Bad show. Embarrassing finale.

Bad show. Embarrassing finale.

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  1. 5 months ago

    frick you, I liked it

    • 5 months ago

      Wait. THAT was the finale?

      >monster show about le drama girl doing stupid stuff

      • 5 months ago

        >Wait. THAT was the finale?
        im eight episodes in and still cant remember a single name other than shaw. for me its shaw, ders, black girl, asian male, asian female 1, asian female 2, white beard guy, french girl, boss girl and cool actor i know from something i cant really remember

        • 5 months ago

          kek, I only watch for the Russell's and the hope to see some monster action (lol)

      • 5 months ago

        >embarrassing finale

        >Finale air date: Jan 12th, 2024

        Think your post is a little early.

        My mistake

        • 5 months ago

          >embarrassing finale

          >Finale air date: Jan 12th, 2024

          Think your post is a little early.

          Phew, I really thought that was it. I wouldn't be surprised because nothing has happened in the show yet. I keep watching this knowing that they'll never do anything notable with it because they'll save that for the movies and they won't want this show to be a requirement for the movies. So, anything that happens in it can't be too big, must follow the movies, and can't have any affect on the movies.

          It's actually a great show, very well done, acted and with a tight script and cute waifus. The problem is, WE ARE HERE FOR GODZILLA, not racial/lesbian/generational drama.

          Explain the time travel because it wasn't in GVK.
          >tight script
          It should take a backseat to story.

          • 5 months ago

            >Explain the time travel because it wasn't in GVK.
            I only watched the first four, after that I was done. I had some hope but the episode formula is pretty bad, 50 minutes of lesbian/family drama and 2 minutes of monsters at the end. The scene where they try to nuke Godzilla was cool, but it was a 3 minute thing at best. Put some japanese stunts in rubber suits destroying foam buildings for 30 minutes and I'm in.

            • 5 months ago

              Kurt Russel's character is 90 years old. He was inside the Earth for about 10 minutes and comes out 10 years later. That's no exaggeration he explains it. In Godzilla vs Kong they were down there for what could be presumed to be hours but emerge in the present.

              I thought it was going to be explained by contact with something that would make sense on some kind of fantasy biological way and then they could make some of the show about that and keeping it from Monarch but nope.

              We also get to see the launch of Apex which they build up for 5 minutes and then

              The boss changes her computer wallpaper.

              They've been down there for about 5 minutes so far, there's no way around that. They're going to emerge after/during KOTM. Still, should have been some kind of biological goop or something changing their DNA instead of the warp tunnels.

              • 5 months ago

                Shit this is bad. We know these people in Pedowood never watch other shows, read books etc. but fricking hell, this is another level laziness.

              • 5 months ago

                I get that they realized that by getting some of these things lined up for the show they didn't want to spend them on just a show that is a prequel and they wanted to play around with the movies and catch up to the current timeline so in order to keep hitting heavy they needed to shuffle to keep things around. (If I'm still making sense.)

                What I don't get is why frick with the tunnels? They're canon. Why not use some kind of fountain of youth midichlorian magic bacteria carbonite preservation?

              • 5 months ago

                Couldn't they have lined it up by just setting it after 'Zilla v Kong?

              • 5 months ago

                They wanted to tell a Monarch origin story. Apparently, it was their only working idea because the show is a mess. There are 2 chases happening at any given time but sometimes 4, not considering the flashbacks, and it's the most boring show ever. There is no danger, no stakes. There's fake drama created by characters being boneheaded and selfish for no apparent reason other than suddenly their IQ slider goes down and the jerk slider goes up. The chases end in capture and they shuffle on the board because they all learned something new and their allegiances change but it doesn't really matter because there is no danger of anything in the show.

                You'd think Monarch, backed by the trusty ole US Government, wouldn't be adverse to making people disappear or blow something up or anything that isn't so fricking boring. Especially since anyone with a brain knew Apex came from Monarch and there should be a dangerous faction present.

          • 5 months ago

            Writers have said its not the true Hollow Earth, Axis Mundi is some plane in-between the surface and the main Hollow Earth.

            • 5 months ago

              That's fricking lazy.

  2. 5 months ago

    >franchise about giant monsters brawling
    >8h show is an 7,5h snooze fest
    how is that even possible

  3. 5 months ago

    Apple money laundering at its finest

  4. 5 months ago

    >embarrassing finale

    >Finale air date: Jan 12th, 2024

    Think your post is a little early.

  5. 5 months ago

    It's actually a great show, very well done, acted and with a tight script and cute waifus. The problem is, WE ARE HERE FOR GODZILLA, not racial/lesbian/generational drama.

  6. 5 months ago

    why are they calling hiroshi bill's son when he was born before bill came into the picture?

    • 5 months ago

      Presumably adoptive since he got together with Keiko and the real father died early on.

  7. 5 months ago

    Just finished up the Monsterverse movie's and had a fun ole time

    Don't think i'll ever touch this series

  8. 5 months ago

    Lmao its fricking shit isn't it.

    Only thing apple have done worth watching is that Silo show

    • 5 months ago

      Severance its the best series from the last two years.

      • 5 months ago

        Sounds alright, ill start it tomorrow. Thanks man

        Check out hornblower and sharpe if you want some classic tv shows

      • 5 months ago


  9. 5 months ago

    Is the main lead nippo girl a lesbian

    • 5 months ago

      Her girlfriends seem to think so.

      • 5 months ago

        Fricking dropped

  10. 5 months ago

    If you want to see a good show with Wyatt Russell check out Lodge 49.

  11. 5 months ago

    so is randa that kid's dad or not? i thought kurt russel was gonna be his real dad, but then the kid was already a few years old when ders met him, so i thought he was a stepdad, but then that army guy said he was his dad. did ders knock her up a few years ago but not know it? very confusing.

  12. 5 months ago

    Have they even set up a monster that Godzilla could fight that would be entertaining? Everything they've shown is small and lame compared to him.

  13. 5 months ago

    Wait that was the finale?

  14. 5 months ago

    Didn't watch it yet.
    Is it true that there's like 5 seconds monster screen time per episode and the rest is just sjw cringe snorefest?

    • 5 months ago


      It's like 53 minutes of human drama and 2 minutes of monsters each episodes

      • 5 months ago

        Holy shit was mound of shit. I guess I will just watch the monsters scenes on youtube instead. Hollywood trully have no idea what to do with Godzilla anymore.

  15. 5 months ago

    G-Force >>> Monarch

  16. 5 months ago

    >remember all those not-MCU shows like Agents of Shield, Agent Carter, Inhumans, etc that nobody cared about because no important characters showed up?
    >let’s do the exact same format for a Godzilla show, except go the extra mile and not include any of the dozens of CGI-able monsters from Godzilla history!
    at the end of that day it’s your fault for watching Apple TV

    • 5 months ago

      My sentiments exactly. But I think they will for S2. I haven't finished thinking about it but it makes sense to me. I think they will get their own kaiju for the show (not the one they have now) and it will become iconic for the show and they'll even get Zilly. There's no way this show survives another season of gaslighting fans into thinking he'll show up or something prominent will happen.

      It's called "Godzilla Stalker: With Other Monsters" and there is almost none. Canon says they didn't really know anything for a long time which is why I think they're going for a time jump in the next episode and I think the next season might even get a different subtext. "Monarch: We Got Godzilla For Real This Time, Honest," or something like that.

  17. 5 months ago

    Why can't Not Steve Jobs throw unlimited money at Godzilla like Jeff Bozo did for LOTR?

  18. 5 months ago

    Literally the worst series I've ever had the misfortune of watching.

    Barely anything happens each episode, but somehow, every inconsequential action is treated like the most dramatic thing in the world. The main characters have zero chemistry and are all just unlikable. Half the show is just vague fan service that is meaningless to most people (changing the name of a company to apex isn't some mic drop moment. Even if you know about the lore its fricking boring). There's no coherent plot being built. Even at the end of episode 9 I have no fricking idea what they're trying to do or why I should keep watching the show. Literally the only passable parts of the show are the flashbacks. Everything else just fricking sucks. Also, there are no fricking monsters in series about monsters.

    Do not watch this hot garbage.

    • 5 months ago

      >Legacy of Monsters
      They were caught flat-footed when Godzilla 2014 happened. They were supposed to be chasing giant monsters this whole time from the 50's and not be able to warn people that kaiju were real. According to the show they were all lost in time. It would have been better to have Monarch chasing down people to silence them over the discovery of a life-altering biojelly that can give eternal youth so they can keep it to themselves. But maybe it would slowly turn people into some kind of mutant kaiju bioweapon thing. A nod at the name Monarch. They'd be manipulating the kaiju evidence to hide the biological medical application since kaiju haven't been a threat to humans yet and that could have been the reason no one was prepared for the kaiju emergence

      Instead of figuring out how to write out the monsters in a monster show they decided to push the humans through time and just not have any monsters. Unless you count the black girl she's the biggest monster so far

  19. 5 months ago

    this is such a fundamentally bad premise for a show it's insane

    • 5 months ago

      How so?

  20. 5 months ago

    Doesn't the stuff with hollow earth here conflict with skull island, where they heavily imply that this is the first tangible proof of it they've witnessed?
    Hell, Bill Randa is involved in both events, did he just forget?

    • 5 months ago

      Time Travel. Or, more specifically, lost in time. Read last sentence here

      >Legacy of Monsters
      They were caught flat-footed when Godzilla 2014 happened. They were supposed to be chasing giant monsters this whole time from the 50's and not be able to warn people that kaiju were real. According to the show they were all lost in time. It would have been better to have Monarch chasing down people to silence them over the discovery of a life-altering biojelly that can give eternal youth so they can keep it to themselves. But maybe it would slowly turn people into some kind of mutant kaiju bioweapon thing. A nod at the name Monarch. They'd be manipulating the kaiju evidence to hide the biological medical application since kaiju haven't been a threat to humans yet and that could have been the reason no one was prepared for the kaiju emergence

      Instead of figuring out how to write out the monsters in a monster show they decided to push the humans through time and just not have any monsters. Unless you count the black girl she's the biggest monster so far

  21. 5 months ago

    i gave up episode 6
    frick this giant ass turd
    frick the Black person
    frick the lesbian shite
    frick that guy that looks like quartering
    except the Ders, should be the lead male than that zipper head and southern dude that talks as bad as tokyo drift dude

  22. 5 months ago

    I could deal with the lack of monsters if the stuff in between was good but it was all CW-tier. Most of the female characters have the same personality too (or lack thereof).

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