else. Same goes for his kids.

              • 1 month ago

                Anon she was trained by Anakin to handle situations like that, it's called specialization. It's got nothing to do her being more powerful than Anakin or whatever tangent you're going on. Most Jedi didn't train to win against clones, just battle droids. Similar to how most Jedi had no experience fighting Sith for obvious reasons. And circumstances are a big factor here too. Mundi was in an open battlefield and completely blindsided for starters. Let's not forget Ventress who's a fricking acolyte managed to kill Jedi Masters like Tholme in canon and nearly finished off Luminara. Being a Jedi Master doesn't give you some fixed superhero level status that means you can't get taken out by a cheap shot. Sidious slaughtered three Jedi Masters on the spot.

              • 1 month ago

                >Let's not forget Ventress who's a fricking acolyte managed to kill Jedi Masters like Tholme in canon and nearly finished off Luminara
                Because of the Dark Side.

              • 1 month ago

                >It's got nothing to do her being more powerful than Anakin or whatever tangent you're going on.
                It has everything to do with it. You need to be able to use the Force to deflect blaster bolts. You can't do it if you're some regular person. Being stronger in the Force means your reflexes should be quicker. It buffs them to do crazier shit than if they were just regular ass people.

              • 1 month ago

                You just have to be more attuned. Obviously Anakin is more powerful so I'm not sure why Ahsoka being able to deflect blaster bolts conflicts with this. Had he duelled her on Mustafar she would've been dead. Hell even crippled as Vader he nearly kills her.

              • 1 month ago

                Maul should've slapped her down hard. The dude's much more skilled than her. Her beating him is total bullshit.

              • 1 month ago

                You're just moronic and missed the point.

                She didn't beat Maul fair and square.
                1) Maul didn't even try to kill her for the entire fight until the very end, he wanted her to join him - as he literally said himself. He disarmed her three times. He wanted to maim her at best.
                2) Maul was psychologically unbalanced due to the shitstorm that was about to go down that he sensed and was anxious about throughout the entire arc.
                3) Maul was not prime Maul from TPM, and not even Maul from earlier TCW, ever since Mother Talzin was killed, Maul was not the same.
                4) Maul still beat her, but the only reason he ended up losing is the same reason he lost to Kenobi when he was in his prime: arrogance and overconfidence. He could have easily won had he cut down that beam, but he wanted to cut down the Jedi personally, he wanted his blade to go through her body, he wanted that satisfaction. You need to remember that, ultimately, Maul is mythologically a Sisyphus figure. He is forever stuck in the never-ending cycle of violence, revenge and hatred, and he cannot let go of it. He cannot let go of it until his last dying breath, and thoughts of revenge will be his last.

                Why are you people so stupid?

              • 1 month ago

                >Why are you people so stupid?
                Why are you so autistic?

              • 1 month ago

                >He could have easily won had he cut down that beam, but he wanted to cut down the Jedi personally, he wanted his blade to go through her body, he wanted that satisfaction
                Or maybe it's just bad writing. It happens. You don't need to headcanon in explanations for whenever something stupid happens, when the actual explanation is that the writer fricked up.

              • 1 month ago

                No, it's just you being moronic and not understanding the character.

              • 1 month ago

                You're contradicting yourself.
                >Maul was not prime Maul from TPM, and not even Maul from earlier TCW, ever since Mother Talzin was killed, Maul was not the same.

              • 1 month ago

                I haven't. You are making shit up. There is no contradiction in the greentext you've just posted.
                Prime Maul was TPM Maul.
                Then his potential was literally fricking halved, he was living off garbage as a delusional monster with the modicum of his intelligence and identity being held together by the desire for revenge.
                Then his mind was repaired by Talzin and her strength flown through him. Maul was then raped by Sidious, and Mother Talzin was killed.
                Siege of Mandalore Maul was not in a good place. He was unnerved, paranoid, scared motherfricker, who preferred to die instead of living through whatever Sidious was cooking. And even in that state, he defeated Ahsoka, disarmed her three times, just because he wanted to have someone as an apprentice after Savage was taken from him by Sidious.

                So no, I am not contradiction shit. It's you, who's either just making shit up, being purposefully obtuse for the sake of trolling, or you are legitimately braindead. Pick your poison.

              • 1 month ago

                >You need to be able to use the Force to deflect blaster bolts. You can't do it if you're some regular person.
                Blast bolts are not as fast as a bullet. Anyone can dodge them and deflect them. Hell, Satine's the Mandalorian Protectors were able to do it during the Coronet arc with their electrostaffs.
                >Being stronger in the Force means your reflexes should be quicker.
                Than average, maybe. But stronger with the force than other force sensitives doesn't equate being faster than they are.

          • 1 month ago

            Ahsoka was pretty shit for the entirety of TCW. Just a bratty c**t who rarely got put in her place. Very much the stock b***hy teen/audience surrogate. Then Rebels comes along and changes her entire character to better fit the mentor role.

            • 1 month ago

              Okay, moron.

              • 1 month ago

                No argument?

    • 1 month ago

      This is the Super Genesis Wave but for Star Wars fans

    • 1 month ago

      >Son of dathomir
      It hurts every time

    • 1 month ago

      Rex and R2 doing a Top Gun would have been a fricking based arc.

      • 1 month ago

        >Top Gun
        Where's my Rogue Squadron show? Why focus on OCs instead of the characters that matter? Rebels should have been the ANH-ESB bridge and focus on Luke, Han and Leia. Instead, it's all in comic books that nobody but the nerdiest of nerds reads.

        • 1 month ago

          A show that shows both a Rebel squadron and a tie fighter squadron is all I've ever wanted. They did make a game like that but eh

        • 1 month ago

          War in the Pocket but with Rebels and Imperials instead

        • 1 month ago

          >Rebels should have been the ANH-ESB bridge and focus on Luke, Han and Leia. Instead, it's all in comic books that nobody but the nerdiest of nerds reads.
          Luke's a lame ass anyway. His dad's the cooler character. Way more interesting.

          • 1 month ago

            I want pic related but with Vader.

          • 1 month ago

            It's hilarious to know just how fricked over Luke became when Disney took over. He'll never have the screentime or lightsaber duals that characters like Anakin, Yoda, and Obi-Wan got.

            • 1 month ago

              Luke sucked in the OT too, dude. It was only nerds who latched onto him while everyone else latched onto Han, Vader and Boba Fett.

              • 1 month ago

                That's what I'm talking about. Luke's story in the OT was his origin story into becoming an actual Jedi Knight. But when he finally reaches that point, he does frick all in Disney lore.

              • 1 month ago

                Dude didn't even get with the hot redhead until both of them were almost 40.

    • 1 month ago

      Always mourn the Sith Shrine arc that had some cool shit in it between Dooku and Sidious and the depths of Coruscant.

    • 1 month ago

      Pic related and son of Dathomir make me sad because it's the closet we got to an EU that actually followed Lucas's vision for TCW and Sequels? Beyond just underworld, imagine a Darkhorse micro Series about Cad Bane or Rex vs Cody set in the Dark Times. Imagine all the cool shit we could've gotten

      >Cad Bane Dark Horse Micro Series
      >Rebel Rex vs Imperial Cody Dark Horse series in dark times reboot
      >Ahsoka dying a meaningful death instead of becoming Jesus space Gandalf
      >Old Luke who wasn't pathetic

      >Inb4 FIloni

      Filoni was the middleman. Lucas was the idea guy.

      >Inb4 retcons the EU
      So did the prequels. Boba Fett originally was Jaster Mereel before AOTC.


      • 1 month ago

        If only George had a son who was passionate about Lucasfilm and Lucasarts who could have taken the helm instead of George selling

        • 1 month ago

          >If only George had a son who was passionate about Lucasfilm and Lucasarts who could have taken the helm instead of George selling

          Is this rhetorical? I honestly don't know much about Lucas's personal life but he seems pretty with it for an old guy despite his profound autism so he could be in charge. Plus he already has Katie Lucas who wrote the Inhibitor Chip arc which at least for fans of TCW, was regarded fondly.
          Honestly I'd rather that he puts people who appreciate sci fi and really like Star Wars in charge of the franchise as opposed to guys like Filoni who just mash action figures and ocs together. Think Greg Weissman who wrote one of the best pieces of Disney Canon SW media outside of vidya.

          • 1 month ago

            >Honestly I'd rather that he puts people who appreciate sci fi and really like Star Wars in charge of the franchise
            Star Wars is Space Fantasy, not sci-fi. And you don't want Greg Weisman in charge, not after Young Justice.

            • 1 month ago

              >Star Wars is Space Fantasy, not sci-fi.
              Potayto Potahto, most sci fi franchises have fantasy elements like Psychic powers and the Q in Star Trek. Or the entirety of Stargate.

              >And you don't want Greg Weisman in charge, not after Young Justice.

              He wouldn't be in charge just one of many people who would have a say. He made the kanan comic and it was pretty fricking good. Besides Katy Lucas would be the main creative hub. She's George's kid and clearly passionate abotu Star Wars.

              • 1 month ago

                Or Foundation and Dune with their space psychics.

          • 1 month ago

            Nice picture for ants. Yeah, that Darth Maul run from 2017 was the single best comic released under Disney. Great art, great story. The rest of it is just such a low effort, cheap, moronic crap, that I couldn't even bother.

            The Kanan and Darth Maul comics are some of my favorite canon ones. Han Solo had really nice art too. The Vader comic I'm split on because I liked the story but the artwork was more mid.

            • 1 month ago

              Kanan was pretty forgettable and the art was really shit. But I don't care much about Kanan anyway. Vader is just too moronic, and the longer it goes, the worse it gets, and the art is not good. It's just really fanfiction.
              >pic related
              That's a nice art. Though why the frick is she such a lekkulet? Reminds me of live-action Ahsoka (don't remind me).

              • 1 month ago

                >Kanan was pretty forgettable and the art was really shit
                I actually really like Pepe Larraz's style so that's more down to personal taste. As for Vader, I'm talking specifically about Charles Soule's run from around 2017. Which deals with him and Inquisitors hunting Jedi survivors more, the invasion of Mon Cala and it culminating in the building of Vader's Castle. before that I think it was very OT-centric and bland and after said run it just went completely off the rails. Vader volume 2 for me is just the right amount of schlock.

            • 1 month ago

              Marvel is all over the fricking place with their art quality

              • 1 month ago

                That is dark horse

      • 1 month ago

        Nice picture for ants. Yeah, that Darth Maul run from 2017 was the single best comic released under Disney. Great art, great story. The rest of it is just such a low effort, cheap, moronic crap, that I couldn't even bother.

        • 1 month ago

          The soule vader one was kino, otherwise agreed.

      • 1 month ago

        >Rebel Rex vs Imperial Cody

        I'd love that shit even if it'd be insane amounts of edge. Maybe the 501st was consolidated after a decently sizable amount of Clone rebellions. And just like Vader hunting Jedi the 501st's second mission is to destroy dissident clones.

        Rex dies like Spartacus leading a Clone revolt becoming one of the main reasons why the Empire ended the CT program. Cody lives a long and miserable life serving on the first death star. His last act is to turn a blind eye to Kenobi.

        • 1 month ago

          so yeah it'll never happen

          • 1 month ago

            It's canon to me dammit! Even if it contradicts Rebels. George would've done it with his hard on for 50s-60s era genre epics.

            >"I bring a message from your master! Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin! Warden of the outer rim!"
            >"Your lives are to be spared!"
            >"Imperial property you were and property you remain. But the penalty of execution has been set aside on the condition that you identify the body or the living person of the clone known as CT-7675."
            > expected outcome
            > works extra well considering the Imperials probably can't tell them apart.

        • 1 month ago

          >not rex vs cody shirtless fistfight on top of an AT-AT

          • 1 month ago


  33. 1 month ago

    Utterly senseless, low IQ b***hing about TCW always reminds me, that you lot deserve Bad Batch, Book of Boba Fett, Kenobi and other slop.

    • 1 month ago

      TCW is just a kid's show that lacks nuance like most kid shows. It's not particularly good in depicting the horrors of war, nor the different perspectives on either sides of it. Everyone's a hero in their own story. It as not as mature and dark like the autists who watch it claim it is.

      • 1 month ago

        TCW was for kids and teenagers. Under Lucas we still had Lucasarts and Dark Horse for the good stuff

        Star Wars is for 12-year-olds.

        Most of the EU garbage was soulless nonsense, that missed the entire point and was never Star Wars to begin with.

        • 1 month ago

          I'll take edgy Cade over all this other crap any day

        • 1 month ago

          Funny that you post Cade because Lucas actually read a lot of the Dark Horse comics, put Aayla and Quinlan Vos in his stories and wanted to have Talon in his sequel films. Filoni said he's a very visual guy so he likes that side of the EU more. And with Underworld in development it's clear he wanted to explore the seedier side of Star Wars.

          • 1 month ago

            He liked the designs. But he didn't give a shit about stories they'd written. Which is why EUgays lost their shit when they saw George's version of Quinlan, who wasn't Ostrander's generic edgelord character #240. Which is why Darth Talon in his sequels was an apprentice to old Maul 5 years post ROTJ, and not 130 years after.

            • 1 month ago

              When discussing Dark Disciple Filoni actually said they'd wanted to get his character closer to the comics than he'd been in the previous story where he's more jovial, they just wanted to depict that development on screen so he wasn't dark from the offset. But yeah one of the reasons George liked him was the design catching his eye. He buys a lot of comic art.

        • 1 month ago

          Cade is, for the most part, an annoying homosexual. But I always liked that panel.

    • 1 month ago

      And people will still push the lie that Lucas ultimately wanted Ahsoka to be killed off when it'd already been decided as of late 2012 that her fate would be what it was in Siege of Mandalore at the end of Season 8.

      • 1 month ago

        Or the initial decision was made beforehand until Filoni convinced him to change his mind on the matter.

        • 1 month ago

          Hasn't he said as much? George changes his mind about things all the time anyway. His thoughts on things are always evolving, the story of TCW was never set in stone. One mandate he had when they started making the show was no Jabba, no Boba Fett and no Mandalorians, he changed his mind on all three within two seasons.

          • 1 month ago

            >George changes his mind about things all the time anyway
            Not really. It's just EU fans who're either ignorant or refuse to understand that he never considered the EU as part of his canon.

            • 1 month ago

              What does my statement have to do with the EU?

              • 1 month ago

                I'm explaining why that statement exists.

          • 1 month ago

            That's a regular thing in the creative process. It isn't exclusive to Lucas. Do you guys not know anything about non-Star Wars stuff?

            • 1 month ago

              Nah I follow a lot of behind the scenes stuff especially when it comes to SW. Everything is in flux but people act like it was always set in stone or going to go one way. General Grievous was Maul in a cyborg suit at one stage ffs. But in Lucas' case I think it's more widely known he changes his mind about ideas in the franchise over the years. Some creators will try and keep up the illusion they had a master plan.

    • 1 month ago

      TCW was for kids and teenagers. Under Lucas we still had Lucasarts and Dark Horse for the good stuff

      • 1 month ago

        Let's not get crazy here. The show was TV-PG, not TV-14.

  34. 1 month ago

    So re watched the 3rd season, surprised no one in any of these threads mentioned Cid being referenced.

    • 1 month ago

      I have a couple of times for previous episodes but you're right
      I think we can (knock on wood) at LEAST say that we didn't get Cid redemption lol. For what that's worth

      • 1 month ago

        Also Rampart still being a total butthole and admits he's an butthole.
        It would be great if he survives, but we know he won't.

        • 1 month ago

          Him almost getting eaten by the forest bear seemed like foreshadowing him being eaten by the zillo beast

  35. 1 month ago

    Season 3 has just honestly been a let down. All bark, no bite. They really should have focused on clone rebellion/empire taking over plot lines instead of two fricking Omegah escapes from Tantiss. The show just completely fizzles after Crosshair shoots the Imperial.

  36. 1 month ago

    Hope you enjoyed Echo finally getting screentime because that trope usually means a character is going to die

    • 1 month ago

      Echo being the last domino to fall and sacrificing himself to liberate his brothers wouldn't be a bad way to go. He's finishing what Fives started. But it still sucks how badly he's been shafted in the show. He never felt like he had much of a purpose with CF99.

  37. 1 month ago

    just a reminder that ahsokas actual skill level is pretty dogshit, ahsokagays just overrate her and thibk shes equal to a jedi master

    • 1 month ago

      Ahsoka is like a swashbuckler Jedi. She never really was some force mystic, just some adventurous, dual wielding hot head. Her character isn't that good but they decided to make it worse

    • 1 month ago

      She handled herself well against the clones and managed to capture Maul (although I think that was more luck) but outside of that when you look at who she's fought it's not that remarkable. She got her ass kicked by dark side Barriss, she couldn't defeat Baylan. She knew she wasn't a match for Grievous in the youngling arc. And when she does beat people it's Inquisitors who are just mediocre Jedi. Hell Morgan Elsbeth had her on her toes.

  38. 1 month ago
    • 1 month ago

      That last guy should have asked for a handy

    • 1 month ago

      That last guy should have asked for a handy

      Missed opportunity not to have an episode of Bad Batch where we see them as cadets or on their first mission together. We don't see a lot of these guys in their prime for all focus they're getting in this series. They haven't even animated the Clone Wars Kashyyyk arc they were in.

      For me it's Emerie.

      this show gets way more cute fanart than it deserves and I think that's nice.

      • 1 month ago

        A small but potent fanbase.

      • 1 month ago

        maybe it just the relatability? theres no annoying characters in the main cast either

        • 1 month ago

          i think that the characters' dynamics and personalities are there, its just that the show does frick all with them besides the most bog standard interactions. So when fan art depicts the characters doing cute/silly shit, it does a way better service for the characters and their personalities than the show itself.

  39. 1 month ago

    Is that little baby alien that's with all the kids a pre or post Disney design? He's cuter than baby Yeed

    • 1 month ago

      He's from Solo.

      • 1 month ago

        Pretty decent ayy lmao design by Disneywars standards

        • 1 month ago

          Whenever they use sequel aliens elsewhere it seems they give them more color so they're less fleshy looking. Neil Scanlan just seemed obsessed with having all the aliens be that way.

  40. 1 month ago

    >half of this thread is not even about bad batch

    • 1 month ago

      It's rare to get a decent Star Wars thread that isn't just shitposting and shills between Cinemaphile and Cinemaphile. I'm just enjoying Star Wars talk before the Acolyte comes out because no one is going to watch that and every Star Wars thread will just be shills and shitposters

      • 1 month ago

        It's pretty difficult to talk about anything High Republic related here because you just get shot down by people who haven't read anything about it and get their opinions spoonfed from grifters who say it's a crime against SW.

      • 1 month ago

        what i'm gonna watch it - amandla breasts is all
        i want more andor though

  41. 1 month ago

    Missed opportunity not to have an episode of Bad Batch where we see them as cadets or on their first mission together. We don't see a lot of these guys in their prime for all focus they're getting in this series. They haven't even animated the Clone Wars Kashyyyk arc they were in.

    • 1 month ago

      Maybe if they had 2 more episodes left they could have even just done a few minute flashback scene but Filoni loved the Crosshair/Omeega filler too much

      • 1 month ago

        Looking back the show had too much filler. I would've been forgiving if it paid off but Fennec coming back was pointless and season 2 had a ton meandering. Sure there was some character building in there but they could've found a way to mix that in with actual plot instead of it being constant missions of the week for Cid or detours.

        • 1 month ago

          The only reason I can't think of other than obvious incompetency at Lucasfilm I would say maybe they weren't expecting this to be the last season until later in production but that's a big if

          • 1 month ago

            It's possible they were playing it by ear a little bit and hoping for a fourth season but they were putting things in place to wrap it up in three if necessary. That is what happened with Rebels after all. The shortened fourth season was Disney basically letting Filoni wind the story down rather than a full on cancellation, but you can tell by how the story ended with a cliffhanger and an epilogue teaser sting for the search for Ezra it was cut short. A sequel series was even planned that would've followed Ahsoka and Sabine during the original trilogy but that was canned in favor of the live action Ahsoka, which is why there's all those mentions of Ahsoka training Sabine off screen and it's really bizarre that it's not shown kind of like how Rebels referenced Clone Wars stuff that was then cancelled.

        • 1 month ago

          The entire show was pointless as frick filler, and once it's done, I will never think of it again. I predict it having no cultural impact whatsoever, no lasting effect and no legacy. It's honestly amazing how they fumbled it after the astonishing, massive success that was TCW S7. Fricking hell, most of the threads about this season's episodes barely reached 100 posts and then just died. Half of this thread is not even about the show, and the other half is complaining about how bad it is. The entire fanbase of this show is a circlejerk of mentally ill fujos on twitter, who thirst over clones and who lose their shit each time someone hugs or touches. How do you frick up the show about clones in the Dark Times era? Easy: you make it daycare babysitting monster of the week filler shit.

          • 1 month ago

            The one thing about the show that I do think is memorable is when they're on basically suicide missions like this one they can be tense because they can actually die. Also the Crosshair and Empire episodes. Aside from that yeah, basically another forgettable Star Wars story

          • 1 month ago

            If anything it highlighted fans appreciation for clones and I have warmed to the Bad Batch when I didn't particularly care for them in Clone Wars. I just wish they would've focused more on the clone storyline instead of their adventure of the week crap. It felt like the show itself was having this identity crisis of trying to be more like Rebels filler or more like a Clone Wars arc.

            • 1 month ago

              This show made me appreciate how much cooler Bad Batch were in TCW and how much potential they used to have.

              • 1 month ago

                They were caricatures in Clone Wars, cool and effective but not fully fleshed out characters. They might've had more development in the Kashyyyk arc but we don't know. Their debut arc wasn't even about them it was about Rex and Echo.

          • 1 month ago

            Back when TCW was airing I sometimes used to rewatch some episodes/arcs because of how good they were. I even rewatched the entire series once or twice after the BD came out. But when it comes to TBB, I haven't bothered to rewatch a single episode. I might have watched a couple of scenes on YouTube but that's about it.

    • 1 month ago


  42. 1 month ago

    If Clone X is Cody or Tech it will ruin the show for me. If he's just some random super clone I'm fine with that

    • 1 month ago

      But if he's Slick/Dogma?

    • 1 month ago

      its not even gonna get resolved

  43. 1 month ago

    The lack of development for Wrecker in the series is a shame. He didn't need to have much depth but they never even focused on him as a character once. Meanwhile Hunter, Tech and Crosshair have all had the spotlight at one point or another.

    • 1 month ago

      I don't think Wrecker needs development. Just about the only thing I'd ever want was an explaination of what happened to his face/eye.

      • 1 month ago

        He's an explosives expert so they could've shown his more intelligent side with that. And him being a big kid could've been something they explored and how he gets on without the squad. I would've given him one episode just to have him do something other than hit stuff or deliver jokes.

        • 1 month ago

          >He's an explosives expert so they could've shown his more intelligent side with that.

          They kinda did with him teaching Omega, unfortunately Omega being the black hole of focus she is got the lions share of it.

          • 1 month ago

            Yeah. I just think if they'd written a scenario where they're seemingly trapped but Wrecker uses the resources around them to create an explosive to escape would've been cool. He does make that cannon out of the starfighter parts in the Serenno episode. Like you said it feels like whenever he does do something they don't give it much attention.

      • 1 month ago

        Star Wars explains to much. I don't give a shit why Crosshair has a literal crosshair tattoo or burn mark around his eye or whether or not Hunter puts on face paint constantly or if half his face is just black like that. They're a "bad batch" of clones.

    • 1 month ago

      >Meanwhile Hunter, Tech have all had the spotlight at one point or another.
      I still couldn't tell you one thing about their characters other than
      >Hunter: MUH OHMEGAH
      >Tech: Nerd Face Emoji
      Hunter is such a bland, boring non-character, it's kinda amazing. What's more annoying is how much of a pussy he's been throughout the entire show, with Omega being the single thing that controlled his agency, basically from start to finish. If it wasn't for Omega, it seems like he'd just sit and do nothing. He just doesn't seem to give a shit about anything. I wouldn't say Tech got much of character development, either. He got screentime. But I don't see him having an arc. The only character with an arc was Crosshair, but even he in this season has become rather directionless and meandering. Echo was just written out of the show for the most part. It's amazing how we've spent 48 episodes, and it feels like so little has been accomplished.

      • 1 month ago

        They were raised in a lab and spent the 12 years of their lives as soldiers. There's only so much depth you can give them. I think that's an issue with all clones though. You have to put them in new situations to showcase new aspects of their characters but there's a limit to that when they're fighting battles all the time. Bad Batch could've shown them starting to develop more outside of their roles as soldiers but they don't get very far because they're still fighting the Empire most of the time and going on missions for Cid. At least Omega enjoys strategy games and Tech had the racing episode. Giving one of them a love interest would've helped that a bit but Tech and Phee's relationship is also barely developed and then he dies.

        • 1 month ago

          How old is Omega again? I know she's older than the clones but now I'm uncertain.

          • 1 month ago

            They aren't specific but if Rex was 10-13 during the Clone Wars and CF99 were created a little while after the first wave of regs then she's probably around 13 and her brothers are 12.

          • 1 month ago

            At the most she's like 13-14 while most clones are like 12-13 years old

    • 1 month ago

      He's Omeega's carefree big bro who she has had fun moments with. All the other BB members just had serious moments with her. That's basically his role. All of them are just different big brother archetypes

  44. 1 month ago
  45. 1 month ago

    For me it's Emerie.

    • 1 month ago

      I have always watched Bad Batch in the Japanese dub and until seeing this post right now I genuinely thought her name was Emily

  46. 1 month ago

    Thrawn will show up and take over Mount Tantiss at the end for the big "ooooOooOohh" moment after Hemlock dies since all these shows are just addressing the "somehow" criticism at this point

    • 1 month ago

      We do have younger Thrawn coming in Tales of the Jedi. But with the way the show's been written it'd be underwhelming if they didn't destroy Tantiss. Besides if Thrawn does go there in live action and use it as base there's like two other mountains he can use.

      • 1 month ago

        Well Disney Star Wars has been "underwhelming" so I expect it

      • 1 month ago

        I thill think the all red eyes for Chiss were better than the current look

        • 1 month ago

          The downside is they can't emote as much but Thrawn is a very stoic character already. I'm mixed on the canon design. But I think giving Thrawn the pronounced forehead bones helps distinguish him and the Chiss from Pantorans and other blue near-humans.

          • 1 month ago

            Cad bane pretty much has pure red eyes and he emotes really well. I miss how eerie Chiss used to look with them

        • 1 month ago

          One of Filoni's biggest frickups next to time traveling with the Force. It was there defining trait and it would've worked just as fine as Cad Bane's red eyes did.
          I could've at least coped that new Thrawn wasn't a full Chiss and was half-human or something to explain the eye change but all Disney material has solidified it into the shitty canon.

    • 1 month ago

      What does that have to do with the "somehow Palpatine returned" thing? Bad Batch is pre-Rebels, Thrawn is still around and working for the Empire.

      • 1 month ago

        Because he'd keep the force user cloning shit going and when he comes back to the Star Wars galaxy after Ahsoka that's where he'll go to start cloning again because it's secluded. Tantiss is ran by Thrawn in the EU

    • 1 month ago

      > since all these shows are just addressing the "somehow" criticism at this point
      That's the thing that sours me on most of the recent shows headed by Filoni. At their core, they all seem to be just a giant batch of supplementary materials, in an attempt to have the never ending nonsense of the poorly set up sequel trilogy make some kind of sense. Mandalorian, Bad Batch, take anything you want, it all leads inevitably to damage control the ST stuff. I'm sure, ultimately Ahsoka and Thrawn's stuff will also tie into that.

      • 1 month ago

        The thing is no one liked Palpatine returning in the EU in the first place either. They shouldn't have even brought him back in the ST but people who like Star Wars clearly aren't steering the ship

      • 1 month ago

        >At their core, they all seem to be just a giant batch of supplementary materials
        That's true of most Star Wars things though. Even pre-Disney. It's just they've decided they have to work hard to address the Palpatine cloning thing when most people would rather move on and forget about Rise of Skywalker. That being said though there's nothing wrong with worldbuilding. Clone Wars was supplementary material for the prequel trilogy after all, and those films were the backstory to the originals. Ultimately Bad Batch is about CF99 and the phasing out and rebellion of clone troopers. The Palpatine cloning thing is more of a side thing.

        • 1 month ago

          True, the clone wars series is to the prequels, what all the new stuff is to the sequels. I guess it just rubs me the wrong way, whenever I get reminded that the sequels still exist and they keep yelling "We can still make this work, guys! Guys?" whenever they allude to it yet again.

          • 1 month ago

            I'm more accepting of them filling in the gaps between ROTJ and TFA because of the lack of political worldbuilding in the sequels. But when it comes to Palpatine and Exegol I just don't get the obsession with trying to prop that up. I suppose it's Snoke as well that they're trying to justify since he's kind of like a deformed clone similar to 99, but still. I think the best thing they can do with the sequels is move on and not dwell to much on the plot in them. So doing Rey's New Jedi Order and going further is the way to go. Or just jump far into the future with an all new cast so none of that matters. Which is probably safer than trying to do Old Republic lest you piss off the KOTOR fans for not following that faithfully.

    • 1 month ago

      Not in this season, Thrawn's either far too low a rank or hasn't even been inducted into the Empire yet. I could see him raiding it for tech in Ahsoka S2 or whatever though

  47. 1 month ago

    Surprised they didn't keep Wayland having natives who could've helped the clones infiltrate Tantiss. Maybe that'd be too similar to the Ewoks but it would've been a nice callback to the Poletecs on Skako Minor helping the Bad Batch in Clone Wars. Although they'd be kind of fricked without Tech to translate alien languages.

  48. 1 month ago

    This b***h dropped off the face of the galaxy.

    • 1 month ago

      They referenced her a few episodes back I think about a trandoshan spilling the beans about the BB after being caught by the Empire. She dead

      • 1 month ago

        I just think it's funny they never acknowledged her again and potentially killed her offscreen. No redemption arc for a change.

        • 1 month ago

          Kinda sad that the boredom her repetitive missions all through seasons 1 and 2 brought, lead to no payoff. If she was always supposed to sell them out at the end, with no redemption arc attached to it, they could have conveyed that content a lot more succinctly. Instead we got episode after episode of the series dragging its feet, where the Bad Batch guys just wouldn't catch on that she's a shit character and they should part ways with her asap.

          • 1 month ago

            Yeah I felt they were sending mixed signals with that crime lord who ran the race track saying Cid will betray them but then they show her warming to the clones. Could've shown her being more duplicitous before she sold them out for real.

            • 1 month ago

              People would complain that the bad batch didn't cut ties sooner then if Cid telegraphed she was a backstabber earlier.

      • 1 month ago

        I just think it's funny they never acknowledged her again and potentially killed her offscreen. No redemption arc for a change.

        Kinda sad that the boredom her repetitive missions all through seasons 1 and 2 brought, lead to no payoff. If she was always supposed to sell them out at the end, with no redemption arc attached to it, they could have conveyed that content a lot more succinctly. Instead we got episode after episode of the series dragging its feet, where the Bad Batch guys just wouldn't catch on that she's a shit character and they should part ways with her asap.

        I still really wished he could have gotten a scene where Crosshair just executes her mid sentence when she shows up. Would have been cathartic as frick and a cool way to show Crosshair is still a cold mother fricker even if he doesn't work for the Empire anymore.

        • 1 month ago

          They obviously didn't want to go to the effort of bringing Cid back into the story. But if they were in that kind of scenario with her I could see Crosshair killing her, kind of like how Dogma shot Krell when Rex couldn't bring himself to do it. Although Crosshair doesn't have much a connection to Cid to feel betrayed by her he'd just be doing it for his brothers.

    • 1 month ago

      She was the Trandosan that was tortured and sold out Wanda Sykes, who Clone X used to get BB's position on the tropical island.

  49. 1 month ago

    I thought it was strangely easy how Echo snuck out of the hangar just by following a bunch of troopers. Really, no one saw that? Try that at an air port terminal and see how far it gets you.

    • 1 month ago

      There was like one scientist checking the TK troopers identities at the entrance of the ship and the search party was inside. You'd think with how paranoid Hemlock seems he'd have more guards there but it's an easy thing to overlook.

  50. 1 month ago

    If they would just retcon the ST this torture can finally end already. God fricking damn

  51. 1 month ago

    Man, only 23 minutes will not be enough to do a decent ending.
    Unless they are doing another animated series (which I don't think as BB was lower and lower in viewship with just reason) this will be another bad SW series.
    When fricking Visions is more entretaining that your main animated series, you know you fricked up.

    • 1 month ago

      Star Wars animation is better than their current live action Disney Plus shows. I wouldn't want them to go away. But they'd have to make something that has wider appeal than Bad Batch. The audience for animated shows is smaller as it is, no matter how great a show is casuals don't like cartoons.

    • 1 month ago

      Only 23 minutes to have Hunter, Wrecker, Crosshair and Echo die to save Omeega? It shouldn't take long

    • 1 month ago

      Only 23 minutes to have Hunter, Wrecker, Crosshair and Echo die to save Omeega? It shouldn't take long

      >Echo and Emerie free the clones and call Rex for reinforcements on that device Crosshair used in S2
      >Omega and the kids escape and release the Zillo
      >Rampart betrays batch in custody bc something has to go wrong
      >Clones vs CX troopers stormtroopers and Scorch
      >Escape and epilogue
      That's my guess.

      • 1 month ago

        If they kill Scorch I'll be bummed

        • 1 month ago

          I wouldn't be shocked. They've kind of set him up as the main clone antagonist alongside CX-2, even though he's barely a character in this.

        • 1 month ago

          Scorch isn't even really Scorch in this show, and there is a 0% chance they ever do anything with Delta Squad, so does it really matter?

          • 1 month ago

            >Scorch isn't even really Scorch in this show,
            Except he is?
            >and there is a 0% chance they ever do anything with Delta Squad
            Clearly they have something in the works.

      • 1 month ago

        If they kill Scorch I'll be bummed

        There's like zero chance they kill Scorch, it would go against what they have said so far.

  52. 1 month ago

    So what happened to her?

    • 1 month ago


  53. 1 month ago

    >In the same episode Omega lost her brother Tech she gained a sister
    >Emerie has the goggles and intelligence
    Is the series going to end with her joining the Bad Batch in Tech's role?

    • 1 month ago

      I'd be surprised if more than one member of the original BB survives the finale

  54. 1 month ago

    I think Amiga is mighty cute.

  55. 1 month ago

    Holy shit was it always this boring?

    • 1 month ago

      Yes. Only the two Crosshair episodes in S2 were good.

    • 1 month ago

      It should have been a 6-10 episode mini- series, with most of the deadweight/filler/monster chases done away with. First arc is Order 66/estabishing group dynamic with Omega. Second arc is Crosshair/Tantiss focused. Third arc is Omega capture/tantiss rebellion. They simply didn't have enough to work with and padded the series out. Tales of the Jedi succeeded where bad batch failed.

      • 1 month ago

        Omega should have never existed. She is the black hole of this show. This show should have been about regular clones, about discarded, pissed off veterans, who fought and laid down their lives in a pointless war, and were forced to kill the only people who stood up for them, and now they were being replaced by inferiors. This show should have been about clone rebellion. Ryloth episodes with Howzer, Cody episode, Coruscant episodes with Chuchi, Mayday episode, Wollfe assaulting Rex's underground cell — that should have been the show. That and more of that. Commandos should have been explored and developed. The other notable clones, like the entire fricking 501st, Appo, Bly, Bacara, Neyo. None of that garbage Omega shit, who was the coup de grâce of this show. None of that Sequels bullshit with Palpatine's force sensitive clones. This show had exactly very few cases of being good, and in all those cases, Bad Batch themselves and Omega were either not involved at all, or involved very minimally. The rest of it was absolute garbage, pointless, boring, bland, forgettable, meandering, irrelevant drivel that no one but autistic fujos on twitter wanted to see.

        • 1 month ago

          Man, if I ever do a re-watch, I honestly might only watch 7-8 episodes. The rest are just pointless to watch with very little payoff.

        • 1 month ago

          is it bad that I actually like Ohmeegah?
          her accent is funny

          • 1 month ago

            It's so hilariously fake

            • 1 month ago

              is her actress from new zealand?
              I know emerie's is, and emerie also has a thick NZ accent

  56. 1 month ago

    >im hungry
    >yeah well frick you then

    I hope scalder gets killed by emerie or the zillo beast

  57. 1 month ago

    In the end it's quite fitting that Echo is leading the charge to free his brothers from experimentation given his own experiences. Hopefully he gets his time to shine in the finale after being in the background for the whole season.

  58. 1 month ago

    I actually like the show
    i felt suspense when they were trying to attatch to the bottom of the science vessel
    i felt sad when those kids were in the vault

    • 1 month ago

      You only like it because you're a pedo.

  59. 1 month ago

    >the state of star wars on co

  60. 1 month ago

    I hope theres an inquisitor or something in the finale

    some boss level opponent for the batch to take down

    • 1 month ago

      The final boss will probably be whatever this special CX trooper is. The design is different from the others and they tease it twice in the recent episodes.

      • 1 month ago

        Clone X is a clone of Crosshair
        CX here is brainwashed tech.

  61. 1 month ago
  62. 1 month ago

    So is no one giving Hemlock and the Empire credit for figuring out the Bad Batch was on their way and putting the base into lock down?

    • 1 month ago

      Why? They gave themselves up. IT's not that Hemlock is smart, it's Bad Batch is dumb, and the writers are dumb. They knocked out a bunch of people and just left them there in the previous episode. Holy frick, they woke up and told everyone!!!! How is Hemlock that smart :O ???? He isn't. moronic Bad Batch didn't kill that beaded officer and technicians and didn't get rid of the bodies. At least that way it would take the Empire longer to figure things out, instead of them just fricking waking up and telling what happened 30 minutes later. Same with that stormtrooper that Echo knocked out and took his armor. He is gonna WAKE UP AND BURN YOU DUMBASS. KILL HIM. SNAP HIS NECK! ARE YOU STUPID?
      And lock down was a joke. Echo blasted a droid inside a ship crawling with troopers looking for him, and no one heard shit. Echo literally fricking walked around the "lockdown". He just walked in. This show is so shit. It is so fricking moronic. I fricking hate it. Can't wait for it to be over and never to think of it again.

      • 1 month ago

        You'd be even more upset if they didn't instantly figure it out and are just looking for reasons to be mad now.

        • 1 month ago

          You love shit writing and shit show, it's okay, more power to you. I can't forbid you from being stupid and having bad taste. But don't expect everyone else do the same.

          • 1 month ago

            Nah, you're just looking for reasons to whine and made a wall of text to do it.

      • 1 month ago

        The flip flopping between shooting with lethal shots or stun blasts is always funny in Bad Batch.

        • 1 month ago

          There is no consistency. It's just fricking moronic and makes no sense. Shills try to convince you that Bad Batch do it to be stealthy? YEah, except this time Echo blasted a fricking droid in a ship crawling with troopers on high alert looking for intruders, and NO ONE HEARD SHIT. Shills try to convince you they do it because they don't like killing? Okay, that would make sense for the clones, except when they kill them anyway completely arbitrarily, like when Wrecker would charge some poor clone while laughing and throw him to his death. Or for some reason they would stun stormtroopers for no reason in one episode, despite being in a life or death combat situation, despite fighting the people who are here to fricking replace you, who hate you, who imprison you, who subjugate you to experiments, but then in another episode they shoot them anyway? This show is just so fricking moronic. These are veteran soldiers, pissed off veterans, who had killed plenty of people before. And in this show, they go around and stun people. There is not one Star Wars property that has that much stun blast usage as bad batch. It's ridiculous.

          • 1 month ago

            That's because it's clear that the directors that have working on this show don't communicate with each other and do their own thing. The last time I saw this happen was during the episode where Rex meets Woffe and the clones constantly switch between shooting the TK troopers with blasters and stun.

        • 1 month ago

          Every clone they don't kill is a potential future member of Rex's underground network too.

    • 1 month ago

      The officer they knocked unconscious probably alerted Scorch ahead of time and they pieced together it was Rampart and the Bad Batch based on the descriptions and reports of him being broken out of the labor camp. If they had security cameras that could've immediately identified them on the station and they wouldn't have gotten nearly as far. But they do run a pretty tight ship at Tantiss otherwise.

      The only thing that seems weird to me is the lack of security cameras in the prison block where Crosshair was when Omega broke him out. Going all the way back to the original Star Wars they had cameras so idk why they avoid that when this is like one of the most secure imperial installations in the galaxy. That'd have to be one nitpick I have. I suppose you could chalk it up to hubris because the base itself is so secure and doorways can only be accessed with datapads. They might not feel surveillance is a necessity in every corner of the base.

      • 1 month ago

        >I suppose you could chalk it up to hubris because the base itself is so secure and doorways can only be accessed with datapads. They might not feel surveillance is a necessity in every corner of the base.
        This, when the kid stole the datapad, they instantly locked him out.

        • 1 month ago

          Should also add it's not an ordinary imperial base. The way to get there is very controlled and secretive and the staff likely all live onsite and rarely leave if ever. It's not a super busy revolving door like some imperial prison or the Death Star witch was gargantuan.

  63. 1 month ago

    So we can agree that Clones vs Stormtroopers just boils down to

    >Who are the meatdroids and who are the men?

    • 1 month ago

      I was kind of hoping for a wider conflict between the Clone Underground and the Empire so the Clone Wars would have a double meaning with it's plural, also referring to the conflict between clone loyalists and dissenters.

      • 1 month ago

        So we can agree that Clones vs Stormtroopers just boils down to

        >Who are the meatdroids and who are the men?

        I find it more fitting the clones don't even have a chance to go out in a blaze of glory and are just quietly phased out.

        • 1 month ago

          They ended up sharing a similar fate to the Jedi they executed ironically. Although you could argue what's coming next episode at Tantiss (if Rex arrives with backup) will be kind of their last stand similar to how Yoda and Obi-Wan duel the Sith Lords after Order 66. They don't beat them, but Obi-Wan strikes a crippling blow to Vader and then goes into hiding. Basically Project War Mantle is the clones version of the Great Jedi Purge and the assault on Tantiss is their Battle of the Heroes.

      • 1 month ago

        >also referring to the conflict between clone loyalists and dissenters.
        In Disney canon with Bad Batch, retiring clones so quick to replace them with rushed out of nowhere human conscripts was always foolish considering that the Empire could still get their monies worth by using them to subjugate the Separatist worlds or be used to invade originally Republic worlds who choose to quickly break away from the Empire.
        The phasing out portion would take into consideration the clones fast aging, meaning they would be done in 10-15 years which would tie into slowly replacing them with trained loyal conscripts. Any remaining clones still young and fit from those who were still in the process of training and growing into an adult on Kamino could've been used as Vader's personal army during the OT.

        • 1 month ago

          Well there's too many clones for them all to be sent to solely to Tantiss. I think they just do that to ones who start showing signs of insubordination. And then there are those cadets that were used as test subjects but that's not necessarily all of them either, don't forget all those fetuses they had on Kamino. So chances are there's still a lot of clones in service across the galaxy who later become stormtroopers when they fully transition to them. At the very least we have clones in the Inquisitorius still in 18 BBY.

          Even prior to Disney though they introduced the concept of the clones training the stormtroopers. That was something that came from George and in Force Unleashed 2 sure enough you have a reference to Cody being an instructor on Kamino similar to what Scorch and the commandos are doing with the TKs.

          • 1 month ago

            Force Unleashed 2 was like 15+ years after ROTS.

            Also, according to George, clones served until they were all killed. Additional clone strains were introduced. Then it was mixed with conscripts, who were not good. Some clones also had PTSD from Order 66 and inhibitor chips and were drinking in that bar that was introduced in Clone Wars, which would have been explored in Underworld live-action show.

            • 1 month ago

              So there's still clones in the Empire quite a way into the Dark Times. I think Bad Batch is just pushing the TKs to emphasize that feeling the clones are being replaced, but the bigger picture is more complicated than that. Which isn't a first for Star Wars, the Clone Wars didn't exactly show a very balanced view of the Separatists outside of one or two episodes. The EU tends to pick up the slack there.

            • 1 month ago

              >Some clones also had PTSD from Order 66 and inhibitor chips and were drinking in that bar that was introduced in Clone Wars, which would have been explored in Underworld live-action show
              Funny that George planned to have clones in his live action tv show a decade ago but Ahsoka couldn't even show one of their faces in those Clone Wars flashbacks. I guess live action clones showing their faces is too expensive for Disney.

              • 1 month ago

                doubt temuera morrison is that expensive dude

              • 1 month ago

                Not Tem but the cost of having to digitally de-age him for Clone Wars or putting his face on a younger actor's body and then making copies of that. I just think it's kind of ridiculous they couldn't show his face once even.

              • 1 month ago

                They barely de-aged Hayden for Kenobi. Pretty sure they just didn't think showing a clone face would do anything for those scenes and it wouldn't, the clones weren't the point

              • 1 month ago

                Going to the effort of completely covering the injured clone's face with a cloth was unnecessary. Otherwise it wouldn't have mattered since they're in a battle and all helmeted.

            • 1 month ago

              Why not just have Stormtroopers be clones the whole time? And did George forget that they purposely missed in ANH on Vader's orders?

              • 1 month ago

                Clones have to be paid for and are produced by an outside party. Civillians are both easier to indoctrinate and easier to afford.

              • 1 month ago

                It's a galaxy wide empire. Just let the taxpayers pay for it.

        • 1 month ago

          God, I miss Triton squad armor. It was so fricking cool and fit better as a transitional armor than that Ralph McQuarrie garbage. There is a reason why that concept art was discarded. It wasn't that good. It doesn't fit visually as something that comes after PII Clone helmet (that was already a step towards classic stormtrooper helmet) and stormtrooper helmet. Ralph McQuarrie circlejerk needs to stop.

          And yes, I agree with you. We are canonically one year post ROTS, and we are already almost full on OT Empire. That's fricking dumb, forced, and for no other reason than OT jerk and Empire being big meanies. I remember reading Ahsoka book, and it started one year post ROTS, and it was already full on Empire with Star Destroyers and classic stormtroopers. So dumb.

          • 1 month ago

            This armor is way better and more fitting than the TK design. It's really bizarre that they revealed the TK helmet is a scrapped Phase III clone trooper design in-universe.

          • 1 month ago

            Funny how they had two different P3 clone designs depending on which platform you played it on.

            • 1 month ago

              Either is better than the garbage in the actual show. It's fricking ugly ruins visual continuity.

              • 1 month ago

                TKs would work as a stormtrooper variant design, they have a ton of those in canon now between tank troopers, shore troopers, range troopers and patrol troopers.

              • 1 month ago

                >this is le good because i say so!
                >this is le bad because i say so!
                have a nice day today.

              • 1 month ago

                You're moronic, we get it.

          • 1 month ago

            So kino

        • 1 month ago

          It makes sense since the Empire is still in the early phases and relatively weak. So just using Separatists worlds as a means of paying everything and not being magnanimous would cause the Empire a lot more headaches. Also the Empire inherited the massive debt the Republic ran up and even though they nationalized the banking system, they still have to deal with the budget. It's the big reason Tarken is going around asking where the money is going too. And as Tarken said, conscripts are a whole lot cheaper than clones.

          At the very least you can see the clones being phased out in favor of storm troopers over time and it didn't instantly happen. Like how all the troops on Raxas were clone troopers.

          • 1 month ago

            And considering how many events they crammed into 19 BBY it's not a huge deal having clones be phased out by after 18 BBY. You can still do a lot with imperial clone troopers in that timespan. And I'd argue most of the Empire's early campaigns to quell rebel uprisings and hunt down surviving Jedi happened then. After that things quietened down more and the stormtroopers came in.

            • 1 month ago

              >most of the Empire's early campaigns to quell rebel uprisings
              We even saw one of those where the clones were used as canon fodder to stop the rebellion on Desix, and once everything was pacified, they brought in TK troopers.

              • 1 month ago

                I was also thinking of Mon Cala in the Vader comic but yeah. I think a lot of the 19-18 BBY time with the clones was spent using them as fodder against native populations that didn't submit to imperial rule with the war over and so a lot of them were thrown into the meatgrinder there. And the ones that didn't go along with those orders were sent of to Tantiss which we saw with Howzer and the whole Ryloth situation too. The loyal ones who did survive those bloody campaigns were forced into retirement. So pretty crappy all around.

  64. 1 month ago


  65. 1 month ago
    • 1 month ago
      • 1 month ago
        • 1 month ago

          >she genuinely cares for the clones

          • 1 month ago

            I mean, don't you genuinely care about your PC, or your car? Most people are fond of their things.

            • 1 month ago

              I suppose when you put it like that. We know she had a special fondness for Omega at least. Maybe the rest of the Bad Batch. They are her creations.

    • 1 month ago

      I wonder if besides the Clone Underground any Twi'leks, Wookiees or Mokkotown miners will show up as part of the cavalry to help the Bad Batch then. Pay it all off by having the people they helped repay the clones for their service.

  66. 1 month ago

    Someone mentioned how if this was the 2000s the Bad Batch would probably get a licensed video game and that makes me sad it'd really suit them. Republic Commando meets Republic Heroes.

  67. 1 month ago
  68. 1 month ago

    Bad Batch, more like Bad Batch of Episodes.

  69. 1 month ago

    Scorch and the Commandos are literally only in this show to troll people, right? The way they've been used makes zero sense and isn't consistent even with what little we've seen of commandos.

    • 1 month ago

      We are being trolled, yes. The show trolls its audience by being bad on purpose.

      • 1 month ago

        Bad Batch dabbing on Commandos doesn't bother me because their whole thing is that they each have their own moron strength that makes them better than all clones ever, plus it's a kid's show. What does bother me is just how lazy their usage has been.

        >no squad tactics
        >Scorch mute for most of the show
        >when he does talk he's just a stick up his ass butthole
        >for some reason training storm troopers instead of any other clone trooper

        I know Dave Filoni knows better, and their usage is so nonsensical it has to be intentional.

        • 1 month ago

          >Bad Batch dabbing on Commandos doesn't bother me because their whole thing is that they each have their own moron strength that makes them better than all clones ever, plus it's a kid's show.
          It bothers me. The show did commando droids more justice than it ever did clone commandos. Remember when a bunch of them killed off remaining Cody's men, and then almost killed Cody and Crosshair? Whereas clone commandos are about as competent as TK-troopers on this show. Yet the show wants us to believe they are these menacing uber skillful monsters, Hemlock's personal army, handpicked to train the next generation of Imperial military. Yet, we were never shown that. Even fricking regs get to blow them the frick out. They are not being defeated because Bad Batch are somehow more superior or skillful, no, they are defeated, because they stand around like NPCs, because they can't aim, because their armor doesn't work. They are literally the same as TK-troopers, no different. Replace them - nothing changes.

          Their usage overall as fricking guards, who just stand around all day in the hallways and do nothing, is a whole another issue. It is clear that the creators of the show simply have no idea what the frick clone commandos are supposed to be. They treat them as stormtroopers with cooler armor, "they have sci-fi vibe, let's put them on Tantiss!" Scorch is so grossly out of character and has no characterization, development, any hints of his past whatsoever, fricking anything at all - he is just an butthole generic henchman, who does frickall, but stands around and shoots children. That's about the only successful thing he's done. It's just boggling my mind.

          • 1 month ago

            So apparently Katam armor can stop shockwaves too.

        • 1 month ago

          >Bad Batch dabbing on Commandos doesn't bother me because their whole thing is that they each have their own moron strength that makes them better than all clones ever, plus it's a kid's show.
          It bothers me. The show did commando droids more justice than it ever did clone commandos. Remember when a bunch of them killed off remaining Cody's men, and then almost killed Cody and Crosshair? Whereas clone commandos are about as competent as TK-troopers on this show. Yet the show wants us to believe they are these menacing uber skillful monsters, Hemlock's personal army, handpicked to train the next generation of Imperial military. Yet, we were never shown that. Even fricking regs get to blow them the frick out. They are not being defeated because Bad Batch are somehow more superior or skillful, no, they are defeated, because they stand around like NPCs, because they can't aim, because their armor doesn't work. They are literally the same as TK-troopers, no different. Replace them - nothing changes.

          Their usage overall as fricking guards, who just stand around all day in the hallways and do nothing, is a whole another issue. It is clear that the creators of the show simply have no idea what the frick clone commandos are supposed to be. They treat them as stormtroopers with cooler armor, "they have sci-fi vibe, let's put them on Tantiss!" Scorch is so grossly out of character and has no characterization, development, any hints of his past whatsoever, fricking anything at all - he is just an butthole generic henchman, who does frickall, but stands around and shoots children. That's about the only successful thing he's done. It's just boggling my mind.

          And on top of that, they created their own special OC donutsteel branch of commandos that are uber competent and one of them just wiped out Rex's entire cell, killed like 10 people and almost killed Crosshair in hand-to-hand combat. Some fricking brainwashed regs with express training are better than the best of the best of the GAR, elite, who have been training to do just that - infiltration, assassination, sabotage, recon - since fricking birth. No, actual OG commandos get to stand in the hallways all day and do nothing, occasionally being incompetent pathetic morons each time they are out in the field, and shooting defenseless small children.

        • 1 month ago

          I don't watch BB but it sounds like the Commandos are being nerfed into irrelevance in the same way the Arc Troopers were. Suddenly the most elite fighting force in the GAR/Empire are just a bunch of jobbers that barely use actual tactics? Shameless character shilling for the Batch.

          • 1 month ago

            ARC troopers were good in TCW and more skilled and smart than the other clones.

            • 1 month ago

              >ARC troopers were good in TCW and more skilled and smart than the other clones.
              This. I or the life of me don't get why people don't recognize ARC Troopers as being the cream of the crop of the GAR. Commandos always came second to them.

              • 1 month ago

                Eh. Commandos look cooler. GAR structure was always a clusterfrick, and since ARCs came first, commandos always felt redundant, but they got a videogame where you got to be them, and people got more attached to that. All the "differences" between them are asspulled and inconsistent.
                >ARCs are supposed to work solo
                >meanwhile, there were like 10 of them at the same time in Genndy Wars
                >they worked in groups in the comics as well
                The only substantial difference is that ARCs also function as commanders on the battlefield, as opposed to commandos, where the squad leader is a sergeant and he commands only his squad, and not any larger clone formations. As far as combat skill goes, they are shown to be equally competent on screen. Gregor alone wiped out a gazillion of droids. But we'd also seen ARC trained troopers, like Rex, Fives and Echo do similarly impressive stuff.

                So apparently Katam armor can stop shockwaves too.

                It is supposed to withstand a turbo laser blast. That's how Gregor survived after all. It's the single best armor there is in the entire GAR. In Bad Batch, it simply doesn't work. All commandos die from a single blaster shot or get knocked out from a slightest slap. Bad Batch really raped them.

              • 1 month ago

                You don't die, but it doesn't stop you from getting knocked out.

              • 1 month ago

                >Commandos look cooler.
                No, they don't. Their bulky armor made them look derpy. At least with ARCs they had the standard issue, but with shit thrown on to make them stand out. There was a uniformity still there, but enough difference to make them look unique.
                >ARC trained troopers, like Rex, Fives and Echo do similarly impressive stuff.
                Contrary to popular belief, Rex is not, nor was he ever an ARC Trooper. His birth number always remained CT-7567. He never got bumped up to ARC-7567, like Fives and Echo did.

              • 1 month ago

                Pretty sure Rex was ARC trained. Just like most of the commanders, like Bacara, Neyo, Bly, etc.

      • 1 month ago

        >Bad Batch dabbing on Commandos doesn't bother me because their whole thing is that they each have their own moron strength that makes them better than all clones ever, plus it's a kid's show.
        It bothers me. The show did commando droids more justice than it ever did clone commandos. Remember when a bunch of them killed off remaining Cody's men, and then almost killed Cody and Crosshair? Whereas clone commandos are about as competent as TK-troopers on this show. Yet the show wants us to believe they are these menacing uber skillful monsters, Hemlock's personal army, handpicked to train the next generation of Imperial military. Yet, we were never shown that. Even fricking regs get to blow them the frick out. They are not being defeated because Bad Batch are somehow more superior or skillful, no, they are defeated, because they stand around like NPCs, because they can't aim, because their armor doesn't work. They are literally the same as TK-troopers, no different. Replace them - nothing changes.

        Their usage overall as fricking guards, who just stand around all day in the hallways and do nothing, is a whole another issue. It is clear that the creators of the show simply have no idea what the frick clone commandos are supposed to be. They treat them as stormtroopers with cooler armor, "they have sci-fi vibe, let's put them on Tantiss!" Scorch is so grossly out of character and has no characterization, development, any hints of his past whatsoever, fricking anything at all - he is just an butthole generic henchman, who does frickall, but stands around and shoots children. That's about the only successful thing he's done. It's just boggling my mind.

        Eh. Commandos look cooler. GAR structure was always a clusterfrick, and since ARCs came first, commandos always felt redundant, but they got a videogame where you got to be them, and people got more attached to that. All the "differences" between them are asspulled and inconsistent.
        >ARCs are supposed to work solo
        >meanwhile, there were like 10 of them at the same time in Genndy Wars
        >they worked in groups in the comics as well
        The only substantial difference is that ARCs also function as commanders on the battlefield, as opposed to commandos, where the squad leader is a sergeant and he commands only his squad, and not any larger clone formations. As far as combat skill goes, they are shown to be equally competent on screen. Gregor alone wiped out a gazillion of droids. But we'd also seen ARC trained troopers, like Rex, Fives and Echo do similarly impressive stuff.
        It is supposed to withstand a turbo laser blast. That's how Gregor survived after all. It's the single best armor there is in the entire GAR. In Bad Batch, it simply doesn't work. All commandos die from a single blaster shot or get knocked out from a slightest slap. Bad Batch really raped them.

        Man, in a way, I'm gonna miss your over the top whining when this show ends, you've been pretty entertaining.

  70. 1 month ago

    You've got 48 episodes, how do you fix The Bad Batch?

  71. 1 month ago

    If Clone Wars never existed, what would you think of Dave Filoni?

    • 1 month ago

      I think with TCW he's not the best writer who became people's one choice for a George replacement due to similar oddities and hangups but fundamentally lacks the creative spark that made George george. Also the way he pulls from the EU is always just so very stupid.

      • 1 month ago

        He's live action directing is poor and his dialogue is very bland. Even George knew how to make it pulpy in a way that was charming. His strength is his knowledge of Star Wars from a thematic George Lucas standpoint. But skills wise he's nowhere near Lucas.

        • 1 month ago

          >He's live action directing is poor and his dialogue is very bland
          Because his "expertise" is in cartoons. This is what happens when you get a mediocre cartoon guy to work in live action. It turns out like crap.

          • 1 month ago

            Idk if he convinced himself or Kennedy or Favreau did, but this idea he has that he should go into live action directing because George started out in animation and went to live action is stupid. I can understand wanting to spread his wings and learn new skills so he can better understand live action productions as a creative executive/producer but it seems unnecessary for him to direct a full feature film and do Ahsoka. He's shown that he's no George Lucas or even Jon Favreau in those areas. If someone's putting him up to this they should stop and get him to back to animation where he works best.

            Keep in mind while Mandalorian was his debut as a live action director he'd been learning on the sets of Rogue One and Last Jedi prior to that. So the fact he's still mid now makes me feel he's not going to get much better.

            • 1 month ago

              or its just the fact that he was always trash?

              a lot of the best TCW stuff was written by other people, and directed by other people
              he just gets credited for their work unfairly

              • 1 month ago

                The Tales of the Jedi shorts he specifically wrote were good, like the Dooku ones. But he never directed all that much. He's better in a supervisory role like I was saying earlier in the thread. Because yeah a lot of writing and directing on Clone Wars and Rebels is wrongly attributed to him and that still persists with Bad Batch even. Writers rooms dying out doesn't help either. Before he'd have other writers to bounce off of on TCW but now it's literally just him writing entire series like Ahsoka, similar to Favreau.

              • 1 month ago

                bad batch S3 still has some issues, but its a lot better than it would have been if he'd been in charge

                he's still present with season 3, given he "suggested" ventress, but the ultimate decision came down to the showrunner (brad rau) and lead writer (jennifer corbett)

                if filoni wrote the episode with her in it, she'd appear exactly like pic related despite how much it contradicts dark disciple, because filoni is a hack who doesnt care about the novels

              • 1 month ago

                He also suggested Cody for Crosshair's episode in season 2 but if him going awol doesn't go anywhere I question the point of including him in the first place other than for a pointless cameo. At least with Ventress we know they have plans beyond Bad Batch.

              • 1 month ago

                At least Cody had character development in that one episode. Unlike Ventress. Who appeared only for you to clap like a moronic fricking seal, appeared without any fricking explanation, other than J.J. Abrams tier line: "I have a few lives left." How embarrassing.
                >At least with Ventress we know they have plans beyond Bad Batch.
                Wait, you think this is good? Why am I supposed to watch another series to get an explanation for that? Marvelization of Star Wars is the reason it sucks so fricking bad now. Ventress was just a pointless, moronic backdoor pilot cameo for low IQ Black folk, that served no purpose whatsoever, and could be cut out entirely. It did not belong in The Bad Batch, and resurrecting her in the first place was beyond moronic, tasteless, media illiterate, moronic decision.

              • 1 month ago

                >At least Cody had character development in that one episode. Unlike Ventress

                explain pic related then???

              • 1 month ago

                Ventresstroon, you are so fricking bafflingly moronic, I can't even. This is not character development. She just showed up different. THERE WAS NO DEVELOPMENT. You are really fricking stupid, moronic, moronic Black person. Whereas Cody started out as slightly doubtful, but still Imperial, trying to carefully probe Crosshair on what he thinks about Order 66, and by the end of the episode, he was completely fricking disillusioned and deserted. That's development THAT WE SAW TRANSPIRING ON SCREEN. As opposed to VENTRESS, who just showed up different for you to clap like a moronic Black person seal that you are, to reiterate shit that we frickign know, shit that was ultimately NOT EVEN RELEVANT WHATSOEVER TO THE REST OF THE SERIES. You are so fricking moronic. Frick off to reddit, you gorilla homosexual. Stupidity like yours is rewarded there with updoots by likeminded simpletons.

              • 1 month ago

                racism is banned outside of /b/

              • 1 month ago

                >She just showed up different. THERE WAS NO DEVELOPMENT.
                Autists tend to think it's character development the next one character shows up and they're written differently than before. Then it's up to other media to explain why they;re so different. That or the main work itself retcons the new characterization in flashbacks or remakes of the early story to show that they've always been like that.

              • 1 month ago

                Looks familiar.

              • 1 month ago

                Remember when Jedi and Sith regularly had to kill deadly creatures? Now they all just use the force to calm them down when it used to be just a unique force talent that Ezra had.

              • 1 month ago

                Why is everything so gay now?

              • 1 month ago

                because violence is bad or something I guess? Personally I watch Star WARS for the fighting.

              • 1 month ago

                I was pissed at Ventress's creature control as it's such a lazy copycat powerup in the same vein of Ahsoka retroactively having that skill as a baby to later explain her control over space whales in her series.
                Even the inclusion of literal dumb babies willingly using the Force, especially in Bad Batch S3, is such a slap at Leia and Luke who were never discovered to have force abilities by anyone accidentally for 19 years because it wasn't a thing until Filoni took charge.

              • 1 month ago

                You mean the ST, it started with the ST

              • 1 month ago

                I was pissed at Ventress's creature control as it's such a lazy copycat powerup in the same vein of Ahsoka retroactively having that skill as a baby to later explain her control over space whales in her series.
                Even the inclusion of literal dumb babies willingly using the Force, especially in Bad Batch S3, is such a slap at Leia and Luke who were never discovered to have force abilities by anyone accidentally for 19 years because it wasn't a thing until Filoni took charge.

                I liked it because shes normally a darksider, she could have killed it
                additionally you see her struggling a bit with it, its not something she's used to doing

                it feels natural that someone of her experience and skill could do something like that
                with ahsoka doing it as a baby its a cop-out (the same with her somehow now knowing force psychometry, which is an ability that is stated that you CANNOT learn, you're either born with it or not)

              • 1 month ago

                Only Kiffars can do psychometry. Then Disney had that ginger homosexual from EA games have it for some reason. It doesn't matter. Don't pretend like there is some consistency here. And you will like anything with your ugly, bald, cringe waifu, and you legitimately cannot comprehend why her resurrection is bad, despite it being explained to you in detail. You are genuinely fricking moronic, ventresstroon.

              • 1 month ago

                cool, when are you gonna respond to

                prove this was the case, with evidence


              • 1 month ago

                When you will have a nice day. You are braindead. Remember when you said Filoni had nothing to do with Ventress and TBB S3 and then you were proven wrong, and after that you never mentioned it again? lmao
                You are genuinely mentally handicapped. I wish your death.

              • 1 month ago

                >and after that you never mentioned it again
                wrong again.

                bad batch S3 still has some issues, but its a lot better than it would have been if he'd been in charge

                he's still present with season 3, given he "suggested" ventress, but the ultimate decision came down to the showrunner (brad rau) and lead writer (jennifer corbett)

                if filoni wrote the episode with her in it, she'd appear exactly like pic related despite how much it contradicts dark disciple, because filoni is a hack who doesnt care about the novels

              • 1 month ago

                >TCW vos

              • 1 month ago

                He looked okay in Dark Disciple.

              • 1 month ago

                More how he was written tbh.

              • 1 month ago

                Well, that's George's take on him. He liked the design, but he started out as a bit different. Dark Horse Vos was way too edgy and un-jedi like most of the time. But he was more like Dark Horse Vos in Dark Disciple, where he actually fell to the Dark Side.
                >"[...] We had several episodes left with Ventress' arc, and when we sat down for the later seasons of The Clone Wars, [George Lucas] wrote this dynamic tale that involved both Quinlan Vos and Ventress. It was something that we were really excited about on the production team because we thought of all the characters developed for The Clone Wars, Ventress had become one of the most interesting. [...] This story is based on the scripts that we had written with George Lucas. Something happens between her and Quinlan Vos. So I'm super excited about this book. We had these great ideas for Asajj Ventress, and now they're going to come to life in a book. To me, the whole thing is just getting the story told."
                Too bad Hackloni decided to shit on Lucas' story and resurrect her for cheap, hollow memberberries and spectacle and another Goyslop+ spinoff.

              • 1 month ago

                I mean yes, its a very shitty adaptation of a character. Like say barakapool or mcu taskmaster. Ive read dark disciple, and he was a little better but still the overly quippy run of the mill prequel jedi.

                The random romance with ventress also just felt really...well random? Especially since quinlan had his own LI and ventress had the longstanding chemistry with kenobi.

              • 1 month ago

                >The random romance with ventress also just felt really...well random?
                It wasn't. Vos had to use her to get to Dooku, he had to win her over and gain her trust, and that involved flirting, which Kenobi suggested to use as a psychological tactic against her. But Vos happened to develop feelings towards her for real, as they went through a lot of tough shit. Ventress was an attractive woman, and they bonded. Nothing random here.
                >Especially since quinlan had his own LI
                Not in Lucas' universe.
                >ventress had the longstanding chemistry with kenobi.
                She didn't. That meme has to die. She was using her sexuality as a weapon, to distract her opponents - including Kenobi. There was never anything real between them.

              • 1 month ago

                Well yes, two characters picked off a hat due to their connection to dooku. Its random from inception.

                And lucas didn't make vos, I respect lucas but people have a tendency to treat his word as sacrosanct but at the end of the day this is taking a character someone else created and writing them totally differently to have it be the end of another character while sorta haphazardly redoing the same beats but faster.

                She was flirting with him constnatly calling him darlin, kenobi plants a plant with her name in the kenobi novel and her "death" in obsession is very romantic. In TCW she kept flirting post separatists too.

              • 1 month ago

                >Well yes, two characters picked off a hat due to their connection to dooku. Its random from inception.
                How the frick is that random? It could not have been anyone else but Ventress given her relation to Dooku, and it could not have been anyone but Vos, given his field of work as a Jedi. And Dooku had to be taken out. Better premise than Anakin and Padme, honestly.
                >And lucas didn't make vos, I respect lucas but people have a tendency to treat his word as sacrosanct but at the end of the day this is taking a character someone else created and writing them totally differently to have it be the end of another character while sorta haphazardly redoing the same beats but faster.
                Sure, he didn't make him. But he has the right as the creator of Star Wars. Vos would not exist at all if he didn't create Star Wars and if he didn't allow other writers to play in his sandbox. But all the toys they make are still his, and he has the creative right to do what he wants.
                >She was flirting with him constnatly calling him darlin, kenobi plants a plant with her name in the kenobi novel and her "death" in obsession is very romantic. In TCW she kept flirting post separatists too.
                She said that Kenobi was never much to look at. And in Dark Disciple Kenobi literally said that Ventress uses her sexuality as a weapon, and that she likes to be flattered. And Kenobi had Satine. There was never anything romantic, not even close. Kenobi didn't give a shit about her like that. I don't take the EU interpretations into consideration.

              • 1 month ago

                dont care, they fricked

              • 1 month ago

                Eh, just random inception wise to add it.

                Sure? And that doesn't mean he cant adapt other's characters poorly like any creator can. And he didn't "let" other creators play on his sandbox, he made fat stacks off it.

                Im taking it into consideration because ventress existed for 5 years before the show, and that it doesn't inform how she's used in it is silly, even when outright contradicting it. It still remains that they absolutely were winking-nudging at her and obi wan with how they wrote it. And dark disciple trying to change it as no attraction, in the same book that's trying to do a romance between obi and ventress..means nothing.

              • 1 month ago

                >Eh, just random inception wise to add it.
                No more random than any other romance. You just happen to fall in love with someone. This was one of the better romances in Star Wars, and it made sense from start to finish.

                >Sure? And that doesn't mean he cant adapt other's characters poorly like any creator can. And he didn't "let" other creators play on his sandbox, he made fat stacks off it.
                He made fat stacks from the movies and toys. EU was minuscule in comparison. He allowed it to exist more out of good will than profit. Just on condition of being a parallel universe, like Trek TV shows and books/comics.

                >Im taking it into consideration because ventress existed for 5 years before the show, and that it doesn't inform how she's used in it is silly, even when outright contradicting it. It still remains that they absolutely were winking-nudging at her and obi wan with how they wrote it. And dark disciple trying to change it as no attraction, in the same book that's trying to do a romance between obi and ventress..means nothing.
                You misinterpreted. And it's not something Dark Disciple invented.
                >One of the things I wanted to do with Ventress in the series was to make her more intelligent, more deceptive, but also kind of sensuous. She’s forbidden fruit and is around the Jedi, who are supposed to be very hands-off and not get involved with the more lustful aspects of life. That’s why she’s a bit sensuous, like a serpent.
                That is her general characterization, not exclusive or limited to Obi-Wan. Nothing indicated that there was anything deeper between that. You made that up. It's not in the show.

              • 1 month ago

                Also tbh, TCW has contradictions to the films, despite both being "lucas's vision" and how much tcw was actually him is also debatable given he also gave input in a lot of EU material (palp ressurection being his idea, as was the vong being extragalactic aliens and a bunch of other stuff)

              • 1 month ago

                I mean yes, its a very shitty adaptation of a character. Like say barakapool or mcu taskmaster. Ive read dark disciple, and he was a little better but still the overly quippy run of the mill prequel jedi.

                The random romance with ventress also just felt really...well random? Especially since quinlan had his own LI and ventress had the longstanding chemistry with kenobi.

                I do hwoever agree this shits all over dark disciple in what worked from it in total isolation.

                would rather have ventress back and have stories about her than more ahsokaslop

                She's gonna be used for ashoka wank...

                Also man I still am so confused about why they made her EU aura sing.

              • 1 month ago

                Ventress could've easily just scared it off which is what the Grand Inquisitor did against the giant creature Ezra sent at him in Rebels. It's just nonsense in comparison to:


              • 1 month ago

                Anakin did it to the rhino in attack of the clones to be fair

              • 1 month ago

                Is that from expanded material? Because it looks like he just luckily gets a handle on the angry rhino with the chains, like getting a handle on a pissed off horse, and is no way in actual control of the rhino beyond that.


              • 1 month ago

                I said at least there's some plan there and she wasn't resurrected just for a cameo which would be much worse. I agree on the point of the Marvelization of Star Wars though and how nothing can end with teasing future "content". I hope Bad Batch will feel more conclusive. Clone Wars was cancelled, Rebels ended on a cliffhanger Ahsoka picked up but still hasn't resolved and we have to wait years foe second season. It's tiresome.

              • 1 month ago

                >I said at least there's some plan there and she wasn't resurrected just for a cameo which would be much worse.
                It's equally bad and doesn't make it better one bit. She just showed up somehow and fricked off. There was no reason to include her. It could have been any other living Jedi. It could have been Quinlan fricking Vos. Resurrecting her in the first place was a terrible decision, that has nothing in common with creativity or good storytelling. If they cared about that, they would have simply animated Dark Disciple. There is only one moron defending it here, because his peepee gets hard from his ugly waifu.

              • 1 month ago

                I'd prefer they animated Dark Disciple over resurrecting her of course. But I don't think her coming back is outlandish or undoes her arc in that story either. People say it does but they never give an explanation as to why. Ventress working as a bounty hunter or for the Hidden Path is a pretty tame outcome for her.

                It is annoying to me that they feel the need to bring her back to life instead of just telling the story she had in Dark Disciple or even exploring more of her life in the time before that when she was a bounty hunter in the Clone Wars, but it's not the end of the world. It's more egregious with Cad Bane who was brought back to life after being killed by Boba in Clone Wars, only to kidnap some kids in Bad Batch be killed again by Boba 20 years later. What was the point of resurrecting him? None really outside of wanting to use him later in the timeline for cameos.

              • 1 month ago

                >What was the point of resurrecting him? None really outside of wanting to use him later in the timeline for cameos.
                They couldn't have just done a flashback episode/arc and adapt the scrapped arc to live action?

              • 1 month ago

                Considering those Ahsoka Clone Wars flashbacks a live action adaptation of the Cad Bane and Boba Fett arc would look hideous. Disney really should just cough up the money and finish animating those episodes if they're going to keep referencing them as if they happened in canon. It's bizarre.

              • 1 month ago

                >Considering those Ahsoka Clone Wars flashbacks a live action adaptation of the Cad Bane and Boba Fett arc would look hideous.
                Blame Filoni.

              • 1 month ago

                >But I don't think her coming back is outlandish or undoes her arc in that story either. People say it does but they never give an explanation as to why.
                It does. Plenty of explanations were given in the other threads. Are you being disingenuous on purpose, or just stupid? It fricks up not only her character arc, ruins the story of Dark Disciple, but it fricks up the bigger thematic core and lore of Star Wars in a fundamental way. This is a character who had been DEAD FOR MONTHS, confirmed fricking dead, THAT'S IT, her life left her body, she was DEAD-DEAD. And then she was BURIED. And then she SOMEHOW RESURRECTED, WITH HER BODY AND MIND FULLY INTACT. It fundamentally breaks Star Wars. It is TROS-tier level of moronation. Even worse, since at least Palpatine was all fricked up, but once the Sith's physical body dies, they cannot preserve their consciousness after death. There cannot be any "soul transfer." It suggests that their souls get to be outside of body and retain agency. This is not how Star Wars works. It fundamentally fricks up everything. Which is why Ventress cannot be resurrected. She was DEAD. She became one with the Force. There is only one way to return from the netherworld of the Force: through Force ghosting, which only Qui-Gon knew how to do, and it required training, and only very few Jedi were given that privilege. Ventress could not have returned in any way. This is moronic Infinities shit. Star Wars is dead.

              • 1 month ago

                It also trivializes Padme's death and Anakin's turn to the Dark Side, breaking the entire story.

              • 1 month ago

                Indeed. There are no resurrections in Star Wars. Because the entire crux of the story is Anakin coping with death and accepting it as a natural part of life. That is the entire point of Star Wars and the main theme: letting go and acceptance. Death is not evil. You return to the cosmic force, you return to your loved ones, you become one with them. That is what Jedi teach, what they believe - and that is true. But death is also final. There is no coming back from it. Life is temporary. Ventress resurrecting somehow months after being dead is utterly moronic and just shits on Star Wars and its fundamental themes. But not like it matters, Disney Star Wars is all non-canonical fan fiction. Some of it may be entertaining, but none of it is actually real to the real George Lucas' Star Wars.

              • 1 month ago

                Being fair you can absolutely argue the same about maul being alive and that was not just george's idea but goerge's idea for the sequels itself.

              • 1 month ago

                No, you can't. You are low IQ. Maul was not killed and then resurrected. Maul survived. He clinged onto life, he channeled the Dark Side so hard, that he lost his mind, but he survived. That's the base of the Sith: survive at any cost. Because death is the end. All their power, everything they amassed, all their attachments - they can't take that with them. They lose everything. The Sith cannot let go. Which is why they cling so hard to life with cybernetics, alchemy. It is unnatural. Instead of dying at Mustafar, Anakin held on to life with his sheer hatred, and he preferred living in the life-support suit as a cripple, as a shell of his former self, because he is so afraid and because he can't let go. He let's go and sacrifices his life on in ROTJ, when he finally becomes a Jedi again. That's the point. There would be no problem if Ventress survived. If her death was not confirmed. But she died. She was confirmed dead. And she was dead for months. Herein lies the problem. Her coming back is possible only through literal resurrection. After she had become one with the Force. This is not possible. One cannot return from the netherworld of the Force - only as a ghost, not resurrect in flesh. This is fundamentally impossible and fricks up Star Wars. Please, stop being so fricking moronic, and for the love of God, use your fricking brain and try to keep up. Why are there so many morons here?

              • 1 month ago

                Maul was dead as presented in episodes 1 to 3. Everything from the novelizations to the script mentioned him as dead. Now its a retcon, and you can argue that its more believable since he wasn't buried and thus we didn't see his corpse. Sure. TCW/Rebels as well as old wounds did do a lot of thematically interesting stuff with maul surviving but it doesn't change that its a retcon as he originally died.

                I think both are stupid, the ventress one being stupider and being because filoni absolutely refuses to let characters die, but TCW maul set the precedent. And this is just filoni and co overwriting the current canon books just like they used to do with the old EU ones, in particular one where he's noted as saying he didn't like ending idea cause he wanted to do more ventress and ashoka stories (and wanted to bring her back for resistance)

              • 1 month ago

                There's also talzin's 'deaths' and the dathomirian zombies/spirits and all.

              • 1 month ago

                Talzin died only once. And she died for real:

                Yeah. That arc was fricking stacked. Sidious, Dooku, Grievous, Maul. It also originally had Quinlan Vos as Dooku's agent, but the comic cut it for some reason. Such a shame that we never got it as intended on screen.

                No. This is the second massacre that happened during the Son of Dathomir. This is a different Nightsister tribe and Grievous has his TCW S7 model that was originally used in Crystal Crisis, Dark Disciple and Son of Dathomir arcs.

                Zombies were just animated corpses that fell as soon as the nightsister animating them was killed. They had no intelligence of their own, they were rotten corpses animated by a Nightsister shaman. This is not a real resurrection. Why are you so moronic and disingenuous?

              • 1 month ago

                >Maul was dead as presented in episodes 1 to 3. Everything from the novelizations to the script mentioned him as dead. Now its a retcon, and you can argue that its more believable since he wasn't buried and thus we didn't see his corpse. Sure. TCW/Rebels as well as old wounds did do a lot of thematically interesting stuff with maul surviving but it doesn't change that its a retcon as he originally died.
                Sure, Lucas changed his mind about Maul. But it works in-universe. Again, he was not resurrected. He never even died in-universe. He survived his injuries. That's the big difference and why it can work.
                >but TCW maul set the precedent
                lol, nah
                EU did that shit all the time with characters surviving and returning somehow
                EU did it first with Palpatine
                EU did it with Ventress
                EU did it with K'Krukh
                EU did it with Quinlan Vos
                EU had shit like Darth Sion, who basically lived through the sheer power of will
                EU had shit like pic related and that inquistor from Dark Forces who had half of his body missing
                But Ventress' return in Disney canon is moronic and fundamentally lore-breaking. Because she was actually dead and then got straight up resurrected months later. Frick that shit. At least make your asspulls SOMEWHAT reasonable. This was not the character that could return.

              • 1 month ago

                Oh in-universe absolutely im talking more so meta wise.

                Had an entire explanation with Palpatine expositing about how he did it (which a million dollar film couldn't be bothered to do) which went on to become a constient technique in the EU which only he managed to use so well. (Also his final death was due to than, not ballin brand). It should be noted that plenty of material also questioned if he was the emperor or just a clone that believed himself to be the emperor particularly from zhan's stuff (that's a thing that's missing, writers throwing shade at other writers, it just doesn't happen no more in sw material)
                Its in the same story, she doesn't actually resurrect but go on a meditation trick, its not a later story revealing she survived an onscreen death
                Okay yeah that one was funny as frick tho.It was literally a pissing contest between dark horse and genndy. And he became the grand master eventually by outliving everyone. But you do have a point.
                He's just portrayed as tanking a blaster bolt, hardly the same, and its in the same issue
                Again he was presented like that from the start so its not really the same, tho yes more on the dark side being able to hold to life artificially and trough great pain.
                >Ballin brand
                Was introduce as a basketball, and was more a vader-y cybernetic thing than anything. And maw (funny how similar the name is to maul) was introduced as such.

                The closest comparison to maul would be boba, a popular character originally portrayed as dying who was retconned as having survived and then became a massive player in everything.

                I would say the ventress one is the worst one so far, cause it gets no explanation at all, other than "I've got more lives lol".

                Talzin died only once. And she died for real:

                Zombies were just animated corpses that fell as soon as the nightsister animating them was killed. They had no intelligence of their own, they were rotten corpses animated by a Nightsister shaman. This is not a real resurrection. Why are you so moronic and disingenuous?

                Rebels had nightsister spirits be able to posses people with sentience.

              • 1 month ago

                What id say maul was precedent is that he was precedent of George being actively involved with these sorts of "ressurections". Even if he was the guy who did let most of these happen and even suggested the Palpatine one. Its not really used to legimitize them as the maul one is.

              • 1 month ago

                >Its in the same story, she doesn't actually resurrect but go on a meditation trick, its not a later story revealing she survived an onscreen death
                Ventress died first in Genndy Clone Wars, then in Republic comics, then there was the "meditation trick." Her return from CW03 into Republic and from Republic into Obsession was just "she survived somehow, lol."
                >He's just portrayed as tanking a blaster bolt, hardly the same, and its in the same issue
                He literally survives getting blown up by a fricking tank, and THEN survives getting shot by Faie point blank, somehow. He just does, it's not explained. Next panel is Villie saying to the clones that he burned Vos.

                But yeah, Ventress is the worst one. People meme on Shaak Ti, but all of her deaths were from deleted scenes and Force Unleashed. So she died only once.
                Whereas Ventress actually seemed to be dead like 4 times already.

                And anyway, the point I was making is that it's okay if the character survives injuries and becomes a fricked up cyborg or something like Sion. Okay, whatever. It's an asspull, it's been overdone, but it works in universe. It doesn't break anything. Resurrection, however, which is what happened to Ventress now, is straight up garbage that fundamentally fricks up the story and lore.

                Also, I don't remember shit from Rebels except Ahsoka vs Vader and Maul vs Kenobi. It's gay and I don't consider it canon.

              • 1 month ago

                >Her return from CW03 into Republic and from Republic into Obsession was just "she survived somehow, lol."
                The Republic comics were not in the same continuity as Genndy Wars.

              • 1 month ago

                That's not what EU gays and/or genndy gays want you to believe, and that's not what the Licensing was saying. But I don't care either way.

              • 1 month ago

                The genndy stuff was in the same timeframe as her other appearances irl so I wouldn't consider it. The republic one is also not presented as her definitely dying just anakin thinking so, but I would give that one I guess. And obsession then revolves around that entirely with her needing to be reconstructed to survive.

                Counterpoint Dark Horse Vos (Best quinlan) is built like a tank. And there's tuteminus for energy deflection in SW and all.

                Id argue two but its also two different continuities, still the difference is that both were undone while shaak just died.

                I can agree, although it does depend on how unambiguous it all is. But TCW ventress was buried...that's as unambiguous as it gets.

                Sadly it is part of the new canon. It does say a lot no one remembers anything about rebels when its its original characters outside of kanan and hera.

                Can I say that It feels good to have actual intelligent SW discussion?

                >Her return from CW03 into Republic and from Republic into Obsession was just "she survived somehow, lol."
                The Republic comics were not in the same continuity as Genndy Wars.

                They were.

                >Not at all
                >Anakin wasn't completely raised inside the order like the others
                Exactly. And the Jedi Council rightly recognized that bringing him in was a bad idea because of it.
                > He'd have an easier time had Qui-Gon survived.
                He'd have had an easier time if literally Space-Satan hadn't been whispering in his ear, feeding his ego AND his insecurities the entire time.

                >And it was those attachments why episode 6 ended the way it did.
                No, it was his letting go of those attachments beng the reason why Episode 6 ended the way it did. He finally did what he had struggled to do all his life. He let go. Of his selfishness and embraced his compassion and oneness with all things in the universe. It's why Obi-wan, Qui-gon and Yoda were able to short-cut him into vibeing with them in the Cosmic Force. If he never had let go, they'd have never been able to do that and his soul would've been mulched in the Cosmic Force the same as everything else that dies.

                >he let go of his attachments
                No he sacrificed everything to save the one attachment he still had, only selflessly rather than for himself.

                Is that from expanded material? Because it looks like he just luckily gets a handle on the angry rhino with the chains, like getting a handle on a pissed off horse, and is no way in actual control of the rhino beyond that.


                He does the mind trick hand sign. I think its pretty evident he's using some variation of it.

                That's not what EU gays and/or genndy gays want you to believe, and that's not what the Licensing was saying. But I don't care either way.

                Huh? Most people I've seen that like the EU consider them the same, just genndy's stuff being more exaggerated.

              • 1 month ago

                >Most people I've seen that like the EU consider them the same
                Because they're fanboys who takes what Licensing says to heart when it's very obvious that most of that shit doesn't fit together. The EU was essentially several different continuities mashed together that Licensing pretended were a singular one.

              • 1 month ago

                There were bumps sure, but that's what happens with longstanding settings made by different people (see marvel or dc) it was utlitmaitely meant to be the same continuity, outside of droids, ewoks and debatably marvel (by the mid 00s marvel totally counted but not before that)

              • 1 month ago

                The EU had several different ANH-ESB bridges and none of them fit together. Rebel Force, Classic Star Wars, Marvel's Star Wars, the Star Wars Kids strips, Empire/Rebellion and Brian Wood's Star Wars run.

              • 1 month ago

                >just genndy's stuff being more exaggerated.
                It really isn't. It just shows how strong Force users would be if they existed. The movies downplay it due to budget, but they'd likely be doing more crazy anime shit had the tech been available at the time. Plus, the craziest shit were done by Yoda, Mace and Anakin who's supposed to be Force Jesus.

              • 1 month ago

                It does line up with how the books potray it a lot .

                The EU had several different ANH-ESB bridges and none of them fit together. Rebel Force, Classic Star Wars, Marvel's Star Wars, the Star Wars Kids strips, Empire/Rebellion and Brian Wood's Star Wars run.

                Well classic and marvel's were admittedly considered lesser canon back then.

                It was still meant to be the same continuity

              • 1 month ago

                Classic Star Wars was in a higher tier than Marvel due to Dark Horse reprinting them.

              • 1 month ago

                Reprints dont particularly. Tho i guess you could argue with lumiya, the nagai and zeltron being relevant going foward.

              • 1 month ago

                >It really isn't. It just shows how strong Force users would be if they existed. The movies downplay it due to budget, but they'd likely be doing more crazy anime shit had the tech been available at the time.
                No, that's not what Lucas said. He specifically said that Genndy's one does not follow mythology of the features, and then I also remember either him or Filoni saying in 2007 or 2008 that Genndy one was extremely exaggerated, and that Lucas had a rule for how many droids/super battle droids/droidekas it takes to kill a Jedi.

              • 1 month ago

                >Counterpoint Dark Horse Vos (Best quinlan) is built like a tank. And there's tuteminus for energy deflection in SW and all.
                Bro, he was blown the frick up. By a Tank. Almost point blank.
                And then he was shot, point blank.
                It's never explained how he survives. He just does.
                I mean, come on. Even though George liked Quinlan, and I heard somewhere that he wanted him to survive, but he was still very much Ostrander's pet throughout the entire run. Just like K'Kruhk. Just like A'Sharad Hett/Darth Krayt. People meme on Filoni for Ahsoka post-ROTJ, but Ostrander had K'Kruhk mentor Luke's descendant Cade 130 years after ROTJ and A'Sharad Hett as the main bad guy of Legacy, lol. All prequel characters from his Republic run.

              • 1 month ago

                This does have a funny meta explanation, originally he was going to be in the order 66 sequence in the film, but that was cut so ostramender decided to let him live. And we do get it, he's fricked up by it. (and its less point black and more so them hitting the vehicle he's on). And krunk was very much a background character that fans latched on to first and he didn't really mentor cade, he was just the leader of the jedi. And sure legacy was a sequel to republic very clearly. And he still let hett die by the end (krayt is my favorite sith still ngl) and he didn't have a prior death and all. So a bit more willing to kill characters off than filoni.

                >It really isn't. It just shows how strong Force users would be if they existed. The movies downplay it due to budget, but they'd likely be doing more crazy anime shit had the tech been available at the time.
                No, that's not what Lucas said. He specifically said that Genndy's one does not follow mythology of the features, and then I also remember either him or Filoni saying in 2007 or 2008 that Genndy one was extremely exaggerated, and that Lucas had a rule for how many droids/super battle droids/droidekas it takes to kill a Jedi.

                Lucas is very very fickle with what he has in his head, having changed his mind on multiple stuff publicly. And again commentary done for TCW (which only didn't have genndy due to a falling out contract wise) doesn't really change much in relation to the EU.

              • 1 month ago

                >Lucas is very very fickle with what he has in his head, having changed his mind on multiple stuff publicly. And again commentary done for TCW (which only didn't have genndy due to a falling out contract wise) doesn't really change much in relation to the EU.
                I am merely saying that the other dude is wrong. Movies didn't downplay it for budget or due to lack of tech. Lucas had the tech to have them go super saiyan genndy mode. He purposefully did not do it. Because Jedi are not supposed to be that. They are not super people. They have abilities, but they are vulnerable, and they can be killed, as seen in AOTC on Geonosis arena. If Mace could do what he did in Genndy wars, then there was no need for the Jedi strike force. And no one would have died there.

              • 1 month ago

                Oh that for sure. The force is very subdued in the films outside of some spiritual talk with yoda in ESB. And I know people did complain about how super they were in TPM already.

              • 1 month ago

                Being fair he survived to the end, and padawan anakin and knight obi outlived jedi masters...somehow.

              • 1 month ago

                One's an enclosed space with multiple different droids and giant machines to be used for leverage. The other is an enclosed arena surrounded on all side by fire.

              • 1 month ago

                *open space not enclosed, lord.

              • 1 month ago

                It seems like you're being disingenuous or just haven't thought that deeply about it/would prefer to get outraged. Because the novel clearly states her body was placed in stasis for months after Christophsis and when she was returned to Dathomir the fluid from the Sleeper than Quinlan killed had mixed with the pools to create extremely concentrated Waters of Life, easily explaining her resurrection/healing. Not to mention she never underwent the full ritual involving the waters in the first place like her other sisters. That could've been what allowed her to be reborn. We've seen the crazy shit dark magick can do. You might as well b***h and complain about Maul being brought back by Lucas or Trench surviving a torpedo to the face.

                Now did they have to bring her back? No. But don't pretend like it doesn't make sense in universe.

              • 1 month ago

                You are so fricking moronic.

                >But don't pretend like it doesn't make sense in universe.
                It doesn't .You are a fricking moronic, disingenuous bullshitter.

              • 1 month ago


              • 1 month ago

                have you considered that quinlan vos probably was a character that was considered for the episode?
                the people behind the show stated that ventress was the best fit for the story they wanted to tell

                quinlan could be a good fit sure, but why was ventress chosen over him?
                most likely reason is that shes not a jedi, she can just bounce whenever she needs to instead of having to stick around because its a jedis duty to train force sensitive kids

              • 1 month ago

                >because its a jedis duty to train force sensitive kids
                Not all Jedi are created equal. Some will train them, others will not. Depends on the Jedi in question.

              • 1 month ago

                No, moron, she was not "chosen" or "considered." It was not that they wrote the episode, and then were thinking what Jedi to pick. The episode was written around Ventress. She was forced into the show, because they set up another spin off. None of it fricking mattered, since they blew their fricking load by revealing her in the fricking trailer. She was just a marketing bait and backdoor pilot. None of it mattered in the grand scheme of the show, it was compeltely and utterly fricking irrelevant. Instead of being a show about THE CLONES, instead of actually DEVELOPING ITS CHARACTERS, we wasted two fricking episodes on that moronic, pointless shit. God, you are so fricking moronic.

              • 1 month ago

                prove this was the case, with evidence

    • 1 month ago

      He did some good Avatar episodes. But if you mean he didn't do Clone Wars and then went on to do all the stuff he's done for Disney Star Wars, I don't think it'd change my opinion much. Everyone seems to attribute their perceived best or worst of Clone Wars to him when George came up with the stories, the scripts were done by other people and directed mostly by people other than Filoni. As an actual writer director on his own he seems fairly mediocre and is better suited in a supervisory producer role like he was for Clone Wars.

  72. 1 month ago
  73. 1 month ago

    Why are people blaming Filoni for this show when he is barely involved?

    • 1 month ago

      filoni was involved in seasons 1 and 2
      season 3 he's barely involved (to the point where you might as well say he wasn't) as he would've been writing and on set for ahsoka
      dude couldn't even be bothered to appear at the reveal of season 3 at star wars celebration

      • 1 month ago

        Right, so why are people blaming him?

        • 1 month ago

          same reason people falsely credit him for something good

          just a figurehead thats easy to point fingers towards

        • 1 month ago

          because star wars fans always need someone to blame whenever they don't get the content that they want
          if it's not jj its rian johnson or george or filoni or disney overall or the st movies themselves

  74. 1 month ago

    They should have kept imperial clones for longer, but the show feels uncomfortable making clones bad guys.

    • 1 month ago

      >show feels uncomfortable making clones bad guys
      They seem quite comfortable making Scorch a bad guy.

      • 1 month ago

        >wah you can't make the bad guy a bad guy

        • 1 month ago

          Where did I say that dumbass? Think before you post. Anon claimed they're afraid to make clones the bad guys when Scorch is right there kidnapping children and holding them up at gunpoint.

  75. 1 month ago

    >finally start developing his character
    >dies instantly
    >absence makes no difference after one episode

    • 1 month ago

      Him and Echo were interchangeable.

  76. 1 month ago

    Scorch isn't staying a bad guy, considering the leaks and the info they gave for him in Shatterpoint.

  77. 1 month ago

    Bad Batch is by far the worst animated show. Worse than Resistance. There, I said it. At least Resistance knew what it was and didn't try to bait people into watching it with the things that you love from the past. Rebels was better, because its characters aren't one-dimensional cartoon archetypes and, for the most part, they all had a clear character arc. And even Rebels wasn't that fricking repetitive and paper-thin when it comes to the plot. And shit of importance was actually happening in that show. Hundreds of /swco/ threads each day — now those were the good times. Bad Batch is just fricking terrible, with the only good thing about it being the visuals. Absolute nothing burger of a show with terrible one dimensional characters, no cultural relevancy. It will have no legacy and no lasting impact. And they bait you with things you know, like Rex, Echo, Scorch, somehow returned Ventress — only to do absolutely fricking nothing with them.

    • 1 month ago

      >Rebels was better, because its characters aren't one-dimensional cartoon archetypes and, for the most part, they all had a clear character arc.
      Sabine sucked.

      • 1 month ago

        Still better than any Bad Batch character. All Rebels OCs except Kanan and Hera massively sucked, but all of them were heads and shoulders above Bad Batch, which are barely even characters. They are archetypes. And they never grew beyond them in 48 fricking episodes. What a waste of fricking time.

        • 1 month ago

          >All Rebels OCs except Kanan and Hera massively sucked
          Good thing their intro book's good. Don't even need Rebels to read it.

          • 1 month ago

            >jackson miller
            Explains it.

  78. 1 month ago

    Ventressgay is the single most embarrassing, moronic, pathetic mongoloid in any Star Wars thread on Cinemaphile. Daily reminder, that he is a redditor, too.

  79. 1 month ago

    anon is mad not because of ventress ressurrecting

    but because its VENTRESS resurrecting
    even though she has easily one of the most plausible ressurrections possible, even if just using info from the book she died in
    mad probably because she got to ressurrect while anons glup shitto tier character remains dead

    • 1 month ago

      >even though she has easily one of the most plausible ressurrections possible

      • 1 month ago


        It seems like you're being disingenuous or just haven't thought that deeply about it/would prefer to get outraged. Because the novel clearly states her body was placed in stasis for months after Christophsis and when she was returned to Dathomir the fluid from the Sleeper than Quinlan killed had mixed with the pools to create extremely concentrated Waters of Life, easily explaining her resurrection/healing. Not to mention she never underwent the full ritual involving the waters in the first place like her other sisters. That could've been what allowed her to be reborn. We've seen the crazy shit dark magick can do. You might as well b***h and complain about Maul being brought back by Lucas or Trench surviving a torpedo to the face.

        Now did they have to bring her back? No. But don't pretend like it doesn't make sense in universe.

        • 1 month ago

          Waters of Life can't resurrect people.

          • 1 month ago

            well thats obviously not the case now isnt it?

            • 1 month ago

              If it's actually capable of proper resurrection, then it completely breaks the setting.

              It also trivializes Padme's death and Anakin's turn to the Dark Side, breaking the entire story.

              • 1 month ago

                what if its a one time use thing?

  80. 1 month ago


  81. 1 month ago
  82. 1 month ago

    would rather have ventress back and have stories about her than more ahsokaslop

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