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Unattended Children Pitbull Club Shirt $21.68

  1. 4 months ago

    Very out of character to have him lead an assassination against his lord commander. Ruined the character for me. He was a hardass but had a code.

    • 4 months ago

      That’s a tough one. He thought Jon Snow was intentionally trying to destroy the nights watch on behalf of wildlings.

      • 4 months ago

        meh i disagree, irrc he never saw the undead himself. if he had, he'd have probably realized the bastid was right all along

        imagine if some group of special forces came back from some desert hellhole and said the terrorist had zombies, and the only way to save them were to let all the terrorists into our countries
        the rest of the world would've probably said at the special forces guys were crazy schizos
        even if there was video, people would say it was fabricated. just look at /misc/ ffs they think the world is flat

        He even says that he had no doubt that though Jon did what he thought was right albeit misguidedly. He knows that Jon defacto led the defense of the watch against the wildlings. If anything it's killing your lord commander that will do irreparable harm to the watch he claims to want to save because it means you can just kill your commander if you don't agree with him. Just doesn't fit with his character imo. Remember that this guy stayed loyal to the Targaryens even after it was clear he'd gone batshit.

        • 4 months ago

          >Remember that this guy stayed loyal to the Targaryens even after it was clear he'd gone batshit.
          true. i really should make another attempt to read the books considering how much i've trawled the wiki

        • 4 months ago

          Stopping their brothers from breaking their oaths is part of their duties. If the Lord Commander has gone nuts and is deciding to let in all the wildlings, abandon the wall and march south, then it's their duty to talk him down or kill him and install a new one

          • 4 months ago

            There is nothing in the oath about not letting in wildlings. They've been fighting them since forever but it's not a hard rule - unlike killing your lord commander because you disagree with a call that isn't yours to make.

            • 4 months ago

              Wow, cherry pick one part of what I said. It's in the fricking oath that they don't abandon their post or let their brothers do it either. If a Lord Commander is abandoning his duty, then it is their duty to kill him before doing too great a damage to the night's watch

              • 4 months ago

                He hadn't abandoned his post though, not yet anyway. It's been a while but I could have sworn that him making Ed commander in his absence happened after Thorne was executed.

    • 4 months ago

      meh i disagree, irrc he never saw the undead himself. if he had, he'd have probably realized the bastid was right all along

      imagine if some group of special forces came back from some desert hellhole and said the terrorist had zombies, and the only way to save them were to let all the terrorists into our countries
      the rest of the world would've probably said at the special forces guys were crazy schizos
      even if there was video, people would say it was fabricated. just look at /misc/ ffs they think the world is flat

      • 4 months ago

        No they don’t, it’s only shitposters that push flat Earth. No one actually believes it. I’ve never been to Reddit but I’m pretty sure they’re not all cowardly s oy guzzling homosexuals.

        • 4 months ago

          more like /x/
          I hate what /x/ has become so much

          i should've been more specific and not just said "muh /misc/". they've accused a lot of videos of being doctored, i guess i should've mentioned hte moon landing specifically.
          regardless, a LOT of people from all sides think videos of things are doctored. if there were crappy low res video of taliban zombies out there a lot of people wouldn't believe it. my point is, the white walkers and zombies were insane schizo babble until you saw them yourself, and not all the nights watchmen saw them. and even if you believed your brothers who came back from the north, it wouldn't be nearly as terrifying as having had to deal with them yourself.
          irrc thorne never saw one

          • 4 months ago

            yeah, I knew you weren't talking about flat earth specifically proliferating on /misc/, I just wanted to ramble about a board that used to be fun
            I don't find the character unbelievable either

      • 4 months ago

        more like /x/
        I hate what /x/ has become so much

      • 4 months ago

        >meh i disagree, irrc he never saw the undead himself. if he had, he'd have probably realized the bastid was right all along
        It's been a while since I read the books but didn't he visit King's Landing with an undead animated arm that disintegrated after the journey?

    • 4 months ago

      I thought it was a bit of a character assassination for Jon to kill Ollie but idk. Tormund literally skullfricked and flayed his still living mother before his eyes while some Thens devoured his father’s corpse and now Jon Snow is best friends with these guys? Ollie was just a kid.

      • 4 months ago

        yeah that was a lose/lose. In Jons defense, letting in the wildlings is not technically against the rules but more based on tradition but killing your lord commander has to be a capital offense otherwise the whole thing falls apart. Throughout the entire series, Snow always makes the hard choices and this and killing Dany were among the hardest. The former was about duty and the latter was a betrayal of it.

        • 4 months ago

          I’m always on Jun Snoo’s side, except Ollie but I’m on the fence about that.

    • 4 months ago

      His code was "keep those motherfricking wildling shits out" so he felt like Jon bretrayed him and the watch.

    • 4 months ago

      >had a code

      yes exactly - to the night’s watch. jon sided with the wildlings and thorne decided to side with the watch.

  2. 4 months ago

    Why was he sent to the Nights Watch?

    • 4 months ago

      He took the black after Robert's victory because he was a Targ supporter.
      I wonder how he would of thought if he found out Jon was Rhaegar's heir?

    • 4 months ago

      he was one of the targaryen supporters

  3. 4 months ago

    you are a bastad
    a daughter humping

  4. 4 months ago


  5. 4 months ago

    load cahmannda

  6. 4 months ago

    Aside from Brienne, Jon Snow is the most boring character in ASoIaF, which is weird for a guy meant to be one of the protagonists. BUT I know why. Jon was stripped off his arc when the fat man refused to bring Arya back. It's no surprise Arya feels just as aimless or a separate anime story happening inside the bigger plot of the books. They're meant to star a romance plot together, which never happens.

    • 4 months ago


      • 4 months ago

        I'm doing a read of ASOIAF and just started ADWD. I did not get any romantic undertones between Jon and Arya. it is true though that Arya going to Braavos fricking sucks.

        He tried to start it in the last book but it's barely there because they're literally continents apart. The undertones are there. For example, when Melissandre sees Arya turning up at the Wall, that's the only moment she manages to advance her temptation. And for Arya, Jon is the biggest reason why she refuses to abandon her past. You can read the chapter again, she thinks mostly of Jon there.

        • 4 months ago

          She also kills that guy who deserted the night's watch in Jon's name, because he betrayed Jon.

    • 4 months ago

      I'm doing a read of ASOIAF and just started ADWD. I did not get any romantic undertones between Jon and Arya. it is true though that Arya going to Braavos fricking sucks.

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