Batman be like: "I can fix him."

Batman be like: "I can fix him."

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  1. 3 weeks ago

    >The bat will come after you
    ...and he doesn't already because...?

    • 3 weeks ago

      Superman would be sad.

      • 3 weeks ago

        The relationship between Lex and Clark is nothing like Bruce and Joker.

  2. 3 weeks ago

    Why do writers insist on making Joker edgy? It makes everyone look bad in the end.

    • 3 weeks ago

      It's the absurdity that defines his character.
      And for some reason his character is marketable, I think. Or was anyways. No idea what the point of him is anymore though. Couldn't they tone down the super absurdity and just have Batman focus on the Detective stuff. There are more than enough despicable real crimes they could base shit off of if they felt like it.

    • 3 weeks ago

      I like BTAS and The Batman Joker because the cartoons understood that the character does things framed around a JOKE. Sure, innocents may suffer, and Joker may occasionally have to make a point, but at the end of the day any death and destruction is a happy symptom of whatever insane scheme he has planned.

      Take the laughing fish for example; there's ecological damage as well as hell concerns to anyone who eats the poisoned fish, but the goal was to make the infected species just so they looked funny. That's what he wanted.

      • 3 weeks ago

        >The Batman Joker appreciation
        Yeahhh baby
        Also has best Harley

  3. 3 weeks ago

    The joker is just a shit character now. And batman is nearly as bad.

  4. 3 weeks ago

    >kill joker
    >batman comes after me
    >I surrender
    >batman doesn't kill me, and the courts give me a slap on the wrist
    >back on the streets in 5 years
    >everyone in Gotham who lost someone due to Joker (which is everyone) goes out of their way to make my life as awesome as possible
    >even fricking Penguin sends me like six pallets of herring
    Okay Joker, your move.

    • 3 weeks ago

      You kill the joker, get arrested and then released with a slap on the wrist and can even be a politician with your newfound savior status.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Yeah but then you become involved with Batman thus your life is written by dumb DC writers so something stupid happens like upon being killed, the Joker infected you with a Joker virus that turns you into the new Joker.
      GG NO RE.

      • 3 weeks ago

        they would unironically write some dumb shit like this for the New 52

    • 3 weeks ago

      You kill the joker, then the joker aids toxin turns you into the next joker. Which will be just a morbidly obese human balloon that will spew funny gases once he dies, siring a new block of jokers.

      • 3 weeks ago

        I kill him when he's isolated, striking from the maximum effective range of a sniper rifle.
        Unload the rest of my ammo into the corpse for good measure.
        Nobody around to be infected by surprise fartgas.
        Checkmate Gotham funnyman.

        • 3 weeks ago

          >thinking you can out-keikakku Joker
          It will turn out that he knew you were coming and placed Joker toxin gas grenade at your location which was linked to your rifle's trigger

      • 3 weeks ago

        Imagine if Anon becomes the Joker and because he's so fat and gassy he farts out Joker gas and converts everything around him into other Jokers that would be pretty funny

    • 3 weeks ago

      its even more simple, just wait for the next arkham breakout and walkout its not like anyone is going to stop the guy who killed edgy clown satan

    • 3 weeks ago

      Batman throws the Joker in a Lazarus Pit and then sends him to Arkham where the Joker tortures you until you wish you were dead.

  5. 3 weeks ago

    >character as a no kill policy
    >I know! Let's push it to the absolute moron limit EVERY SINGLE TIME! It will be so stupid he'll even look gay for the villain!

    Why are capeshit writers like this. And why do capeshit readers ejaculate violently to this drivel.

    • 3 weeks ago

      There's nobody on earth who likes this shit. Get over yourself.

      • 3 weeks ago

        Right, that's why they keep writing stories whose ABSOLUTE FOCUS is on batmans no kill policy and joker screaming for the bullet. And its why capeshit gays keep buying the books. Because they all hate it so much.

        YOU are a capeshit gay.

        • 3 weeks ago

          GoTtA hAvE mY BaTmAn!!!!!!1!

    • 3 weeks ago
      • 3 weeks ago

        >Batman will break his one rule, killing his adopted son, to save Joker

        You can't make this shit up.

        • 3 weeks ago

          Father knows best!

      • 3 weeks ago

        >Batman will break his one rule, killing his adopted son, to save Joker

        You can't make this shit up.

        To Dick: I want you to take my place as hero of gotham, and as Batman if you so wish. To Tim: you will use your genius to inherit Wayne Industries and the Wayne Foundation, and take them to new heights. To Damian: when Dick and Tim are gone the mantle and the family legacy shall pass to you. Support your brothers always as once you did for me.

        And to Jason: remember that one time, years ago, you tried to make me kill The Joker?
        I have not forgotten this, and you are not forgiven for it. I let you back into the batcave for the first time to tell you - you have always been a failure, and always been a mistake.
        I no longer consider you my son, if ever I have before. The fact you turned out to be such an awful person that you would kill an innocent clown is my fault for ever adopting you, but truthfully you have always just been broken on the inside and I couldn’t fix that. There was nothing I could’ve done to fix you.
        I regret adopting you as Bruce and ever letting you be robin as Batman, with all my heart.
        Thus I command you to cease being red hood forever, and leave the batfamily now until forever. I have selected a specialised psychiatrist that you shall attend once per day everyday, under Dick’s supervision. With time and luck oneday they might fix what’s so wrong with you and you will no longer be such a shameful tarnish on my legacy.
        That is more than what you deserve after what you did to me, that day, when you put a gun to The Joker’s head. You are SICK, Jason. We cannot help you if you do not accept help.

        The guy should’ve stayed dead. He was unironically better off that way.

        • 3 weeks ago

          Bruce needs to fire up the Bat-cremator and play Disco Inferno to put an end to the misery.

  6. 3 weeks ago

    Oh noooo...Batman the guy who will just beat the frick out of me and send me to an easily escapable insane Asylum. I'm sooo scared. Everyone knows that Batman is pussy by this point, getting your shit kicked in after killing The Joker basically means nothing

    • 3 weeks ago

      Batman will also bankrupt Lex and destroy his company and leave him a penniless nobody if Lex ever makes him mad

      • 3 weeks ago

        And you wonder why Lex always gets folded by Dr Doom in fan fights and is generally less popular, Doom would somehow b***h slap Bruce(this Doom ending up a Doom Bot), steal his tech and fortune and his robins(making them mind controlled servants), make rape slaves out of all of Bruce's love interests including Talia and cat woman, Resurrect his parents only to kill them again in front of him, and then finally break his will by killing every villain Batman has and conquering Gotham turning it into new Lateveria city. Then he tortures Bruce till he dies and throws his corpse to hell(for all the lives a hes ignored to save to save his crazy boyfriend) and calls him a weak pathetic child who reminds Doom he hates rodents

        • 3 weeks ago

          Doom gets beaten up and bullied by mr gaytastic lol
          Batman would destroy him and ruin Doom beyond repair if he killed even one person in his city.

          • 3 weeks ago

            Doom's autistic obsession with Reed is what holds him back. We've seen numerous examples of when he finally lets it go, he becomes far more powerful than he is normally portrayed.

            • 3 weeks ago

              nah lol the only time that's ever happened was Secret Wars (when he had to beg on his knees every day so Molecule Man can let him BORROW his power) then Reed still outsmarted him and beat him up and made him admit Reed is way smarter than him and would use Molecule Man's power way betterer than him

              • 3 weeks ago

                Nah lol Reed beats the everloving shit out of Doom every single time. Maker (when Reed turned evil) absolutely clowned on Doom and all the Reeds on the Council of Reeds laughed in Doom''s face how they clown on him and absolutely mog him in every universe. Doom's just not smart enough to ever have an upper hand on Reed (who is always holding back on Doom still)

                Jesus fricking samegay

          • 3 weeks ago

            Mr fantastic would rape the majority of the dcu himself also.

            Doom has also beaten him as much as Reed has beaten Doom

            Overall kneel before Doom

            • 3 weeks ago

              Nah lol Reed beats the everloving shit out of Doom every single time. Maker (when Reed turned evil) absolutely clowned on Doom and all the Reeds on the Council of Reeds laughed in Doom''s face how they clown on him and absolutely mog him in every universe. Doom's just not smart enough to ever have an upper hand on Reed (who is always holding back on Doom still)

              • 3 weeks ago

                this lol imagine being a tiny dick doomgay who can't even beat a stretchy cuck
                Batkek would rape him and Doom would quiver in fear of what would happen if Batman became evil

          • 3 weeks ago

            >Has to hide behind Batkek because he knows the real Bats would get his ass handed to him
            Doom still fodderizes this homosexual btw

            • 3 weeks ago

              Nope. Batkek admitted that “real” Bats is even more dangerous than him, and bothh of them effortlessly curbstomp Doom considering he’s afraid of piddly little norman osborn in dark reign and me stretchy cuckold who btfoes him every single time

              • 3 weeks ago


                nah lol the only time that's ever happened was Secret Wars (when he had to beg on his knees every day so Molecule Man can let him BORROW his power) then Reed still outsmarted him and beat him up and made him admit Reed is way smarter than him and would use Molecule Man's power way betterer than him


                Nah lol Reed beats the everloving shit out of Doom every single time. Maker (when Reed turned evil) absolutely clowned on Doom and all the Reeds on the Council of Reeds laughed in Doom''s face how they clown on him and absolutely mog him in every universe. Doom's just not smart enough to ever have an upper hand on Reed (who is always holding back on Doom still)


                this lol imagine being a tiny dick doomgay who can't even beat a stretchy cuck
                Batkek would rape him and Doom would quiver in fear of what would happen if Batman became evil

                Samegay, Doom wears bats as a condom while raping Joker

              • 3 weeks ago

                Lol. Has Doom ever actually won?

              • 3 weeks ago

                You know the answer tommy, crawl back to reeddit

        • 3 weeks ago

          God. I hate that I like Doctor Doom because of delusional Doomgays like you.
          Nobody was even talking about Doctor Doom. You just wanted an excuse to go on this autistic little God King Doom rant.

        • 3 weeks ago

          Doomgays are legitimately the worst charactergays in all of comics and it's not even close.

  7. 3 weeks ago

    My honest reaction:

    • 3 weeks ago

      What was his problem

      • 3 weeks ago

        Daddy issues

  8. 3 weeks ago

    Frank would kill the Joker.
    And Batman would actively try to stop him from doing it.
    Than the Joker would make fun of Batman for being the biggest goy ever.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Take Frankpill

      • 3 weeks ago

        just beautiful

  9. 3 weeks ago

    Gordon be like
    >I can rape him

  10. 3 weeks ago

    Not a problem in Chad Snyder's version.
    Batman be like: "I will fricking kill you."

    • 3 weeks ago

      >posts a screencap from the scene where he does not kill Joker, but instead is implied to be in gay love with Joker and they become apocalypse teammates

      • 3 weeks ago

        It's funny when you put it that way, but it's the Joker who's in love with Batman. Batman is determined to kill Joker once their teamup is over. This Joker was clearly based on Morrison's version.

        • 3 weeks ago

          >Batman is determined to kill Joker once their teamup is over
          No he's not though. He doesn't say this and nothing he does even requires Joker specifically for help. He doesn't kill him because Joker offers him a "reach around" and then they just smile at eachother gayly

        • 3 weeks ago

          Bratman loves his Jokie the way a toddler loves his favorite toy.

  11. 3 weeks ago

    Given this panel as your canon, how do you write a reasonable Batman?

    • 3 weeks ago

      >how do you write a reasonable Batman?

      Have him openly admit that he keeps the Joker and all his other villains alive because he doesn't want to stop playing with his favorite toys, that he doesn't want Gotham to get better because that would ruin his playground, and that he doesn't care how many innocent people die as long as playtime can go on forever and ever and ever. Just drop all pretenses and have Baby Brucie admit what it's really about.

      • 3 weeks ago

        I think Jason actually mentioned that theory at one point and there was some Batman comic that had Bruce go on some kind of acid trip where his mind explained it to him. If DC just went with that explanation, it would be blatant character assassination, but honestly I can't think of any other explanation that makes sense for Batman's stupid rule.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Batman is a schizophrenic, I don't make him reasonable.

    • 3 weeks ago

      he already is reasonable. If he becomes a murderer then he'll be just as evil as Joker.

      • 3 weeks ago

        >If he becomes a murderer then he'll be just as evil as Joker.

        >implying that supervillains are Pringles

        If Bratman is so mentally unstable that killing one person, even someone as irredeemably evil as the Joker, is enough to drive him completely kill-crazy, then he has no business being a superhero and he shouldn't be trusted with the safety of an entire city.

        • 3 weeks ago

          Yeah he's a lunatic just like every other killer in Arkham. But he's the only one that can save them. He's not the hero Gotham needs, he's the hero Gotham deserves.

        • 3 weeks ago

          Kek, I kind of like this idea for a story.
          >Batman style vigilante trying to be a good guy snaps and kills a criminal
          >gets a buzz off it, finds out he actually enjoys killing
          >proceeds to look for excuses to kill people for increasingly minor issues
          >eventually doesn’t even bother to justify it any more
          >becomes the worst serial killer the world has ever seen
          >is virtually impossible to catch because of his skills

          • 3 weeks ago

            Isn't that pretty much Rorschach?

            • 3 weeks ago

              You are such a liberal homosexual anon, stop being a israelite Black person.

            • 3 weeks ago

              Rorschach gets off on delivering justice. His tragedy is that while he sees justice as something objective and black and white it's ultimately a deeply emotional drive and his principles are malleable and self-serving depending on what's emotionally convenient for him in the moment (that's why his mask moves, geddit?). It's not completely arbitrary, there are strong patterns, ideas he wouldn't betray. But still, his refusal to go along with Veidt is as much about his core philosophical beliefs as about the fact that if he chased somebody for twelve issues who really did do it then he's not going to let the fricker get away with it.
              He doesn't get off on murder itself. It truly is about (his subjective view of) people getting what they deserve.

          • 3 weeks ago

            Isn't that just Azrael?

      • 3 weeks ago

        >if you kill a psychopath that boils babies alive, you are just as bad as them

        Frick off. Only capeshit fans are this moronic.

      • 3 weeks ago

        >doesn't know what reasonable means
        Just Bat-autist things.

        The guy should’ve stayed dead. He was unironically better off that way.

        > He was
        I would have prefered if RH never become a thing but Jason wasn't better off while dead given it's when DC started to retcon him as that kid who deserved to die, leading to all this shit.

        • 3 weeks ago

          At least he was just a hasty kid who died then. He wasn’t suffering anymore than being a precautionary tale and anyone who actually read his death knew that his own mother sold him out and he still died trying to save her. Now he’s always getting dragged through some moronic storyline because they have had no idea what to do with him after UTRH.

          • 3 weeks ago

            Not that I disagree, but you may as well say it's better to catch AIDS than cancer.
            >dragged through some moronic storyline
            moronic storylines is standard for DC. Batman or his sidecicks are but a dumb wishfulfilling fantasy for wasp atm.
            >they have had no idea what to do with him after UTRH
            They do have some, that's why he came back as a villain and strawman with utrh. What changed is DC and their fanboys writers steadily getting more moronic due to inbreeding.

            I feel like DC has to come up with a better defense for why Batman doesn't kill the Joker than just having Batman repeatedly dunk on Jason. Maybe the public domain will help out.

            That's the spirit.

            • 3 weeks ago

              Jason Todd is unequivocably right, Batman has only made Gotham and its people less safe by not only letting multiple mass serial killers off scot-free but also being directly responsible for creating/inspiring half of them

    • 3 weeks ago

      I am allowed to write in that Joker, like most serial killers, just lies a lot?
      Almost every one of the irl "no regerts" psychopaths has a interview where they exaggerate their body count on interviews to look scarier or to plant doubt into the public opinion going "Oh! The cops found 4 bodies! But i actually killed 96899664 other guys, you can't prove i didn't!"

    • 3 weeks ago

      murder is illegal unless Lex takes Joker to a place where murder is legal and rapes him to death

    • 3 weeks ago

      Batman is gay and the series is toxic yaoi

  12. 3 weeks ago

    Plenty of ways someone could die in Arkham, let alone outside of it, with no witnesses or evidence for Batman to go after.

  13. 3 weeks ago

    I want a comic where the Joker finally gets executed. Have it be a one shot or something where the courts don’t fall for the insanity shit and he gets sentenced to death. The whole time he is expecting Harley or someone to break him out and once he gets to a certain point he thinks Batman will do it. Final page is him seeing all of the people watching and laughing his ass off saying “its all some grand joke” until he spots Bruce Wayne and realizes who he is and says “well that’s not very funny at all” before the lever is pulled.

    • 3 weeks ago

      He'd actually be going "YOU WENT BACK ON YOUR CODE FOR ME, BATSY! I'M THE MOST IMPORTANT PERSON IN THE WORLD FOR YOU!" and die having an orgasm before the biologically mandated orgasm you have during death.

      • 3 weeks ago

        Would that really be going back in his code? Is Batman against the death penalty? I mean if it’s a punishment given in a court of law without any bullshit I don’t see why he would be against it.

        • 3 weeks ago

          I think this would explain a lot of why Batman has his no-kill rule: If the people of Gotham genuinely, for whatever reason, do not want Joker to get the death penalty, then I can see Batman having huge moral reservations about going against their wishes.

          • 3 weeks ago

            It’s just weird that they won’t do a story like this, I mean, everyone complains about the rule (most of it makes sense because a lot of this shit is so contrived) but if they showed Bats being cool with him being executed that could definitely help ease the bullshit.

            • 3 weeks ago

              Heck, he wouldn't even have to be cool for it. You could have him unhappy that Joker was deemed impossible to heal, but ultimately respect that the people of Gotham would never really be safe as long as Joker was alive. He's there to keep them safe, not to unduly take people's lives into his own hands. I could very much respect that. As is, the real question is why Gotham is okay with the baby soup guy getting a slap on the wrist. Maybe it was baby Jason Todd?

              • 3 weeks ago

                I don't think you could ever believably write that the common citizen wouldn't want Joker dead when in the real world people celebrate much smaller scale criminals like walmart shooters getting gunned down by the cops

              • 3 weeks ago

                As long as it wasn't murdermurdermurder, some people would totally get behind a prankster, even a violent one, that subverted authority.

  14. 3 weeks ago

    To Dick: I want you to take my place as hero of gotham, and as Batman if you so wish. To Tim: you will use your genius to inherit Wayne Industries and the Wayne Foundation, and take them to new heights. To Damian: when Dick and Tim are gone the mantle and the family legacy shall pass to you. Support your brothers always as once you did for me.

    And to Jason: remember that one time, years ago, you tried to make me kill The Joker?
    I have not forgotten this, and you are not forgiven for it. I let you back into the batcave for the first time to tell you - you have always been a failure, and always been a mistake.
    I no longer consider you my son, if ever I have before. The fact you turned out to be such an awful person that you would kill an innocent clown is my fault for ever adopting you, but truthfully you have always just been broken on the inside and I couldn’t fix that. There was nothing I could’ve done to fix you.
    I regret adopting you as Bruce and ever letting you be robin as Batman, with all my heart.
    Thus I command you to cease being red hood forever, and leave the batfamily now until forever. I have selected a specialised psychiatrist that you shall attend once per day everyday, under Dick’s supervision. With time and luck oneday they might fix what’s so wrong with you and you will no longer be such a shameful tarnish on my legacy.
    That is more than what you deserve after what you did to me, that day, when you put a gun to The Joker’s head. You are SICK, Jason. We cannot help you if you do not accept help.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Jason's literally me

  15. 3 weeks ago

    This is fan made right?

    • 3 weeks ago

      No, canon and everything

  16. 3 weeks ago

    Things that can fix this:
    -Stop making all batman villains serial killers. Go back to them being criminals who just have no regard for civilians, not intentionally eating people. Then the struggle to not give into temptation not to kill them is at least somewhat justifiable in this case.
    -Stop making Batman too late to stop them. Have a batarang knock them off balance the moment they're about to kill, most of time. The bodycounts only serve to make him look incompetent.
    -Limit their victims to other criminals and their kin. Just like in real life, criminal gangs tend to operate in territories and only really kill people who are involved in their world. Now Batman's no kill policy isn't a means of intimidation, but an act of mercy to people who've lived by the sword most of their lives, making them question why they're beholden to the mob, and talk of breaking the cycle of revenge actually makes sense.

  17. 3 weeks ago

    This implies Batman is ok with Joker killing babies.

  18. 3 weeks ago

    >--The bat would come after you.
    How does that even work as a threat? What's Batman going to do? Throw you in jail? How many times has he done that already?

    • 3 weeks ago

      It's fricking DC slop dawg, you know it ain't even trying.

  19. 3 weeks ago

    If Gordon wanted, he could evoke Posse Comitatus and deputize everyone in the city, including Batman, authorizing them to use Lethal Forcr against the Joker. It's legal, moral, and since Joker already goes after civilians, it's not like their lives are in any more danger than before.

    • 3 weeks ago

      just because it's "legal" doesn't make it right.

  20. 3 weeks ago

    I feel like DC has to come up with a better defense for why Batman doesn't kill the Joker than just having Batman repeatedly dunk on Jason. Maybe the public domain will help out.

    • 3 weeks ago

      He saves him because he’s hoping that he’ll kill Jason again for him.

    • 3 weeks ago

      why isn’t it enough to just say he’s crazy?

  21. 3 weeks ago

    I can only accept this if he's just fricking with the guy and lying to him because he finds it funny.

  22. 3 weeks ago

    One of the frustrating things to me is Batman's duty is to the law and justice itself. Leastwise it used to be. I get the feeling that if Joker stood trial, they found he was competent and eventually found him guilty and sentenced him to death, Batman would intervene.

    But I'm just a casual who doesn't know bullshit from a comic page so take that with some salt.

    • 3 weeks ago

      You are correct and this actual scenario basically happened, where a court of law sentenced Joker to death. The big twist of the comic was that in this one instance Joker actually didn't do it and just took the credit, and Batman solved the mystery
      The comic doesn't address any of the other hundreds of murders and assorted terrorist acts he should be charged for because shut up

  23. 3 weeks ago

    The only way to write Joker now is to have him as a Hannibal Lecter type who just shoots the shit with Batman while trapped in his cell

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