Based Iger.

Based Iger.

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

  1. 11 months ago

    It has to be considerably worse than anyone is willing to say if this is the route they're going.

    • 11 months ago

      >It has to be considerably worse than anyone is willing to say if this is the route they're going.

      Yeah they have lost tons of money the past year or so and are set to lose more.

      Buying Marvel right before Endgame was stupid.
      They blew up Star Wars.
      Pixar not doing well.

      They replaced Chapek with Iger for a reason. He only has a limited time himself.

      • 11 months ago

        >Buying Marvel right before Endgame
        They didn't do that moron. They bought Marvel before they even started making the movies

        • 11 months ago

          they bought it after ironman 1 and i think the hulk movie.

        • 11 months ago

          The first Iron Man at least wasn't Yidsney, they bought it with the MCU already being built. Only reason it worked is because they left it largely alone for a long time to do what they already were.

          • 11 months ago

            The real reason it worked was because Disney at the time had no footing in the male entertainment market
            they tried in te past with shows like Gargoyle and movies like Pirates of the Caribean but Marvel would have given them solid ground in that market
            kind of funny to look back on with how Marvel currently operates

            • 11 months ago

              Why did they make She Hulk wear a giant baggy pants suit and make her ugly when the whole thing about the character is fun sex appeal?

              • 11 months ago

                Because women unironicly hate fun and entertainment wich is why they watch shit like Grey's Anatomy

              • 11 months ago

                Women would feel threatened by that

        • 11 months ago

          Bought them after Iron Man. Go and look at Pixar too - bought them from Steve Jobs surprisingly later than you'd think.

      • 11 months ago

        >Buying Marvel right before Endgame was stupid.
        They actually bought it back in 2009. But detonating SW is arguably the stupidest shit any entertainment company has ever done. Just flushed that $4 billion away.

        • 11 months ago

          >They actually bought it back in 2009.

          Yeah my bad thought it was later

          • 11 months ago

            It happens

        • 11 months ago

          >But detonating SW is arguably the stupidest shit any entertainment company has ever done. Just flushed that $4 billion away.

          Yeah really dumb, now they are paralyzed and don't really know what to do.

          JJ Abrams is a franchise killer, I don't see any Star Trek movies either.

          They need to stop, retool, get gritty, and hire some good dramatic writers to build up characters again.

          Spend some time to craft good movies.

          All new ones the Rey well has been poisoned.

          • 11 months ago

            >I don't see any Star Trek movies either.
            No. That's salvageable. I still want Chris Pine and the rest of the new cast to return in the maroons for Trek 4.

            • 11 months ago

              Fricking A. He’s perfect.

              • 11 months ago

                All-in-all, they wasted a very good cast on some rather shit movies.

          • 11 months ago

            Abrams didn’t kill Star Trek, he brought attention back into it after it laid dormant for a while.
            If you wanna point fingers at anyone, blame Alex Kurtzman for not only writing the Abrams Trek films but also co-creating the recent Trek streaming shows.

            • 11 months ago

              The attention the reboot trek movies got was completely worthless, just using cultural icon tier characters and making bad movies from them and leaving them permanently diminished. It's like Space Jam 2 bringing attention back to Warner Brothers cartoon characters

              • 11 months ago

                Again that was nothing compared to the damage caused by Discovery and Picard.

            • 11 months ago

              >Abrams didn’t kill Star Trek, he brought attention back into it after it laid dormant for a while.

              He brought attention AND caused people to be less interested
              2009 got people interested
              Into Darkness did okay at the box office (unless it turns out they spent more than what was reported) and was where regular people, not just the core fanbase, began to be disenchanted with JJ Trek.
              Beyond got affected by the disinterest caused by Into Darkness

              Kurtzman Trek shows just simply exacerbated the disinterest/hate toward his and JJ's era of Star Trek

          • 11 months ago

            >I don't see any Star Trek movies either.
            No. That's salvageable. I still want Chris Pine and the rest of the new cast to return in the maroons for Trek 4.

            JJ tried to get Star Trek 4 off the ground last year but it was pretty clear he no longer had the clout to do so

            • 11 months ago

              Whoever made the decision to say no saved a lot of money cause st 4 would have bombed horribly.

      • 11 months ago

        >They blew up Star Wars.
        I wonder how pissed the execs are that the creatives were given carte blanche to completely butcher that golden goose.
        It took less than 10 years to make absolutely nobody care about one of the worlds most successful media franchises.

        • 11 months ago

          >I wonder how pissed the execs are that the creatives were given carte blanche to completely butcher that golden goose.
          The execs (including the creative execs) were the ones who made the bad hires, formed the echo chamber, labeled all critics as Nazis and Russian bots, and butchered the golden goose. Former CFO Christine McCarthy was a key Kathleen Kennedy ally, if you're thinking that the money people just weren't involved in this. And it was done in part to appease BlackRock.

        • 11 months ago

          Lol you think the execs took a hands off approach to the biggest acquisition in their history?? Jfc man it’s the execs who fricked it up - ever worked a corporate gig? Those homosexuals are biggest micromanagers god ever created.

      • 11 months ago

        Chapek probably did more damage to the company than anyone. Hell they're fixing to have to pay like a third of the evaluation of Hulu from the Comcast deal come 2024 which will come out to probably around 9 billion dollars
        combine that with all the limitations in the park like
        >cut food costs by guesstimating how many people will be in the park
        >basically requiring guests to be on their phones at all times constantly looking at the glitchy genie+ app
        >forcing people to pay for parking each day at a disney resort
        >getting rid of the buses that take you to the parks/hotels from the airport
        >that eyesore Galactic Starcruiser that couldn't even make it a year
        >50th anniversary promises that pretty much only amounted to the Ratatouille ride while the rest was just scrapped
        and, of course, everything he did with D+. I know Iger created it, but Chapek had the brilliant idea of bringing their latest releases to the streaming service only about a month later, essentially killing any reason you had for going to the theater

        • 11 months ago

          >Chapek probably did more damage to the company than anyone.
          He has some blame but I can't help but think he was a patsy in the larger scheme of things, brought in to take a fall.

          >forcing people to pay for parking each day at a disney resort
          This was particularly egregious and I think they walked it back. Having to pay to park at an overpriced resort was over the top.

          >that eyesore Galactic Starcruiser that couldn't even make it a year
          All said and done that was easily hundreds of millions of dollars down the drain, maybe more. I don't know where it is on property but they're going to have to continue putting a little money into it just to keep the roofs from leaking and repurpose it into something else (don't know what it could used for besides office space). Demolition + haul away + site remediation will cost several million more. Not insane costs to the company, but even after its closure it will continue being a loss.

          Recently there was some talk of the company pumping $17 billion into its parks (that was the figure they used, idk if it was for WDW alone or all their parks). Everyone got excited because they thought FINALLY real changes could be made... I think they'll be quietly abandoning those plans if they haven't already.

          • 11 months ago

            >Recently there was some talk of the company pumping $17 billion into its parks

            More than likely it was to help its flagging Asian parks. Word is their parks in Asia and HK are hemorraging. Its why all of the media focus right now is on the American parks because it sounds like the Asian parks are failing hard.

            • 11 months ago

              The Japanese one is rock solid but thats because its actually run by a japanese business.

              • 11 months ago

                Its a great park (DisneySea is probably the single best theme park on the planet) but it's still hemorrhaging money

              • 11 months ago

                How so? I swear i saw reports saying they are making mad bank after all the covid restrictions dropped and the filthy gaijin are let back in. Hell, i am going to japan next month and disneysea is one of my destinations.

              • 11 months ago

                >After covid restrictions dropped
                This was, what, like 6 months ago?
                You'll see a boom and bust cycle just like you did for the American Disney parks. Pent up demand comes, and once that's gone and all that's left is high prices and expensive airfare, it will very quickly prove to be transient.

              • 11 months ago

                Perhaps but i would say that japan is a far bigger draw for holiday goers than any other asian nation. LA and Flordia is losing its luster as many online see them as massive shitholes with overpriced parks.

              • 11 months ago

                Wages are falling in all of Europe and stagnant at best in America. Global debt is at an all time high. We are sitting on the precipice of two quasi-global conflicts. Who exactly is paying $2,500 for a plane ticket to Tokyo?

              • 11 months ago


              • 11 months ago

                >Who exactly is paying $2,500 for a plane ticket to Tokyo?
                That's peanuts for the NY-LA set because they resemble squirrel-like rodents.

              • 11 months ago

                Yeah but parks as big as Disneyworlds can't afford to run solely off local tourism. American poverty is skyhigh and most can't even afford to travel out of state, let alone book a flight to Tokyo and visit their park.

          • 11 months ago

            Once Iger took over again they started walking back all this outlandish price gauging
            the buses were brought back
            the parking fee was gone
            they even brought back those complimentary lightsaber sleeves
            for a while there you'd pay like 200 dollars to make a lightsaber and get a complimentary protective sheath for it, then they got rid of it and just started putting the saber in a regular plastic bag to save money

        • 11 months ago

          >Hell they're fixing to have to pay like a third of the evaluation of Hulu from the Comcast deal come 2024 which will come out to probably around 9 billion dollars
          That’s what their lawyers are hoping for but the contract said current market value which is more like $27B. They’re getting absolutely heemed this year and it’s glorious to watch

        • 11 months ago

          rid of the buses that take you to the parks/hotels from the airport
          what the frick lmao
          this is still in paris at least

        • 11 months ago

          >It has to be considerably worse than anyone is willing to say if this is the route they're going.

          Yeah they have lost tons of money the past year or so and are set to lose more.

          Buying Marvel right before Endgame was stupid.
          They blew up Star Wars.
          Pixar not doing well.

          They replaced Chapek with Iger for a reason. He only has a limited time himself.

          Let the record show that Chapek was only placed there so that Iger would not be blamed for the company being sold off. It was eerie, everyone who remembers knows how ;;;eerie;;; it was when Iger stunned and announced he was exiting right when the plandemic became public. He appoints Chapek. And he's gone. Just like that. Overnight.
          So Chapek is dealing with the entire ship during an unprecedented more unpredictable 9/11 level false flag global frickfest.
          Iger is the one who went whole hog on streaming. And back then no one knew how long the plandemic would last, and personally judging by their goddamn bullish reactions and acceleration, you might wonder if they expected society to ever return to normal.
          Bob Iger's indifferent reaction to Avatar 2 says a lot. He doesn't want hits. He wants bold flops that allow him to unload the company. It's a swindle.

          • 11 months ago

            >He wants bold flops that allow him to unload the company.
            I hate that I believe you
            >decide to sell
            >valued too highly for anyone to buy
            >let some air out to bring the number down to a reasonable price point
            Got any wildly speculative examples?

            • 11 months ago

              >Got any wildly speculative examples?
              >allowing Kennedy to keep her job
              That's gotta be the single biggest one. Even something like squandering Fox was more likely due to a bunch of small "bad" decisions.
              Kennedy was an obvious target for what is edging ever closer to being a decade.

          • 11 months ago

            >and personally judging by their goddamn bullish reactions and acceleration, you might wonder if they expected society to ever return to normal
            the whole tech industry, and by extension streaming services tied up with it, honestly believed that they could defy human nature
            that's why the tech sector had so many layoffs after it all cooled off; turns out most people don't want to be trapped at home without real social interaction

            • 11 months ago

              >that's why the tech sector had so many layoffs after it all cooled off
              That and the whole “line must go up forever no we don’t care that everybody on the planet who wants your shit already has it” thing that led to facezuck doing shit like laying internet cables in Literally Where, Africa just to get more people signed up. That’s the sort of thing that isn’t sustainable and just collapses harder the longer it’s artificially propped up

        • 11 months ago

          >Chapek probably did more damage to the company than anyone.

          How? Despite what you may think, Iger didn't completely leave the company until the end of 2021. He was definitely coming back and forth to make decisions or override anything Chapek might do during 2020-2021, even when Chapek was announced as CEO in 2020.

          All the Reimagine Tomorrow people that got the company in a battle with Florida were people hired or indirectly hired under Iger.

          You can blame Chapek for park-related stuff since he was overseeing that even before becoming CEO but it's Iger who approved all this. Galactic Starcruiser opened in 2022 but that was in the works since 2019.

          It's sort of like blaming Kathleen Kennedy for every problem with Star Wars alone when Iger was the one who demanded a new Star Wars film every year and also worked with Kennedy and JJ to push Lucas out of the development of the sequels.

    • 11 months ago

      They owe like what is it, 70 billion to comcast or some ridiculous number? And they have literally jack shit as of right now.
      They shaved 150 billion off the value of the company last year, it doesn't get much more bad than that.

      • 11 months ago

        The minimum they owe to Comcast is $9 billion, but that's if they're lucky and manage to negotiate to that number. Otherwise it may be up to $27 billion or around there

        $70 billion was the cost of buying Fox ($35 billion in cash, $35 billion in stock)

        To get an idea of how bad this is for Disney, if they offered Comcast Disney Stock in that value, Comcast would end up having more Disney shares than Blackrock and Vanguard combined

        • 11 months ago

          It was quite a mindless spending spree they went on all under his watch.
          I hope Iger ends up in cement shoes with the amount of high profile investors he fricked.

        • 11 months ago

          >if they offered Comcast Disney Stock in that value, Comcast would end up having more Disney shares than Blackrock and Vanguard combined
          We have reached pique comedy where Comcast being majority shareholder in a company is somehow the lesser evil

    • 11 months ago

      >sell to yourself.

    • 11 months ago

      Anon they need 27Billies on cash for 2024 to pay for the Comcast shares of Hulu and right now they have around 200M

      • 11 months ago

        why can't they just lend money from their bipoclgbtqq allies
        in fact they basically owe them for the valiant fight disney has been fighting

      • 11 months ago

        Lol oh my god

        • 11 months ago

          Yeah it’s pretty hilarious how fricked they are. Normally when something like this comes up a company would take out a loan but they already have tens of billions in debt and the Fed’s rate hikes mean even paying the interest on something like this would be devastating. I genuinely don’t see a way out without selling IPs or land and even that might not be enough

    • 11 months ago

      It’s so bad that it makes me consider this having been the plan all along. Tank the company, chop it up and get rid of it, consolidating everything under one company, maybe Apple. Then again, I have no idea how this stuff works at this level so it’s pure speculation. I just don’t see this people as being that incompetent or detached from reality. This seems too obvious.

    • 11 months ago

      this is what happens when you let woke women run a business

  2. 11 months ago

    CAN'T Black person THE IGER

  3. 11 months ago

    What if nobody wants their shitty offerings?

    • 11 months ago

      They have a frick ton of IPs, idk if they're actually considering selling those, but they have shit like Alien too now from the Fox buyout.

      • 11 months ago

        Alien isn't worth a shit, right selling the MCU won't be enough to pay for the Hulu shares, they are so fricked that I could see Tetsuya Nomura buying the Kingdom Hearts right to make his Yozora game a reality

      • 11 months ago

        They're all IPs everyone is tired of at what feels like the waning days of remake fever. Disney is dying specifically because they're trying to milk all those IPs when they should be working to preserve those legacies and rake in the cash with remaster and rereleases of the originals with tons of behind the scenes extras and shit.

  4. 11 months ago

    Buy marvel make a second Guardians of the galaxy trilogy and Star lord movies
    But Star Wars make live action clone wars movies and Darth maul movies

    • 11 months ago

      >But Star Wars make live action clone wars movies
      No, there’s already enough clone wars shit in the SW shows

  5. 11 months ago

    The saddest shit is that they've had Marvel for practically its entire run, all those billions it made, and they're still fricking losing money to the point they need to start selling things.

    • 11 months ago

      Marvel era was a fluke. Right before The Avengers, Disney was making mega-budget flops like PotC 4, John Carter, and The Lone Ranger

      • 11 months ago

        >Hanlon's razor is an adage or rule of thumb that states, "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."

        Maybe, maybe someone used to be smart enough to let it be. They bought it with the MCU already being built, so it wasn't their idea, just their idea to let them continue what they were already doing.

        • 11 months ago

          Well, Marvel built its own universe in the comics. Obviously the universe was already built.

          • 11 months ago

            You have to give some credit to Sony, they knew they had Marvels only real golden goose which is spiderman and wouldn't let it go. They must know their Marvel history from the 90s and that this is the only IP under the whole marvel banner worth anything.

          • 11 months ago

            >Marvel built its own universe in the comics.
            Yes, but the interconnected cinematic universe was their idea as well, they laid the foundations for it in Iron Man & the Ed Norton Hulk

        • 11 months ago

          In this case it's the malice of the rabid lefties along the stupidity of the upper managers

      • 11 months ago

        PotC4 was a huge hit. Grossed more than any other in the series.

        • 11 months ago

          When are dudes like you going to get that a big success isn't an actual success if it also kills interest in the brand? Last Jedi is the ultimate example of it, it did huge numbers but also lost like half the audience forever. Crystal Skull did great but also doomed Dial of Destiny to failure. People will go see your movie but if you burn them they won't go see your next one, and if you pump money into it assuming they'll see anything, you end up right where Disney is right now

          • 11 months ago

            >it did huge numbers but also lost like half the audience forever. Crystal Skull did great but also doomed Dial of Destiny to failure.

            You're absolutely right. Even when the sequel is "good" or "better", the damage is already done.

            Takes considerable work (if even possible) to bring it back

      • 11 months ago

        >The Lone Ranger
        I liked it

        • 11 months ago

          Nobody cares if you liked it. We care that it was a financial flop.
          Who the hell spends $250 million on production (and god knows how much on marketing) on a fricking Lone Ranger movie in 2013?
          That’s like spending that type of movie on Zorro.
          Who here couldn’t tell immediately that it’s going to flop?
          The executives might as well start threads on Cinemaphile asking predictions if a film idea will flop or not because we have much more sense than these stupid fricks.

          • 11 months ago

            >start threads on Cinemaphile asking predictions
            They are too busy pandering to plebbit

      • 11 months ago

        >PotC 4
        They made three other Passion of the Christ movies??

        • 11 months ago

          Pirates of the Caribbean.

          They really should have just called those movies Jack Sparrow.
          If they weren’t going to take advantage of the IP beyond Jack Sparrow, why bother building the Pirates brand?
          Calling them Jack Sparrow may have even made the movies make a bit more money.

    • 11 months ago

      Marvel era was a fluke. Right before The Avengers, Disney was making mega-budget flops like PotC 4, John Carter, and The Lone Ranger

      Death to capeshit.

    • 11 months ago

      All the money they got from Marvel was wasted on buying Fox for 72 Billies and financing the destruction of Star Wars, hell they and only they are responsible for killing Wreck it Ralph and Frozen with their woke sequels

      • 11 months ago

        72 billion for the simpsons and dead IPs with nowhere to go like predator and aliens.
        Who the frick valued fox that high in the first place?

        • 11 months ago

          The original price for Fox was just 28B but Comcast bid for it until they leave with Disney paying 72B and without getting Sky network (the real reason of Disney to get Fox) because Comcast bought it around 2018,basically Iger got hard israeliteed and has no idea they weren't really getting Sky with Fox

        • 11 months ago

          Company valuations honestly just got bizarrely stupid for some reason. There's probably graduate level academic research to be done and published about how and why so many businesses were so chaotically misvalued.

          • 11 months ago

            It's not particularly complicated. Assets are valued based on projected annual income divided by projected interest rates. To oversimplify a bit, companies in debt ask themselves "will this thing pay its own interest?" while companies with cash are asking themselves "should I shove my money in the bank and get interest or buy this?"

            A decade of low interest rates drove up asset prices. The success of companies like Google and Netflix also created delusional expectations of future income. Put the two together and get you get dumb bullshit.

        • 11 months ago

          They probably thought X-Men in the MCU was worth the price.
          c: HHH KAM

    • 11 months ago

      Disney+ has lost like twice more money than the MCU ever made them, it's hard to win money and very easy to lose it

    • 11 months ago

      Don't forget fricking Avatar 2, which they own

      • 11 months ago

        It made maybe 1 billion in profit, maybe less. It won’t offset the 70 billion they spent on Fox.

    • 11 months ago

      the brand doesn't matter. what matters is the suits who were around at the time for marvel made a shit ton of money. bog iger makes hundreds of millions. they don't give a frick, they just want to milk it.

    • 11 months ago

      >all those billions it made, and they're still fricking losing money to the point they need to start selling things.
      that's good though, the only silver lining to all the popular marvel slop is that it wasn't worth making and didn't make them any money, the one thing that motivated them to do it in the first place they didn't get, well deserved

    • 11 months ago

      No, happiest. Capeshit needs to go

    • 11 months ago

      Yeah they spent all that to get X-men after they realized they didn't have any character's left people care about aside from Spidey. But it's okay, they made it all up by having that awesome female fanbase they put a ton of effort into building! Surely most if not all of that female demographic wasn't just women tagging along with their boyfriend for date night.

  6. 11 months ago

    >Destroy the brand by making it about Black folk and homosexuals
    >Immediately sell it

    This has to be some kind of scheme, right?

    • 11 months ago

      I'm not sure what the point would be, he's not talking about selling the company as some whole, just piecemealing it, shedding some assets

      • 11 months ago

        >infiltrate company
        >tank its value
        >sell it for bottom dollar to your associates

        • 11 months ago

          Infiltrate is a pretty strong word, they've been on this path with the woke shit for years, they've had Marvel for like 15 years, SW like 10
          So at least in those cases it wouldn't be some immediate thing, that's a pretty long con, lots of people to continue conning with it against their own interests for years
          I mean SW was a pretty visible failure, and that was years back now

        • 11 months ago

          Let me check real quick.

    • 11 months ago

      Nah it's just incompetence. anons love a good conspiracy but the reality is these ceos live in a bubble from the rest of the world and their only connection to that world is through the millenials and zoomers they hired to run HR and tell them what's trending on twitter.

    • 11 months ago

      >This has to be some kind of scheme, right?

      I'm not sure what the point would be, he's not talking about selling the company as some whole, just piecemealing it, shedding some assets

      >I'm not sure what the point would be

      Damn. Insider anon called out Iger selling Disney in strike thread. Woke was used to make sale viable. Disney is kill. Communism wins. Now we understand why Skywalker was killed.

      There was an industry anon leaking Iger's plans weeks ago.

    • 11 months ago

      >This has to be some kind of scheme, right?
      Of course. It's not like he himself is losing money.

  7. 11 months ago

    Unless the point was some inside job to drain Yidsney of money and assets, they're going to be selling whatever for less than they paid for/invested in it trying to make it work

  8. 11 months ago

    >buy it all for billions
    >destroy ips
    >sell it all for pennies
    what the nest step of his master plan?

  9. 11 months ago

    ay let him cook

    • 11 months ago

      I have like $200 of Yid stock left that I bought literally right when the pandemic hit and their price fell to I think $90. I don't even know or care what the price is now, I sold my stake when it topped out later, I'm just hanging on to it in the off chance they can't recover and I can own worthless FRICKING ZERO Disney stock. I just don't give a frick about any of the IPs at this point, and they've made it clear they're going to commit to doubling down so hard it's going to make Moore's Law look like a fricking joke, so I'm happy to just let him cook and see how low he can manage to take an absurdly valuable company. At this point his actions are bordering on being avant-garde performance art.

  10. 11 months ago

    There's nothing "based" about CGSloppy

  11. 11 months ago

    70bn for Fox was really a brain dead move

    • 11 months ago

      >70bn for Fox was really a brain dead move

      Yeah just using their own supply on that one. It's going to shake out the next few years

  12. 11 months ago

    he's the reason for the problems Disney is having.
    Marvel is the only acquisition that wasn't a huge failure
    Star Wars initially made money because of the goodwill of fans but Disney burned that away quickly and the franchise is practically dead.
    Fox was a 71 billion unmitigated disaster which is the reason for Disney's fire sale.

    under Iger Disney allowed ideologues infest every level of the company and removed elements that actually tried to reign them in.
    these ideologues have completely destroyed Disney's brand image as a whole family entertainment company. not just with le ebil whyte ebangelicals but globally. they have driven away Star Wars fans with their insane garbage intersectionalism. that taint has ruined nearly every Lucasfilm IP and is killing Marvel off. not to mention Pixar or Disney Animation or Disney studios
    that's probably the worst blow because regaining trust take a long time and is difficult.
    Disney can't simply say "oops we're sorry we won't be doing that again" that shit won't cut it.

    I forgot Disney fricked ESPN too when it allowed them to go political.
    the only thing you can't blame Iger for is Disney losing it's fiefdom status in Florida. Chapek was a cuck but it was the execs and troons who were brought on by Iger for demanded Disney pick a fight with the state of Florida.

    Iger is a shyster

    • 11 months ago

      >these ideologues have completely destroyed Disney's brand image as a whole family entertainment company. not just with le ebil whyte ebangelicals but globally. they have driven away Star Wars fans with their insane garbage intersectionalism. that taint has ruined nearly every Lucasfilm IP and is killing Marvel off. not to mention Pixar or Disney Animation or Disney studios

      Ideologues are the symptom not the cause. Symptom of bankrupt writing and corporatization of all content.

      Part of it is forcing to go global which makes every movie / TV show totally anodyne. Can't use comedy, just very basic plots / characters.

      But people sour on that, and then China limiting movies means Disney is really stuck with nothing.

      SW isn't shit because Kathleen Kennedy is evil or woke; she's a great producer. She just has absolutely no creative ability. Nobody at Disney does.

      Now they are stuck with:
      Indy 5 tanking
      Elemental doing poorly
      Little Mermaid doing poorly
      AntMan doing poorly
      Ms Marvel/She Hulk/Secret Wars low ratings

      Bad shape for the mouse

      • 11 months ago

        Focusing on SW:
        The original was great because people IDENTIFIED with the characters.
        Luke wasn't some muscle bound Hercules. He was a dipshit impetuous KID that bristled at doing CHORES and wanting to leave the FARM.
        Han Solo had a ship that was always breaking.

        These people were human, they fricked up.

        SW movies (and Marvel in general) have lost those little touches of HUMANITY. And that's why we don't relate to them. They seem fake and are in the uncanny valley.

        I mean, what is Poe's "personality"? What is Rey's? We don't know anything about them, their sense of humor. This is what's been lost and this "IP" will be lost until they figure out how to add humanity.

        • 11 months ago

          Not the reason why the suck bro

          • 11 months ago

            It’s definitely part of it. The people who write stories now can only appeal to moronic zoomers who want everything streamlined as fast as possible and can’t sit still so all these little details that do matter for quality don’t get bothered with anymore.

          • 11 months ago

            No, he has a point. Unlike you.

        • 11 months ago

          don't try to boil down that garbage. there was no one small thing that could have saved them from disaster. it was a trainwreck through and through, to the point that it's debatable whether or not it was intended.

      • 11 months ago

        >SW isn't shit because Kathleen Kennedy is evil or woke; she's a great producer. She just has absolutely no creative ability. Nobody at Disney does.
        hmmm funny how both Rey and Phoebe are both KK self inserts
        funny how both franchises only destroy legacy male heroes.
        old broken men only to be replace by better girlbosses.
        sure KK had frick all nothing to do with that

        the writers are shit and you know abominations like She Hulk wasn't creatively controlled by Iger, it was by the talentless hacks who created it.

        you can blame making movies for global audiences is but that's pure shit. just look at Top Gun Maverick, 100% pure American military 80s shit. it made more money internationally than domestically.
        comedy is dead because of "woke" ideology because you can't dare offend an ever expanding list of victim groups. Jerry Seinfeld has even said political correctness has made comedy nearly impossible.

        international audience like American movies that are American, not the shit they're passing off today.

        • 11 months ago

          Not absolving KK but the entire extreme DEI push came straight from Iger all along.

          • 11 months ago

            of course it did and that was because of his little escapades. Paz de la Huerta named him along with Big Harv in her metoo case. I'm sure Iger has a lot of skeletons in the closet, that's why he was cucking so hard. it's exactly why KK still has her job.

          • 11 months ago

            >Not absolving KK but the entire extreme DEI push came straight from Iger all along.

            But that's what I'm saying, DEI is just a symptom of artistic bankruptcy, not the cause.

            They have shit scripts and then use DEI as a filler because they have nothing else.

            This doesn't work.

            • 11 months ago

              DEI to me seems to have more than one reason for taking hold. ESG scores obviously placing companies between a rock and a hard place to choose between having a line of credit or ruining their brand being the most obvious.
              Another being just straight up greed. Oceangate is a perfect example as Stockton Rush played the woke card heavily but it was simply an excuse to hire incompetent engineering students at cut rate prices.
              I would expect very few old school corpo overlords are true believers, but infiltration from actual wokes does get out of hand like it did at Twitter for example.

              • 11 months ago

                >DEI to me seems to have more than one reason for taking hold.

                Well yeah, Hollywood and a lot of C-levels in other corps:
                1 Are huge cowards
                2 Are on the coasts so hanging around social liberals
                3 Hang around artists who almost all skew very left

                DEI just "seemed the way to go" for profit for awhile until people pushed back.

                Look at the Dylan trans person/Bud Light. You think other companies want that? They are FRICKING TERRIFIED that will happen. Because the CEO doesn't own the company; if stock tanks, he is fricking fired never to be rehired.

                DEI was just something these cowards thought was profitable.

                Problem is that they were wrong, and thought they could just have DEI instead of actual quality content.

                Now they have years of garbage in the pipeline and are well and truly fricked. They will try and tack but there are big changes coming.

                Not just for Disney but entire movie industry, including WB/DC. Nobody is immune

              • 11 months ago

                I know they're fricking terrified. Bud light was not some little thing, it got them all freaking the frick out because they thought it would be just a week of grumbling and back to normal and their brand is pretty well dead.
                I've been observing the progression of this bullshit for over a decade now and this is the biggest point of backlash in a long long time. Disney falling will be quite a nice hit, it seems inevitable now, they're fricking broke and they haven't made something that makes money since no way home which was really just a fluke anyway because people turned up to see Tobeyman and Hebrewman on screen again in unexpected droves.

              • 11 months ago

                >Disney falling will be quite a nice hit, it seems inevitable now, they're fricking broke and they haven't made something that makes money since no way home which was really just a fluke anyway because people turned up to see Tobeyman and Hebrewman on screen again in unexpected droves.

                Disney definitely on the downward slope, but they aren't one yet.

                Need massive course correction and just firing people ain't gonna do it

              • 11 months ago

                They've got nothing, parks are failing, not a single IP is a moneymaker. They're done, they're just basically like a zombie ant being puppeteer around by esg fungus which hasn't keeled over yet.
                Sale to Apple is the most likely outcome.

              • 11 months ago

                >They've got nothing, parks are failing, not a single IP is a moneymaker. They're done, they're just basically like a zombie ant being puppeteer around by esg fungus which hasn't keeled over yet.
                >Sale to Apple is the most likely outcome.

                Why would Apple want them now? THey can buy it for parts in a few years

              • 11 months ago

                Yeah okay fine, there may be no reason to buy them now for Apple.
                Iger is most likely gambling on creating a perceived value to them which isn't there in the vein of get it before someone else snaps it up, when in reality they can probably let them flounder away to being even more worthless and get the ips if they want them down the road for much less.
                For them to even be revitalized at this point it would take a pretty big hiatus anyway, if it's even possible to break away from how bad they're all damaged.

              • 11 months ago

                >For them to even be revitalized at this point it would take a pretty big hiatus anyway, if it's even possible to break away from how bad they're all damaged.

                They might just blame it on the strike just like GM blamed their bankruptcy on the 2008 crash.

                Problem is the more they flounder the lower the IP is worth.

                Bad shape. "The Marvels" loss will be a gut punch.
                Captain America will be another one.

                They might have to seriously rethink budgets and strategy for the rest of phase 5 and def Phase 6.

              • 11 months ago

                I don't think there's gonna be a rethinking anything. They have to talk like it's business as usual for confidence reasons but I think it's extremely dire.
                There's no way they could possibly believe captain america or the marvels are going to do anything but lose money at this stage, I don't think they're going to make it to 2024.

              • 11 months ago

                >I don't think they're going to make it to 2024.

                That's an aggressive prediction but yeah not going well

              • 11 months ago

                >The Marvels" loss will be a gut punch.
                Captain America will be another one.
                Captain America: New World Order, you mean. Call it by its gentle name.

              • 11 months ago

                That's really the problem with banking on salvation through an ensemble value proposition: the ethereal gestalt brand value has been fricking nuked, it's clear to any honest observer the gestalt brand is almost fricking worthless and would take a mighty renovation for value to be restored, and the motive force within the company seems ideologically committed to the notion they've done no brand damage at all, no matter the evidence. Disney is already at a point where it's probably worth more dismantled between the usable value of its IP catalog and many real assets, than together due to the work needed to restore the "magic" of the total brand. Like the other anon said though, it could take awhile to actually collapse.

              • 11 months ago

                >Why would Apple want them now? THey can buy it for parts in a few years
                Because Apple Gooygles for the Digital Plantation needs IP. Families won't be able to afford to visit them parks except for remotely, and they'll need enough social credits to leave their MegaZone and little Timmy fricked up that once in a lifetime chance because he typed that Anne Frank wasn't his favorite role model and also Black person Black person Black person

              • 11 months ago

                The real issue for Disney that should have anyone invested bailing like its the fricking Titanic, is that it is now abundantly clear how totally inept the direction has been, and that the executives are absolutely refusing to change course, and despite this, the board and stockholders are unable, unwilling, or uninterested to force a holocaust and right the ship. Further, it is now also clear that the Disney brand, and the owned brands, and their assets in general, have suffered serious and permanent damage and have lost a catastrophic amount of value, the only possible remedy for which is a bona fide creative renaissance and visionary leader. And, from the first point, no one within Disney is capable or even willing to attempt that, and the company is increasingly unlikely to have a revolt. So, it's in a fricking brutal position, and it has shown the changes that could right things are immensely unlikely to happen. It's likely going to slip until it either has to undergo bankruptcy, or is cheap enough that someone manages a hostile takeover. It could be righted, but if the changes to do so were going to be made, we likely would have seen them by now.

              • 11 months ago

                >So, it's in a fricking brutal position, and it has shown the changes that could right things are immensely unlikely to happen. It's likely going to slip until it either has to undergo bankruptcy, or is cheap enough that someone manages a hostile takeover. It could be righted, but if the changes to do so were going to be made, we likely would have seen them by now.

                Yeah it's in bad shape. Not inexorable, but pretty difficult since they have lost so much goodwill on so many brands.

                They still have a ton of cash, parks, etc. so it's going to take some time but yeah not a good trajectory.

              • 11 months ago

                >They still have a ton of cash
                They only have $200m in cash.

              • 11 months ago

                >They only have $200m in cash.

                It's like 10 billion. Def down from 18 B in 2019. Can't keep burning cash like this.

              • 11 months ago

                They got no cash, and I can't even begin to imagine the operating cost of the parks.
                It's got to come to a head pretty fast with the parks faltering now too.

              • 11 months ago

                I remember reading that during the pandemic when Disney World was closed they were losing 30 million a day, every day it was closed.

              • 11 months ago

                >They still have a ton of cash
                They literally don't, their actual cash it's around 200m

              • 11 months ago

                Not just Bud Light, but I think Target having to also a 180 at the same time really opened their eyes

              • 11 months ago

                Starbucks dropping gay month merchandise was probably one of the more telling surprises to me that the whole woke circus has finally flown too close to the sun.
                They were about as woke as a company can be.

              • 11 months ago

                They've got nothing, parks are failing, not a single IP is a moneymaker. They're done, they're just basically like a zombie ant being puppeteer around by esg fungus which hasn't keeled over yet.
                Sale to Apple is the most likely outcome.

                Nice digs

              • 11 months ago

                >one airheaded liberal virtue signalling marketing grad put the entire century old Budweiser brand 6 feet under and it will not recover
                >billions and billions and billions of dollars evaporated
                >over 1000 people have now lost their jobs personally attributed to her
                >four factories shuttered
                It's gotta be up there in most amazing swan dives into empty concrete swimming pools of my lifetime.

              • 11 months ago

                >DEI was just something these cowards thought was profitable
                How naive. DEI is the Critical Theory mechanism being used to tank the economy and demoralize an angry, confused, atomized middle class that can't fend for itself as the boomers die off. BlackRock is like the anti-bank, they rigged the system using Federal Reserve printing, trillions in money, handing it out like the Joker in a parade, then strong armed everyone to pozz their companies in a universal campaign that only the dumbest millennials think was a simultaneous coincidence.
                There is endless money to be made in destroying the United States using 6th Gen Warfare that Boomers comprehend as well as the term "psychological operation."
                We now have CEOs who are paid hundreds of millions per year, with dozens of servants and shoe polishers, whose entire objective is to savvily sabotage their iconic brands and companies.
                This is unironically the dark side. The inverse of what is good. You don't need spoonfuls of religious farmer medicine to see it.
                Only upside is perhaps Tom Cruise gets in a jet fighter for real, or surprises by revealing a private navy, and Mission Impossible was a fog of war op.

              • 11 months ago

                >We now have CEOs who are paid hundreds of millions per year
                Most of their comp is in stock, it's why Bud light shook them so much.

              • 11 months ago

                >DEI was just something these cowards thought was profitable
                How naive. DEI is the Critical Theory mechanism being used to tank the economy and demoralize an angry, confused, atomized middle class that can't fend for itself as the boomers die off. BlackRock is like the anti-bank, they rigged the system using Federal Reserve printing, trillions in money, handing it out like the Joker in a parade, then strong armed everyone to pozz their companies in a universal campaign that only the dumbest millennials think was a simultaneous coincidence.
                There is endless money to be made in destroying the United States using 6th Gen Warfare that Boomers comprehend as well as the term "psychological operation."
                We now have CEOs who are paid hundreds of millions per year, with dozens of servants and shoe polishers, whose entire objective is to savvily sabotage their iconic brands and companies.
                This is unironically the dark side. The inverse of what is good. You don't need spoonfuls of religious farmer medicine to see it.
                Only upside is perhaps Tom Cruise gets in a jet fighter for real, or surprises by revealing a private navy, and Mission Impossible was a fog of war op.

                Tbhfam I know some people here hate him, but Razorfist made a really good point that companies only go woke once they are struggle as a last ditched effort to save themselves. He also pointed out that Disney has been struggling for years now and we’re on the verge of collapse before they released the marvel verse, only for that to Peter out, frick up Star Wars and now this.

              • 11 months ago

                >Razorfist - "Hollywood was always red"

              • 11 months ago

                What is DEI

        • 11 months ago

          >hmmm funny how both Rey and Phoebe are both KK self inserts
          >funny how both franchises only destroy legacy male heroes.
          >old broken men only to be replace by better girlbosses.
          >sure KK had frick all nothing to do with that

          Yeah but that's all over Hollywood, it's not just SW or KK.

          >international audience like American movies that are American, not the shit they're passing off today.

          Oh yeah def I just think people overestimate KK's power.

          It's a complete corporate takeover of content, exactly what studio bosses have wanted for 100 years. Now they have to sit in their shit.

        • 11 months ago

          Kathleen Kennedy is a puppeted c**t but anons don't understand she was hired to be a highly visible pin cushion for fanboys, as Iger pulled the strings. George Lucas called Iger a "white slaver" after he was cornered to sell.

          Not absolving KK but the entire extreme DEI push came straight from Iger all along.

          This anon gets it. Iger himself is a front guy for the two forces eroding everything white middle class Americans liked and grew up with. Trent Rezner made an album called Year Zero, and that's what they are doing.
          >You will not fondly remember the past
          >You will not inherit anything because it's bad for the climate
          >You will live in pod
          >You will eat the bugs
          There might not be a Hollywood left by next summer. Zaslav wants Warner Bros and DC to fumble because his job is to sell it. James Gunn is being paid extremely well to never make a movie but expend the effort publicly for optics.
          Bad things brewing. Anons celebrate Hollywood's end. But the countries and evil people ending it plan to present the replacement, which will be much worse.

          You now realize the strikes are a ruse to allow those with money to sell, flee, reorganize. Republicans clap, because they are gullible animals. Same boomers who voted for Iraq War because Iraqis allegedly hated American culture.
          Ukraine is related. The neoliberal version of Iraq War. Half a trillion dollars laundered in one year for a non-televised war. Death by cuts. America bleeding out. Vampires feeding as they have for eons but zoomers think it's a /misc/ meme.

      • 11 months ago

        >Kathleen Kennedy is a great producer
        Lmao, this isn't the 80s, she was working with one of the most talented blockbuster directors when he still actually cared. She rode coattails, that's it. How much more proof do you need than how she tanked two of the most popular IPs ever so spectacularly?

        • 11 months ago

          >Lmao, this isn't the 80s, she was working with one of the most talented blockbuster directors when he still actually cared. She rode coattails, that's it. How much more proof do you need than how she tanked two of the most popular IPs ever so spectacularly?

          She didn't write the scripts, she's not a writer or director. She gets funding, gets budgets straight, works with know, a producer.

          • 11 months ago

            She also recruits the writers and directors

      • 11 months ago

        Youre beta

      • 11 months ago

        The China thing is so stupid.
        They’ve cut some things for China in the past.
        Just do some edits for the China version of the movie in order to get it past their censors. China doesn’t care what slop the rest of the world consumes. They don’t have any control over what theaters across the world watch.
        They don’t want their own people seeing gay propaganda, stuff that affects their communist regime (people talking shit about China), or other banned things they have determined by their media censors.
        Disney is one among all those companies that want to make one global version of the movie, making it inoffensive as possible to all cultures. It has really ruined the brand.
        Back in the 90s and early 00s, they didn’t seem to give a frick. We need to go back to that.

        All this shit is digital anyway. Is it that hard to whip up different versions for different countries?

    • 11 months ago

      >Disney can't simply say "oops we're sorry we won't be doing that again" that shit won't cut it.
      Actually that would work

      • 11 months ago

        THIS 100%.
        Stop all streaming with a 1 month notice.
        Re-create scarcity for every Disney "classic" like they used to do.

      • 11 months ago

        No it won't because nobody would believe them

        • 11 months ago

          Yes it would

          • 11 months ago

            >sowy for the last 15 years of propaganda we promise we won't do it again pinky promise 😉
            >btw enjoy Brownie and the seven diverse folks :=)

            • 11 months ago

              Are you on the spectrum?

              • 11 months ago

                No but you have to, if you think a simple apology will fix Disney

              • 11 months ago

                Yes you are

      • 11 months ago

        Lol no.
        Who the hell would take that seriously while they still have their current staff?
        The only way an apology would work is if it was an indirect one, I.E an utter purge of all the parasites and a public execution of everyone who has publicly fricked up

        • 11 months ago

          Are you on the spectrum?

          • 11 months ago

            No, child, these are your delusions speaking.

            • 11 months ago

              Oh, you're just plain moronic

              • 11 months ago

                Wrong again, child

              • 11 months ago

                I'm right.

              • 11 months ago

                Wrong in every detail as always, child

              • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      b l a c k

      r o c k

      v a n g u a r d

      s/o to anon who said iger was selling dis to saudis, ari, jared kushner

  13. 11 months ago

    It’s all worthless now just like your Star Wars, marvel, avatar, Disney character merchandise wokeys go brokeys

  14. 11 months ago

    Buy Apple stock now.

    • 11 months ago

      We'll it's going to be even worse then.

    • 11 months ago

      Buy our apple product to see our woke shite.
      Lines up.
      Apple cattle will lap it up.

    • 11 months ago

      There’s no way Apple is buying Disney unless they can somehow negotiate a deal to only obtain their IPs.

      • 11 months ago

        there is no way apple is buying anything disney. apple is too hip for that.

      • 11 months ago

        Apple won't buy. Price MBS will.

      • 11 months ago

        He just needs to get rid of Lucasfilm, Marvel, and TCF to make the deal more affordable.

    • 11 months ago

      Apple isn't that moronic.

    • 11 months ago

      Would Apple even interested except for their IPs considering the debt Disney had amassed over the years?

    • 11 months ago

      Apple would be more willing to buy Warner Bros than Disney, given that everyone sees that Aquaman 2 and Blue Beetle are going to bomb, maybe even harder than The Flash and also the HBO fiasco.

    • 11 months ago

      0 chance

    • 11 months ago

      Nobody wants Disney's debt lmao. The only thing you'd ever want to buy from them is merchandising rights and royalties until Iron man or Elsa phone cases/watch wrist bands stop selling.

    • 11 months ago

      Lmao Apple will just pick their corpse when they die

    • 11 months ago

      hahaha, Apple are not a bunch of morons, even if they have a cult buying everything they make. If they really want, Apple will pick up some TV/movie stuff and that's it, they won't touch anything else, especially the stuff with so much debt

  15. 11 months ago

    Iger's biggest mistakes were
    >Buying Lucasfilm, and proceeding to shut out George Lucas from development of stuff, and allowing the movies to turn out as they did
    >pander too much politically since he was hoping to run for President one day to the point where he staffed Disney with activists that would later involve the company in political battles that damaged the company's reputation
    >jumping on the streaming bandwagon
    >Buying Fox without realizing Comcast already owned the thing that he was trying to acquire Fox for, and get stuck with a bill for Hulu

  16. 11 months ago

    All they had to do was make some good movies.

    Unfortunately, Disney's philosophy is to make the most tepid, lukewarm movies possible because they think that's what American families want

  17. 11 months ago

    >Frick it up
    >Your successor needs to fix your frick ups but can't
    >You "unretire" to a fat 54 million paycheck
    Iger is a shit business man but he knows how to make himself money

    • 11 months ago

      Honestly the more I've thought about Disney, the more I think it's a miracle that it lasted as long as it did in the form that it did. They've actually had periods of major frick ups before, just never so brutally damaging to the underlying brand value. But that brand value, the magic, is the reason Disney is considered so valuable, more than the some of whatever parts it accumulates. And that magic really came from and died with Walt. He was the visionary creative, he made the magic. That a semblance was able to be recaptured at all after his death was a miracle.

      • 11 months ago

        >spared no expense
        Walt understood that in order to see his visions come to life it was going to cost money. The modern business mentality of making everything as absolutely cheap as possible in order to maximize profit...does not mix well with the ideals that Walt wanted and people expect from his products.

        • 11 months ago

          You have it backward. They're throwing more money than they have at problems hoping it'll get people to see their shit products, but it's not working. You can't just pour hundreds of millions over a turd and call it a diamond. Put that money to use on something people are gonna actually see.

      • 11 months ago

        >And that magic really came from and died with Walt. He was the visionary creative, he made the magic. That a semblance was able to be recaptured at all after his death was a miracle.

        Walt was a catalyst and collaborated, he didn't write every script or make every decision. Yeah he had the vision but many many other people implemented it.

        And that's really the problem; Walt was an artist who could do business. Iger and Chapek (and Kathleen Kennedy, et al) are all business people who don't know shit about content.

        They are completely clueless as to why some art succeeds and some fails. They are just corporate hacks.

        Disney made it through tough times but came out because of artistic vision inside the company. Stuff like Lion King, Aladdin, Little Mermaid, etc.

        These dipshit corporate types can run the parks, but they need to absolutely split off creative decisions to a creative person. Minimize budgets, spread out artistic vision, let stuff cook.

        • 11 months ago

          The issue is that the corporate structure of Disney does not enable the reliable possession of a creative, visionary leader. In principle it doesn't have to be Walt, it could be a new person, the problem with Disney is rather that there's no way for such a creative to be reliably vetted, hired, and managed.

      • 11 months ago

        I read a book about the early days of Disney World, and it made clear that for the entire 70s and 80s the Disney board was running off of old ideas that Walt had left before he died. Some of them were good, but eventually they became so timid and afraid to innovate that they literally wouldn't take any decision if anyone thought "Walt wouldn't like it". It tiok Eisner acting as Chief moron Idea Machine to start spewing out new ideas for the parks, some of which were great and some terrible - but at least it got management a steady flow of new ideas to consider

        • 11 months ago

          >It tiok Eisner acting as Chief moron Idea Machine to start spewing out new ideas for the parks, some of which were great and some terrible - but at least it got management a steady flow of new ideas to consider
          Eisner gets a bad rap for fricking up the Pixar deal, but he'd probably be running things way better if he was still in charge

          • 11 months ago

            Nah Eisner was floundering ever since Frank Wells died, he needed someone like Wells to manage finances while he focused on creative stuff.

  18. 11 months ago

    Star Wars bros, are we back?

    • 11 months ago

      >SW gets bought by Apple
      Idk bro. It's probably still all fricked. Imagine if whoever buys it makes the Disney SW non-canon.

      • 11 months ago

        >film opens with Kyle Katarn closing a giant book and looking straight at the camera and saying "well, that was a stupid story"

      • 11 months ago

        Just expect some Arab to buy it and decanonize de entirely of Nu Wars

    • 11 months ago

      Let's imagine an absolute dream scenario for a star wars fan, lucasfilm gets sold to someone who A: deeply cares about the brand B: has the exact creative talent and drive (and new ideas) that even George Lucas doesn't honestly have. C: Comes in and utterly cleans house, invalidates all the disney shit and makes that very clear then starts over in good faith.
      Would that even be enough? I doubt it with the brand damage and the fact that the originals were lightning in a bottle in the first place.

      • 11 months ago

        >Would that even be enough? I doubt it with the brand damage and the fact that the originals were lightning in a bottle in the first place.

        It would be enough...eventually. Would have to be bay steps with like animation or low budget movies, then ramp up from there.

        But yeah would come back

        • 11 months ago

          I don't think it could without a huge break. Like getting put on a shelf for 10 or 15 years to build nostalgia and let the rose colored glasses effect kick in. And even then you would have to come up with something extremely compelling.
          Another thing is the Anakin story arc pretty much broke the mold and cannot be imitated. Vader as a character looms too heavily over the whole IP and is impossible to top.

      • 11 months ago

        A big problem it's that Lucasfilm just like Disney it's infiltrated with ideologues that don't care about the brand do whoever buy it would need to fire anynone involved in the Disney Era

        • 11 months ago

          Musk tried that with Twitter and it didn't work out that well
          all these tards will just form metastases elsewhere and get promoted while the original struggles financially because lmao ESG advertiser israelites

          • 11 months ago

            That's why it's fricked even if they fired everyone it would made them a public target for the mass media, and then the same ideologues would end getting hired because these are the only thing coming from college, that's why destroying education was important, the moment you destroy the supply of good workers it's over

          • 11 months ago

            >Musk tried that with Twitter and it didn't work out that well
            Not comparable, he believes he has the Midas touch

      • 11 months ago

        It would surely be a start, it all depends on that someone's next move.

      • 11 months ago

        It could, but it would take time. Even if the property were sold tomorrow, films wouldn't be possible for at least a decade. I think you'd need to spend at least that much time rebuilding the brand with video games and literature.

      • 11 months ago

        All that is needed is one movie about Luke by Christopher Nolan that retcons the Reyverse which sounds like reverse anyhow.

    • 11 months ago

      No. The Rey movie will kill the brand.

      • 11 months ago

        >implying it will be made

      • 11 months ago

        How can you kill something that’s already dead?

        • 11 months ago
  19. 11 months ago

    ITT: Best spinoffs

  20. 11 months ago

    ESGsisters... which company should we now invest in to make our goyslops entertainment

    • 11 months ago

      I'm sure they would be interested in Universal Studios, they can't allow movies for kids without propaganda like Puss or Mario

    • 11 months ago

      Honestly I think they holed up pretty well in video game industry atm.

  21. 11 months ago


  22. 11 months ago

    >3 disney blogs and bloomberg
    I swear this board falls for the stupidest clickbait headlines.

    • 11 months ago

      Why yes goyim everything is perfectly fine here! Hehe

  23. 11 months ago

    Sell SW back to Lucas. Sell Marvel to Sony. Sell the stream to Netflix

    • 11 months ago

      Anon Lucas doesn't care and is too old now, he got vindicated and it's enjoying the rest of his life, Lucas won Redditletter and OTards lost

    • 11 months ago

      >Sell Marvel to Sony.
      Yes, the company that brought us such gems as Amazing Spider-Man 2, Morbius, Venom 2, and soon Kraven, Madam Web, Silver Sable, troony Gwen, BLM-Man, and a bunch of other shit no one cares about

  24. 11 months ago

    Rest in piss Yidsney

  25. 11 months ago

    He's a loxist israeli supremacist

  26. 11 months ago

    Disney+ is the real company killer. They thought they were going to take Netflix down, now some low budget GOT prequel has BTFO'd and urinated upon all their biggest productions. They're losing billions every year and there's no growth left, the only way to go is to rise the prices which, considering there's nothing but shit content to watch, will immediately kill the service and Disney will go down with it. It's never been so over

    • 11 months ago

      When you see the costs of their shows it's fricking absurd. That's not even taking into account the trash quality.
      Wednesday cost netflix under 70 million.
      She Hulk? 230 million.

  27. 11 months ago

    Remember how in 2019 everyone was saying Disney was becoming too powerful and would own everything by 2025? I remember.

    • 11 months ago

      >Remember how in 2019 everyone was saying Disney was becoming too powerful and would own everything by 2025? I remember.
      I also remember mouseketeers repeating Disney was "too big to fail"

      • 11 months ago

        People who've been indoctrinated by big government propaganda think that IRL markets are like a game of monopoly, where you win forever the moment that you start buying things. Ideas like people changing their buying habits, selling their stocks, or using their own resources and gaining the cooperation of others to start and grow their own businesses don't fit into their world view. The human factor doesn't come into their analysis of the study of how humans allocate their time, labor, and utilization of resources. They only see the machine portion of the market.

        Watching Disney collapse after buying everything won't wake most of them up to reality, unfortunately. Especially with the left wing media spinning everything.

        • 11 months ago

          BTW, I'm not saying that the machine portion of the economy doesn't exist or isn't powerful. A big part of what makes modern Hollywood into what it is today is the California/New York elite club, where people within are driven partially by the fact that they have to meet their peers (who they're counting on to continue working with them) at the wienertail party later in the week, and that party also includes senators, judges, and bureau heads. What always surprises the people who transfix on this, though, is the idea that someone might just pack their bags and move to get away from a bad policy, drive out of town to avoid a heavy tax, set up a black market for a product that's been banned, exploit a policy for personal gain, or in a communist country, slack off at work and possibly take something home without permission because it's not like their lives are going to get better by doing what they're told anyways. It's like Sideshow Bob stepping on a rake with them.

          If you ignore the machine (which will always exist so long as humans are social animals), you're missing half of the puzzle.
          If you ignore the individuals who use the machine, you're missing the other half.

    • 11 months ago

      I really hope this wakes Hollywood up to the fact that IP is not king, talent is. Your $4 billion Lucasfilm acquisition is worthless because you didn't buy Lucas and Spielberg, you just bought their leftovers.
      >why are all our big IP movies and tv shows failing?
      Because you hired terrible writers and directors who don't give a shit about the IPs and only see them as a means to spread their boring propaganda and "deal with their childhood trauma".
      Stop spending billions buying creations, invest thousands on talented creators.

    • 11 months ago

      >Remember how in 2019 everyone was saying Disney was becoming too powerful and would own everything by 2025? I remember.
      I also remember mouseketeers repeating Disney was "too big to fail"

      I also remembered them insisting Disney wouldn't be harmed by COVID even though the signs were there

  28. 11 months ago

    >Disney only has $200m cash on hand
    Is there any truth to this?

  29. 11 months ago

    I don't understand how something like this is allowed to happen.
    He has people he answers to. Shareholders who supposedly have a say in how the company is run and who runs it so, unless every single one of them is in on it and they all want to destroy Walt Disney's legacy, why is he still CEO?

    • 11 months ago

      Hubris. They all believe Disney is too big to fail and the next big thing is right around the corner. They probably don't even acknowledge that Disney has killed Star Wars as a franchise for example.

    • 11 months ago

      Well fricking Disney is (or was?) as unthinkable as fricking Star Wars so you have shareholders refusing to sell because they believe they still can fix the situation (they won't, it's terminal) Disney dying will be bigger than the Bud Light or Target fiasco it will mark the end of wokeism as a whole

    • 11 months ago

      >He has people he answers to. Shareholders
      Close. Hatwearers.

    • 11 months ago

      I think it's a genuine case of
      >it's Disney, it will always exist because it's Disney and no one who is alive anywhere on Earth has ever known a time when Disney didn't exist
      Until one day it will suddenly, catastrophically implode and everyone will stare, very confused at what just happened

  30. 11 months ago

    Damn. Insider anon called out Iger selling Disney in strike thread. Woke was used to make sale viable. Disney is kill. Communism wins. Now we understand why Skywalker was killed.

    • 11 months ago

      >Zaslav made half a BILLION in 5 years
      Crazy money.

    • 11 months ago

      What thread? Please link.

    • 11 months ago

      >Zaslav gets paid half a billy while doing everything he can to save money
      fricking israelites

  31. 11 months ago

    >Hemorraging because of woke politics and opportunist israeli CEO blames strikers not himself.
    Many such cases

  32. 11 months ago

    Bend the knee Bob

  33. 11 months ago

    This company will deservedly be reduced to a smoking crater and Kathleen Kennedy will still be sitting at her desk

  34. 11 months ago

    finally one of these morons has figured out they can copy sportsball
    you dont need waste money running an outlet if you have product. just make netflix and amazon fight over everything and drive the price up.

    • 11 months ago

      you know you can just say sports

      you don't have to sound like a massive wiener sucking reddit homosexual

  35. 11 months ago

    He should get rid of Lucasfilm, Marvel, and what used to be called 20th Century Fox while he still can.

    • 11 months ago

      but thats where the money is. dump Disney+ and all the TV networks and lease the library to the new owners for billions more. (WB is paying $100M per year just to rent old southpark episodes for HBO Max)

  36. 11 months ago

    He lost millions

  37. 11 months ago

    Fricking lol. I hate this clown world. We were constantly told that CEOs and politicians pocketed big pay packets because they bear so much responsibility. Yet over the last twenty years they do nothing but have catastrophic frick ups, absolutely ruining industries and countries and there are zero consequences. I was watching a former Navy SEAL on a podcast having a hissy fit because on a mission he lost his NVG's, knocked off. Pay docking, disciplinary action, having to go back to try and find them. Meanwhile his bosses lose billions of dollars of equipment to the enemy due to sheer laziness and it's "oh well, shit happens".

  38. 11 months ago

    All those homosexual woke movies filled with race swapped characters and strong women aren't selling too well are they bobby boy?

  39. 11 months ago

    >Marvel and nu-wars will die in your lifetime
    Nature is healing

    • 11 months ago

      it is the cycle
      I wonder what this means for the troony wars rumored nu-republic line of movies and shows where they planned to focus the universe around troony jedi and white women with no white males at all

      • 11 months ago

        >it is the cycle
        I must say, didn't expect it to end this quickly. I thought with how seemingly impervious the whole thing are these past few years, this shit would go on with impunity much, much longer.

  40. 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      will he buy it back? Prequels were mostly shit but the world and spinoff games they made were amazing, so I would be all for it.

  41. 11 months ago

    I gotta say my favorite part of the Disney Downfall were them picking a fight with DeSantis when it was completely unnecessary.

  42. 11 months ago

    Why do man babies care so much about star wars is 4 billion really that much for a company that bout fox for 70 billion? The new movies made back about 4 billion and while they probably lost a lot on that hotel I can't imagine their losses from star wars being anywhere near as bad as you say

    • 11 months ago

      Less what was literally lost, more about the projected loss. Lucas had made 200 BILLION from merch alone on Star Wars.

      Disney in the nearly ten years since they bought it did about 50 billion, which is about right - if you weren't Disney. The thought the board would have been - "imagine what we can do with our pre-existing merch infrastructure". I would also dare say Disney made a lot of that up front before they tarnished the brand.

      • 11 months ago

        >Lucas had made 200 BILLION from merch alone on Star Wars.
        I doubt that

        • 11 months ago

          Yeah the total SW merch gross as of 2018 was $30 billion.

        • 11 months ago

          EA made 3 billion from their games alone. They had one crap modern mobile game that made a billion.

          • 11 months ago


            • 11 months ago

              Their own shareholder meeting.

    • 11 months ago

      >The new movies made back about 4 billion
      Anon there's a reason why the 'movies need to make twice their production costs to break even' rule exists.
      Gross does not equal end profit. The movies cost hundreds of million, then the promotional pushes cost hundreds more. The gross is split between cinemas and the company. I wouldn't be remotely surprised if the trilogy as a whole only made about a billion in actual profit once you factor all of that in.

    • 11 months ago

      Don't post if you are under age

  43. 11 months ago

    I hope Amazon buys Disney and then Amazon goes bankrupt

  44. 11 months ago

    I hope disney parks die out. Fathers should find some cheaper and less corpo place to take their families and the creepy disney park cultists need to join the 41% anyways

    • 11 months ago

      My father had the same sentiments when he took my sisters and I to visit the homeland. Can't wait to return.

    • 11 months ago
      They are working on it

  45. 11 months ago

    >Closing down disney+
    Nothing on this green earth would make me happier than if every single streaming service closed down today

  46. 11 months ago

    People need to stop pretending this guy is some kind of business genius. He just got lucky to be in charge when the MCU was at its peak. He's been sitting on his ass for decades.

  47. 11 months ago

    >israelite sells company to save his shekels
    many such cases

  48. 11 months ago

    Just throwing this out there.

    The entire LOTR trilogy cost less to make than one movie of the CARS trilogy from Pixar/Disney.

  49. 11 months ago

    Maybe if this moron didn’t push the woke bullshit they probably would have had profit. This is what happens when you pander your trannies

  50. 11 months ago

    He fricking won.

    • 11 months ago

      Mario could be the next Mickey Mouse at this point.

      • 11 months ago

        Willing to wager more zoomer and gen-A know Mario than Mickey

        • 11 months ago

          Wouldn't be surprised. Never played Nintendo games other than some titles in the past, but from what I've read they're very protective of their brand to the point of obsessiveness, that kind of mindset seem to work pretty fricking well.

  51. 11 months ago

    it's super interesting how this website used to be counter culture, and now it's full of corporate overlord bootlickers.

    • 11 months ago

      What’s super interesting about us hating woke writers who destroyed these brands?
      Most of us want the whole industry to burn.
      It’s not about liking these corporations, but we don’t want to reward shitty writers who’ve gone along with these insane changes to IPs. Even if studios dictated some of these changes, the writers put their name on it. They deserve to suffer.

    • 11 months ago

      Counter culture is always countering the culture that came before it anon, that's literally the cycle, that we're seeing unfold now. "Trad" is gaining more and more traction and will eventually die out again when the new generation considers the stuff that immediately preceded it to be cringe and so on. Don't be surprised when soapbox sadies become the punching bag for comedies in 5 years from now again. Until it becomes cool to virtue signal again 10 years after that.

      • 11 months ago

        Nibba you getting drafted to protect Zelensky. Trends about to end.

  52. 11 months ago

    How did these israelites frick up Walts company so badly. All the had to do was keep expanding Disney World in Florida and making white cartoons. It was that simple.

    • 11 months ago

      Lack of long-term time preference coupled with intense tribalism, possibly due to the overall culture constantly being exiled from host countries.

      The lack of time preference might be biological trait (many Middle-eastern and African peoples have it). The goose who laid the golden eggs is a perfect exemplar of it. Over the short-term there is an intense, neurotic fear that the future is incredibly uncertain regardless of your efforts so you need to hoard as much as possible as quickly as possible even if, in the future if things are stable it overall screws you. But if in the long term the future goes belly-up you have a great nest-egg.

      Also the intense tribalism. You cannot have a good level of trust in your local community so you hire friends, family, etc. So rather than hire a 10/10 carpenter who can build you a great house for cheap you hire a 6/10 carpenter because he is family and you know he probably won't screw you. Its probably why a lot of higher ups can get scammed so easily by guys like Madoff or Elizabeth Holmes. They assume that if you are part of their culture or mimic their culture they won't assume you'll frick them.

  53. 11 months ago

    >Leaves because he saw the writing on the wall after making Disney billions of profit
    >They beg him to come back to clean up the mess of the troons
    He's a fixer. Whoever buys them will be forced to sell them later down the line and Iger will buy them back.

  54. 11 months ago
  55. 11 months ago

    It's all a scam. ESG money will bail Yidsney out.

  56. 11 months ago

    There'll be hell to pay when Walt comes out of cryosleep

    • 11 months ago

      That's why they're tanking Disney. They know Walt is coming back very, very soon.

  57. 11 months ago

    I have $60k, can I buy Lucasfilm with that?

    • 11 months ago

      When you do make me another Jedi knight game please

  58. 11 months ago

    But will he fix the parks?

    • 11 months ago

      Hoping they have to close their Florida park and the Anaheim Park becomes a refugee camp.

      • 11 months ago

        Disneyland is already a refugee camp

      • 11 months ago

        Can’t wait for Universal to buy both and use them as overflow parking and/or a park sized Harry Potter world

      • 11 months ago

        California zoning law and real estate is a whole other level of moronation and israeliteing they can't afford to deal with any time soon.

  59. 11 months ago

    george lucas should buy disney

    • 11 months ago

      His wife is a part of the Walmart purchasing group. They bought a football team a couple years ago and could easily afford Disney.

  60. 11 months ago

    Oh boy, I sure can’t wait for all the Doomwiener videos where he says that Disney is going to sell off Lucasfilm for weeks, only to be wrong, and then fall back on the rumor excuse.

  61. 11 months ago

    >Sells off companies
    >doesn't fire Kathy
    this b***h got him by the balls man, it's crazy

  62. 11 months ago

    You are getting it wrong, execs did it for money and shat the bed, but infiltrated government spooks in corporations and idealogues did it for politics, they manipulated execs in their game and it worked until the corporations run out of cheap credit.
    The idealogues and government spooks will continue to the same modos operandi in society if they arent given helicopter rides, they play the long game, now we have a situation where the industry cant afford billions loss anymore and will change funding, but from 10 or 20 years from now idealogues and government spooks will be at it again making woke shit and advancing their religion. Remeber this people are religious fanatics with a common goal, State control of society and dogmatic control.

  63. 11 months ago

    >get woke go broke
    lmao turns out that was BS huh lmao
    >mfw disney buys its own streaming channels, like it does the movies it streams, and makes infinite profit
    GG chuds.

  64. 11 months ago

    hopefully i can pick up some of daisy ridley's used socks at the yard sale

    • 11 months ago

      You can probably get her at a dubai yard sale eventually.

  65. 11 months ago

    Few months ago they were dancing and singin because "papa Iger" came back.
    MSM is a farce.

    • 11 months ago

      It's because they thought him coming back would mean he gets rid of the stuff that Chapek planned to do (laying off a lot of people) but then it turned out Iger not only planned to do it, but doubled the amount of layoffs

  66. 11 months ago

    Grace Randolph should buy disney

    • 11 months ago

      Imagine instead of the disney logo you just see her big fat ass and hear "soooooooooooo!" at the start of every disney plus show.

  67. 11 months ago

    The government won't let Disney fail. Disney is America and you all know it.

    • 11 months ago

      Disney might as well be on board an OceanGate vessel with how deep they’re in financial shit. It’s not a matter of if the government will let it fail but more if they're even able to stop it from collapsing

      • 11 months ago

        Quick someone tell Iger 370 atmospheres can't melt steel spheres.

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